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Bell's theorem Recommend this on Google Sheldon Goldstein, Mathematics Department, Rutgers University, NJ Travis Norsen, Smith College, Northampton, MA, USA Daniel Victor Tausk, Mathematics Department, University of São Paulo, Brazil Dr. Nino Zanghi, Physics Department, University of Genoa, Italy Bell's theorem asserts that if certain predictions of quantum theory are correct then our world is non-local. "Non- local" here means that there exist interactions between events that are too far apart in space and too close together in time for the events to be connected even by signals moving at the speed of light. This theorem was proved in 1964 by John Stewart Bell and has been in recent decades the subject of extensive analysis, discussion, and development by both physicists and philosophers of science. The relevant predictions of quantum theory were first convincingly confirmed by the experiment of Aspect et al. in 1982; they have been even more convincingly reconfirmed many times since. In light of Bell's theorem, the experiments thus establish that our world is non-local. This conclusion is very surprising, since non- locality is normally taken to be prohibited by the theory of relativity. Historical background John Bell's interest in non-locality was triggered by his analysis of the problem of hidden variables in quantum theory and in particular by his learning about the de Broglie–Bohm1 "pilot-wave" theory (aka "Bohmian mechanics"2). Bell wrote that David "Bohm's 1952 papers on quantum mechanics were for me a revelation. The elimination of indeterminism was very striking. But more important, it seemed to me, was the elimination of any need for a vague division of the world into 'system' on the one hand, and 'apparatus' or 'observer' on the other."3 In particular, learning about Bohm's "hidden variables"4 theory helped Bell recognize the invalidity of the various "no hidden variables" theorems (by John von Neumann and others) which had been taken almost universally by physicists as conclusively establishing something like Niels Bohr's Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory. Bohm's pilot-wave theory was a clean counterexample, i.e., a proof-by-example that the theorems somehow didn't rule out what they had been taken to rule out. This led Bell to carefully scrutinize those theorems. The result of this work was his paper "On the problem of hidden variables in quantum mechanics"5. This paper was written prior to the 1964 paper6 in which Bell's theorem was first presented, but (due to an editorial accident) remained unpublished until 1966. The 1966 paper shows that the "no hidden variables" theorems of von Neumann and others all made unwarranted — and in some cases unacknowledged — assumptions. (All these theorems involved an assumption7 which today is usually called non-contextuality.) In examining how Bohm's theory managed to violate these assumptions, Bell noticed that it did have one "curious feature": the theory was manifestly non-local. As Bell explained, "in this theory an explicit causal mechanism exists whereby the disposition of one piece of apparatus affects the results obtained with a distant piece."8 This naturally raised the question of whether the non-locality was eliminable, or somehow essential: ... to the present writer's knowledge, there is no proof that any hidden variable account of quantum mechanics must have this extraordinary character. It would therefore be interesting, perhaps, to pursue some further 'impossibility proofs,' replacing the arbitrary axioms objected to above by some condition of locality, or of separability of distant systems.9 Because of the editorial accident mentioned above, Bell had answered his own question before the paper in which it appeared was even published. The answer is contained in what we will here call "Bell's inequality theorem", which states precisely that "any hidden variable account of quantum mechanics must have this extraordinary character", i.e., must violate a locality constraint that is motivated by relativity. But the more general result we here call "Bell's theorem" is much more than this: combined with the Einstein–Podolsky– Rosen (EPR) argument "from locality to deterministic hidden variables"10, the inequality theorem establishes a contradiction between locality as such (and not merely some special class of local theories) and the (now experimentally confirmed) predictions of quantum theory. The EPR argument for pre-existing values It is a general principle of orthodox formulations of quantum theory that measurements of physical quantities do not simply reveal pre-existing or pre-determined values, the way they do in classical theories. Instead, the particular outcome of the measurement somehow "emerges" from the dynamical interaction of the system being measured with the measuring device, so that even someone who was omniscient about the states of the system and device prior to the interaction couldn't have predicted in advance which