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KEY Sample В To: P. Jones Test 1 Reading From: Manager Date: 21 November 2002 Part 1 Subject: Lateness 1C 2 A 3 В 4 D 5 A 6 Hi, Jones 7 С Nowadays you arrives late for work very often. I Part 2 feel you may have particular reasons for it. But if you keep going your lateness, other staff in the 8 D 9 С 10 E 11 В 12 F office may be late like you. I’m worrying about it. How about considering of being more Part 3 punctual? 13 D 14 A 15 С 16 В 17 В Thanks! 18 С Part 4 Band 3 All the content points are covered, though at times 19 В 20 A 21 D 22 A 23 С the register is not always entirely successful. There 24 С 25 D 26 A 27 В 28 С is evidence of an adequate range of structures and 29 D 30 В 31 С 32 В 33 В vocabulary for this level, but with some non­ impeding errors. Part 5 Part 2 34 ITSELF 35 IN 36 CORRECT 37 WHILE 38 SEEN 39 FROM Sample С__________________________________ 40 CORRECT 41 THOSE 42 FOR Report on customer complaints 43 WITH 44 THAT 45 CORRECT INTRODUCTION This report has the purpose of presenting the Test 1 Writing reasons for customer complaints in 2002. FIELDINGS Part 1 The customer complaints received in 2002 were Sample A 300 in January. Then they increased to 540 in February because of the computer system’s breakdown. To: P. Jones In March they fell to 230 because an improved From: Luisa Gambon order system was introduced. Date: 21 November 2002 The reasons for complaints from January to Subject: Lateness March were analysed: Mr Jones, • firstly the company received complaints for incorrect orders delivered. These errors were I have noticed that you often arrive late for work, fewer in March. especially on Monday mornings. As your • secondly the time taken to deliver is too high, • colleagues are starting to complain about that, but the company has planned to recruit new you understand that unless this habit changes, I agents. will take disciplinary action against you. • Finally customers complain for the poor Come and see me tomorrow at 9 a.m. in my product quality. In order to solve this problem office. more quality controls are making. Thank you CONCLUSIONS At the moment all customers aren’t satisfied but Band 5 many measures have been taken to improve their All content points are covered, using natural satisfaction. sounding language and a consistently appropriate tone. * Test 1 Band 4 9 INFORMATION PACK There is a satisfactory range of structures, with 10 PARK HOTEL some errors, but these do not impede 11 FRONT GATE understanding. The content points are adequately 12 NEW DESIGNS covered, and the register is appropriate. The information is generally well organised, using Part 2 headings and other discourse markers. 13 E 14 В 15 G 16 F 17 A 18 С 19 G 20 H 21 E 22 В Sample D Part 3 Customer Complaints Reports (2002 Jan-Mar) 23 В 24 В 25 С 26 A 27 С 28 В 29 A 30 С Background - Number of customers complains received showed very high points in February Tapescript - It became less half than February’s in March. Listening Test 1 Analysis - The breakdown of computer system in This is the Business English Certificate Vantage 2, February lead to a lot of complaints. Listening Test 1. - On the other hand the introduction of improved order system decrease the amount. Part One. Questions 1 to 12. - Fewer incorrect order delivered in March. It You will hear three telephone conversations or result in few complaints. messages. - More than half of complaints are because of late deliver. Write one or two words or a number in the - Unsatisfactory product quality’s complaints numbered spaces on the notes or forms below. showed 28% of all. After you have listened once, replay each Recommendation recording. - To improve delivery system is important, it Conversation One. Questions 1 to 4. leads the decrease of complaints. It should be improved. Look at the form below. - To reduce poor quality product. Products should be cheack before shipping. You will hear a man asking a colleague for information about a former employee. You have 15 seconds to read through the form. Band 2 The organisation of the report is reasonable, as is [pause] the register and format. However, not all content Now listen, and fill in the spaces. points are adequately addressed, a limited range of language is used, and there are some distracting Woman: Personnel. . . errors. Man: Hello, it’s Tim here, from Finance. Woman: Hi, Tim. Man: I’ve had a letter from the tax office about a student who worked here last summer - I Test 1 Listening wonder if you could look him up in your Part 1 records. Woman: Sure, what’s the name? 1 JAYE Man: The surname’s Jaye. First name Stephen. 2 CUSTOMER SERVICES Woman: How does he spell his surname? 3 OFFICE ASSISTANT Man: J-A-Y-E. Got that? 4 457.60 Woman: Oh yes, here we are . . . lives at a 5 EUROPE HOLIDAYS hundred and eighty-three School Road, 6 BUSINESS CARDS Barnfield . . . 