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,I CS . u_ 0.., . F.:. ..l.!1t. ,-.. C:o..;"t -:)o:;it, • - ._---- ---- ---- - - /" FAMIL.Y AND SION, AAV / -NU-M-B-ER- -706- -------------- SPRINGFIELD, MO" JULY 16,- 1-927- ----------5 -CE-N-TS- P-E-R- C-O-P"- "Be Iwt airaid, only bclic\'e." ),Iark 522 \\Oluit-riul experience ",bell the iiiI.' 01 \Yhat tltl' 1I,,(II,r ,lid \\;:1>, true. lie This is one of those marvelous truths God hecomes the Itfe of mall. The Ui"int left her anJ ~ai!l he \\ouhl C.. lIlie back oi the S,riptures that is written for our power that ,>,,"ceps throuKh the orgauisn; a).:;111I uut Ill' ... ouluu·t !:!\'C ill'r Dny hope hclp, that we llIay believe as \\c sec the dcansillg' the blood, Illilkc~ the man irc ... h \\'hcn hc \\<lS lIicdy out III the Iwuse an alll1ightinc~~ of <jod ami also our pri\'i c\'t:ry day. The life oi {;od is resurrection Diu lady ami a )011111{ man \,ho knew how legc, nOl only 10 entcr in hy iaith, but I'o\\"er. to pr;IY (;lIla' ill. The YllUll1o: Illall put to bccollLt: partakers 01 the blessing lie \\'!lCII tliey brought TIIc home helpless hi~ knce .... Oil the h~'d and s,lid "Come \\ants to Kive us. )'ly message is on the ,\C prayed all night. \\'c llid all we knew. t1ut, )~)Il de,il, in the nall1t' oi Je~us." line~ of faith. Because some do not hear ,\1 tt'll o'clock the m'xl morning 1 ~aill It "ib a /0:00<1 job, we 11,1(\ no time jor in faith it profits them nothing. There 10 my wiie, "This IIImt be illY lasl roll argUlllcnl, and in~tantly 1 ',';15 ircc, Oh, is a hearing' of faith and ·a hearing \\ bicb cal!." \Vc had (1\'e children around us. Iialldujah ~ I \\01'> il ... fr{'C as I :un no\\ means nOlhing more than listening to I tell you it was !lot an easy thing 10 I ne\er believed that ally pcr~on ought to words. I ilc:-.ct'ch you to sec 10 it that face our circumstances. I I(Ild 111)" wii" 10 be in hl·d in the da}tiull' auu I jumpcd cverything done may bring not only bless· do ;15 slie thought be~l 1)\11 the poor thin~ up allil went downstain. )1.), wife said: ing to you but slrength a;)d cbaracter, "Oh, arc you up?" "I'm all riJlht, wife; didn't kllOw "h",! to do. She called a and that you may be able to see the good physician who examined Ille, shook his it i~ 0111 ri",hl now," 1 taid. I hau lonna' ness of God ill this meeting. head and said, "It is iml)Qs~ible for all) men \,orkin~ ior IIlC and ~hc said none 1 want 10 impress upon you Ihe im· thing to be done (or your hu~balld: I of tlwlIl had turned up that morning, sn portance of believing what the Scripture am ab\olutely helpless. He has 3PI)('II I picked up 111\' tools and wcnt 10 work. says, and I llIay have many things to re dicitis and yotl ha\'e waited too 101lg. T1~~n the doctor came. J It- walked u\' Ihe late about people who dared to believe His S\"~tem will not stand an Ol)eration. stairs and Ill\' "iic called, "Doctor, doc· God unlil it callie to pass. This is a tor, he is out'!" "\Vllat?" he said. "Yes," ;\ fe\~ hours, at best, will finish him." wonderful \\'ord. In fact, all of the \\'ord . _ __ ,-'--'0,' she ~aid, "he i .... out at \\ork." "Olt," he of God is wonderful. It is au everlasting said, "you will ncn-r sec him ali\'e again. \\'ord, a \Vord of power, a \Vord of '~I'-'---- HOP~ I' The), will hring him in a COflHt"." Am he:dth, a \Vord of substance, a \Vord of I a COqlsc? Oh, when Cod d(les any· lik It gh-es life into the very nature. all" Njooy" "a ntdh ep eCacoed ino f beHlleovplen, 8', filtlh aiy oyue wn .i.t.hy I. thing it I" dOIl(' forcn>r! and (;011 wanh to evcry one that Jays hold of it, jf he "hound in hope Ihl"O< •• h the power of lhe YOU to kuo\\' that Jie wants t('l do some believes. 1 want you to understand that I Holy CI><>&t." Rorn. 15:13. , thing ill you fort"\'er. i havl' laid my there is a need for the \\'ord of God. i" A liule bird live. in n'y hun, I hanus on pCOI)le with appendicitis when 1u35t H thite isb lae ssnienegd. , m\Vanhya t tiamme s, I thhaetr eb rfionrg?; I TOAItof " edwca rhhwo~,hler"eh n f 1oiIlnlr llt' hyh0 a 1"'b1II I hll'sldieof,ce no'i"rmt aalI 'o m"ncaot hlu ypl dahl" rl"yidl;,Io yl. h ope, II thhaes dhoeaclteodrs thweemre. in the place, and God Because God delivered me when 110 other .j. It 1011.$ me thAI it" nAm" I, Hope. I I "ill tell vou one incident hefore 1 hand could do it. 1 stand beiore you as Somelimet. by hand of wily foe II pass on. It \\'il1 stir III) your faith. I am one who "as given up hy everybody, when Is de"ll " crud dclllh·likoe blow; not here to be on exhibitioll. 1 ;lIn her(' no one' could hdp. I was earnest aud Cn,ih ... d lind hleedin. Un mo' bird to impart di"inc truth to ),011 concerning zealous for the salvation of souls. If I BAundt thno"n. IIIi I< ..i.n..r" l""" ,nIo". .. . '1in.O Ih'." ..t rhde, 1rN!', I thc \Vonl of Goli that after r lea\'(' yOIl you \n're ill Bradford (England), you FM"ylt hI IUdIO" lhh iardli rm ulpa •u p reirn.l l"h eabdr eeze. can ,10 thc ~auH' thillg I WCIlI to Swit1-er \\'(\lIld know. \\'e Iiad police protection Althou." it ae..n.ed •• if I''''ere dead, land And aftt'r I hacl hccn there for some ior Ill'ariy twenty years in the besl Ii It nutleTS wi.h il'" wounded win&" week" a brnther ~a~d. "\Vill you not go And Hope 1II1'1II;n lJf,.in" to "in •. I IhorouJ;:hfarc in Ihe city, and in Illy hum· to llleHing lo-nh.:ht ?" "~o," I ~aid, "I ble way with my dear wifc, who \\'015 My little b'rd I>OW trilla a _Ir haye heen at it all this time, you cau all on fire for Co· I, we were ministering I TThil"l rnvoetru,.. ..ohfc "w, hoicnh "i,lI I daorlohu npdr olon. take charge t"-ni~ht." "\\'hat ~hal1 ""(' in the open air. Full of zeal? Yes. But i Is h"1\rd the h1l.PJI' ch~rlul sound, I do?" 1.(' ash'1. "no?" I sai.I, "Paul the Proclaim,n. that Uope doth abound. one night, lilirtr years 190, I was carried I o God of Hopl" with h.-.pe inapi"" apo~tk, left !.eoph- 10 do the work and home hclph:!;~. \\'e knew vcry little about i TLhete .n1o0t" " moyf fb"iitrhd '"' eun>!1 ec"nti,a,sl e fi"1"0 "u." II!'' pas'>ed 011 to another place- ·1 ha\'(' het'Jl divine hl'alinR', hul we prayed through, Or fluttl'r ita triumph .... t win., hcre long enough IlOW, you do tilc work" It is thirty years and more since God i Till folded on Th, Iovins breut, So he wtllt 10 Ihe Illl'cting. \Vhen h(' l-Iopc has flMtnd her jo,OU$ reaL healed me. I 01111 68 years old and fresher, ! - Charlotte W. Si"son camc hack he ~aicl. "\\'e ha\'e had a in helt('r health. and more fit for work .!,.---,- ,-,- ,-(A- bl-ind -",-"-.cr), --:. wonllerful time." "\Vhal happe-lied?" He than I was at that time. It is a 1l'l05t (Continucd 011 Pa~(' ~ix) TIll-' PF"TE('O~T;\I. rT \"r;FI July Hi, 1927 appe:JrNI to the crO\\11 ai IIwn into'!Ckate:d. The\" were R\PTlZED. Tht' h1iln('~~ 01 the -iIr,h- ~pirit h;,c cies('eIH,,"J upon thcm The "Baptism" of the Holy Ghost ff(>l1~ 11;('ir ~lorified lord, ,nd they were iTllIl!crsed in (;0<1. By Donald Gee How it can be mi ..e cl "ow wc hdie"e that thi .. re, I itnd price· Ic~s l'xpC'rirnn of being- imuH'r .. td in the fullne~s of r;('" ("an be mi~~t·(1. and miss The n,\PTIS~1 It iot lilt' won! "Rap- whcInling sufft"finJ,:''i f(,r our c.akcs, and {'" t'\\'U hI' th(j<t' who l;lIk quite freely 11'111" th.ll WI' ,\i .. h to t'Tlli'ha~i1(' jll~t that lie tlt-lihl'fatt'iv de~('fibed Ihem as ;ll)ot1l a .. H:,pti .. l11 in I ht, lloly (;host," and nnw Tht' B.\PTlS!o.1 of the H(,ly (;ho~t. an :lwful "haptism;' just bc.calhc they Jlcrha\l~ profcss to han' received such an It i:i a Snip1ur.d \\orIJ to Wo(' in con wcrl' to be ~o o\"t'f\,. . la·lming. expt'r!cnn'. u(,rti<>11 \lllh 1111' IlfJl\' Spirit. John thc \\'ill1 thi~ q'nq' of the word unclt'l ~tood (a) \\"t, can miscall ~01lle hlessing which l\;tpli .. 1 u .. I'11 il in hi, jJrflplwcy abol11 this lhnl"inf(' 'II' can \\t"ll ill1a~inc the po\\' we have ren-in'd, 111<lt wa~ not in ;'my c,dfJri(l1lS I\'or); Ilf Chri~t (Matt. 3:11, etc.), I'f[ul iITlJln'~<.i(.n that wnuld he conveyed ,{'nsc all (In'ndlelming t''!Cperiellce at al1, TIll' I.flnl ,11'1'11,\ Itilll~df u~cd it during to his h('arl"f~ WIIl'II John the napti~l in· the "BilJlti~Ill" of thl' llol)" (;hos\. It tl)(' final t.lik In J Ii t1is('ipll'~ on the way forme" them of a eOlnilll:~ One who would \"cry lihl) wa.. a really great hles~ing. In Olill'! (.\rt~ 1 :51: am! Po'It'r rcrallt'l! hapti,,' in til(' Holy I.ho<.t and fire, Rig-ht and .. hould IH' a mattcr oi dct,p thank l(I\1i~'1 1''!ICI aftI f.)w "oIrIdI"'n e('ialllhktt ! i"ne aIrp~H 'satfito(n'r wabaordust binfl'fllolrt"t,f stiolwn iri n{ 'PtI'lsl ' Wiwl.