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Biol.Rev.(2016),pp.000–000. 1 doi:10.1111/brv.12269 Behavioural, ecological, and evolutionary aspects of diversity in frog colour patterns ∗ Bibiana Rojas CentreofExcellenceinBiologicalInteractions,DepartmentofBiologyandEnvironmentalSciences,UniversityofJyvaskyla,POBox35,Jyva¨skyla¨ FI40001,Finland ABSTRACT The role of colours and colour patterns in behavioural ecology has been extensively studied in a variety of contexts and taxa, while almost overlooked in many others. For decades anurans have been the focus of research on acoustic signalling due to the prominence of vocalisations in their communication. Much less attention has been paid to the enormous diversity of colours, colour patterns, and other types of putative visual signals exhibited by frogs. With the exception of some anecdotal observations and studies, the link between colour patterns and the behavioural and evolutionary ecology of anurans had not been addressed until approximately two decades ago. Since then, there has been ever-increasing interest in studying how colouration is tied to different aspects of frog behaviour, ecology and evolution.HereIreviewtheliteratureonthreedifferentcontextsinwhichfrogcolourationhasbeenrecentlystudied: predator–preyinteractions,intraspecificcommunication,andhabitatuse;andIhighlightthoseaspectsthatmakefrogs an excellent, yet understudied, group to examine the role of colour in the evolution of anti-predation strategies and animalcommunicationsystems.Further,Iarguethatinadditiontonatural-historyobservations,moreexperimentsare neededinordertoelucidatethefunctionsofanurancolourationandtheselectivepressuresinvolvedinitsdiversity.To conclude, I encourage researchers to strengthen current experimental approaches, and suggest future directions that maybroadenourcurrentunderstandingoftheadaptivevalueofanurancolourpatterndiversity. Key words: colouration, predator–prey interactions, visual communication, sexual selection, conflict resolution, spaceuse. CONTENTS I. Introduction .............................................................................................. 2 II. Predator–preyinteractions ............................................................................... 2 (1) Camouflage .......................................................................................... 2 (2) Aposematismandmimicry ........................................................................... 4 (a) Thepuzzleofpolymorphicwarningsignals ....................................................... 8 (b) Honestyinwarningsignals ....................................................................... 10 (3) Conspicuouscolourationrevealedthroughmovementorbehaviour ................................. 11 III. Intraspecificcommunication ............................................................................. 11 (1) Matepreferencesandassortativemating ............................................................. 11 (a) Colourscanattractbothmatesandpredators .................................................... 13 (b) Sexualdichromatism ............................................................................. 13 (2) Intrasexualcompetitionandconflictresolution ....................................................... 13 IV. Habitatselectionandspaceuse .......................................................................... 15 V. Futuredirections ......................................................................................... 16 VI. Conclusions .............................................................................................. 16 VII. Acknowledgements ....................................................................................... 17 VIII. References ................................................................................................ 17 * Addressforcorrespondence(Tel:+358408054622;E-mail:bibiana.rojas@jyu.fi). BiologicalReviews(2016)000–000©2016CambridgePhilosophicalSociety 2 BibianaRojas I. INTRODUCTION behavioural and evolutionary ecology of anurans had not been properly addressed until approximately two decades ‘Anextensivesurveyoftheorganicworldthusleadsustotheconclusion ago. Previous studies focused mostly on the inheritance of that colour is by no means so unimportant or inconstant a character colour patterns (Davison, 1963; Resnick & Jameson, 1963; as at first sight it appears to be; and the more we examine it the more Fogleman,Corn&Pettus,1980;Blouin,1989);butseeNevo, convinced we shall become that it must serve some purpose in nature, 1973, for an early study on the selective pressures involved andthatbesidescharmingusbyitsdiversityandbeautyitmustbewell inthemaintenanceofcolourpolymorphismincricketfrogs). worthyofourattentivestudy,andhavemanysecretstounfoldtous.’ – Recently, more attention has been paid to the enormous A.R.Wallace(1877,p.643) diversityofcolours,colourpatterns,andothertypesofvisual Signals are supposed to evolve so that the signal-to-noise signals displayed by frogs (e.g. Ho¨dl & Ame´zquita, 2001), and how those signals are tied to different aspects of frog ratio (the contrast between the signal and the background ecology and behaviour. Here I aim to review the diversity noise) is maximised (Endler, 1992, 1993a; Bradbury & of frog colouration in relation to behaviour and ecology. Vehrencamp, 2011), while signal degradation is minimised I do so whilst focusing on those cases in which colour (Endler, 1992). Selection also tends to favour signals with patternsarevisualsignalsontheirown,describinghowthese a high efficacy not only in terms of their transmission and signals are currently thought to function in the context of detection, but also in their ability to elicit a response in anti-predation strategies, intraspecific communication and the receiver that increases the sender’s fitness (Guilford habitat use. Lastly, I suggest future directions within each & Dawkins, 1991) while maintaining the receiver’s fitness context that might fill some of the current gaps in frog unaffected. An exception to this is deceptive signals, which colouration research; and highlight the need to strengthen deliver incorrect information about the signaller and thus and broaden the current experimental approaches in order benefit the sender at the expense of the receiver (Wiley, towidenourunderstandingoftheadaptivevalueofdiversity 1983,1994;Mokkonen&Lindstedt,2015). in frog colouration, and to identify the candidate selective Different modalities of communication entail diverse pressuresthatmightbeshapingsuchdiversity. advantagesandconstraintsonthesignalsinvolved(Bradbury &Vehrencamp,2011).Acousticsignalscanbeadvantageous overlongdistancesbecausesoundwavescantravelforlonger througheitherairorwaterwithoutdegradingcomparedto, II. PREDATOR–PREYINTERACTIONS for example, light. This is particularly useful for nocturnal animals given the low or non-existent light levels at night Colourationmayhaveanenormouseffectonanimals’fitness (Bradbury & Vehrencamp, 2011). Chemical or olfactory because of its adaptive function as an interspecific signal in signals are also good in low-light scenarios, but they rely thecontextofpredation,amongothers.Whilesomeanimals heavilyonthecharacteristicsofthemediuminwhichtheyare gain protection from predators by blending with their sur- transmitted(Bradbury&Vehrencamp,2011).Visualsignals, roundings(camouflage;Edmunds,1974),manyspeciesalso ontheotherhand,workwellovershorttomediumdistances haveconspicuouscolourpatternsthatwarnpredatorsabout provided there is a lack of physical obstacles between theirunprofitability(Ruxton,Sherratt&Speed,2004).The the sender and the receiver, suitable contrast with the latterstrategyisreferredtoasaposematism(Poulton,1890). background,andaminimumofenvironmentallight(Endler, 1992, 1993a); they can have different shapes and sizes, and (1) Camouflage may convey information either on their own (static signals; e.g.diverseandconspicuouscolourpatternsinbirdplumage; Camouflageinvolves a seriesof strategies that preventprey Andersson, 1994) or when accompanied or enhanced by from being detected or recognised by predators (Edmunds, repeated movements or displays (dynamic signals; e.g. the 1974;Stevens&Merilaita,2009).Suchstrategiesinclude,for extension of a coloured dewlap in combination with head instance,crypsisandmasquerade.Commontypesofcrypsis bobbinginAnolislizards;Losos&Chu,1998). arebackgroundmatching,wherebyananimalresemblesits The role of colour patterns as visual signals in animal background colouration and thus avoids detection (Endler, behaviour and ecology has been studied extensively in a 1988), and disruptive colouration, which involves markings variety of contexts and taxa, but has been neglected in that make it difficult for the predator to distinguish the others. For example, for decades anurans have been the outline or shape of the prey (Thayer, 1909; Cott, 1940). focusofstudiesonacousticsignallingduetotheprominence Masquerade, whereby animals resemble an uninteresting of vocalisations in their communication system. Not only objectintheirsurroundings(i.e.arock,aleaf,astick,etc.), hasitbeendemonstratedthatfrogsemitcallswithdifferent preventspreyrecognitioninstead(Skelhornetal.,2010).Both functions (Gerhardt & Huber, 2002), but they have also crypsis and masquerade ultimately deprive the predator of beenshowntohaveoutstandingsensoryabilitiesthatallow key information about the prey and, therefore, constitute them to be both physiologically (Capranica & Moffat, a form of deception (Caro, 2014; Mokkonen & Lindstedt, 1983) and behaviourally (Ame´zquita etal., 2011) tuned to 2015). Camouflage is a widespread anti-predator strategy the characteristics of their own species-specific acoustic among anurans, which is reflected in the prevalence of signals. By contrast, the link between colouration and the earthycolourssuchasdifferentshadesofgreen,brownand BiologicalReviews(2016)000–000©2016CambridgePhilosophicalSociety Functionandevolutionoffrogcolourdiversity 3 