Reference: Bio/. Bull. 208: 12-14. (February 2005) 2005 Marine Biological Laboratory Behavioral and Electrophysiological Experiments Suggest That the Antennular Outer Flagellum Is the Site of Pheromone Reception in the Male Helmet Crab Telmessus cheiragonus MICHIYA KAMIO1 *, MAKOTO ARAKI:. TOSHIKI NAGAYAMA2. SHIGEKI MATSUNAGA1. AND NOBUHIRO FUSETANI1 1 Laboratory ofAquatic Natural Products Chemistry, Graduate School ofAgricultural and Life Sciences, The University ofTokyo, l-l-l Yayoi, Biinkyo-kii Tokyo 113-X657, Japan: and 'Hokkaido University, Division ofBiological Science, Graduate School ofScience, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060, Japan Abstract. Sexually competent females of Telmessus behavioral and electrophysiological observations suggest cheiragonus (helmet crab) release two pheromones that that in male helmet crabs, the outer flagellum ofthe anten- elicit grasping and copulation behaviors in males (Kamio et nule is the chemosensory organ that detects female sex a!., 2000, 2002. 2003). Our study aimed to use behavioral pheromone. and electrophysiological techniques to identify the site of reception of these sex pheromones. In behavioral experi- Introduction ments, eitherthe innerorthe outer flagellaofthe antennules Sex pheromones are crucial chemosensory signals that wmearlee carbalbatsetdobfileamtaelrealloydofrrowmermealeexacmrianbes,d.anWdherensptohneseisnneorf trigger and modulate reproductive behaviors in conspecif- ics. In many animals, pheromones are detected by special- flagella were surgically ablated, the sexual response (i.e., ized receptor organs. For example, many vertebrates detect grasping and copulation behavior) of male crabs was not pheromones through their vomeronasal systems (Halpern significantly changed relative to control animals that had and Martinez-Marcos. 2003), whereas insects have sensilla their second antennae ablated. In contrast, the sexual re- on their antennae dedicated to sensing pheromones (Hecker sponse was significantly reduced when the outer flagella of and Butenandt, 1984). Identification ofreceptor organs and the antennules were ablated, suggesting that the outer fla- electrophysiological analyses of chemoreception are pow- gellum is the receptor organ that detects the sex phero- erful methods for isolating and identifying pheromone com- mones. In electrophysiological experiments, urine, which in pounds (Bjostad, 1998; Li et <//., 2002). females contains the pheromone that elicits grasping behav- In decapod crustaceans, chemoreceptors occur in high ior by males but does not contain the pheromone eliciting densities at multiple loci on the body and appendages. The copulation, whose release site is not known, was tested. antennules (first antennae), the pereiopod dactyls, and the Female and male urine as well as shrimp extract evoked mouthparts are the primary chemoreceptor organs (Ache, phasic responsesofchemosensory afferents innervating aes- Il)S2). Among these organs, the antennules so farhave been thetasc sensilla on the outer flagellum of male crabs. The reported as pheromone receptors in certain crabs, including response ofthe afferents had significantly higher magnitude Portiinus sanguinolentus (Christofferson, 1972), Calli- and lower threshold when female urine was applied. Thus, nectes sapidus (Gleeson, 1980), Carcinus inaenus (Bamber and Naylor, 1996), and Chionoecetes opilio (Bouchard et ai. 19%). The antennules are biramous, with an inner and R*eTcoeiwvehdom22cJournrees2p0o0n4d.enaccecesphtoeudld16beOscetnotbeatrG2e0o0r4g.iaState University, an outer flagellum. (The innerand outer flagella ot crabs are DepartmentofBiology, P.O. Box 4010. Atlanta.GA 30302-4010. E-mail: equivalent to the medial and lateral flagella, respectively, of [email protected] some other decapod crustaceans.) One type of sensillum 12 SITE OF PHEROMONE RECEPTION IN HELMET CRABS 13 located exclusively on the ventral side of the outer flagella