Y A D O Page 7 Festival losing its sparkle? Page 9 Street juggler on TV Is the happiness of Spring Festival fading A French juggler is traveling with the rise of China’s wealth? Experts and China to prepare for entertain- Web warriors weigh in on the reasons. ing on the Spring Festival Gala. T Chasing dreams G Young people born in the 1980s have only known a N nation that is ever-growing in wealth and infl uence. Their Chinese Dream may be inspired by the American Dream, but to write it off as a I pirate version would be a huge mistake. J The Chinese Dream is not about building something out of nothing, but about reclaim- I ing the cultural roots lost during tumultuous decades when ide- ology trumped all. E Read more on Page 5 B PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY January 28 2011-February 3 2011 NO. 503 CN11-0120 HTTP://WWW.BEIJINGTODAY.COM.CN CHIEF EDITOR: JIAN RONG NEWS EDITOR: YU SHANSHAN DESIGNER:DENG NING Natural gifts for the new year Page 16 Deliverymen’s Seniors an Community a HSK versions wages, not investment safety net for set to merge work, envied opportunity the disabled this year Page 4 Page 6 Page 8 Page 11 ■ Under the auspices of the offi ce of Beijing Municipal Government ■ Run by Beijing Youth Daily ■ President: Zhang Yanping ■ Editor in Chief: Zhang Yabin ■ Executive Deputy Editor in Chief: He Pingping ■ Director: Jian Rong ■ Price: 2 yuan per issue ■ 26 yuan for 3 months ■ Address: No. 23, Building A, Baijiazhuang Dongli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China ■ Zip Code: 100026 ■Telephone/Fax:(010)65902525 ■ E-mail: [email protected] ■ Hotline for subscription: (010)67756666(Chinese), (010)65902626(English) ■ Overseas Code Number: D1545 ■ (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)1-364 ■ Overseas Distribution Agent: China International Book Trading Corporation January 28 2011 2 Capital’s airport tightens s security after Moscow blast w e Police tightened security at eler arriving from Hangzhou. Capital International Airport The government condemned N this week after a bombing at the Moscow airport bombing Moscow’s Domodedovo airport and offered its condolences to killed 35 and injured 180 on the victims. Monday. Foreign Ministry spokesman A vice minister ordered Hong Lei said China supports the nationwide security checks at all Russian government’s measures transportation and traffic hubs against terrorism. as the country begins its peak Deputy Minister of Public travel season. Security Huang Ming on Tuesday More police dogs have been ordered a thorough security over- deployed at the airport, includ- haul at airports, railways, sub- ing at luggage claim points, ways, sea ports and long distance check-in counters and departure bus stations around the country. and arrival halls. Huang ordered police to Police are monitoring surveil- close all security loopholes lance cameras and the fl ow of and to closely monitor dis- passengers around the clock, an putes and grudges that could airport police offi cer told Xinhua. lead to unrest. More plainclothes police are China has had its share of on patrol, too, Hu Jinhui, a terrorist threats, especially in senior official at the Beijing northwest Xinjiang Uyghur International Airport Police Autonomous Region, which bor- Bureau, said. ders Afghanistan, Pakistan and “We ordered tighter security other central Asian states. overnight to make sure the cap- Local airport has tightened security this week after the Moscow bombing. CFP Photo The last bombing occurred on ital’s airport is safe during the August 19, 2010, in Aksu City. It Chinese Lunar New Year travel Police at the airport were annual rush of travelers ahead to board planes at the airport left eight people dead, including period,” Hu said. already on high alert amid the of Spring Festival, which falls on Tuesday, but that the tightened the two attackers, and 15 injured. February 3 this year. security measures did not cause On March 7, 2008, a 19-year- About 208,000 travelers are noticeable inconvenience. old female Uyghur attempted to City eager to rein expected to arrive at the airport “We waited half an hour in bomb the China Southern Air- every day during the travel the plane before we were allowed lines fl ight she boarded from season, from January 19 to Feb- to disembark. It is OK if the delay Urumqi heading for Beijing. Her in C-section abuse ruary 27. was for security reasons,” said attempt was foiled. Passengers said it took longer Zhuang Zenan, a business trav- (Xinhua) By Han Manman 2,000 yuan, while a C-sec- Revised rules to end most The municipal govern- tion costs 8,000 yuan, thus ment is looking to control the creating financial motiva- city’s high cesarean section tion for some hospitals to (C-section) rate by encourag- recommend C-sections. forced demolitions ing vaginal delivery as part Since some women post- of the city’s 12th Five-Year pone their baby plans for Plan (2011-2015), the Beijing a career, an infl ux of older Women’s Federation (BWF) mothers may also contribute By Han Manman nizations to take over this work, deadly property, but that courts said Monday. to the high C-section rate. The central government issued according to the regulations. and local people’s congresses Offi cials at BWF said Better nutrition and living new rules to end forced demoli- If authorities cannot reach an should independently and most mothers in the city conditions result in bigger tions amid an increasing number agreement with residents over effectively exercise their author- have been misinformed that infants and overweight of deadly property disputes. expropriations or compensation ity to review and supervise the children born by C-section women, who may have diffi - The rules target disputes over for their property, then the demo- local governments’ expropria- are more intelligent and that culties during vaginal delivery, house expropriation and demoli- lition can only proceed pending tion practices. the procedure is less painful, according to the Municipal n tion and strive to give equal con- court approval. Land disputes have become a Ya leading many to opt for the Bureau of Health website. sideration to both public interests The previous rules had autho- serious social problem in recent o surgical procedure. “A few women also said and the rights of property owners, rized local governments to enforce years as some local offi cials and a The federation said it will they believed C-section was h according to a statement issued demolitions at will, Shen said. developers seek to cash in on the Z cooperate with related less risky,” Zhang said. er: health departments in the Surgery may injure adja- bthye t hSeta Lteeg Cisoluatnivciel Aafnfdai rths eO Mffi cinei os-f that“ Tthheer er ewgiulll abteio nno d moeosr en footr cseady nexaptieonns’es obfo homom, esoomwneetirms’e rsi gaht ttsh.e gn city to educate pregnant cent organs – especially the try of Housing and Urban-Rural demolitions, because there might According to fi gures released si mothers about the safety of bowels, bladder and attached e Development. be cases where homeowners by the China Academy of Social D vaginal delivery and encour- blood vessels of the mother – n age them to choose it when Zhang said. There is also an lencIet nstoart ecdo ertchiaotn nceaint hbeer uvsieod- atebeursse,” tShheeirn r sigahidt.s to act as profi - Stacniekn, cfi egsh, tas toovpe gr olavnerdn amcceonut ntht ifnokr ma giving birth. increased risk of infection and to force homeowners to leave. However, when the local gov- 65 percent of all rural “mass con- n BWF did not say how it of blood clots in the legs, which a Nor could illegal measures such ernment has a stake in the pro- fl icts,” and the problem is preva- M hopes to control the rate in time may break away to cause a as cutting off their access to cess, such as when it is in