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Beattyville enterprise (The), 2012-01-12 PDF

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Preview Beattyville enterprise (The), 2012-01-12

TThhee BBeeaattttyyvviillllee EEnntteerrpprriissee SSeerrvviinngg LLeeee CCoouunnttyy,, BBeeaattttyyvviillllee aanndd tthhee TThhrreeee FFoorrkkss aarreeaa ffoorr 112288 yyeeaarrss PPVVAA aasskkss ffoorr RReeeedd eenntteerrss iinnddeeppeennddeenntt aapppprraaiissaall gguuiillttyy pplleeaa TT hhee LLeeee 00oouunnttyy JJiissccaall rreecceeiippttss ffrroomm dd::,,::<<22,,33==33 ttoo MM aarrvviinn BBeeeedd,, ccoonnssiiddeerreedd 00oouurrtt MMoonnddaayy aaggrreeeedd ttoo ppaayy dd::,,2222::,,==ffee aanndd ddiissbbuurrssee88 oonnee ooff tthhee mmaaiinn ddeeffeennddaannttss aann iinnddeeppeennddeenntt aapppprraaiisseerr ffoorr mmeennttss ffrroomm dd::,,::QQ==,,ff==QQ ttoo iinn tthhee oorriiggiinnaall __wwsslleeyy ddrruugg aann aapppprraaiissaall ooff tthhee BBeeaattttyyvviillllee dd::,,::;;::,,22[[ff.. AAllssoo,, tthhee cclleerrkk33ss ccoonnssppiirraaccyy ccaassee,, eenntteerreedd aa >>cchhooooll AAppaarrttmmeennttss.. 22QQ::22 bbuuddggeett wwaass aapppprroovveedd.. gguuiillttyy pplleeaa iinn ffeeddeerraall ccoouurrtt 00oouunnttyy CCrrooppeerrttyy ``aalluuaattiioonn TThhee cclleerrkk wwaass aalllloowweedd llaasstt SSeeddnneessddaayy,, TTaannuuaarryy <<.. AA AAddmmiinniissttrraattoorr LLiibbbbyy BBooaacchh dd::QQ==,,::ffff ffoorr ddeeppuuttyy cclleerrkk33ss ccoo88ddeeffeennddaanntt,, RRlliissaa HH.. AAllssttoonn aasskkeedd ffoorr tthhee ffuunnddiinngg bbeeccaauussee wwaaggeess aanndd dd[[,,ffQQQQ ffoorr ssuupppplliieess ooff MMiiaammii ggaarrddeennss,, JJLL,, aallssoo ooff aa ddiissppuuttee bbeettwweeeenn hheerr ooff!! ccee aanndd ppoossttaaggee.. eenntteerreedd aa pplleeaa ooff gguuiilltt.. aanndd tthhee oowwnneerrss ooff tthhee bbuuiilldd88 AAss ooff 55eecceemmbbeerr 33::,, tthhee UU.. >>.. 55iissttrriicctt TTuuddggee ggrreeggoorryy iinngg,, AAUU AAssssoocciiaatteess ooff LLeeaaiinngg88 ccoouunnttyy hhaadd ddee33[[,,33==ff iinn iittss JJ.. ``aann TTaatteennhhoovvee hhaass sseett sseenn88 ttoonn bbnnooww AAUU HHoollddiinnggsscc.. ggeenneerraall JJuunndd\\ dd;;33,,QQ33ff iinn tthhee tteenncciinngg ffoorr tthhee ttwwoo oonn TThhuurrss88 BBooaacchh ttoolldd tthhee ccoouurrtt tthhaatt TTaaiill JJuunndd\\ dd22ee<<,,33::22 iinn tthhee >>ooll88 ddaayy,, MMaayy ::[[,, iinn LLoonnddoonn.. sshhee aapppprraaiisseedd tthhee bbuuiillddiinngg iidd SSaassttee JJuunndd\\ dd22[[,,[[ff33 iinn tthhee SStt.. TThheerreessee nnoommiinnaatteedd ttoo NNaattiioonnaall VVnn tthhee pplleeaa aaggrreeeemmeenntt,, BBeeeedd ffoorr ddeeee22,,[[QQQQ.. TThhee ccoommppaannyy,, AAmmbbuullaannccee JJuunndd\\ ddeeee33,,==33<< iinn aaggrreeeedd tthhaatt tthhee ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt sshhee ssaaiidd,, ccaammee bbaacckk wwiitthh aann tthhee BBooaadd JJuunndd\\ aanndd,, dd::[[,,::::[[ ccoouulldd pprroovvee tthhaatt hhee aanndd TTaassoonn RReeggiisstteerr ooff HHiissttoorriicc PPllaacceess aapppprraaiissaall ooff dd::33QQ,,QQQQQQ.. TThhee iinn tthhee LLggRRAA JJuunndd.. BBeeeedd,, bbeettwweeeenn TTaannuuaarryy 22QQ:::: ddiiffffeerreennccee iinn ttaaaa bbiillllss,, sshhee TThhee lleetttteerr ooff aaggrreeeemmeenntt bbee88 aanndd MMaayy ::ee,, 22QQ::::,, !! nnaanncceedd SSuubbmmiitttteedd bbyy VViicckkiiee CCiimmpprriicchh ssaaiidd,, wwoouulldd bbee dd;;,,ee==== ttoo tthhee ttwweeeenn tthhee CCeeoopplleess RRaacchhaannggee !! vvee ttrriippss ttoo JJlloorriiddaa ffoorr tthhee ppuurr88 ccoouunnttyy aanndd cciittyy uussiinngg hheerr aass88 BBaannkk aanndd tthhee LLeeee 00oouunnttyy TT ppoossee ooff oobbttaaiinniinngg ooaayyccooddoonnee.. hhee $$eennttuucckkyy HHeerriittaaggee sscchhooooll iinn AAppppaallaacchhiiaa.. >>ttoonnee sshhoorrtt88tteerrmm.. AAlltteerrnnaattiivveellyy,, >>tt.. sseessssmmeenntt,, aanndd dd::,,;;QQQQ uussiinngg HHeeaalltthh 00eenntteerr wwaass sshhaarreedd.. HHee ssaaiidd tthhaatt hhee ffrroonntteedd mmoonn88 00oouunncciill33ss 55eecceemmbbeerr nnoommiinnaa88 vveessttiiggeess ooff tthhee !! rrsstt cchhuurrcchh aanndd TThheerreessee33ss 22QQQQ88pplluuss wwooooddeedd tthhaatt ooff AAUU.. VVtt sshhoowwss tthhaatt dd==QQ,,QQQQQQ hhaadd eeyy ttoo TTiimmmmyy MMiilllleerr,, 55oonnaalldd ttiioonn ooff tthhee ::;;<<== >>tt.. TThheerreessee tthhee sscchhooooll rreemmaaiinn oonn cchhuurrcchh aaccrreess hhaass pprroovviiddeedd ccoonnttiinnuu88 BBooaacchh ttoolldd tthhee RRnntteerrpprriissee ttoo bbee ppaaiidd ttoo tthhee bbaannkk wwiitthh tthhee TTeerrrryy,, aannddhhoorr TThhoommaass LLiittttllee.. cchhuurrcchh hhoouussee ffoorr iinncclluussiioonn pprrooppeerrttyy nneeaarr tthhee ccrreeeekk.. iinngg wwiillddlliiffee hhaabbiittaatt aass wweellll aass tthhaatt AAUU aappppeeaalleedd tthhee bbooaarrdd aacccceeppttaannccee ooff tthhee 55eecceemmbbeerr BBeeeedd ffaacceess uupp ttoo 22QQ yyeeaarrss iinn iinn TThhee AAaattiioonnaall BBeeggiisstteerr ooff TThhee nnoommiinnaattiioonn bbeeggaann wwiitthh rreeccrreeaattiioonn aanndd oouuttddoooorrss eedduuccaa88 llooccaallllyy,, bbuutt lloosstt tthhaatt.. AAooww ::ff lleetttteerr.. pprriissoonn\\ ppaayymmeenntt ooff uupp ttoo aa dd:: HHiissttoorriicc CCllaacceess aatttteessttss tthhaatt tthhee ssttoorriieess ttoolldd bbyy ppaarriisshhiioonneerrss ooff ttiioonn ttoo nneeiigghhbboorrss aanndd vviissiittoorrss.. tthhee mmaatttteerr ggooeess ttoo tthhee $$eenn88 HHeeaalltthh 00eenntteerr 00oooorrddiinnaattoorr mmiilllliioonn !! nnee\\ aanndd,, aatt lleeaasstt tthhrreeee 00aatthhoolliicc ccoouunnttrryy hhiillllttoopp cchhuurrcchh MMuueeeenn ooff AAllll >>aaiinnttss 00hhuurrcchh TThhee >>hheellttoowweeee TTrraaccee TTrraaiill ooff ttuucckkyy BBooaarrdd ooff TTaaaa AAppppeeaall ``iivviiaann >>mmiitthh ssaaiidd TTuueessddaayy yyeeaarrss ooff ssuuppeerrvviisseedd rreelleeaassee.. iinn LLeeee 00oouunnttyy iiss aann iimmppoorrttaanntt iinn BBeeaattttyyvviillllee aanndd tthheeiirr ggrraanndd88 tthhee 55aanniieell BBoooonnee AAaattiioonnaall oonn MMaarrcchh [[.. TThhaatt iiss wwhheenn tthhee tthhaatt sshhee hhooppeess ffuunnddiinngg ffoorr VVnn hheerr pplleeaa aaggrreeeemmeenntt,, AAllssttoonn ppaarrtt ooff ssttaattee hhiissttoorryy.. ppaarreennttss aabboouutt >>tt.. TThheerreessee,, iittss JJoorreesstt ppaasssseess tthhrroouugghh cchhuurrcchh iinnddeeppeennddeenntt aapppprraaiissaall wwiillll bbee tthhee ppuurrcchhaassee iiss ttoo ccoommee ffrroomm aaggrreeeedd tthhaatt bbeettwweeeenn TTaannuuaarryy >>tt.. TThheerreessee MMiissssiioonn bbeeggaann ppeeooppllee,, aanniimmaallss aanndd ppllaannttss.. llaanndd.. JJoorr mmaannyy yyeeaarrss,, tthhee uusseedd.. ggrraannttss.. 