ature. Behavioral experiments were conducted at the Usujiri is the aesthetasc. Ablation experiments suggested that pher- Marine Biological Station, and electrophysiological exper- omones are detected by the outer flagella (Christofferson, iments were conducted at Hokkaido University, Graduate 1972). specifically the aesthetascs (Gleeson, 1980). In the School of Science, Sapporo. Males were fed shrimp, but crayfish Procambarus clarkii. both inner and outer flagella females were not fed because premolt females and newly are involved in mating behavior (Dunham and Oh. 1992). postmolt females do not eat. but the animals can still mate without their antennules (Corotto et ai, 1999). Ablation of antennules also affects Behavioral experiments mating behavior of female American lobsters, Homarus Behavioral experiments were conductedtotest theeffects americanus (Cowan, 1991). However, only a small body of ofbilateral ablation ofinner or outer flagella on the respon- neurological evidence supporting these behavioral observa- siveness of male crabs towards female pheromones. Three twieornes phearsfobremeendotbotadienmeodn.stNroateelecchtermoophsyesnisoolrogyicraelspaonnasleysseosf atbylpaetsedo,fianblwahtiecdhmathleesinwneerreflpargeepllaareodf:t(hIe)ainntneenrnuflleasge(lflirusmt the afferents of the outer flagellum to sex pheromones. antennae) of males were ablated at their base; (2) outer Mating behaviors of male helmet crabs, Telmessus flagellum ablated, in which the outer flagella of the anten- cheiragonus (Tilesius. 1815) (Decapoda: Brachyura: nulesofmaleswere ablatedat theirbase (see Fig. 1 ); and(3) Cheiragonidae) are elicited by pheromones that are released second antenna ablated, in which second antennae were from females (Kamio etai. 2003). One pheromone, present removed as acontrol forthe traumaofsurgery. All surgeries i2n00t0h)e, uwrhienre,eaesliacintosthperrecpohpeurloatmoornye,gufarrodminugnk(nKoawmniosoeutrcnle.s. were earned out 3 days before the experiments, because no negative effects of the surgery alone on feeding behavior of the postmolt female, subsequently elicits copulation be- were observed at this time. Behavioral experiments were havior. These findings are based on a series ofobservations performed blind, with the observer being unaware of the of the behavior of males towards artificial sponges that type of ablation received by the crab under study. contain female odors. Sponges that contained aquarium The responses ofthe three types ofablated males toward water conditioned by the presence of postmolt females female pheromone were observed using artificial sponges as elicited grasping and then copulation behavior, while female dummies (Kamio et ai, 2002). The sponges were sponges that contained aquarium water of premolt females washed with seawater before use. Male crabs were individ- elicited only grasping behavior. Moreover, urine from both ually maintained at 10 C in aquaria with a recirculating pre- and postmolt femaleselicited graspingbehaviorbut did seawater system. For behavioral testing, a crab was trans- not elicit copulation behavior (Kamio et /., 2002). ferred to a test aquarium with still water (31.5 X 18.5 X In the present paper, the location ofpheromone receptors 24.4 cm), acclimated at 15 C for 4 h, and then observed wunadserawsesenstsesdurgbiycablehaabvliaotriaonl oefxptehreimiennntesr oursionugtemralfelasgetllhaa.t uwnhdiecrh ahratidficbiealenreidncluibghatt.edAfosrpo2n0geh (i2n.5a X5-l2i.te5r Xaqu4arcimu)m, Mating behaviorofmale crabs waseliminated afterablation containing 10 postmolt females that had molted 2-3 days of the outer flagella. Chemosensory responses of the outer before, was placed, using forceps, in front ofa male until it flagella afferents were examined using electrophysiological contacted his chelae. Then the behavior of the male crab rseecnosrodriyngasfftehraetntisn.teTgrhaetseemurletciourndiitngrsespsohnosweesdofsitghneifcihceanmtol-y