charge lent in cities as well. an to meet its fi ve-year target. pulmonary embolism. water and electricity. of expropriation, a check and bal- Last October, demolition H C-sections are the most C-sections result in re- The rules also banned land ance from the courts could reduce workers broke into a house slated or: common method of delivery hospitalization twice as often developers from being directly the number of arbitrary deci- for demolition that belonged to a dit in China, accounting for half as vaginal delivery. involved in demolition and relo- sions, he said. 54-year-old man in Shanxi Prov- E of all births, by far the high- “Surgical delivery should cation procedures. Compensation was a major ince. The owner, who had earlier Y est rate worldwide according only be used when compli- “Links between demolitions concern when drafting the new refused to leave, was pulled from A to the WHO. cations develop during birth and developers’ business inter- regulation. The new regulations the house and beaten to death, Zhang Weiyuan, a sur- that put the mother or baby’s D ests have long been an important require that homeowners be paid Xinhua reported. geon at the Beijing Obstet- life at risk,” he said. element fueling land disputes,” a compensation no lower than the The new rules, which came O rics Gynecology Hospital, “Every pregnant woman said Shen Kui, a law professor at market price of a similar prop- into effect last Friday, replaced said his hospital delivered wants a healthy baby, so T Peking University. “By minimiz- erty at the time of expropriation. 2001 regulations on administra- 50 percent of its infants by it is important to talk to ing business interests ... the new The previous regulation pro- tion of demolition and relocation G C-section, and that abuse of your obstetrician to under- regulations could reduce these vided that compensation for in cities. It was fi rst reviewed at a the procedure was wasting stand the options. The types of incidents,” he said. demolished home could be deter- State Council executive meeting N medical resources. better informed you are, The local government will be in mined through government-led in December 2007. Later, public I He said the cost of the safer the delivery will charge of land expropriation and price appraisals, Shen said. opinion was twice sought in 2010 J natural delivery is around be,” Zhang said. I compensation. It has the option to He said the new regulation after revisions had been made to E authorize other non-profi t orga- may minimize the frequency of the regulations. B January 28 2011 3 P2P leader forced to shut down service s w A biological fertilizer proj- By Wang Yu Opened in 2003, the site was said he began planning the trans- given users like me a lot during ect wins the top Social Cre- e Verycd.com, one of China’s built around the eMule fi le shar- formation of Verycd a year ago. the past seven years. However, ative Award. fi rst and most popular peer- ing client. The site does not carry With the government’s new poli- I understand the importance of Photo by Zhang Congzhi N to-peer (P2P) download sites, fi les, but offers links which spawn cies to support Internet copyright copyright protection. The site is closed its movie and music ser- into the program. During the past protection, it became hard for wise to change itself,” said Vin- Competition fi nds vices last weekend. The move few years, the site grew to include Verycd to survive without ending cent Wen, a network engineer. was seen as the sign of the links for music, movies, software, up in court. Hong Bo, an Internet analyst, new solutions for government’s newfound zeal for magazines and educational mate- Huang denied rumors that said it is hard for a pure P2P social problems enforcing copyrights. rials. Verycd would be turning into a sharing website to fi nd a practi- Last Saturday night, users At the end of 2009, social networking site. He said cal business model. By Liang Meilan found that the movie and music BTChina, another popular BT that user’s habits have shifted However, as most overseas channels of Verycd were closed download site, was closed as from downloading to streaming video and music content is The fi nal round of the without announcement. News part of the government’s cam- media. He said this is why the still prohibited from being second College Students Entre- spread online via microblogs, paign to shut down illegal site’s movie, music and TV chan- imported, such sites rise up preneurship Challenge ended and a day later, the channels downloads. Verycd survived. nels now link users to other to meet netizen demand. He Tuesday at China Youth Uni- returned with all download However, the site has never legal video sharing sites such as suggested that the best way to versity for Political Sciences. links removed. been licensed to distribute videos PPlive.com. combat them may be for the Eight of the more than Software, games and books and music online. “I’ve been a user of Verycd government to open its doors 200 student teams from 10 remain available on the site. Huang Yimeng, its founder, since 2003. I think the site has to more legal media. universities competed in the fi nals. The newly created Social Creative Award went to a biological fertilizer Oldest bathhouse applies for improvement and promotion project designed by students from Shantou University. World Heritage status Team leader Su Caihong, a senior studying biotech- nology, said he was inspired by society’s growing aware- ness of the dangers of chem- ical fertilizers. “They cause extensive damage to the rural environ- ment, hardening soil and caus- ing it to tire. They also harm the people who eat the end products,” Su said. Su collaborated with two classmates to provide a fea- sible alternative: a composite biological fertilizer made by mixing bacterial manure and farm manure. “It even costs less to pro- duce than chemical fertilizers because the raw materials are already in abundant supply throughout the countryside,” she said. Su’s team is currently work- ing to improve the technology and promote its use in rural areas. Standing Committee member of Cheung Kong Design Research Center Zhou n a Lening said a highlight of this Y year’s contest was that many ao projects were concerned with Zh social problems like pollution er: and unemployment. n Creative projects to sig grow vegetables on roof- e D Bathing fans at Beijing’s last bathhouse Shuang Xingtang is holding a New Year’s gala in the bathhouse. CFP Photo tops and compile books of n stories collected from a m senior citizens were highly Beijing’s last bathhouse, be preserved and protected yuan per month and at 5 yuan Tan said. In Shuang Xing- n praised by judges. a Shuang Xingtang, is facing as treasure,” said Xiong Zhi- for admission the bath only tang, topics range from traf- M demolition and relocation. To zhong, the owner. costs me 150 yuan per month. fic jams to the North Korea Projects that provided a n solution to social problems a save the site and preserve local Though the price of com- It was a worthwhile invest- nuclear debate. H bathing culture, it has applied modities continues to climb, ment,” Tan said. Last Saturday, bathing fans ipnr ohteeactltiohn c, aerdeu, ceantvioirno,n pmoveenrttayl or: to be included on the List of Shuang Xingtang maintains its “But at only 5 yuan, even met for a New Year’s gala in and employment were given dit World Heritage. 