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Beginning Hiri Motu PDF

278 Pages·1975·17.085 MB·English
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PACIFICL INGUISTICS Sen�e�V No. 24 - BEGINNHIINRMGIO TU by T.E. Duttona nd C.L. Voorhoeve Department of Linguistics Research School of Pacific Studies THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Dutton, T.E. and Voorhoeve, C.L. Beginning Hiri Motu. D-24, xviii + 276 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1974. DOI:10.15144/PL-D24.cover ©1974 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A sealang.net/CRCL initiative. PACIFICN GLUIISTCIS is publishedb y the L�ngu��t�eC ��ete 06C abne��a and consists of four series: SERISE A O-CCASIONALP APERS SERISE B M-ONOGPRHAS SERISE C B-OOSK SERISE V S-PECIALP UBLCIATIOSN. EDITOR: S.A. Wurm. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: D.C. Laycock, C.L. Voorhoeve. ALL CORRESPONDENCEc oncerningP ACIFILCI GNUISTCIS,i ncludingo rders and subscriptions, should be addressed to: The Secretary, PACIFICL IGNUISCTSI, Departmento f Linguistcis, School of Pacific Studies, The AustralianN ational University, Box 4, P.O., Canberra,A .C.T. 2600. Australia. TAPES to accompanyt his volume should be ordered from Mr J. Dillon, Director, Language Laboratory, The AustralianN ational University, Canberra, A.C.T. 2600. Australia. Prices: 6 x C.l20 Cassettes $25.00 6 x 7" Ree 1s $3 6 .0 0 (§) Copyright T.E. Dutton and C.L. Voorhoeve. First published 1974. Reprinted 1975. The editors are indebted to the AustralianN ational University for help in the productiono f this series. This publicationw as made possible by an initial grant from the Hunter Douglas Fund. National Library of AustraliaC ard number and ISBN 0 858831 12 0 FOREWROD DrR .T aurekMa. H.,A M.insiterf orE duactioinn P apuaN ewG unie,a has verkyi nyd lconsteendt ow riet fa eww odrst oi ntroducteh si coures to usesr. DrT aukreaw rite(sni Engsliha nd Motu korikori (ro 'rtu'e Mot»u : ENGLISH: I vermyu cha pprceitaet heo pptournittyob ea blet ow ritea preafce fora courosfet hisn ature. AsP apuaN ewG uineaapp roachneast nihooowde a res eienga reakweaning ofp ridien o urt radiotni.s Hiir Mohtaud a unieq uplacien P apuna Culturaes uani fyingf orce amontgh ep eolpeso fP apu.a Toda,y whenn ationauln iyt isv itatlo o ur progrsesa s naat ion, Hiri Motuc an manitaitnhi st raidtionfauln ctni.o Therfeorwee a ppcreitaea ndv aluteh ep rerpaatoino ft hisc orusea s an imoprtancton truitboint oo urc ountryd'esv oeplemnt. MOTU: Lau mnoaa lbead ah ereamui nar eavreav nat ormeuai nab ukai nih eotmana lalnoa.i PapuaN ewG uinenaa teU ub daem,u sbioh enrai dala,d tiaauiinmanima idihae obudai daladibaein tau buda,s eendae dikaa rai tae sarn at ah avara lomuu. Inag adHo iir Moturn ang aa dtoa P apua lalnoaib adinbae i nag adeo se Papuae nak oneb onag uinkat auidae hah eobudiamu. Hariin an egaai n ohhoe buo eiavtaa uinmainmai dihae boudkiaraad ian a nanamhoe herbeadai nbae i nak areas ei tae dat aonbadab aineh at uubad ae bonaH irMio tud anud ob ainem iae da tanobadaai. Unad ainalia un a mmaoi aleigdau ngawa umui nab ukal alnoaie hetore gaudinaa b abdaab onan anamoh eherietaa edat aonbadean at uub iniseani.i DrR euebn uTraeka 21.11.47 iii TABLEO FC ONETNST Page A-<.m The. Lanugage. The.S ��ue�u�0e.6 � he.C o�u�e. How �o U�e. �he. Le.