cwoarsdeodbsaesrvuendmifsotrak1abhl.eTawnod rpealritaibcluelacrribteerhiaavifoorrssewxeurael rree-- mstarloenguerrinree.spTohnusse,stohfetbheehaavfifoerraenltsextpoerfiemmeanltesusriungegetshtanthtaot aacntdiofn:um(b1le)sgrwaistphintgh,e aspboenhgaev,iowritihnouwthiecathintghebemhaalveiorg,raasnpds the outer flagellum possesses pheromone receptors, and the places the sponge into the precopulatory guard position; and electrophysiological experiments support this idea. (2) copulation, a behavior in which the male first grasps the Materials and Methods sponge, then opens his abdomen to expose the sexual ap- pendages, and then moves the sponge onto the gonopods for Animals insertion. Pre-copulapairs ofTelmessuscheiragonus(helmetcrabs) Electrophysiology were collected during the mating season between May and June 2001 and 2002 from pier walls in Usujiri, Hokkaido. Electrophysiological recordings were performed to test Japan (N 41 57', E 140 58'). Males were separated from the responses ofchemoreceptor neurons in the outer flagel- theirpartner females and were maintained at 10.5 1 C in lum ofmales to female odors. Multiunit spike responses of an aquarium with a recirculating seawater system under these neurons were recorded, using oil-hook extracellular natural photoperiod. Females were housed in a separate electrodes, from nerve bundles innervating the antennule flow-through seawater system until used at ambient temper- (Fig. I). The excised antennule was placed in a recording KAMIO ET AL 14 Waterflow Oilhookelectrode I Tube Stimulus solution / Antennularnerve Liquidparaffin Outerflagellum Innerflag\ellum Figure 1 Dia-ram ofthe olfactometer used in recording from the antennular nerve ofmale specimens of 7V/m.v.vcheirai-onns. andablationpointsinbehavioralexperiments.Drawingoflateralviewofleftantennule. Ahhuion points ofouter and innerflagella are indicated by dashed lines. chamber. The dorsal cuticle of the distal podomere of the urine was collected from 20 individuals. Urine was tested at aanntteennnnuullee.wTahserneemrovveebduntdoleexspowseerethleiftneedrvuepbautntdhleesjooinftthoet a 1C/h1e0mdoisleutnisoon.ry responses of male crabs to ASW, shrimp cthoeuladntbeenndurlaewnandintpolaacecdapiolnlaraystiillvleerd hwoitohk leilqeucitdropdaeraftfhiatn etxiatlrlayc.t,Sumbasleequuernitnel,y,antdhefeomuatlere furliangeelwleurmewraescorredmeodvseedquaetn-a (Wilkens and Wolf, 1974). A earner stream of cooled point described in Figure 2 and used in a test of shrimp aifwrnlataisEfgalieecplcitllatua(lurbcimNeecsIadhelpHaaaiwdOsnsatsiNtbigeedntrKeeahlneO(tshUAatewbiSDelptWarEut)eobNeefd.a(mtM1apht2Eel-Gti1-hfa6ei2net1bde0aCns0)wne)iu,cl.toeht.nrhteaeicAnobofuuirtotodeeeurelrsdelctfydthlireagifgicletioalnawllnlmeueyd-mr. erdlirxiezeutfeccmrfdoeaepr(crtdtnteooenrdt=ttonbheeIeexdufDpero.ertorreeneTsirshpmmweooeianfnnsmsteteahagtewconothmibuecaatttollauhlmeideynperceadrdoreatferbhwiettivhtoteehchedfhreeefsmsmserahnpoolrsosmeiinetmsitanpevhnssiedoterywoxmytuaarotslafercerntec.osufhrrpleiamoIngmanneeolslse---a, pawlanirdfeie/arsnoafltywzaerde ouftfi-llitiinees u(sPionwgeralabm,icrAoDcomIpnsuttreurmenwtiatlh).haTrhde- aSveriecnosrsdoinngandanHdardaat(a19a9n0a)lywsaiss ussterda.teSgoylustiimoinlsarwetroetahlawtayost mwuiltthiuanittirmeespcoonnssetanotf tohfe 2senssotoryobatfafeirnenatsmweaassurineteogfrattehde tvealsst.edi.i-nSeorridneer(oWfaaksoceCnhdeimnigccaolncCeon.t)raattio1n0"w3itMh 3w-amsinusiendtear-s msoang"naintdudHearoaf,r2e0s0p0o)n.seTe(sCtapsrtiiomualnudsRsoolbuitnisoonns,we19r8e9;keSpvteicnoso-l atostia.