5-yuan admission. It has a dedi- if we host 200 people per the old bathhouse. They con- E extra marks. Y Shuang Xingtang, located cated following of bathers who day it cannot pay the cost of structed a humble stage out The challenge was con- in Nanyuan, Fengtai District, also come for scraping and fi re rent, utilities and labor,” Xiong of deck chairs and white bath A ducted by Cheung Kong Design has a history going back 90 cupping treatments, tea samples said. “We are helping to adver- towels and performed naked Research Center and Know D years. It still has its traditional and games of Chinese chess. tise time-honored brands and or half-naked. About Business Entrepreneur- O layout and large water tank Local residents Zhang and develop other businesses like Attendees said it might be ship Education organization despite most of its surrounding Tan said they moved to the karaoke, massage and fi tness.” their last chance to meet up. (KAB). This year’s competition T homes having been leveled. area from Fangshan district The bath has fans in all Most were pessimistic about a began in September with pre- “It’s hard to say when and the former Chongwen strata of the workforce. Some future without the bath house, liminary selections. G Shuang Xingtang’s turn will district so they could visit bathers are retired cadres and and said they hoped the appli- Award winners will be sent N come. If we are accepted into every day. others former pedicab drivers. cation for the List of World to attend MaD (Make a Dif- the List of World Heritage, “I rented a house near “When you’re naked and Heritage would pass. I ference), a high-level interna- J then the old bathhouse will Shuang Xingtang for 500 talking, there is no status,” (By Pang Xiaoqiao) tional creative conference in I Hong Kong. E B January 28 2011 4 Deliverymen’s high pay depends on hard work e r u By Liang Meilan t Showing off or dis- cussing salaries is popular a on the Web. Recently, a e Sina blogger claiming to be an express delivery man F boasted that he earns 15,000 yuan per month. Some responses questioned his honesty, some were envious and others were furious. The e-commerce market has created a massive boom in logistics, and express delivery is seeing the bulk of that vigorous growth. Delivery men are in short supply, and in many big cities their earn- ings can far exceed the local average. But that success may not be all good news for the workers. Spring Festival is the busiest time of the year for express deliverymen. Li Xi/CFP Salary gap rented house in Tongzhou District. to shoulder increasing pressure. In the capital where some Another signifi cant factor Shunfeng Express is No.1 graduates earn less than 2,000 contributing to the salary gap among China’s hundreds of local yuan, Huang, a high school gradu- is the work area. People in express companies. In the indus- ate from the Hebei Province coun- charge of “hot destinations” like try, the company is well known for tryside, seems lucky. Zhongguancun in Haidian Dis- its rapid delivery, considerate ser- “I had a hard life when I trict and the Financial Street vice and high price. join the company in 2006. I tend to earn more. Xu Yong, chief adviser of China was earning only 700 yuan per “Working region is distributed Express Consulting Company, said month based on my 200-yuan randomly. I am relatively lucky that research has shown that the base salary and 500-yuan com- to cover two business communi- average salary for a Shunfeng mission,” Huang said. ties in Xibahe area on East Third delivery man ranges from 2,000 Today, Shunfeng delivery men Ring. Some of my colleagues work- to 4,000 yuan. earn a base pay of 1,500 yuan. A deliveryman eats lunch on the way to send his parcel on time. CFP ing in Zhongguancun get 11,000 “A handful of them can earn The difference in their salaries yuan per month. Besides, the huge more than 5,000 yuan, and it’s depends on how many express one item. It is much better than 8:30 am and continues until 6:30 amount of mail goes to a rela- not unheard of for them to deliveries they handle. my friends working for small pm. On most days, he delivers tively small area, so they have a earn more than 10,000 yuan per Commissions vary between companies who get 0.2 yuan,” 30 packages. During peak sea- good opportunity to meet repeat ng month,” Xu said. express companies. Larger oper- Huang said. sons like Mid-Autumn Festival clients,” said Huang. Ni Huang Ruyi, 33, has been ations like Shunfeng pay a com- “So if you want more money, and Spring Festival he can see In Shunfeng, a delivery man g delivering for Shunfeng for four mission of more than 1.5 yuan move faster and win more cli- more than 200 packages per day. gets a 3 yuan commission for n e years. Now earning 5,000 yuan per for each package. ents,” he said. But in this labor-intensive home-service mail to be sent: two D er: month, he lived with his wife in a “I earn 3 yuan delivering Huang’s work day starts at industry, workers like Huang have times more than a delivery. n g si Rising pay a trend 700,000 new mail. in some companies is as high as e D “That number will triple this 50 percent,” said Xu Yong from an quicHkulya. nIgn’ s2 0s1a0l,a rhyi s ahvaesr agger opwany yearB,”u ht eth sea ilda.bor pool is far from ChiFnaac Eexdp wreisths Cthoinss ulalbtionrg .s hort- eil of 5,000 increased 50 percent over strong enough to support this age, express companies are rais- M the year before. growing business. One of the major ing their pay to retain quality ng His story is a miniature of the reasons is personnel loss. employees. Lia express industry, and that growth “The intensive job is too “The labor cost in the express n is linked to e-commerce and ele- much for many young people industry has grown from 10 to 30 ha vated consumption ability. born in the1980s and 1990s. percent. The average wage of a ns Gong Tao, logistics director Many of them would rather go delivery man will go up 20 per- ha A deliveryman takes a nap during the of Taobao, said that each day to a second- or third-tier city to cent this year, and may double by S night work. Hu Yuanyong/CFP trades on his site generate fi nd easier work. The turnover 2014,” Xu said. u Y s: or Life still hard Hou – young migrant workers Hou faints easily in hot weather. friends and eat out. he said. dit with education levels below high But he never goes to the But that lifestyle doesn’t The miserable workload also E Y That pay is enough to attract school graduation. They are rep- hospital. allow him to save any money to keeps many deliverymen stuck A some tougher youngsters. Hou resentatives of the second gener- “I don’t need to see a doctor. send home. as perpetual bachelors. Hou Yixiao, a 21-year-old from Hebei ation of migrant workers. It is just a symptom of anemia. His network of friends is quite hopes to eventually earn enough D Province, is among them. Though they earn more I know the cure: candy. So I limited. Most are either people to become his own boss so he O Unable to pay his tuition, money than other migrant work- always eat a package of candy in from his hometown or colleagues. will have the free time neces- Hou was forced out of high ers who are in construction or summer,” he said. Their entertainment is limited to sary for family life. He plans to T school and turned to working catering, they too struggle with Earning 4,000 yuan a month, online games, shopping and loaf- get a loan from his family and as a vegetable vendor. When he life in the big city. Hou is able to rent a two-room ing around. While they dream of use it to buy a working area G heard from his friends that deliv- Hou works eight hours a day apartment he shares with his city life, they have little commu- from his boss and start his own N erymen in the capital earn sev- and has one day off each week. To colleagues. nication with city people. delivery service. eral thousand yuan per month, earn more, he works late helping After work, his major pas- “Sometimes I feel I’ll always “The industry is really I J he decided to come seek a dream the company sort out its pack- time is playing online games at be stuck as a low-class worker, promising, and I believe I’ll be I job at an express company. ages for the next day. That work an Internet cafe. Several times