greyinmanyspecies(Wells,2007).Itcanbeeffectiveonits phenotypes (apostatic selection), because the fitness of each own,asinyoungPristimantiszeuctotyluswhosecolourpatterns morph will be inversely related to its frequency in the resemble those of the mossy substrate (Fig. 1A), or Hyla population(Allen&Greenwood,1988;Endler,1991a;Bond japonica,whichchangesitsdorsalcolourtomatchthatofthe & Kamil, 1998; Bond, 2007). Thus, by being polymorphic background(Choi&Jang,2014);butcanalsobeenhanced the per capita predation risk of a given species might be withparticularbehaviours.IndividualsofCraugastorfitzingeri, reduced,astheabundanceofanyofitsmorphswouldbelow forexample,becomecompletelyimmobileaftereveryjump comparedtoamonomorphicspecies(Endler,1991a).Despite and can also hide their head in the leaf litter; experiments the prevalence of colour pattern polymorphisms among withhumanobserverswhoknewexactlywheretosearchbut cryptically coloured anurans, the mechanisms that allow still could not easily locate individuals have demonstrated for their maintenance remain rather obscure. According to thatthedetectionofthesefrogscanbeextremelydifficultfor Hoffman&Blouin(2000),thereisevidencethatvariationin predators(Cooper,Caldwell&Vitt,2008). colourpatternscanbeinheritedandstrongindicationsthat Colour pattern polymorphisms [the simultaneous predationcouldindeedbetheselectivepressurebehindsuch occurrence of two or more forms within a population diversity, but with a few exceptions (Tordoff, 1980; Morey, with the rarest form occuring at frequencies higher than 1990;Wente&Phillips,2005)mostevidencetodateremains thoseexpectedbymutationpressure(Ford,1945)]arevery merelycorrelational. common among cryptically coloured species, and frogs are Although there are many frog examples illustrating the no exception (Hoffman & Blouin, 2000; Wells, 2007). For benefits of background matching, evidence describing the example,thefrequenciesofcolourpatterns(grey,green,and function of disruptive colouration or masquerade is very red) in two species of Acris (A. gryllus and A. crepitans) are limited and mostly anecdotal. Indeed, despite the fact correlated locally with variations in substrate colour (Nevo, that it has been suggested to be common among anurans 1973). Remarkably, these species show seasonal variation (Wells,2007),disruptivecolourationhasnotbeenpurposely in the frequencies of each colour pattern, suggesting that examined experimentally (Rudh & Qvarnstro¨m, 2013). a morph that is, for example, favoured in spring when Examples of what might be disruptive colouration are everything is green, will not be favoured in the autumn, markings such as light dorsal stripes, and blotches or spots whenthebackgroundvegetationwillbemorered.Likewise, thathinderdefinitionofthebodyshapeorbreakupthelimbs in Dendropsopus (formerly Hyla) labialis, a frog species with (Wells,2007),aswellaslaterallinesthatcrosstheeyeswhile an extensive latitudinal and altitudinal distribution, there confounding their shape (Toledo & Haddad, 2009; Amat, are at least five distinct morphs whose frequency seems Wollenberg&Vences,2013).Thebest-knownillustrationof to be correlated with the predominant background at masquerade,ontheotherhand,isprobablyfoundinspecies each location. For instance, individuals with spotted colour living in forests, which can presumably trick predators by patternsaremorecommoninpopulationsathighelevations, lookinglikedeadleaves(Duellman&Trueb,1994),suchas where the background vegetation is dominated by mosses somespeciesofthegenusRhinella(Fig.1B–D). (Ame´zquita,1999).Thissuggeststhatcolourpolymorphism Attempts to demonstrate the adaptive value of any of in this species may have evolved as a form of crypsis theseformsofcamouflage,ortotestspecificallyfortherole (Ame´zquita, 1999). Interestingly, colour patterns also seem ofpredatorsastheselectivepressurebehindthisdiversityin toberelatedtobodysize,sothatgreen-dominatedmorphs protective colour patterns (i.e. through apostatic selection), are smaller than brown ones (Ame´zquita, 1999), pointing could benefit from the use of well-established protocols at a potential link between colouration and life-history employed in other systems. For example, experiments with traits that has been surprisingly understudied in anurans. bothhumanandavianpredatorsforagingoneitherartificial A long-term study on Eleutherodactylus coqui in Puerto Rico prey items, or virtual prey on computer screens have revealed the existence of 21 distinct pattern morphs whose demonstrated that certain colour patterns increase prey frequenciesalsodifferamongpopulationsandarecorrelated survival,viabackgroundmatchingordisruptivecolouration, with the background colouration (Woolbright & Stewart, implicating the role of visual predators as a selection agent 2008).Individualswithlongitudinaldorsalstripesweremost on the evolution of diverse protective colouration (Allen common in grassland areas, whereas individuals with spots & Clarke, 1968; Allen & Greenwood, 1988; Bond & and bars were more common in the forest (Woolbright