22QQ:::: aanndd TTuunnee ::,, 22QQ:::: sshhee oonn 00oonnttrraarryy 00rreeeekk bbeellooww tthhee TThhee vveerryy ccoommpplliiccaatteedd aapppplliiccaa88 cchhuurrcchh hhaass wweellccoommeedd hhiikkeerrss AAllssoo dduurriinngg MMoonnddaayy33ss mmeeeett88 >>hhee ssaaiidd tthhaatt ttrraannssffeerr ooff tthhee pprroovviiddeedd ooaayyccooddoonnee 33QQ mmgg rriiddggee wwhheerree tthhee ccuurrrreenntt bbuuiilldd88 ttiioonn wwaass ccoommpplleetteedd bbyy >>ccootttt aanndd hhoorrsseebbaacckk rriiddeerrss aass wweellll iinngg,, tthhee ccoouurrtt aapppprroovveedd tthhee pprrooppeerrttyy wwoouulldd pprroobbaabbllyy ttaakkee ttoo vvaarriioouuss __wwsslleeyy 00oouunnttyy iinngg ssttaannddss.. >>oommee ooff tthhee !! rrsstt TToohhaannnniiggmmeeiieerr,, aa ssttuuddeenntt ooff aass ssppoonnssoorreedd gguuiiddeedd wwaallkkss ffuullll88ttiimmee ssttaattuuss ooff AAaattee LLaaiirr aass ttwwoo yyeeaarrss.. SShheenn tthhaatt hhaappppeennss,, iinnddiivviidduuaallss iinncclluuddiinngg,, bbuutt 00aatthhoolliiccss iinn tthhee $$eennttuucckkyy ppuubblliicc hhiissttoorryy aatt AAoorrtthheerrnn aanndd wwiilldd"" oowweerr iiddeennttii!! ccaattiioonn aann RRMMTT aatt dd==..ffQQ ppeerr hhoouurr.. aanndd tthhee hheeaalltthh cceenntteerr mmoovveess,, nnoott lliimmiitteedd ttoo TToosshh TTeerrrryy,, mmoouunnttaaiinnss ggaatthheerreedd iinn hhoommeess $$eennttuucckkyy UUnniivveerrssiittyy.. VVnn JJeebb88 pprrooggrraammss.. TThhee ssttaattuuss ooff gglleennnn 00rreeeecchh tthhee ccoouunnttyy ggeettss bbaacckk oowwnneerr88 55oonnaalldd TTeerrrryy,, TThhoommaass LLiittttllee,, aalloonngg tthhee ccrreeeekk.. AAnn aarrttiiccllee bbyy rruuaarryy,, TThhee AAaattiioonnaall BBeeggiisstteerr TThhee nnoommiinnaattiioonn ccoommeess aatt wwaass mmoovveedd ffrroomm ppaarrtt88ttiimmee ttoo sshhiipp ooff tthhee bbuuiillddiinngg wwhheerree iitt TToonnyy ggiibbssoonn aanndd TToohhnn SSeesslleeyy eeaarrllyy ppaassttoorr JJrr.. HHeennrryy >>cchhuullttee wwiillll ccoonnssiiddeerr tthhee HHeerriittaaggee aa ggoooodd ttiimmee ffoorr ppaarriisshhiioonneerrss,, sseeaassoonnaall,, eeffffeeccttiivvee TTaannuuaarryy iiss nnooww llooccaatteedd.. SShhiittee.. iinn tthhee aarrcchhiivveess ooff tthhee 00aatthhoolliicc 00oouunncciill33ss nnoommiinnaattiioonn.. nneeiigghhbboorrss aanndd ffrriieennddss,, ssaayyss tthhrroouugghh >>eepptteemmbbeerr 33QQ.. TThhee bbaannkk iiss ttoo rreettaaiinn oowwnneerr88 TThhee mmaa]]oorriittyy ooff tthhee ttrriippss ddiioocceessee ooff 00oovviinnggttoonn aarrgguueess 00uurrrreennttllyy,, cclleeaarr88ccuutt llooggggiinngg >>iisstteerr AAlliiccee BBeett^^nneerr,, __..>>..JJ..,, AApppprroovvaall wwaass ggiivveenn ttoo sshhiipp ooff tthhee ffrroonntt ppaarrtt ooff tthhee iinnvvoollvveedd tthhee ssaallee ooff aatt lleeaasstt tthhaatt tthhee 55uurrbbiinnssLLccoonnttiinnuuiinngg iinn tthhee vviicciinniittyy iiss aaffffeeccttiinngg tthhee ooff MMuueeeenn ooff AAllll >>aaiinnttss 00hhuurrcchh aammeenndd tthhee ccoouunnttyy cclleerrkk33ss ppllaa^^aa,, wwhhiicchh nnooww hhoouusseess aa 22,,QQQQQQ ooccyyccooddoonnee ttaabblleettss.. TThhee mmeemmbbeerrss ooff tthhee ccoonnggrreeggaattiioonn bbeeaauuttyy aanndd eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall iinn BBeeaattttyyvviillllee,, wwhhiicchh aaddmmiinniiss88 22QQ:::: bbuuddggeett bbyy iinnccrreeaassiinngg ddeennttaall cclliinniicc.. aaggrreeeemmeenntt ssaayyss sshhee iiss rree88 ttoo iittss pprreesseenntt88ddaayy hhoommee aatt WWuuaalliittyy ooff hhiillllssiiddeess aanndd ssttrreeaammss tteerrss tthhee >>tt.. TThheerreessee pprrooppeerrttyy.. ssppoonnssiibbllee ffoorr ccoonnssppiirriinngg ttoo MMuueeeenn ooff AAllll >>aaiinnttss 00hhuurrcchh,, tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee rreeggiioonn.. TThhee llaasstt >>hhee hhooppeess tthhaatt 22QQ::22 wwiillll bbee CCoouunncciill aapppprroovveess ddiissttrriibbuuttee bbeettwweeeenn ::[[,,ffQQQQ BBeeaattttyyvviilllleeLLwweerree tthhee ffiirrsstt wwiiddeesspprreeaadd ttiimmbbeerr hhaarrvveesstt ttoo aa ttiimmee ttoo cceelleebbrraattee 00aatthhoolliicc aanndd 22QQ,,QQQQQQ ooaayyccooddoonnee 33QQ mmgg 00aatthhoolliicc ffaammiillyy iinn tthhee ddiioocceessee.. ddeevvaassttaattee LLeeee 00oouunnttyy ooccccuurrrreedd hheerriittaaggee aanndd llaanndd sstteewwaarrddsshhiipp ttaabblleettss.. BByy tthhee ::;;33QQss,, mmeemmbbeerrss hhaadd iinn tthhee ::;;22QQss,, aaccccoorrddiinngg ttoo aa lloo88 iinn $$eennttuucckkyy.. VVnn 22QQ::22 MMuueeeenn lliinnee ooff ccrreeddiitt >>hhee ffaacceess tthhee ssaammee sseenntteennccee bbuuiilltt aa cchhuurrcchh aanndd sseettttlleemmeenntt ccaall nneewwssppaappeerr.. JJoorrttyy tthhoouussaanndd ooff AAllll >>aaiinnttss 00aatthhoolliicc 00hhuurrcchh aass BBeeeedd.. sscchhooooll nneeaarr tthhee ccrreeeekk.. TThhee aaccrreess ooff ttiimmbbeerr rreessoouurrcceess wweerree wwiillll ppaarrttnneerr wwiitthh ootthheerr LLeeee VVnn aa sseeppaarraattee ccaassee,, tthhee aatt88 RRnnccyyccllooppeeddiiaa ooff AAppppaallaacchhiiaa YYvviirrttuuaallllyy ggoonneeZZ bbyy ::;;22[[.. TThhee 00oouunnttiiaannss ttoo pprreesseerrvvee hhiissttoorriicc TT ttoorrnneeyy ffoorr CChhyylllliiss AAnnnn BBeeeedd nnootteess tthhaatt HHeelleenn $$eeaattiinngg aanndd pprrooffiittss wweenntt ttoo ppeeooppllee wwhhoo pprrooppeerrttiieess aanndd ffoosstteerr ffaaiirr aanndd hhee BBeeaattttyyvviillllee 00iittyy JJiirree 00hhiieeff HHaarrgguuss BBoossss aasskkeedd tthhaatt hheerr TTaannuuaarryy 2233 00oovviinnggttoonn BBiisshhoopp JJrraanncciiss SS.. lliivveedd oouuttssiiddee tthhee rreeggiioonn\\ tthhee ssoouunndd llaanndd mmaannaaggeemmeenntt pprraacc88 00oouunncciill MMoonnddaayy nniigghhtt aapp88 aasskkeedd tthhee ccoouunncciill ffoorr ffuunnddiinngg ttrriiaall bbee ccoonnttiinnuueedd bbeeccaauussee ooff HHoowwaarrdd ffoouunnddeedd tthhee !! rrsstt llaayy88 ]]oobb ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess aanndd ootthheerr ttiicceess.. pprroovveedd aa dd::QQQQ,,QQQQQQ lliinnee ooff ooff aa ccaarrbboonn88ddiiooaaiiddee ddeetteecc88 hheerr mmeeddiiccaall ccoonnddiittiioonn,, aanndd ooppeerraatteedd 00aatthhoolliicc sseettttlleemmeenntt eeccoonnoommiicc bbeenneeffiittss wweerree bbuutt ccrreeddiitt aatt CCeeoopplleess RRaacchhaannggee ttoorr.. HHee ssaaiidd tthheeyy ccoosstt aarroouunndd bbeeccaauussee hhee iiss ttoo bbee iinn JJrraannkk88 BBaannkk ffoorr tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff dd<<QQQQ.. HHee ssaaiidd hhee wwoouulldd ggeett ffoorrtt wwiitthh tthhee $$eennttuucckkyy ggeenn88 !!""##$$%%!!&&''(())**++!!,,--....++!!((//!!0011//11''--..!!22++++113344..5566 CChhaassee VVVV ooff iittss >>ttrreeeettssccaappee tthhrreeee pprriicceess.. eerraall AAsssseemmbbllyy.. TThhee aattttoorrnneeyy,, CCrroo]]eecctt.. TThhee mmoonneeyy iiss nneeeeddeedd LLaasstt yyeeaarr33ss aauuddiitt wwaass aapp88 TThhoommaass LL.. TTeennsseenn,, ssaaiidd tthhaatt aass !!00((7788!!9911++::11--''!!;;((!!''11++;;((''11!!++;;--;;11!!