especially when I have ill-tem- able to earn a lot more very E Most deliverymen are like has taken a toll on his health, and a month, he goes to meet his pered clients shouting at me,” soon,” he said. B January 28 2011 Chasing the Chinese Dream 5 ’80 Chinese shifts values on nationalism k o Expert’s view The nationalism of ’80s o generation’s isn’t hostile By Li Zhixin l Chinese of the ’80s are gaining more t Before Chinese pres- and more attention as people expect China ident Hu Jintao headed u to become more open, confi dent, tolerant to the US for a state visit and responsible when people from this last Tuesday, The Inter- generation step into leading roles. O national Herald Tribune As a major consumption group, they (IHT) tried to explore have power to dominate and change the what drives Chinese Chinese market according to their inter- people, especially those ests. They are also very tech-savvy, having grown up with the Internet. born after 1980 who Public opinion of this generation was will soon be moving into negative just a few years ago. They were positions of infl uence perceived as self-centered and spoiled. and wealth. It wasn’t until the Wenchuan Earth- China’s economy is quake and Olympic Games in 2008 that roughly a third the size they began to stand out as symbols of the US’ $15 trillion, of nationalism and patriotism, showing but based on high strong solidarity and responsibility when they were called to duty: as rescuers in growth rates in China Sichuan Province and as Olympic volun- and low growth in the teers in Beijing. US, the Economist mag- The generation has a strong national azine estimates a shift identity – not the same thing as nation- in economic dominance alism – and are not narrow-minded. It may come as early as is unlikely they will seek confl icts with 2019. Goldman Sachs other nations. Their nationalism is based guesses 2027. on gaining the respect they deserve and fair treatment on the international stage. IHT correspondent In addition, this generation is more Didi Kirsten Tatlow reasonable than most of their predeces- interviewed a group of sors and can scrutinize international and ’80s youth – born in domestic events with a more critical eye. the decade after China’s China’s rapid economic development economic and social lib- has made the ’80 generation more con- eralization began – and fi dent, and that has tamped down its asked what they think nationalism, making it appear less hostile to foreigners. of the Chinese Dream The group has begun to think about and the future relation- the future of the country seriously and ship between China and become aware of traditional Chinese cul- the US. She wrote an ture and values. They are more tolerant article titled “National- and invested in seeing the sustainable istic and Chasing the development of the country rooted in its Chinese Dream.” own history and culture. Although people of this generation still have to face many challenges and prob- lems, their confi dence for the future and Young Chinese people on Tian’anmen Square wave Chinese fl ags during a memorial for victims of persistent efforts to revive Chinese civili- the Wenchuan earthquake. Bao Fan/IC Photo zation and realize the Chinese Dream will bring the country to a new and better level g Ge Yang, a 26-year-old After the tradition-smash- build anything out of nothing. city of Chongqing, left China that will also benefi t the whole world. n editor at Umiwi.com, a Beijing- ing politics of the fi rst three We believe that you can love in 2003 and now works in an – Zhang Yiwu, deputy director of Ni based website for and about decades of the People’s your family and your country administrative job at a Swed- Cultural Resources Research Center of ng the ’80s generation, said the Republic and three further and return to your cultural roots, ish university. Both she and Peking University De meraajtoiornit y– o fe pspeoecpilael liyn thheors gee nin- dgreocwadthes tohfa t rahpaisd deecostnroomyeidc slouscth i na st hCeo lnafsutc 6iu0s y. eSaor ms.”u ch was hise rtr yhiunsgb taon dsl obwe loierv eev ethne s tUopS er: big cities and with decent jobs some of the country’s envi- “We want to rejuvenate our China’s rise – a common Related gn si – don’t envy the US and its ronment and cultural heri- values and fi nd our soft power belief among Chinese – but The connotation of e D material wealth. tage, China’s young adults are as a nation,” she said. say that’s understandable. “We have all the material searching for values and moral Dong Mushi, 29, a project “They’re using their ideol- Chinese Dream n e things here that America has, meaning, said Ge, who stud- manager at a state-owned elec- ogy to lead the Western world,” On a national level, the Chinese Dream h like iPhones, which are really, ied Chinese literature at Bei- tricity company in Beijing who Yang said. “That’s normal in is to create the maximum amount of com- ao r“eWaell yc anlo gveetd t hhee bree,s”t osfh ael l tshaeidir. jing“ WNoer amrea nl Uotn iidveeorlsoigtyic. al. We hhae si sn efvaerr mbeoerne tpoo tshitei vUeS a, bsoayust tithiecs e, caonndo mCyh iannad w ino ugllodb daol ptohle- ftohret ofpopr oarltlu Cnihtiinese snee epdeeodp lteo, agcivhiinegv et hseelmf- ng D goods, so that’s not an issue.” are patriotic, we are nation- the US than his parents, who, same. I can totally understand worth and freedom. Also implied is the ua do “cBuulttu wrael lcya: np’tr oddou wceh atth tihnegys alolivset icth. eBiru tc othuenntr, yw?”h os hdeo esasnid’t. hpoe listaicyasl, psreies mth. ings through a tdhoiisn ga anndy tdhoinng’t wtrhoinngk. ” they’re denevveirloonpmmeenntt oanf tdh ne aptoulritailc aenl svyirsotenmm, esnotc.ial or: H like Tom and Jerry cartoons, “We’re not poor anymore, we “My parents say the US Yang, Dong and Ge all agree The Chinese Dream has three phases dit Transformers, Avatar, Incep- enjoy life. We want a life with is trying to control the world that just because China may that might be summarized as: raising the E Y tion, iPhones, Barbies. Amer- quality, with meaning and not with democratic ideology, but overtake the US in GDP doesn’t self (self-improvement through virtue); ica has things we really, really just a working life like our par- I don’t think so. I don’t like to mean it’ll feel like a rich place. contributing to the community (do as A like, on a cultural level.” ents had.” judge any nation based only on China’s population is so big you would have done to you); and D This generation of youth Ge’s work at the website politics. I prefer to see people’s that they expect that on a per embracing the natural (man is an inte- is the fi rst to grow up under brings her into daily contact real feelings about living in a capita basis it will remain a gral part of nature). O China’s one-child policy. They with a broad range of opinions country,” he said. “To me, the developing country for a very This is a humane and sustainable T happily admit they are prone among the ’80s generation. She US is a country with the most long time. dream in accordance with the values and to selfi shness. Yet, generally, predicts the next three decades advanced modern culture, a “Look at last year when civilization of China: pursuing individ- G they are also engaged in soul- will see people here pursuing generous place where every- China overtook Japan, it didn’t ual self-realization, enjoying inner peace, N searching and conscious of the Chinese Dream. one, no matter where you’re make us feel we were better balance and calm; interacting with the their historical mission in “This is a big topic here right from, can fi nd a comfortable than Japan. Our average community in search of harmony and I J pointing their country toward now,” she said. “It’s inspired by life, and I like that.” income is still far below theirs,” sense of honor; and coexisting with the I a