Kamil, 2006; Fraser etal., 2007; Karpestam, Merilaita & & Stewart, 2008). Likewise, females of Rhinoderma darwinii, Forsman, 2013, 2014). An alternative approach to tackle which are mostly brown, are found on brown substrates, similar kinds of questions, which has been widely used for whereas males, which can be either green or brown, research on aposematism (see Section 2.2), is to deploy are distributed across brown, green and brown–green artificial prey in the field and document and compare backgrounds(Bourke,Busse&Bakker,2011). attackratesondifferentmorphsbynaturalvisualpredators Ingeneral,theassociationbetweenbodyandbackground (Cuthilletal.,2005;Valkonenetal.,2011;Farallo&Forstner, colouration suggests that frogs try to reduce predation risk 2012). Studies involving actual frogs would also be highly through crypsis. Cryptic polymorphic species may have an informative, as they can account for decisions made by advantage over monomorphic ones if they are exposed to the individual frogs themselves. For instance, in an elegant predatorsthatpreydisproportionatelyonthemostcommon experimentinvestigatingwhetherindividualsoftwodifferent BiologicalReviews(2016)000–000©2016CambridgePhilosophicalSociety 4 BibianaRojas (A) (B) (C) (D) Fig.1. AnexampleofbackgroundmatchinginayoungPristimantiszeuctotylus(A);andexamplesofmasquerading,whereafemale Rhinellamargaritiferaisshowntoresembleadeadleaf(B–D).Images(C)and(D)areforthesameindividualphotographedatdifferent distances.Photocredits:BibianaRojas. morphs of Hyla regilla expressed colour pattern-mediated (2) Aposematismandmimicry microhabitat selection, chemical cues of a snake predator Aposematismisananti-predatorstrategythroughwhichprey were used to evaluate how predator presence affected warnpredatorsabouttheirunprofitability(presenceoftoxins the frogs’ choice (Wente & Phillips, 2005). The authors orphysicaldefencessuchasspinesorirritanthairs)bymeans found that, in the presence of predator cues, both green ofspecificcolourpatternsthatactaswarningsignals(Poulton, and brown frogs preferred a substrate that matched their 1890; Cott, 1940; Ruxton etal., 2004; Rojas, Valkonen & own colour. In the absence of predator cues, however, Nokelainen, 2015b). This strategy works in such a way only green frogs exhibited a significant preference for a that predators learn the association between the warning matchingbackground,whichsuggestsapossiblegenetically signalsandtheunprofitabilityoftheprey,andsubsequently linkedassociationbetweenphenotype(i.e.dorsalcolouration) avoid them (Endler, 1991a; Endler & Mappes, 2004; and behaviour (i.e. preference for a matching background) Ruxtonetal.,2004). (Wente&Phillips,2005). Several species of frogs exhibit conspicuous colouration Finally,thecombinationofthesekindsofexperimentswith and have a wide array of skin toxins (Wells, 2007), such as methods that allow for detailed analyses of colour patterns variousspeciesofMantella(Fig.2A,B)andthe‘Tomatofrogs’ while accounting for predator perception (Endler, 1978, 1984, 1990, 2012; Osorio & Srinivasan, 1991; Vorobyev (genus Dyscophus, Microhylidae; Fig. 2C) from Madagascar & Osorio, 1998; Vorobyev etal., 1998; Endler & Mielke, (Garraffo etal., 1993a); the Corroboree frogs (Pseudophryne 2005;Kempetal.,2015;Renoult,Kelber&Schaefer,2015) corroboree; Fig. 2D) and other myobatrachids from Australia opens a broad range of possibilities to study the evolution (Dalyetal.,1990);BrachycephalusephippiumfromBrazil(Fig.2E) of camouflage strategies in anurans. For instance, a field (Sebben etal., 1986); and numerous species of Bufonids in experiment where dummies with different colour patterns the genera Melanophryniscus (Fig. 2F) (Garraffo etal., 1993b; aredeployedondifferentbackgroundstoevaluatehowattack Grant etal., 2012) and Atelopus (Fig. 3A, B; Kim, Kim & rates differ among groups could be complemented with a Yotsu-Yamashita, 2003) from South and Central America. surveyoftheactualfrogsintheirnaturalhabitat,recording However, probably the best-known example of aposematic informationontheexactspotwhereeachindividualisfound. frogs are the dart poison frogs (Dendrobatidae; Fig. 4) Ifnotonlythisinformationiscollected,butalsostandardised (Stynoski, Schulte & Rojas, 2015). The varied toxins found photographs are taken of both the individual frog and its inthisNeotropicalfrogfamily(Daly&Myers,1967;Myers microhabitat, similarities between the frog colour patterns &Daly,1976,1983;Dalyetal.,1994,2002)aresequestered anditsbackgroundcouldbemeasured,andtheaccuracyof fromtheirspecialiseddiet(Saporitoetal.,2004,2007a),which camouflagequantified. consistsmainlyofants,termites,mitesandotherarthropods BiologicalReviews(2016)000–000©2016CambridgePhilosophicalSociety Functionandevolutionoffrogcolourdiversity 5 (A) (B) (C) (D)) (E) (F) Fig.2. Aposematicfrogs(A)Mantellabaroni;(B)Mantellaaurantiaca;(C)Dyscophusguineti,knownasthe‘Tomatofrog’;(D)Pseudophryne corroboree;(E)Brachycephalusephippium;and(F)Melanophryniscusrubriventris.Photocredits:A–C,GerardoGarcía;D,J.P.Lawrence;E, TaranGrant;F,MarcosVaira. foundintheleaflitter(Toft,1995;Darstetal.,2005).Toxins