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Preview Bell/Boeing V-22 Osprey: Multi Service Tilt-rotor

el Boeing Y - 2 2 O s p r e y Tiltrotor Tactical Transport Bill Norton Bell Boeing V·22 Osprey Tiltrotor Tactical Transport Bill Norton An imprint of Ian Allan Publishing BellBoeingV·22Osprey Contents ©2004WilliamJNorton ISBN1857801652 PublishedbyMidlandPublishing Introduction 3 4WatlingDrive,Hinckley,LE103EY,England Abbreviationsand Designations 4 Tel:01455254490 Fax:01455254495 E-mail:[email protected] Chapters 1 Origination 5 MidlandPublishingandAerofaxareimprintsof Designconceptandlayout IanAllanPublishingLtd ©2004MidlandPublishingandJayMiller 2 Background 13 3 Birth andHiatus 23 Worldwidedistribution(exceptNorthAmerica): EditedbyJayMiller 4 StartingAgain 51 MidlandCountiesPublications 5 ProductionandService 75 4WatlingDrive,Hinckley,LE103EY,England PrintedinEnglandby Telephone:01455254450 Fax:01455233737 IanAllanPrintingLtd 6 TheFuture 81 E-mail:[email protected] RiverdeneBusinessPark,MoleseyRoad, 7 OspreyDescribed 89 www.midlandcountiessuperstore:com Hersham,Surrey,KT124RG 8 V-22Specifications&Performance. 110 NorthAmericantradedistribution: Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublication 9 TiltrotorGallery 112 SpecialtyPressPublishers&WholesalersInc. maybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem, 39966GrandAvenue,NorthBranch,MN55056 transmittedinanyformorbyanymeans, Tel:6512771400 Fax:6512771203 electronic,mechanicalorphoto-copied, Tollfreetelephone:8008954585 recordedorotherwise,withoutthewritten www.specialtypress.com permissionofthepublishers. Titlepage:ThefirstV-22,BuNo163911duringthe courseofitssecondflightatBellHelicopter Textron'sArlingtonMunicipalAirportFacility inTexas.JayMiller Below:FreshfromBoeing'sRidleyTownship, Pennsylvaniaproductionfacility,afuselagefor Facingpage:ThedeckcrewoftheUSStwoJima anewV-22,BuNo165943(aircraft44),sitsat havepositionedaircraft10(BuNo164942)witha BellHelicopterTextron'sV-22facilityinAmarillo, tugpreparatorytoatestflightinJanuaryof TexasduringSeptemberof2003awaitingfinal 2003.NoteuniquetailmarkingsforthisEMD assembly.JayMiller aircraft.NAVAIR __--ll 3 4 Introduction 5 3 3 ,1 5 ,1 ,9 o 2 , a AttimeofwritingtheUSMarineCorpsMV-22B providemorethanenoughfascinating aviation Acknowledgements Ospreytiltrotoraircrafthadyettoenterfull-rate history to fill this volume. A review of tiltrotor Manyindividualsgavegenerouslyoftheirtime productionordeployment.Thiswasthestatus flight technology offers aview into one ofthe andcollectedmaterialstohelpmakethisbook following nearly two decades of development fewVSTOLapproachestobetakensofaralong possible. At Bell Helicopter Textron this andflighttestthatsawmarkedchangestothe the development path. The technology is not included RoyHopkinsII, ChuckJacobus, Bob vehicle, vacillations in Congressional and new, and a look at the predecessor vehicles Leder, Bob McClure, and DickPeasley. Ofthe Administration support despite steadfast reveals the long development path leading to Boeing Company thanks go to Phil Dunford, USMC dedication to the machine, and three the Osprey. The struggle to realize a military Doug Kinneard, JimJagodzinski, Bill Leonard, fatal accidents, Opinions about the Osprey application through multiple programs and theotherBill Norton, and MartyShubert. From throughout the aviation field was similarly conceptual designs emphasizes the vagaries the US Navythe author is grateful for support divided betweenthosewhosawthetiltrotoras oftheUSDepartmentofDefenseweaponsys from Ward Carroll, Gidge Dady, and Linda an aeronautical advance that would surely tem acquisition process. The development of Drew.MarineswhoassistedincludeLieutenant comewith sacrificesintreasureand lives, and the V-22 itself, marked by drawn-out sched Colonel'Curly'CulpandMajorChrisSeymour. thosewhosawacomplex,expensiveanddan ules, up-and-down budgets, industryteaming, From the US Air Force debt is owed to lieu gerous craft unsuitable for military employ crisesandtriumphs,isremarkableinthatitpro tenantColonel Tom Currie, MajorTom Good