��o�n Co ne.v�-6a �-<'no-6 Aeknwole.de.gme.�n� UNIT1 :I tnorductoin Vtooc abauyrl adn Pornuncaitoin 1 DALDAE EKNAI 3 1.1 Prononus 8 1.2 Versb 9 13. Vebrsw ithN ounS ubjetcs 10 1.4A dejcteisv( 1) 11 1.5 Edesnei:w here? 12 Tex:t Labana 14 UNI2T: AUG IGNIINI 16 2.1 Posseses Pirvoonuns 19 2.2 Trnasitei Vversb 20 2.3 Quesiton:s Daha,k Daaiak,D ahaBkada ian 22 2.4 Conujnction:s Maa ndB oan 27 TextP:ig diGna dDoi ab Taduia 29 UNIT3 : KUIK GAUKATRAAU NA 32 3.1 Dohroe, Vaadein:F utrueT enes andC ompletePda st 34 3.2 DierctionaVle rbs 37 3.3 EdanaN egia:w hen? 39 3.4 Tiem Advesr b 39 3.5 Negnaaiw:he n. .. 42 TextK:ui k Gauakra 43 iv v Page UNIT4 :0 1G UN EAGNIA 47 4.1 Verb+ gwuarai:a aboutt o( do something) 50 4.U2r a+ Ver:b tow antt o( dos omething) 51 4.3Ura + Verb+ Gwauaria 53 4.V4e rbS equceens 54 4.N5eg atoin 55 4.H6i ad:h owm an?y andH iir MotuNu mreals 57 4.7 Be: Focsu Markre 59 TextK:ik oriS abidstrik 62 UNIT5 : HANUOAEK ENAI 65 5.1 Singulra andP lrualN ubmeri n Nnosu 68 5.P2os seisves Phrsae:s Nonu + ena+ Noun 70 53. ObjectP rononu Suffixes 72 5.E4d anBaa maon:l ikweh ath,o w? 75 55. Verb+ heegregree: ability (to dos omething) 76 Text:T minmesku Hanau 77 UNIT6 :H UALA POIIAN EAGNAI 81 6.1T ootna:in o rdert o,s ot hta 84 6.A2d ejctievs( 2) 85 6.3 Verb+ dibaco:pm eetnce( knowh owt o) 89 6.4 EmphatPirco nnosu( es,e sbiona,t aomna) 90 65. Verb+ nohoc:ot ninuouasc tin o 91 Text:H ualEan aK warana 93 UNI T T7RA:KA NA1RA GAUBNA OEK EN1 A 95 7.1 Prnoonus: DuaFlo rms 97 7.2 Nominals 99 7.3 Verb+ iani: immediaocfya ctio(nj uts,n ow,h ere) 103 Tex: tLaueMgauru i 105 UNIT8 :H OIOHIG AUBNAO EKENAI 107 8.1B em:a if 110 8.2 Inetnisfier:s sisinhaer,ea ,m omaokni ,ma semase 112 8.3 Verb+ iatiat:ot ryt o dsoom ething 115 TextA:ie mia Maket 117 vi Page UNIT9 : GAKUARNAE GANAI 119 9.G1ar inaZes:t ,i nc ase 121 9.2 Comparisono fA dejcteisv 123 9.3 Verb+ hamatmaai/aioare :t ob eign/ends omething 124 9.4 each,o neb yo ne: reciprocity 126 Text:K ookkokLoa bana 127 UNIT1 0H:OS PITALDAEE KNAI 131 101. NeagtiveQ usetionsa ndt he QusetionT aga ni 134 10.t2oh ave 136 10.3 Causatei Vverbs 138 TextL:a ub eD istrEdiP ko sS upvaaias 141 UNIT1 1S:UP PLEENTMARTYE XTFSR OTMHE CENATL,R NOTRHREN,A NDM ILNE1 44 BAYD SITRCTIS Text1 :S i1i (eCntarla ndN orthne-erMkeaon dN otu) 144 Text2 :T o1i (eCntraoltu-)M 146 Text3 :L aueLgivui (eCntralp-arKae)a 147 Text4 :K ukmuaraa ndK atoor (eCntraKlu-naiimpa,G urai) 148 Text5 :P elnl aM oru (eCntraln-iaKmiuap,L aramtaai) 150 Text6 :L au Lboeu iMsoan ,M HA( eCntrauly-ueFg) 151 Text7 :M il ibao an Saabve( eCnrtal-MKtonai r,i Manu)m u 154 Text8 :S ianvia Ladana (eCMnta ral-MtKno irai, Manrai) 155 Text9 :L oihbaadEan aT aravtauL auH aniia Vadaie n 156 (eCnrtal-MKtonai r,i Eniivlog)o Tex1t0 G:a wad(aeC ntraoli-raKi) 159 Tex1t1 G:or iT a (eCntarl-aBra)i 159 Tex1t2 l:rno aW elef Klba (oNrthne-rlo)rn a 160 Tex1t3 L:a ueTguubd iuaE desneiI diMaai EnaK iki 160 (oNrthne-Yreag,C apeK ilelrt)o n Tex1t4 F:r ziaB isni(Nsro thne-rKorafe, Tuf)i Tex1t5 R:e ek HaanmoGaa kuaar (oNrthren-Masiin, 162 ColilngwoodB a)y Tex1t6 L:a uG akuaar Mista WulpD eken(aiM lneB ay-Msiima 164 Is. ) UNIT1 2S:U PEPMLETNARTYEX TSF ROTMH E GUFL AND WESTEN RDISRTICTS 165 Text1 :L aeuguG akuara (uGlfD isitcr-tToriapi) 165 Text2 :S enTea uidaE diKaar a (uGlfD istr-iKecrteam) 166 Text Bo3r:o mLaa ban(auG lfD isttr-irOcokoor) 168 Text E4k:ae rsE na Graau (kuaGlfD istriucrta-r)Pi 169 Text5 :G warumeA bi aD aldaia( uGlfD isrtic-tKkior)i 171 Text6 :R aibaA biaD aalna( uGlfD isrtict-Kriik)o 172 vii Page Text7 R:e d 0i W esetnD istri(kWs eternD istrcit-Bailm)o 173 Text8 :E denaB amonaL auL ao( Wsetenr Distrcit-Kiiwa) 175 Text9 O:s terliaV aidavdi LauH eina( Wsetern Distrcit- 177 LakMeu rr)a y Tex1t0: SenKei ki(W eesrtnD istrict-LakMeu rr)a y 179 Tex1t1: Arih aB on aG or u (WsetrenD isrtict-mNaod) 182 Tex1t2: P ato rKiki (eWstenr Disrtict-Kinug)a 184 A HIRIMO TU-ENGILSHV OACBULARY 187 AN ENGL-IHSIIHR MOTU FINVERL IST 206 USEFULW ORVG RUOPS 223 Peoplaend F amliyR elationhsipT erms 224 BodyP artsa ndP hysoiloigcaTler ms 227 Cltohinga ndD ecroation 231 HouesholUdte nisl,s Tolos, MuiscaIln srtumen,t Wseapons 232 Preapreadn d Manuurfdea Fcotods 234 Houes and Garden 234 DiseasaensdH elathC are: dMiecaTler ms 235 Scoholorom Terms 239 Trnaspto randT rvael 244 Buisness,T rdae, andB anking 245 Goevrnmenatn dL aw 246 Reliigon andB eliefs 249 Fauna 252 Floar 254 Naturea nd Landspcea 256 A HIRIMO UT REAVINLGI ST 258 viii AIM Ast het itlseu ggestBseg ininngH i�iM ou� isa ni ntrocdtuory langugae-elarnign coursei nH irMio t,u thep rnicipallin gaf rancoaf Paupa. Iti sa reivsevde rsni oofs ear si oefl esnssod evepleoda nd usefdo rt eachintgh ee ssnetialo ft hel anguatgoea grouopf a nhtrop­ ologsitsp repargi tnog ot oP apuian 1 97b3u t arlesposr eentas r evision andu pdtainogf S .AW.ur m'san dJ ..B Harri's veyr pouplar Po�icMeo u�: An In��oduico�n ��o heT �adeL anugage 06P apua( eNw Guinae) 60� An�h�po­ o�goi��� ando �heF�i e�dw�ok�e� (LignuisticC ircleo fC anbe,r 1r9a63) whichw asa lspor eaprebdy s cholaratst heA ustrlaina NatinoalU niveirtsy butw hichw asn otr elaly deisgnedf or mon dleanrgauge-alreni1n .g Anso w preparBeegdi ninngH i�iM o�u hasb eedne isgneads a basitce xot rb ody ofm atreialusp ownh ichc oursecsan beb asewdh reet heraer ec ompette n insutcrotrsa ndm oedrnl anguagel earnifnaigc ltiiesa vaiblla,e alhtouhg itc an be,a ndh asb eenu seqdu ite sucscseufllfyo rs el-ftaechgi n pupros.e s Thea imo ft hec oursies t hed evoeplmenotf c onvertsiaonafll uency inH irMio t,u thati s, thea bilityt oc onversfere elayn de asiwliyht Papuaannsd N ewG uineanabso uetv eyrdaeyv ent.s Thisi sf eltt ob e import,a anstH irMio tui s, aftearll ,f irsatn df ormeosta spoekn languagaen do nlsyec ondlya writtoenn,e althougthhi sl attera spcet isn owb ecmoingi nrceasgilnyi mptoarn.t Beseisd,l eranintgo r eda and writeH irMio