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Bedford high school yearbook PDF

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0( Wrapping Up It by Ellen Gersh and Dina Zolotusky It's 1996 ... We are endingour lives in public school. We are theyoungand the energetic - full oflife, energy, andgood spirit. We rebound from the hard times when we are down, with the optimism for better times ahead. Some ofus live life one day at a time, with no idea, ofwhere we will be next week, let alone in 10 or 20 years. Others ofus plan our lives hour by hour envisioningthe place where will be a decade from now. No matter how each person sees their future, we all know our dreams. And, whatever our dreams might be, each one ofus will travel our lives on our own unique paths, encountering the obstacles and adventures ofeveryday life. Whetheryou are agraduatingSenior, orjust beginningyour career, our paths have all crossed here at Bedford High School. BKS is where we learned to stretch our limits and to reach for ourgoals. We voyage into the future, hopefully having gained the life skills that will lead us to our own personal successes. We are, to coin a phrase, Wrapping It Up, compoundingour past and creatingour new futures with what we havegained here in the first eighteenyears ofour lives. Table ofContents Page4Junior Prom Page 49 People Page 6 Extraordinary People Page 8 Class of 1996 Picture Page 51 Seniors Page 10 Bedford Day Page 53 SeniorSignatures Page 12 "Friends Forever" Page 56 Senior Pictures Page 15 AFS Page 77Superlatives Page 17 Student Life Page 82 Baby Pictures Page 88 Senior Directory Page 18 Spirit Week/Pep Rally/Homecoming Page 111 Underclassmen Page 20 "The Music Man" Page 112Juniors & Page 117Sophomores Page 23 Clubs Organizations Page 123 Freshmen Page 24 Hanscom Page 129 School Staph Page 25 METCO Page 137 Sports Page26SADD/Targeteers Page 27Interact/Peer Leadership Page 138 Fall Sports Page28 Forum/Telemedia Page 148 Cheerleaders Page 29 Drama Activities Page 150 Winter Sports Page 30 Singing Groups Page 162 Spring Sports Page 33 Musical PerformanceGroups Page 174 "A Special Dedication" Page 37 AFS/Language Clubs Page 175 Advertisments Page40 Boys' and Girls' State/NHS Page41 DebateTeam/EnvironmentalClub Page42 SGA/StudentAdvisory/School Council Page 21 1 Current Events Page 43 Math League Page44 ScienceTeam/ScienceClub Page X\S Colophon Page45 ROTC/DrillTeam Page46Yearbook Page #3 Prom Junior by Cyndi DeYoung This year, the Junior Prom was held on May 20, 1995. The task of organizing and creating it, how- ever, began back in November of 1994, when Junior Prom chairpersons Cyndi DeYoung and Kirsten Bushey joined other class officers Rajul Patel, Bethany Guisti, Tim Sheflin, Julie Albonesi, and Cara Stein in raising money to make this prom go under the stars. As the day of the prom neared, the Junior class pulled together and turned the new cafeteria into an entirely different place, creating a stream of city lights complete with city park benches. Then, the Big Night finally came. The girls came, showing off elegant gowns, and the guys were dressed to the nines in their sharp tuxedos. The night was packed full of fun as was the dance floor. As the excitement toned down, the charperons gathered to decide the Prom Court. Onlookers gathered in a circle on the dance floor with eager eyes, awaiting the results. When it was announced, the Junior Prom Court was: Chris Ryan, Will Dick, Nick Defino, Rajul Patel, Tim Sheflin, Bethany Guisti, Cyndi DeYoung, Lisa Marranian, Cara Stein, and Kirsten Bushey. The Prom song "Will You Still Love Me?" by Chicago sounded throughout the cafeteria and dancers paired up while waiting to hear the final decision of who were the king and queen. As the song came to an end, the DJ announced the king, Nick Defino, and the queen, Cyndi DeYoung. Congratula- tions! We hope that everyone has just as much fun at the Senior Prom! The Illustrious King Defino Ego Massage! Ego Massage! Ego Massage! Eventually,Jarrod's dates will notice each other, and