~l ltt"hfse opifc tJtlortr,d oafn 'l itweri,1lh1 "futlhle}( '~B~a l'atin~dII l.p"r' ais\e\" (1' 0 ~laiwo d,in hutht ei t \Vwoarsd nooft ('orrll·lill'>, wh:lt awt' \\'nulrt they ('ontemplate a great Cnd, and throuJ.:"h the miniqry of sOllle \\'1' art' a lit tit· particuhr ahout Ihi~ l'f irnll1l'r,,;(,", liN only of hocly hut of helpful teachtr, thc po~ .. ihiliIY \l{ a clean l'oil11 hl'('a\l\I' \(1I111' I'xr('lknt pt'opic tell soul! Jnhn's worcl~ arc be~gared of mean heart thnllll{h tht, pO'\t'r of the precious \1" that tIl(' "11:tpti~Ill" of the lIoly Ghost il1.1{ if they dn 110t imply an utterly over Blood; or we reali7.ed as 1I(:\"('r la,lNc j .. now an ()h~oll'1l' expre .. sioll. It was a whetmin,r::- expcrience', similar to water the c.tll to a iulJ cOII~('cril!ion, and \Ie \t'rrn u~t'll, ~o Ih('\' -av, purely for the bapti~m y('t infinitcly greatcr. oltcycd; or \\t' ~ril~lh'cI hy faith the pos· inall~ur;t1 hle.,~ing 'nn th(' Day of Pente Then there i,; the ~('('Ile on the clay of ~ihilitv of a \"icloriou~ liie in Chris\. All ('oq; \\ t' arC' now to "re('t'i"I'" (or ~01llC Pellt('cost whl'n the prophccy had it~ first such 'blo~ings can ('(lIlle to the 1lt'lie\"er ~1IC'h WllfI\), amI Ill(' inf('f('nC'e is that an fulfillment, The rn~hing Illi~hty wind, Ihe with Ihe force anrl power of a spiritual id('ntiral ble~\in1{ with that received in the tongue~ of fir(', all speak of a Iremendous cri~is in the Christian liit'. yet thl'y arc "upper rtxllll" is no tong-{'r poc~ihte, Now oUlpouring of <Ii\·jne cner,r::-y. Note par nOI the "Baptism" in the Iioly (;host. il iii, \It'rfeclly S('fiptural to ~ay Ihat we ticularly that Ill('r(' wac; one manifesta \\'c can nell learn from Ihe \\'ord of "(I'rrin'" lhe fIolovf Spirit; and th('re is a lion of 1Ji.~ presenCe which we know oc the need and possibility oi rcally being (Iuit-t a~ .. uranrt' faith C'oncerning thc curred on subscClu('nt o('('a~ions, and pro bapli7cd iu the Spirit, <Iud then h;tstily ""rol1li~(' of Ihe Fatll('r" whic!l is a~ help vidcd au ullan~\\"erahlc link with the mem "takc it bv faith" wilhout "I1Y overwhelm ful :lS il i~ h\('ss('(I; hut neverthc\ess IIe orable "uppcr rnom."-"They began to ing of a Indy Scriptural IIature whatcver. i~ ~Iill llfl'par('d to cOllle in :l mighty o\'er ~peak with other tonj:{lIes as the Spirit gave Tarrying' times ,'llld waiting ti11le~ may not "IH'lrlling "nOlpti~Ill" to lhose who seek a tht'tll ultt'rallce." Little understood a~ be a "ccn~ily,-wc do lIot for onc mo personal Pen\('ro~t. The \1~(, of the lerm this reznark;,hll' phenomel1on has alwavs mcnt say they are, (;0(\ can ant! docs "i1:lptism" in cOlll1eclioll with receiving the been, ther(' is (.IIC thing ;")out it th;t nIeet btlic\"ers oftentimes wilh a mighty II(lly (;h()~t is lIowh~'rc in the Scriptures cl1lcrg-cs plainly; thcir enrapturetl titter· Baptism of the Spirit directly thev call limited tn a certain evcnt or period, It :lnces Wt're the rc'>ult of men being fill upon Him in simple faith. But if this is left happily Ol'('n to all. The believers ed with Cod, O\'\'rl\ Ill'hl\ed with di"ine is Dot the immediatc cxperienct', and if in "ct~ 10 r('Ct'i\'ed a Pentecost "as at power :Inc! heavenly ecstacy, They spoke what we arc truly hungry for is a real Ill(' heginning," :mel Peter callcd it a thu~ hecal1~e ordinary spcech W:lS takcn "Bapti~IIl" (an immersion), in thc Holy "Baptism." Thl'Y h:ld a like experience "way from thtm hy the overflowing full Ghosl, then '~e should continue to wait in Fph(,~l1~ ulltkr the ministry of the ne~s of their sOIlI~ at that supreme hour. upon God until lie doel Ille('t us at Pen apostle Paul sell'raJ years later (Acts LillIe woncier that their theme was "the ttcost. There is nothing to wonder at 19). wonderful w()rk~ of God," and that they in the IIcccs~ity for a tarrying time if \\'1' arl' C{lIl\'inced that it is a real it is lIuch an experiencc we arc seeking; B .. \PTlS~f of lhe lioly Ghost which vast \ for tllt're llIay be much emPtying of self, IHlmhl'rs of il1(]i"idl1;L! helicyers, and whole The Pentecostal Evangel much hean·searching, much ceasing frOIll l'hurdu:~, :In' Ill'etling to·day-a Baplism our Owll works lIecessary before God can of \IOWl'r from on High; a Baptism to An F.'·lIn.ll"~Iir-n1 'lnd Mi~~i",naTv PaP<'r, ad,"()· fill m \\ itll llimsclf. All of Ihi~ can of llIake ('hri~tians real \\"itnesse~ to a ri~ell ui,l,~i. n~Ih ~ ~N"l-vo~nl Iror"~,mi l'lH::o Joyf oIu.ir, ·tLnlo':r:d Jf)U,.U.m8~ ChHrie~a1l.. tcn onl) he accolllpli~hcd as the soul Chriq: a Bapli"111 Ihat on'rwhelms Ihe and I~~ Rrrel)l\On of Ihe lIoly ~I)inl lis Il~ qllietly waits hdore God. natural with God, and humbles man ut, .e..r. ao.st o(rA,cglin~A l2ly:4 ).r ~criYrd On the Day of P~n\c' (Il) But there is anolher way of failure lerly to III{' dust: a Baptism that brings that must be noticed, probably surpris haC'k til(' Fire, SCth. ... n..\ e,E , HR. obFinrlolOdsnh .. ,n .. -.. AUDciale EEddiittoorr ing to mally at fint thought, and exactly An overflowing experience 0pposile to that we have just considered. r\ow .tn~· "h;l\)\i~m" is essentially that. Thr l'eT>lcc<,~t~l }-:vanl(el i. Ihe Offi<';,,1 Or""n \ real on'rwhcilning" in the Spirit of God The verv word "baptize" ('OIll('S from the of Ihe Gen~ra! r"u"dJ 01 th~ Auemhhes of can be mi:.scd by too milch cmph:lsis he God Gre('k "haptn"··-"to dip," and n 'cessarily W. T. C ... lon _. Chairman i~lg plaC\'d upon the outwanl manifesta {im'Iltpt-lrilil'sll .!e oimntpol l'att : dio~vccurswsihocnl maisn gt.o t\hVeit hcOolrl t JD.. RH.. EMVeIODnol ... t11 - . .SA.cIMrll. .a l.arn)"t T0r.._.s..; ..,..,..- r tthioen sp roinf cIipliasl cthoimllRi"n, ga, liat!, rtehaolulyg hr cIphrecy~( 'wnetercd «'ct IIIcthod of adlllinisterin~ the ordin~ Prinlctl .nd pubh.hC'd wedd,. (SO iuuC1I ncb that for which we were ;,ccking. It can an(,e of 1ll'li('\"Cr~' haplbm in water, it is ,..u) ~I Ihe ("""I'~1 Pub1"h;". Hou~e. Spring· not he \00 t'lIIphalically ~tated that all ge11l'rally admittl'll that originall" at lcast fidd. Mo" U. S It. mauifl'stations of the Spirit, such as thi~ was hy immersion, Kothing c1~e can Subscription pricc, $1.00 per )"tar. C"",nlldian tongues, prophecy. ;,haking. ~ingin!.;", etc .. sati~fy the pO\\'('riul1y typical tcaching IflrO,!~Il".Id),(e . pkU~r.>~l.. a:h;u Ml ubSOl ecn~pnll;l" n,t o6 ~.~pye r fo,.rt aCrX. 'trI1IIl han' ah~olutl'ly 110 value, but rather the which Paul dr:lw~ fWIlI this ordinance in qUllnllUC8. 1.2 «'pie' for 14 «UIS; Z5 COp;u, re\'er~c, Ullics~ they come ~pontallt'ously R('III;tIl~ fl, CI('. There is profound meall .S unu; 100 Cflp.e.f $1.80. from the on'rnowillg and overwhclming ing in the word wlu.:n u:;ed by our Lord E"',crtd II ItCcond,cJul "''''lin J"n~ 25. 191~, of the 1Il'Iincr ill God, To ~eek to work Himself with rderence to quite another ,III Iht POll n~c~ aI Sprinltfitld, M..,., unde-r one~t'1f Ull 10 ally dq:;ree of spiritual ex ~uhj('ct in Matt. 2O:2Z-lfis l;uffcrings. Few aI"l~ , I..cc I~O.l{ Mriltler d0l1 J,J IO1l8l<a'9l.l ~ 1tp.erto:~vlu!lleedd lfoorr mina iStme.:g:. citcment. to ~eek to catch a ~urrotlncling dweiltl' mret'rf Uw'l'a st o laitdemrailtl yt lMimt mocurr~ eBdl esins edo vReer- J1ulal3,., JA, c1t9 1~o.f Ouober 3, t917,. IUlhori~od ~ 'I :a.tIlrlalion~ pah(n;dre sotrfi vecn tahfutseira stmha ftr OwIlhl icohlh esrhso,u ltdo July Hi, 192i TIIF I'F"\"TF(OST \1 F\' \:\( FI Pal--:e Thrt"l" Ill' as natural as the pratllill).! of tht, II ill Ill' i~,und the true sprill!; at I,,~t for COD'S HIDDEN RESOURCES haht' or the singing of thl' bird II1U"t IH'ar I"\"l" ior I,tht'f~ Lo\"in!! C;od w;lh all tht, T It'r, 'r u- 11 hi)..:h CO~I oi ,piritual upon the ian' of it thl' ~ta1llp of futility'. hrart, all Iht· ~"tl1. alJ tlw l1Iill(l. and ;:lil rain. II h I"""l!, 11 1,,>tH.;ht ami I!aid \\"hat little ~ati~facti(,n thl'rt.: i~ will ~OOll Ihe stfl'llL:th i~ elltl'rcd into ilS a blc",ed jt, at t h'., .\1I th;.;t ha~ b\:\"11 .Io:in'n I'''~~, alld the ~oul Ill' Idt drier than eveL I)" Ji"",ihll' and illl"fl':l~inl>:ly !"t'jlized ideal, and :111 Ihat i~ r 111lUlj.! 11:1 IH"\"II p it! lUI The ~pecial value of "Scriptural evidence" IIH" II' lill'l'r:ll~ "j the 1ik i":l.Iha 1(". Tilt.: 1'll'Clotl B1\>o.\ ha ur lies in tht' iact that it onh- ari"f'~ from "-) I' \:'S10:\ (.\cts 1 :8), ch:"cd all the pr~cious rai'l, th( former thc flooding- oi the soul \\itll the j:;lury oi lId the laltl f Td :n ;ll1d it i~ goill).1: to rt- hIIlaiii'.>'"I cIP'o~rmt''lseltl'.l el[c(eI,,tq a;il,s' I dt hfutell hlHU:\~I' si-gr"-n h'teyt;h de(,; i,Ct'hc(ar,m t oiifoll rttahelcrl l'ihfi,1 l"i:1 ;1,"-mfo i·ltl hgt cil ll'I 1~e1ln,i,)n-lya l- tShoeput iCrlOiiItl lll' i~n'o f "tili~l .(. 