・ ISLAMIC CREED SERIES 1 BELIEF IN ALLAH )nt hc Light of thc Qur'an and Sunnah ιムJ~,,:1 0 {UI 'Umar S. al Ashqar ・ INTERNATIONAL 15ιAMIC PUBLl5HING HOUSE IN THE NAME OF ALLAH , THE ALL-COMPASSIONATEALL-MERCIFUL BELIEF IN ALLAH Title: BELIEF INA LLAH Author: Dr.‘Umar S. al-Ashqar Translated from Arabic edition 10 (1995) English Edition 1( 2002) English Edition 3( 2005) Translator: Nasiruddin al-Khattab Editor: Huda Khattab Layout: IIPH,R iyadh,Sa udi Arabia Cover Designer: Haroon Vicente Pascual,Ar lington,U. S.A. Filming: Samo Press Group 圃 IS LAMIC CREED SERIES BELIEF IN ALLAH In the Light of the Qur'an and Sunnah ,!-ol d.l.I ~ J I Dr. 'Umar S. al・Ashqar Translated by: Na siruddin al・Khattab ... ‘‘ A-a--it--iv .......... .... . ‘‘ ‘ .... . ・・一、‘‘.BEJV おいplA4i削 凶IJI~I |INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC PUBLISHING HOUSE lJN!VLRSITY!.lBRi\RY lJNIVER日日YOF N()R nI( ' AR()UNA Al ClIAPEL 11111 Copyright @ 2005 Internationallslamic Publishing House, King Fahd National Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data Al-Ashqar,U mar S. Belief in Allah in the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah. /U mar S. al- Ashqar; translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab -3rd ed.,.- Riyadh,20 05 …p; 21cm (Islamic creed series 1) 1・Faith(Islamic creed) トNasiruddinal-Khattab (trans.) 11-Title 111・Series 243 dc 1424/2957 Legal Deposit no. 142412957 ISBN Hard Cover: 9960・850・38・2 All rights reserved. No pa同 ofthis book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,e lectronic or mechanical,i ncluding photocopying,r ecording,o r by any information storage and retrieval system,w ithout written permission from the Publisher. International Islamic Publishing House (IIPH) P.O.Box 55195 Riyadh 11534,S audi Arabia Tel: 966 1 4650818 -4647213 -Fax: 4633489 E-Mail: [email protected] -iiphsa@gmaiしcom www.iiph.com.sa coNTENT0 3 PUBLISHER'S NOTE 19 TRANSLATOR'S FOREWORD 21 PREFACE TO THE NEW,R EVISED EDITION 23 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION 25 INTRODUCTION 29 1- χQEEDAH: DEFINITION AND EXPLANATION 29 1) 'Aqeedah: Meaning and Usage 29 2) 'Aqeedah is aM atter of Knowledge in the Heart 30 3) 'Aqeedah means Certain Belief,w ith no Room for Doubt 31 4) The Issues of 'Aqeedah are Invisible 32 5) Correct 'Aqeedah and False 'Aqeedah 33 Where is血e仕ue'aqeedahωday? 34 6) The Importance and Necessity of Islamic 'Aqeedah 35 2・THERELATIONSHIP BETWEEN 'AQEEDAH AND EEMAA ,N AND SHARI'AH 39 1)百leRelationship Between 'Aqeedah and Eemaan 39 2) The Relationship Between 'Aqeedah and Shari‘ah 41 3) Paying Attention to Deeds 42 3- EEMAAN ANDK UFR 43 1) Ruling on Rejection of 'Aqeedah 43 2) Actions and Words Which are Counted as K_u斤(Disbelief)44 3) Attitude Towards the Kuffaar (Disbelievers) 45 4)百leKaafir before Allah 45 6 Contents 5) Neglecting Obligatory Duties and Committing Prohibited Actions 46 i) The attitude of the salaf towards those who comm1t m勾orsms 46 ii) The Khawωrij who denounced people as kaa.fir because of their sins 49 The evidence quoted by the khawaarij for denouncing as kaa.firt hose who commit m可orsins 50 Refutation of the evidence quoted by the khm arij 54 仰 What is meant by the texts in which the Messenger of Allah disowned those who commit sins 59 What is meant by the texts which state that some sins imply Ja.