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Beam Single-Spin Asymmetry in Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering Andrei V. Afanasev(a,b) and Carl E. Carlson(c) (a)Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA 23606, USA (b)Department of Physics, Hampton University, Hampton, VA 23668∗ (c)Department of Physics, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187, USA (Dated: November29, 2006) We calculate, in a model, the beam spin asymmetry in semi-inclusive jet production in deep inelasticscattering. Thistwist-3,T-oddobservableisnon-zeroduetofinalstatestronginteractions. With reasonable choices for the parameters, one finds an asymmetry of several percent, about the size seen experimentally. Wepresent theresult both as an explicit asymmetry calculation and as a model calculation of thenew transverse-momentum dependentdistribution function g⊥. I. INTRODUCTION change,so one may ask how the photon obtains the spin 7 0 information and carries it across. The detail is that lon- 0 gitudinally polarized electrons, which we consider here, Semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) pro- 2 give rise to photons that have a vector polarization S~ , n vides a way to reach a more detailed understanding of and that this vector polarization is not parallel to thγe the structure of a hadronic target[1, 2, 3]. The informa- a photon momentum although it is in the electron scat- tion gained can be codified into transverse momentum J tering plane. (Virtual photons emitted by unpolarized dependentdistributionfunctions(TMD’s),whichinlead- 3 electrons have only tensor polarization.) An alternative ing twist are related to quark probability distributions. 2 Single spin asymmetriesprovide a method to isolate and beam spin asymmetry observable is S~γ ×~q·~pq. v measurespecificTMD’s[4,5],oftenthoseofhighertwist. The observable S~ ~q ~p is odd under time-reversal e q 9 Experimentally,both beam and targetspin asymmetries (T-odd). Hencethebe×am·spinasymmetryisandmustbe 6 have been observed [6, 7]. zeroinalowestordercalculation. However,itisnotzero 2 in higher orders,as hadronic final state interactions lead 3 This paperisconcernedwithcalculationsofbeamsin- to a relative phase between the longitudinal and trans- 0 gle spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive production of a 6 quark jet. A beam spin asymmetry can be viewed in a verseamplitudes,anditisinterferencebetweenthesetwo 0 number of ways. At the simplest level, finding a beam amplitudes gives the beam spin asymmetry. h/ spinasymmetrymeansdefining“up”and“down,”sayby Single spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive reactions p taking a cross product of the incoming electron spin S~ have their own history. Part of the history is common e - withthevirtualphotonthree-momentum~q,andthensee- to beam and target single spin asymmetries, since both p ing ifthe outgoinghadronorjet is morelikelyto emerge are T-odd, though it developed first in the target spin e h with transverse momentum up or down relative to the asymmetry context. Early onSivers [8] pointed out that : electron scattering plane as just defined. Going further, target spin asymmetry could be used to measure a new v ajetisacollimatedsprayofhadrons,whereallthefinal- distribution function for the proton. However, it was i X hadrons in the jet are summed and their phase space quickly noticed that the asymmetry wasT-oddand so it r integrated, and we represent the jet momentum by the was first thought that the asymmetry had to be zero [9]. a quark momentum p~ . A more formal observable that So it remained until Brodsky, Hwang, and Schmidt [10] q corresponds to the beam spin asymmetry is S~ ~q p~ . demonstratedexplicitlyinamodelthestatementalready e q × · made above, that because of final state interactions the Non-zero beam spin asymmetry means a non-zero aver- T-odd operators could give experimentally non-zero ex- age, weighted by the cross section, value of this observ- pectation values. Shortly thereafter, this statement was able. One can define an azimuthal angle φ as the angle confirmedfromotherviewpoints[11, 12]. Thesamesim- between