possiblythreetimes(Santosetal.,2003;Vencesetal.,2003). vary noticeably within the family in composition, amount, Thecombinationofbrightcoloursandhightoxicityinthese andpower,butmostarelipophilicalkaloids(Saporitoetal., frogs has traditionally been put forward as an example of 2012).Onedendrobatidspecies,Phyllobatesterribilis(Fig.4D), aposematism(Myers&Daly,1983;Poughetal.,2001),even has the most potent non-proteolytic (alkaloid) toxin among thoughthefirstexperimentalattemptstoshowpredatoraver- vertebrates, batrachotoxin (Myers, Daly & Malkin, 1978). sionofcolourfuldendrobatidsonlytookplaceafewyearsago Each of these golden yellow or metallic orange frogs can (Saporitoetal.,2007b).Whileithasbeensuggestedthatsome have up to 1.2mg of toxin which, if it comes into contact crabs,snakes,beetlelarvaeandspidersfeedondendrobatid withanopenwound,couldpotentiallybelethaltohumans tadpoles (Gray & Christy, 2000; Stynoski etal., 2014), and inadoseaslowas200μg(Myersetal.,1978). someseeminglytoxin-resistantsnakesmightfeedonjuveniles During the last 15years, various studies have demon- (Myersetal.,1978),themajorpredatorsofadultpoisonfrogs stratedanevolutionarylinkbetweencolourationandtoxicity are still not known with certainty, presumably due to the in dendrobatid frogs (Summers & Clough, 2001; Santos, frogs’successatdeterringpredators.Asindicatedbyanecdo- Coloma & Cannatella, 2003; Summers, 2003; Darst etal., talobservationsandexperimentsinthefield,ants,Paraponera 2005), suggesting that bright colouration has evolved inde- clavata(Fritz,Rand&Depamphilis,1981),andspiders,Cupi- pendentlyatleastthreetimes.Dietspecialisation,whichisin ennius coccineus (Szelistowski, 1985) and Sericopelma rubronitens turn linked with higher levels of toxicity (Darst etal., 2005), (Gray,Kaiser&Green,2010),rejectthemasprey;butthere might have itself evolved independently at least two, but are also some accounts of fish (Santos & Cannatella, 2011), BiologicalReviews(2016)000–000©2016CambridgePhilosophicalSociety 6 BibianaRojas (A) (B) (C) Fig.3. Atelopusaff.franciscus(A)dorsaland(B)ventralcolouration.(C)Geographicvariationinthedorsalandventralcolouration ofMelanophryniscusrubriventris.Photocredits:A,B,BibianaRojas;C,MarcosVaira. snake (Fig. 5A) (Ringler, Ursprung & Ho¨dl, 2010; Lenger, models representing local frogs are usually less frequently Berkey&Dugas,2014),andspider(T.Larsen,personalcom- attacked than dull models, models representing novel munication; Fig. 5B) predators. Experiments with frog clay morphs, or familiar models placed on novel backgrounds, models(seebelow),suggestthatpoisonfrogscouldbesubject atleastforcoloursresemblingthemorphsofOophagapumilio toattackbybirdsandcrabs.Theseresultsareinagreement in Costa Rica (Saporito etal., 2007b; Hegna etal., 2011; withatleastoneobservationofacrabfeedingonanindivid- Stuart, Dappen & Losin, 2012) and Dendrobates tinctorius in ualofOophagahistrionicaintheChoco´ regionofColombia(A. FrenchGuiana(Noonan&Comeault,2009;Rojas,Rautiala Ve´lez&S.Ko¨rting,personalcommunication;Fig.5C),and &Mappes,2014b).Interestingly,anexperimentcarriedout twoobservationsofadultrufousmotmots(Baryphthengusmar- inIslaColo´n(Panama´)showedthatthelocal,greenmorphof tii)consumingoneindividualofD.auratuswithnoapparent O.pumiliowasattackedatsignificantlyhigherfrequencythan negative effects (Master, 1999) or feeding individuals of O. theforeign,redmorphfromthemainland(Hegna,Saporito pumiliototheiroffspring(Alvarado,Alvarez&Saporito,2013) & Donnelly, 2013). According to the authors, this result (Fig. 5D). Additional evidence obtained in studies incorpo- suggeststhatredmightbeamoreefficientpredator-deterrent rating taxon-specificvisionmodelling(Maan &Cummings, warningsignalregardlessofwhatthelocalsignalis.Finally, 2012; Crothers & Cummings, 2013; Dreher, Cummings & movement has been shown to affect attack rates on clay Pro¨hl,2015)indicatethatthecolourpatternsofpoisonfrogs models of different colours (Paluh, Hantak & Saporito, are indeed likely to be designed to signal primarily to birds 2014). In a study comparing attack rates on stationary and crabs. However, it is important to note that both these brown and red clay models to those on moving models vision models and the experiments with clay models are of the same colours, Paluh etal. (2014) demonstrated that unabletoassesstheimportanceofpredatorssuchassnakes, not only was bird predation significantly higher on moving which do not rely predominantly on visual cues for prey brown frog models, but also significantly lower on moving detection, but use mostly olfactory, thermal or movement red frog models. These findings provide evidence of the cuesinstead(Saviola,McKenzie&Chiszar,2012). significance of prey movement for visual predators, and Furthersupportfortheroleofpoisonfrogcolourpatterns highlighttheimportanceofincorporatingelementsthatoffer as an anti-predator strategy has been obtained in recent more representative measures of predation in the wild into studies.Variousfieldexperimentshaveshownthatcolourful claymodelexperiments. BiologicalReviews(2016)000–000©2016CambridgePhilosophicalSociety Functionandevolutionoffrogcolourdiversity 7 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G ) (H) (I) Fig.4. Dartpoisonfrogsrepresentthebest-knownexampleofaposematismamonganurans.