7 MARKETING EXECUTIVES Man: Yes, that’s the one. 8 (THE) (COMPANY) LOGO Woman: And you say he was working in Finance? Key Man: Uhm, Customer Services, actually. [pause] Woman: Aah - they had lots of students working Conversation Three. Questions 9 to 12. for them last summer. Man: Well, the tax people want to know his exact Look at the notes below. job title - I’m not sure why. You will hear a woman making the arrangements Woman: Mm, let me see . . . He was an office for a delegation who are going to visit her assistant. company. Man: Right, got that. They also want to know about his monthly earnings. You have 15 seconds to read through the notes. Woman: Let’s have a look . . . five hundred and [pause] thirty-eight pounds seventy a month . . . Oh, sorry, he was a scale one, so that’s four hundred Now listen, and fill in the spaces. and fifty-seven pounds sixty. Anything else? Woman: Geoff? Man: That’s fine, thanks. I’ll send them the Man: Yes? information today . .. Woman: I just want to finalise the preparations [pause] for the delegation next week. Man: Certainly. It’s Thursday, isn’t it? Now listen to the recording again. Woman: Yes. Now, can you make sure that each [pause] of them gets a name badge and an information Conversation Two. Questions 5 to 8. pack. The badges are done, but you’ll need to prepare the packs with all the relevant Look at the note below. information. Man: Ok, that shouldn’t take too long. What You will hear a man describing a problem with an about catering? order. Woman: Coffee’s organised for eleven and three, You have 15 seconds to read through the note. but lunch - it’s at one - we need to reserve it for twelve people . . . The office restaurant is closed [pause] next week . . . can you ring the Park Hotel? The Now listen, and fill in the spaces. Grand Hotel was a bit disappointing last time. Woman: Hello, Blackwell Printers. Julie Davidson Man: I’ll get onto that. speaking. How may I help you? Woman: Now, they’ll be coming straight from the Man: Hello. This is Mark Jones from Europe station, and their taxi will bring them to the Holidays. I was hoping to speak to Steven Kirby front gate, so make sure you’re there to greet about the stationery you’re printing for us. them. That’ll be about ten. Woman: I’m afraid Steven’s away until Friday. Man: Ten. And then . . . Man: Oh - you see I’m not very happy with the Woman: Into Reception, I think. Make sure the business cards and I wanted to see if I could new designs are on display, I want them to see make a couple of changes to the paper too. those first. Woman: Would you like me to pass on a message? Man: OK. Man: Yes, please. The thing is, I’ve just received Woman: Let me know when it’s all finalised. your proofs - the cards themselves are fine, but Bye. you seem to have misunderstood the quantities. [pause] I’m sure I asked for five hundred for each of the Now listen to the recording again. marketing executives and seven hundred and fifty for me but you’ve put everyone down for [pause] seven hundred and fifty. Woman: Right, I’ve made a note of that. Is there That is the end of Part One. You now have 20 anything else? seconds to check your answers. Man: Yes, well this is my mistake really. Could [pause] you ask Steven to move the company logo further to the left? It’s too close to the address at Part Two. Questions 13 to 22. the moment. I think that’s all for now. Thanks. Section One. Questions 13 to 17. [pause] You will hear five short recordings. Now listen to the recording again. 100 Test 1 For each recording, decide which type of Sixteen document the speaker is talking about. Man: Of course, this only gives a very general Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the picture. But as you can see, cash is a particularly recording. healthy area. That’s even when we take into account regular outgoings on loans and leasing Do not use any letter more than once. equipment, which are included in the final After you have listened once, replay the recordings. totals. And even more significantly, unpaid orders are actually excluded from the final You have 15 seconds to read the list A-H. calculation. These represent a sum of [pause] approximately thirty thousand pounds. With that in mind, we can say that the company’s Now listen, and decide which type of document overall position is still strong. each speaker is talking about. [pause] [pause] Seventeen Thirteen Woman: I’ve just asked the Arden Conference Woman: Well no wonder the bank’s returned it Centre about availability for our next training unpaid. Look, the figures don’t match the seminar, and they said they still haven’t been paid amount in words. I expect someone was filling it for the one before last, which should have been in in too much of a hurry. Let’s see, we’d better dealt with six months ago. I’ve had to ask them to issue another one straight away to pay Mrs send a duplicate! We really must be careful. Arden Burton, because it’ll be another three weeks if give us very favourable prices, but we haven’t got we wait for the next cycle of payments. Her a contract with them - Can you deal with it expenses on that sales trip were pretty high, and straight away so we stay in their good books? it wouldn’t be fair to keep her waiting much [pause] longer. Now listen to the recordings again. [pause] [pause] Fourteen Section Two. Questions 18 to 22. Man: Some of the suppliers are already asking about the increases. I’ll check, but I seem to You will hear another five recordings. remember from last week’s meeting that in the For each recording, decide ivhat the speaker’s end we agreed