ment. The controversy recalled the furor over duced avehicle ofsuch capability. So poten nough, Major Greg Weber, and John Haire. theintroductionoftheAV-8AHarrierintoUSMC tiallysignificantistheOspreyinmilitaryaviation Marty Maisel, formerly of NASA Ames, was service decades before. Both offered highly that it has spawned the US Air Force CV-22B especially helpful. Thanks also to retired Bell desirableVerticalorShortTakeoffandLanding special operationsvariant, concepts offollow test pilot Ned Gilliand. Jay Miller and the (VSTOL) enhancements to the Marines' arse ondesigns, experimentaluninhabited airvehi archivistsatthe JayMillerCollection provided nal in fUlfilling their challenging mission. Yet, cles, and made possible a long-dreamed of indispensablehelp.Aspecialthankstothelate both aircraft represented newtechnology that civiltiltrotor.Inshort,thesignificantandalready John Schneider, formerly of Boeing Vertol, was met with a mixture of suspicion and the considerable history ofthe V-22 Osprey more Michael Hirschberg ofVertiflite magazine, and needtolearnthebestmeansofoperation and thanjustifiesabookonthesubject. Ken Katz. employment. If the history of the Osprey continues, this Although the history ofthe Osprey may be bookcan be updated inthefuture. Feedback, short- provided itcontinues intofull-rate pro research material, andadditional photographs Bill Norton duction and service - the story of its lineage, arewelcome.Contacttheauthoratwilliamnor January2004 development, flight test, and characteristics [email protected]. V-22Osprey 3 Abbreviations and Designations A Amperage GTA groundtestarticle NBC nuclear,biologicalandchemical AC alternatingcurrent GW grossweight nm nauticalmile ale aircraft helo helicopter No number AEW airborneearlywarning HF highfrequency NOE Nap-of-the-Earth AFB AirForceBase HIFR HoverIn-FlightRefueling NORM normal AFCS AutomaticFlightControlSystem hp horsepower Nr rotorspeed AFFTC AirForceFlightTestCenter HROD highrateofdescent NVG nightvisiongoggles AFSOC AirForceSpecialOperationsCommand hrs hours " OAT outsideairtemperature amp amperage HSD HorizontalSituationDisplay OBOGS On-BoardOxygenGeneratingSystem AMT AirManeuverTransport HSX HelicopterSeaeXperimental OGE outofgroundeffect AOA angleofattack HUD head-updisplay OLC OpposedLateralCyclic APLN airplanemode H-V height-velocity OPEVAL operationalevaluation APU auxiliarypowerunit H/WOG Hoist/WinchOperator'sGrip OT operationaltest AR aerialrefueling HX HelicoptereXperimental Pax PatuxentRiverNAS ASW anti-submarinewarfare HXM HelicoptereXperimentalMarines PFCS primaryflightcontrolsystem ATV AirTestVehicle Hz Hertz PRGB proprotorgearbox aux auxiliary ICDS interconnecteddriveshaft PRTV ProductionRepresentativeTestVehicles AVSS ActiveVibrationSuppressionSystem ICS inter-communicationsystem psf poundspersquarefoot BFWS bladefold/wingstow IFF IdentificationFriendorFoe psi poundspersquareinch bhp brakehorsepower IGE ingroundeffect PU/SS pitch-upwithsideslip BIT built-intest IMC instrumentmeteorologicalconditions P&W Pratt&Whitney BuNo BureauNumber in inches P'I preplannedproductimprovement C Centigrade IOC initialoperationalcapability QTR QuadTiltRotor cal caliber IOT&E InitialOperationalTestandEvaluation RADALT radaraltimeter CAP CompositeAircraftProgram IPS IceProtectionSystem RAF RoyalAirForce CAT cabinauxtanks IR infrared RAM reliability,availabilityandmaintainability CDU/EICAS ControlDisplayUnit/Engine,Instruments, IRS InfraredSuppressor rev revolution CrewAlertingSystem IT integratedtesting RFP requestforproposal CFB CanadianForcesBase In IntegratedTestTeam RM&A reliability,maintainabilityandavailability cg centerofgravity JSOR JointServicesOperationalRequirements rpm revolutionsperminute c/n constructionnumber JTAG JointTechnologyAssessmentGroup RSI RadarSignalIndicator COD carrieronboarddelivery JVX JointservicesadvancedVerticalliftaircraft R&D researchanddevelopment COEA OperationalEffectivenessAnalysis (eXperimental) SAR searchandrescue CFG constantfrequencygenerators kg kilogram SATCOM satellitecommunications em centimeter km kilometer SCAS