<<))//==>>//&&!! ttoo ggeett tthhee pprroo]]eecctt mmoovviinngg.. pprroovveedd.. aa mmeemmbbeerr ooff tthhee lleeggiissllaattuurree hhee AAllssoo dduurriinngg MMoonnddaayy nniigghhtt33ss TThhee $$eennttuucckkyy VVnnffrraassttrruuccttuurree wwoouulldd bbee iinn JJrraannkkffoorrtt tthhrroouugghh FF rreegguullaarr mmoonntthhllyy mmeeeettiinngg,, tthhee AAuutthhoorriittyy iiss ttoo mmeeeett iinn JJeebb88 AApprriill [[.. oorr tthhee !! rrsstt ttiimmee,, sseevveenn ttiioonn AAssssoocciiaattiioonn,, $$eennttuucckkyy YY__uurr ccaallll ttoo aaccttiioonn iiss nneecceess88 ccoouunncciill ooppeenneedd bbiiddss oonn ssuurr88 rruuaarryy ttoo ddiissccuussss tthhee CCrrooccttoorr oorrggaannii^^aattiioonnss rreepprreesseennttiinngg CCaarreenntt TTeeaacchheerr AAssssoocciiaattiioonn,, ssaarryy aanndd uurrggeenntt,,ZZ ssaaiidd MMaayy!! eelldd pplluuss pprrooppeerrttyy.. AA ssaanndd bbllaasstteerr sseewweerr eeaatteennssiioonn pprroo]]eecctt.. VVff tthhee ffuullll ssppeeccttrruumm ooff eelleemmeenn88 $$eennttuucckkyy >>cchhooooll BBooaarrddss AAss88 VVnnddeeppeennddeenntt >>cchhoooollss >>uuppeerr88 wweenntt ttoo 00hhaadd 00hhaarrlleess ffoorr tthhee aapppprroovveedd,, bbiiddss ccoouulldd bbee ttaakkeenn ttaarryy aanndd sseeccoonnddaarryy eedduuccaattiioonn ssoocciiaattiioonn aanndd tthhee CCrriicchhaarrdd iinntteennddeenntt LLoonnnniiee BBuurrggeetttt,, bbiidd ooff dd::,,<<::ff.. AA 22QQQQ<< 00rroowwnn iinn MMaarrcchh.. iinn $$eennttuucckkyy hhaavvee bbaannddeedd 00oommmmiitttteeee ffoorr AAccaaddeemmiicc RRaa88 pprreessiiddeenntt ooff tthhee $$eennttuucckkyy AAss88 ``iicc wweenntt ttoo $$yyllee 00ooookk ffoorr 00iittyy TTrreeaassuurreerr TTeerrrryy TTiippttoonn ttooggeetthheerr ttoo uurrggee ggoovv.. >>tteevvee cceelllleennccee.. ssoocciiaattiioonn ooff >>cchhooooll AAddmmiinniiss88 dd::,,[[ffQQ,, aanndd aa dd::,,QQQQQQ bbiidd ffoorr aa rreeppoorrtteedd tthhaatt ee:: ppeerrcceenntt ooff DDeeffeennssee ccaann BBeesshheeaarr aanndd tthhee ggeenneerraall AAss88 CCrriicchhaarrdd 00oommmmiitttteeee RRaa88 ttrraattoorrss.. 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JJuunnddiinngg mmuusstt ssttaatteemmeennttss ssttaattee33ss ppuubblliicc sscchhoooollss.. $$eennttuucckkyy.. 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OOwwsslleeyy CCoouunnttyy.. iinntteennddeennttss,, $$eennttuucckkyy RRdduuccaa88 ffuunnddiinngg ccuuttss iiss iimmppoorrttaanntt..ZZ !!""$$%%&&''&&((''&&(($$))**++,,,, && &&--&&..--&&(( //0011220033..%%44 Page 2 • Thursday, January 12, 2012 • The Beattyville Enterprise 4;<Q6 D"+)RS#"* 2;)+*#" 2*,V;"6Q D"+)RS#"* T;%#"* Knocking Monkeys T;%#"* !!!!"#$!!!46,!?$$9!&+!,#$!-./-! =$$,!322!,#$!2$*32!4$L1)4$=$',6!&+! By Chuck Caudill Jr 5$66)&'!?36!3!%&=>)'3,)&'!&+! $L132!4$F4$6$',3,)&'!)'!A43'9+&4,! ,#$!%$4$=&')32!3'@!,#$!'$?B!I$! 3'@!I36#)'*,&'D!eBKB !!R'!,#$!=)@!/_G.6D!3!F4&8 :$346!,#$4$!#3($!>$$'!F4&*43=6! 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Berea Focused Eye Technology &'!3'!)661$!,#3,!#36!,&1%#$@! =3':!)'!=:!@)6,4)%,B!I$!%148 Lee County healthy pet project Board Certified Ophthalmology 4$',2:!#3($!,#$!+&14,#8234*$6,! '1=>$4!&+!=$,#!23>!)'%)@$',6!)'! Dogs and cats need to be vaccinated regularly ,#$!%&1',4:B!!U6$1@&$F#$@4)'$D! to maintain their physical health. !"#$%$&$#% ,#$!=3)'!)'*4$@)$',!)'!=$,#D!)6! !"'($)#*+$ >$)'*!=&'),&4$@!,#4&1*#!,#$! The Lee County Fiscal Court recently was awarded a grant for !",-$./%/0 cC$,#!K#$%9d!F4&*43=D!>1,! the vaccination of dogs and cats from the American Society Protec- =3':!F4&@1%$46!*&!34&1'@!,#3,! tion Cruelty to Animals. !"($0/&10)&'/&-/0 23?!>:!#3()'*!=12,)F2$!F$&F2$! !"/2/"/3$+0 (%=1)$64),$,#!!,3=#=$1!F23,#=)F$&2,3$1=!'F,)#!''3$$4D=$!,@#3$$%@!)6$!&,6&8!%!,=&32!3269$$@$8!! fiA cpe.p lTichaet iaownsa rwdisll tboe p aectc oewptneedr sin w tihlle b Lee oen C ao fiu rnstty cSoomlied, Wfi rasst tsee Orvfe- c6=14+6Bd!S36,!:$34D!R!F4&F&6$@! basis. There will be a fee charged to each pet owner - $5 per dog Bluegrass Eye and Laser 2$*)623,)&'!#36!>$$'!F4&F&6$@! and $7 per cat. This charge will be ,&!#$2F!%2&6$!,#3,!2&&F#&2$B!!R! for any vaccination services performed. Daniel A. Ewen, M.D., F.A.C.S. 3=!?&49)'*!&'!3!6)=)234!>)22! If you have any questions, ,#)6!:$34B please call 46404107 and ask for Tina or Sharon. Berea 859-986-0090 V$N,!?$$9D!,#$!5$'3,$!?)22! K C >$!2&&9)'*!3,!4$@)6,4)%,)'*!36!?$! A ?&49!,&?34@!,#$!*&32!&+!%&#$6)($! Medicare and Medicaid Participating Provider L 3'@!>323'%$@!(&,$4!@)6,4)%,6!,#3,! B Most HMO/ PPO and Insurance Provider W Established in 1883 as The Three Forks Enterprise O Narcotics Anonymous L Edmund Shelby..............................................................Editor L E Cheryle Walton.....................................................GM/Advertising Y Member Kentucky Press Association, Inc. !"#$%& (#$)*+,) -,.h and National Newspaper Association 0#c+*,#)& 2*3 4h#5+6 7%,6c#%+8 9h$"ch A :h;)& :;<);6<+= > ?&@@ A( B C&@@ A( T D",<+= > ?&@@ A( B C&@@ A( N E 2$)<+= > ?&@@ A( B C&@@ A( G in county:$19 A free and independent newspaper dedicated to principles of freedom of the press. A 9+88 EFEG@HII #" M Entered at the U.S. Post Offi ce, Beattyville, Kentucky 41311, as Periodicals. F@FGHF@GEHJI out of county:$26 A weekly newspaper published every Thursday by Intermountain Publishing Com- pany, Inc., 1001 College Avenue, Jackson, Kentucky 41339, and mailed at Beattyville, Kentucky 41311 by Periodicals Mailing Permit. Subscription rates are $19.00 in Lee KLM47N :7 24OLN NMPMN7N :7 DO00 Co. per year, $26.00 elsewhere, these prices include taxes. Mail to: P.O. Box 126, N A Beattyville, KY 41311 Y Advertising rates avaibale at The Beattyville Enterprise, Main Street, Beat- Kentucky Survivors Area C tyville, Kentucky, 41311. Phone: (606) 464-2444. FAX: (606) 464-8858 E-mail: Bluegrass Appalachian region [email protected] NA World Services !"$%&"21)12)12*+,-.. 2 1/10/12 1234215$6 Thursday, January 12, 2012 • The Beattyville Enterprise • Page 3 Obituaries A different view By Betty Crabtree I’m thinking again! If In the Amplifi ed version, you read last weeks article in verse 29 might raise some my closing statement I said questions in your mind, (but we would talk about that dark, let me say here that [God] He Ruth Carol Moore, 72, wife of Garland Moore, passed away ugly, little three-letter word, is not willing that any should Monday, January 2, 2012 at St. Joseph Hospital, Lexington, ‘Sin’. perish miss the mark for He Kentucky. She was born September 8, 1939 in Lee County, The defi nition in Vine’s wills all men to be saved. KY to the late Chester Branson and Elvira Couch. She was expository dictionary of New But as it says in Hosea 4:11, a homemaker and member of the Canyon Falls Evangelical Testament words is, literally, “..the people were slaves to Congregational Church. !"#$%&#'$(%#)*+,'-$./)*&0 a missing of the mark. I ask, the misery brought on by their In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by what is the mark? sins.”) 2 children; Dwaynd Moore and Dawn Childers, 3 brothers; #####8&%#X"%/#IX%+2*./K#Y4+2"(1#%)"#Z;1#9-3.9#.0#E$%('"*#Y4+2"(1# In Philippians 3:14 KJV But back to v.29..He.. Charles, Chester, Jr., and James Branson. =%**"3#%9%6#!"3/"*3%61#X%/4%(6#L1#O;:O#%,#,$"#P9*'"6#E.4/,6# it says, “I press towards the destined from the beginning Along with her husband she is survived by 1 daughter; @"%',$#E%("#E"/,"(#-/#F../"&-''"1#GH7 mark for the prize of the high that we be molded into His Deneace Street, 2 sons; Michael Moore and Eddie Moore all #####8&%#9%*#B.(/#-/#E'%6#E.4/,61#GH#./#?"B(4%(6#Z1#:[L:1#%# calling of God in Christ Je- likeness…When we refuse the of Beattyville, KY, 5 grandchildren; Laura Hobbs, Eric Law, 3%4)$,"(#.0#,$"#'%,"#Q%6#IT.B"(,*./K#X%+2*./#%/3#E'%6#X%+2*./7# sus.” In the Amplifi ed version gift if salvation offered to all Jesse Gilispie, Elizabeth Colts, and Nichole Langston, 10 great C$"#%,,"/3"3#,$"#?