Anne Katrine de Hemmer Gudme BEFORE THE GOD IN THIS PLACE FOR GOOD REMEMBRANCE A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE ARAMAIC VOTIVE INSCRIPTIONS FROM MOUNT GERIZIM Anne Katrine de Hemmer Gudme Before the God in this Place for Good Remembrance Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft Edited by John Barton, F. W. Dopps-Allsopp, Reinhard G. Kratz and Markus Witte Volume 441 Anne Katrine de Hemmer Gudme Before the God in this Place for Good Remembrance A Comparative Analysis of the Aramaic Votive Inscriptions from Mount Gerizim DE GRUYTER ISBN978-3-11-030118-2 e-ISBN978-3-11-030187-8 ISSN0934-2575 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData ACIPcatalogrecordforthisbookhasbeenappliedforattheLibraryofCongress BibliographicinformationpublishedbytheDeutscheNationalbibliothek TheDeutscheNationalbibliothekliststhispublicationintheDeutscheNationalbibliografie; detailedbibliographicdataareavailableintheInternetat ©2013WalterdeGruyterGmbH,Berlin/Boston Printing:Hubert&Co.GmbH&Co.KG,Göttingen ♾Printedonacid-freepaper PrintedinGermany To Rasmus Acknowledgements Thismonographisarevisedversionofmydoctoralthesis,whichwassubmitted totheFacultyofTheologyattheUniversityofCopenhageninMarch2011.During theentireprocessofcompletingthisprojectIhavebeenmetwithkindness,gen- erosity and helpfulness and I wish to thank everyone who have offered advice andinvaluablefeedbackandhelpedmewithmynever-endingliteraturesearch- es. A special thankyou goes to my supervisor, Niels Peter Lemche, for his wise andgentle guidance and for his knack of giving just the right advice at exactly therighttime.AndtomysecondsupervisorJørgenPodemannSørensen,whose enthusiasm and theoretical cogency are a great inspiration. IalsowishtothanktheFacultyofTheologyforfundingmyresearchandmy colleagues at the Department of Biblical Studies for creating a stimulating and funworkenvironment.IamparticularlygratefultoIngridHjelm,whointroduced me to the Gerizim material. Thechaptersinthisbookhavebenefitedgreatlyfromdiscussionsatthean- nualmeetingsoftheOTSEMnetworkandduringmytimeasavistingstudentat the Religious Studies Department at Brown University. I am grateful to Saul Olyan, Michael Satlow and Stanley K. Stowers,to my fellow students at Brown and to all the members of OTSEM. TheDepartmentofTheologyandReligionattheUniversityofExeterwasmy ‘home’ during the last frantic months of writingand Iwish tothank myformer colleagues there for their encouraging support. IammuchobligedtoFinnOveHvidberg-Hansen,whoansweredlonglistsof questions regarding the vast corpus of Palmyrene inscriptions and generously shared his time and expertise, and to Kevin Cathcart,who not only proof-read thewholething,butwhohasbeenadearfriendandasourceofencouragement. Finally,Iwishtothankthemembersofmyassessmentcommittee,Reinhard Kratz, Hans Jørgen Lundager Jensen and Jesper Høgenhaven, for their valuable criticism,which helped me correct several flaws and sins of omission. I am to fault of course for any shortcomings that may remain. I dedicate this book to my beloved husband, Rasmus Kjær,without whom nothing – not evenvotive practice – really matters. Prometheus:AndIinventedformenthecombiningoflettersasanaidtomemory. Aeschylus,PrometheusBound Aman’sgiftmakesroomforhim, Andbringshimbeforethegreat Proverbs18:16 Contents Acknowledgements VII List of Abbreviations XI Introduction 1 Votive Practice: A Methodological Framework 5 . Votive Practice 6 .. Votive Objects 12 .. Ritual Actions 18 . The Gift 21 . Gifts to the Gods 30 Votive Practice in Biblical Literature 37 . Biblical Literature 37 . Non-durable Votive Objects: Sacrifices 39 . Vows 41 . Durable Votive Objects 43 .. The qodāšīm 44 .. Sacerdotal Giving 47 . Votive Practice in Biblical Literature: Ideology and Practice 50 The Votive Inscriptions from Mount Gerizim 52 . Mount Gerizim – An Introduction to the Site 52 . The Yahwists on Mount Gerizim 56 . The Sanctuary on Mount Gerizim 64 . The Votive Inscriptions from Mount Gerizim 70 .. The Dedicatory Formula 71 .. The Location of the Aramaic Inscriptions 76 .. The Dating of the Aramaic inscriptions 78 .. The Object of Dedication 85 .. Before the God in this Place 89 Votive Inscriptions with a Version of a Remembrance Formula 91 . Classifying Inscriptions 94 . Assur 101 . Hatra 106 . Jebel Ramm 112