on three per cent. So what I’ll do purpose is. is go down each column and calculate the new amounts, and then it can be printed in time to Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the be inserted into the new brochures. Can you recording. check the figures for me, though, before it goes Do not use any letter more than once. to the printers? After you have listened once, replay the [pause] recordings. Fifteen You have 15 seconds to read the list A-H. Woman: We’ve just received the paperwork from [pause] you about cleaning our premises, and I have to say that it doesn’t reflect what we agreed in our Now listen, and decide what each speaker’s purpose is. conversation last week. For one thing, it says that we have to supply our security code, and [pause] for another it specifies monthly payment in advance, and I told you both of those were out Eighteen of the question. I’m afraid I really can’t sign this. Man: Hello. This is Guy Cooper from Centron Could you send me a revised one? Electronics here. I believe you rang for some advice about your alarm system, which isn’t [pause] functioning properly. The message I got said you weren’t sure if you needed someone to come and 101 Key sort it out, or if we could advise you over the say that we ignored your advice. I know it’s phone. Well perhaps you’d like to get back to important to achieve the consistency that you me as soon as it’s convenient and tell me exactly require, but perhaps your recommendation what the problem is, and I’ll see what I can do. wasn’t exactly what’s needed. [pause] [pause] Nineteen Now listen to the recordings again. Woman: Well, as you say, Redlon has been [pause] supplying us for years but, quite honestly, two- thirds of the complaints we receive about our That is the end of Fart Two. products are actually due to faults in [pause] components we’ve had from Redlon. So I talked to the Production Manager and he agreed that I Part Three. Questions 23 to 30. should look at some alternatives. FutureWorld’s range is fine for us, and one of their customers You will hear the chairman of a business institute who I spoke to recommended them highly, so making a speech about new business awards that that’s why we’ve changed to using them. his institute has sponsored. [pause] For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, В or C) for the correct answer. Twenty After you have listened once, replay the recording. Woman: The competition’s getting tougher, and you know we’re facing serious problems. We You have 45 seconds to read through the need to see more benefit from the undeniably questions. hard work we’re putting in, and this means [pause] saying no to jobs which aren’t profitable. It would be much more beneficial to put all our Now listen, and mark A, В or C. efforts into winning higher-margin contracts. So [pause] the way I feel you can help most is by identifying the types of contacts which will bring Man: Who are the managers of the best in the income we need in order to ensure our innovation developments in British industry? future. That was the question which the first Business Today Innovation Awards set out to answer. [pause] This project is all about rewarding good Twenty-one practice and performance. So, rather than simply recognising excellence in the design of Man: John Woods here, phoning about the project specific products, or analysing their financial we discussed earlier. Could you give me a ring so impact on profits, the awards set out to take an that we can talk about it a bit more? I’ve done a objective look at exactly how companies few calculations and I’m beginning to wonder manage the development process itself. whether it’s really a practical proposition. I still Over three hundred and fifty organisations think the project’s got potential, but there are entered the competition and were initially significant additional costs which we hadn’t reduced to about forty. Then, after further taken into account. So could you get back to me careful checking, a short list of just fourteen of as soon as you can, please? them was arrived at. These finalists, all [pause] manufacturers, were then visited by the competition judges, a panel of four chief Twenty-two executives from leading companies. The panel Woman: Hello, Sally here, from Pagwell Paints, toured the finalists’ facilities, received returning your call. I’m very sorry you aren’t presentations on the companies and their happy with the latest consignment you’ve had projects, and interviewed the key development from us. It’s rather strange, because following team members. The products varied enormously your complaint about the last delivery, we did in in their scale, function and degree of technology fact take action to change the specifications in - from bread for a supermarket chain to a the way you suggested. So it isn’t quite fair to printer inside an automatic cash dispenser. / 102 ✓ Test 2 Initially the organisers were concerned that this Links with suppliers were also seen as an range could create difficulties in the assessment important factor, but not all supplier process. But this fear proved baseless, as most experiences were positive. Occasionally serious elements in the innovation process are shared by problems