'tnhn ele1 tIwtlul)_d \ \Olit\t,r ,s,1d 11, --.,1t IhS be ll:f l,OSrotl (Uhlhg(:" ltn,"ok ll, 'u ofr"ie s(th'~e1"1 (1pl.'i nrscI nio( ar sgr tirera.u(n'it't al"Ill·(11'I"iH ni'a il<nw'l~lhkeod t(Rh"a'aifntt Wtsha{at' it •~ . rh,yo\l tl'i tth1lHc ,st.le:H,Ic: "kai:rt t . iits iH~ ilmI~c l0h11o; :d,,,i,'jl "ll1~ \h 1" !l(I,lr dT ~"h1le.I1hr\.t(' , \\,m"\ a p\.. J\ .,hs1i'i! n~\I'n(~' sitolhln:n ;'lJt 1o" rsHmp'urr:cylhk 11']1I1,: 'lItrFulr'. ,lllIl. w1!1Hr(s'" \'ch\r\o 1\w\0.; lj') \1\I..1h d~- r'h :rl .h a :,,1r r,lndinoi l-mh-:i:"s I 1 i.aI1IIn1 1dt( t hrIie,) Overwhelme<l with what? bu-.v artil';I\" in Chri~t;all st'f\"k~' h\'fore. hOlbe. ',od I\ant I!i~ childl"t'll t" h,I\"t· Tid, may he a natlll'al ilHjlliry. The rht:rt' Il::n" h:IH' hlTIl hk~~l'd fruit alld tl:c btlt'll cali 1)\.)II't he sati~lil't.l ,\ith 1.:0.)11 rt·~lIil~. nm ,,("fv;n' will now tOlkt' sCryant"5 farc mere "read and ",all'r I iIBlllai1spl 1llift'ul'1rl~1fenr lt 'os<ifn ; Iy(l;leolt' d ," tI·1I 0I,l JI~lh·a ey SfIpllo'igro-idtit eidm IaSwt diyttoh a sahklel, n"\n' ,' a~nh :dtl' nhtti rd,}\i tllIItts·Wst' ~ muontt ion ': .\1a1-n:,,"\ Cohhjreicstt n"urr a1n';dlt lllh-nr! Jh1a"~\, ;,' ~lii~ll3,. ~t0 1.\, -df i\aIti mt'h,i n\g\~i,o lh' uot f Ililll~("li ,,"ill Ut' thc t"e!iler as lIe\'cr be the IeI'S ,It'll rdim'u The "t,!>t roue ,tl(' On \,hal lim's ilia\" wc t'xpect thi<. bless fpr~' Liitin~ up the Lonl .h'''I~ will Iw rin!;! :11111 tlu ,hoh! \ Ilinnl' lItnt frci' ing h~'FJlld all bl~'ssim:s to maniie.;t it \~(a'fITie hs?tl ' gS-(u"irriipet. urat'n<;d, athrce y( ,iunr dSklalrtte'~:t and our dlIIIh th1'e-irx rtHO'id~Ir Wrs1l U'0n cltHi yocoomhujoi nwJ;w l.mwiul~l i otnhnbua etla l "tr tiaelaesrn etid gm 1r1oet0hnateayt t, ainnasld\w\p 'ih\a1r1yaa1s t- ltBHhe.'acncatao lul~t ";l~o1''Ic 0!,t. . \-C0'1~1>I;1II1 Il1l a1!rh"t~"C Y .p,·,~t", , .•"," 'rr.d1..1 1.i1hl T ym(h helobt ·~ i'.h..(c )i ltlIltbroh ln1 M'0s."it\·"g n(l'1l Ii'li1il.i\l\s (a) CLORY (Acts 2), ti~lI1 of !t'lling ahout ]Iim 10 {)tllt'rs autl all thn' ""III-lill, illSidl' ;uld out The The sQul filled with hea\'cnly ('c~tacy. Tn ~,'mt' the OYCndll'hning- of the Spirit ("attle I1Pl111 tllt'm and lilt: ~(lid within tlll·1l1. A n~'w \"i,IOII of (iod's greatnes~, cspec 01 \ ;t,d may produce a \\";lIinl--:lles_" at last and tht· ~u!l,hil1t· aOl\lIill).! tlll'lll all. t;\)d'! ially in redemptioll. ,\ ncw personal to! ohty <I 101lJ.l", 1011g -,qilit-c1 call of God. tul~~'t'li n·"ntrn·~ ,Irt· ~n'ah'r tll:ll\ tht scnse of I Tis grcat lo\"C in (hri~t for my Ii Illt're arlO "onll' tinal ~\ru.c:gils in the 'trOll.L!.t'>1 lI·k'~'(lPt· ha, l'\"l'r Iti~t'/)\"I'n'd own soul. A new rc;dizatioll of the hnund II ill, tlu-n: mity he groaning:; ;lIttl e"er~ Th~' tr\I'''rol't' ha, (lilly ~t:el\ thl' )lh~·"i. ks~ ~atisiaction, delight..;, and pos~ihilities e\i,kun' oi ,( mighty in\\af(1 ~truR'J.;le cn'n (ill, hut 1\11 tdt'~t"o,.t' ha, {Ii,r~\'~'n'd tho: for thc bclie,'{'f in Chris\. .\ new valuc wht'n IlIHkr thc blc~~ed louch of tla ,Upt'rllatnral. \\'ho h"" hy tht, h'k,cOPf of thc perfect "iclory of till' (-ross: the Spirit :h II~' cOllie ... in glory, cli~cu\"t"rt'd till' ~lrt:hal1.c:d: \\'ho hal, ,Ii~, ctuerrnta ionft yt hoef Ltohred , ScAri pftruersehs , rcaanldi nttihoel l roe f ';oTdo', (njIilli nt ..o. i~t ()wmiel l phaer titchutl' a1rI 1tlli1nlle~' 1o1If wschrevn (tdoen~t'"rneldl( ' d-. H'r\u\'hImill l hOII"'r \'\~"le'rr apdhiislclo\ vchr~t''d Ithhte' Ihe Divine Love for fill nH.'I1. This, and in' i~ n':t1i~ed for tht' !il"~t time: and ",udl hl'<I\'l'llly h(l~ts h~' the It'lcscope ~ \\"ho Illllch more, conslilUl~'S the glory Ihat a call may cven be in,licalcd by pro has l'\'I'I' di\ctn"l'red b~' it the spirits ()f jnq fills and floods the whole being of the lllt:l1 1t\;tlll' P('rft'ct pllt·tk uttcrallcc. belie\"er under thc Baptism of the Boh' Thn han' lookt'd thr\1I1Rh their tt·k, (;host: and it is the ec\lac)' of lhis glor}' To olhers it lIIay lIlean the rather such SC{IPCS :lIld qudi('d and photog-rapht'll, and that finds expression ill new tongues as ,I tlnp ..;ense of thc reality of (;od that tht'" h;I\,' hl'('11 ;mla/t'd at "hat thl'\' di~· the Spirit gin's utterance, This much till'\" go iMtll,-llot to any outward life C"'t'n'cl Bllt \\ hat Ih(',· llIi\sl'd IS rar disputed, and much mi~under§tood phen IIi nOirial ~('n-ice a;; Chrblian ministers ilion' a .. toni~hinf.:, far ';lore Illarn·lo\ls! omenon of speaking with tongues becomes and worker~, but simply to tell forth in \\'hat tltt'" saw was material. trall\il'nt much lIIorc easilv undentood when it is ··t"(.llunO!l rOIl11d and daily ta\k"' tht.: Sa\"· passing \\"h:"lt they o\'t'rlooke(\ wa~ ,pirit. realizcd Ihat it i~ but the eC~latie uttcr io\!!' th~'v h;l\'c now found in a ncw and elernal, frOIll the \"t'r~' e",se)lCl' clf {;od ancc of those c;lrried beyond the reach (kepl'r \\-ay than el'{'r. This W;I" apparent~ IlimH'lf, of ordinary expression hy the fullness of h' till' r"~lIlt of the majorit\' (Jf that Ol1e Till" ~aitlt (If (;0<1 is makinR the ~all1{ l;undn'd ;11)(1 111('nty gather~d in the first the glory of this di\"ine Bapti~m in Ihe mistak~' to day, Ill' ~ces a little of (;0\1'~ "upper rllom" in Jerusalem. but il pro hle\sed Spirit. p"II('r 11I1"(,uL:h hi~ lillie tdesc()llt·, and hi' (h) LO\'E (Rom, 5 :5), .Iuct.:d the 1!I0~t iar-rcaching ~piritllal l.:aUj.{es (;\)\1 h~ hi, tinite t.1iscon'r) It mo,·t'!ll(·nt till' world has evcr sec II, This is the abidin~ re~ult (If heing truly h;1\11 IH,t ~lItl"ft'(1 into tile h('art of man bapl11:ed in the 1I0ly GhOH It is an ,\ In'iug Chriq is ready to gi\'e ncry to cOlln'in tlte thing-s which (;011 hath ~'\'~·r-ripenin.c: fruit of the Spir:t. It marks n';ldt'r t,f tla'se linl'~ a B.\PTiSM of thc pH'partd for tllt'lI\ that lo\"(~ lIim Hut Ihl' the dTeet oj this C'xperiencc upon the Iioly (,ho .. 1. Be nut sati~fied till TIIOl' ~I'irit r{"t';tls tht'lIl jUq :t~ he i~ able to char:l('ter of the ht'lil','er. .\t thl' 1110- ha~1 rt'l't'i,ed, he-ar them, jll,t :1\ Ill' is hungrv ftlr thl'lI1, m('nt of thl' di\"ine ovcr ..... helming it may hlinbuq,:h allli ju~t ~n IOIlJ.! a~ hi· faith rt';IC"ht's (Iut ~illlply hl' thc r(lnst"iuu~'H'sS of "Io\'ing C\' for thun eryhody"; IlIIt after\\"ard~ il will grow and MUSSOLlNI'S LABOR LAW Thou ,halt nnt limit til{' Iioly (}ne oj dl'Yc'lop into an integral parI of the char :\apoit-tln\ sy~tem 01 thc pmil'sia ";) I~rat'l l'iIIH'r in Ili~ /-!ra("t', lli~ pnwickm'c, acter,-pro"ided always that tht: 1.wlie"cr prdl"t'l ill l·,'('ry commUl\e-~ll1s~olilli ha~ I !i~ Inn', or Iii, nohilit\" anI! illfil1it~'lIrss. ke('p~ "filled wilh the Spirit" continually·, ,ulopll·d, so Ihat e,'cr) tra(k~llIall (al1(l r;r~·"t i~ pur ,;oc\. th~ 1-:1 Shaddili (If .-\hraham. and tlw (;od itnd Father of our This nt'w capacil\' for Divinc Love bc Ilolle can tracle \\ithollt a gO"efnlllellt iug ~hcd abroad ill -the Iwart is oftcn pro lieen~d HUbt publicly aOix his pril'e\ (and Lord Jt"\I' lhri~t duccd at the Bapti!>1II (If the IIoly Spirit Ih~y arc frequcntly controlled priCl's) t<t by Ihe human spirit bcing utterly broken all ;\rtic1es, and is liable to hitH' his liCense NO DUTIES :1<;, nner beiore, Thc on'fwhelming of cancelled at any mOlllent "wilen ~uniciellt "Oc1iHr l1Ie," hc said recently, "from (;od cause~ the "iount:!ins of the great moral a:ld I'conomic guarantees" are not the pc" crcl'tls that spring up no\\aday~ deep to be brokt'll up." Thefe may often forthet,ming. Signor ~llIs~olilli himself like ITlI1~hro,)lIls, I was hidding a fri~'nd he a 1ll1lniie!'tatioll of weeping, The whole clt'scrihl'd the Labor Bill as "the !IIo~1 ha~­ 'bOil "0) <lRC' on a Cunard pier the Olher heing- is melted, \\"here hardness ob ardous, a\lc!aciot1~, and thel"efore, the lIlost aitern("lon. and T ~aill '0 him, by way of taiH~'d bdore, genlletlL'ss IIOW takes its re\'olnti()I1i1f\"" reform which thl' Fascist :"I joke: '11.1 aybe yO\l will bring a new pl;tce, \Yhi.:rc thefi' was ha~lin("ss there GO\'Cftllllent- had introduel'd in its tlwn creed back "itlt you; hut he careful if is now infinite patience, \\'here seli was forty lHonths of pOWCL \"011 do vou know how hard it is to Ftet cllthrolled, olhers now cOllle fir:;!. Thl' world is surely heing rapidly pf('. through 'the Customs House; nowadays.' ).Iost (Ii all thc ~oul will be urawll out pared for the day when no man IIl;IY bU.I· 'Oh,' ~aid my friend, ;therc'c! he no dif in lo\"e to the Lord, and in this new (lr ~dl ~;\\'e he thaI has the lUark of the fi("ultv about that. Thcsc new crcede. deeper lovc for Ihe hcavenly Bridegroom beast. Rc\', 13 :17, lIe\'e~ ha,'e any dutics attached to them'" < l\tJ.!:l' FllUr TIIF PF~TITOST \L E\·.