(A)Adelphobatesgalactonotus;(B)Ameerega bilinguis; (C) Dendrobates truncatus; (D) Dendrobates tinctorius; (E) Phyllobates terribilis; (F) Dendrobates auratus; (G) Oophaga granulifera; (H) Phyllobates lugubris and (I) Ranitomeya imitator. Photo credits: A,C, Taran Grant; B,F,H,I, J.P. Lawrence; D,G, Bibiana Rojas; E, RobertoMa´rquez. In addition to aposematism per se, studies demonstrate fantastica(Fig.6F)(Yeageretal.,2012;butseeChouteauetal., that both Batesian (a palatable species mimicking the 2011).Recentexperimentswithchickenshavedemonstrated colouration of a defended one; Bates, 1862) and Mu¨llerian that models and mimics in this complex might indeed (twodefendedspeciessharingsimilarcolourpatterns;Mu¨ller, share the costs of predator learning (Stuckert, Venegas 1878) mimicry exist among frog species. In Ecuador, the & Summers, 2014b). Furthermore, a comparison between aposematic frogs Ameerega (Epipedobates) bilinguis (Fig. 4B) the alkaloid profiles of mimics and models has confirmed and A. parvula occur parapatrically and serve as models thatallco-mimicspossesschemicaldefences(Stuckertetal., to their non-defended mimic, Allobates zaparo, which adopts 2014a). Reciprocal learned avoidance by predators and the corresponding colouration of its model at each locality possession of secondary defences by all the species in (Darst&Cummings,2006;Darst,Cummings&Cannatella, the mimetic complex are two fundamental assumptions of 2006). Likewise, Allobates femoralis (Fig. 6A, right), an Mu¨llerian mimicry (Mu¨ller, 1878). Among frogs, however, Amazonian species with a wide geographic distribution these assumptions have been tested and confirmed only for and great interpopulational variation in the colouration of the R. imitator complex thus far. Another case of Mu¨llerian both their inguinal and axillary patches, has been thought mimicrywasrecentlyproposed,withoutfurtherexperimental to be a Batesian mimic of Ameerega hahneli (Fig. 6A, left) support,wheretheleptodactylidLeptodactyluslineatus(Fig.6C) (Ame´zquita etal., 2009). Ranitomeya imitator from Peru, on previouslythoughtnottobechemicallydefended,resembles the other hand, is by far the best-known example of the colouration of the dendrobatid Ameerega picta (Fig. 6B) a Mu¨llerian mimetic radiation in amphibians (Symula, (Pratesetal.,2012).Also,phylogeneticanalysesusedtostudy Schulte & Summers, 2001; Twomey etal., 2013; Twomey, the evolution of colour patterns in Malagassy poison frogs Vestergaard & Summers, 2014). This species (Fig. 6H–K) (genusMantella)suggestthattheconvergenceincolouration has diverged in both colour pattern and brightness among between M. madagascariensis and M. baroni (Fig. 2A), which populations to resemble the colour patterns of its putative occursympatrically,mayrepresentanothercaseofMu¨llerian defended models: R. variabilis (Fig. 6D, highland morph; mimicry(Schaefer,Vences&Veith,2002).Thishypothesis, Fig. 6G, lowland morph), R. summersi (Fig. 6E), and R. however, has not been tested either. Therefore, given the BiologicalReviews(2016)000–000©2016CambridgePhilosophicalSociety 8 BibianaRojas (A) (B) (C) (D) Fig.5. Knownpredatorsofdendrobatidfrogs:(A)thesnakeRhadinaeadecorata,feedingonOophagapumilio;(B)wolfspider(Lycosidae) preying on Ameerega trivittata; (C) crab holding an individual Oophaga histrionica; (D) rufous motmot (Baryphthengus martii) taking an O.pumiliotoitsnest.Photocredits:A,MatthewDugas;B,TrondLarsen;C,AlejandroVe´lez;D,RalphSaporito. great variability in toxicity and colour patterns within (Fig. 7A–D) (Maan & Cummings, 2012), O. histrionica anurans, and the co-occurrence of toxic with nontoxic (Ame´zquitaetal.,2013),Dendrobatestinctorius(Rojas&Endler, species in wide geographical ranges, it seems likely that 2013) (Fig. 7E–H) and Melanophryniscus rubriventris (Fig. 3C) evenmoreexamplesofbothtypesofmimicryarewaitingto (Bonansea&Vaira,2012).Nevertheless,giventhatlevelsof beuncovered. variation have not been investigated in many species, it is highlylikelythatmoreexamplesareyettobediscovered. Although there are several instances of polymorphic (a) Thepuzzleofpolymorphicwarningsignals aposematic populations, the mechanisms allowing warning Warningsignalvariabilitymayreducetheabilityofpredators signal polymorphisms to persist are not yet fully to learn and retain the association between colour patterns understood.Recentapproachessuggestanumberofpossible and distastefulness (Greenwood, Wood & Batchelor, 1981; explanations: (i) an interaction between natural and sexual Mallet & Joron, 1999; Exnerova´ etal., 2006). As a result of selection (Nokelainen etal., 2012; Crothers & Cummings, stabilisingselection,it is expectedthat aposematicpreywill 