StabilityandControlAugmentationSystem CMDS countermeasuresdispensingsystem kts knots SCP setclearanceplane CONV conversionmode kVA kilovolt-amps SOC shaftdrivencompressor CSAR combatsearchandrescue kW kilo-Watts sec seconds CSMU CrashSurvivableMemoryUnit Ib pounds SEMA SpecialElectronicMissionAircraft DC directcurrent LCD liquidcrystaldisplay SEO singleengineoperating DMS DigitalMapSystem LOS LaserDetectorSet sfc specificfuelconsumption DoD DepartmentofDefense LHA AmphibiousAssaultShip(GeneralPurpose) shp shafthorsepower DoN DepartmentoftheNavy LHD AmphibiousAssaultShip(Multi-purpose) SIRFC SuiteofRadioFrequency DT developmenttest LPD AmphibiousTransportsDock Countermeasures DU DisplayUnit LPI lowprobabilityofintercept SOCOM SpecialOperationsCommand EAPS EngineAirParticleSeparator LRIP low-rateinitialproduction SOF specialoperationsforces ECL EngineConditionLever LSD DockLandingShips SPECOPS specialoperations ECS environmentalcontrolsystem It liters STA statictestarticles ECU EnvironmentalControlUnit LTM LateralTranslationMode STO shorttakeoff EMC electromagneticcompatibility LWINS LightWeightInertiaiNaVigationSystem STOL shorttakeoffandlanding EMD EngineeringandManufacturing LZ landingzone TA terrain-avoidance Development m meters TAGB tilt-axisgearbox EW electronicwarfare MAn Multi-missionAdvancedTacticalTerminal TCL thrustcontrollever F Fahrenheit MAW MarineAirWing TF terrainfollowing FADEC FUll-AuthorityDigitalElectronicControl max maximum TF/TA terrainfollowing/terrain-avoidance FBW fly-by-wire MC MissionComputers TARA TiltRotorResearchAircraft FCC flightcontrolcomputers MCAS MarineCorpsAirStation UAV uninhabitedairvehicle FD FlightDirector MDL missiondataloader UHF ultra-highfrequency FUR Forward-LookingInfrared MFD multi-functiondisplay US UnitedStates fit flight MFS MannedFlightSimulator USAF UnitedStatesAirForce FM frequencymodulated mi statutemile USCG UnitedStatesCoastGuard FMU FuelManagementUnit min minimum USgal USgallons FOV fieldofview MLR Medium-LiftReplacement USMC UnitedStatesMarineCorps fpm feetperminute mm millimeter USN UnitedStatesNavy fps feetpersecond MMR multi-moderadar VAC voltsalternatingcurrent FRP full-rateproduction MOn Multi-serviceOperationalTestTeam VERTREP verticalresupply FS federalstandard mps meterspersecond VFG variablefrequencygenerators FSD Full-ScaleDevelopment MTE ModernTechnologyDemonstratorEngine VHF veryhighfrequency ft feet MWGB midwinggearbox V/HXM HelicoptereXperimentalMarines FTR FutureTransportRotorcraft MWS MissileWarningSystem VRS vortexringstate FY FiscalYear NAS NavalAirStation VSS vibrationsuppressionsystem G accelerationduetogravity NASA NationalAeronauticsandSpace VSLED Vibration,StructuralLife, GAO GeneralAccountingOffice Administration andEngineDiagnostic GFE governmentfurnishedequipment nav navigation VSTOL VerticalorShortTakeoffandLanding, GRDP groundrefuel/defuelpanel NAVAIR NavalAirSystemsCommand VSTOLmode 4 V-22Osprey ChapterOne Origination The military helicopter's ability to takeoff and surfaceisavailable,suchanaircraftcould per Above:TheV·22ismuchlikeanyotherlarge land vertically is oftremendous tactical utility, form ashorttakeoffand landing (STOL) when rotorcraft,althoughwithtwinlateraltandem rotors.Notetheslighttoe·outofthenacelles. anditisanindispensableassetin modernwar verticaltakeoffisprecludedbyweightorambi RonCulp fare. However, the comparatively lowairspeed entconditions. TheVSTOLaircrafthavesafety andaltitudeatwhichthehelicoptercommonly advantagesoverthe airplanesuchaseliminat flies makes it more vulnerable to enemy fire ing or reducing high-speed ground rolls for rotor system and, where present, atail rotor. than airplanes. The helicopteristypicallycon takeoff and landing, and executing off-field Airplane flight control relies on deflecting sur strainedto aserviceceiling ofaround 10,000 emergencylandingsintoaconfinedspace.On faces against the passing air mass, requiring 20,OOOft (3,050-6,1OOm), usually preventing it theotherhand,VSTOLaircraftfrequentlyhave forward velocity. AVSTOLaircraft cannot use from flying above weather. In fact, the