\~GEL Jllly 16, 1927 , hou~chold, how can he rule the house of (Jod? There an.' pan·1l1S who claim the Ballti,m oi the Holy (Jhost hut the father Divine Rules for Parents \\ ill turn the children o\'Cr 10 Ihe mother to take care oi at church, and the mother, s. M. Pad,oU J~'t'lIitlg tired (,j ,\orking with them will sn them InOH' to run over the church ~ ·-777 hou~e, laugh and pia)' up and down the ~i~l('. and evell rUII hack aud iorth across the rostrum \,bile the preacher is trying to '\\'e fme! hy reading the Word of God ~('('II hOll\l'S \\lu:re the father and mother deliver the 1l1('~~aJ.!:e. This ~t;lte of things that lie ha:f had a plan, or a divinc rule claimed the Baptism oi the lIoly Ghost, should ne"tr be allowed. Every mini~ter hy which to 80vcrn JJi~ pcoplc ever since hUI did not have family prayer with their should in~i~t on proper discipline in his the crtatiull of man. \Vhell He put Adam cilihlren. a~st:mhly. lie should teach Ihe parents aud Ev(' in the gardclI lie gave them a Lt't us IU(lk at Gen. 18:19. "For 1 know that the\' take care of their children and rule concerning the garden to be kept that he will command his children and his ~ee that they hehave themselves in the hy them. I II' has had divine rules ever hou~eh()[d after him and they shall keep church of God. sillce. til(' \\ ay oi the Lord, 10 do justice and rat\'\l, hferlol ml ieE Kdyeplitv, erleide thhaed cah ilrdurleen oorf lIasw~ jAUhtlr~;(IhI;I1CII111I , tthhaatt wIhheic hL oIrIde mhaayth hsrpinogk eunp oonf onLe eto f itSth ec on1ts1i0f~lte r satchree dh opulasec eso ft oG owdh icahs to W1\'{'rn tht'lII by. But when they left him." In these lilies we !oee how God we can go. and bring up our children 10 off thc rull- or hroke it a judgment rested r('~ard~ the par('nt~ that teach their chil~ ren:rCllce it in that way. Oil I~rad. J Ie not only made a rule for drtll the~e thillgs and demand obedience. Falh{'rs and Illothl'rs, what will that mankind, hut ]Ie has a rule for all of Iris If \\e falht·rs and mothers will obey the child be "i.tn it grows up? You will Teap creatlurL .'\ Wt· <tf(' I lis crl'a!101l, and arc rules and \Vonl of God, aud will ell~ \\ hat ,"ou ~I)W. Let liS sow good seed in also made ill Ilis image and likeness, we force IIi, ruk~ in our homc~, it will bring Ihe h~art of thc child and when it gets ~houlrl give more earnest heed to the to pa .... s the thing'J that God has spoken old you can fl'ap joy in your child's deeds rull <: 1h Olt I h' has j.!iven us by which to unto 11~. \Ve "ee by the~e scriptures that SOllie will ~a\', ".\ child is a child, and ~()\'('rll our h"mt's. and rear ('our C'hil(lreli. (;",1 klll'w that Ahraham was going to \'ou ('an 't tea~h them the Scriptures." iiI.' alw;I\', has Riven a rule for every teach hi~ children and his houst:hold to i:lut Paul said Timothy knew the Scrip~ thing I h· rrllllirrs J lis children to do. If ket'p the \\;ty .. of Ihe Lord. Father, you tures from a child. So we see that it is w(' will follow them we will always make may be ~ure God knows whether or not po~sihle to leach Ihem to our children. a 'ucC'ess. you arc g'oilUt to teach that son who is \\'c have a great promise of encourage· I'laLno o;k11 1(.a1 t r(u;(l'1e1 . t6o: 14N, owahh erfeo r GIohde gbavuiel dHinigs afonldl ocwoimngm ainnd myeonutrs offo otht~et eLpso,r d.t heM owthaeyrs, omuern tc hinil drGeond. 's T\hVeo nwl isief stW lm! a\n\"i JIw ec orhraevcet of the tlrk. Hi!! plan wa~ kept and Hi~ lie knows whal you arc going to teach any r('cord of, except our Lord Jesus, , rltk~ oheyed, an(1 we find the ark ac~ that preciou~ babe you arc Ilursing al said, "Foolishnc~s is bound in the heart c011lpli~hed just whal il was designed 10 your hreast IO~(lay. Tic knows whether of a child. but the rod of correction shall tlo, because Noah obeyed God's order~ in you are going to bring it up in the nur~ dri\'e it far frOIll him," Provo 22 :IS. Again doil1,q' the work. ture and alll11oniliOIl of the Lord, or not. he said, "Correct thy son and he shall give Cod P-ilVC MO!le~ the rules as to how to No doubt many a precious babe is taken thee rest. Yea, he shall give delight unto build tJIC ark of the covenant where 011 to glory he fore it grows big enough thv sou1." So we see by these words that the covenant of God was to be kept. to learn the wickedness of the world. th~ rod of correction will drive foolish Ex. 25 :10. J [e aho gave to Moses the He know~ whether or not yOll are going 10 ness fat from the child. By correcting O;lltern and rule fOT the tabernacle. teach that child ali it becomes a young our children we shall rest and they will Surely these, the ark and tabernacle, Tllall or a young woman, to fashion after give us great delight unto our souls. Not could not be of any more value, or im· Ihe world. only will it benefit us but what a great portance in the sight of God than the "Train up a child in the way he should blessing it will be to our children. \Vith~ creation of His own hands, made in His go, and when he i .. old he will not depart hold not correction from the child. "For likencs~ and image, created to inhabit this from it." Pro\,. 22:6. Fathers and moth if thou beat est him with the rod he shan ('anh a~ long a .. it stands. Surely God er~. how arc you training that child whom not die. Thou shalt heat him with the would give mankind a rule, a divine rule, God ha~ trll~ted in vour hands? Are vou rod and .. halt deliver his soul from hell." to Rovern their homcs ;lnd their cbildren training it to fashion it~ life after -the Prov. 23 :12, 14. "Chasten thy son while by. world, or teaching it the commandments there is hope and let not thy soul spare Let us look ill some of God's rules given of God? Tllere are many girls and boys for hi~ crying." Vle sec by these serip~ to paTelllS 10 rear their children by. In going to ruin to· day for the want of the tures thaI the rod of correction will save DellI. (j :6, 7, w{' find how and when to right kind of teaching, and r am sorry OUT sons and daughters from hell. Apply teach the children the words of God; to ~ay we have fathers :ltld mothers in it while there is hope. \Ve must not "The~e \\'ord~ which I command thee this the church, yes, even in our ministry, wait until it is too late. day shall be in thine heart; and thou shalt who arc not teaching their children to Let ItS train our children il'l the way teach thelll dilip;ently unto thy children, be ~eparate from the world. Some of they ~ha\l gO while they arc young. Par~ and shalt talk of them when thou siltest them wiJl ~o so far as to allow their ent~, you can delay too long about train in thine hou~e, and when thou walk cst by girl!! to put on men's apparel- wear men'~ ing and disciplining your child, and let the wav, and when thou liest down, and trouser~, and bob their hair, when God the child's soul go to hell. There is a when thou ri~est up." So father, mother, ~aid that to put on mcn's apparel was an great responsibility on us. you can see in these lines what God Te~ abomination in lIis sight. "The woman Preacher, what is required of you? God quire!! of you. Have the Word in your shall not wear that which pert;lineth unto said, "Preach the \Vord." I am afraid heart, then teach your children. By the mall, neither ~haJl a man put on a woman's fire .. idl', when VOlt finbh your daily tasks, garment: for all that do so are an abomi that ~ol1le preachers arc too timid on these lines. They arc afraid that if thev call your children around the family altar nation unto the Lord thy God." Deut. 22:5. and read the \Vonl of God to them. Teach God It'ils U~ in I Cor. 11 :15, that if a say anything ab~ut the way the children arc doing, tht: parents will get offended them what it means, and have prayer with woman have long hair it is a glory to and won't come to church. Maybe somt: them. \Vhen you get up in the morning, her for hcr hair is given her for a cover~ arc afraid the people will say, "Preacher, and wh('n you lie down at night repeat ing. Then parents, even ministers of the "au had better conlrol your own chil the ~;lme thing to them. As you walk ~aered \Vord of God, will aJlow their dren fint." Therefore they refrain. "ilh them through the day, talk to them daughters to cut off what God gave them about the beautiful things that God h;ls for a cm'ering and for their glory, in or~ Fearl('~~ly teach what the Scriptures createll for lfi, children to enjoy. $;how der that Ihev may fa~hion after the world. have to say on this subject. Let the pas~ them the beautiful Rowers and the large Arc we an 'exan~ple for the church? If tor~ also be an example to the flock, trees that God has created. \Ve ha"e an elder kno\\'~ not how to rule his own which God has given them to oversee. J Illy 16, 1927 THF PF~TECOST.\1. FY \~(;EL THE COMING COUNCIL MEETING n.ltte ,lIld sul,m t '''d l,v Bro~hc· X,·<:i PROGRESS ON THE NEW ADDITION Two l11outh~ frt'llI th( elate oi this Perkin, our ~fi sinnarr "Sl.!crctarr, to all TO THE PUBLISHING HOUSE F\'am::t:i, the twelfth Sl'SS!' of th(' Gen· our Illissi\,narie~ on thl' t1ilTcrcllt licl,l 'I Ie ,NxllC) I crOll l\ltlllcil of thl .