tus houlndot p reesnta nyd iffitciuelosn cteh ef irts few lessoonfst hec ourshea vbe eewno rketdh rouagnhd t heyc an bep racsteid privatleyo ncoen ek nowhso wt hel anguagies pruonncoeadn du se.d Thutsh ee mpahsiisn tcheou rsies o nl istenitnog tlhean guage ando ns peakinigta tn ormla spe,e adnda llt hee xeirsceasr ed eisgned tog ive the satsum ducehnp tr accteia sp ossibilnte h sees kililnst he timea vailbal.e Threea re rneoa dienxge irsce(se xcepfto rt hosei n whciht hes tudeinsta skedt ow riet dowwnh att hes peakiesrs ayinong the tapei nwa hnidc ht hee mphsaisi s amusc ho n asrhpeniunpgt h e stude'nspt owesr ofd isrcimintaioans o ng ivinthge s tuednt praccteii n writig)n andt hes tudte insa dvisde tor esits thet empttiaotno " get throug"h exeirsceasn dl essonwsi ht thel eats paiann de fforbty r eading answerfsr om ttheexb took. Thiiss i mportbanecta usree aditnhge a nswers 1 We should like to thank the Australian National University for its support and funds in running this course. ix noto nldye stroyesff orbtu tu ltimaltyes lowsd ownl earni.n gHowev,e r mosts tudenwtisl flin di td ifcfuitl to wdiot hotuhti sc rutcaht f irst simplyb ecuasem osotf u sh avbee cmoes od eepndenutp orne ading soa nd conditiotnoel de anrintgh rouigth. Buto nt heo therh antdh isd oenso t meant hatth et exbtooskh oludn otb ec onsluteadt a ll--obuvsiylo itm ust be, tou ndesrtanadn dl erann ewv ocbaularoyr s truucrtse;t oc lraiyf whati sb eings adi ont het apea nd/otrou sef orp rcaticaew ayf rotm he laboratorayf tetrh el esns hoasf irts beenh eardo nt ap.e Hoewve,r asa generraulle , allt hel eraninsgh uoldb ed onfer omth et apesa ndt he studesnhtuo ldm akee veyr efofrtt od ot hisa ccordintgo t heg eneral schmeas et outb elwo int hes ectioenn titl"eHdo two U set heL esson"s untilh e( ro his insrtuct)o irss atifsietdh ath eh asm astertehde matreial prtee.ds en Yetm erew orkitnhgr outghhe m ateiralisn the inwdaiyct aedw ill ini tsenloft b e sucfifnetit oe nsurceon verstaionafll unec.y The stuedntm ust pbree parteodg ob eyontdh ata ndt ou sew hath ek nows as mucha sp ossibanldet ol istetno t hel anguaagsem ucha sp osbsli;e three isn o ssutbiuttef orl ivep raccteiw iht fellow learne,r asnde spieaclly wiht nativsep eakewrhse nevaenrdw hreevepro ssi.b le THEL ANGUAGE Hiir Motui st hen amec urrentulsye tdo r efetro w hatu setdo b e caldl "ePoliMcoet" u or" PidgiMno ut", pai dginefdo rmo fM ot,u the Austrosniaenl angauges pokearno unPdo rMto rebsy. Asa lrdeyai ndiacte,d thisl anguagiest hep riinpcalli gnuaf rnacao fP apua cwhih sit oday spoeknt hroughmooustot f P apuaan ds erveasst heu nofcfiila languagoef adminsitraotnia sw ella st hep riinpcamle anosf c ommuinctaiobne tween Papua(nnasd t o soemxeet ntN ewG uineaannsd E urpoenas) spekaign muutally unitenllgiilbel angaugse1 . Inr eecnty earist h asa ssumeadn i ncreiangs impoarntcien n ationaplo ltiisc iPna puNae wG uineaan di sr ecieving inceraSinagt tentiboynl inguitsisi netreesdti n tfhoemr aitona ndd evel­ opmenotfp idgin ngluaasg.e Histocrailyl thoer igionf tlhean guagiesu nnkow2 nb utj udgign by 1 According to the 1971 census Hiri Motu is spoken by approximately 150,000 persons in Papua New Guinea. 