the electron scattering plane and the plane de- ple model has since been applied to a number of other fined by the photon and quark momenta. The observ- target spin dependent TMD’s [13]. able has a sinφ dependence, so that a non-zero beam spin asymmetry requires a term in the differential cross Theotherpartofthehistoryimpacteduponquestions sectionproportionalto sinφ, andthe relative size of this of factorization in SIDIS. It is believed or hoped—and termisthemeasureofthebeamspinasymmetrythatwe perhaps proofs are becoming available [14, 15] for lead- shall use in the body of this paper.1 ing twist—that cross sections for SIDIS can be written as a sum of terms, where each term is a convolution The electroninteracts with the hadronsby photonex- of a distribution function that depends only on the tar- get and a fragmentation function that depends only on the final state. For jets observed in the final state, the ∗Presentaddress fragmentation function would be either absent or triv- 1 If parity is violated, as in neutrino scattering, there is an addi- ial. However, until relatively recently, the lists of possi- tionalterminthesingle-spinasymmetryproportionaltosin2φ bletargetTMD’s containednonethatcouldgiveabeam 2 spinasymmetrywhentheobservedhadronwasthewhole II. CALCULATIONS quarkjet [3,16]. Aproblemarosewhenwe,in anearlier note [17], and Metz and Schlegel [18] directly calculated We present calculations of the beam single spin asym- the beam spin asymmetry and found a non-zero result metry in a model where the nucleon is represented as a without using any T-odd fragmentation function. One boundstateofaspin-1/2quarkqandascalardiquarkS, could then speculate that factorization did not work for and where the momentum of the quark in the final state thissituationsincetherewasthennopartondistribution is measured. Physically,the latter means that the quark associated with this asymmetry. However, Bacchetta et jetinthefinalstateisobserved,andonemeasuresitsto- al. [19] and Goeke et al. [20], have made progressby un- talmomentum, but notany detailedfeatures that would covering an initial state distribution function g⊥, which give information about, for example, the polarization of wasoriginallydismissedbecauseitwasT-odd,andwhich the quark. The fundamentals of the model are the same precisely givesa beamspin asymmetry with anoutgoing as in Ref. [10]. jet. Factorizationforobservablematchingg⊥,andtwist- The process, with momenta and helicities shown, is 3 distributions, has yet to be proved. (We might note that if specific hadrons rather than a jet are observed, e(l,h )+N(p,λ) e(l′,h )+q(p ,λ′)+S(p ). (1) e e 1 2 → there are and were known mechanisms to obtain a beam spin asymmetry [4, 5, 21, 22]. Also, there were early We treat the electron as massless, so that electron helic- perturbative QCD calculations including gluonloop dia- ity h = 1/2 is conserved. The masses of the nucleon, e ± gramswhichshowedbeam asymmetriesof the orderof a quark,andscalardiquarkwillbeM,m,andm ,respec- S percent [23].) tively. The general matrix element is 4πα ′ = e(l ,h )j e(l,h ) M Q2 h e | ν| e i Themodelweuse[10,17,18,24]isasimpleonewhere theprotonisrepresentedasaboundstateofaquarkand q(p1,λ′)S(p2)Jν N(p,λ) , (2) × h | | i a scalar diquark, and where the hadronic final state in- where j andJν representelectromagneticcurrentoper- teraction is produced by a gluon exchange. The beam ν atorsforelectronsandhadrons,respectively,andthelast spin asymmetry involves both longitudinal and trans- matrix element will often be abbreviated Jν(λ,λ′). verse photon polarizations. The longitudinal matrix el- The five-fold differential cross section for a polarized ement (for spin-1/2 quarks) is subleading for large Q. electron but unpolarized hadron is Forreasonsofelectromagneticgaugeinvariance,wekeep all Feynman diagrams where the photon attaches to a dσ α2 E′ pCM charged particle. Hence we have three diagrams, in gen- = e q L (h )Wµν, eral, in lowest order, and there are also three diagrams (dEe′ dΩ′e)labdΩCqM Q4Ee128π3MW µν e in one-loop order that have an imaginary part. The dia- (3) gramsareshownbelowinFigs.1and2. Forcalculations where