\~~l'tlJbli('s oi God Tilt,)' han' Tl'\"ic\I'('(1 t:IIS ~lILmil!t'lI )olicy li~tlir~g H, T h tn con\"CIIl". \Jl!1tc a IItJll,her oi the with a vit'\I' ttl iu '('''\ (' on their r\' hrick \\vi... c "'1'1. t~" . .... i ... ,r the new hn:threll ~u)..,~nted that headquartNs SIlE'CliH' li('ld~ and ha"e ~l'ut :11 ~OITl(' ex he,!kr ro('ta .lnll (himu('\, 1 he roof IS wOII[(1 hl' til(' bcst place to Iwld the next H'llent praetio.1 l1gg{,<.tioIlS "hirh have "1, ar..t :1 (nne III tloor will soon hl' rcady Ccnt'ral ('ouncil, Tile Chamher of Com· b'"('11 \'l1Ib41"i\'1I in the ncw !,()lin', This for lhc II1lfhil1l"ry to h~ lrJ.n'li, crl',l <:on merce of S\lrin~tlel(l was anxirous to ha\"e 11<.'\\ polit,y \\ill lot' slIiJmit[t,(] 10 t'he (; .... 11- til It l'h:.I1~S to) tilt' 1lf1lcr .. itr or the us hnld the IIlectin~ ill this ('ity. and do· l'ral l"nun61, ,llnd \\e b('!it'\"(' ItS \\ ..' come (":I,UtI.!I,1 rt',ult'rs \Iho h.I\1:: St'nl 111 $5,hlO nated ~25fl to s("cure the Crace ~felhodist tngdl!cr t" cnllsidl'r our mis~i"llary ill in ,J"llat;,lll!!. Ilurill!o( tilt, 1',1" I',rt'{' Ilwnlh , Fpi~t'op;,l chnrch, Iht' largl'st anc! IH"~t ap I"rt'~ts airl'"I!, \\1' shall hI' :lilk' 1(., pr ..' n~'f~' ilill h.h ],tTl\ di,(,,,ulltl'~J. \\"c \\llli POinh"d clmrdl in Sprilll-!fit"ld, The Exccu pan' a Slabit' mi~siollarr polic:v where the to th;ll\k yl>1I 5111 for ~lIl1r lllurh apPfl'l"i, tive I'n"sbYlery dt"ridl"d 10 acrept this bnt inll'r\'~ls (.f th .., \\"rk (.i Ihl' l.ord all'd hdp" Tin' IIl'W hC.l\in~ ~nt{"ll1 ',ith ofTn and hold the COl1!1cil in Springfield, in r\'l'ry land \\'ill h(, rOIl,,'n <'I\. and mon' \'hln1ltin):l' will fo,t ,.1'0111 $S,[lOn, :111t! th, \\"c are IrU",tin),{ that thr next General t"fi\'rtin' rl)'''p~'ralil>l1 .1lld n>nlidt'\H'c will d('~·t ri",t1 in ... t;dl.ll i"n \lllIdl i<; 11' "I" bcillg Cot1llril will ilt, a j.<rt";1t H'a.,OIl of rl'frcsh 1'1" ,'''ldl)fi~lil'd h ..' I\\("'11 IIIi~~i(ln:lrit·~ nn th." Imllk, ha~ yet to hI' p::lId j"r 'I'lli'll ~'om' s in).! flU ~piritual lirH"~" I'a~t()r ,\. (;" \\';trcl fil"id ,ilnd lilt' C')lhlitu('n<-~" al hom,", Pa~ Il1t' :I"ITI .,i a ,11 \\ press ;,ml a fr\\ olhl"r i~ Chairlllan oi th..: Progranl Committec, ["r F. S. \\"j]kll1:s. ({"U ~ 17th St lI{'j·dt.1 ad,Jill .. ,l" to Ollr t'QUil'lI1l'111. and h ... and hi~ commilh:{' will he arrang, Phil.l.klpili.L ],,,_, i" ("hairman (,f the ~Pl" \\, 11\I~t \\e ~hall ~ 'on he ill a P'~I ing" ior ,I nU11llwr of sjJt'rial Ct)\lventioll rial F"n'lL! ~\i~~innary l (l1ll11littl'~' that 11011 ,n I\ouhk .. lid tr('ok "ur output i:l"II1S that \\l' hl'lie\"e will he a gH'at hkss· will C"lIn'l1\' • tlH' ("unci!. "\\1 r,"",lu 1'tlltt',o. . tal lil,'r;,:ttr ..' t)ur (,utput "t ing' 10 all who att"'IHi. \\\' ..' xpeci to an tioll~ Iwrt; 111111 101 ["I\'iL!11 II1l'~'''l1an !'-ullday sdux,1 lilnatUl(, I' IS double,\ sinlc notlllce ,,"em' (Of th ... sc ~pc .. ial It':lturcs in mattl rs ~II lIld h ..· ~U\t t, him, I'I!" :'1"01 thl' \1 tor I.. i .. till gr, "lng. The a lalt"r i~~m' oi Ihe paper. Revised Minutes hi. s inJ: 'Ji the Lor.1 i~ "" 'he ""rk and The Program ,\t the la~t (;e!H'r:11 t "utlil il wa~ ar \It' gl\l' HIlIl .all th., ~Ior)'" Th! e " 10 Our ~'xperie:Il{"t' ill Ihe P:l.<;l makes us rallJ,":'l"d Ihat , "Pt"' d l' '1ll1inn' be ap .. :\.p~t"t~d 1(J preach the IUIll'r,11 S(TlHoJII know th;lt where the spiritual tiue rUIlS p:linled tn rt'\-I~l' th ..' (;{"!Ilrall tllltilmin "v,'r Ila: i'Ult\'co"t.1l 1ll0\,'llIlut han' c{'r hidl .. nu .. \"{'ry (Jill' is rdl'i..:illl-{ and in Ules allli suhtnit ~llI'h rl'\ '11 to til<." t;,iuly lotTn 11 ].'''J.: tillll' waiting lor the ~lori(Jus f~'IIf)wship with the l,ord" the l'lwirman uf e.ldl Distrin C')1111l"il to he ob~('lllln, \\-c r<tn say \\ illt \\ eslt"y, husiness rUlls ea~ily and on ro:al Holy rrnt'!1ted at the \ari"u~ di"tri(,t Illedin/{,. '"\:e5t ll; ,111 i~, (;001 I~ \\ith IU," ,\"d \1(' (,host line.:. Lt,t e\"l'ry 011<.' cOllie pray The~c rt"\'i~t'd nt1l!ut{'S han" IItCll drawll ],<.·Ii,,\(" \Ie arc yl"l to "t'e the best part ing' that thi:-; may he: Ihe be~1 COllllcil up, anll tlw Sl'rr('tar~ of Ih ... (;l"nnal tli the I'\"nt<"l'oqal rt'vi\ ,Ii ill tht' (Ulurl', wphce rhea vthe roeuvgchr ohuat dt, hea uwd hothlea t setsh~ei( lan tm$hoasl l (c'at'cllhn eilD i~htars1c t" 1'lII,t .-ht:ati\rpmil'a~n . (Ifs ot het h~a;tU l1t·t htt'oy \IeI nl i~n(dli nlI-h! aitn t\o\e thalr'l ' tig\lullrhcl!i! ... . hoiHi gc mt.ht-eli nd1i"l:l,J'a.:l:1-', b(' onc ui lovc, IH'are and joy in the Holy could hI' iully disClh~l'd at tilt' District gd l';(ch \\t't'k at I,'~~ Ihan n'si. \\·c kno\~ (;host. III 1925 there wcre sp<"cial prayer mectings. S0111(' (If tilt' dislricts have oi no otlu'r puhlishin!o( h(lu~e that Sl'nds out 1ll('('liug's COIl\"\'l1cd ill tiifTc,"cllt parts of dOlle very C()I1~dl'nti(,us work 011 thcsc 50 I/),p,j~e pajJt'r~ a )Tar for $1 subscrip~ athned CitO lwlllolruyl d h<b"efo rwe eltlh ei f Caolul nociulr mDeiesttirnigct, swuigthg ('salnecyi ,~rle1\~'!ios(in(t1lI'l(~1, :ull'1c'1n1c\'i''<l1'' lenrtls's owluiltli obnes slii~n''n : ofp r.tjicltt'i r;tIl'\l-ya n!l{'\l''ti- ryc o~ottsl u-$r.? ppaeprr ry etahre, Chairmen, Prcshyters, and ministers could hrought iorwart! fur e()n~idcriltion a~ we \\"e an' prinlill!o( JI,SOO ClIpiC's of the pa' arrange for some ~pecial prayer l1leet mcet tog-l,thl'r, Any Ill"W resoltltinn~ should pl'r \';ll'h \\e{'k but if we can get the cir" in,~s durill~ the next two riH:'lI1ths, to pe~ be .<iubmitted \0 the Chairman of the Re.<i· {"utlllt"l 11\1 \{1 50,000 it will more than lilion the Lord that Ilis pcrfect will may olulions COllll11ittc(', l'a~lor J, K:lrvcr pay ior ihdf. \\"ill you help? bc dOllc in all Ihings pertaining 10 our Cortner. 7J:? 11th St., Oakland. Calif. Ollr free tracts arc goillg \Jut in large fcllowship and to Ihe work oi the Lord Other c()lll1l1ittees dre a~ follows: Pub quantities all the lime, hut al Ihe present in gcneral. lications Commiltee. Chairman, Pa~tor R. tillll.! that' i\ an ovcrdraft in our free lileralure fund. \\"e shall lIIudl appreciate Home Minions ,\" Brown, 49 Clan'mont .\\'t'. . :Xcw York There arc Illally things to comider as City: Hib!..· SeilOol Committee, Chairman, donations ~(I as to keep th..: flow of free lIe cOl11e together" Our Chairman, Elder Principal Harold K, ~eedham, 503ti Echo tracts going tlut ~tl'adily to worthy t1is Iributors, X ..' ariy l'very 1I10nth we send \\", T, Gaslon, has the question oi hOllle St., Lo,> ,\ngdl''', Calif.: !{ulc~ and Order out about a qUMter of;( million frcf' missions laid \'cry hca\'ily on his heart COll1l11i1le('. Chairman. Principal H" Harold and f)l'licH'~ that the tillic is ripe for a )'loss. 4741 Ilud~on Bini" X. Bergen, N. tracb, ~()llIl·tll1H'~ more and ~C1metillle~ fOTl\an! move on this line" A special J,; I~oster ('ollllllittt'e, Chairman, Pa~tor les~, rOllllllittct' has heen appointed to consider J. C. Wilder, 311 E~"'lX St" San .\l1tonio, \Yc apprcciate all our frit'l\(is huyin/{ Bibles, imoks, alltl snill-! hooks from Ib, til\' (IU(,Slioll of home Il1b~ions as a whole Texas. All the profits .Q"O ri'-!ht inlo the \\ork of and 10 hrin~~ forward S()l1le praclical sug Regarding Meals the Lord ancl ht'lp \(,w,11"Ib Ill{' 1I1,lint":lI Hl'sliml" for consideralioll" There arc many cities and di~lrirt Ihruug-houl thi~ country on\ \t'eh e shfraelle wniollt ableT earbinleg tpoia up roavs idwee mhe;'La\l'es aaln cIel ("oafd qltlhaent "rl~I1"i ~si"n'lT\' :IUt! olh('f \\'tlrk Ilhae our di~tillcli\"(' P('nt{'co~tal tt'sli~ donc al former C()uncib, but the l;jdie~ m.p~oIOHilllnllytlle \d i h~t o' uastht rnooq~nutgit < .:' ulsn~kfernle1OQ1b\\lu"ieIeln~,, l lyw Ilt1t {h'hraea ts thwheeielrhne otthofO Ispher eo \\1"1(i;1(r(l1ae ( 'w{d'i islh~lr n.1 e0rE ~ ,h aaC\n'hedt l rIths:ehu psphaeamrvsee fofoofTrr l'rtcha(l1el The Free"lHhiEn keWr OinN ,I' Tu 'rDtaIiEn" i,~U(' said our ~n':'t mi"jonary program, a stronger SI!lll oi 35c pcr mea!. TIH'Y will not pro" "The :\Illericau <:!t'rl!Y would !It';lIly likl:' home h~.~c is a Ill·c ... %it\". The Chairman vidl.! breakfasts" :\s the (;racc 1£. E, church 10 gtt rid of Calond In!{<.'rsoll. He wan', uf the sPl't"i,,1 CClllllllittce that will deal is closl' to Ih(' ('{'nter of Springfield, there dit-, he \\(lll't 1;"("\ ('onH'rt ... d, and hc \\on't with IIl('st' matters is Paslor \\" II. Popc, stop It'rturing." On the very same day Sla'r!Hlfu, ~linl1 .. to \\hum ~11l re~ollltions aiar.s.: i:nI !tlhuem h\e"irr ionfil yn 'swlahucrrea nlt1s1 eaanb d ccoauiledt ebre· the daily papt'r~ ("OI1I;lill<."d thc folluwing Ill'rtainilll-:' to hollle I11bsions should be parag-raph: "Colunrl Roh, rl (; hll.'''r~(lll ~uhmitll"'1. (lhtain~'(1 at various prices, the cdebralt'd infidel. dic.1 at hi .. COlllltr) Foreign Minions Pray ior this Illl.!eting and plan to OIl house at half p.Ht OIW, thi., aill'flloon Till' L ... ncral Council is ill the main a lcnd, Rt"mt'l1Iber till' dat ..' s-Sl'pt{'mbcr LUllch had just bcen :lnnoIHlrctl, and Col mi .. "ionary :1l{l'II('Y, ha\"in~ rcpre~cntati\'es 1/) to 22, 1~('II1("l1lber the placc-(;race :'If onel lllgcr<;oll had risen from hi~ chair in ('vcry part of th~' world" For some E, Church. JclTcr!