had to be solved where suppliers were all manufacturers. working hard to meet specifications, but the Interestingly, the finalists broke down into companies that the suppliers were using to two distinct and equal groups: large firms with adapt their machinery were not so efficient. one thousand employees or more and small This led to disappointing faults or fluctuations firms with two hundred and fifty employees or in quality. fewer. With both groups the judges decided to But in conclusion the awards demonstrate concentrate on two of the clearest indicators of that innovation isn’t just for high-tech internet a successful innovation process, which are: how companies. You can also be successful in mature well the new product is combined with the markets with determination and skill. company’s existing business, and secondly, how [pause] well the innovation methods are recorded and understood. Small firms naturally tend to do Now listen to the recording again. well in the first category since they have fewer [pause] layers of management and thus much shorter communication lines. But they seem to put less That is the end of Part Three. You now have ten emphasis on creating formal development minutes to transfer your answers to your Answer methods which would be repeatable in future Sheet. innovations. Note: Teacher, stop the recording here and time Large firms, on the other hand, have ten minutes. Remind students when there is one difficulty integrating the new development minute remaining. within their existing business for reasons of scale. But they tend to succeed in achieving [pause] well-documented and repeatable development That is the end of the test. methods. This is because larger companies, with their clear emphasis on training, fixed management structure and administrative systems, require more formal, daily record­ Test 2 Reading keeping from their staff. Part 1 So what were the key questions the judges had in mind when assessing the finalists? One IB 2 с 3 A 4 D 5 D of the most important areas concerned how 6 В 7 с thoroughly a company checks what is happening in other fields in order to incorporate Part 2 new ideas into the development process. Many 8 С 9 в 10 E 11 A 12 D of the finalists impressed in the area. Natura, for example, had demonstrated genuine energy Part 3 in searching for new ways of producing their range of speciality breads. They had looked at 13 D 14 С 15 A 16 A 17 С styles of home cooking in different countries, as 18 В well as the possibility of exploiting new production technologies in order to achieve Part 4 equally good results but on a high-volume 19 D 20 D 21 A 22 С 23 A production line. 24 С 25 В 26 A 27 A 28 D What then occupied much of the judges’ 29 С 30 A 31 С 32 D 33 В thoughts was the quality of the links which the development team established with senior Part 5 management, suppliers, the market and manufacturing. The best examples of the first 34 THAT 35 CORRECT 36 ONLY category were found in small firms, where the 37 SO 38 CORRECT 39 THE individual entrepreneur at the top was clearly 40 HOW 41 CORRECT 42 OUT driving the innovation forward. 43 CORRECT 44 WILL 45 BE 103 Key Test 2 Writing Part 2 Part 1 Sample С Sample A Introduction. The purpose of this report is to assess and To: All Staff recomend a taxi firm that will become our regular From: Managing Director transporter. We will need them especially during Date: 7 December next year trade fair and conferences. There are Subject: Staff reward two firms to assess. I would like to thank you for the contribution in Findings: increasing the company’s profit. The profit As regards to Telecars we have a good references increased due to very hard work and long on them. It is very experienced traditional firm working hours. Each of the staff will receive an and is also very reliable. They provide 24-hours envelope with a reward on Tuesday. The reward is service that is useful during night meetings and a trip to Hawaii, and I hope that this will be the negotiations. StreetlightCabs is brand new perfect reward. Enjoy! company and there are no references on them. But they provide long distance routes which we use Thank you very often and they are also cheaper. On the other hand they don’t have web page and so internet Band 4 booking isn’t available. All points are adequately covered and developed. Conclusion: There is an adequate range of language, though I recommend to choose Telecars because of with some repetition. their reliability, long tradition and well trained staff. Sample В To: All Staff Band 4 From: Paul Blake All the content points are covered and are well Date: 7 December 2002 organised. The range of language is good, and Subject: Staff reward though some errors occur, these do not obscure the message. The register is appropriate. I am very pleased to tell everybody that our company was make a great profit in this year. Sample D Thank a lot everybody’s contribution for the company. Due to work hard, the management decided that every body would get the oppotunity From: The General Manager to add the salary and paid holiday. To: The line manager THE PROPOSAL Band 2 In order to have a taxi firm that it could use on a All the content points are addressed, although regular bases