E and E′ are the electron energies in the target e e whereonlythetransverseamplitudesareneededtolead- rest frame (“lab”), q =l l′, Q2 = q2, W2 =(p+q)2, ingorderin1/Q,suchastheunpolarizedcrosssectionor andpCM isthequarkthre−e-momentu−mmagnitudeinthe q the targetspinasymmetry[10],onlythe diagramswhere hadronic center-of-mass. The lepton tensor is the photon interacts directly with the quark are needed. ′ ′ L (h ) = e(l,h )j e(l ,h ) e(l ,h )j e(l,h ) µν e e µ e e ν e h | | ih | | i = LS +(2h )LA , (4) µν e µν We show our calculations in Sec. II, with the results for the beam spin asymmetry given both as explicit for- where “S” or “A” indicate terms that are symmetric or mulas, for the limit that the masses and jet transverse antisymmetric in the indices (µ,ν). The hadron tensor momentumareallsmallerthantheinvariantmomentum is here just transferQ,andasplotsforselectedvaluesoftheparame- ters. Our calculationof the beam single spin asymmetry Wµν = 1 (Jµ(λ,λ′))∗Jν(λ,λ′). (5) does not depend on factorization theorems. Now, with 2λ,λ′ X modernknowledge,finding abeamspinasymmetrydoes not disprove factorization, and if factorization is correct Experimenters measure a single spin asymmetry de- forthesituationathand,wecaninterpretthebeamspin fined from asymmetry in terms of the distribution function g⊥. We do so in Sec. III, and include a few further comments dσ ∝ 1+(2he)AsLinUφsinφ , (6) about factorization. The beam spin asymmetry we dis- (cid:16) (cid:17) cussherehasnomentionofhadronicspin,sooneexpects whence we could exhibit a similar asymmetry in a model with scalar quarks. We remark further about this in Sec. IV. Asinφsinφ= LAµνWµν . (7) Finally, we end with a summary in Sec. V. LU LS Wµν h µν i 3 The pointed brackets indicate an averaging over the quark azimuthal angle φ. (Such an averaging was also done for the unpolarized term in Eq. (6).) Aftersomemodesteffort,thelastequationcanbecon- verted to 2ǫ(1 ǫ)ImWL2 Asinφsinφ= − . (8) LU −ǫW + 1(W +W ) pLL 2 11 22 The indices“L”onthehadronictensorindicatecontrac- tion with the exchanged photon’s longitudinal polariza- tion vector ǫ , L WL2 =WLy =(ǫ ) Wµ2, W =(ǫ ) Wµν(ǫ ) . L µ LL L µ L ν (9) Plain ǫ is the photon polarization parameter, given by 1 ν2 θ =1+2 1+ tan2 e , (10) ǫ Q2 2 FIG. 1: Lowest order graphs. (cid:18) (cid:19) whereν =E E′ andθ istheelectronscatteringangle e− e e in the target rest frame. An alternative expression for ǫ We calculate in a Breit frame, and find it convenient using to adopt much of the notation of Ref. [18]. We use the notation ∆⊥ for the outgoing quark transverse momen- ν ν2 tum. The external momenta, in light front coordinates y = and τ = (11) E Q2 (q± =q0 q3), are e ± is q = q+,q−,q⊥ =( Q,Q,0⊥) , − 1 y y2/(4τ) Q xM2 ǫ= 1 y−+y2−/2+y2/(4τ). (12) p = (cid:0) x, Q ,(cid:1)0⊥ , − (cid:18) (cid:19) ∆2 +m2 x ∆2 +m2 InFtohresspcianli-n1g/2limquitar(kνs,→th∞e twrainthsvyerfisexeadm),pτlit→ud∞es.domi- p1 = ⊥Q ,Q+ Q M2− ⊥1 x S ,∆~⊥ , (cid:18) (cid:16) − (cid:17) (cid:19) nate the longitudinalonesby apowerofQinthe scaling 1 x ∆2 +m2 x ∆2 +m2 limit, and ǫ goes to a constant in the same limit. Hence p2 = Q −x − ⊥Q ,Q ⊥1 x S,−∆~⊥ .(13) the transversetermsaredominantinthedenominatorof (cid:18) − (cid:19) Eq.(8)above,andtheasymmetryAsLinUφ fallslike1/Qat The electronscattering plane defines the xˆ-zˆplane, with high Q. theoutgoingelectronhavingapositivecomponentinthe We need to make some comments about gauge invari- xˆ direction. Momenta p and q are exact. In the high Q2 ance. Suchdiscussionwasunnecessaryin[10]. Thoseau- limit x becomes the Bj¨ork´en variable [x = Q2/2p q]; Bj thors calculateda targetspinasymmetry which depends momenta p are accurate to (1/Q). · 1,2 only on amplitudes with transversely polarized photons, O IntheBreitframeandusinggaugeinvariance,onecan which automatically conserve the electromagnetic cur- show rent. Beam spin asymmetry depends on an interference between longitudinal and transverse photon amplitudes, (ǫ ) Jµ =J+. (14) and longitudinal amplitudes are gauge sensitive. L µ Gauge invariancerequiresthat we allowthe photonto The zero-loop diagrams give an amplitude Jµ (λ,λ′) interact with all charged particles