2013; Cummings & Crothers, 2013); for example, in the have little to no variation in their warning signals (Endler, aposematic wood tiger moth (Parasemia plantaginis), where 1988;Joron&Mallet,1998;Endler&Mappes,2004;Darst males can be either yellow or white, yellow individuals & Cummings, 2006). Hence, polymorphisms should be have been found to be better protected from predators, selected against in aposematic species (Endler & Mappes, whereas under certain circumstances whites have a higher 2004). However, there are several cases of aposematic matingsuccess(Nokelainenetal.,2012;Gordonetal.,2015). species exhibiting colour polymorphisms in nature, for In O. pumilio from Solarte Island (in the Bocas del Toro exampleladybirds(O’Donald&Majerus,1984;Ueno,Sato archipelago),thestabilisingselectionexertedbypredatorsto & Tsuchida, 1998), beetles (Borer etal., 2010) and moths keepcolourpatternsuniformismostlikelycounteractedby (Hegna, Galarza & Mappes, 2015). In anurans, despite directionalsexualselectionfavouringbrightermales,which many aposematic species showing geographic variation in are preferred by females (Maan & Cummings, 2009). (ii) colouration(Myers&Daly,1983;Lo¨ttersetal.,1997;Noonan Spatio-temporalvariationinselection(Endler&Rojas,2009; & Gaucher, 2006; Wollenberg etal., 2008; Chouteau etal., Galarzaetal.,2014; Nokelainenetal.,2014), forinstancein 2011; Hoogmoed & Avila-Pires, 2012; Ame´zquita etal., the composition of local predator communities, which may 2013; Brusa etal., 2013), within-population variability in generate a geographic mosaic of selection throughout the warning signals has been reported only for Oophaga pumilio distribution range of a species. (iii) A link between colour BiologicalReviews(2016)000–000©2016CambridgePhilosophicalSociety Functionandevolutionoffrogcolourdiversity 9 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) Fig. 6. Examples of mimicry among poison frog species. (A) Ameerega hahneli (left) is thought to be a model for Allobates femoralis (right);Leptodactyluslineatus(C)hasbeensuggestedtobeaMu¨llerianmimicofAmeeregapicta(B).Thebest-knowncaseofaMu¨llerian mimicry system is that of Ranitomeya imitator. (D)–(G) are the model species: Ranitomeya variabilis, highland morph; R. summersi, R. fantastica,R.variabilislowlandmorph.ThedifferentmorphsofR.imitatorareshownbelow:(H)spotted;(I)banded;(J)varadero;and (K)striped.Photocredits:A,JasonL.Brown;B,MauricioPacheco;C,QuentinMartínez;D–KEvanTwomey. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) Fig.7. ExamplesofgeographicvariationinthecolourpatternsofOophagapumilio(A–D);andintrapopulationvariationinDendrobates tinctorius(E–H).Photocredits:A–D,J.P.Lawrence;E–H,BibianaRojas. patternsandafitness-relatedtrait(orgroupoftraits),either Rojas, Gordon & Mappes, 2015a). (iv) Relaxed selection behaviouralorphysiological.Examplesofthisaredifferential towards warning signals or predator generalisation, which activity patterns and investment in immune defences involvespredatoravoidanceofonesignalandtheexpansion accordingtocolour,asinwoodtigermoths,ortheassociation of this aversion towards other signals similar enough to between movement type and colour patterns in the dyeing the one learnt (Darst etal., 2006; Ame´zquita etal., 2013; poison frog (Dendrobates tinctorius) (Nokelainen, Lindstedt & Richards-Zawacki, Yeager & Bart, 2013). (v) Non-adaptive Mappes, 2013; Rojas, Devillechabrolle & Endler, 2014a; forces such as hybridisation among geographic variants or BiologicalReviews(2016)000–000©2016CambridgePhilosophicalSociety 10 BibianaRojas drift (Thompson, 1984; Gray & McKinnon, 2007; Medina 2012). This is because, if a trade-off between the resources etal., 2013). Whatever the mechanism, for polymorphisms investedinwarningsignalsandchemicaldefencesisassumed, to be maintained there should be no differences in fitness thebenefitofmoreconspicuoussignalsisalowriskofprey amongthemorphs. beingattackedafterdetection,whereasthecostisareduced defence level, which will bring decreased probabilities of (b) Honestyinwarningsignals survival upon attack (Holen & Svennungsen, 2012). Toxins such as those found in dendrobatid, mantellid or bufonid The ‘handicap principle’ (Zahavi, 1975) suggests that frogs are believed to be mainly sequestered from their selection should favour signals that provide reliable diet (Daly etal., 1997; Clark etal., 2005; Hantak etal., informationaboutanindividual’squality.Thesesignalsmust 2013), which consists primarily of leaf-litter arthropods. representcostsforthesignaller,sothattheyareunaffordable This means that, as suggested by previous studies (Wang, for individuals whose quality is lower. Although suggested 2011; Maan & Cummings, 2012), variation in toxicity originallyforsexualsignals,honestsignalshavethepotential levels among populations of the same species might be toevolveinpredator–preyrelationshipsaswell(Guilford& duetovariationinpreyavailability.However,thisdoesnot Dawkins,1993). necessarily explain why some species (or individuals within