Reversible Reversible Computing for Computing for Beginners Beginners 3 . e u r c t e L w s k i Some slides from Hugo De P e r k o M a r e k Garis, De Vos, Margolus, Toffoli, Vivek Shende & Aditya Prasad Reversible Computing (cid:127) In the 60s and beyond, CS-physicists considered the ultimate limits of computing, e.g. (cid:127) What is the maximum bit processing rate of a cubic centimeter of material? (cid:127) What is the minimum amount of heat generated per bit processed? etc. (cid:127) This led to the fundamental developments in computing - reversible logic. The Most Important The Most Important aspect of research is aspect of research is Motivation Motivation Why I have motivation to work on Reversible Logic? Reasons to work on Reasons to work on Reversible Logic Reversible Logic (cid:127)Build Intelligent Robots (cid:127)Save Power (cid:127)Save our Civilization (cid:127)and supremacy of advanced nations? HHooww ttoo bbuuiilldd eexxttrreemmeellyy llaarrggee ffiinniittee ssttaattee mmaacchhiinneess wwiitthh ssmmaallll ppoowweerr ccoonnssuummppttiioonn???? ……aanndd tthhiiss lleeaaddss uuss ttoo tthhee sseeccoonndd rreeaassoonn…….... Save our Civilization Save our Civilization QQuuaannttuumm CCoommppuutteerrss wwiillll bbee rreevveerrssiibbllee QQuuaannttuumm CCoommppuutteerrss wwiillll ssoollvvee NNPP-- hhaarrdd pprroobblleemmss iinn ppoollyynnoommiiaall ttiimmee IIff QQuuaannttuumm CCoommppuutteerrss wwiillll bbee nnoott bbuuiilldd,, UUSSAA aanndd tthhee wwoorrlldd wwiillll bbee iinn ttrroouubbllee Motivation for this work: Quantum Logic touches the future of our civilization (cid:127) We live in a very exciting time. (cid:127) US economy grows, despite crisis (cid:127) World economy grows (cid:127) Thanks to advances in information-processing technology. (cid:127) Usefulness of computers has been enabled primarily by semiconductor-based electronic transistors. Moore’s Law (cid:127) In 1965, Gordon Moore observed a trend of increasing performance in the first few generations of integrated-circuit technology. (cid:127) He predicted that in fact it would continue to improve at an exponential rate - with the performance per unit cost increasing by a factor of 2 every 18 months or so - for at least the next 10 years. (cid:127) The computer industry has followed his prediction throughout for 45 years.. (cid:127) Increased power of computers created a new civilization: – communications, manufacturing, finance, and all manner of products and services. – It has affected nearly everything. Questions. (cid:127) How long can Moore's law continue to hold? (cid:127) What are the ultimate limits, if any, to computing technology? (cid:127) How will the technology need to change in order to improve as much as possible? (cid:127) What will happen to our civilization if the Moore Law will stop to work? Amazing thing (cid:127) A product that seems to get better in every respect as you make it smaller and smaller. (cid:127) You can make it smaller as you improve the fabrication process in a fairly methodical way. (cid:127) But, how long can this trend continue? (cid:127) There are a lot of fundamental physical limits that will ultimately come to bear on the shrinkage of transistors, and the improvement of computing technology in general.