in the Feynman dia- (0) gram. For γ∗ +N q +S, this gives in lowest order which is the sum of → the diagrams in Fig. 1. There is a “quark graph,” a “di- e g quark graph,” and a “proton pole graph.” In [10], only J(µa,0) = (p −q)12 m2 u¯(p1,λ′)γµ(6p1−6q+m)u(p,λ), the quark graph [(a,0)] was included. In the large Q 1− − e g limit and for transverse photons, the other two graphs Jµ = 2 (2pµ qµ)u¯(p ,λ′)u(p,λ), (b,0) −(p q)2 m2 2 − 1 are smaller by at least a factor 1/Q. For longitudinal 2− − S e g photons, the additional graphs are not suppressed. Jµ = N u¯(p ,λ′)(p+ q+M)γµu(p,λ). In general,one has all three diagrams. Charge conser- (c,0) −W2 M2 1 6 6 − vation,e =e +e ,ensuresgaugeinvariance. (Charges (15) N 1 2 e , e , and e , are for the nucleon, quark, and diquark, N 1 2 respectively.) Thus 4 e g 1 x Q J(2a,0)(λ,λ′) = m˜2+1 ∆~2⊥ √−x m2+∆~2⊥(cid:26)iλδλ,λ′h(m+xM)|∆~⊥|e−iλφ−m|∆~⊥|eiλφi q + ieiλφδλ,−λ′ m(m+xM)e−iλφ+ ∆~⊥ 2eiλφ , (16) | | h i(cid:27) 2e g 1 x J(+a,0)(λ,λ′) = m˜2+1∆~2 √−x m2+∆~2⊥ δλ,λ′(m+xM)−λδλ,−λ′|∆~⊥|eiλφ , (17) ⊥ q (cid:26) (cid:27) 2 x 1 J(+b,0)(λ,λ′) = e2g √−x m2+∆~2⊥ (cid:26)mδλ,λ′ −λδλ,−λ′|∆~⊥|eiλφ(cid:27), (18) 2 q 1 J(+c,0)(λ,λ′) = eNg√x m2+∆~2⊥ (cid:26)−mδλ,λ′ +λδλ,−λ′|∆~⊥|eiλφ(cid:27). (19) q where, to-leadingorderamplitudes andobtaina non-zerophase relative to the lowest order terms. The diagrams are m˜2 =x(1 x) M2+ m2 + m2s . (20) shown in Fig 2. Only one-loop diagrams that give an − − x 1 x imaginary part are shown. (cid:18) − (cid:19) Matrix elements J2 and J2 are subleading in (b,0) (c,0) Inthemodel,thefinalstateinteractionismediatedby 1/Q. Regarding J1 , we only need to know that (a,0) agluonthatcouplestoastrongchargewhichiscarriedby J1 (λ,λ′) = J2 (λ,λ′). the quark (strong chargee ) and diquark (strong charge | (a,0) | | (a,0) | s The calculated beam spin asymmetry, Eq. (8), is zero ( e )) but not by the proton. One obtains the QCD s if we have only the lowestorderamplitudes. To obtaina e−quivalent by letting e2 C (4πα ) with C = 4/3. s → F s F non-zerobeam spin asymmetry we need to include next- The diagrams give d4k u¯(p ,λ′)(p +2p k)(k+m)γµ(k q+m)u(p,λ) Jµ = ie ge2 1 6 1 6 2−6 6 6 −6 , (a,1) − 1 s 16π4[k2 m2+iǫ][(k q)2 m2+iǫ][(p+q k)2 m2 +iǫ][(k p )2 µ2+iǫ] Z − − − − − S − 1 − d4k u¯(p ,λ′)(p +2p k)(k+m)u(p,λ)(2pµ+qµ 2kµ) Jµ = ie ge2 1 6 1 6 2−6 6 − , (b,1) − 2 s 16π4[k2 m2+iǫ][(p k)2 m2 +iǫ][(p+q k)2 m2 +iǫ][(k p )2 µ2+iǫ] Z − − − S − − S − 1 − d4k u¯(p ,λ′)(p +2p k)(k+m)(p+q+M)γµu(p,λ) Jµ = ie ge2 1 6 1 6 2−6 6 6 6 , (21) (c,1) − N s 16π4[k2 m2+iǫ][(p+q)2 M2+iǫ][(p+q k)2 m2 +iǫ][(k p )2 µ2+iǫ] Z − − − − S − 1 − where µ in the denominator is a small gluon mass temporarily included. While present in the amplitudes, it will not appear in the final answer for beam spin asymmetry A indicating that the considered observable is infrared-safe. LU The absorptive part (the part that is imaginary relative to the lowest order) is obtained by substituting 1 1 → =2iπ2δ (k2 m2)δ ((p+q k)2 m2), (22) k2 m2+iǫ(p+q k)2 m2 +iǫ + − + − − S − − − S Asaresult,the4–dimensionalintegrationovertheloopmomentuminEq. (21)isreducedtoa2–dimensionalangular integration,makingtheresultalsosafefromultravioletdivergence. Inthenumericalcalculations,wefoundprojections of the electromagnetic current Eq. (21) on six independent helicity amplitudes of the process γ∗+N q+S, and → A was expressed in terms of these helicity amplitudes. Two-dimensional integration with respect to polar and LU azimuthal angles of the intermediate quark was done numerically with Mathematica in the γ∗ +N center-of-mass frame. Independence of A on the gluon cut-off mass µ was verified, and providing a cross-check of the numerical LU calculation. The plots of the asymmetry A shown later in this paper were obtained using the procedure described LU in this paragraph. We may also obtain approximate analytic formulas for the beam spin asymmetries in the limit where the masses and transverse jet momentum are much smaller than the invariant momentum transfer Q, by keeping leading terms 5 in a 1/Q expansion. To begin, we have e ge2 x u¯(p ,λ′)p (k+m)γµ(k q+m)u(p,λ) AbsJµ (λ,λ′) = 1 s d2k⊥ 1 6 2 6 6 −6 , (a,1) 8π2 Q4 Z ~k⊥2 +m˜2 ~k⊥ ∆⊥ 2+µ2 − AbsJµ (λ,λ′) = e2ge2s x2 1 d2k⊥(cid:16)u¯(p1,λ′)6p(cid:17)2(cid:16)((cid:0)6k+m)u(p(cid:1),λ)(2p(cid:17)µ+qµ−2kµ), (b,1) 8π2 1−xQ4 Z ~k⊥ ∆⊥ 2+µ2 − AbsJµ (λ,λ′) = eNge2s x2 1 d2k⊥u¯(p1,λ(cid:16)′)(cid:0)6p2(6k+m(cid:1))(6p+6q(cid:17)+M)γµu(p,λ). (23) (c,1) − 8π2 (1−x)2Q4 Z ~k⊥ ∆⊥ 2+µ2 − Thek⊥ integralshaveafiniteupperlimitbecausethequarkanddiqua(cid:16)rk(cid:0)intheint(cid:1)ermedi(cid:17)atestatearenowon-shell. Doing the integrals yields e2 e ge2 1 x Q AbsJ2 (λ,λ′)= sJ2 (λ,λ′)L + 1 s − (a,1) 8π (a,0) ∆µ 8π m˜2+∆~2⊥ √x m2+∆~2 × ⊥ (cid:0) (cid:1) q mm˜2 ×(iλδλ,λ′"(m+xM)|∆~⊥|e−iλφ+ |∆~⊥|eiλφ#+ieiλφδλ,−λ′(cid:20)m(m+xM)e−iλφ−m˜2eiλφ(cid:21))L∆m, (24) e2 2e ge2 1 x 1 AbsJ+ (λ,λ′)= sJ+ (λ,λ′)L + 1 s − (a,1) 8π (a,0) ∆µ 8π(m˜2+∆~2⊥) √x m2+∆~2 × ⊥ q δλ,λ′ (m+xM) (m2+∆~2⊥) (m˜2+∆~2⊥) L∆m+m(m˜2+∆~2⊥)(LQ∆ 1) ×( − − h (cid:16) (cid:17) i xmM + λδλ,−λ′" −(m2+∆~2⊥)+ 1− ∆~⊥ 2!(m˜2+∆~2⊥)!L∆m−(m˜2+∆~2⊥)(LQ∆−1)#|∆~⊥|eiλφ), (25) | | e2 2(1 x) AbsJ+ (λ,λ′)= sJ+ (λ,λ′) L +L − , (26) (b,1) 8π (b,0) ∆µ Q∆− 2 x (cid:26) − (cid:27) e2 AbsJ+ (λ,λ′)= sJ+ (λ,λ′) L +L 1 . (27) (c,1) 8π (c,0) ∆µ Q∆− (cid:26) (cid:27) or e2 ge2 1 x 1 AbsJ+ =AbsJ+ +AbsJ+ +AbsJ+ = sJ+ (λ,λ′)L + s − (1) (a,1) (b,1) (c,1) 8π (0) ∆µ 8π(m˜2+∆~2⊥) √x m2+∆~2 × ⊥ q x δλ,λ′ 2e1(m+xM) m2 m˜2 L∆m (2e1+e2)LQ∆ 2(e1+e2) m(m˜2+∆~2⊥) (28) ×( (cid:20) (cid:0) − (cid:1) − 1−x(cid:16) − (cid:17) (cid:21) m˜2+∆~2 x +λδλ,−λ′(cid:20)2e1(cid:18)m˜2−m2−xmM |∆~⊥|2⊥(cid:19)L∆m+ 1−x(cid:16)(2e1+e2)LQ∆−2(e1+e2)(cid:17)(m˜2+∆~2⊥)(cid:21)|∆~⊥|eiλφ), using charge conservation. Here m˜2+∆~2 m˜2+∆~2 Q2(1 x) ⊥ ⊥ L = ln , L =ln , L =ln − . (29) ∆m m˜2 ∆µ µ2 Q∆ (m˜2+∆~2)x ⊥ The general result for the beam spin asymmetry is Asinφ = e2s 2ǫ(1 ǫ) m˜2+∆~2⊥ |∆~⊥| (30) LU 4π − (m+Mx)2+∆~2 Q ⊥ p 1 2e xe m˜2+∆~2 2e +e x Q2(1 x) e +e x M2x2 m2+ 1− 2 m˜2 ln ⊥ + 1 2 ln − 1 2 . × (∆~2⊥ (cid:18) − 2e1(1−x) (cid:19) m˜2 2e1 1−x m˜2+∆~2⊥ x − e1 1−x(cid:27) (cid:16) (cid:17) 6 U 0.16 CLAS 2003 E = 4.25 GeV AL 0.14 up-quark jet beam ry, 0.12 dqouwarnk-+qduiaqruka rjekt pole et 0.1 quark+proton pole m quark-only m 0.08 y s 0.06 A n 0.04 i p S 0.02 m 0 a Be -0.02 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 x Bj FIG.3: Beamsinglespinasymmetryforquarkjetsofdifferent flavors and beam energy of 4.25 GeV. Data are from Ref.[7]. Seethe text for notation. FIG. 2: One-loop graphs that haveimaginary parts. U 0.16 E = 5.7 GeV Theasymmetryfallslike1/Q,asexpectedforatwist-3 L CLAS beam observable. A 0.14 up-quark jet For numerical work we need to make choices for the y, 0.12 down-quark jet tr quark+diquark pole charges,andwewillshowresultsforseveralpossibilities. e 0.1 m quark+proton pole Two choices, will be for up-quark and down-quark jets m 0.08 quark-only fromaproton,wheree isthechargeforthestatedquark, y 1 s 0.06 e = 1, and e is the remainder. Another proton-like A N 2 choice has just the nucleon and quark diagrams, with n 0.04 i p eN = e1 and with the diquark electrically neutral. The S 0.02 explicit asymmetry for this case is, m 0 a Asinφ = e2s 2ǫ(1 ǫ) m˜2+∆~2⊥ |∆~⊥| Be -0.02 LU 4π − (m+Mx)2+∆~2 Q 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 ⊥ x p Bj 1 1 m˜2+∆~2 M2x2 m2+ m˜2 ln ⊥ × (∆~2⊥ (cid:18) − 1−x (cid:19) m˜2 FIG.4: Beamsinglespinasymmetryforquarkjetsofdifferent flavors and beam energy of 5.7 GeV. Data are from Ref.[7]. x Q2(1 x) x Notation is as in Fig.3. + ln − . (31) 1 x m˜2+∆~2 x − 1 x) − ⊥ − (cid:16) (cid:17) part [25], A further case keeps just the quark and diquark di- agrams. This case is neutron-like, since the nucleon is q J chosen electrically neutral, and e2 = e1. This is the Jµ Jµ qµ · . (33) − → − q2 prescription used by Metz and Schlegel [18] to ensure gauge invariance, and it gives For comparison, we report the result from this “qµ sub- Asinφ = e2s 2ǫ(1 ǫ) m˜2+∆~2⊥ |∆~⊥| traction” method here. It is LU 4πp − (m+Mx)2+∆~2⊥ Q Asinφ = e2s 2ǫ(1 ǫ) m˜2+∆~2⊥ |∆~⊥| 1 2 x m˜2+∆~2 LU 4π − (m+Mx)2+∆~2 Q M2x2 m2+ − m˜2 ln ⊥ p ⊥ × (∆~2⊥ (cid:18) − 2(1−x) (cid:19) m˜2 1 M2x2 m2+ 1 m˜2 lnm˜2+∆~2⊥ + x ln Q2(1−x) . (32) × (∆~2⊥ (cid:18) − 2(1−x) (cid:19) m˜2 2(1−x) m˜2+∆~2⊥ x) 1 2x Q2(1 x) 1 2x − ln − + − . (34) (cid:16) (cid:17) − 2(1 x) m˜2+∆~2 x 2(1 