outcome would be realized. In a celebrated 1935 paper11, however, Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen pointed out that, in situations involving specially-prepared pairs of particles, this orthodox principle conflicted with locality. Unfortunately, the role of locality in the discussion is often misunderstood — or missed entirely. One thus often hears that the EPR paper is essentially just an expression of (in particular) Einstein's philosophical discontent with quantum theory. This is quite wrong: what the paper actually contains is an argument showing that, if non-local influences are forbidden, and if certain quantum theoretical predictions are correct, then the measurements (whose outcomes are correlated) must be revealing pre-existing values. It is on this basis — in particular, on the assumption of locality — that EPR claimed to have established the "incompleteness" of orthodox quantum theory (which denies the existence of any such pre-existing values). In the 1935 EPR paper, the argument was formulated in terms of position and momentum (which are observables having continuous spectra). The argument was later reformulated (by Bohm12) in terms of spin. This "EPRB" version is conceptually simpler and also more closely related to the recent experiments designed to test Bell's inequality. The EPRB argument is as follows: assume that one has prepared a pair of spin-1/2 particles in the entangled spin singlet state 1 (|↑⟩⊗|↓⟩−|↓⟩⊗|↑⟩), √2 with |↑⟩ , |↓⟩ an orthonormal basis of the spin state space. A measurement of the spin of one of the particles along a given axis yields either the result "up" (i.e., "spin up") or the result "down" (i.e., "spin down"). Moreover, if one measures the spin of both particles along some given axis (say, the z-axis), then quantum theory predicts that the results obtained will be perfectly anti-correlated, i.e., they will be opposite ("up" for one particle and "down" for the other). If such measurements are carried out simultaneously on two spatially-separated particles (technically, if the measurements are performed at space-like separation) then locality requires that any disturbance triggered by the measurement on one side cannot influence the result of the measurement on the other side. But without any such interaction, the only way to ensure the perfect anti-correlation between the results on the two sides is to have each particle carry a pre-existing determinate value (appropriately anti-correlated with the value carried by the other particle) for spin along the z-axis. Any element of locally-confined indeterminism would at least sometimes spoil the predicted perfect anti-correlation between the outcomes. Now, obviously there is nothing special here about the z-axis, so what was just established for the z-axis applies to any axis. Thus it applies to all axes at once13. That is, assuming (a) locality and (b) that the perfect anti-correlations predicted by quantum theory actually obtain, it follows that each particle must carry a pre-existing value for spin along all possible axes, with the values for the two particles in a given pair — which, of course, needn't be the same from one particle pair to another — perfectly anti-correlated, axis by axis. (A mathematical formulation of this argument is presented at the end of Section 5.) Bell's inequality theorem Pre-existing values are thus the only local way to account for perfect anti-correlations in the outcomes of spin measurements along identical axes. But a simple argument shows that pre-existing values are incompatible with the predictions of quantum theory (for a pair of particles prepared in the singlet state) when we allow also for the possibility of spin measurements along different axes. According to quantum theory, when spin measurements along different axes are performed on the pair of particles in the singlet state, the probability that the two results will be opposite (one "up" and one "down") is equal to (1+cos θ)/2 , where θ ∈ [0,π] is the angle between the chosen (oriented) axes. It follows from the simple mathematical result below, Bell's inequality theorem, that this is not compatible with the pre-existing values we have been discussing. To see this, suppose that the spin measurements for both particles do simply reveal pre-existing values. Denote by Zi , α i =1,2 , the pre-determined outcome of the spin measurement for particle number i along axis α . These values will evidently vary from one run of the experiment (i.e., one particle pair) to the next, and can thus be treated mathematically as random variables (each one assuming only two possible values, say 1 for "up" and -1 for "down"). Now consider three particular axes a , b , and c that lie in a single plane and are such that the angle between any two of them is equal to 2π/3 . Then, since (1+cos(2π/3))/2=1/4 , agreement with quantum theory will require that P(Z1 ≠Z2)=1/4 if α≠β are among a , b , c (where P stands for probability). Agreement with quantum theory also α β requires opposite outcomes