-nsdearridnerewfaesrenpcheassitcimaulnuds d(iSdTDn)o.tbseceaeumsetotheaffreecstpoannsye dsemuonllriAuizotnifignfogoAnotSadhwWesao.msdeaoxlTirplhneijprseiicsemmthceeirednxittomi.ufpnrtefToerexewttnsharheascmsttichucebrrneiot.wlmraipitsfeumrgpusersdec,oplfaewrhee(iad1cc.hhb5ymysliht)eoilmmidunoeldgu3-s0a scawcunhehbdraesenme"goeqesneudedxencnlsmtouoofdrrreeyeesdapnctofehhnurasronetosme.ns3tst0Thh%wpeeeerrddiSeauotTrdna.iDonragIwnmfaaaalsltyihtsteeziesests.dmteapaTdegshrnaietiroetdtlur,hadeetesitbvpheeeoognfmisraneesSgnsuinTlniotDg-ts ssuhpreirmnpataexnttratchta.t Iwnassteaddiluotfedaq1u0artiiumemswaantder,contshteituurtiendethoef toufdemsalofeScTraDbsfortoeabcohthtestmapleerioadn.dDiffefmearelneceusriinnessenastitievaicthy female and male crabs was used forthis experimentbecause concentration and to amino acids=were statistically tested by niepofoitltaehpptrmeeeseeannrt/pd.liiro.renneems2ggasooc0emunr0anerbae2tndcby)sdse,t.ohaluu.aiwistUtffmairtonisoeipnlrgfnhgieceectaoirhutlhwopesplieamegrgsoocihtrptnshlacteeeeysaodn.lplictoilanioFpenncgncgeedctrmp(eebcapundKeuoltmhaloefrapmluarvietmuoitodermooidrcnfectoelaorhb,vlnoeyealdmwirea,icmhnl4tnaite22glcset06sehnh0snte0chpac)oeuol(o.nrsKntitggtaMnamlalmemaoiaaiilnlnna-ostedds WtpatplhihniooeezalsTueltcnodpyam,odozeocxsoesdlootdlithm.nse(espdSftoTampealuoearmsrvnatceiecl.dcndeetehershtiae,,enoemdfrci12mo1pni-0ina9nom0nic8tlree6ejsjn:ar,altctmtlrihooeiDedaflsqestttudciroi(oombatsnnnatsyntsildeloelonafsefton6dstt)adchwh.nooeaedftArmuettmfrrenhri,oemiennteaaepr.snoaosdogtmwleic1ieemen9rnnudo8eotlu8raus)lianryfcitcouinwspgdoeeehlmrdiooi-er.-nf SITE OF PHEROMONE RECEPTION IN HELMET CRABS 15 To remove proteins, a 200-/J.I portion of a 0.5% aqueous (Fisher's exact test, P = 0.21 and 0.35 respectively). The 5A-sulfosalicylic acid solution was added to the supernatant. occurrence ofboth grasping andcopulation behaviors ofthe 852000-jAu.lHiatliaqcuhoitaomfitnhoisascoildutainoanlywzaesr.inTjheicstedmeitnthooda maoldleolweLd (cFriasbhserw'isthexoaucttertesftl,agPel<la0a.b0l1ataenddw<a0s.0si5gnriefsipceacnttilvyeldyif)fefrreonmt determination ofconcentrationsof20common aminoacids, those of the crabs with inner flagella ablated. Between as well as phosphoserine (P-Ser), taurine (Tau). urea, cit- controls and crabs with outer flagella ablation, the differ- rulline (Cit), sarcosine (Sar), cv-aminoadipic acid (a-AAA), ence in grasping behavior was significant (Fisher's exact /3-alanine (j3-Ala), j3-aminoisobutyric acid (j3-AiBA), test, P < 0.01), while it was not significant for copulation y-aminobutyric acid (GABA), ethanolamine (EtONH,), behavior (Fisher's exact test, P = 0.47). ammonia (NH_-,), 8-//-hydroxylysine (5-HyLys), ornithine (Orn), 3-methylhistidine (MeHis), anserine (Ans), and ear- nosine (Car). The significance of overall concentration dif- Electrophysiological experiments ferences of the chemicals between male and female urine was tested using Wilcoxon matched pairs test. Since behavioral experiments indicated that the outer flagella of males are involved in perception of sex phero- Results mones released from females, responses of chemosensory Ablation behavioral experiments nlueluarronmsultiinuntihet oruetceorrdfilnaggse.ll(uCmhewmeorreecaenpatloyrzsedobnytehxetriancneel-r To identify the sensory organs of male helmet crabs flagellum also responded to shrimp extract and male and involved in the detection offemale sex pheromones, behav- female urines [pers. obs.], but they were not considered ioral experiments were performed on selectively ablated further here in our experiments.) In a typical recording, crabs (Fig. 2). When the second antenna were ablated, 7 of substantial spontaneous activity was observed throughout the 9 male crabs tested showed grasping behavior, while 2 the experiment, probably reflecting the activity of tonically of them also showed copulation behavior toward sponges active mechanosensory afferents. Presentation of shrimp treated with postmolt female pheromone. With bilateral extract produced a phasic dischargeofaction potentials; this ablation of the inner flagella of the antennules, all 10 male response occurred about 4 s after stimulus introduction, crabs tested showed grasping behavior, and 5 of them also which reflects the time for the stimulus to reach the record- showed copulation behavior. In contrast, neither grasping ing chamber and sensilla (Fig. 