all little powermarginand anenginefailurewhile airplane controls in hover andthe slow-speed around performance ofthe helicopter is com in hoveror slowflight, evenforamulti-engine endofconversionandreconversion.Arotoror monly less than fixed-wing, conventional machine, can mean an immediate descent at someothersource ofadequatecontrol power takeoffandlandingairplanesofsimilarweight. perhapshighsinkrate.This,however,isacom mustbeavailable. The tail rotor on single-rotor helicopters is a Il)only accepted characteristic of most heli Over decades nations and corporations markeddrainonenginepower,addstoaircraft copters. have invested considerablyinVSTOL. Afasci dragandnoise,andisanever-presenthazard. ManyapproachestoachievingVSTOLflight nating assortment of these machines have Thehelicopterreachedthepracticallimitsofits have been explored. The general design been built and tested, employing Virtually all capabilities decades ago in terms of size, requirement is a vertical component of conceivableapproachestoVSTOLflight.Inthe speedandrange. Becauseoftherotoraerody thrust/liftgreaterthantheweightoftheaircraft US, each armed service operates transport namics, a practical limit of 200kts is general to permit vertical takeoff and hover. Normal helicopters for aerial assault, search and res acknowledgedforrotorwingaircraft. propulsivethrustmustthenbeavailableforfor cue,andvertical replenishment. All soughtthe One answer to the helicopter's limitations wardflight. Theconversion betweenverticalto potential benefits of a VSTOL transport. has been to combine the speed, range, forward flight must smoothly transition Through these decades only a few military endurance, payload, maneuverability, and betweenthetwothrust/liftgenerationandvec designs,thetri-serviceLTV-Hiller-RyanXC-142 superior survivability of the airplane with the toringschemes.Anadequatemeansofattitude being one, came even close to production vertical lift capabilities of a helicopter. The control from hover, through conversion at low before being ultimately jUdged unsuitable. resultistheVerticalorShortTakeoffandLand speed, and atcruise airspeedsisalso manda Designs to fill other combat and support mis ing (VSTOL) aircraft. Ifeven aminimal runway tory. Helicopters do allthis with an articulated sionsthatwould benefitfromVSTOLhavealso V-22Osprey 5 metwithlimitedsuccess.Throughouttheworld upto'recirculate',interactingwithaircraftaero Above:Thismontageshowsthetiltrotorconcept onlythe Harrier 'jump jet' fighter-bomber, first dynamics.Itmayspoilliftinhover(called'suck fromhelicoptermodefortakeoffandlandingat therightside,conversiontoforwardflightinthe flown in 1960, and the later Yakovlev Yak-38 down')andcancarrygroundmaterialaloftthat middlewithforwardtiltingofthetwinproprotors, naval fighter have seen production. However, can damage the airframe and engine. If the andhigh-speedairplanemodeattheleftwiththe only the Harrier can be considered truly suc ground plume is hot, as from a vertically ori proprotorsservingaspropellers.BellHelicopter cessful. Admittedly, these specialized aircraft ented engine exhaust, the recirculate air are inferiorto comparablewarplanes in nearly ingested into the engine(s) ('reingestion') will Belowleft:Thisgeneralizeddiagramcompares theV-22'sspeed-altitudeflightenvelopewiththat allrespectssavefortheirVSTOLcapability.Yet produce a reduction in thrust. The high tem ofacommontacticaltransporthelicopterand theyrepresentusefulsystemsinamixofmod peraturescan alsohavedetrimentaleffectson airplane,theSikorskyH-60andLockheedC-130. ernaircombatweapons. other aircraft components. The generation of Thetiltrotornicelyencompasseshelicopter Therearedecisive reasons whyVSTOLhas highvelocityairiscommonlyaccompanied by andairplanecapabilities.Author'scollection almost always proven disappointing. The very high noise levels; annoying and possibly Belowright:Ashorttakeoff(STO)hasthe weightandcostpenaltiesareusuallytoogreat, hazardous to personnel and aircraft structure nacellesatabout60°andthepilotsrotateat resulting inexpensive machineswith marginal given