x)) Theresultcanbecheckedagainst[18]inthelimitm 0. − ⊥ − → Finally,inourearliernote[17], weimplementedgauge (cid:16) (cid:17) invariance using only the quark diagram [(a)], but mod- NumericalresultsaregivenintheformofplotsofAsinφ LU ifing its amplitude Jµ by subtracting out the scalar vs. x forthreedifferentbeamenergies. Foralltheplots, bj 7 we use parameter values M = 939 MeV, m = 300 MeV, dent(TMD)distributionfunctiong⊥(x,∆~2),forthesit- ⊥ m = 800 MeV, and α = 0.3. The quark transverse uation that only the outgoing quark jet is observed and S s momentum ∆~⊥ is fixed at 0.4 GeV. Results for beam inthelimitofneglectingthequarkmass. Untilrelatively | | energies of 4.25 GeV, 5.7 GeV, and 27.5 GeV, for quark recently, for the quark jet case, the known lists of initial jets of different flavors and with different versions of the state quark distribution functions contained none that model,areshowninFigs.3,4,and5. Thedashed-double- could give a beam spin asymmetry, although beam spin dotted curve (up to a corrected sign) matches results of asymmetrywasknownincasesthatinvolvedquarkfrag- ourearlierreport[17]. For lowerbeamenergies,we start mentation functions that gave information about quark the plots from larger values of x to ensure the condi- spin correlations. Now, with the work of Yuan[5], Bac- Bj tion Q2 > M2 holds. The solid and dashed curves, re- chetta et al. [19], and Goeke et al. [20], the distribution spectively, describe the asymmetry in electroproduction functions h⊥(x,p2) and g⊥(x,p2) have been uncovered, 1 T T of up- and down-quark jets if all three diagrams of Fig. andtheyallowanobservablebeamspinasymmetrywith- 2 are included. If the diquark is assumed to be not in- out any real or implied spin measurement in the final teracting with electromagnetic probe, only the diagrams state. The asymmetry due to h⊥ is proportional to the 1 Fig. 2(a)and(c)contribute,andthecorrespondingcurve quark mass, and we consider in this Section only the isdashed-dotted. Ifthenucleontargetiselectricallyneu- masslessquarkcase,andfor simplicity alsolet mS =M. tral, then the virtual photon couples only to the quark From Eqs. (15–17) of [19], suitably tuned for the andan(oppositely-charged)diquark;the asymmetryap- presentcaseandusingthesignconventionfrom[20](that pears equal for both quark jet flavors. This situation is is opposite to [19]), one obtains described by a dotted curve in Figs. 3, 4, and 5. intTeghreatreedsurltessuoltns tohbetsaeinpeldotsasardeesfcrroimbedthjeusntuamfteerricaEllqy. Asinφ = 2ǫ(1 ǫ)|∆~⊥|xg⊥(x,∆~2⊥). (35) LU − Q f (x,∆~2) (22). The analytic forms valid for largeQ are essentially 1 ⊥ p identicaltotheseresultsfortheE =27.5GeVcase,and e are relatively 10–20%lower for the other two energies. The TMD function f (x,∆~2) gives the probability dis- 1 ⊥ Remembering that our calculations refer to quark jets tribution of quarks in a hadron, and is related to the withnofragmentationintohadrons,wecanseethatboth hadron matrix by the signandthe magnitude ofthe asymmetryA com- LU pare favorably with experimental data from HERMES W11 =W22 =2(2π)32Mνf (x,∆~2). (36) 1 ⊥ and JLab CLAS. We also note that the experiment ob- served somewhat stronger supression of the asymmetry Thus, in the present model, at larger x compared to our model predictions. Bj 1 g2(1 x)2 f1(x,∆~2⊥)= 16π3(m˜2+−∆~2)2 (m+xM)2+∆~2⊥ , U 0.1 π+, HERMES prelim. ⊥ n o(37) L A 0.08 up-quark jet E = 27.5 GeV (before m is set to zero). We obtain a value for g from y, down-quark jet beam the normalization condition, tr 0.06 quark+diquark pole e quark+proton pole Asymm 00..0024 quark-only Nq =1=Z01dxZ∆~∆~2⊥2⊥==0Λ2d2∆⊥f1(x,∆~2⊥). (38) n pi The distribution f1 is calculated from lowest order di- m S 0 agrams, so that the momentum ∆~⊥ is identical to the transverse momentum of the quark in the initial state. a -0.02 e We pick a cutoff pertinent to the process at hand, in B particular we choose it equal to the maximum value of 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 x transverse momentum for a real quark in the final state, Bj 1 x FIG. 5: Beam single spin asymmetry for quark jets of dif- Λ2 = ∆~2⊥ =Q2 − . (39) max 4x ferent flavors and beam energy of 