for identical measurement axes, i.e., Z1 =−Z2 , for all α . But it turns out that it is α α impossible to satisfy both requirements: Bell's inequality theorem. Consider random variables Zi , i =1,2 , α=a,b,c , taking only the values ±1 . If α these random variables are perfectly anti-correlated, i.e., if Z1 =−Z2 , for all α , then: α α (1) P(Z1 ≠Z2)+P(Z1 ≠Z2)+P(Z1 ≠Z2)≥1. a b b c c a Proof. Since (at any given point of the sample space) the three ±1-valued random variables Z1 can't all disagree, the α union of the events {Z1 =Z1} , {Z1 =Z1} , {Z1 =Z1} is equal to the entire sample space. Therefore the sum of a b b c c a their probabilities must be greater than or equal to 1: P(Z1 =Z1)+P(Z1 =Z1)+P(Z1 =Z1)≥1. a b b c c a But since Z1 =−Z2 , we have that P(Z1 =Z1)=P(Z1 ≠Z2) . The thesis immediately follows. β β α β α β Each of the three terms on the left hand side of (1) must equal 1/4 in order to reproduce the quantum predictions. But, since 1/4+1/4+1/4=3/4<1 , the full set of quantum predictions cannot be matched. This establishes the incompatibility between the quantum predictions and the existence of pre-existing values. We note that Bell's original paper6 considered for this purpose, instead of the disagreement probability P(Z1 ≠Z2) , α β the correlation C(α,β) , defined as the expected value of the product Z1Z2 : α β C(α,β)=E(Z1Z2)=P(Z1Z2 =1) − P(Z1Z2 =−1)=P(Z1 =Z2) − P(Z1 ≠Z2)=1 − 2P(Z1 ≠ Z2). α β α β α β α β α β α β Bell's original inequality (under the same assumptions as for Bell's inequality theorem above) is: |C(a,b)−C(a,c)|≤1+C(b,c). Let us see how this inequality is related to inequality (1). Rewriting inequality (1) in terms of the correlations C(α,β) , we obtain: C(a,b)+C(b,c)+C(c,a)≤1. Since (because of the perfect anti-correlations) C(α,β)=C(β,α) , this yields that (2) C(a,b)+C(a,c)+C(b,c)≤1. Bell's original inequality is equivalent to the conjunction of two inequalities without absolute value: one of them is obtained from (2) by changing the signs of C(a,c) and C(b,c) . (This inequality follows, as (2) does, from Bell's inequality theorem above if we replace Zi with −Zi .) The other inequality is obtained from (2) by changing the signs of c c C(a,b) and C(b,c) . (This inequality follows from Bell's inequality theorem above by replacing Zi with −Zi .) b b Bell's theorem Bell's theorem states that the predictions of quantum theory (for measurements of spin on particles prepared in the singlet state) cannot be accounted for by any local theory. The proof of Bell's theorem is obtained by combining the EPR argument (from locality and certain quantum predictions to pre-existing values) and Bell's inequality theorem (from pre- existing values to an inequality incompatible with other quantum predictions). Here is how Bell himself recapitulated the two-part argument: Let us summarize once again the logic that leads to the impasse. The EPRB correlations are such that the result of the experiment on one side immediately foretells that on the other, whenever the analyzers happen to be parallel. If we do not accept the intervention on one side as a causal influence on the other, we seem obliged to admit that the results on both sides are determined in advance anyway, independently of the intervention on the other side, by signals from the source and by the local magnet setting. But this has implications for non-parallel settings which conflict with those of quantum mechanics. So we cannot dismiss intervention on one side as a causal influence on the other.14 Already at the time Bell wrote this, there was a tendency for critics to miss the crucial role of the EPR argument here. The conclusion is not just that some special class of local theories (namely, those which explain the measurement outcomes in terms of pre-existing values) are incompatible with the predictions of quantum theory (which is what follows from Bell's inequality theorem alone), but that local theories as such (whether deterministic or not, whether positing hidden variables or not, etc.) are incompatible with the predictions of quantum theory. This confusion has persisted in more recent decades, so perhaps it is worth emphasizing the point by (again) quoting from Bell's pointed footnote from the same 1980 paper quoted just above: "My own first paper on this subject ... starts with a summary of the EPR argument from locality to deterministic hidden variables. But the commentators have almost universally reported that it begins with deterministic hidden variables."10 The CHSH–Bell inequality: Bell's theorem without perfect correlations Perhaps motivated by this widespread and persistent misunderstanding concerning his 1964 paper6, Bell wrote many subsequent papers in which he explained and elaborated upon his very interesting result from a variety of angles. After 197515 Bell sometimes presented his result using a new strategy that does not rely on perfect (anti-)correlations and on the EPR argument. The new strategy has some advantages: perfect correlations cannot be demonstrated empirically, and one