3A). During a response to nor copulation behaviors were observed in any of the 10 chemical stimulation, several units with different spike am- animals that had their antennular outer flagella bilaterally plitudes were active. However, the high spike frequency ablated. Differences in grasping or copulation behavior prevented reliable discrimination of single units (Fig. 3B, were not significant for crabs with their second antenna C). Therefore, the magnitude oftheresponses wasevaluated ablated and crabs with antennular inner flagella ablated by integration (top trace in Fig. 3A). The activity of these chemosensory neurons did not change significantly when ASW was injected as a control (Fig. 4A). In contrast, the afferents were strongly activated after injection of female (Fig. 4C) or male urine (Fig. 4D), 100 | Grasping as well as after injection of shrimp extract (Fig. 4B). The D Copulation relative magnitude of the response to female urine com- 80 pared to the response to shrimp extract varied from 53% to 324% (148 24; mean SEM, n == II). The relative 60 magnitude of the response to male urine compared to the response to shrimp extract ranged from 41% to 264% = 40- ( 127 21; n 11). The relative magnitude ofthe response to female urine compared to the response to male urine ranged from 99% to 147% (119 5; n == 11), and this difference was statistically significant (Wilcoxon matched pairs test. - == 2.84, P < 0.01). After the ablation of the outerflagellum, the baseline amplitude ofintegrated activity Saebcloatnedda(nnt=e9n)na Ianbnl*ear#tefdla(gne=M1u0m) Ouatbleartefdla(gne=l1l0u)m ldsoeurcmyl.ianCfefhdeerdmeuonetssetnoinsanoedrreyvcartreieanssgpeoeinxnsteessrpoickweeeprtneourmsnboeonrltoohfnegmeoeructheoarbnsfoelsraegvenel-d- Figure 2. Behavioral responses ofmales with different sensory abla- after injection of shrimp extract (Fig. 4E). tions to postmolt female aquarium water. **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05. To characterize the difference in the sensitivity of the 16 KAMIO ET AL. phoserine (Fig. 6). Overall, concentration differences ofthe chemicals between male and female urines were significant (Wilcoxon matched pairs test. - = 4.52, P < 0.001). Discussion Spiking Our ablation experiments suggest that the antennular response outer flagellum of males is the site of reception of female Response ofouter flagellum B A M!" 200 ASW Spontaneous *-y\Hr -^-v^HMr^^r^Mr response 1 150 100 Odor-evoked response 50 B 200 Shrimp 10ms extract 150 Figure3. Responsesofchemosensory neurons in theantennularouter flagellum ofamale specimenofTelmessuscheimgomistoshrimpextract. (A) Extracellular recording from antennular nerve to the injection of 100 shrimpextract (lowertrace) andits integrated activity (uppertrace). Time ofinjectionisindicatedbyarrow.(B)Spikeactivityoftheantennularnerve 50 before injection of shrimp extract. (C) Spike activity of the antennular C nerveinresponsetoinjectionofshrimpextract. (B)and(C)correspond to 200 Femaleurine part "B" and "C" ofthe lowertrace ofFigure 3A. > 15 r- 100 chemoreceptors on the outer flagellum to both female and 50 male urines, the responses of outer flagellum afferents to D various concentrations offemale and male urine were ana- 200 Maleurine lyzed quantitatively by normalizing them to the response to mM 150 1 L-serine (standard reference stimulus: STD) (Fig. 5). The outerflagellum showed largerresponses to female urine 100 than to male urine at all dilutions, and the differences were significant at dilutions of 10~3 (z = 2.20, P < 0.05: Wil- 50 coxon matched pairs test) and 10~4 (- = 1.99, P < 0.05). E 200 Overall differences among ASW, female urine, and male Shrimpextract urine were also significant (Friedman ANOVA, P < 0.001 ). 