better future and away from the American Dream, but dif- Yang Li, 30, a law grad- Ge said. natural environment, respecting and pro- E poverty of the past. ferent. Americans say you can uate from the southwestern (Agencies) tecting nature. B January 28 2011 6 Aging China: crisis or opportunity? Elderly population offers silver lining for investors s s China faces an aging crisis. The country had 169 million e people older than 60 at the end n of 2009: 12 percent of the pop- ulation. The fi gure is expected i to reach 250 million by 2025 s and 400 million by 2050. An aging population brings u greater pension pressure, increasing medical expenses B and a heavier burden for young taxpayers. However, looming businesses are starting to tap the rapidly expanding senior citizens’ market. They may be sitting on the country’s new boom industry. Retired professor Chen Analyst Chongyu and his wife Liu Zhen- juan dreamed of coming back to Industry seeks support China from their daughter’s home from gov and business sector in France, but until last year the couple had nowhere to go. By Huang Daohen which standards to follow. That changed when they found The market for the aging They are afraid if they invest Cherish-Yearn, an upscale retire- population is the next big thing in the services now and later ment community on the fringes of for the country, said Lillian Qi, the government changes its Shanghai and a pioneer in catering a Nielsen analyst specializing standards, they will lose out. to the country’s prosperous elderly. Businesses are just starting to tap the rapidly expanding senior citi- in the seniors industry. They could end up having to “Every year we would come zens’ market. Zhang Hao/CFP Photo Businesses that tap the rebuild or change some facili- back to China and we would country’s elderly are seeing ties,” Qi said. visit retirement homes. But we a total 300 billion to 400 billion total investments are expected to increasing growth in recent For investors who want to couldn’t fi nd anything,” said yuan in annual disposable income, be between 15-25 billion yuan. years as more people join the take a share of this market, 79-year-old Chen, a history pro- according to Kunal Sinha, chief Real estate opportunity ranks of the retired, she said. Qi said more effort should fessor who specialized in the knowledge offi cer at marketing The country’s biggest property “They are living longer than be made to produce products French revolution. fi rm Ogilvy & Mather in Shanghai. developer, Vanke, is also launch- their predecessors and the elderly people need and want. “When we fi nally found this That will rise to 5 trillion yuan ing four retirement projects, market is growing much faster Investors used to put more place we felt we could return.” over the next three decades. including one in Beijing. than most people realize.” emphasis on housing proj- China’s traditional model of Hypermarkets “In many of the older Vanke But Qi said both the gov- ects, health care and medical, children living with their elderly at the forefront developments, about 30 percent ernment and the business but elderly people also need parents is under siege, thanks to Hypermarkets in the country’s of the residents are elders living sector have a lot of work to do entertainment. 30 years of the one-child policy megacities have caught on to the alone – empty nesters. So we’re if they are going to appeal to Qi predicted a growing and rapid urban migration. fact that seniors are the main gro- looking into different ways of seniors. demand for senior-oriented Leaving their daughter’s home cery shoppers in the family, send- meeting their needs,” said chair- In China, policy is always entertainment since so many in France, Liu, 74, and Chong ing morning buses and offering man Wang Shi, who himself is 59 seen as the weather vane for people have both the time paid 690,000 yuan ($104,545) to discounts to lure them in. and an active mountaineer. investments. Qi said the gov- and money needed to enjoy move into a three-room apart- But apart from health supple- Vanke’s new retirement devel- ernment should implement it. “Toys and tourism are two ment on Cherish-Yearn’s beauti- ment makers, few industries are opments will be rental properties, policies to create an environ- of the fi elds that are worth fully sculpted campus. working to attract their money. marking a new business model for ment that supports industries exploring,” she said. An annual fee of 88,000 yuan Still, in recent years there’s the company. that target the elderly. He also said investors covers basic medical and cleaning been a sudden uptick in invest- Retirement communities are Currently, overseas funds should start looking for new services, and various activities. ment in senior homes and so- still a rarity in China, and upscale are prohibited from being ways to stimulate elder The country had 169 million called “silver towns.” ones even more so. Less than 2 per- directly involved in retirement people’s desire to spend. Cre- people over 60 by the end of 2009, Yoko Marikawa, a Japanese cent of the country’s elderly live in projects, and foreign fi rms are ating senior-only special offers g or 12 percent of the population. consultant specializing in the nursing homes, said Ninie Wang, still waiting for the govern- and senior-targeted advertise- g Nin Tliohnat p neuomplbee bry w 2il0l 2ju5m. p to 250 mil- sheenr ioCrhsi innedsues tcrlyie, nsatsy sh aalvmeo ostp 5e0ne odf aa ngdo fvoeurnndmeern otf aPdinveistorere oSne rvaigciensg, mseenniot r-troe laistseude i nsvteasntmdaerndtss .on mogenniztse mneigwh ta vmenakuee st hfeomr t hreecir- n And their spending power is or are planning to open retirement which provides services to elders “Investors don’t know spending, she said. De rising. Chinese seniors command communities in the country. Their at their homes. (Agencies) er: gn Western Union says growth driven by cultural demands si e D n By Huang Daohen ident of Western Union Asia billion in hongbao. Chinese students, travelers and e The global money-transfer Pacifi c. “China always has been an entrepreneurs exploring the h o agency Western Union has A recent Nielsen report important market for West- overseas markets. a D stepped up efforts to integrate sponsored by Western Union ern Union, considering the Western Union has been g with local culture in the China said hongbao still plays an volume of the country’s recording double-digit growth n a market, its second largest recip- important role in modern overseas migrants,” Yue said. in the Chinese market, Yue said. u H ient of remittances. China, despite the country’s Last year, the trans-border The fi gure for 2009 is 17 per- or: In January 22, the com- growing prosperity. remittances market in China cent, Yue said. dit pany unveiled the world’s big- Chinese people, especially reached $50 billion. The company is working on E gest hongbao, a traditional red those overseas, still see cash as The company had agree- adding more electronic chan- Y envelop, at a Chinese New Year the most appropriate gift for close ments with nine local banks nels for money transfer, aside A celebration in Fuzhou, Fujian family members to maintain con- and was available at 25,000 from its current bank outlets, D Province, the hometown of nections, the report said. locations in China as of the Yue said. Direct transfer to many overseas workers. Li Furen, who returned end of 2009. bank accounts is its top pri- O The record-breaking enve- from the US, agreed. Li said “We now cover all the prov- ority, since China had 2.2 bil- T lope, measuring 1-by-2.2 meters he used to send hongbao back inces, and that means we are lion registered bank accounts and certifi ed by the World to friends and relatives when able to help overseas migrants as the end of last year. G Record Association, was cre- he was