>on and Cla'rry St~" to ~o to Iha dining room whl"n he sud time past we ha~'c felt that our foreign Springfield, M-o, -- renly fcU back dt'ad," Illi~~iollarr policy could be greatly im proved, :\ well-thought-out policy has Thcu, 0 God, hast I,repared of thy God judges what wc gin' by whal we becn drawn up by the Missionary Com· goodness for the poor. Psa. 68,10. keep.-(;corge Muller, I',IKI' Six Till I'FYIITOST \1 F\·.\X<,EL july 16, 1917 i~rer \\h~lllI.;r 1\1 soul (Or b(Ody 1. E. Jus I tice, 31-l \'. l-l;~ :::'t., Tare Haute, Ind, 10 tillS testlillony oi Brother Ju:.tice Two True Stories 1.1 IJ:lstClr attadle:. the lollol'IIIt,;: "I \\01111 to add a little tv llruther J u~tLce's te:.ti mOllY, SJ1l'~ his healing he haS papered ,HId dec(,ratcd (.jur IIC\I church \\Lth the " help of Urothcr ~IcUullald, \\ ho was hedl td oi T. U. one )ear af.>O, lie ha:. paintcd lint. ,If( 1\\0 IflU' t"rie!> (JI th!l1K~ llilp d,l), \Ihe I ht I, titit,i, he ~aid he ));,,1 had tIhOel' e c(h.Hune:rhin go utt~oL clteh ei reLeo n.o!i." charge, a~ a pt'nln~ ill lIur "vanK!'li Iii' w"rk in 1111' a \i,i,," oi III IJi\,e Illing di'la~tdul to clIUllly j.1I1 at Spring!il·lI!. , him, and he I)('lit'\"l'd that ~()T11e morning, UNINVITED }Ohll, hi).(, iIM"'!!,;, hail/boWl', l'a~1 tlllr p""ihll' to-11\orroW Ilwruing, Ill' would get \Yu Ting: Fang-, Chinese ambassador to utyn pyoepaursla r(, iI I ai)l.\h'I· , Ihine Joatilli n0'1r'\~(' 11h elb'<d\Ilo!>rCe ,o mf ol\:lt~ uppy ainli lltI' l(f'i nId' xtpilcln' ahlaiohnit. A'JI1.1aI'q, Sluien dwaays "hhaepn itlhl e! \eLwni tYeodr kS tCatictys , ble>fpotLrelt lheia~v ilnags tA Smuenrdicaav d\1IIl'i!i(lH;l' '.i.I'. '.n'd ~~ a,1'1iI1nn<' 1l lI.dnh iiltg' l1hi1rst(u!a' !ll lhv ula'r1mta0il" 1knl(r1 { 'l o1CIfl(l, lr'nrohy\li',is c tmalcOhueltclI·l,hr mfiminnataateelnlrsyy . dgp\IyilTlmY, )l\ ISm'lh'u1geIr 1e ha acnbdnda o rgkusO mg\hIlinUl i tnIh tgehu. tpn eajJxa nIiItdl' m\lf\i'oo,e1ru5 nn ifdnvo geut'rn hy(da ? tlh IhoaIihlpmle c1H~h! uruw.ir oac sh\ VK au.i. . ne b,n ao'inayc d c .Ci nha i ...~ CnkIelrh'~d.i c n \aVh piUm1a s tr\oeItarpo,sl ie'aapdtcht:qc oun"nad\eVi dnh tteehtdnoe Tmlawn 1l1I1<1a1niiHf't · .i.. etta·drk si_t.~. . ndfl· ssin ,mhid ... (Clohwriesrt iaonf ltihfee dble·e~inn · lIfll'Jarr lya sam wokeee kh aadn dv anhie~ llh('add. hIatd hnado Ihliigthhl y~ oollil e CChhrrbil~itailal1iLt y.p co\p\,lhec lal ndI ltihaosu gaph t 1\ it hall dotH' ill hi ... life (,f ·in. lie be inclinatioll \0 ~mokl', lie \Ias delil-ered, pointed to America, I decided that I (,I\HI" Kn'atly trouhkd on'r hi ... rig-arette till' chain!> had fallcn off, he \\as free. IIanted to throw in my lot with Christian hahi!. to \\hidl II(' hatl hl'ell a hond sial"(' Tho'>t· t\\O I\,I)'~ (Ji gellin,.:" deliverance plople there, <lnd made up Illy 1IIind that ior 1I\on' Ihall 1\\"'111)' years, He decided irolll tohan'() ,Ire difTt'rent from each oth J I'.ould accept the lint inl'ilation IhaT III Iluil ,llld lJitl, hut wa ... fo.rced 10. b~ ~r "1111 diffl'n:llt frolll Ihe pl;1I1 I have ad I\as given llIe to attend a Christian sen' ",in aRaiu, III' I'r.'YI·d and trlcd but tall \1Il'a\('d, hut ill hnlh oi them as in my icc," Then after a mOIlIl'llt'S pau~e, he I't! st'n:ral liml' plan th~'rl' \\a thl' Il·'timoIlY the ... I;I\'e adrlelJ' "This is the first invitation I haw' Fin,tll}" he wid lht, J <lrel hl' couldn't 11<1 .. called U]lWl tn make that hc Ila~ de· had." quil, and thaI whik hi' wa" g()in~ (.n to pt'IHlinK 011 <;od iar delin:ranct·, John SI'f\'I' IIi111 Ill' \\ol1hl haH' to do 1\ suck had to \t·ll Barter alllt Cas~ey, ?llartin COIN CARDS FOR MISSIONS Ing a l·i).(,I1Ttlc Llnll'~~ t ;(,(\ t(}ok away the had 10 tt'stify to liS of his vision and his 'vVe shall be glad 10 ~upply fn'e of lil,in' fur hi' Wd!, helpll'ss in regard to It. hope and those 1 hal''C instructed had to charge our ~Iissionar) Coin Cards, Tlll'5e rllI'n'\1\lfll1 ,I'> II\' S;IY', ''The Lord said say they had quit and were I.kpcnding 011 arc especially gottcn up with Ihe view \() 1111', R"o tlll Bartn and (assey (two (jod to empower the11l 10 hc overC011lcrs, (li 1H"!pillR' people to systttnatic g-iving, rdl lIl"tl'~) that tltt· Lord hac, takcn away (;od'~ ways arc wom\Criul; they arc and we helieve they will bc of real value the ~ksin' for rigart't!t.'s." Ilowever, he past filUliLlg OILI.- C. E. H. in 11('lping the nl('mhefS of the Young ielt 1111 (lilft'I'("I1\ and cxpet:ll'd when smok Pl'opk's society anti Sunday school to iLlj.(" time t:alllt' a~;tin to han,: that saml' take a f,!re.lter inh'n'sl in the work of irn',istil)lt, I{)ng-illj.(" for the wccd, and he HEALED OF CANCER i(Jreig-n missions. rdu~cd to go. .\ .. hl' thought and POII Oh, hoI\' I thank God for His many Ilt'fl'(1 O\'('r this Ihe Lord ~poke again he blessings, Ilis gl'eat love, and His saving "BE NOT AFRAID, ONLY BELIEVE" ~'I)S saying:, "(-an't yOIl Irlbt me?" To and hcaling power, 1 had been a sufTen'r (Continued frunt P;Ig-e One) thi~ hi' at ollce n'plil'd, "I can" and went ir01l1 a c,Ulcerous growth under the bone said: "I Invited them all out, took off Ol1t ami wle\ Ihrtt'r and Cassey that the o\'cr Illy left eye. I suffered sllch pain in my coat and rolled up my sleal'es, and LMII IMti ddiHrt'd him from the cigarette my head that I could Ileither work nor praycd and they were all healed. I dit! hahit That i. . months ago and he says ~Iecp, and so lIervous that the only re just like you did." Jesus says, "I give he has m.:n'r ha(! it de~ire for a cigarette lief \IaS to take aspirin tablets or any you [)O\Ier over all the power of the ~ince tlu'll. other pain-pills I could get. I would take eneIllY.." They enlered il1to the houses That i" nnt according to my idea of the 1. and 3 tabid:. every 15 to 30 minutes and and healed the sick that were therein, \\ay to gl'l rid ('1' rij{arctlcs. 1 ha\'c al tla'Y afTccted lI1y heart. 1 sometimes The ministry of divine operation in 115 is II ays ath'i,t'd 11\(:11 to (Iuit, po,>itivdy and w(luld walk, walk, all lIight and until [ wonderful, but who would take I1pOl1 him· finally, a11(1 then Iru'>t Ihe Lord to cn· was ~() exhausted th:\t sometimes 1 would ~elf to ~ay, "I can do this or that?" If "hi" 111('111 to kcCl) Ilwir \'OW so made. I not kno\\' directions and would be lost. it is God, it is all rilJht, but if il is your hal'c Oftl'11 prayed for such men and God ,\n operation 8 ycars ago brought some selL it is all wrong, \\'hen you ;tre weak. has <klin'f('d thelll altogether from the 11'1ll110rar) relief hUI, getting worse, I then you arc strong, \Vhen you are strong rfil\'IIl){. But yOLl "I'e (;od has more than WCILI to S011le of the bt'st doctors ill i1l your own strength, you arc weak. You one way to deal with folb, Here is Ihe ~Jichig;11l and huliana all of wholll told me mu"t realize this and live only in Ihe other story. that there \\as no cure for me and that place where the power of God rests upon Martin had hccn cOllverted sevcral I was (ioollled 10 either die or go insalLe. you, and where the Spirit moves within LLlonths aRo and had gone with me by So the prospect before me was the you. Then God will mightily manifest ,herifT's consent from the jail to the church asyluill if I li\'l'd and hell if I died, for His power and you will know as Jesus \Ihere he attcndl'd service and was baptiz J was a very wicked mall. Oh, how I ;:aid. "Tlte Spirit of the Lord i~ upon ~'d. After the scfl"ice he returned to his cell. thallk (;od for Ilis Penlecostal people of me." He \Ia" very happy for a time but SOOIl got Terre llaute, Ind. On February 13, 1927, \'od brings a remarkable, glorious fact 111 the background and strugr,led along for I W:lS ~an'd and n~ccked friith that I to (lm minds to-n;~ht. the healing oi a il'\'t'ral wN'k-; hardly able to say he was a InJl1ld be hcaled. \\'hen 1 was anointed little helpless girl. The phy!'icians had child of (;od. lIe was under conviction Ilia" ia'ak(1 pcrfectly. In an instant failed, The mother said to the father: for "l1loking but coulcl IIOt Quit. Finally I could feci the Lord take that old call "There i~ onf~' one hope-if you can sec .Ibout IwO or three weeks ago a revival cer mil" and I praise God that I hal'e not Jesus! As sure as "011 can mcct Jesus "Ilirit he~all pl"rllll'ating the cell where he had a pOlin or an ache since. I am over our daughter will live." Do you think \\,:1 ... al1(l other men began getting !