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Ben-Hur, or, The days of the Messiah [microform] PDF

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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode, ly errata ed to 2 3 1 mt me pelure, B9on A 2 3 1 4 5 6 32X TB «i|f>r»Uldi-'4k.iM.)f|^»^v:.tb« BEN-HUE; OB. THE DAYS OF THE MESSIAH. Br LEW. WALLACE- The seas Bballwaste, theskiesin smokedecay Rookstall todust,andmountainsuieltaway; ButfixedHis word; Hissaving; powerremains ; ThyrealmforeveriMrts; Thyown Messiahreigns. Fori i-ut- ROSE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1887. •*».»>•*•*'•<*• *>'"*• / 202506 / PUBLISHERS' PREFACE. In the follo^ng pages an attempt is made to portray the people and the land of Judea in the days of the Messiah. The tyranny of Rome, the turbulence and discontent of the Jewish people, and their vain expectation of a conquering king, who should exalt them to the sovereignty of the world, are here depicted in connection with the fortunes of a Prince of Judah, who learned through much suffering and many mistakes, what the true kingdom of the Messiah is. It is hoped that his story will present features of interest, apart even from the mighty national events amongst which he moved and that the record of his troubled career may win ; from the reader of to-day, interest in and sympathy for Ben- Ilur. h>' m CONTENTS 'm 7SJ '.*'l! BOOK FIRST. CHAP. ...... PAQB. i>'i r. In the Desert, - - - - . - - - 9 II. The Three Strangers, 1« III. Gasparthe Greek, 16 IV. Melchior, 18 V. Balthasar, 22 VI. The Joppa Market, 28 VII. The People of Jerusalem, 31 VIII. Joseph and Mary, - - - 3S IX. At Bethlehem, - - - - - - - 39 X. The Pry from He-iven, 45 XI. The Birth of Christ, - - 46 XII. The Arrival of the Magi,...... 62 XIII. Herod and the Magi, 64 XIV. The Child Christ, 62 BOOK.S.ECO.ND. I. Romeand Judea, . , > - 65 II. Messala and Judahi,..• .- .- .- .. .. 68 111^ Judah's Home, 76 IV. Ju4ah's Mother, 79 V. A Woman of Israel, 84 VI. The Accident, 90 VII. The Prisoner, , . 100 BOOK THIRD. I. QuintuB Arrius, 104 II. The Roman Galley, 109 III. The G;illey Slave, 1]4 IV. A Gleam of Hope, 120

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