BEHAVIOUR OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IN DIFFERENT MEDIA AND STRUCTURES Edited by Ali Akdagli Behaviour of Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media and Structures Edited by Ali Akdagli Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2011 InTech All chapters are Open Access articles distributed under the Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike Attribution 3.0 license, which permits to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work in any medium, so long as the original work is properly cited. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published articles. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Iva Lipović Technical Editor Teodora Smiljanic Cover Designer Jan Hyrat Image Copyright Ivanagott, 2010. Used under license from First published June, 2011 Printed in Croatia A free online edition of this book is available at Additional hard copies can be obtained from [email protected] Behaviour of Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media and Structures, Edited by Ali Akdagli p. cm. ISBN 978-953-307-302-6 Contents Preface IX Chapter 1 Electric and Magnetic Characterization of Materials 1 Leonardo Sandrolini, Ugo Reggiani and Marcello Artioli Chapter 2 Features of Electromagnetic Waves Scattering by Surface Fractal Structures 17 O. Yu. Semchuk and M. Willander Chapter 3 Electromagnetic Wave Scattering from Material Objects Using Hybrid Methods 27 Adam Kusiek, Rafal Lech and Jerzy Mazur Chapter 4 The Eigen Theory of Electromagnetic Waves in Complex Media 53 Shaohua Guo Chapter 5 Electromagnetic Waves in Cavity Design 77 Hyoung Suk Kim Chapter 6 Wide-band Rock and Ore Samples Complex Permittivity Measurement 101 Sixin Liu, Junjun Wu, Lili Zhang and Hang Dong Chapter 7 Detection of Delamination in Wall Paintings by Ground Penetrating Radar 121 Wanfu Wang Chapter 8 Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation with Substance 141 Andrey N. Volobuev Chapter 9 Ultrafast Electromagnetic Waves Emitted from Semiconductor 161 YiMing Zhu and SongLin Zhuang VI Contents Chapter 10 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Ionospheric Plasma 189 Ali Yeşil and İbrahim Ünal Chapter 11 Exposing to EMF 213 Mahmoud Moghavvemi, Farhang Alijani, Hossein Ameri Mahabadi and Maryam Ashayer Soltani Chapter 12 Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves Observation During Magnetotail Reconnection Event 237 X. H. Wei, J. B. Cao and G. C. Zhou Chapter 13 Solitary Electromagnetic Waves Generated by the Switching Mode Circuit 249 Hirokazu Tohya and Noritaka Toya Chapter 14 Effect of Magnetic Field on Nonlinear Absorption of a Strong Electromagnetic Wave in Low-dimensional Systems 275 Nguyen Quang Bau, Le Thai Hung and Hoang Dinh Trien Chapter 15 Chiral Transverse Electromagnetic Standing Waves with EH in the Dirac Equation and the Spectra of the Hydrogen Atom 301 H. Torres-Silva Chapter 16 Electromagnetic Response of Extraordinary Transmission Plates Inspired on Babinet’s Principle 325 Miguel Navarro-Cía, Miguel Beruete and Mario Sorolla Chapter 17 The Influence of Vacuum Electromagnetic Fluctuations on the motion of Charged Particles 353 Guozhong Wang Chapter 18 Observation of Cavity Interface and Mechanical Stress in Opaque Material by THz Wave 383 Tsuguhiro Takahashi Chapter 19 Reciprocity in Nonlocal Optics and Spectroscopy 399 Huai-Yi Xie Chapter 20 Focused Arrays Beamforming 419 Oleksandr Mazurenko and Yevhenii Yakornov Preface Lately, there has been a growing interest in electromagnetic wave propagation in complex systems such as modern materials and structures. This book is intended to give the explanatory 20 chapters which consist of original works of the leading scien- tists in the field of wave propagation which produced theoretical and experimental methods in this field of research and obtained important results. In chapter 1, the possible procedures for the extraction of electric and magnetic para- meters of dispersive materials were outlined, and it was shown that the complex rela- tive permittivity and magnetic permeability can be modeled with either dispersive laws or on a point-by-point basis (at individual frequencies). In the frame of the Kirchhoff method, the average coefficient of light scattering by sur- face fractal structures was calculated in chapter 2. A normalized band-limited Weier- strass function was presented for modeling 2D fractal rough surfaces. On the basis of numerical calculation of average scattering coefficient the scattering indicatrises dia- grams for various surfaces and falling angles were calculated. As it is well known the method of moments and finite difference method are widely used as electromagnetic numerical techniques. In the chapter 3, depending on the in- vestigated post geometry, a hybrid method which utilities mode-matching technique, method of moments and finite difference method defined in the frequency domain was proposed for electromagnetic wave scattering from structures containing complex cylindrical or spherical objects. The standard spaces were constructed under the physical presentation by solving the eigen-value problem of the matrixes of dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeabil- ity in chapter 4. Based on the spaces, it was discussed the modal equations of electro- magnetic waves for anisotropic media, bi-anisotropic media, dispersive medium and chiral medium, respectively, by converting the classical Maxwell’s vector equation to the eigen Maxwell’s scalar equation, each of which shows the existence of an electro- magnetic sub-wave, and its propagation velocity, propagation direction, polarization direction and space pattern were completely determined in the equations. In chapter 5, some electromagnetic wave equations to show applications to develop the analytic design formula for the cavity design were presented. Several examples for X Preface the rectangular cavity was introduced for atmospheric microwave plasma torch as a rectangular, which has uniform electromagnetic wave distribution to produce wide area plasma in atmospheric pressure environment. The annular cavity for klystrode was introduced for a microwave vacuum oscillator as a circular example, which adapted the grid structure and the electron beam as an annular shape, gives high effi- ciency compared with conventional klystrode. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is based on high-frequency electromagnetic wave propagation and its detecting targets are below the ground surface. In order to under- stand the performance of GPR, permittivity testing and analysis are critical. In chapter 6, permittivity analysis and measurement methods for rock sample were given for GPR applications. Focusing on the propagation of high frequency pulse electromagnetic waves in layered lossy and dispersive medium and after the physical forward modeling experiment, in chapter 7, the delamination in polished wall paintings by wall coupling antennas us- ing GPR was explained. It was shown that the ultra-wide band GPR is capable of de- tecting delamination in vertical resolution of about 5 mm when it is equipped with a transmitting antenna of 1.6 GHz central frequency. With the help of Maxwell’s equations, the laws of formation of the impulse of electro- magnetic radiation in dielectric environment for conditions self-induced transparency were considered in chapter 8. In chapter 9, ultrafast electromagnetic waves emitted from semiconductors under high electric fields, which are closely related with ultrafast nonequilibrium transport of car- riers in semiconductor, were investigated. The behavior of electromagnetic waves emitted from within the ionospheric plasma and the analytical solutions which are necessary to understand the characteristics of the environment were explained in chapter 10. Problems in plasma physics at the con- ductivity, dielectric constants and refractive index were defined according to the me- dia parameters. In the recent years, by developing the usage of new popular electronic-communication gadgets and home appliances like mobile phones and microwave ovens which are mostly sources of electromagnetic wave radiation, a severe public concern regarding the side-effects whether positive or negative on human health and environment has arisen. In chapter 11, the different types of electromagnetic field and their characteris- tics besides of definitions were introduced and investigated separately. The biologic effects on live tissues and human body were also investigated for concerned fields. Magnetic reconnection is a very important physical process in astrophysical and la- boratory plasmas, which enables reconfiguration of the magnetic field topology and converts the magnetic field energy to plasma kinetic and thermal energy. The diffusion region is a crucial region of reconnection where magnetic field and plasma decouple