2 For a fuller discussion of the nature, origin and development of Hiri Motu see T.E. Dutton and H.A. Brown: "HiMroit u -- The Language Itself" to appear in a volume Cu��etn T�end�� nt heL anugage Sc�en�c:eC u��ent T�end�� nN ew Gu�nea A�ae Languea�g (The Hague: Mouton). x sketyc rheocrdeidn fmoariton thati sa vailabliet i sp robblayb aseodn, ifi ti sn otd erviedf ro,m oneo ft he varietioefst rading langugaes usebdy t heM otaun dt heitrra dinpga rnterasl ongt he southenr Papnu a coasbte tewent he GouflP fa puian t he wesatn dt heA romcaoa stj useta st ofH ooPdo inti nt hee asitn p re-rEoupne atimes. Allt hati sk nowfno r certaiins t hatb y1 904s omoeb esrverwse rec omplaiinng abtohuedt e v­el l opmenotf "api dgiMnot u"or" ak indo fd og Mo-t-hua rdliynt elgliible l tot hosew hos peaMko taus t heinra itvel angaug"e int heP olicFeor ce oft het imea ndw hichm ebmers tohef f orcea ndo ther(se. g,. reitred mebmerasn dr eleasperdi son)e urssde asa lingufar nacaa mongstthe m­ selvaensd a sa languagoef c ontactn ewia nr eabse nigo peneudpb y theG ovrenme.n tThilsa nguagseo obne cmaep opulakrnloyw tnhr ougiht s assioactiwoint thh ifsor cea s "PoMloitc"ue a ndc ontinuaesds ucuhn itl 197w1he nt herweas generaaglr eemaemnotn gstth osien etresdt ient he languagaen di tsf uturteha tt hsi nasmeho uldb ec hnagedto H irMio tu followign reocmmenidoantmsa deat a Confecreeo nnP olicMeo tu convened byt he DepartmenItnf oorafmti on andE xetnisonS evriceast P orMto rseby inM ayo ft haty era. Thisc hangeo f naamsseo icateHsi rMio tu'osr igin witohn es pecifvairci ety thoeft rading gleasnag luraeamdeyn itone,d vi.z thaotn eu sedb yt heM otoun t heihrir i ora nunal voyasg teot he Gulf oPfa putao e xcahngec layp ost anodt heirte msf ors agoa ndo ther Gulfp rdoucst.W hethetrh iiss i nf acsto , isa matterf orf urhter invsetiagtion,b utm eaniwlhei ti si mpoarnttt o neo tthatth rohu tgime andt he inetratciono ft hinse wp idgilnan guagwei t"ht ruMeot u" whcih was wideluysd e throughoCuetn trPaalp uaas a churclha nguatghei s languagdee vleopeidt so wns eriesv aroifei tes( diisntgiushalbec hiefly byt heirs ounds ysmtsea ndt he presencoer abseonfcc eret ani lexilc a andg ramamticla fomrs) repsreenitng variyngd egreoefsd iffenrceew ihtin two dialtesc- aC entroanles pokelnar gleyb yA ustornseianp epoleosf the centraclo asatr ounPdo rMto ersbyb uta lsboy o thers hwahvobe een inc ontawcitt thh ep eopleosf M oresby areoar u ndetrhe influee onfc misisonuss ingt hivsar ieyt,a nda Non-Cenotnreaw lhi chi ss pokeenls e­ wher.e Thlea ttvearr iainstm uchm orew idespdr eaansdev eraalu thors havaed vocattehadt i t( ro selcetedp artso fi t) shoulbder egardaesd thes tandarvdar ietfyo rp uproseosf g enercaomlmu nictaiont hroughout 1 The first was by F.R. Barton and the second by J.H.P. Murray in annual reports on British New Guinea and Papua for the years ending June, 1904 and 607 respectively.

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