-(*,#F%=,-*,#E$4(+$#-/#F../"&-''"1#GH#%/3# of the Bible it says, “I press by God, through Christ Jesus, grandchildren, 6 brothers and sisters; Roy Branson of Florida, 9%*#%#$.5"5%2"(7 toward the goal to win the we commit the unpardonable Marie Cates of Waco, KY, Paul Branson of Washburn, TN, C####$"#-*#*4(&-&"3#B6#:#3%4)$,"(\#C4"#IF-''K#Q4(("''1#:#*./\# [supreme & heavenly] prize sin. That awful word, sin. Lois Pugh of Tazwell, TN, Wallace Branson of Lexington, KY E$%('"*#Y4+2"(#X(7#B.,$#.0#F../"&-''"1#GH1#N#*-*,"(*\#Q%(,$%# to which God in Christ Jesus All sin can be forgiven and Alta Schultz of Tazwell, TN. !(-)$,#.0#8'"]%/3"(1#^8#1#R3/%#T""3#.0#Q%*./1#P@#%/3#8/%# is calling us upward.” except that of rejecting Christ Funeral services were held Friday, January 6, 2012 at the U-,,'"#.0#P$-.#%/3#5%/6#.,$"(#'.&-/)#0%5-'6#5"5B"(*#%/3# Then in the message Jesus & the price He paid there Newnam Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. James Overbee 0(-"/3*7 Bible it says, I’m not saying on Calvary’s Cross. offi ciating. Burial is in the Branson Cemetery, Lee County, ####C$"#9%*#=("+"3"3#-/#3"%,$#B6#$"(#=%("/,*#%/3#$4*B%/37 that I have this all together, Unconfessed sin disrupts KY. ####?4/"(%'#C"(&-+"*#9"("#$"'3#%,#Y$"#F../"&-''"#?4/"(%'#@.5"1# that I have it made. But I am our fellowship with God. F../"&-''"1#GH1#%,#::_;;#8Q#./#C%,4(3%61#X%/4%(6#Z1#O;:O# well on my way, reaching out You might ask, “Won’t God 9-,$#V%*,.(#X"((6#U%+"!#"'3#.0!#+-%,-/)7#C$"#9%*#'%-3#,.#("*,#-/# Tri-Community News for Christ, Who has so won- get tired of me sinning & ,$"#85-*#E"5","(61#F4+2$.(/1#V"((6#E.4/,61#GH7#Y.#'"%&"# derously reached out for me. repenting? If Jesus told Peter ,$"#0%5-'6#%#*="+-%'#5"**%)"#='"%*"#&-*-,#9997B../"&-''"26M Alice Gabbard Friends don’t get me wrong: to forgive his brother seventy 04/"(%'$.5"7+.57#Y$"#F../"&-''"#?4/"(%'#@.5"#-/#+$%()"#.0# By no means do I count my- times seven, would He do less %''#%((%/)"5"/,*7 ####@"''.#%)%-/#0(.5#h."1# 0.(# $-*# =("+-.4*# 5.,$"(1# $-*# self an expert in all of this, but for you? h%+$%(-%$1#%/3#U""+.7#A#$.="# *./*1# %/3# 0.(# %''# $-*# 0%5-'6# I’ve got my eyes on the goal, When one sins, ‘wrong- "&"(6./"#-*#3.-/)#)..3#%/3# %/3#0(-"/3*7#!"#%''#'.&"3#X"00# where God is beckoning us doing’, that’s what sin is, & *"(&-/)#.4(#!./3"(04'#U.(37# *.#54+$#%/3#9"#9-''#5-**#$-5# onward_to Jesus. I’m off & you try to hide it you only !$"/# ,$"# ,-5"# 9%*# (-)$,1# 0.("&"(7#T"&7#C+.,,#T.)"(*#$%3# running, & I’m not turning prolong your misery. So, the ,$"# *"%# =%(,"31# ,$"# 9%''*# ,$"#*"(&-+"#%/3#$-*#0(-"/3#`%(6'# back. So let’s keep focused moment you become aware of 0"''# 3.9/1# ,$"# '-./*# 9"/,# V-,,5%/#,%'2"3#%B.4,#$-5#%/3# on that goal, those of us who your sin, confess it, then leave $4/)(61#,$"#*4/#*,..3#*,-''1# 3-3# %# B"%4,-04'# d.B# *-/)-/)7# want everything God has for His presence confi dent, (I can ,$"#*,%(#%=="%("31#,$"#9%&"*# `%(6'# %'*.# *%/)# %,# X"00# %/3# us. If any of you have some- hear some yeah, but, I can give 9"("#+%'5"31#%/3#,$"#*,./"# 8''-*./b*#9"33-/)#%,#,$"#h."# thing else in mind, something you or quote you scripture for 1&2&'$3#"4+$14&0,'56/+ 9%*# (.''"3# %9%61# ,$"# U.(3# +$4(+$7#A#9%/,#,.#"/3#,$-*#9-,$# less than total commitment, that too), confi dent, believing, ##### %*+"/3"3i# 8/3# 9$"/# ,$"# ,$-*_# God will clear your blurred He has forgiven you! @"'"/#`%&-*#@-"(./654*1#Da1#9-3.9#.0#`(7#F"/#Y7#@-"(./654*1# ,-5"# -*# (-)$,1# ,$"# G-/)# .0# ####!"'+.5"#@.5"#j#!$"/#A# vision_you’ll see it yet! Now You’re not a loser where =%**"3#="%+"04''6#-/,.#,$"#/"],#'-0"#X%/4%(6#Z1#O;:O1#*4((.4/3"3# G-/)*# 9-''# (",4(/7# j# ?(.5# %5#)./"1#("'"%*"#5"1#'",#5"# that we’re on the right track, God & His plan in concerned, B6#,$"#'.&"#.0#$"(#0%5-'6#%/3#5%/61#5%/6#0(-"/3*7##?-(*,#%/3# `%6*=(-/)#E%'"/3%(7 ).i#A#$%&"#*.#5%/6#,$-/)*# let’s stay on it.” you’re a learner. 0.("5.*,#%/#%+,-&"#%/3#-/&.'&"3#5.,$"(#.0#N1#)(%/35.,$"(# # # # # !"# $%3# %# 9./3"(04'# ,.#*""#%/3#3.7#H.4#54*,/b,#,-"# Okay, lets’ look at another Blessed are those who .0#J#%/3##)("%,M)(%/35.,$"(#.0#::1#*$"#'"3#%#'-0"#.0#*"(&-+"# *"(&-+"# %,# ,$"# h."# +$4(+$# 6.4(*"'0#,.#5"#9-,$#,"%(*7#F"# scripture verse in Romans 8:28 hunger & thirst after righ- ,.#+$4(+$#1#0%5-'6#%/3#+.554/-,67##Q%/6#'"%3"(*$-=#(.'"*#-/# C4/3%61#9"#%("#*.#,$%/204'# $%==6#,$%,#9"#$%3#*.#5%/6# KJV., “And we know that all teousness, for they shall be ,$"#+.554/-,61#*,%,"#%/3#(")-./#*$"#$%3#$"'3#.&"(#,$"#6"%(*# 0.(#.4(#V%*,.(7#Y$"#C+(-=,4("*# 6"%(*7#A#)%&"#6.4#56#'.&"7#H.4# things work together for good fi lled. 0.+4*"3#./#+$-'3("/1#$"(*#%/3#.,$"(*1#-/+'43-/)#B"-/)#'.+%'# 9"("#T.5%/*#D_OD1#X"("5-%$# +%/#./'6#)4"**#$.9#54+$#6.4# to them who are called accord- Praise God! 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"a/e ser/ed 1ee and surrounding ####Y$"#0%5-'6#("f4"*,#,$%,#"]=("**-./*#.0#*65=%,$6#,%2"#,$"#0.(5# fi ne clothing and counties 6it" a tradition o% trust and "onest* %or o/er 78 *ears9 :e "a/e o/er ;88 *ears o% co'bined e=>eri? .0#+./,(-B4,-./*#-/#5"5.(6#.0#@"'"/#@-"(./654*#,.#,$"#Q"5.M (-%'#?4/3#%,#?-(*,#S/-,"3#Q",$.3-*,#E$4(+$#.0#C.5"(*",7 support ence ser/ing our %a'ilies 6it" co'>assion and dignit* but also in t"e >ro%essional 'anner t"e* deser/e9 @ur ###C.5"(*",#S/3"(,%2-/)#E.5=%/6#g#E("5%,.(6#-*#-/#+$%()"# the work CMO "o'e?liAe at'os>"ere is co'%ortable and s>acious9 Bt NO COST or OBLIGATION, 6e 6ill be >leased .0#%((%/)"5"/,*7 does here to discuss our ite'iCed a%%ordable >ricing 6it" *ou9 Bs 6it" ot"er goods and ser/icesD t"e >rice o% a %uneral ###E./3.'"/+"*#5%6#B"#"]=("**"3#,.#,$"#@-"(./654*#0%5-'6#%,# in Lee County. /aries 6it" t"e ser/ices and 'erc"andise selected9 9997*.5"(*",4/3"(,%2-/)7+.5 CMOKY.ORG •Funeral ser/icesD including a /isitation t"e nig"t be%oreD a >ro%essionall* >roduced Fe'orial Gideo HGHD We are located a steel casAetD a /ault and o>eningIclosing t"e gra/e start at onl* JKLL79889GUARANTEED where the old •!"#$%&"#%#'%()"#*"'"+,-./#.0#*"(&-+"*1#+%*2",*#%/3#&%4',*#,.#5"",#%#&%(-",6#.0#/""3*7 swimming pool •8*2#$.9#,.#)",#:;<#3-*+.4/,*#./#+.5='","#04/"(%'#*"(&-+"*#=4(+$%*"3#0(.5#>"9/%5#?4/"(%'#@.5"1# A/+7 use to be. •?-/%/+-/)#%&%-'%B'"7 Tuesday – C,.=#B6#.4(#.0!#+"#%,#:;D#E"/,"(#C,71#F"%,,6&-''"1#GH#.(#+%''#IJ;JKLJLMD:NO#.(#TOLL FREE Friday 10:00 to 4:00 :MDJJMLJLMD:NO#0.(#5.("#0(""#-/0.(5%,-./#%B.4,#=(-+"*#.(#,.#*+$"34'"#%/#%==.-/,5"/,#0.(#%/#A>#@PQR# ?S>RT8U#VU8>>A>W#+./*4',%,-./#-/#,$"#=(-&%+6#%/3#+.50.(,#.0#HPST#$.5"7 !"$%&'()*)+*)+,-./00 ( )1)21)+ 345)4)5$6 Page 4 • Thursday, January 12, 2012 • The Beattyville Enterprise !"" $%&'() *$+%%! '",* Trinity Thomas delivered this fruit basket !-# Middle School Club decorated this festive Christmas Tree for Cherokee Davi displayed one of the fruit to one of the families in her neighborhood the hallway at the Lee County Middle School. baskets put together by the Lee County !-# for the holidays. Middle School Club. 4-H Middle School Club delivers fruit baskets to members of community Submitted by Ted Johnson, CEA for Agriculture !!!!"#$!%$$!&'()*+!,-.!/0112$! %0**2$B!"90)0*+!C04'2$!"#'6;7B! <;)+!%=!O''7$+B!@;*$2+)!O9;4$! I;*$1!0)!1$4'9;*0)L!;!&#907*6;7! *#$!);6$7!'<!*Q'!<;6020$7!0)! K9'L9;6!D7707*;)*!Q0*#!*#$! 34#''2!&2(5!6$$*7!')!*#$!891! D(*(6)!@;+$!E'#)7')B!";*+- &'(4#B!.;));#!H;+$!P)L9;6B! 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J01(;2!4#021!0)!