could also imagine the possibility that quantum theory might be replaced with a new theory that predicts some small deviation from the perfect correlations. So it is desirable to have a version of Bell's theorem that "depends continuously" on the correlations. The new strategy also sheds some light on the meaning of locality. The idea is to write down a mathematically precise formulation of a consequence of locality in the context of an experiment in which measurements are performed on two systems which have previously interacted — say, systems that have been produced by a common source — but which are now spatially separated. (The EPR scenario considered above is of course an example of such an experiment.) Which of the several possible measurements are actually performed on each system will be determined by (control) parameters — α and α — which should be thought of as being randomly 1 2 and freely chosen by the experimenters, just before the measurements. The measurements (and the choices of the control parameters) are assumed to be space-like separated. Once α and α are chosen, the experiment is performed, yielding 1 2 (say, real-valued) outcomes A and A for the measurements on the two systems. While the values of A and A may 1 2 1 2 vary from one run of the experiment to another even for the same choice of parameters, we assume that, for a fixed preparation procedure on the two systems, these outcomes exhibit statistical regularities. More precisely, we assume these are governed by probability distributions P (A ,A ) depending of course on the experiments performed, and α1,α2 1 2 in particular on α and α . 1 2 Notice that no assumption of pre-determined outcomes is being invoked here: part (or all) of the randomness of A , A 1 2 can arise during the process of measurement. By contrast, recall that in the above proof of Bell's inequality theorem using the random variables Zi , the randomness was entirely located at the source, or at least occurred prior to the α measurements. Moreover, in that context it was meaningful to talk about the joint probability distribution of (Zi,Zi) α β with α≠β (i.e., the joint probability distribution for outcomes of different measurements on the same system), while here a joint probability distribution of that type is not meaningful. Let us now see how a mathematically precise necessary condition for locality can be formulated. First of all, one should realize that locality does not imply the independence P (A ,A )=P (A )P (A ) of the outcomes A , α1,α2 1 2 α1,α2 1 α1,α2 2 1 A . Indeed, it is perfectly natural to expect that the previous interaction between the systems 1 and 2 could produce 2 dependence relations between the outcomes. However, if locality is assumed, then it must be the case that any additional randomness that might affect system 1 after it separates from system 2 must be independent of any additional randomness that might affect system 2 after it separates from system 1. More precisely, locality requires that some set of data λ — made available to both systems, say, by a common source16 — must fully account for the dependence between A and A ; in other words, the randomness that generates A out of the parameter α and the data codified by λ must 1 2 1 1 be independent of the randomness that generates A out of the parameter α and λ . Since λ can vary from one run of 2 2 the experiment to the other, it should be modeled as a random variable. Let us re-state these ideas mathematically λ is a random variable conditioning upon which yields a decomposition (3) P (A ,A )= P (A ,A |λ)dP(λ), α1,α2 1 2 ∫ α1,α2 1 2 Λ into conditional probabilities obeying a factorizability condition of the form: (4) P (A ,A |λ)=P (A |λ)P (A |λ). α ,α 1 2 α 1 α 2 1 2 1 2 The probability distribution P of λ should not be allowed to depend on (α ,α ) ; this is the mathematical meaning of the 1 2 assumption, noted above, that the control parameters α , α are "randomly and freely chosen by the experimenters". 1 2 One might imagine here that the experimenter on each side makes a free-will choice (just before the measurement) about how to set his apparatus, that is independent of the data codified by λ (which existed before the choices were made). One needn't worry, however, about whether experimenters have "genuine free will" or about what that exactly means. In a real experiment, the parameters α and α would typically be chosen by some random or pseudo-random number 1 2 generator (say, a computer) that is independent of any other physical processes that might be relevant for the outcomes, and hence independent of λ — unless, that is, there exists some incredible conspiracy of nature (the kind of conspiracy that would make any kind of scientific inquiry impossible). We will thus call the assumption that the probability distribution of λ is independent of (α ,α ) the "no conspiracy" condition. 