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Praise for the work of Annette Blair NAKED DRAGON “Blair‟s first story in her new Works Like Magick series introduces wonderfully magical dragon men. The adjustments the hero must make to fit into this modern world are delightfully handled, and the main characters‟ interactions with each other and those around them make for a fun and enjoyable escape from reality.” —Romantic Times “FIVE STARS! Forget the vampires and demons, give me the dragons! Full of suspense, humor, and romance, this novel is sure to please any paranormal or fantasy fan . . . Annette Blair is one in a billion!” —Huntress Book Reviews “Filled with fun, sex, and romance—with some suspense thrown in for good measure— fans of Blair‟s previous work will rejoice at seeing her start a new series.” —Romance Junkies “With whimsical and delightful supporting characters both magical . . . and non-magical . . . Naked Dragon is pure fun . . . Annette Blair has crafted an original and entertaining tale of love and redemption.” —Sacramento Book Review NEVER BEEN WITCHED “A superb tale . . . Whimsical but heart wrenching . . . Magician Annette Blair provides a terrific finish to an entertaining saga.” —Alternative Worlds “A perfect ending to a witchy trilogy. Annette Blair‟s writing is pure magic! Highly recommended!” —Huntress Book Reviews “A wonderful tale of love, understanding, and forgiveness, told with passion and humor. The reader will be captivated from the first page and will find it difficult to put this enchanting story down . . . [Never Been Witched includes] a good amount of hilarity and eroticism tossed in as only Ms. Blair can do.” —Fresh Fiction “The last of Annette Blair‟s witch trilogy is definitely, in this reviewer‟s opinion, the greatest . . . There is mayhem and humor . . . in this very sexy and highly entertaining story . . . Wow!” —Reader to Reader Reviews “A wonderful conclusion to a funny and enjoyable series.” —Romance Junkies “I simply could not put this book down . . . Fast, intense, and suck[s] the reader in with a vengeance . . . The sweet paranormal touches, humorous language, and snappy dialogue are superb . . . This book rocked the house! Grade: A+” —Penelope’s Romance Reviews “I highly recommend this series . . . to anyone who loves magic, humor, and romance mixed together with delightful characters guaranteed to keep you entertained and charmed!” —Fallen Angel Reviews GONE WITH THE WITCH “A spellbinding story that totally knocked my socks off!” —Huntress Book Reviews “Wonderful characters, a riveting story line, and a sensuous undercurrent are just a few of the things that made this such a phenomenal story.” —Romance Junkies “This story tugged at the heart . . . A definite addition to my keeper shelf.” —Fresh Fiction “Annette Blair‟s second contribution to her triplet trilogy should come with oven mitts as it is hot, hot, hot . . . This is one road trip you do not want to miss!” —Reader to Reader Reviews SEX AND THE PSYCHIC WITCH “Sassy, sexy, and sizzling!” —Reader to Reader Reviews “Ms. Blair‟s humor and wit is evident in many ways . . . A delight [that] will bring chuckles.” —Romance Reviews Today “A sexy, hilarious, romantic tale with fun characters, snappy writing, and some super- spooky moments.” —Fresh Fiction “More hot scenes . . . spine chills . . . outrageous stunts . . . A witchy climax that will warm your very soul. I can hardly wait until the next Cartwright triplet spins her spell. Out- Freaking-Standing!” —Huntress Book Reviews THE SCOT, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE “Sassy dialogue, rich sexual tension, and plenty of laughs make this an immensely satisfying return to Blair‟s world of witchcraft.” —Publishers Weekly “Snappy dialogue can‟t disguise the characters‟ true insecurities, giving depth to Blair‟s otherwise breezy, lighthearted tale.” —Booklist MY FAVORITE WITCH “Annette Blair will make your blood sizzle with this magical tale . . . A terrific way to start the new year!” —Huntress Book Reviews “This warmhearted story is a delight, filled with highly appealing characters sure to touch your heart. The magic in the air spotlights the humor that‟s intrinsic to the story. A definite charmer!” —Romantic Times THE KITCHEN WITCH “A fun and sexy romp.”