*#$!%$$!&'()*+! Hope Marshall Gabrielle Kirby ;)1!'*#$97!;9$!*#$!9$;7')! 34#''2!A07*904*!L$*7!Q#;*!#$!'9! Sheridan Patrick A/B @$)*(4F+!;)1!'*#$9!7*;*$7!7$*! 7#$!)$$17!*'!7(44$77<(22+!2$;9)! Drew Roberts Destiny Downs (-e /e01123455e6!ee $78912 (78:4;< =7<<4;;479 4; 49 ;701$!*#$!6')*#!'<!E;)(;9+! 0)!74#''2!;)1!5$+')1= Taylor Roberts Luke Bass 1-e >:7=e;; 7? ;17=@49A 09B Be=7:0149A 1-e =0C77;eD E? *'!*#;)F!2'4;2!74#''2!5';91! 3(I$90)*$)1$)*!E;6$7!RJ;)7B! Kassidy Noe Hannah Stamper 278 F785B 54@e 278: C8;49e;; B4;>502eB 49 1-e =0C77;e 6$65$97!1(90)L!34#''2!M';91! E9=B!7;01!'<!*#$!%$$!&'()*+! A/B Harlen Mayes >5e0;e ;8C<41 092 <0:@e149A <01e:405; GC8;49e;; =0:B;H H$4'L)0*0')!/')*#= 34#''2!A07*904*S7!5';91!6$6- Alex Longworth Skyler Moore !N0220;6!VQ$)7B!%;99+! 5$97B!WP!F)'Q!*#;*!$J$9+!6$6- <e98;H <0A9e1;H C:7=-8:e;H ! 2e:;H e1=DID ,e =09 -e5> Jennica Wylie Dougie Robinson M(9L$77B!&(9*07!A;J07B!E;60$! 5$9!')!'(9!5';91!#;7!;!*9($! >:7<71e 278: C8;49e;;J $055 KeB:0 4? 278 F785B 54@e Wesley Evans Sonny Stepp <7:e 49?7:<01479L MNMOPQRSD +78:; T79B02 17 U4: B02 Taylor Gross Peri Thacker N;91B!;)1!E;)0$!"#'9I$!4')- #$;9*!<'9!4#0219$)!;)1!*#$09! VQWQQ 0< O XWQQ ><D YD%D /7Z [RSH Dalton Henry 1(4*!5(70)$77!;*!')$!'9!6'9$! 1$4070')7!;9$!5;7$1!')!Q#;*S7! /e01123455eH \) MVRVV 4th Grade 6$$*0)L7!6')*#2+B!5(*!+'(S22! 5$7*!<'9!F017=!!!V(9!107*904*!07! 4th Grade A/B '<*$)!<0)1!*#$6!;*!74#''2! <'9*();*$!*'!#;J$!*#$7$!0)10- A Mackinsey Evans 4$2$59;*0')7!;)1!40J04!$J$)*7! J01(;27!')!5';91=X Deeanna Sumner Tyler Gross 5$4;(7$!*#$+!;9$!*#$!20)F!5$- Megan Keller Emma Botkin Brooklyn Brandenburg Summer opportunity available 3rd Grade Hannah Ward Fulks Elliot Cox for orchestral music students HINTS OF SOMETHING MORE SERIOUS A Steven Reece !!!Y'()L!6(7040;)7!;L$7!Z[\>?! 7(560*!*#$09!;II204;*0')7!^0)- Matthew D. Williams Kaylee Stall While the presence of indicative of high cholesterol Larissa Kirby Caleb Tirey ;9$!$20L052$!*'!;II2+!<'9!*#$! 42(10)L!$T4$9I*7!9$4'910)L7_! isolated pockets of yellow- levels. Tucker Fox Dylan Abney #0L#2+!4'6I$*0*0J$!@$))$1+! ')20)$!J0;!D9*7DII!*#9'(L#! ish skin around the upper the Periodic eye examina- Lois Dunahoo &$)*$9]C;*0');2!3+6I#')+! QQQ=F$))$1+-4$)*$9='9L]760=! lower eyelids (“xanthelas- tions are an important part Karisa Phillips 3rd Grade V94#$7*9;!^C3V_!3(66$9! D9*7DII!07!;)!0)1$I$)1$)*! mata”) may be neither pain- of routine preventive health A/B A /(704!P)7*0*(*$!#$21!E(2+!>! 4'6I;)+!;)1!07!)'*!;<!20;*$1! ful nor harmful, they may be care. Many eye and vision Emily Griffi n Summer Ward -!8?B!>?Z>B!0)!N;7#0)L*')B! Q0*#!*#$!E'#)!:=!@$))$1+!&$)- indicative of a more serious conditions present no obvi- Charity Mashburn Nicholas Bowman A=&=!V)2+!')$!7*(1$)*!<9'6! *$9!<'9!*#$!K$9<'960)L!D9*7= underlying condition. Recent ous symptoms. Therefore, Shelby Carothers A/B research indicates that people individuals are often unaware @$)*(4F+!Q022!5$!7$2$4*$1!*'! !!!"#$!@$)*(4F+!D9*7!&'()402! Nicolas Charles Tyler Whitaker who develop these collections that a problem exists. Please 9$4$0J$!;!C;*0');2!"9(7*$$7S! 7$9J$7!;7!@$)*(4F+S7!7*;*$! Shana Collins Michaela Fox of yellow plaques may be at call KENTUCKY EYE IN- <$22'Q7#0IB!Q#04#!07!;!<(22! 4')*;4*!<'9!*#$!3(66$9!/(704! Conner Deaton Hallie Deaton increased risk for cardiovas- STITUTE at 606-666-9393 K 74#'2;97#0IB!0)42(10)L!#'(7- P)7*0*(*$=!"'!2$;9)!6'9$!;5'(*! Isaiah Fultz Katie Fultz cular disease. So, although to schedule an appointment for C Joshua Riley John Dylan Law 0)LB!<''1!;22'Q;)4$!;)1!2'4;2! *#$!I9'L9;6B!;II204;*0')!;)1! A xanthelasmata may be easily a comprehensive eye exami- Kirayl Rosario-Caudell Keegan Terando L *9;)7I'9*;*0') ;110*0');2!!);)40;2!;01B!L'!*'! removed, an increased threat nation. We stress preventive B Breanna Shelton Mckayla Brewer !!!!"#$!3(66$9!/(704!P)7*0*(*$! #**Ia]];9*74'()402=F+=L'J]VI- of heart disease is likely to lin- health care for the entire fam- Shelbi Stamper Eddie Brown L0J$7!7*(1$)*7!;)!'II'9*()0*+! I'9*()0*0$7])7'3(66$9P)7*0- ger. With this in mind, those ily. Your eyesight is priceless Taylor Thacker Conner Chandler *'!Q'9F!Q0*#!C3V!6$65$97B! *(*$=#*6 with these yellow patches on – protect it! We’re located at Chelsea Thorpe Alexis Kearns 9$4$0J$!I90J;*$!2$77')7!;)1! !!!!"#$!@$)*(4F+!D9*7!&'()402B! their eyelids are advised to 540 Jett Drive, Jackson, KY. Rebekah Turner Aaron Mays W consult with a doctor about We specialize in “EYE CARE 4#;65$9!6(704!4';4#0)LB! *#$!7*;*$!;9*7!;L$)4+B!49$;*$7! Wesley Yauger Lance Morris O having their blood-cholesterol FOR ALL AGES.” L ;**$)1!6;7*$9!42;77$7!;)1! 'II'9*()0*0$7!<'9!@$)*(4F0;)7! Haley Sprouse levels checked. The same P.S. Arcus senilis (white L 7$60);97B!I;9*040I;*$!0)!*#$! *'!J;2($B!I;9*040I;*$!0)!;)1! 1st Grade Dakota Stamper E advice goes for people with or gray corneal rings) result Y 3(66$9!/(704!P)7*0*(*$!'9- 5$)$!*!<9'6!*#$!;9*7=!@$)*(4F+! Begley opaque white or gray rings from cholesterol deposits in A A/B 4#$7*9;!;)1!I$9<'96!0)!*#$! D9*7!&'()402!<()10)L!07!I9'- around their corneas (“arcus the eye. Christian Bowling Hannah Barrett A=&=!6$*9'I'20*;)!;9$;= J01$1!5+!*#$!@$)*(4F+!O$)$9;2! senilis”), which may also be Jack Fox Emily Campbell A !!!!"#$!;II204;*0')!1$;120)$!07! D77$652+!;)1!*#$!C;*0');2! Sarah Johnson Moriah Mashburn T E;)=!>`B!>?Z>=!3*(1$)*7!4;)! R)1'Q6$)*!<'9!*#$!D9*7= N Evans A/B E A Emily Bishop G Jaiden Hunter Jacob Smith A No School Kylee Reece Jacob Tutt M Austin Stepp Briannah Phillips David L. Blandford, MD Jacob Vazquez Molly Caldwell Eye Surgeon & Physician Bryce Chrisman Harley Gentry Louis P. Ellen, OD N Matthew Murrell A *=-775 F455 Ce =57;eB 79 T79B02H Primary Care Optometrist Nate Phillips Y ]0980:2 VN1-H 49 -797: 7? C 540 Jett Drive, T0:149 !81-e: \49A K02D !"#$%&'()*+)),-../)0)606-666-9393 !"$%&"'()(*)(*+,-.// * (0(10(* 23''31'$4 Thursday, January 12, 2012 • The Beattyville Enterprise • Page 5 :he Dan$el C&&ne Dat$&nal F&rest $s )a$v$n0 -ees at sevE eral recreat$&n areas $n h&n&r &- Fart$n Guther H$n0 Day9 :he -ee )a$vers apply t& all -&rest v$s$t&rs at des$0nated l&cat$&ns9 IJe enc&ura0e every&ne t& 0et &utd&&rs and enK&y the$r nat$&nal -&rest lands &ver th$s spec$al h&l$dayLM sa$d F&rest Superv$s&r Fran= Ceum9 Ce0$nn$n0 &n Fr$dayL Oanuary BP camp$n0 -ees are )a$ved at the -&ll&)$n0 nat$&nal -&rE est l&cat$&ns thr&u0h F&ndayL Oanuary BQR S Ted T$ver U&r0eL V&)ell E Fen$-ee and J&l-e c&unt$es During the holiday season Beattyville Housing & Development held a “Deck the S H&&mer T$d0e Homes Decorating Contest”, in hopes of increasing Christmas spirit and starting Camp0r&und E J&l-e traditions with in the Subdivisions and West Place Duplexes. The winners were C&unty Michael and Beth Shaw. The Shaw’s received a certifi cate, and a $25 Wal Mart Tecreat$&n -ees are )a$ved &n gift card. The decided to donate their gift card back to Beattyville Housing to SaturdayL Sunday and F&nday purchase food for the Lee County Helping Hands Food Bank. Shwon with the WOanuary BXEBQY at the -&ll&)E Shaws are Megan Havicus (left) and Wilma Kelley (right) $n0 s$tesR S Cave Tun Ga=e <&at ramps Z CathL T&)an and Fen$-ee c&unt$es S Datural [rch