Foraposematicindividuals,itislikelythatwarningsignals the same population) are more toxic, or more conspicuous, arereliableindicatorsofprey’sunprofitability(e.g.toxicity), thanothers. as only well-defended prey can afford the costs of being Findingcorrelations,eitherpositiveornegative,between easily detectable by predators (Sherratt, 2002). However, warning signals and the quality or quantity of chemical detectability is not necessarily the only cost aposematic defences in the species mentioned above has been very species may incur. Theoretical studies have shown that informativeonthedynamicsofpredator–preyrelationships simultaneousinvestmentinpigmentsandchemicaldefences in anurans. However, empirical studies tend to miss one may trade off within the same individual (Blount etal., (or more) of the key elements about honesty, such as 2009). Thus, warning signals are likely to be honest signals evidence that predators really pay attention to variation of the quality (or quantity) of chemical defences, as only in toxicity and/or see (and care about) the difference well-defendedindividualscouldprofitablytoleratethecosts amongsignals.Oftenonlyacorrelationbetweentoxicityand ofstrongwarningsignals. colouration is found, and the rest is assumed. Therefore, Apositivecorrelationbetweenwarningsignalsandtoxicity as Summers etal. (2015) state in a recent review, one hasbeenfoundacrossspeciesofdartpoisonfrogsinastudy key question is how to differentiate between quantitative where phylogenetic constraints were taken into account, honesty and other ways in which conspicuousness and and where both colouration and toxicity were considered toxicity may be correlated without involving honest ‘either/or’ traits (Summers & Clough, 2001). However, signalling. quantitative approaches to whether poison frogs’ warning The next steps thus should also include observations signals are honest or not have yielded mixed evidence. and experiments leading to a better understanding of the Forinstance,amongdifferentpopulationsofOophagapumilio costs associated both with toxin sequestration and storage, colouration has been suggested to be an honest indicator and with the production of warning signals (i.e. pigments). of toxicity, such that the brightest populations are also For example, in species with variable colour patterns, it the most toxic (Maan & Cummings, 2012). However, a negative correlation between these two traits has also been could be tested whether in cohorts of individuals raised found, both between and within species. The conspicuous fromlarvaeinthesameconditions,juvenilecolourpatterns speciesAmeerega(Epipedobates)bilinguishasalowertoxicitylevel are correlated with life-history traits such as size and time than its less-conspicuous counterpart, Ameerega (Epipedobates) to metamorphosis. Additionally, juveniles could be raised parvulus (Darst etal., 2006). Notably, experiments with in semi-natural enclosures differing in diet restrictions to chicks revealed that both increased conspicuousness and see whether resource availability affects colouration, or increased toxicity are equally effective when it comes to toxicity, or both. A primer on this is a recent study on predatordeterrence(Darstetal.,2006).Likewise,indifferent Dendrobates auratus, where the effects of rearing tadpoles on populations of Oophaga granulifera conspicuous colouration eitherahigh-foodorlow-fooddietweretestedonbodysize and toxicity are inversely related, such that the most and luminance at metamorphosis (Flores etal., 2013). The conspicuous populations show the lowest levels of toxicity. authors found that in metamorphs raised on a high-food In fact, these populations, where individuals are bright diet body size and luminance were negatively correlated, red, lack four of the alkaloids present in populations with whereas this correlation was positive in froglets reared on the less conspicuous yellow or green colouration (Wang, a low-food diet. According to Flores etal. (2013), these 2011). According to Blount etal. (2009), this scenario is findings suggest either a trade-off in resource allocation, or plausiblewhenresourceavailabilityishigh,assuggestedfor developmentalplasticityaimedatminimisingpredationrisk theseven-spotladybird,Coccinellaseptempunctata(Blountetal., atthemostvulnerable(early)stages.Life-historytrade-offsin 2012).However,arecenttheoreticalapproachfoundthat,at relationtofrogcolourationmaythereforebemorecommon equilibrium,anegativecorrelationbetweenconspicuousness than usually thought, especially if the resource-allocation anddefencestrengthdoesnothold(Holen&Svennungsen, hypothesisholds. BiologicalReviews(2016)000–000©2016CambridgePhilosophicalSociety

January 2008 · Bulletin of the Center for Children s Books. Amphibian aficionados rejoice! Stalwart photoessayist Bishop and National Geographic contributor Moffett, in the promising Face to Face series, have each produced a visually arresting introduction to our froggy friends. Bishop follows the
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