>.aved. flowing' \Iith joy. peace, and thankfulness it is Ilos~ible for anybody anywhere to (;011 iJ(').:"an dealing with ),{artin afresh to Ill)' Saviour. I C;Il'Cll like a hahy, havc go looking for Jesus without sl'~in(! Him? Int! hI' became much more diligent ill a splcndid appetitc, ha\'e received the Is It possible to think about Jesm with prayer than formerly. Hc bccame busy Rapti~m in the Iioly Ghost and am happy. out Jesu\ dra\l'ing ncar? No. This man .... s an ('\;lngelist to his cell mates with oh. so happy. knew the power there was in the naTlle Jo;llod ~UCfl'SS, but hi<; slavery to his pipe I ant workinf-." e,'erv day now and want of J{'~us: "In my name shall vc cast out II .IS nnt hroken. A week ago last Sun· to "hout the E!lad tidings to every suf· devils," But we must be sure we know THE PE~TECOST \1 E\'AXliEL Page S('I ell tl.,lt 11<llI1e, ior in .\I;ts 19 the seI"Cn l:oOlh lame, crippled. in .111 kind .. 01 \\a)", and. \\'hell the $Qn<, oi <';ud gallll'red togctht:r 01 Sl'CV,' loaid to the 1ll;!'11 pOl:o~el>scd \\ith "ht:1I lie CQIHl:li thl:re I .. liberty to tht: in the time oi Job, he \~a:l there dC\"ib, \\'e adjure you by Je~us whom I;al'ti\c, OPt:Uillg 1.'1 ~)t::> tu the bilml, ami \\ hile thi:o \\a:.; hapl'tuing 111 the !tIrect, l'~lUl preached to c(JllIe uut:' The (;\'il the ol>eninj.{ ot ears lu the deaL ).lal1\ three \ler:.;olls came ru~hillg !rOIli the hou~~ l>i,int ~,lid, "1 know 1'<lul and 1 know Jc~u~, had .... (\ tu tlll~ "V!lIan, "It )OU had 01 J.llrus <1lld .Iid,' There I Ill) u~e nOI~, but \\ho arc )ou," Yes, the de\-il kIlOI\~ olll) ill:ell IIUit \I~ tu da), \\ e ~a\\ the }our dauKhta I uead. I Ius Je~u~ can elery \Jt:lien-r--and the ~cvcn ~ons 1.11 III .~t manelulh thillg.: • tllt eruoked math: do 1I0tlllll": Ivr ,I ut:,ld daugbtt:r. Your SCC\,I ncarly 10:>1 their lil'cs, Thc cvi! ,traight, thl: L!I1lc tu \\alk, lhe blind to \\lle 11l't:d~ )011 at hum e." Bllt JC~Uli ~aid, POll er~ call!e upon thcm and the ... bareh ~ce ,lIld th~ \\UllIall 11\l:lIe year .. ~Il.:k "lie nut .llraiu, 011 I)' beht\e," lIe ~1'(·J.k ncaved, It is morc than rept.-ating- th~' qid, "Oh, )1.'\1 I:lakl.' lilt: teel th,lI II I the \\~Jrd Ju:>t III timel J~ u~ i~ lIel'~r 1\';um', it is the Ilatllre oi the ?\.ulle ill could unl) ee Jlim I should he healed. behind time, When the tumult is tht: you; it is 1I10re than Ihat, il b the divine It "lTl'Ilj.{thellul ht:r iaith .lIul it bl'(;!mt: \\or~t, the pain the Jl10~t ~c\'ere, the can jll'rSollaliLy within the hUII1i1n life which LillI. She had a JllLrpu~c \\ithill her, Faith \er gnppillg till' bud), then the \Iur(i hOi., come to take up J lis abodc ill you, i~ a mighty pO\\t:r, Llith \\ill r(';teh at come$, "Only bclieve." \\'I1t:1I e\'erythin~ and when Ii<: becomcs all in all then l'\'Cr) thillg, \\'hen re.d i.lllh ((Illll'~ into ~eellb.1 Ihuu,.:h it "ill I'iil, and i~ ]lrac ('od I\orb Ihrough yOU, It is the liie, (lJl~'rati(Jll you will mit ~a~', "! dOll't ieel ti(ally hupelc~" the \\ord 01 (~()d (ollin the power of God. God works through much better." Faith ~;In, "r al1l IIhole." to U', "Only belicI'c. Ihe liie. F<lith due .. ll't ~;Iy, "It'~ a'lame leg:' Faitll When Jesus callic to that hOlhC thCH' Ihe Lord is that life, and Ihe Illinislr) 'ay~, ":\1)' kg j, all right." Faith never \Hre a lot of plople wecping and \\ail of it and the pOI\er in Ihe ministry, b~ ~l'es a goiter. lilt{. I have takt:n my l;j~t \Ireath 10 Ihl' ath ep lIuicoel y oSi pidriivt inber inrge laetvioernysbhoipd y thina t ~ulcieh be \ p}rOayUeIldg' fWoOr.I ll,1lII n \\ ai tht eas tigmOolhn:yr Cm.lelleet intg', cise mtoe tebrey , IlrTeuse lblte \alibtshe ntth ei rOLIlol rdt,h ea nIdJo di~i olLI\"IoiCrgrdhc toihllley1a el eltidvh eets h paiotn w cheliriSlsd oaafns dtth heee yne angbeolmet sya , IvI:i>Ts iiotlnlo' 1t~1ohIg e:h le..i lary i dmg, oO"tlhIt eedrr.,o" "J0l~r ha)ie'~I co wttheheielrl , Lh\OdowrlldIle I iaothnred h ls!I'Iaaailld l ,h~i 0Ic1lh1o tdh heret l\\li\.nnfe c, lmIOhtlh 1tarotn. ~ t,fl yco uCI it: l\\1)l 0cil\t\1l r y1 l1~t .vIIIetlr' i~t taaIiIklnle t of J ('W~, The word Qf the Lord caUle pra)l'd jor nH', (;011 IlI'alec! my /.toiter that Ihey arc \\lth thc i unl you \\illnenr mnoilt. :hItyli thp owoebrs,e rwvaotrikoinn g binu t thwt'liltlh undtiivli nb~~, iFnogr ctnw:reyllb'eo d1yI l0hlollwhs G~ohde hweaelleltd aIbleoru gt oitetellr . ,tIarke en natn oIthlelln r flloIwalelrl 'iutoja lt(h! c ){r;I\'l' Tlll'y the jlOlll'r of the Spirit, men and women T\lch'e months aitt'nlard I I\a~ in til<' The,e PCOII\c \\l're r(lUllt! .lbulIl, \\l'l'P' were crealed anew by this new life di\ill(' ~anH' place and IIcnplc ~aill, "How big that illg', \1~lihllg" .. Ill! hUlding. lie ~ay , "\\'h:v \\ t' have to sec Ihal IIhen (hi~ di\'im' lally\ goiltr i~!" There c,ulIe iI time for make ) 011 thi~ to-do? The maid i~ nol \\'onl COIllCS 10 U~ by Ihe power oi thl' tt:~limony, ~hl' ;1l1ll11ed up alld said, "I dead, but ~leelJdh." Therc i~ a wOlUil-rful floly (;hO~I, il is according to the wil! was here t\\el\'(; Illonth~ ag'O and {;od word that God wanb )UU tn 1It',lr. J\ 11 of {;od that we ~p('ak; not with men\ ht:aled me of Illy goiter, Suth a marvelolls ~aid, "I ;I1H Ihe Tl'surn'ctillll and the lite." wisdom, but wilh divine minds operated t\\eh-e months I" \\'hclI ~hc wellt home The heliever lila,\' fall asil-ep, hut the be· by Ihe Word of God; 1I0t channels onll', her folk~ ~aid, "You .. houl!1 havl' 'CUI lien·r dOl'su't Llil'. 011, that Ill'ople \\uull\ hut :tS oracles of the Spirit, . the people to· day when you I('~tified that llllderst;L1ld the deep thing~ of (;od "it ,\s the ruler 01 the s\,llagoguc ~oug'l\I (;0([ had healed rour goitt'r, They think would change the whole situation. It Jeslh he worshiped Ifim. llow tlwv there is sOlllcthing \ITOIl,t.: \Iith \'llU Ii makes you look out I\ith a gloriotl~ hope gathered around J lim I How everybody you go uJl~tairs and look ill the g-!a~~ you to the day when the Lonl shall COIll" li~tellt:d to 1\ hat J Je had to say I He will ~ec the goiter is hi(,(gl'r than Cl'er it \\'hat doe~ it say? "The)' that skl'\1 will ~poke not as a scribe, but with authority was," She went upstairs, hut ~he didn't God bring \lith I lilli," Jnus knew that, and power, decked with divine glory, A look in the glass, She got down on 11l'r "The maid is \lot dead, hut sll'l'pelh; ami young man I\as preaching in a market km::es aud ~aid, "0 Lord, let all the pea, they laul.!hed 11im Iu scorn," To .. ho\\ till' pial"" :\t the close of the address some pic know jll~t as You have let me know, insincl:ril\' of these \\ailer~, Ihey could atheist callie and said, "There have been how wonderfully You have healed me," turn from wailing to laughing. Jestl'l took five Christ~. Tell us which one it i~ The next morning her ncek wa~ as perfect the father and the mother of the maid that you pr!'ach." !Ie an"wered, "The as any neck you ever saw. Faith never and. going into the room where sh!' was Chri.t that ro&e from the dead." There I(,oks, Faith praises God- -it is done! took her hand and said, "Daughter, ari~t'," is only one that rose from Ihe dead, There ,\lld the child ~ilt lip, Prai'e the Lord! i~ only one Jesus that lives. And as This poor, helpless woman who bad bePIi \nd I Ie "aid, "Givc her sOlllething- to (':\t," lie 11\'e5., we live also, Glory to God! growill~ weaker and weak!'r for tWf'h'c Oh. the remarkablcnes!I of ollr Lord \\'e ;lre ri .. t'n with Ilim, arc li\'ing with years Pll"h('(1 i11l0 thc crowded thorO\llZh. J e .. us! I want tn impre"s IIPOII you the /lilll. and will rei).,:!1 with lIim. iare whell she kne\\' Jesus was in the importance of n'aliTing that lie is in the This rul!'r, as he dn:w !lear the croRd, mid,t, She was stirred to the depth~, midst. !"\o ]It'rSOIl llt't'Li he Wilhol1t the went up to Him <l.nd said, "Jesus, mv and "he pu~hed tbrotlRh and touched Him. kllo\IIel!f,!e that they are not only !laved, daughter lietll at the point of death, 1£ you will belic\'e God and touch Him but that God can live in these hnLli('s. Come and lay thy hands upon her and you will be healed at once, J esus i~ the YOII arc begouen the moment yOl1 hdiev!', sl1(' will he healed," "r will come," Jesus Healer! unto a li\'ely hope. "I fe that helieveth said, 'What a beautiful assurance. But Now listen! Some people put the touch bath eternal life," You have eternal as they were coming along the road, a of the Lord in the 'Place of faith, The liie the moment you believe. The first woman met them \l'ho had an is~ue of Lord would IIOt have that wOllian believe life i~ tempo!';!I, natural, malerial. hut in hlood for t\l'elve years, "'hell ~hc be that the touch had done it. She felt a~ the new birth YOI1 exi" as 101l~ as God I-'!"an \l'ith Ihis trouble she "ought m<l.ny soon a" she touched IIim that virtue had - forever-we arc be~ottul bv an iucor phy"ician~, She had some money, hilt ~one through her, which i~ true. \Vhen ruptihle po\\'!'r, by the \Vonl ('If God, Til(' Ihe ph~'~iciam; took it <1.11, and !eft her the people were hitten by fiery serpents n!'