Scen$c [rea E FcCreary C&unty S Ted<$rd Crest :ra$l E Clay and Gesl$e c&unt$es !n the Ted T$ver U&r0e areaL !t $s &ur )$shes t& $n-&rm y&u n& -ee perm$t )$ll <e re\u$red &- the en0a0ement &- Cynth$a -&r campers at H&&mer T$d0e Feller and Dav$d 8van&--9 :he Camp0r&und &r $n the <ac=E c&untry &n nat$&nal -&rest lands9 pr&p&sed )edd$n0 date )$ll <e [t Cave Tun Ga=e and Gaurel the th$rd )ee= &- >ct&<er @AB@9 T$ver Ga=eL all &pen <&at ramps !t $s &ur h&pe every&ne )$ll may <e used -ree &- char0e9 F&r m&re $n-&rmat$&nL call cele<rate th$s un$&n )$th us9 the Superv$s&r]s >-! ce &- the Cynth$a Feller and Dan$el C&&ne Dat$&nal F&rest at W^_`Y aX_EPBAA &r v$s$t the Dav$d 8van&-- )e<s$te at )))9-s9-ed9usbr^b <&&ne9 LAST WEEKEND, I SEALED MY AIR DUCTS AND MY WALLET. And boy, is it paying off. By sealing all the air ducts in  my home I started keeping a lot more air and money  inside it. About $177 per year to be more exact. What  can you do? Find out how the little changes add up at  TogetherWeSave.com. www.jacksonenergy.com myjacksonenergy.com 1-800-262-7480 “As a Jackson Energy employee and customer, I guarantee we will do everything we can to keep our costs as low as possible and show you how to save energy dollars at home!” Renita Fox - Lee County !"$%&'()*)+*)+,-./00 1 )2)32)+ (4564)6$7 Page 6 • The Beattyville Enterprise, January 12, 2012 Three Forks Jail Report S"#$%&'(# S* A,'#-. /0. 12 "(1' >#6#($"T 6%&>5#7 2&(;=># "-. 6%&>5#7 &;61%1; ('"1W(6&"(1' 6%&>5#7 A(:1>A#>;- 61'A=6"T R(6%&>A R15#>:. [C. 12 I>? "-4(;;#. &5#'6-7 L## C1='"-. R&4#''&. &5#'6-7 O9:;#- "1 $>1A=6# (':=>&'6# 6&>AT (' $=,;(6 $;&6#* 6%&>5#7 &::&=;" L"% A#5>## '1 4('#. &5#'6-7 C1'">1; I'"&@#. 6%&>5#7 >#6#(4('5 :"1;#' $>1$? 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R1=::#&=. &5#'6-7 B>#&"%("" 61;A 6%#6@:* C1='"-. 6%&>5#7 #'A&'5#>('5 L(:& M* C1H,:. [`. 12 B11'? PH('1> ('S=>-QT 1$#>&"('5 1' 6%&>5#7 H#'&6('5T 6%&>5#7 C1='"-. 6%&>5#7 9##@#'A#>* M&>@ T('6%#>. /`. 12 J&6@:1'. "%# 9#;2&># 12 & H('1>T 6%&>5#7 #4(;;#. &5#'6-7 L## C1='"-. :=:$#'A#A 1$#>&"1>:T 6%&>5#7 :#>4('5 9&>>&'" 21> 1"%#> $1? A$>(; M* R1&>@. [0. 12 M1>#? &5#'6-7 B>#&"%("" C1='"-. #'A&'5#>('5 "%# 9#;2&># 12 & 6%&>5#7 '1 1> #W$(>#A KY A(:1>A#>;- 61'A=6"* ;(6# &5#'6-* %#&A. &5#'6-7 R19&' C1='"-. 6%&>5#7 6>(H('&; H(:6%(#2. [>A H('1>* >#5(:">&"(1' $;&"#T 6%&>5#7 J1%' R* H&>4#-. [0. 12 H&>A? L(:& N1,;#. L`. 12 J&6@:1'. 6%&>5#7 :#>4('5 ,#'6% 9&>>&'" A#5>##* '1 1> #W$(>#A KY >#5(:">&? :%#;;. &5#'6-7 B>#&"%("" C1='? &5#'6-7 B>#&"%("" C1='"-. 21> 61=>"* T>&4(: S* T($"1'. /R. 12 B#&"? Deeds Lee County District Court H. B. Elkins and Melissa Gena L.L.C. of Philpot and A session of Lee District Rose Mary Noble, 1976, arrest was issued for Margaret A warrant of arrest was is- Elkins of Beattyville to to Margaret C. Cambron, et Court was held Tuesday, pled guilty to public intoxica- L. Ashcraft, 1969, who owes sued for Dale D. Morris, 1952, Sean L. Elkins of Owenton al, as third parties a tract of January 3, with Judge William tion with a controlled sub- $555. She faces 11 days in who owes $200. He faces four a tract of land north of the land in Lee County. D. Leach presiding. stance. The fi ne was $50 plus jail. days in jail. K C junction of KY 52 and KY Recorded December 29. There are two dockets, one costs. A warrant of arrest was is- A warrant of arrest was is- A 498. for pre-trial, preliminary hear- A warrant of arrest was sued for Chelsey Brown, 1993, sued for Tara S. Peters, 1989, L B Recorded December 29. ings and arraignments, and the issued for Kyle Owen, 1992. who owes $180. She faces who owes $220 in one case Forest Estes and Shirley other for show cause cases. The charge is cultivating less four days in jail. and $555 in another. Peters Estes of KY 52 to Charles Those cases that showed some than fi ve plants of marijuana. A warrant of arrest was faces fi ve days in jail for the Sean L. Elkins and Char- Mitchell and Linda Mitchell movement are listed here. Jesse Brock, 1983, pled issued for Margaret Brown, fi rst case and 11 days for the W lotte Elkins of Owenton to of Beattyville a tract of land Pre-trial, etc: The case guilty to failure to wear seat 1969, who owes $310. She second one. O H. B. Elkins and Melissa in Lee County. against Jeffery Lynn Bond, belts. The fi ne was $25. faces seven days in jail. A warrant of arrest was is- LL Elkins of Beattyville a tract Recorded January 3. Jr., 1982, was dismissed with- Randy S. Stamper, 1981, A warrant of arrest was sued for Paul Vires (no year E of land north of the junction out prejudice at the request of pled guilty to DUI. Stamper issued for Brenda L. Mayes, given) who owes $190. He Y of KY 52 and KY 498. the victim. was sentenced to seven days 1981, who owes $205. She faces four days in jail. Recorded December 29. Timothy Savage of Edward A. McDaniel, 1992, in jail; fi ned $350 plus a ser- faces four days in jail. A warrant of arrest was pled guilty to criminal mis- vice fee; lost his license for A warrant of arrest was issued for Sharon Walling, Blanchard, OK to Kimberly A chief in the second degree. 12 months; and, bust attend issued for Charles E. Mayes, 1978, who owes $120. Wall- T Savage of Beattyville a tract N Jessica Gay, 1978, pled alcohol/drug education. 1983. He owes $165. ing faces three days in jail. of land on Main Street. E guilty to theft by unlawful Judge Leach recused him- G First Southern National Recorded January 3. A taking (shoplifting). She was self from the case(s) of Ken- Bank, Archie Wathen, et Marriages M sentenced to 180 days, and tucky State Police Trooper al, to Bill Steele and Edith credited to days served except Jon Allen. He faces three Steele a tract of land along Mia R. Pelfrey to for 45 days on a contempt cases of menacing. Jeremy Ashely Lee Cockerham, 16, student of Beattyville and KY 11 South. Deutsche Bank National charge. Morgan made his appearance Travis Dewayne Thorpe, 20, unemployed of Beattyviller N Recorded December 29. Trust Company of Salt Lake Shane C. Byrd, 1986, pled as Allen’s attorney. Steve A City, UT a tract of land on were married January 6. Y guilty to public intoxication Johnson, the Wolfe County C Grand Avenue. with a controlled substance Attorney, was appointed as Margaret C. Cambron, Recorded January 5. and possession of marijuana. special prosecutor. successor trustee, to Mar- Fines totaled $150. Show cause: A warrant of !"$%&'()*)+*)+,-./00 + )1)21)+ 345642+78 The Beattyville Enterprise • Thursday, January 12, 2012 • Page 7 fi Classi ed Call Cheryle for all your advertising needs Beattyville 464- 2444 Enterprise !"#$%&## ($)&*+,)- E still in remodeling & home repair. C ounty John C. Allen, D.C. Window replacement, !""#$"%&'&"() _ALL NOW] 'nternational AD#ERT'SERS) You can Truck Driving School/ S'e C fl ooring, hiropractic place a 25-word classified Trucking _ompany Now Chiropractor kitchen remodeling, ad in 70 Kentucky news- taking Students] No _DL, A Professional Limited Liability Company bathroom remodeling. papers for as little as C250 No problem] STATE W'A No job too small. with one order, one payment. PROURAM if fuali! ed, or 149 Richmond Road Bill Walton (606) 593-7144 Irvine, KY 40336 (606) 723-BACK (2555) For information, contact the Financing available. 