1 2 Note that the "no conspiracy" condition doesn't follow from locality: even if we assume that the choices of α and α are 1 2 made at space-like separation from the physical processes creating the value of λ , it is still possible in principle that the supposedly random process determining α and α is in fact dependent, via some local influences from the more distant 1 2 past, on whatever is going on in the process that creates λ . The "no conspiracy" assumption, then, is strictly speaking just that — an additional assumption (beyond locality) on which the derivation of Bell-type inequalities rests. That said, we stress that this assumption is necessarily always made whenever one does any empirical science; in practice, one assesses the applicability of the assumption to a given experiment by examining the care with which the experimental design precludes any non-conspiratorial dependencies between the preparation of the systems and the settings of instruments17. The precise mathematical setup for formulas (3) and (4) is the following: one considers a probability space (Λ,P) and, with each λ∈ Λ and each choice of the parameters α , α , one associates a probability measure P (⋅|λ) on the set 1 2 α1,α2 of possible values for the pair (A ,A ) . Formula (4) says that, for each λ∈ Λ , the probability measure P (⋅|λ) 1 2 α1,α2 factorizes as the product of a probability measure P (⋅|λ) (the marginal of A given λ) that depends only on α and a α1 1 1 probability measure P (⋅|λ) (the marginal of A given λ) that depends only on α . The probability distribution (3) of α2 2 2 (A ,A ) that is observed in the experiment (and for which quantum theory makes predictions) is obtained from 1 2 P (⋅|λ) by averaging (i.e., integrating) over λ with respect to the probability measure of the space (Λ,P) . As in α1,α2 Section 3, we define the correlation C(α ,α ) as the expected value of the product A A for a given choice of α , α : 1 2 1 2 1 2 C(α ,α )= E (A A )= E (A A |λ)dP(λ), 1 2 α1,α2 1 2 ∫ α1,α2 1 2 Λ where E (A A |λ) is the expected value of the product A A with respect to the probability measure P (⋅|λ) . α1,α2 1 2 1 2 α1,α2 Now it is easy to prove the CHSH inequality18 (after John F. Clauser, Michael A. Horne, Abner Shimony, and Richard A. Holt). This inequality is also known in the literature as the CHSH–Bell inequality or simply "Bell's inequality". In this article we will call it the "CHSH–Bell inequality" in order to distinguish it from the inequalities of Section 3 which are used in the versions of Bell's theorem that require the assumption of certain perfect (anti-)correlations. Theorem. Suppose that the possible values for A and A are ±1 . Under the mathematical setup described above, 1 2 assuming the factorizability condition (4), the following inequality holds: |C(a,b)−C(a,c)|+|C(a′,b)+C(a′,c)|≤2, for any choice of parameters a , b , c , a′ . Proof. It follows from (4) that E (A A |λ)=E (A |λ)E (A |λ) , for all λ , α , α . Thus: α1,α2 1 2 α1 1 α2 2 1 2 |C(a,b)−C(a,c)|+|C(a′,b)+C(a′,c)| : ≤∫ [∣∣Ea(A1|λ)∣∣(∣∣Eb(A2|λ)−Ec(A2|λ)∣∣) + ∣∣Ea′(A1|λ)∣∣(∣∣Eb(A2|λ)+Ec(A2|λ)∣∣)]dP(λ) : Λ ≤ ∣∣E (A |λ)−E (A |λ)∣∣ + ∣∣E (A |λ)+E (A |λ)∣∣ dP(λ), ∫ [ b 2 c 2 b 2 c 2 ] Λ where the second inequality follows from the observation that |E (A |λ)|≤1 . The conclusion now follows directly α 1 from the following elementary lemma: Lemma. For real numbers x,y ∈ [−1,1] , we have that |x−y|+|x+y|≤2 . Proof. Squaring |x−y|+|x+y| we obtain 2x2 +2y2 +2|x2 −y2| , which is either equal to 4x2 or to 4y2 ; in either case, it is less than or equal to 4. For the experiment considered in Section 2 (spin measurements on a pair of particles in the singlet state), quantum theory predicts C(α,β)=−α⋅β (where the dot denotes the Euclidean inner product and the oriented axes α , β are identified with their corresponding unit vectors). For this experiment, the CHSH–Bell inequality is maximally violated by the quantum predictions if b and c are mutually orthogonal, a′ bisects b and c , and a bisects b and the opposite axis −c . In that case, the left hand side is equal to 2√2 . We remark also that the original Bell's inequality is obtained from the CHSH–Bell inequality by setting a′ =b and using C(b,b)=−1 . We have thus established again the incompatibility between locality and certain predictions of quantum theory: we have proven that the CHSH–Bell inequality, which is violated by the quantum predictions, follows from the assumption of locality (and the "no conspiracy" condition). Let us now take advantage of the mathematical formulation of (a consequence of) locality presented above — the factorizability condition (4) — in order to formulate mathematically the version of Bell's theorem presented in Section 4. Since Bell's inequality theorem has already been formulated mathematically, it remains for us to do so for the EPR argument as well. The mathematical statement (which we will prove in a moment) corresponding to the EPR argument is the following: assuming (4) and the perfect anti-correlations P (A ≠A )=1 , there exist random variables Zi on α,α 1 2 α the probability space (Λ,P) such that: (5) Pα1,α2(Ai = Zαii(λ)|λ) (=4) Pαi(Ai =Zαii(λ)|λ)=1, for i =1,2 and all λ , α , and α . 