working abroad. “It is quickly send their hongbao to Yue said the company will ated to underscore the age-old a chance to express love and their loved ones,” Yue said. leverage its emerging technol- N Chinese tradition of giving cash best wishes,” she said. Though overseas remit- ogies like online money trans- I wrapped in colored paper to Yue said he expected that tances are still the bulk of the fers and mobile money transfers. J loved ones during Spring Festi- during this Lunar New Year, company’s business, Yue said Burgeoning Internet users and I E val, said Drina Yue, managing Chinese from home and there has also been increase cell phone users are the poten- B director and senior vice pres- abroad will give more than 1 in outbound remittances from tial future, she said. Yue unveils the biggest hongbao. Photo by Huang Lixin January 28 2011 7 Looming festival crisis e Is the Lunar New Year culture fading away? t a b e D For many young people, traditional performances during the Spring Festival are more like ads to attract consumers. CFP Photo Ya Lan, an offi cer at a French company’s made snowmen, set off fi reworks and made By Li Zhixin/Zhao Hongyi Beijing branch, said she is overwhelmed lanterns. “But that has gone away,” he said. With Spring Festival coming up, many families are busy preparing with work that needs to be done before the It doesn’t help that Beijing has hardly gifts and dinners for family reunions with their children and relatives. But holiday. “Spring Festival is only a holiday in seen a fl ake of snow all winter. our mind,” she said. Yang said while it may not feel as festive despite the festive spirit, many young people in China are complaining “I always remember the old habits of these days as before, he still has hope. they no longer feel the atmosphere of Spring Festival. preparing for Spring Festival in the 1950s “Look at the number of people going With rising living standards come rising workloads, and it seems a and 1960s,” Yang Yu, a professor at Peking back to their hometowns for family reunions result of that is lessened interest in taking time off for traditional Chiense University, said. Chinese New Year’s was during Spring Festival,” he said. “This holi- holidays, including Mid-Autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival. festive “even though life was hard.” day is part of our blood.” Yang said he will always recall how he Expert’s view Comment While Spring Festival is losing its attraction here, it is gaining traction g n with people in other parts of the Spring Festival holiday contentment and want to The festive spirit to cerebrate Spring Festival. Ni world. In many East Asian countries, it is too short express their cultural nostal- continues to thrive But since in every society hol- g remains one of the most important fes- We only get a seven-day gia. If our migrant workers in people’s hearts idays are a precious time for en tivals in the year. leave for Spring Festival, and can also lead a better life, The rating of CCTV’s families, couples and friends D Even in Senegal, Africa, local TV we have to spend two or three Spring Festival culture will Spring Festival Gala shows to reaffirm and strengthen er: channels broadcast Spring Festival pro- days journeying home and soon be rejuvenated. it has become a vital part of their relationship, wherever gn grams from CCTV. coming back. And our entire – Duan Qigang, New Year’s Eve celebrations or in whichever way they si e The festival cannot disappear from holiday is usually spent visit- editor at a press house in China, though I’ve heard celebrate them, the festive D our life. We have to do something to ing relatives and friends. It’s The Spring Festival’s different opinions about this spirit will continue to thrive n improve, reform and enrich the ways hard to fi nd time or energy to glamour not weak program. in their hearts. he we celebrate the festival. participate in any other cel- in terms of food The Chinese have real- – Hiroyuki Kojima, ao First, I think that we need to comb ebratory activities. Spring Festival is the ized the importance of deputy director of D the culture and make the celebrations – Meng Jie, secretary in greatest culinary event on the traditional customs and try Japan Foundation ng more simple. Only in that way can a foreign trade corporation planet. People eat out on Chi- to observe them, particu- The festive spirit is ua people like it, accept it and follow it. What we lack is nese New Year’s Eve and the larly during Spring Festival. kidnapped by gift-giving H Second, we should utilize modern peace of mind ready meal concept is threat- Many people take their fam- culture in offi cial circles or: technology and tastes, such as Inter- Even if the holiday is ening to make its way even to ilies and friends to temple The Spring Festival is the dit net greetings. We could make a car- prolonged, the Chinese New stay-in diners. But talking to fairs during the Spring Fes- best chance in the year to give E toon to introduce the holiday to young Year’s festive atmosphere is my colleagues, I was happy to tival to watch acrobatic gifts to and enhance rapport Y children. weak because we fail to put know that many of them will performances or savor deli- with superiors and business A Third, we need to emphasize the our minds at rest during the still help their mothers and cious snacks or buy sou- partners, which sometimes D important parts of the festival, such as holiday. Especially anxious grandmothers cook a variety venirs. The atmosphere in infl uence one’s luck in offi cial family reunions and festival songs. are those from rural areas: of dishes they don’t have the such places is really festive. circles and business in the O Fourth, we need to market festival in the city, they are home- time or inclination to do at Of course, there are a large coming year. So many people T products like red lanterns, festival sick; back home, they keep other times of the year. There- number of Chinese who also gradually become indifferent foods, gifts and fi reworks. thinking about job security. fore, Spring Festival can be prefer going abroad during on the festive spirit but attach G Last, we should understand that Why overseas Chinese regarded as the ultimate safe- the holiday. more importance on how to N traditional culture dictates Spring Fes- people can make every guard for China’s family culi- People’s values are please their superiors and tival represent natural principles, har- Spring Festival a big cul- nary traditions. diverse, so we cannot say business partners. I mony, peace and patience. tural feast is because they – Grayson Clark, an doing certain things in cer- – Jing Jing, J I – Zhang Xiaolan, senior editor, live and work in peace and international consultant tain ways is the best way bank clerk E China Culture Daily B January 28 2011 8 Community service net for people e with learning disabilities needed r u t By Chu Meng a The latest statistics on the China Disabled Persons’ Federation’s website, current as of 2006, show that China has 10 million mentally disabled people. Only 1.5 million of them are able to acquire vocational skills. e There is no safety net for the mentally disabled. The system prods them toward dead-end existences: uneducated, unemployed, even homeless. F Hundreds of grassroots NGOs across the country aim to provide daily care and vocational training to help the mentally disabled, but many of these organizations struggle to get accredited and operate in debt using business plans that may not be sustainable. There is one NGO, Huiling Orga- nization, that is showing others how things can be done. Huiling has broken away from traditional insti- tutional care to help disabled resi- dents forge a life of their own. Foreign tourists learn Peking Opera with Huiling’s mentally dis- Independently raising money abled