—Booklist “Magic. The Kitchen Witch sizzles. Ms. Blair‟s writing is as smooth as a fine Kentucky bourbon. Sexy, fun, top-notch entertainment.” —Romance Reader at Heart “Bewitching! Full of charm, humor, sensuality . . . An easy-reading, reader-pleasing story that makes you feel good all over.” —Reader to Reader Reviews Berkley Sensation Titles by Annette Blair THE KITCHEN WITCH MY FAVORITE WITCH THE SCOT, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE SEX AND THE PSYCHIC WITCH GONE WITH THE WITCH NEVER BEEN WITCHED NAKED DRAGON BEDEVILED ANGEL Berkley Prime Crime Titles by Annette Blair A VEILED DECEPTION LARCENY AND LACE DEATH BY DIAMONDS THE BERKLEY PUBLISHING GROUP Published by the Penguin Grou p Penguin Group (USA) Inc. 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario M4P 2Y3, Canada (a d iv ision of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) Penguin Books Ltd., 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England Penguin Group Ireland, 25 St. Stephen‟s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland (a division of Penguin Books Ltd.) Penguin Group (Australia), 250 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, Victoria 3124, Australia (a division of Pearson Australi a Group Pty. Ltd.) Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd., 11 Community Centre, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi—110 017, India Penguin Group (NZ), 67 Apollo Drive, Rosedale, North Shore 0632, New Zealand (a division of Pearson New Zeala n d Ltd.) Penguin Books (South Africa) (Pty.) Ltd., 24 Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg 2196, South Africa Penguin Books Ltd., Registered Offices: 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author‟s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead , business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content. BEDEVILED ANGEL A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author PRINTING HISTORY Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / August 2010 Copyright © 2010 by Annette Blair. Excerpt from Vampire Dragon by Annette Blair copyright © by Annette Blai r. Excerpt from Cruel Enchantment by Anya Bast copyright © by Anya Bast. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please d o not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author‟s rights. Purchase only authorized editions. For information, address: The Berkley Publi shing Group, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014. eISBN : 978-1-101-18910-8 ® BERKLEY SENSATION Berkley Sensation Books are published by The Berk ley Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014. ® BERKLEY SENSATION and the “B” design are trademarks of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. http://us.penguingroup.com This book is dedicated with love and respect: To my daughter Robbie-Lynn for having the brilliance to marry her Kenyan. To my son-in-law Peter, who enriches our family in every way. To Ann and Esther, smart, delightful young women, granddaughters of my heart. You make me proud. And last but definitely not least, to our little Laura, Cute, cuddly, smart as a button, A toddler cyclone, often on wheels, Who keeps us in stitches, And everyone else running in circles. Nuggles, Gigi. And to Tina and Sean’s Connor. You didn’t stay long, but you brought love. So much love. ONE “How could you die at a time like this?” Guardian angel fourth class Chance Godricson rushed toward the new arrivals, his many-colored dream robe flowing behind him. “Mountain climbing? Really? With your responsibilities?” The newly deceased Fitzpatricks stepped back as Chance‟s anger vibrated the rainbow dome of pre-Everlasting. The aurora borealis had nothing on eternity. Minion angels in pastel robes materialized and propelled Chance away from the distressed couple, a firm hand on each of his wrists. Chance struggled against his wardens while the Fitzpatricks were led away. The angel Angus—Chance‟s friend and fellow prankster—appeared, shaking his head, his bushy white beard making Chance want to scratch his own clean-shaven face, though he resisted temptation, as all angels should. Angus gave an empathetic sigh, scratched his fuzzy chin, then firmed his spine and his expression. “You have no purpose in this sector, my friend. Even if you belonged here, the Fitzpatricks were not yours to protect, much less to chide.” Chance fisted his hands. “But Queisha Saint-Denis is my responsibility, and she‟s the surrogate who carried their six-year-old twins. As Mr. Fitzpatrick insisted, and put in his will, Queisha becomes the twins‟ legal guardian at their death. She doesn‟t know it yet, but the couple‟s angry family does, and they hate it.” “Ach, now, Chance—” “Don‟t shush me,” Chance said with a tug against his wardens. “This couple‟s death will spell trouble for Queisha in ways even I can‟t imagine.” Angus folded his wings, which meant that he believed