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Belcher's farmer's almanack for the province of Nova Scotia, Dominion of Canada, for the year of Our Lord 1890 [microform] PDF

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Preview Belcher's farmer's almanack for the province of Nova Scotia, Dominion of Canada, for the year of Our Lord 1890 [microform]

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The following diagrams illustratethe method: ty errata sd to 1 nt ne peiure, i^on i M A RFI ^(rent,WoolHey'B Copper FaintIftCart^i^s Oil ) Ml lfi» PlLLI, Clothe8-07 & 69 Upper Water St,, Halifax. #_ > s ^^iSffM«6,j, ee X P24 ^4 > C3 ^ C A N A }i^'l„^i 5 m FROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA O kf 1 CO c Dominion of Canada, (0 H >v FOR THE YEA.R OF O OXJJR JL,OTtT> ^ s 1890 H > F o t KSTABIvISHKD 1824:. > SEE INDEX, PAGES 231 AND 235. o Published by the Proprietors, < Kl X HALIFAX, N. S. ^ » ^< SOLD ST CO III A. & W. MACKINLAY, T. 0. ALLEN & CO., KNIGHT & CO., HALIFAX. Co D. H. SMITH & CO., TRURO. ^ Plumbers, Steam and Hot Water & ca, Lt Engrineers, Brass Founders, &e. * Se« Adv«rtisexnent pasos, S30 and. S33. '•«»»*^, ^ BonqnotR at NOTA SCOTIA NUBSEBT, Loclman St., Halifax. BELCHER8 FARMERS [1890 DANIEL CRONAN, ESTABLISHKD 183S. General Merchant. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN WEST INDIA FBODUGE, FISH, OILS, ftc. Furs Furs Furs I I I Unmanufaotured SEAL SKINS and FURS for Bxporta- « tation purchased at Highest Cash Value. e *e»s CRONAN'S WHARF. HALIFAX, N. S. QC — N. B Parties consijniing FURS to the subscriber way rely on receiving promptandsatisfactoryreturnsby thefollowingmail. BROTHERS, Railway, Colliery, SteamsUp, Mill and Contractors' Supplies. Agents forLeflfel and Turbine WaterWheels. Sturtevant's Blowers, Portable Forges, Emery WheelsandGrinders. ShinKleMachines ardMill Machinery ofeverydescription. Pumps, Wrought Iron Pipeand Fittings,BoilerTubes.HairFeltng. Steam Gauges and Glasses, Round !>nd Square Mouth Shovels, Picks, Riddles, Brattice Cloth, Miners'Sstfety Lampsand Fittings.Cotton Waste, Rubberand Leather Belting, Hose&c. AllGoods atManufacturers'Prices. unOequuraalslseodrtitmietnhteoPfroCvyilnicned.eraWndeMkaecehpinteheOilvseriys supply itan—dg—uar—anteesatisfactffWiiooennrse.smtteVdSiSroEefgwNiitnDhniegaFwaOoMnaRrdckhPHiaRennaIao,vCilyESSisp.Birlneadcqlkue.i,redEIfnfgoiwrn,ee,waerIe^wriiclnfl- I 114 EoUis St, - EALZFAZ, N. S. Be sure and call for SIMSON'S LINIMENT, i ^LATVeODONS at N. S. NURSERY, WkiiiAU St., HALIFAX. 1890] ALMANACK. & FULLER CO H. H. Sign of the Circular Saw. ESTABLISHED 188B. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 3 GENERAL HARDWARE 9p e — AND fishjlNG supplies. *^ SD » Beai^uarterB for OoU Mi&era' Ooodt. » 41 to 45 UPPER WATER ST„ HALIFAX, N. S. o 1866 Established 1890 OVER 20 YEARS. B mPURCHASERS OF H o FALL WINTER CLOTHINU BRR Can get just what they want at HIVR." (( 0- AgoodassortmentofUlsters, Overcoatsand Reefers, Shirts and Drawers in H endlessvariety, TAZLOEZ^ra DEFAHTMEITT fc I Now complete, withallthelatestNovelties. Give us a Trial. Satisfaction Guaranteed. N j-iL-is/diES :k:. is/diTjnsrisris, 114 Upper Water Street. Thousands can testify to its remarkable curative properties. f Airares at NOVA SCOTIA NURSERY, Lockman St., Halifax. ^ bblohbr's farmer's [1890 WM. BANNISXELR, IMPORTIR AND RKTAIL DBALBR IS Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, PLATED-WARE AND SPEGTAGLES. Personal attention given to all repairs. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 136 Granville Street, Halifax. H• flt w. naylcSk 3 J. DKALBR IN Stamped, Japanned, Plain and Pieced « t:^inwarei, O •"p*^ •e«O« Galvanizedware, Wire Goods, ficc, &c. QC WHOLKSALE AND RKTAirj. 237 Sarrinffton Street, - BALZ7AZ, XT. S. § 1890. 1890. O Jiats, Caps and Fups, H AT JOHN PHILPS, H. 82 TTpper ^ater Street, - - BALZFAZ, XT. S. Opposite Tobin's South Wharf. SION OF Bia HAT. Br.UJE BE SURE AND MAKE NO MISTAKE OF STORE. Stock of Hats, Caps and Furs now complete, cotibuting of all the most Co fashionablecoloursandstyles. Ladies'and Gentlemen's Kid Gloves and Mitts linedandtrimmed withfur. Gentlemen'sFurGauntlets, &c. Also, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Hat Cases, &c. WOUF AND OTHER ROBES. TheseGoodsareo£feredatthe verylowestpricesfor Cash. Do not fail to callandget Bargains. Mrs. 1. L. ANDERSON, of Cow Bay, C. B., was cured of Plumbagos at N. S. NURSERY, Lookman St., Halifax. 1890] •ALMANACK. O I ^on ^teplien { O ) 9Q MANUFACTURERS OF ^ e S ^ FURNITUEE. a 90 The Leading House in the Maritime Provinces for GB SBB CeWER FAELOR UNI SUITES, 00 Chairs, Spring Beds, Mattresses, &e. e OARPETB, ALSO H e 69' Floor Oilclotlis, Linolenm, Eoarth Rugs, Mats, Window Poles, Gurtains, Blinds, &;g. el B Our Oaxpet and Bouse Fumishinff Department la the 2ffoflt Complete in the Oity. B- QD P Correspondence solicited and promptly attended to. B Goods carefully packed for shipping. STEPHEN & SON, B A. 00 HALIFAX, B* N. 8. B 00 Rheumatism in the hands, after seven years' suffering. API08 at N. 8. NURSERY, L()ekinan St., HALIFAX. 6 UBLCIIKh'h FAUMi'Jlt'M [1890 "Vw^^ZOIjE3-&.XjE. MANCHESTER, ROBERTSON H & ALLISON, St. John, N. B. H IMPORTERS OP British, Frenoli and lierinan goods. C4Q « JOBUKKH or t'A.\/lDliN AWII AMKItl^AN MANIIFACI'IUEKK, Manufacturers of Shirts of all kinds, 2 LadloB' and Misses' Straw fiats, to 01 Xen's and Boy's Straw Bats, Blankets and Oamp Blanketiners, SB fiorse Blankets, Linings and Jumpers. Cloths and Tailors' Ti'immings, Mantlb Cloths, Dress Goods. PQ Bibbons, Laces, Corsets, Handkfs.. Gloves, Hosiery, Buttons, Braids, Small Wares. Dolls, Fancy Goods. O• TMFDV AfTT T hats, bonnets, feathers, flowers, iTllljLli^lJlVl. CHAPES, AND MILLINERY TRIMMINGS. Flannels, Blankets, Mantles, Shawls, Knit Wool Goods, H n Umbrellas, Parasols, Furs. CD GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHINGS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, SCARFS, UNDERWEAR, OVERALLS, JUMPERS, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. Grey Cottons, White Cottonb, Ticks, Prints, Sbirtinp, Cottonadeti. Ginj^hams Linings, Jeans, Cottons, Flannels, Linens of all kinds. Towels, Table Cloths, Napkins, RoUerings, Hessians and Osnabnrgs, Velveteens, Muslins, Knitting Yarnsof all kinds. CAKPErS, OlLCXOTUg, BUCtS, CVUTAIM8, CKKTONNE8 AND HOUSE FVKNISUIWG^ of all kiudH. Our Travellers visit all the principal towns in Nova Scotia at freouent intervals. Prices low, wjd terms liberal. Ordersbymailexecutedcarefully and promptly. Country merchantswhohavenot hithertobeendealingwithus, willfind itto theiradvantagetosend usatrialorder. M. R. & A. By the use of one bottle of SIMSON'8 LINIMENT.

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