1 2 Notice that (using integration over λ) equality (5) implies that, for all α , α , the probability distribution of the pair of 1 2 random variables (Z1 ,Z2 ) is equal to the (unconditional) probability distribution (3) of the pair of outcomes (A ,A ) α α 1 2 1 2 (the probability distribution observed in the experiment, for which quantum theory makes predictions). In particular, we have P (A ≠A )=P(Z1 ≠Z2 ) . The random variables Zi are precisely the ingredients necessary for the α1,α2 1 2 α1 α2 α proof of Bell's inequality theorem and hence we obtain, as just announced, a mathematical formulation of the version of Bell's theorem presented in Section 4. Here is the proof of the mathematical statement corresponding to the EPR argument: assume (4) and the perfect anti- correlations. It follows from P (A ≠A )=1 that P (A ≠A |λ)=1 holds for all19 λ∈ Λ . When α,α 1 2 α,α 1 2 α =α =α , for each λ∈ Λ , the outcomes A and A given λ (whose joint probability distribution is P (⋅|λ)) are at 1 2 1 2 α,α the same time independent (by (4)) and perfectly anti-correlated. An elementary lemma from probability theory shows that this can happen only if they are not really random, i.e., if they are constant. The constant may depend upon α and λ , and thus there are functions fi such that Pα,α(Ai =fi(α,λ)|λ)=1 . Define the random variables Zαi by setting Zi(λ)=f (α,λ) . In order to conclude the proof, observe that condition (4) implies: α i Pα1,α2(Ai =Zαii(λ)|λ)=Pαi(Ai =Zαii(λ)|λ)=Pαi,αi(Ai =Zαii(λ)|λ)=1. Bell's definition of locality As we have stressed above, the crucial assumption from which one can derive various empirically-testable Bell-type inequalities is locality. (Bell sometimes also used the term local causality instead of locality). Bell explained the "principle of local causality" as follows: The direct causes (and effects) of events are near by, and even the indirect causes (and effects) are no further away than permitted by the velocity of light.20 In relativistic terms, locality is the requirement that goings-on in one region of spacetime should not affect — should not influence — happenings in space-like separated regions. Although we have not presented any kind of careful mathematical definition of locality, we were able to prove in the previous sections that certain quantum predictions are incompatible with locality. This was achieved by means of the formulation of a mathematically precise necessary condition for locality (in the context of a particular type of experiment): namely, the factorizability condition (4). It is possible, however, to formulate locality itself in a rigorous way, at least for a certain class of physical theories. Bell actually proposed two (subtly different) such formulations, one in his 1975 paper "The theory of local beables"15 and the other — which we will explain here — in his 1990 paper "La nouvelle cuisine"21. "Beable" is Bell's term for those elements of a theory which are "to be taken seriously, as corresponding to something real"22. As an example, Bell cites the electric and magnetic fields of classical electromagnetism: In Maxwell's electromagnetic theory, for example, the fields E and H are 'physical' (beables, we will say) but the potentials A and ϕ are 'non-physical'. Because of gauge invariance the same physical situation can be described by very different potentials.23 As Bell points out, it is therefore no violation of locality "that in Coulomb gauge the scalar potential propagates with infinite velocity. It is not really supposed to be there."24 The beables of a theory have values that (according to the theory) are supposed to exist independently of any observation or experiment. In this regard Bell contrasts the notion of beable with the notion of "observable" which features prominently in orthodox quantum theory: The concept of 'observable' lends itself to very precise mathematics when identified with 'self-adjoint operator'. But physically, it is a rather woolly concept. It is not easy to identify precisely which physical processes are to be given the status of 'observations' and which are to be relegated to the limbo between one observation and another. So it could be hoped that some increase in precision might be possible by concentration on the beables, which can be described in 'classical terms', because they are there.25 This woolliness suggests that the notion of "observation" should not appear in the formulation of (candidate) fundamental physical theories. Indeed, every aspect of a physical process (including those processes we humans classify as "observations") should be completely reducible to the actions and interactions of some physically real objects — some beables. In an "observation", both the "observed system" and the relevant experimental apparatus, for example, must be made of beables, and anything like a measurement outcome which (say) emerges anew from the system-apparatus interaction must be contained in the final disposition of those beables. Locality is the idea that physical influences cannot propagate faster than light. It thus presupposes a clear identification, for a given candidate theory, of which elements are supposed to correspond to something that is physically real. Here is how Bell makes this point: "No one is obliged to consider the question 'What cannot go faster than light?'