斤andshirk 59 iii) Those who say that the person who commits major sins has perfect faith 63 4- 'AQEEDAH VS. PHILOSOPHY AND 'ILM AL-ιιゐ叫4 64 1) The Difference Between Islamic 'Aqeedah and Phi1osophy and '11m al-Kalaam 64 i) Origins and sources 65 ii) Methodology and way 66 iii) Force白1impact 72 iv) Style 75 v) Deduction method 76 vi) Results 79 2) The Attitude of the Scholars Towards Phi1osophy 81 3) Comparison Between Man of百lOught(Phi1osophy) and 1anof 'Aqeedah 85 恥 Belief in Allah 7 5-SCHOLARS'METHODOLOGYm AFFIRMmG 'AQEEDAH 87 Explanation of百leirSpecious Arguments 90 Texts Which Indicate that Aa}Jaad Reports are Sound Enough to be Us ed as Evidence 96 Refuting the Argument of those Whos ay that Aa加αdA}Jaadeeth C創motbe Used as Proof with Regard to 'Aqeedah 99 BELIEFS WHICH ARE PROVEN BYT HE ARん4DEETH 101 Ruling on Those who Deny that Which has been Proven in Aa}Jaad Reports 105 The Correct Methodology 106 A matter which must be clarified: How can we use the Qur'an to address those who do not believe in it? 106 A Dubious Call: Bringing Religions Together 108 m BELIEF ALLAH 110 Introduction: TheI mportance of this Principle 110 Issues of Belief in Allah 111 CHAPTER ONE EVIDENCE OF THE EXISTENCE OF THE CREATOR 113 1- THE FIRST PROOF: THE EVIDENCE OF THE FITRAH (HUMAN mSTmCT) 113 Sound Human Instinct Bears Witness to the Existence of Allah Without (AnyN eed for Further) Evidence 113 Calamities puri今theEssence of the Fi(rah 116 TheM ushrikeen (Polytheists theIdolaters) to Whomt he Messenger ・ was Sent Acknowledged the Existence of the Creator 117 百leKu._斤ofPeople Nowadays is Greater 119 8 Contents 2- THE SECOND PROOF: THIS UNIVERSE MUST HAVE A CREATOR 119 Let Us Give an Example to Explain官邸 LawMore Clearly 120 百leattitude of the empirical sciences towards this law 125 Reason has no choice but to admit 125 Specious Arguments About the Origin of the Universe 125 1) The View that it Happened by Accident 126 2) TheV iew that Na加reis the Creator 128 Thet heory of self-generation 129 Nature is the laws which govern the universe 130 Nature is af orce 132 Those who came before them said something simi1ar 132 3) Darwin's Theory 133 What does this theory say? 133 Theb ases of this theory 133 Darwin's explanation of the process of evolution 134 Refutation of the bases on which this theory is founded 135 Refuting Darwin's explanation of how evolution works 137 百lIstheory is not supported by reality 139 The attitude of natural scientists towards出is出eory 141 Theory not fact 142 So why did it become so widespread? 142 The Qur'an and Darwin's仕leory 143 The opposite of this theory is the truth 144 In conc1usion 149 Belief in Allah 9 CHAPTER TWO DEFINITlON OFA LLAH AND CONNECTING HEARTS TO HIM 151 INTRODUCTION 151 1- EVIDENCE OF THE UNIVERSAL SIGNS WHICH POINT TOT HE CREATOR AND INITIATOR 151 1)百leQur'anic Meth'Od'Ol'Ogy in Using the Universal Signs as Evidence 151 i) Explring the universe thrugh the Qur'anic descriptin1 51 'O 'O 'O Allah's Actins in the Universe 152 'O ii) The blessings fA llah in the universe 156 'O 官leQ町'佃町gesus t'O seek and kn'Ow Allah 出r'OughHis Universal Signs 159 iii) Hw the Qur'an uses its aayaat (verses) tprve 'O 'O 'O that the Creatris deserving fL rdship and 'O 'O 'O Divinity and t'O prove the falseness 'Ofe very也ing that is wrshipped instead fA llah 160 'O 'O K.u斤(disbelief)is reprehensible and s仕angein the face fs uch c1ear pr f 164 'O 'O'O iv) Th'Ose wh'O benefit企omthe signs 'Oft he universe are thse wh have insight 166 'O 'O v) M dem sciences have severed the cnnectin 'O 'O 'O between mankind and the universe 168 vi) Evidence in creati'On' Of血eat住ibutes'Oft he Creat'Or 170 vii) All油 isthe 'Only One Wh'O is deserving 'Ofw 'Orship 173 2)百leSch'Olars Explain the W'Onders that Allah has Made in His Creatin 175 'O i) Bdies are frmed fc ells,w hich divide 176 'O 'O 'O