888- classi! ed department of this 780-5539 newspaper or call KPS 1- _DL Training- _areer _en- BRUCE FRANCISKY !"#$%&'()**+#$,(-&%". 502-223-8821 tral. No money down _DL ATTORNEY AT LAW We offer 15 colors of our #1 grade metal roofi ng tin cut to *$+,-+".) Training. Work for us or let us (859) 744-6980 the inch. With a 40 year limited warranty this ensures a roof that 24’O40’O9’ Eve, 1- Service work for you] Unbeatable _a- Now serving Lee, Owsley, and surrounding counties. will last for years. We also have 29 gauge Galvalume. We carry all Door, 1- 10’O8’ End Slider, reer Opportunities. iTrainee Check phone listing. metal roofi ng accessories. Give us a call at C6,999.00 Suilt on your Lev- i_ompany Driver iLEASE AREAS OF PRACTICE 606-593-7080 or fax 606-593-7071. Or stop by at: el Lot. Sare Ualvalume Roof, OPERATOR Earn up to C51k. *Criminal Law !"#$%&'(()%*(+,# *Family Law, including divorce, Painted Metal Walls, Freight iLEASE TRA'NERS Earn adoption, and custody disputes to your location Must be up to C80k k877l369-7192 Phone-in orders welcome *Civil rights restored and criminal added. Local building codes www.centraltruckdriving- Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. records expunged Sat. 8a.m. - 12:00 noon May affect price. SubZect Zobs.com *Personal injury Located 1.5 miles south of Booneville on Highway 11 @ Lone Oak Industrial Park to change without notice. _lass-A _DL Training, Other Si\es Available] Tra- Delta _areer Academy. W'A Breathitt Auto Parts don Suildings, 'nc. 1-800- approved. Job placement as- 987-2366 sistance. Tuition reimburse- “BROOKSIDE COTTAGES” &/$+0'&"( ment available. eiring for 2#3 )!,& TM_/ Werner. SSS accred- Unique Rental Community Stanton, off Mt. Pkwy., Exit 22 SAWM'LLS from only ited. Mt. Sterling, KY 859- C3997- Make ^ Save Money 498-9988, 800-883-0171 1,2, and 3 BR Luxury Duplexes Built-in Kitchens; Patios or Decks, with your own bandmill- _ut _lass-A Drivers Needed] Exterior Sheds or Garages $500 - $650., + Utilities Deposit, References Required Jackson, KY 41339 lumber any dimension. 'n Midwest Regional 38-40 Estep Rental stock ready to ship. FREE _PM Paid Orientation. Paid Ph: (606) 666-2461 Manager: Jim Baker (606) 663-0050 (606) 663-9854 (606) 481-4700 info/ D#D) www.Norwood- from 1st Dispatch. Full bene- Sawmills.com 1-800-578- ! ts. C1500 Sign-On. ONL'NE 4o5623 7o839 .,) #:;& 1363 EOt. 300 TRANSPORT 877-997-8999 4&,0 5!"(&- www.DriveForOnline.com Apply online & view our House for sale Attn: Complete Turn Key Sullivan University in Driver- NEW _AREER models on display from the com- 111 Woodford Ave. Homes available now with land Louisville, KY seeks a part- for the NEW YEAR] No eO- fort of your own home. www. 3 brs, 1 ½ baths, lg utility, garage, several lots improvement packages!! Your Call Janelle or Carlos at (606) 464-8618 or time cashier. For more in- perienced needed] No credit claytonhomesgrayson.com land or family land. Call today Phyllis at (859) 228-0324 formation or to apply, go check] Top industry pay/ Legendary Service Award Win- to apply!! 866-597-2083 to https)//home.eease.com/ fuality training, 100h Paid ner nine consecutive years!!! recruit/cidd745641. EOE. _DL Training 800-326-2778 606-474-2083 4o5623 7o839 +")(3$%(+#"!, www.Join_RST.com .or #123 Airlines Are eiring- Train Drivers- _DL-A DR'#E for hands on Aviation _areer. W'Te PR'DE. Up to C3,000 FAA approved program. Fi- Sign-On Sonus for fuali! ed For Sale Hwy 25 North, _hest type free\er, china nancial aid if fuali! ed. Job drivers] _DL ^ 6mo. OTR London, KY 40741 cabinet with glass front, and placement assistance. _ALL eOp. Ref’d. USA Truck 877- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Denim Days collection from Aviation 'nstitute of Mainte- 521-5775 www.usatruck. eome 'nteriors. nance 888-207-2053 Zobs ALL'ED eEALTe _areer Drivers- _DL-A Drivers _all) 464-9829 LOTS OF Training- Attend college Needed] We eave The Miles] 28’ Wide Singlewide HOMES 100h online. Job place- OTR positions available] Work W:%+&( ment assistance. _omputer Teams Needed] _lass-A _DL Starting IN STOCK Double available. Financial Aid if ^ ea\mat Ref’d. 800-942- Work wanted BOTTOM LINE Starting at at fuali! ed. S_eE# certi! ed. 2104 EOt. 7307 or 7308 www. _erti! ed nurses aid with PRICES $35,900 _all 800-481-9409 www. totalms.com 10 years eOperience, have $23,900 EVERY DAY! _enturaOnline.com Drivers- _DL-A OTR references, can sit day or 606.864.7744 night. _all Madelene k606l EARN _OLLEUE DE- Drivers Start up to 44m per UREE ONL'NE. iMedical, mile]] Lease Purchase Avail- 464-9181 7&;< W:%+&( iSusiness, i_riminal Justice. able] Ureat hometime. EOpe- Job placement assistance. rience Ref’d. 800-441-4271 _omputer available. Finan- OKY-100 eornadyTranspor- cial Aid if fuali! ed. S_eE# tation.com _erti! ed. _all 866-460-9765 Drivers) 'MMED'ATE www._enturaOnline.com OPEN'NUS _lass-A _DL )&36+%&) 24Mths. Recent EOp. Re- Buckhorn Children & Family Services D'#OR_E with or with- fuired. Local ^ Regional. out children C125. 'ncludes Must be " eOible with sched- Buckhorn Children’s Center Campus name change and property ule. Ureat Pay ^ Senefits. settlement agreement. FREE Louisville and LeOington KY information. SA#E hundreds. Area. 866-270-2665 www. Buckhorn Children’s Center is looking for a dedicated and caring individuals to supervise and nurture children in a beautiful campus atmosphere. If you have the desire and ability to form trust- Fast and easy. _all 1-888- abdrivers.com ing, supportive relationships with children in need, we have the opportunity to offer you a rewarding 789-0198 24/7 Drivers... Solos/ Teams/ career in professional child care. (3$%7 -3+6&3) Owner Operators- Ureat Pay, If you feel you possess these qualities in addition to a high school diploma or GED, you can have a 4&,0 5!"(&- Ureat Sene! ts, Ureat eome dramatic impact on the lives of children. To apply for a position, send a letter of application to: C1,500 Sign-On Sonus- Time] At National- You’re Buckhorn Children & Family Services _ompany Drivers- #an ^ NOT Zust a number]] _DL-A, Attn: Julia Brewer116 Buckhorn Lane Flatbed. eome Time. Tons of 1 year EOperience. 877-334- Buckhorn, KY 41721 (606) 398-7000 phone freight. EOcellent Pay. Elec- 9677 www.Drive4NDL.com (606) 398-7912 fax tronic logs. Ureat bene! ts ^ EOperienced Tanker/ Flat- EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER dispatchers. 800-321-7375. bed Drivers] iStrong Freight We answer God’s call to seek out suffering children and families and improve their lives. www.perkinsspeciali\ed. Network. iStability. iUreat com Pay. Every second counts] ! 25 Driver Trainees Need- _all Today] 800-277-0212 or Advertise in Fund Raising "#$%&'(% of Churches, Clubs, ed] Learn to drive for TM_ www.primeinc.com Schools, Teams and 4outh Groups Transportation] Earn C750 Regional _DL-A Truck 1. 40% Profi t fundraise with Rada Cutlery each year< per week] No eOperience Drivers Start at 37 cpm w/ 1n The Beattyville 2. USA Kitchen Items needed] Local _DL Training] years eOp] Top pay 42.5 cpm. 3. Easy System Request your FREE catalog Job ready in 3 weeks] 1-877- 4-12 Months EOperiencec 243-1812 Paid Refresher _ourse. 