27.5 GeV. Also shown are (cid:12) preliminary data from HERMES [6]. Notation is as in Fig.3. (cid:12) Thus, (cid:12) III. THE DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION g⊥ g2 1 Q2 31 −1 = ln + . (40) 16π2 3 4M2 18 The general expression for the beam spin asymmetry (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) canbe summarizedby the transversemomentum depen- 8 The result for g⊥ is g2 C α (1 x)2 g⊥(x,∆~2⊥) = 16π3 xF(m˜s2+−∆~2) (41) ⊥ 1 2e xe m˜2+∆~2 2e +e x Q2(1 x) e +e x M2x2+ 1− 2 m˜2 ln ⊥ + 1 2 ln − 1 2 . × (∆~2⊥ (cid:18) 2e1(1−x) (cid:19) m˜2 2e1 1−x m˜2+∆~2⊥ x − e1 1−x(cid:27) (cid:16) (cid:17) The quantity in curly brackets is the same as Eq. (30), except that the mass m is set to zero both there and in Eq. (20). If desired, one may also substitute the con- tents of the curly brackets for the special cases shown in Eqs. (31), (32), or (34). Again, our calculation of the beam single spin asym- metry does not depend on factorization. Obtaining g⊥ does depend on the analyses of Refs. [19] and [20], and hence does assume factorization. Factorization appears to have been provedfor some twist-2 transversemomen- tum dependent distributions with transversely polarized targets [14, 15]. For longitudinal polarization and for twist-3 distributions, the question of factorization has been raised far in the past [4] and continues to be dis- cussed (e.g., [27]). Factorization for these cases remains assumedratherthanproved,andthis shouldbebornein mind. There is a logQ2 term in g⊥, mirroringa similar term FIG. 6: The distribution function g⊥(x,∆~2⊥) for |∆~⊥| = 0.4 in the result for the beam spin asymmetry. The possi- GeV.Thetwospecialcasesaredescribedindetailinthetext. bility of such terms arises because the asymmetry and Ashortsummaryisthatthenucleoninthequark+diqurkpole g⊥ arenon-zeroonlywhenloopcorrectionsareincluded. case is overall electrically neutral, and in the quark+proton Loops, however, do not always lead to logQ2 terms; it pole case has unit charge. In both cases all flavors of quark depends on the details of the integrals. For contrast, in the finalstate are summed. thereisthetwist-2targetspinasymmetryorSiverseffect, wheretheintegralsareinsensitivetotheirupperlimitsin a similar one-loop calculation [10] and consequently one states. finds no logQ2 term. We interpret the logQ2 simply as Some of the details are different, however. In particu- g⊥ possessing a logarithmic scaling violation within this lar,for scalarsthe longitudinal amplitude dominates the model. Itisnot,asfaraswecansee,relatedtoquestions transverse one at high Q, in contrast to the spinor case. regarding factorization. Also, considering just the case that the diquark is neu- A plot of g⊥(x,∆~2⊥) is shown in Fig. 6 for ∆~⊥ = 0.4 tral, only the quark pole diagrams are needed for the GeVandvaryingx,fortwoofthespecialcases| des|cribed cross section and asymmetry calculation. To wit, using earlier. Except for the logarithmic Q2 dependence in- notation from Fig. 1, we have duced in the normalization condition, the result is inde- e g pendent of beam energy. (The range of x for which the Jµ = 1 (2p q)µ , (a,0) −(p q)2 m2 1− curve is plotted is fixed on the left by requiring Q2 to 1− − e g be above M2 and on the right by requiring that W, the Jµ = N (2p+q)µ . (42) (c,0) −(p+q)2 M2 final state hadronic mass, is above 2 GeV. This figure as − shown is for E =27.5 GeV.) beam Both graphs, with e = e , are needed to satisfy gauge N 1 invariance. However, for the longitudinal amplitudes, IV. BEAM SPIN ASYMMETRY FOR SCALAR e g(1 x) QUARKS J+ = 1 − Q, (a,0) m˜2+∆~2 ⊥ The fact that there is a beam single-spin asymmetry e g(2 x) J+ = 1 − , (43) for an outgoing jet does not depend on the spin of the (c,0) − (1 x)Q target or of its constituents. We emphasize that here − bycalculatingAsinφ forhypotheticalscalarquarkbound so that the proton pole graph contribution is subleading LU 9 at high Q. Similarly for the transverse amplitudes, not parallel to ~q. An alternative beam spin asymmetry observable is S~ ~q p~ . The observable is odd under γ q e g(1 x) × · J~(a,0)⊥ = m˜12+−∆~2 ∆~⊥, ttihmeesirnegvleersspailn. aFsuyrmthmere,trtyhiosbosbersvearvbaleblfeorisarpeomlainriizsecdenptroo-f ⊥ J~(c,0)⊥ = ~0⊥. (44) ton target, S~p×~q·p~q, which measures the Sivers func- tion [10, 26] and which also was thought for some time Afteralsocalculatingtherelevantone-loopgraphs,the to be absent or zero because of time reversal invariance. beam single-spin asymmetry for semi-inclusive jet pro- The beam spin asymmetry is zero in a lowest order duction is calculation, as expected for a T-odd observable. It is not zero in higher orders. Hadronic final state inter- 4α 2ǫ(1 ǫ)Q m˜2+∆~2 m˜2+∆~2 actions lead to a relative phase between the longitudi- Asinφ = s − ⊥ ln ⊥ , LU 3 pǫQ2+2∆~2⊥ ∆~⊥ m˜2 ! nal and transverse amplitudes, and interference between | | these two amplitudes gives the beam spin asymmetry. (45) Themodelinwhichwecalculatedthebeamspinasym- for Q large compared to masses and to ∆~⊥ . For the | | metry is a simple one where the proton is represented curious, evaluating the above scalar formula numerically as a bound state of a quark and a scalar diquark, and with the samevalues of massesand|∆~⊥| mentionedpre- wherethe hadronicfinalstate interactionis producedby viouslygivesaboutthe levelofthe (presumablyspin-1/2 a gluon exchange. Gauge invariance requires that we in- quark) data in Fig. 3 if we use a rather small α=0.075. cludealldiagramswherethephotoncouplestoacharged hadron. There are three diagrams in lowest order, and also three relevant diagrams at one-loop order. Results V. DISCUSSION for the beam spin asymmetry Asinφ have been given in LU the body of the paper both numerically in plots and as Wehavecalculated,inadefinitemodel,thebeamspin formulasforthecasewhenmassesandtransversejetmo- asymmetry for semi-inclusive inelastic electron scatter- mentumaremuchsmallerthanthe invariantmomentum ing. Experimentally, beam spin asymmetry has been transfer Q. seen at JLab/CLAS and at Hermes. Our particular cal- Quarkspinnotcrucialtoobtainingabeamspinasym- culation considered beam spin dependent asymmetry in metry. The qualitative effect persists in an equivalent jet production, where all the final-hadrons in the jet are modelwithscalarquarks,althoughthenumericalresults summed and their phase space integrated. are not the same. Beamspin asymmetrymeans anasymmetry inthe di- In modern times, the expression for the beam spin rection of an outgoing hadron relative to a direction set asymmetry in jet production can in general be given in by the polarization of the incoming beam. In the case terms of the initial state transverse momentum depen- at hand, define an observable by first defining a normal fromtheelectronspinandthephotonmomentum,S~ ~q. dent parton distribution called g⊥(x,k⊥2), where k⊥ is e× the transverse momentum of the struck quark relative Representingthemomentumofthejetbythemomentum to the parent proton. The model thus gives an explicit pq of the quark, the beam spin asymmetry observable is result for g⊥, which is shown in Eq. (41). S~ ~q p~ . If one defines a coordinate system, this ob- e q × · servableisproportionaltosinφ,whereφistheazimuthal angle between the lepton scattering and jet production planes. Having a beam spin asymmetry means that the Acknowledgments expectation value, weighted by the cross section, of this observable is non-zero. This work was supported by the US Department of As a useful detail, the electron spin direction is com- Energy under contract DE-AC05-84ER40150 (A.V.A.) municatedtothehadronsthroughthephoton,andifthe and by the National Science Foundation under grants electrons are polarized, the photon aquires a vector po- PHY-0245056(C.E.C.),PHY-0114343andPHY-0301841 larizationS~ whichisintheelectronscatteringplanebut (A.V.A.) γ [1] V. Barone, A. Drago and P. G. Ratcliffe, Phys. Rept. [arXiv:hep-ph/9408257]; P. J. Mulders and M. Boglione, 359, 1 (2002) [arXiv:hep-ph/0104283]. Nucl. Phys. A 666, 257 (2000) [arXiv:hep-ph/9907356]. [2] R.L.JaffeandX.D.Ji,Phys.Rev.Lett.67,552(1991); [5] F. Yuan, Phys. Lett. B 589, 28 (2004) Nucl.Phys. B 375, 527 (1992); [arXiv:hep-ph/0310279]. [3] P. J. Mulders and R. D. Tangerman, Nucl. Phys. B [6] A. Airapetian et al. 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