Queen DeYoung enjoy a De-lightful dance. Page #4 (below, far left) "Us? No way! Marie, Bethany, and Alissa wear black in mourning for their dates, who disap- peared under mysterious circum- stances around 9:30 p.m. (below) These people are actually the same height. This is just one of those optical illusion rooms you've seen on kids' shows sometimes. (Just wait 'til theyallswitchplaces—this'llbecool.) (farleft)Allrisefor the Prom Court of statelyPromCourt! (men) Tim, Will, Nick, Chris, Rajul (women) Lisa, Kirsten, Cyndi, Bethany, Cara (left)TheChuck-E- Cheese Get Along Gang (left) Rajul and Michelle kick back and unwind. (far left) The gals of Bedford High relish the experience of going to their first prom stag. Page #5 Extraordinary People by Amita Bharat, Michelle Donnely, Ellen Gersh, and Dina Zolotusky The Class of 1996 consists of many talented departmentforwhichshewasnamed "Volunteerof anddetermined people. TheseSeniorsdoextraordi- the Year." Sanju has been volunteering at Emerson nary thingsoutsideofBHSranginginareasfromthe Hospital since his Freshmen year and has accumu- Arts to athletics to community service. They have lated over 260 hours! Also, Ben Waterhouse and demonstrated their perseverance in their respective MattSkavenski each performed community service extracurricular activities, reaching personal goals projects as part of earning their respective Eagle and new highs on a regular basis. Scout awards, the highest award a Boy Scout can In the field ofathletics, four Senior girls have achieve. achieved great success. First, there is the talented In the area of technology, two people stand team of the Watts twins - Sarah and Amanda. Both out for their achievements: Brian Deardorff and train with the Gators swim club year round. They GregSimpson. Overthecourseofthepreviousyear, have competed in such meets as the US Swimming Greg has taken care of technical problems on cus- New England Seniors, Canadian Invitationals, and tomerequipmentasNetworkAdministratoratLook- theJuniorNationalChampionships. Anothercham- ing Glass Technologies, Inc.. Brian is employed by pion swimmer is Heather Wilder, a member of the TIAC (The Internet Access Company in Bedford) as New England Swim Team and US Swim Team Senior Technical Support, and he helps to maintain Practices. She hasbeen swimming since shewas six the quality of customer's systems. years old at the New Wave Swim Club and has Musically, Eric Luke and Marie Tanzer both competed intheNewEnglandSeniorchampionship playthroughprogramswiththeNew EnglandCon- cups,UnionNationals,NewEnglandDistrictCham- servatory. Eric hasbeen playingviolin since hewas pionships, and theNew England Seniors. In tennis, five years old. Since the age of ten when he was Elisa Banner is ranked second in New England and selected fortheYouthRepertoryOrchestra, Eric has twentiethinthenationforheragegroup! Hertennis been involved with many groups including the journeys have included a trip to Israel in '93 to Greater BostonYouthSymphonyOrchestra and the compete in the Junior Maccabiah Games, trips to Youth Philharmonic Orchestra. Marie, a promising Californiaforplayversusnationaland international clarinetist, has been a member ofDistrict orchestras teams, and a trip to Florida last April for the Easter forfouryearsstraight. Duringthesummerof'93she Bowl. Additionally, Elisa won the Massachussetts attended the Summer Youth Music School (SYMS) State Championships in 1995. and,forthepasttwoyears,hasbeenamemberofthe Several Seniors have been involved in doing Massachusetts Youth Wind Ensemble (MYWE). extensive community service work. Jeannie Kim A special congratulations to all of these tal- and SanjuShewakramanihavebothbeenincredibly ented Seniors for their success and for being an activevolunteering their time atlocal hospitals. For inspirationtousall! Yourexceptional effortswillbe the past three years, Jeannie has worked at Lahey greatly missed! Clinic, putting inover 100 hours inthepublic affairs Page #6

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