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Beneficent Euthanasia PDF

284 Pages·1975·22.394 MB·English
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^^'" cMiM 'e^'S-r <tf«^ vu. . Digitized by tine Internet Archive 2010 in http://www.archive.org/details/beneficenteuthanOOkohl Beneficent Euthanasia It may be [that] they [martyrs who took their own lives] were not deceived by human judg- ment, but prompted by divine wisdom, to their act of self-destruction. We know this wasthe casewith Samson. Andwhen God en- joins anyact, and intimates by plain evidence that He has enjoined it, who will call obedi- ence criminal? Who will accuse so religious a submission? . . . He, then, who knows it is unlawful to kill himself, may nevertheless do so if he is ordered by Him whose commands we may not neglect. — Saint Augustine I expect to pass through this world but once; anygood thingthereforethat I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow-crea- ture, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pas—s this way again. StephenGrellet Beneficent Euthanasia edited by Marvin Kohl IS Prometheus Books NY Buffalo, Dedicated ingratitudetothememoriesof myfather,JesseKohl(1900-1%5) and myfriend DianaLivingston(1932-1973) Published 1975 by Prometheus Books 923 Kensington Avenue. Buffalo, New York 14215 Copyright © by Prometheus Books All rights reserved Second Printing Library of Congress Card Number 74-84281 ISBN 0-87975-047-2 Printed in the United States of America Contents PREFACE ix INTRODUCTION xii RELIGIOETHICAL ISSUES JEWISHVIEWSOFEUTHANASIA 3 Byron L. Sherwin THEIMMORALITYOFEUTHANASIA 12 Joseph V. Sullivan ACATHOLICVIEWOFMERCYKILLING 34 Daniel C. Maguire THE"RIGHT"TOLIVEANDTHE"RIGHT"TODIE 44 Joseph Fletcher UNDERLYING QUESTIONS II. THEETHICSOFSUICIDE 57 Sidney Hook DEATHANDDIGNITY 70 Robert Hoffman RIGHTS.JUSTICE,ANDEUTHANASIA 81 Bertram and Elsie Bandman 20641 Contents CONSENTINGTOONE'SOWNDEATH:THECASEOFBRUTUS 100 Michael Walzer AMORALPRINCIPLEABOUTKILLING 106 Richard Brandt BENEFICENCE: TWO CONTRASTING VIEWS III. BENEFICENTEUTHANASIAANDBENEMORTASIA: ALTERNATIVE VIEWSOFMERCY 117 Arthur Dyck VOLUNTARY BENEFICENT EUTHANASIA 130 Marvin Kohl MEDICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IV. EUTHANASIAANDTHEPHYSICIAN 145 Glanville Williams EUTHANASIAANDTHETYRANNYOFTECHNOLOGY 169 Thomas W. Furlow. Jr. ETHICALISSUESINAIDINGTHEDEATHOFYOUNGCHILDREN 180 H. Tristram Engelhardt. Jr. SOME PSYCHIATRIC ISSUES OF EUTHANASIA 193 Joe P. Tupin ONTHEVOLUNTARYEUTHANASIABILLOF1969 204 Edith Summerskill VOLUNTARYEUTHANASIAACT, 98—? 209 1 Mary Rose Barrington VOLUNTARYEUTHANASIAANDTHELAW 218 Baruch Brody

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