for our staff and clients, we should poor control of basic structures, e.g. ‘was make’, choose the better one. The things following below ‘oppotunity to add the salary’, obscure the are my proposal. In the advertisement of message at times. TELECARS, it gaves details. It’s a good reference. The three details are useful for us. we need the 24- hour service, because our company is runned for whole day, and we need meet the clients at any time. Compared with the other one, I think the one of STREETLIGHTCABS is not well. It’s a new company and it has not any references. The distance is important for us because we are in the urban. If no distance is too far, it not good for our business. And it also has no internet booking. So I think the advertisement of TELECARS fits for our requires. 104 * Test 2 Band 2 Now listen, and fill in the spaces. An attempt is made to address all the language Man: Good morning, Oakleaf Business Training. points, but this is not always successful. Generally How can I help you? the range of language is fairly limited and basic Woman: Hello, my name’s Enid Stevens, of errors occur. Appleyard Smith. I’ve booked two one-day courses, but now I need to change one of Test 2 Listening them. Man: Let me get your details up on the screen. Part 1 Right, you’ve booked Report Writing next month . . . 1 TAKING MINUTES Woman: Yes, that one’s OK. It’s Taking Minutes 2 13(TH) OCTOBER that I can’t manage, on the eighth of July. Do 3 CERTIFICATE you know when it’s running again? 4 CUSTOMER SERVICE Man: Let me see. Not until the eighteenth of 5 WORLDNET/WORLD NET September, I’m afraid. 6 OUTSIDE LINES Woman: That sounds fine. Oh, I think I’ll be 7 TRANSFER CALLS abroad then. 8 (THE) EQUIPMENT Man: Then there’s the first and the thirteenth of 9 TRADE FAIR October. 10 AFTER LUNCH Woman: I’d like the later date, please. 11 REVISED BUDGETS Man: Fine, I’ll change your booking. 12 HEAD OFFICE Woman: Another thing; it says in your brochure, Part 2 everyone attending a course gets a certificate, but I haven’t received one from a course I took 13 H 14 E 15 F 16 A 17 D last January. 18 G 19 E 20 С 21 В 22 H Man: I’m sorry about that. Which course was it? Woman: Something to do with dealing with the Part 3 public . . . ? Man: That must have been Customer Service. 23 С 24 A 25 A 26 С 27 A Woman: Sounds familiar. 28 С 29 В 30 В Man: OK, I’ll put it in the post today. Woman: Thank you very much. Goodbye. Tapescript Man: Goodbye. [pause] Listening Test 2 Now listen to the recording again. This is the Business English Certificate Vantage 2, [pause] Listening Test 2. Conversation Two. Questions S to 8. Part One. Questions 1 to 12. Look at the note below. You will hear three telephone conversations or messages. You will hear a woman ringing about problems with a new telephone system. Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below. You have 15 seconds to read through the note. After you have listened once, replay each [pause] recording. Now listen, and fill in the spaces. Conversation One. Questions 1 to 4. Man: Hello, Swinburn Telecoms. Look at the form below. Woman: I’d like to speak to Tony Wilson, please. Man: I’m afraid Tony isn’t available. Can I take a You will hear a woman calling about training message? courses. Woman: Yes please. I’m Sheila Dallas, from You have IS seconds to read through the form. Worldnet. Man: Right. [pause] 105 Key Woman: I’m ringing about the telephone system Woman: Thanks. And could you also ask him to your firm installed here yesterday. We’re not add another item for discussion at the meeting? I happy with it. thought we were going to talk about the revised Man: Oh dear. What seems to be the problem? budgets - but I can’t see this on the agenda. Woman: First of all, your engineer said that with Man: OK. I’d better ask him to call you . . . the number of extensions we’ve got, six outside Woman: Yes, please. I’m at Head Office at the lines would be enough, but we asked for eight, moment. Can he phone me here today - I won’t and anyway you’ve charged us for the larger be back at my own desk until tomorrow system. afternoon. Man: Right, we’ll look into that. Man: Right, I’ll give him the message. Woman: Then, whenever we try to transfer calls Woman: Thanks. from one extension to another we lose them. Man: Bye. We’re following the instructions, but it just Woman: Goodbye. doesn’t work. [pause] Man: I see. Woman: And finally, could you ask Tony to check Now listen to the recording again. the invoice, please? He promised us a discount [pause] on installation, which is shown, and one on the equipment, but that isn’t there. That is the end of Part One. You now have 20 Man: Right. I’m sorry about all that. I’ll get Tony seconds to check your answers. to contact you as soon as he’s free. Woman: Thank you. Goodbye. [pause] Man: Goodbye. Part Two. Questions 13 to 22. [pause] Section One. Questions 13 to 17. Now listen to the recording again. You will hear five short recordings. Five people are [pause] talking about different business books they have Conversation Three. Questions 9 to 12. read. Look at the note below. For each recording, decide which book the speaker is talking about. You will hear a woman calling about the arrangements for a meeting. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. You have 15 seconds to read through the note. Do not use any letter more than once. [pause] After you have listened once, replay the recordings. Now listen, and fill in the spaces. You have 15 seconds to read the list A-H. Man: Good morning. Marketing Department. Peter Menzies speaking. [pause] Woman: Hello. Could I speak to John Fitzgerald, Now listen, and decide which book each speaker is please? talking about. ■ Man: I’m afraid he’s not in the office at the moment. Woman: Well, this is Elizabeth Parnell calling. I [pause] wanted to talk to John about the meeting next Thirteen week. You see, I only get back on Tuesday night from a trade fair in the States. Woman: Yes, it was interesting . . . some of it was Man: So, would you like me to give him a rather obvious, of course, like dressing smartly, message? making sure you arrive on time, that sort of Woman: Yes, could you ask him if we can thing . . . but there was also quite a lot I’d never postpone Wednesday’s meeting? Till after lunch. really considered . . . like ways to interpret wha That would be easier. It was originally going to the advertisement is really asking for, reading be at ten a.m. between the lines . . . and a section which lists Man: OK. I’ll ask him to change it. I’ll get back to some of the harder questions they tend to ask you with a time. t you, with effective answers you can give. 106 Test 2 [pause] [pause] Fourteen Section Two. Questions 18 to 22. Man: Invaluable, I’d say . . . certainly helps You will hear another five recordings. Five people prevent you making some of the more are talking about why they decided to use a embarrassing mistakes. It gives you a kind of particular company to supply their office timescale to follow through. For example, they equipment. stress that you need to get publicity up and For each recording, decide what reason each running a good six months before you want to person gives. stage the event. And get your main speakers booked earlier than that. They say you must Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the make sure you’ve got a good assistant to recording. support you, check the details. Do not use any letter more than once. [pause] After you have listened once, replay the recordings. Fifteen You have 15 seconds to read the list A-H. Woman: Actually, although it was a bit long, it [pause] was definitely useful. The trouble often is, when the management take on new staff, they don’t Now listen, and decide what reason each person necessarily really know what skills or qualities gives. are needed. I want someone who’s more than [pause] just a secretary typing out letters every day . . . I’m looking for a right hand, someone to do Eighteen everything . . . and this book spells out what Man: We were having problems with the company that means . . . it’s helped me to draw up a job we normally use so we looked at a number of description. other companies and decided to give this one a [pause] try. They’re just new in the business and we were impressed as they promised they would deliver Sixteen the goods we wanted within two days and they Man: Well, I wish I’d read it years ago! That did. We had to pay more than we would have would have saved me from some of my worst liked but the results were worth it. Since then, inefficiencies. I’d recommend it to anyone. It I’ve told a lot of other people about them. shows you how to produce a perfect schedule [pause] for getting through your workload . . . Once you’ve got yourself organised, made lists of Nineteen tasks and priorities, you can make best use of Woman: Apparently they’re an established each and every day . . . otherwise you’re just company in Scotland with an excellent constantly confusing your PA with endless reputation, but I didn’t know that at tjie time. I requests, all terribly urgent. . . found them through the internet. I was just [pause] browsing through the list of suppliers one day and I noticed their name. I looked them up and Seventeen found that they had this fantastic discount Woman: Certainly, a lot of the book was very available that particular month. We ordered specialised . . . but it did give me an idea of how various things and the quality was so good the agencies do the job. Of course, they’re the we’ve continued using them. people with the creative ideas, the expertise, so [pause] I’m happy to trust the image development work to them . . . but I read the book so I could talk Twenty to them on equal terms about what we’re trying Man: We like to try out different suppliers to to do, and how it fits in with our overall make sure we’re always getting the best deal. business strategy. This particular company was running a big [pause] publicity campaign. I’d seen the ads on TV and they really put me off. I just couldn’t see the Now listen to the recordings again. 107

Cambridge BEC 2 contains four complete past papers for each of the Cambridge BEC examinations from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL): BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage and BEC Higher These past examination papers provide the most authentic exam preparation available. They allow c
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