longexposure. theappropriateairspeed.NAVAIR performancewhen compared with helicopters Achieving VSTOLisamatterofengineering andfixed-wingaircraft.Thelargeexcesspower and performance tradeoffs, and the tiltrotor required for hover has required a high thrust generally sacrifices less for its benefit than lage naturally cancel the opposing rotor to-weightratio.Thepropulsionsystemhasfre other VSTOL concepts. The best use of the torquestoeliminatethetailrotor. Hoverperfor quently represented a disproportionate per tiltrotor has generally appeared to be as a mance is not as great as a helicopter with its centage of the vehicle's empty weight for a medium-lift transport where moderately high larger rotor diameter, but this sacrifice is reduction in range and payload, plus adding cruiseairspeedsarerequired,yetalsoneeding acceptedforthecomparativelyhighcruiseair considerably to the machine's cost, complex tomakeseveralstopswithbrieflowspeedand speed. ForAPLN,flightcontrolsurfacesonthe ity, and maintenance demands. Hover perfor hoveringoperations. wing andtailtakeeffectasairspeed increases mancehasgenerallybeenpoor,characterized followingconversion. byveryhighfuelconsumption.Theconversion TheTiltrotor The maximum speed ofthetiltrotoris much from vertical to forward flight and back again Mosttiltrotordesigns havethe proprotors and greaterthanacomparablehelicopter,andwith hasalso been achallenging stabilityand con engines together in rotating wingtip nacelles. similarly improved endurance. The tradeoff is trolproblem,complicated byanarrowconver The basicscheme isthatthe aircrafttakes off typicallyslowercruisespeedsthananairplane sion corridor for some configurations. The asahelicopter(referredtoas'helicoptermode' ofcomparableweightandpower.InVSTOLthe conversioncorridoristherange ofacceptable orVSTOL) with thetworotors/nacellesvertical airspeed upper limits are still defined by rotor thrust vector angle as a function of airspeed. or90°.Thesearethenrotatedforwardto0°for overstress and retreating blade stall. In APLN Operational problems have also been conversion to high-speed wing-borne flight thelowspeedlimitsaresetbywingstall,withthe endemic to many VSTOL designs. Many are ('airplanemode',APLN).Hence,the'proprotor' propellerwashoverthewinghelpingtoreduce characterized by high velocity columns ofair, blades and hub serve dual use as helicopter this speed. The prop slipstream also helps to called downwash, hitting the surface beneath rotors and airplane propellers. The counter ensure adequate flow into the engine intake the aircraftduringvertical takeoffand landing. rotating proprotors on either side ofthe fuse- evenatextremeattitudesand lowairspeed. This can cause surface erosion with high energy bits potentially striking and damaging the aircraft or nearby personnel and equip ment.Thisairwillspreadoutalongtheground asaground plumeorgroundwashasanother potentialhazard.Additionally,thisaircanrising V-22 Performance 30,000 25,000 ALTITUDE (FEET) 200 300 AIRSPEED(KNOTS) 6 V-22Osprey Above:Amodestforwardtiltofthenacellesand simultaneouslyfor disk liftvariation to change theaircrafttoaccelerateanddecelerate. ashortgroundrollallowstakeoffatgross altitudeorhover, butpoweronlyinAPlN.The In some areas of the airspeed and nacelle weightsorambientconditionsthatwould TCl commands symmetric rotor or mast angleconversion corridorthechoiceofcontrol precludeaverticaltakeoff.RonCulp torquein bothVSTOlandAPlN. technique can be uncertain. The 30° nacelle Belowright:Thevalueoftheleveldeckangle As the aircraft accelerates through high setting atthe lower end ofthe acceptable air possiblewiththetiltrotorduringtransitionto speed conversion, the controls change their speed for that angle is one such ambiguous forwardflightisgraphicallyillustratedhere. functionsandthepilot'scontrolstrategyhasto condition in then V-22, and accompanied by Aircraft10,duringits'returntoflight'on29May progressively change to resemble that of a airframe buffet. However, pilots aretrained to 2003,convertseffortlesslywhiletheSH-60 conventional fixed-wing aircraft. In APlN the use a few nacelle