150 aftercutting outerflagellum 100 Ami/id and analysis 50 Male and female urines contained detectable amounts of mm common amino acids and nitrogenous compounds; taurine. urea, and ammonia were most abundant in the urine, rang- Figure 4. Responses ofchemosensory neurons ofthe outer flagellum ing from 49 to 248 H.M, while the rest of the compounds ofa male specimenofTelmessuscheiragomisto variouschemical stimuli. wpeoruendsprewseernte ahtiglhesesr tihnanma2l0e/ju.rMi.neCotnhcaenntrinatfieomnsaleofucrionme-, etIoxntttrehagecrtaitn(ejBd)e,catciftoeinmvaiotlfyesiuhnrriirnmeeps(pCeo)xn,tsreaacnttdowmaaarstliefoibcuisraeilnrevsee(daDw)a.afttNeerroa(sbiAlgaSntiWifo)inca(onAft),trheesshporouintmseepr except for ethanolamine, -y-aminobutyric acid, and phos- flugella (E). Time ofinjection is indicated by arrow. SITE OF PHEROMONE RECEPTION IN HELMET CRABS 17 160 pheromones in Telmessus cheiragonus. Furthermore, this behavioral observation is supported by our electrophysio- logical finding that chemosensory afferents of the outer Tu3 120 flagellum respond more sensitively to female urine than to 3 male urine, the former of which contained the sex phero- '5 0a0 mone that elicits grasping behavior (Kamio et al., 2000). 2 80 Thus, as with Portunits sanguinolentus (Christofferson, o 1972) and Callinectes sapidus (Gleeson, 1982), T. C-, cheiragonus detects sex pheromones by means of the an- 40 tennular outer flagellum. Urine of crustacean species contains many small nitrog- enous molecules such as ammonia, urea, uric acid, and ASW I amino acids, which are nitrogenous excretory metabolites 10" 10" Concentrationofurine from tissues and hemolymph (Claybrook, 1983). Some of these nitrogenous compounds stimulate aesthetasc sensilla C~TD~ M2i5n-7-5M%ax a Median |D FMeamlaeleuruirniene s(tSupdeyn,cemr,an1y98k6i;ndDserobfyamainndoAatceindisa,an1d988n)i.troIgnentheexcprreetsoernyt Figure 5. Concentration-response relationships of chemosensory af- products are found both in male urine and in female urine. ferents ofthe antennularouter flagellum ofmales ofTelmessuscheirago- The concentration of most of these compounds is higher in nustomale and female urines. The response magnitudes were normali/ed toapercentageoftheresponseto 10~3ML-serineforeachrecording. The male urine than in female urine, and overall the amino acid responses shown are the median, the 25%-75% quartiles, and the minimum- concentration was higher in male urine than in female urine. maximum values. Dataare from 6preparations. * indicates responses that Perhaps higher concentrations of these compounds in male are statistically different between male and female urine (Wilcoxon matched pairs test, P < 0.05). 300 Male 250 Female 200 150 100 50 ^ I -^ 1 LI L in tl . I -; 3 8ci,i: fc-G_2l3<(_>.J2~'5j!<''lD.*; 3 >Ji.tc2aa'<5> oo*& Q i -J .II2 -ag <a Os < 0g. Oi "^ "J 10 Figure 6. Concentrationsofamino acids in urine offemale and male specimens ofTelmessuscheiragonus. 18 KAMIO ET AL urine reflects the crabs' feeding history: premolt females do Acknowledgments not eat and postmolt females were not fed during the period We of urine collection, while males were fed shrimp. If the are indebted to the staff of the Usujiri Fisheries antennularchemosensory neurons respond sensitively to the Laboratory of Hokkaido University for maintenance of nitrogenous compounds that have been detected in this crabs and allowing us the use oftheir facilities. Thanks are amino acid analysis, the higher concentrations of nitroge- also due to Dr. Charles Derby and Dr. Manfred Schmidt, nous compounds in male urine might be expected to cause Georgia State University, for helpful discussions on this a higher response of chemosensory afferents of the outer manuscript. A research fellowship from the Japan Society flagellum to male urine than to female urine (Fig. 4). How- for Promotion of Science for Young Scientists to M. K. is acknowledged. ever, the outer flagellum afferents showed significantly largerresponse tofemale urine atconcentrationsoflessthan M 10 (Fig. 5). The results demonstrate that compounds Literature Cited with higher abundance in male urine are not responsible for excitation of the afferents in the outer flagellum of male Achein,TBh.e\BVi.ol1o9g8y2.ofCCrhuesmtoacreeac.ep3t:iNoenuraanldItnhteergmraotrieocnepatnidonB.ehPapv.io3r6.9D-.39C8. helmet crab. Compounds such as ethanolamine, GABA, and Sandeman and H. L. Atwood. eds. Academic Press, New York. phosphoserine. which are more abundant in female urine Bamber,S.D.,andE.Naylor. 