he had everything under control. “Queisha has always yearned for the twins she carried, Chance. Maybe they‟re exactly what she needs.” “The girls, yes. The complications they‟ll bring with them, no. You don‟t understand, Angus. On earth, the Fitzpatricks are at this moment considered missing, not dead, therefore their will has no power. It‟s a gray area for all concerned. They died in a remote location where their bodies might not be found for weeks or months. If ever. A vague enough situation to bring the twins‟ guardianship up for question. Who will get them for the interim? Who will control their fortune? What happens to someone as sensitive as Queisha when she learns . . . all of it?” Angus‟s unibrow undulated like a fuzzy white caterpillar on the prowl. “I agree that this complicates the issue, but you‟ve already been told by Raphael that you spend too much time looking to Queisha‟s welfare when others in your care need your attention.” Chance‟s wings bristled of their own accord, so he drew them against his body. “Queisha‟s troubles are more urgent than the rest of my charges‟ put together. And you know it!” “Granted, Queisha has issues,” Angus said, “for good reason, fears that have caused complications. Crivvens, her solutions have erected obstacles, but there‟s a limit to your role as her guardian. Her free will is her own, not yours, and not to be toyed with. You cannot protect her from life, Chance.” Angus made a motion to dismiss the pastel-robed guards. The minions disappeared while Chance rubbed his wrists, from habit, not pain—pain did not exist here, but the memory of it did. When Chance looked up, Angus, too, had vanished, and Chance found himself standing beside a precipice from which earth sat bared to his view, a brink, razor sharp in its implications, earth‟s beauty mesmerizing but frightening in its pull. From here, more than from anywhere else in the unending splendor of Everlasting, the earthen plane loomed: visible, vulnerable, and open. Dangerously open. Chance stepped from the allure of temptation. Temptation? In Everlasting? Of course not. A test, more like, and from the highest levels of angeldom. The archangels. Gabriel and Raphael. He ran a hand through his hair. Everything he yearned for appeared so near, yet hovered light-years away. If the scene he watched at this moment—Queisha dancing with a tuxedoed hat rack—had a sound, it would seduce with promise . . . a tune as simple as the offer of an apple. His heart pulsed at the sight of Queisha, sweeter than any fruit . . . life giving . . . as once had been said of the apple. Chance stepped closer to the precipice so as to see her more clearly, so close that her vulnerability tugged at him in the same way it had nicked his heart and proved that organ‟s existence on the day she lived and he died. He watched her make life count, her gown flaring, its skirt ending in colored points as she participated in Dancing with the Stars, alone, more or less, in the safety of her home. Agoraphobia: an abnormal fear of being in public places or situations or places outside a familiar environment. If only she could leave the malady entirely behind her. Chance found Angus beside him, again, also observing Queisha. “Angus, she‟ll consider her fears validated when she discovers that the twins‟ parents have died. Her road to recovery will grow longer, rather than shorter.” Angus nodded. “Aye, and who could blame her for faltering in her recovery after what she‟s survived?” His friend‟s resolute stance worried Chance. “Are you here to warn me away from her again?” Angus obviously caught the disapproving nuance of his own body language so he relaxed, clasped his hands behind his back, and turned from the precipice. “I hear that Gabriel and Raphael are thinking about washing their hands of you.” “Glad tidings,” Chance said, going for glib. “So what message did they send?” Angus toed the outline of a star in the pearlescent angel dust beneath their sparkling, leg- laced high-tops before renewing eye contact. “Gabriel and Raphael, it is said, believe that you reside too much in your heart, not here in Everlasting, but on the earthen plane . . . with Queisha.” “That‟s not much of an accusation,” Chance countered. “Queisha‟s more angelic than I am. More than you, too, given your habit of listening at archangels‟ keyholes.” Angus coughed to avoid a direct response. “I will, unfortunately, grant that we‟re both more worldly than the girl.” Chance relaxed, relief washing over him. At least someone understood. “So you see my problem?”

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