settings and certain air safetychasehelicopterbeyondassumesa markednose-downattitudetokeepup- the rudder pedals produce yaw while the stick speeds during transition to help avoid confu rotorsofthetwoaircraftnearlyparallel.Navy becomes aclimb, diveand roll rate controller, sion.Thetiltrotor normally spendslittletime in movingtheailerons/flaperonsandanelevator. transition. TheTClinput(power)isusedasasimplethrot The conversion is begun at an airspeed at The cockpit controls serve common func tletosetthelongitudinalthrustwhilelongitudi which thewing is gaining in liftasthe rotor lift tions regardless of flight mode. In hover and nalstickisusedto managetheaircraftenergy decreases with tilt angle. This airspeed must lowspeed flight, with the nacelles tilted near statebyincreasingordecreasingtheflightpath alsobesuchthatthewing andtail control sur vertical, the collective (or thrust control lever, angle at relatively constantspeed, orallowing facesaresufficientlyeffectivetocontroltheair- Tel) and cyclic (stick) provided familiar heli copter functions, and the proprotors employ helicoptercontrolmechanization. lateralcyclic for roll and translation (sideward flight) com mandschangeinproprotorbladepitchangles astheycomearoundinrotation.Thisproduces eitherasidewaystiltingoftherotordisksdueto asymmetrical proprotor lift, or differential col lectivepitch (uniformbutopposedbladeangle changeoneachproprotorfordifferentiallift),or amix of both side-to-side. Pitch control from longitudinalcyclicdisplacementgivesforeand afttilting ofthe rotordisks. Forrearwardtrans lation, aftcyclic also bringsthe elevator upto keepthetailfrom dropping dueto airflow pro ducingadowntailload.Ineitheraxisthecyclic produces increasing rate depending uponthe magnitude of displacement. Directional (yaw) controlwithpedalsusesdifferentialcyclicpitch therotor disks tilting differentiallyforward and aftto produce aflat rotation aboutthevertical axis. In VSTOL the TCl commands proprotor collective (uniform) pitch and engine power V-22Osprey 7 Bothpages:Thisseriesofdrawingsandnotes illustrateshowthetiltrotoriscontrolledinflight A • throughthepilotthrustcontrollever,cyclic Helicopter Airplane (stick)anddirectionalpedals.A.ThrustControl (power);B.ForwardCyclic;C.AftCyclic;D• LateralCyclic(right);E.Pedal(left) BellHelicopter to anywing, arefrom high-pressureaironthe bottom flowing up around the wingtip to the low-pressure region atopthe wing and gener atedrag.Theproprotorscounterofthisflowfor ThrusVpowerlevercontrols ThrusUpowerlevercontrols proprotorcollectivepilchand bladepitchandenginethrottle reduced drag. throttles Actsasairspeedcontrol The proprotor blades must be designed to Actsasaltitudecontrol operateefficientlyas helicopterrotors and air plane airscrew. This challenging requirement hasyielded short and broad blades with con siderabletwist- 47.5°ontheV-22versus8°for atypical helicopter. A measure ofthis is disk B loading,oraircraftweightdividedbytheareaof Helicopter Airplane the circle(s) formed by the rotor diameter. A Elevator typical disk loading forthe medium liftV-22 is Forwardlongitudinal cyclicpitch 20psf(99kg/m')versusatypical6psf(27kg/m') forthecomparableCH-46and1Opsf(50kg/m') forthe heavy liftCH-53D. The helicopter's low diskloadingismoreefficientinhoverandgen erates a comparatively mild downwash. High diskloadingmeansmorepowerrequiredtolift thesameaircraft,equatingtomoreweightand high fuel consumption in hover, and greater Proprotordiscstiltforward Elevatordeflectsdownward downwash velocity. Consequently,the tiltrotor Aircraftassumesnose-downattitude Aircraftassumesnose-downattitude normallyrequiresmorepowerforhover,trans Airspeedincreases Altitudedecreases lation andforward flight in VSTOLthan aheli Airspeedincreases copter, but less than many other VSTOL designs. Plus, the tiltrotor possesses greater rotor drag in edge-wise flight. However, high disk loading is preferablefor cruise flight with thebladesworkingaspropellers.Here,too,the c designisnotidealandtherotationratemustbe reduced in APLN for improved proprotor effi Helicopter Airplane I