members. CFP Photos A man who wishes to be iden- tifi ed as Ma Bo, 28, was happily monthly incomes and earn money vate sector. decorating a traditional Beijing directly by selling small handicrafts In China, a country without any courtyard with Spring Festival to tourists,” Meng said. laws or administrative regulations lanterns and paper-cuts in Yanle In need of a welfare system for regarding care of the disabled, these Hutong last Saturday morning the mentally disabled people are seen as a burden – to as his friends were busy making By providing home-style daily the state and, in many cases, to their dumplings and handicrafts. care and basic vocational training own family. The courtyard is where Huilin in the making of handicrafts and “China has not warmed up to the Organization has been located since art, Huiling aims to help its trainees concept that taking care of the dis- its establishment in 2000. Ma is one become independent. abled is the responsibility of society, of the residents: he has received day- In the courtyard, Ma and his and not just the ‘bad luck’ family,” care and vocational training for the classmates are learning at a train- Zhang said. last two years. In the lovely court- ing center called the “Three Pri- He said that though there are yard, he has a total of 30 “class- mary Colors”, which was set up charity houses under the Ministry of mates” in the courtyard. by Meng. Civil Affairs, they only help home- Except for his slightly delayed The workshop provides train- less disabled people. reaction speeds, Ma – and most of ees the tools to create a range of Grassroots forces can be more his classmates – is no different from arts and crafts, such as gift cards powerful an average person. He has skills – and calendars. Zhou Peiyi, a social worker from he can cook – and hobbies – he likes “They gain vocational skills and Hong Kong working for Huiling, to draw – and, yes, feelings – he has a sense of self worth, as well as said that Hong Kong can be a model a crush on a girl. wages for their work,” Meng said. for Beijing. At noon, a group of Belgian tour- She complained that while China She said babies who are deemed ists will have lunch with them. “I is engaged in improving almost all mentally handicapped are specially love to see those foreigners in Peking sectors of its social welfare system, monitored by a government branch Opera costumes play with us,” he it has long neglected the physically until they reach 6. said. “That’s so funny. And I can sell and mentally disabled. They will receive special edu- my cookies and toys to them.” Meanwhile, grassroots forces are cation until they turn 15. After- With the help of the Intrepid weak. In the Summit Forum for the wards, they will receive professional Foundation, an Australia-based Special Olympic Games held in Bei- training and assistance in fi nding n Ya charity organization, Huiling has jing in September 2008, an offi cial employment. o gotten many foreign tourism agen- from the China Disabled Persons’ “These bills are all paid by the ha cies to list its venerable courtyard Federation said that nationwide government,” Zhou said. “Mean- er: Z itnin aYtaionnles .H Tuhtoisn gis a mjuostn go nthee iorf dtehse- tnhizeareti ownesr ep oronvlyid 3in,5g0 d0a pilryi vcaatree o trog aa- wfohr itlhe,e mso cailal lt hweoirr lkifeer.s” will be there gn many ingenious ways Huiling Orga- Members from Beijing mere 110,000 mentally and physi- Meng said the system is a fi ne esi nization, which subsists entirely on Huiling Organization cally disabled people. idea, but before it can be estab- D donations, makes money. make eco bags for sale “Beijing has about 100 such lished, private organizations must g Having traditional dumpling at a shopping mall. NGOs, but none of them are legally become more adaptable and help en lunches, playing games and registered under the Minister of the mentally disabled under the cur- M buying handicrafts are three typi- Civil Affairs. Everybody knows the rent guidelines. u cal things foreign tourists do when reason. No governmental depart- “Instead of building hundreds of h C they visit Huiling. ment would like to serve as their empty state-owned shelters, NGOs n Huiling Organization got its supervision body. No supervision, that are based in local communities a h start in Guangzhou in 1990, no registration,” Meng said. should provide education and voca- ns founded by Meng Weina, a pioneer Zhang Baolin, chairman of the tional training,” she said. a h among NGO workers in China. The Mentally Disabled Department Huiling’s vision is for the men- u S Beijing branch of Huiling was co- under the China Disabled Persons’ tally disabled to have equal oppor- Y founded by Meng and Jane Pierini, Federation, said that low- and tunities to contribute to their s: a British social worker from Hong medium-grade mentally disabled communities. Editor Kzaotniogn, icnu rArpernitll y2 0h0a0s . bTrhaen cohregsa niin- Foreign tourists visit Huil- ppeoosiptiloe narse t hfraetq aumenotulyn ct oton ssilganvee dla ibnotor the “qOuualri tym oifs sthioen l ivise s toof tihme pmroevne- Y Xi’an, Tianjin, Chongqing, Chang- ing Organization. in underground factories. tally disabled and their families,” A sha, Qingyuan in Guangdong Prov- Zhang said between 2007 and Meng said. ince and Hong Kong. 2010, his organization received 21 Meng is now running a new proj- D Meng said her community-based reports of slave labor cases involv- ect called “Family Group Homes” by O organization is running a “profi t- ing mentally disabled people from renting apartments where a house- making model,” but “not for the 10 provinces. Most were working in mother or father provides family- T organization itself.” underground coal mines and brick style care for up to six residents The money it gets from hosting kilns. Two people were killed in whose parents would otherwise not G tourists is given to the disabled. And these environments. be able to care for them. N how much money? “Defi nitely more “It’s not the greed of factory “All in all, the best help for the I than the municipal government’s Foreigners learn Chinese bosses, but the vacuum in the wel- mentally disabled is not to keep J minimum monthly income bench- calligraphy with Huiling fare system,” Zhang said. them at home, away from social life, EI mark,” Meng said, proudly. Organization. He suggested the government but to teach them how to go out,” “Our members can both receive could give more freedom to the pri- Meng said. B January 28 2011 9 French juggler performs in Spring Festival gala s w By Wang Yu began focusing on contact juggling – University next to Dongzhimen For most jugglers, their stage a form of object manipulation that Hospital. As a foreigner practicing e is the street or small venues focuses on the movement of objects Chinese massage, Lindenlaub usu- n that cater to niche audi- such as balls in contact with the ally stuns his customers. ences. Few have the chance to per- body. Five years later, Lindenlaub “At fi rst they feel strange but form with more than 1,000 other started to perform on streets and in soon they see I’m not that differ- artists in a TV gala broadcast to a European festivals. ent from Chinese masseurs,” Lin- t national audience. “What attracted me to juggling denlaub said. “Doing massage is a But that’s the honor given to is its nature of sharing with people,” my job, but it’s also connected with French juggler Matthieu Linden- Lindenlaub said. “When you per- juggling. You have to feel with your p laub, 28, who spent four days in form on the street, you’re sharing hands and try to develop your sen- Shenyang, Liaoning Province two something with the passengers. sitive touch.” x weeks ago with local artist Jiuji When practicing with other art- In Beijing, Lindenlaub juggles at to record the Spring Festival Gala ists, you