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Beer Color and Residual Alkalinity PDF

37 Pages·2007·0.67 MB·English
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NHC – Denver 2007 BBeeeerr CCoolloorr aanndd RReessiidduuaall AAllkkaalliinniittyy:: AA PPrraaccttiiccaall EExxaammppllee John Palmer Rick Bobbitt Scott Jackson TThhaannkk YYoouu!! All malts provided by Briess Malting and (cid:132) Ingredients Co. Yeast provided by White Labs Inc. (cid:132) Hops provided by Morebeer.com (cid:132) All the work provided by Rick Bobbitt and (cid:132) Scott Jackson of KROC! WWhhyy WWaatteerr MMaatttteerrss The water and the malts drive the mash chemistry (cid:132) and the enzyme activity. Adding Brewing Salts Always Affects Flavor and (cid:132) pH. Calcium, Magnesium, and Carbonate affect pH. (cid:132) Sulfates accentuate hop bitterness, making it more (cid:132) crisp. Sodium and Chloride accentuate the malt flavors. (cid:132) RReevviieeww ooff ppHH The target mash pH range for EVERY beer, (cid:132) regardless of style, is: 5.4-5.8 @ room temperature. pH papers are made to be used on room (cid:132) temperature samples. pH meters with ATC adjust the measured pH (cid:132) of the sample to the calibration temperature. Calibration solutions are most accurate at (cid:132) room temperature. WWhhaatt ddooeess wwaatteerr ppHH mmeeaann?? pH can be interpreted as the ratio of negative (cid:132) ions to positive ions. a dna ™emiTkciuQ rosserpmoced )desserpmocnU( FFIT .erutcip siht ees ot dedeen era The water may seem Hard, (cid:132) but it’s usually Alkaline. WWhhaatt iiss HHaarrdd WWaatteerr?? Hard water contains high amounts of (cid:132) Calcium and Magnesium. (et. al.) Hard water pH can range from 5-10. (cid:132) Acidic (<7) or Alkaline (>7) (cid:132) pH depends on the balance of hardness to (cid:132) alkalinity. Hard water is GOOD for brewing because (cid:132) calcium is an important co-factor for many brewing bio-chemical reactions. WWhhaatt iiss SSoofftt WWaatteerr?? Soft water does not contain high levels of (cid:132) calcium, magnesium, or other cations. Soft water pH can range from 7-10. (cid:132) Soft water can be alkaline, but alkaline (cid:132) water is not necessarily soft. WWhhaatt ddooeess WWaatteerr SSoofftteenniinngg DDoo?? Salt-based Water Softeners exchange (cid:132) sodium ions for calcium, magnesium, iron, etc. Throwing the baby out with the bath water. (cid:132) Water Softeners do not affect the alkalinity. (cid:132) The result is extra-alkaline water. (cid:132) RReessiidduuaall AAllkkaalliinniittyy Mash (and beer) pH is the net effect of the (cid:132) Hardness, Alkalinity, and the Grainbill. RA = alkalinity - (Ca/3.5 + Mg/7) (cid:132) Units are mEq/L (cid:132) High RA means you should brew dark beers (cid:132) Low RA means you should brew lliigghhtt bbeeeerrss (cid:132)

The water and the malts drive the mash chemistry The target mash pH range for EVERY beer, High RA means you should brew dark beers.
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