. But if you decide to do so, then the above remarks suggest the following: you must identify in your theory 'local beables'"26. (We will discuss this again later.) Local beables are those elements of a theory which should correspond to elements of physical reality living within spacetime. Those should include the representation of the ordinary objects of our experience, such as tables, chairs and experimental equipment. As Bell puts this: These are the mathematical counterparts in the theory to real events at definite places and times in the real world (as distinct from the many purely mathematical constructions that occur in the working out of physical theories, as distinct from things which may be real but not localized, ...).27 All the beables familiar from at least so-called "classical theories" are of this type — for example, the already mentioned fields in classical electromagnetism, or the positions of particles in classical mechanics. The possibility of non-local beables — corresponding to elements of physical reality which are not in spacetime — arises especially with respect to the several candidate versions of quantum theory, all of which involve a wave function (or quantum state) which, as a function on an abstract configuration space, will be a non-local beable if it is granted beable status at all. In the words of Bell: ... the wavefunction as a whole lives in a much bigger space, of 3N-dimensions. It makes no sense to ask for the amplitude or phase or whatever of the wavefunction at a point in ordinary space. It has neither amplitude nor phase nor anything else until a multitude of points in ordinary three-space are specified.28 Thus, one can meaningfully talk about "the local beables living within a region R of spacetime" or, more simply, "the local beables in region R"29. Those represent, according to the theory, what is supposed to be really happening in R . On the other hand, there is no such thing as a non-local beable "living inside" a given region of spacetime. Not surprisingly, it is less straightforward to assess the locality of theories positing non-local beables. Let us then turn to Bell's formulation of locality (which applies straightforwardly to theories of exclusively local beables) and then return to the question of non-local beables and how Bell's formulation can be extended to apply, for example, to theories positing quantum wave functions as non-local beables. The thought motivating Bell's formulation is that a complete specification of the physical state of (i.e., the beables in) a spacetime region which closes off the past light cone of some event should include everything needed to make predictions about that event. More precisely, such a specification should render further Figure 1: Spacetime diagram for Bell's definition of information — about goings-on at space-like separation locality. "Full specification of what happens in 3 makes from the event in question — irrelevant and/or events in 2 irrelevant for predictions about 1 in a locally redundant for making predictions about that event. causal theory."30 Referring to the spacetime diagram reproduced at right, Bell formulated this as follows: A theory will be said to be locally causal if the probabilities attached to values of local beables in a space-time region 1 are unaltered by specification of values of local beables in a space-like separated region 2, when what happens in the backward light cone of 1 is already sufficiently specified, for example by a full specification of local beables in a space- time region 3.31 More precisely, the following equality of conditional probabilities must hold in a local theory: P(x |x ,X )=P(x |X ), 1 2 3 1 3 where x (resp., x ) denotes the value of a local beable in region 1 (resp., in region 2) and X denotes a full specification 1 2 3 of the local beables in region 3. As Bell goes on to explain, it is crucial that region 3 shields32 region 1 from the overlapping past light cones of 1 and 2, and also that the specification of events in region 3 be complete; otherwise information about events in region 2 could well alter the probabilities assigned to events in 1 without this implying any violation of locality. For example, in a local non-deterministic theory, an event might occur subsequent to region 3 which was not predictable on the basis of even a complete specification of the local beables in region 3; such an event could then influence events in its own future light cone, giving rise to correlations — not predictable on the basis of information about region 3 — between space-like separated events. Such a mechanism could make information about events at space-like separation from 1 highly relevant for making predictions about 1, even when those predictions