TH~ B~11~VIN~I~ PUBLISHED BY THE SENIOR CLASS OF 1954 VoLUME XXXVIII BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS Main Building - the heart of B.T.H.S. The knowledge of many arts is valuable to us even though we follow some other calling. -Tacitus Auditorium FORE\VORD "When the one Great Scorer comes to judge the final game, I Ie doesn't judge whether you won or lost, but how you played the game." A school functions as a team. Each of us connected with it is an individual and each of us works with other individuals to play the game and achieve the goal. Some times we vvin; sometimes we lose; but we remember that it is the playing of the game that counts. It is in the play ing of the game that the members develop character and learn by instruction and experience and cooperation with others. 'Tis education forms the common mind. - Pope 3 Miss Florence Miller IN M~M~RIAM l\lliss Florence Miller passed away or: June 9, 1953. She had been a member of the faculty at BTHS since 1921, teaching civics and history. She \viii live long in the memory of the many students to \vhom in her thirty-two years of teaching she so thoroughly taught the prin ciples of government and who are now citizens of the community. Her students remen1ber her \Vith respect as an excellent teacher, one devoted to her task of teaching. 4 D~DI~Ari~N We dedicate this book to l\1r. Clarence A. Armstrong, a man best known for his eHicient guidance of the athletic department. Through his efforts in planning our ath letic program, through his association with the Lettermen as their sponsor, and through his po sition as a teacher of history, he has won many student and faculty friends. He shall be remem bered by many for these accomplishments. Mr. Clarence A. Armstrong 5 If you be a lover of instruction you will be well-instructed. - Socrates 6