888- Enterprise and information packet: APPLY NOW] _DL Driv- 362-8608 or A#ER'TTca- 1-800-311-9691 er Trainees in Demand] Uet reers.com. Efual Opportunity Call Cheryle: orwww.RadaCutlery.com your _DL Training in 16 Employer. days at Truck America Train- Tanker ^ Flatbed 'ndepen- NOTE: Dept A12CNA 606-464-2444 ing and go to work] #A ^ dent _ontractors] 'mmediate W'A APPRO#ED Tuition Placement available. Sest Your FUNDRAISER will sell: Financing Available 1st yr. Opportunities in the trucking (cid:1)(cid:116)(cid:1)(cid:44)(cid:74)(cid:85)(cid:68)(cid:73)(cid:70)(cid:79)(cid:1)(cid:44)(cid:79)(cid:74)(cid:87)(cid:70)(cid:84)(cid:13)(cid:1)(cid:54)(cid:85)(cid:70)(cid:79)(cid:84)(cid:74)(cid:77)(cid:84)(cid:1)(cid:66)(cid:79)(cid:69)(cid:1)(cid:40)(cid:74)(cid:71)(cid:85)(cid:1)(cid:52)(cid:70)(cid:85)(cid:84)(cid:1) avg. C38jC40,000 per ATA business. _all Today 800- (cid:1)(cid:116)(cid:1)(cid:36)(cid:80)(cid:80)(cid:76)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:80)(cid:76)(cid:84)(cid:1)(cid:66)(cid:79)(cid:69)(cid:1)(cid:52)(cid:80)(cid:90)(cid:1)(cid:56)(cid:66)(cid:89)(cid:1)(cid:36)(cid:66)(cid:79)(cid:69)(cid:77)(cid:70)(cid:84)(cid:1) k502l955-6388 or k866l244- 277-0212 or www.primeinc. (cid:1)(cid:116)(cid:1)(cid:52)(cid:85)(cid:80)(cid:79)(cid:70)(cid:88)(cid:66)(cid:83)(cid:70)(cid:1)(cid:66)(cid:79)(cid:69)(cid:1)(cid:50)(cid:86)(cid:74)(cid:68)(cid:76)(cid:1)(cid:46)(cid:74)(cid:89)(cid:70)(cid:84) 3644 com !"$%&'()*)+*)+,-./00 ( )1)21)+ 345(43678 Page 8 • The Beattyville Enterprise, January 12, 2012 LAC names employee of the year !"#$%&'((!)*+,-',./*0! Fruit & Vegetable Plants for Sale *'%10,#2'-!31*!4*13'55#1,+(6 #57!+,-!4'*31*7+,%'!+$!8''! 9-:/5$7',$!;',$'*!&+5!,+7'-! Lee County Extension Service "#$%&'((!)*+,-',./*0!+5!<76 4(1=''!13!$&'!>'+*!31*!?@AAB! C'!5'*D'5!+5!+!E/+(#$=!955/*6 +,%'!"+,+0'*!+$!$&'!F@@6.'-! 3+%#(#$=G!H&#%&!#5!14'*+$'-!#,! 4+*$,'*5&#4!H#$&!$&'!5$+$'!13! I'*71,$!+,-!'74(1=5!+!5$+33! 13!1D'*!A@@!#,%(/-#,0!4*13'56 5#1,+(5!#,!5'%/*#$=G!&'+($&!5'*6 D#%'5G!'-/%+$#1,G!*'&+.#(#$+$#1,! 5'*D#%'5G!%1/,5'(#,0G!7+,+0'6 7',$!+,-!+-7#,#5$*+$#1,B !!!)*+,-',./*0!:1#,'-!;;9!! 8''!9-:/5$7',$!;',$'*!#,! AJJA!+5!+!;1**'%$#1,5!K3!!%'*B! C'!&+5!5#,%'!5'*D'-!+5!L'%1*-5! Beattyville Housing would We would like to thank all of ;('*M!+,-!H+5!4*171$'-!$1! like to send out a huge “Thank those who pitched (Margie You”!!!! Stamper, Tara Barker, Ethel E/+(#$=!955/*+,%'!"+,+0'*! #,!?@@@B!N,!&#5!-+#(=!*1('!+$! During the holidays, staff Ross, Kristin Brandenburg, $&'!3+%#(#$=G!)*+,-',./*0!#5! at Beattyville Housing as well Wilma Kelley, Megan Havi- *'541,5#.('!31*!41(#%=!+,-! as others in our community, cus and the Church of Latter 4*1%'-/*'5!%174(#+,%'!#,!7+$6 helped ensure that one family Day Saints) in to make this $'*5!%1,%'*,#,0!7/%&!13!$&'! had a wonderful Christmas. past Christmas one to remem- -+=6$16-+=!3+%#(#$=!14'*+$#1,5B!! ber for the Valdez-Colwell C'!+(51!1D'*5''5!4*'4+*+$#1,!  Strawberry (Allstar & Earliglow Varieties) $15.00 / 100 plants     13!7+$'*#+(5!31*!%1*41*+$'! 41(#%=!%174(#+,%'!+/-#$5!+,-! · Blackberry (Triple Crown) $4.00 / plant +%%*'-#$+$#1,!*'D#'H5B !!!)*+,-',./*0!H+5!,+7'-! · Blueberry (Patriot & Bluecrop Varieties) $7.00 / plant <74(1=''!13!$&'!>'+*!31*!8''! 9-:/5$7',$!;',$'*!#,!?@@F! Need to order at least one of each for pollination. 31*!&#5!'331*$5!#,!4*'4+*+$#1,! 31*!$&'!%1*41*+$'!+/-#$!+,-! · Raspberry (Lauren Variety) $2.50 / plant $&'!97'*#%+,!;1**'%$#1,5!956 FREE 51%#+$#1,!+%%*'-#$+$#1,!*'D#'H! · Asparagus (Jersey Knight Variety) $1.25 / plant $&+$!5+7'!='+*B! HPV Vaccine Clinic O)*+,-',./*0!#5!+!H1,-'*3/(! For ages 19-26 · Rhubarb (MacDonald Variety) $6.00 / plant +55'$!$1!1/*!$'+7GP!5+#-!Q+*6 Lee County Health Department -',!R1*7+,!"%;(/*'B!!OC'!#5! January 24, 2012 +(H+=5!H#((#,0!$1!01!$&'!'S$*+! Call 464-2492 for more details 7#('!31*!$&'!H'((6.'#,0!13! ALL ORDERS MUST BE PREPAID Women in southeast KY are 40 times more likely $&15'!#,!1/*!%+*'G!$&'!.','!!$!13! to develop cervical cancer than the national average. To Place an Order Call or Stop By the Lee County 1/*!5$+33G!+,-!$&'!'S4'%$+$#1,5! Cervical cancer is the only form of cancer that we can 13!1/*!01D'*,7',$!4+*$,'*BP! Extension Service – Ted Johnson, CEA for Agriculture prevent with a vaccine. Two vaccines have been devel- !!!!ON!+7!'S%#$'-!$1!*'%'#D'!$&#5! oped against HPV the virus that causes cervical cancer. &1,1*GP!5+#-!)*+,-',./*0!B!ON$! Office Phone (606) 464‐2759; Cell Phone (606) 454‐5109 Although the vaccines do not provide immunity against 3''(5!011-!$1!&+D'!$&'!&+*-! all forms of HPV, they do provide immunity against the H1*M!=1/!-1!'+%&!-+=!*'%106 strains that cause over 70% of cervical cancer cases. ,#2'-!.=!1$&'*5BP   The University of Kentucky’s Rural Cancer Preven- tion Center will be providing FREE HPV vaccination for men and women ages 19-26 at the Lee County Health Department on January 24, 2012. HPV is a group of viruses that causes genital warts and can lead to cervical cancer in women. Girls and boys age 9-18 may qualify for free vaccination through the Federal Vaccines for Children program provided by the Health Department. The Lee County Health Department and UK Rural Cancer Prevention Center encourages all females and males between age 9 and 26 to get the HPV vaccine. HENRY & HOMER The DVD’S AVAILABLE 30-MINUTES-OR-LESS K C A Henry and Homer recently “helped” me produce L E.R. Service Pledge B a DVD, lasting one hour and forty minutes. Do you want something by which to remember these guys? Maybe give a copy as a keepsake to your children and/ or grandchildren? In their timeless fashion, Henry ONLYat Kentucky River Medical Center W and Homer share their jokes, Bible stories, etc. in a O humorous way. This DVD includes interviews with L L kinfolk sharing their experiences as part of Preacher E Y Bill’s family. Susan (daughter) and Veronica (grand- daughter) both work at Manchester Memorial Hospital, Emergency medicine is about three things: compassion, skilled care and speed. You’ll find these at which graciously produced this DVD. All proceeds A ($15 each) go to Youth Haven Bible Camp and its Kentucky River Medical Center. The experienced E.R. physicians are committed to working diligently to T N ministries, as did my life story, The Dummy in the have you initially seen within 30 minutes of your arrival. If you need an E.R. fast, try our fast E.R. Once you E Middle ($10 each). You may order either or both by G A calling Preacher Bill Holeman (606-464-2721) or do, you won’t want to go anywhere else. For more information, visit KentuckyRiverMC.com. M Youth Haven Bible Camp (606-464-2445). You may also write Youth Haven Bible Camp at PO Box 588, Beattyville, KY 41311. Shipping and handling is $3 per item, but multiple orders will bring the S & H price N A down. These DVD’s are available at all Lee County Y bank locations and you can also pick up at the Beat- C tyville If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911. BEPage81-12-12F.indd 2 1/10/12 5:50:24PM

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