ciency. However, tiltrotor hover efficiency is Aftlongitudinal cyclicpilch much better than almost all other VSTOL designs. The presenceofthe wingtip nacelles Elevator also contributes considerable drag during translation and conversion. So, a helicopter performs betterthan the tiltrotor in hover and translation, butcannotflyasfastincruise.The airplane performs better in cruise, but cannot Proprotordiscstiltaft Elevatordeflectsupward takeoffvertically. Thetiltrotoristhe epitome of Aircraftassumesnose-upattitude Aircraftassumesnose-upaltitude engineeringcompromise. Airspeeddecreases Altitudeincreases Along-standing challenge intiltrotor design Angleofattack(AOA)ismonitored andlimited hasbeenavoidingrotor,pylon(combinedtilting Airspeeddecreases nacelleandpowertransmission gearbox),and structuralinstabilities.Theelasticresponsesof the structure and rotor dynamics can interact craft as the proprotor hub controls become yawing forcestoo greatfor conventional rotor withtheaerodynamicforcestoproducestruc ineffectiveastiltangledecreases.Intermediate hubsorairplaneflightcontrolsurfacestoover tural oscillations that can grow to destructive proprotor positions ('conversion mode', come.Thismeansitisbestthatatransmission magnitude.Allthesefactorschangewithflight CONY)allowsforveryshortrollingtakeoffsand interconnect drive shaftthrough the wing join condition, fuel weight in the wing, nacelle landingswithagreaterpayloadthanforaverti the engines, or at least the proprotors. like angle, blade flapping, and rpm, making for a cal takeoff, provided ground clearanceforthe wise, the rotors or engines/rotor combination complex design problem. The tiltrotor wing is rotorsismaintained.Thesystemcan alsopro musttiltinpreciseunisontoavoid lossofcon typicallythickforthe purposeofensuringsuit vide advantageous thrust vectoring 'up and trol. This has usuallyrequired an additionaltilt ablestiffnessandaeroelasticstability. Yet, the away'forenhancedmaneuverability. axis cross shaft orfail-safe electronic control. airframeandrotorsystemmustbelightweight. With the proprotors placed far outboard of In APLN the proprotors rotated up on the The tiltrotor offers some unique VSTOL the fuselage, excessive asymmetrical rotor lift inboard side, generating an air swirl opposite advantagesthatsupportitsclaimtobeing rev or propeller thrust would generate rolling or the wingtip vortices. These vortices, common olutionary. The principal benefit is that the 8 V-22Osprey enginesandthrust generation devicesforver tical, STOL, conversion, and cruise flight are D the same. It combines well understood heli copterand airplanetechnologies. Thetiltrotor Helicopter Airplane usuallyhasamoregenerousconversion corri Differentialcollective ~ dor. The high-speed end of the corridor is defined by prohibitive rotor and nacelle/wing interface loads. The low-speed boundary is usuallydetelminedbywingstall.Thetiltrotoris generallyeasiertostabilizethan otherconfigu rations, especially during conversion and reconversionwhereboththehelicopterandair LeftproprotorIncreases colleclivepitch planecontrolsareavailabletogreaterorlesser Leftflaperondeflectsdownward Rightproprotordecreases degrees as airspeed changes. Turn perfor collectivepitch Rightf1aperondeflectsupward Proprotordiscstilttoright Aircraftrollstoright manceacrossitsspeedrangeissuperiortothe Aircraftrollstoright helicopter. Theairplaneconfigurationallowsthetiltrotor tobeflown to altitudesfarabovethatofaheli copter,ormorecomparablewithturbopropair upperwingsurfaceunderlyingtherotorsisthe Whenclosetotheground,thegroundwash craft.Thisallowsflightaboveweatherwhereas oppositeofthatdesiredforlift, robbingtheair iscomparabletothatofaheavy lifthelicopter. a helicopter would be grounded, forced to craftofpotential payloadcapacity.Theflowon When close to the ground the meeting ofthe divert, or fly in adverse conditions under the the wing moves inboard, meeting and foun outwash from the opposite rotors under the weather. The exterior noise during hover and taining up at the center to be recirculated centerlineoftheaircraftfountain uptoimpinge transition