are conditionalized on complete information about region 3. The requirement that region 3 shields 1 from the overlapping past light cones of 1 and 2, however, precludes this possibility: the only way for information about such a region 2 to be relevant for predictions about 1 (once complete information about 3 has been taken into account) is if something somewhere is influencing events outside its future light cone, i.e., violating locality. It is likewise clear that information about goings-on in region 2 may very well usefully supplement predictions about events in 1 made on the basis of an incomplete specification of the values of the local beables in region 3, without any violation of locality being implied. It is important to appreciate that Bell's proposed definition of locality applies primarily to candidate theories. There is then no particular mystery (at least for clearly-formulated theories) about, for example, which elements have beable status, or what a complete specification of local beables in some spacetime region might involve. As suggested earlier in this section, Bell's definition of locality does not apply to arbitrary theories; also, it is not clear how one should rigorously define locality for arbitrary theories. Nevertheless, Bell's formulation can be extended in order to provide necessary conditions for the locality of the theories to which it does not apply as a definition (and, of course, such necessary conditions can be used to establish non-locality). To begin with, Bell's definition of locality does not apply to theories positing non-local beables. Namely, one should certainly expect that not only the local beables in region 3, but also the non-local beables, should be relevant for making predictions about region 1. And of course one cannot talk about "the non-local beables in region 3" since non-local beables do not live inside regions of spacetime. However, for the only seriously-suggested example of a non-local beable — the wave function or quantum state — one can talk about its value on a Cauchy surface and it is natural (for the purpose of assessing the locality of the theory) to take "the complete description of the physical state of region 3" to mean the values of all local beables in region 3 and of the wave function in a given family of Cauchy surfaces that cover region 3. Problems with Bell's definition also arise for non-Markovian theories, i.e., theories in which influences might "jump" over space-like surfaces. In that case, the region 3 displayed in the figure might not work properly as a shield and local33 non- Markovian theories could be incorrectly diagnosed by Bell's definition of locality as being non-local. For the non- Markovian case, Bell's definition should then be modified so that the equality P(x |x ,X )=P(x |X ) is required to 1 2 3 1 3 hold only when region 3 is "sufficiently thick", in some precise sense that would have to be specified, depending on how non-Markovian the theory is. In the worst case scenario, the equality P(x |x ,X )=P(x |X ) would be required to 1 2 3 1 3 hold only when region 3 includes the entire interior of the past light cone of region 1 from some point down. We observe, however, that this modified form of Bell's definition might incorrectly diagnose some non-local theories as being local34 so that it works only as a necessary condition for locality. Let us now apply Bell's proposed definition of locality to the kind of experiment considered in the previous sections. (For the sake of simplicity, in what follows we will consider only theories for which Bell's definition applies directly, though it should be obvious how to adapt the exposition to more general theories for which — as discussed above — only a necessary condition for locality is available.) Recall that in Section 5 we took as Figure 2: Spacetime diagram for EPR–Bell type experiment. Region 3 closes off the past light cones of a consequence of locality the factorizability condition both regions 1 and 2 and shields each of those regions off (4); this condition involves a random variable λ that, from their overlapping past light cones. Hence, according by a "no conspiracy" assumption, is independent of to Bell's definition of locality, a complete specification of (α ,α ) . local beables in 3 should render information about 1 2 goings-on in 2 (resp., 1) irrelevant for predictions about 1 Consider the spacetime diagram at right. Regions 1 and (resp., 2). 2 contain the experiments performed on the two systems and the star in the intersection of the interior of their past light cones indicates the source. (The "particle worldlines" in the diagram are merely an illustration and play no role in the argument.) Thus, the parameter α and the 1 outcome A are (functions of) local beables in region 1 and, similarly, α and A are (functions of) local beables in region 1 2 2 2. Note that the indicated region 3 shields off both regions 1 and 2 from their overlapping past light cones, so Bell's

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