1996. MatingbehaviorofmaleCarcinus than in male urine, may contribute to the excitation (Fig. 6). maenusin relationtoaputativesexpheromone: behavioral changes in It is also possible that compounds not detected in the amino Bjosrteasdp.onsLe. tBo.an1t9e9n8n.uleElreescttrriocptihoyns.ioMlaorg.icaBilol.me1t2h5o:ds4.83P-p4.883.39-375 in acid analysis contribute to the afferent response. Without Methods in Chemical Ecology, Vol. 2. J. G. Millar and K F. Haynes, the purified pheromone molecules, we can infer but not be eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Norwell, MA. certain that this differential electrophysiological responsive- Bouchard, S., B. Sainte-Marie, and J. N. McNeil. 1996. Indirect evi- ness is due to sex pheromones. dbeehnacveioirndiincattheessnfeomwalcerabs,emCihoicohneomeicectaelssorpeilleiaose(Brmaaclheyurpar:ecoMpaujliadateo)r.y At the moment, it still remains to be clarified exactly Chetnoecologv 7: 39-44. where the pheromone-specific receptors are located on the Caprio,J.,andJ.J. RobinsonII. 1989. Electro-olfactogramand multi- outer flagellum. Gleeson (1982) noted that the aesthetasc unit olfactory receptor responses to binary and trinary mixtures of tuft on the outer flagellum of the antennule in C. sapidus is a93m:in2o45a-c2id6s2.inthechannelcatfish.Ictahiruspunctatus.J. Gen. Physiol. divided into mesial and lateral halves by a region ofcuticle Christofferson, J. P. 1972. The site ofchemoreceptors sensitive to the from which no sensilla arise. Ablation of mesial or lateral sex pheromone ofthe female crab, Portunussanguinolentus (Herbst). halves of the outer flagellum partially reduced the behav- Am. Zoo/. 12: 690. ioral response of males to female sex pheromone, thus ClayBbirolooogkv,ofD.CruLs.ta1c9e8a3,.5:NIinttreorngaelnAmneattaobmovliasmn.dPPhpy.sio1l6o3g-i2c1a3lRienguTlhae- suggesting that pheromone receptors are located on both tion, L. H. Mantel, ed. Academic Press. New York. sides of the outer flagellum. Further anatomical and physi- Corotto, F. S., D. M. Bonenberger, J. M. Bounkeo, and C. C. Dukes. ological studies will be necessary to clarify which sensilla 1999. Antennuleablation,sexdiscrimination,andmatingbehaviorin on the outer flagellum of male helmet crab are responsible Cowtahne,crDa.yfiFs.h1P9r9o1.camTbhaerursolceluorkfiio.lfJa.ctCirounstianc.coBuirotls.hi1p9:be7h0a8v-i7o1r2.of the for detecting female pheromones. American lobsterHomarus americanus. Bio!. Bull. 181: 402 107. Postmolt female urine contains grasping pheromone but Derby, C. D., and J. Atema. 1988. 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In this case, grasping pheromone may be necessary to elicit Gleeson,R. A. 1982. Morphological andbehavioral identificationofthe copulate.f\ behavior. The release site ofthe copulation pher- sensory structures mediating pheromone reception in the blue crab, omone nuist be identified to answer this question. HalpCealrlni,tiMec.l,exanxadpiAi.luxM.arBtioiln.ezBu-lMla.rc16o3s:.1206023-.171.Structureandfunctionof Future siud; will focus on identifying the sex phero- the vomeronasal system: an update. Prog. Neurobiol. 70: 245-318. mone molecuk-- of the helmet crab. A combination of Hecker, E., and A. Butenandt. 1984. Bombykol revisited reflections behavioral and electrophysiological techniques, such as oTnecahnpiiqouneeseriinngPhpeerroiomdonaendReosneasrochm.eHo.fEit.sHcuonmsmeequlenacned.TP.p.A.1M-i4l4lari,n used in this study, together with analytical chemistry, will eds. Springer-Verlag. New York. guide the search. Kamio. M., S. Matsunaga, and N. Fusetani. 2000. 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