is about that of a heavy helicopter through the rotorsforaloss in rotorlift. These on the fuselage bottom and add to lift force. and much less noisy than nearly all other effects can be reduced with deployed flaps, Thisflowisalsodirectedforward andaftofthe VSTOLdesigns. InAPLN thetiltrotorisquieter wing fences, and wing design choices. The aircraft, and can liftdustand other material to than aturboprop aircraft by virtue of its lower leadingedge-to-trailingedgedirectionsofpro obscure vision, although peripheral vision proprotortip speed, and onlyathree quarters protorrotation also reduces download. Asthe remains good.Theground plumecan recircu thelevel ofahelicopter- and withoutthe dis aircraftbeginstomoveforwardtherotordown late and produce some loss of performance, tinctive'whop'- enhancingmilitarycovertness. washis'blown'aftsuchthataslittleas20ktsis although the high engine inlets on tilted Vibration levels in APLN, where the aircraft requiredtoSUbstantiallyreducedownload. nacellesmayreducethiseffect.Thejetexhaust spends most of its time, is SUbstantially less Fuel, hydraulics, and electrical connections directlyimpingingonthegroundraisessurface thaninVSTOL, reducingcomponentwearand must pass through the rotating nacelle inter andaircraftlowerextremitiesheatingconcerns. failurerates. face that is an added maintenance burden However, the heating is much less than other In the conversion to forward flight, flight at potentially impacting overall system reliability. VSTOLconceptsand,combinedwiththecom intermediate nacelle angles, and approach to The wingtip nacelles increase aircraft roll and paratively low velocity proprotor downwash, hoverthe tiltrotor's deck angle can be main yaw inertia, requiring more control power for represents an acceptably 'soft footprint'. Fur tained level or at a nose-low attitude for some maneuvers in all flight modes. Con thermore, extended hovers at greater height improved visibility. This is accomplished with versely, with the proprotors far removed from than comparable helicopters can helpamelio thrustvectoringindependentofaircraftattitude the fuselage, considerable control power is ratesuchconcerns. byusingcyclicoppositetheproprotortiltangle availableinVSTOL. Placingtheenginefarout One of the greatest flight safety concerns (forexample,aftstickforaforwardtilt).Theheli boardsomewhatreducestherisktooccupants with the tiltrotor has been engine-out landing. copter must raise its nose dramatically to fromenginefiresandturbinebursts. Forasingleenginefailure in atwin-enginetilt- rapidlybleed speed in the approachto hover. This is where the windows at the helicopter pilot'sfeetbecomemostimportantinmaintain E Helicopler Airplane Rudder ingsightofthe landingzone.Thesameistrue Differentiallongitudinalcyclic forthe acceleration to forward flight. The heli copter must point its nose down, sometimes considerably,toaffectarapidacceleration.The proprotortilt also helps to make upslope and downslope landings safer. The rotor disk can be kept level to maximize longitudinal cyclic authorityto handlegustsand unexpected dis turbances, while the deck angle is made to matchtheslope. The principal penalties of the tiltrotor are found in the weight and complexity of added gearboxes, tilt mechanisms, and cross shaft ing,all contributingto increased unitand sup portcosts.Theissueoftherotordownwashor download on the wing and fuselage in heli copter mode is an endemic tiltrotor concern and one of the primary hurdles to achieving • Rightproprotordisctiltsforward • Ruddersdeflecttotheleft good hover performance. A reduction of just • Leftproprotordiscliltsaft • Aircraftyawsleft 1%indownloadcanadd500lb(225kg)ofpay • Aircraftyawsleft load.Theoutflowoftherotorsimpingingonthe V-22Osprey 9

Bell/Boeing V-22 Osprey: Multi Service Tilt-rotor КНИГИ ;ВОЕННАЯ ИСТОРИЯ Bell/Boeing V-22 Osprey: Multi Service Tilt-rotorByBill NortonPublisher:Aerofax2004 128 PagesISBN: 1857801652PDF120 MBThis joint Bell and Boeing project was established in 1982 in response to the Joint Servic
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