share your new tricks Natooke, the fi xed-gear bicycle and E of Liaoning. with them and develop new moves juggling shop at Wudaoying Hutong. Lindenlaub was the only for- together. It used to be a part of the He got to know local artists and for- eigner to appear in the four-hour circus but now it is more open. eign jugglers through that shop. show. It took him one week of prac- “Above all, juggling does not “Before that, I never expected tice with Jiuji to master all the tricks. require much money or good to meet so many people who juggle “That was crazy for me. I don’t equipment. All you need is a here,” Lindenlaub said. “I met Jiuji know if there are any shows like mirror ball, then you can play at one such event. Now he’s a part- this in Europe. There were about everywhere.” ner and also my agent. He knows a thousand artists performing one Contact juggling has its own me and what I do well.” after another and the venue was style. Lindenlaub tends to focus on Lindenlaub’s fi rst performance huge. Everything was new to me one ball and use different parts in China was last October at the there,” Lindenlaub said. of his body during a performance. opening party for a new furniture However, that wasn’t the fi rst In France, jugglers are part of a showroom. After that, offers came time the juggler performed on Chi- very small scene. But because of regularly. Now Lindenlaub prac- nese TV. Last week he showed up that, they are all close with each tices several hours after work – on a CCTV program with his part- other, and Lindenlaub has had he’s the equivalent of an unpaid ner. The TV station did not arrange many opportunities to join them at intern – in the hospital. an interpreter, so he had to answer various meet-ups across Europe. “I’m not in a hurry because questions from the audience with Besides juggling, the artist has both juggling and Chinese massage his limited English. a regular job as a masseur. He require a lifetime to master,” he Infl uenced by his father, who is learned Chinese massage in 2004 said. “But I still hope that I can stay also a juggler, Lindenlaub started and practiced last year at the Bei- here longer and fi nd a job – though to juggle 12 years ago. In 2001, he jing Traditional Chinese Medicine it isn’t easy for a foreign masseur.” Matthieu Lindenlaub Photo provided by Matthieu Lindenlaub n a Y o a h Z er: n g si e D n a m n a M n a H or: dit E Y A D O T G N I J I E B January 28 2011 10 Australia Day celebration benefi ts Event Reducing stress for pets young people and fl ood victims during Spring Festival Spring Festival is a time y for fi reworks – lots and lots of fi reworks – but while it t creates a festive atmosphere By Liang Meilan for bipeds, what about your i On Wednesday, to celebrate four-legged friends? To pre- n Australia Day, the Australian vent pets from freaking out, Chamber of Commerce (Aust- veterinarians and pet behav- u Cham Beijing) held a youth ior experts from the Interna- networking event at Punk Bar tional Center for Veterinary m featuring a scholarship program. Service (ICVS) will offer tips It will organize another charita- for pet owners this Saturday. ble celebration tonight. Where: ICVS, Kent The scholarship program, m Center, 29 Liangmaqiao Lu, called Australia China Young Anjialou, Chaoyang District Leaders Program, is co-organized When: January 29, 11 am with the Australia China Council o and aims to get talented young – noon Tel: 8456 1939 Australians to work and study in Cost: Free C China. The Australia Day event was held to introduce these schol- Celebrate Spring Festival arship recipients to the Austra- with the Australia China lian Community in Beijing. Alumni Association The Friday event will be the Celebrating Spring Festi- AustCham Beijing Australia Day val in a traditional Chinese Kooka Networking Drinks, held way can be a special experi- at Aria in China World Hotel. ence for expats. The Austra- Internationally recognized The Australian Chamber of Commerce holds a youth networking event at Punk Bar to celebrate Aus- lia China Alumni Association Michelin Star executive chef Mat- tralia Day. Photo provided by The Australian Chamber of Commerce is providing a good chance thew McCool will be preparing by holding an event with a traditional Australian dishes. Australian community in Bei- packs of Australian meat, Aus- anniversary of the arrival of the banquet dinner that includes In addition, the coming event jing, so AustCham will be raising tralian beer and wine, and Aus- First Fleet in Sydney Cove on dumplings and beer. will help AustCham Beijing raise money to assist in the recovery of tralian clothing. January 26, 1788. The First Fleet Where: Baguo Buyi Res- money for victims of the recent affected people. Those who want to attend was the fi rst group of 11 ships taurant, 2/F, China Southern fl oods in Australia. The fl oods People attending the event can visit austcham.org for more that sailed from Britain to Aus- Hotel, 10 Dongsanhuan Lu, have directly and indirectly will have the opportunity to win information. tralia to establish the fi rst Brit- Chaoyang District affected many members of the many prizes including large Australia Day celebrates the ish colony there. When: January 28, 7-9 pm Sharing ideas at Beijing Open Party for geeks Tel: 6567 2188 Cost: 130 yuan, 100 yuan for members By Liang Meilan generated by member submis- you make,” said Li Xiang, a con- they’re held in bars. Open Party On January 21, in the sions and voting. sultant from Thoughtworks. hasn’t gone that far – yet. Learn to make traditional Thoughtworks Beijing offi ce near Saturday’s meeting covered “The core of such events “In China, it is very hard to Chinese crafts Dongzhimen, some 80 IT prac- topics related to co-working, is providing opportunities for fi nd a venue for geek gatherings,” Lily’s Showroom, an titioners and enthusiasts from startup fi nancing, Buddhism, the geeks who are used to staying at said co-founder Qian Anchuan. antique store at Gaobeidian all parts of town teamed up for Java mobile platform develop- home to go out and meet each “Open Party set the example, and Furniture Street, is holding a an “unconference” gathering all ment and product quality. other,” said Li Dan, one of Open I hope the format can be used by workshop for expats to learn about sharing ideas. Topics are not limited to IT. Party’s founders. other IT communities.” to make Chinese folk crafts. The event was organized by an In the fi rst session, attendees “Knowing well that geeks don’t Open Party is benefi cial in Where: Lily’s Showroom, IT network called Beijing Open listened attentively to a lecture necessarily like being confi ned at another broader sense. 3/F, Gaobeidian Furniture Party, the only network that con- about Robert’s Rules of Order, home, we decided to borrow the “Many Chinese people make Jie, Chaoyang District nects various online technophile which guides procedures to per- concept of unconference, a topic- friends based on practical rea- When: every weekend, 9 groups such as Beijing Java User fect effi ciency. driven community event format sons. They even know how to am – 5 pm Group. It holds monthly events. Open Party once invited an we frequently saw in the Bay calculate the ROI (return on Tel: 13651348956 Unconferences, which Open NGO to talk about its nonprofi t Area and Silicon Valley,” said co- investment) in making a new Cost: 100 yuan, includes Party introduced to Beijing in charity tour. founder Tian Yue. friend. But they forget that friend- material 2008, are rare in China. The “In hearing it, I realized life In Western countries, uncon- ship is about sincerity and self- (By Liang Meilan) topics are not predetermined but isn’t just about how much money ferences can be so informal that lessness,” Tian said. g n Ni g n e D er: n g si e D g n Yi ei W or: dit E Y A D O T G N I J I E B