\\' hirth is I1nto riR'hl(,oll~nes~, begotten \\"or~e than they found her. Ha,'e yOIl in the wilderness, God'~ \Vonl ~aid through hv 1.0(1 the Il1nrnent that YOI1 hc1i('\'e, Gml allY that do lhe same thing around here? )'fose~, "lIe that looketh ~hall be healed," ah>.'a\·s 5a\'e~ throuvh the heart, lie that "'hen r was a plumber r had to fini~h The look made it po~~ihle for God to helit'l'eth in the \tt"art anti cnnfes~eth with 111," \l'ork before r Rot the money, and do it. Did the tOllch heal the \\-oman? hi~ mouth ~h:tll he saved, r didn't always j:rct it then, I think that ~o, the touch meant something ntor(' Jl'sm is here t()-nig'ht to I')n~e th('111 if ther!' wa!l an arran~ement I\'herehy no it was a livinl-'!" faith Jesu~ ~aid, "Thy that arc bound. If you are sulTering in (Ioct('>( I-'!"ot hi!l fcc until he cured the fAith hath made th(,e \l'hole," Ii God your hntly, lie I\ill IH'al 1'011 now as WI' patient, th('re wouldn't be so alany peo wOIlIL! just mo\'e on U~ to belieye. there pray, lIe i" saying to eyer)' ~in-sick soul. ple die, Twelve year~ of ~icklle~s thi~ wouldn't he a ~ick l)!'r~on who could not to ev('ry disea~e-mlitten one. "Be not wOlllan had ~he n('e(led some one now receive h!'alilll-'!", As ~(lon as this woman afraid, oilly believe." who could heal without mall!'}" for she in the street, with nil the crowd abollt \\'a~ h<l.nknlpt ami helnle~~, Jesus come~ her, hegan to te~tif\'. the devil came. The \Veepin~ rnav enriure for a ni~tht. but :0 penple that arc \lithere(1 up, diseased, dedi i~ always in·:l te~tim('lny Illeetin~. jo\' cometh in the morn inA', Psa. 30 :5, TilE' PE?\TEC()ST.\L n'.\?\GEL July 16, 1927 the rest (,f it until Tad ),Iills mov .. d nt'xt "\\'ell,' aid Ill', "we fourc\y \\on't quarrel d,,<!r, Fir_t StIII!J;lY be li\'l.:.1 Ihere, he )\"t:r a little Ihing like that. Ullt hold caught mc going to Sundar school and so 011 ju t ,I bit-- ",hat do yuu say if I Illake Children's Corner the n/'xt "-unday \\ hcn I \\ ";l:llIng on a bJ.rg:aiu \\ ilh you, by \\ hich you can 1l1)' be t n,lIar and lie, he c ,me round un mc h()uutly by this \\atch? lIerc is Ikr Ill\" \\indow tn ruh it ill, ~aid h(', lily l'r"po itiCtIl, Let nu~ talk to you just '\\'('\1, -"Olin}', 'most ready for Sllnday , s I w,wt to, ior exactly fdteen minutes !'.dlool: (.(,1 )Our little g"hlen yellow hy thi~ watch, anti I'll goi\ e you Ihis watch ttxl l<trlll'll' hit, 5 his IH'.a.rt. lu' gets a for thl' I,ri\ii!ge," "It·s a bargain," ~aid WHEN GOD LEADS littll' J.:uldnl ~!dr. ij he Il.lrns hi!'. little tlw tr.lI1lp, "m"'1 attractive bargain l'\'C Eliu.beth Holland t,xt -say, SOli, \\ hat i~ ii, "(;,,<1 i~ IU\'e," (;\"t:r had thl' luck to \It' introdllel:d to in :\(T'Wil l' Yio" rkt (\'\x prt ,Ihohu(t' I\HlITIinri waByo~ toblcltw Ca(n'Hd • (lliIt' th"' Fhno.d\". g~iIvye Illallyl 1br~'("' 1~ard\i\ 'tltol, tghneo lgl-ihryl<,,"! ' IllyT hleif et,r a~m() pi atrh,-ru~wte lhl,i ~ ~hhoaontd!"s in his poc ;T,Ih,leIi o(r'Uol l/wluhrelno r itn 'pl'ioil1rtHt'' d to" ('an g~iumdd' l'tlrIo uhbalelt". If> "\S\-udnl.d"a y (-o,thn(l>iu(,l1! n!j ustht e IIHtr'a ll~lapll,1 ('", I hwute nIt rkUdllSl fo,IrIt)a!Ib le~ ctptoksdil iohni nah/lT·loir cili-ndt oh yI hrea ilmrooasdt IIIHTI Il"l'art ,I Idw.al)~, (n,fi Ha' t Ilkl,a1I~1 l w\\hHoIm h otuhriss ," uncx· 5\\0.1f~t ' ~Ii'lrlt ' m,l C:IoInH' I at,l a'\d"; u1l ofro rm raukbibnign gI lliet igno; htii"n ;h ld\\rht iktn tlhjpe, ],m thana t fIo'\r" l'ray mwoonm!e nmti glhiftt cbde ipnn t;(l'u(]' ,,I-l;,d,1a.y I5(k'11 \!1I\ td·t tkHdi lth i1h1alsrcel i dcio~lmurfho(r'td· "I.1Ilidl\ . OfTt, h,aIti II\l\Yn"fk'lf fI" r ilmvoijnddcitn\ g T\addll,! t uTnatidl ;tlh a~tw "trlda-' th~rw(u!~rtd ionjt o Ihtehi ~S p10i1r0itt , ml.aond's's soowuln; aohuth' ' a inh itti n" jc oitr n1C>0f0 ,0k 1 frtlhllel1 "'h('i,1 \, Ha'nsdt plaokcikn"Al't' S\ialtuurll \;IIlYl(' , 1"0 ilgl'olI \\Iitlt'h ("<h1i11m11, ; ;nUu\!l 'rh isa nfda thi1e1r- \\'cTahpln:lnl , hr(!,l i~bhqt. ("m;II:l,-k-e" 't,l\'l Iicnlg'r thaliouw sm, an had ('lIIilk.1 "'t·w 'j\!'ota1H(ut" cnJ1]llICllccd to I'll iI li~hing trill, ~Iothl'f kt lIIe go and IWO ~Oll:;; ;!IId the yOtlllJ.:tr oi them said rr.ld. Ill'\\C\t'r, ;rilt'r a in\" moment:; he, \\hik gulll: 'Lld airul hi~ ,-ic"s 011 bo.\"~ to hIS fatlu'r, F,.llttr gin' me the por too, ht'raul(' rt'sth, ....1 11 ril'>illg' hom hi'l If j"urlt't'li g,.il'lo!' tn Sunday Sdl()()1. '\\-hy' lion I,i gu(,d~ that ];1I\(olh to me, ,\nd he M',tl, \\;tlkl'l! up and ,tnwn tIll' ('(I;tch, Iwcr· !Ioaid lit'. ')"u'rt' ""Y IIl'hind the times in divided unto thl'ln hi~ living-. And not llIall~' il1g' hl'fC .1111 tht'n', (lut of the window~ Ihi~ Inw "Id Ilr" 11 11'11; (lnly Jl:irb that days aitl'r, Ihe younger !ooon gathered S\lfhlt-rily he It·ft the If;lin, alld walked g(1 10 SUllIla: !oodu){,I; h"y~ graduate "hen all Illg-l'lhcr, ,ll1d look hi~ juurney into a along the r;lilro,H\ "riJ.!ht uf wa~'" ill Ihe thl'Y ;,n I.\tll/· (!r St" :'\0\\' /1Iy advice far country, and thcre \\'htcd his sub lIir('ction in which the train had been tn )" .. 11 ii, ill' :1 ,.,pod p(,rt and cut out ~lanCl','" "~t(}P thilt, ~1O\ll" cri(',1 lilt, Ir,Hdiul{, For ahout a half mile he COII IIH' :->und) rho,,], Xow Ill'xt Sunday tramp. -'.\n~,thing but Ihat! Say do yOll tillunl his \\alki!,~, Wlll'lI \11' approachcd at If) :.In tltt'n' I"> a bi\{ kague ball game know my 11I1HIIl'r read that ~Ivry oUl of ,I pik !,f 111'\\ railrt~ad lin. St'at/'d UPOII in Ilill Pilrk. \\"illlt 10 go? Just stan for till' Bible thc night 1 rail away, Thcy CthII\ 'm'! llwli a I...l iart y)',0 111l1l1i{ sm Caklll,l hc,l~I c \\w(;arcs urnasghgaevd , OSllldn daI~.'a d:y.d l,\)I(l,1'r riilSl bl' hpulaaln-,'w, hcChullc ky oyuo ugre tB tio twecr,r"c aIhned laIhste wtroarmds\) I heidv erh ish eafarcde hcinr thHis allll the n'n;,t1ns of a pair of shoes were ilk uruil-r h('r frolll ~t('P~ and J'II mcet hands, while suu(\(on t('ar~ stl'aggled tit'll with ~tring~ (It! slo..:kinglcss f(;el. He you :11 ~Ioran's ])rug Store and 1'1\ sec through hi~ finger~ .. nd droPI)ed on the sat with hi~ facl' in his hands, a picture you Ihrol1t.:h. \'ou 101(1 rill' your father grounll below, of h(lP('\l'~S misery, a viclim of the rav and mother \\ol1ld he away next Sunday, "X{J," said the traveler, "a bargain's a agl'~ uf loill. so \011 .we I hl, roa"t i!i clear.' bargain, and you entered into an agrec Thc tr;lvclt:r stl>!lPNI in front of Ihe tics "Thl' plan \lka~ed IIll' and 1 promiscd_ ment, and I'm holding you to it." Then and 5aid, ",\ny oh;ections 10 my sitting \nd fur se\'cral Sundays luck and chance again he cOlltillm-d, "',\nd therc wasted dOWJl, too, ,Int! rt'~lillg a hi·.t" "Gue"s mack it p{J~.~ihk f()r Ille to he ahscnt from hi,; suhslalH-c wilh riotous living, And y('1I can if yuu want to, sCl'in' I ain't Sunday ~dltl(ll. Ilt)\\('\"(~r, iather iound \\\)l'l1 he had spent all, therc arose a payill' 110 n'll! on this here pile," I't.~plied (Itlt, ;lnd invited me to 11\('('t him Ollt bc mighl)' famine in that land; and he bcgan hind the barn, lie took along the razor Ih(' tramp. The Ira\'\'lt'r sal dowll a iew to be in want, and he wcnt and joined feet from the tralllp, \\ho suddenly turned ~trap and :1 hot t~mper, and to make a him~di 10 a cili?t'n of that COUllIry; and 1(\ him and said, a~ Ill' look a stub of a long ~t"ry 10Iwrt I parked my things up he sent him into his fields to feed swinc, cigarette from bi~ pocket, "You don't in the' middle oi Ihe night, and I'\"c nev .\nd he would fain have filled his belly hapPt'n to hayc a 11Iatch along with you, cr seen home ~ince, 1 wcnt back OI1<:C \\ilh the husks that the swine did eat; and do you?" "~o," rcplied the traveler, "f and Icarlll:ti in a nl.'ar-by town that moth no man ga,'c unto him.''' don't happt'n to posses~ a match" and af l'r was gone, and so, what was the use The Iraveler paused for a mOlllent, ter it mOI1l(:11t'~ pauH', he said, "You look (,j going' back? for 1 nenr forgavc dad Sobs shook the young man's frame. The for that ht'OItin).C, ,\nll since then it's as if you \\l'rl' up agaimt it considerably sword ,\a~ cutting in_ Thc traveler COI1- n'n iI Int of hard lu<:k, or something, been the down-hill road alld the sooner tinued-" '.\nd when he camc to himself, I elld it now the better," ,U1r! yuu arc not very old l'ither, about he said, 110\\ many hired sen'ants of my twenty, I'd ",lIl'S)." "\\'hat's the date?" The tr;l\·dt'r who had been listcning in fathcr's ha\'c bread enough and to sp<lre, O\skt,tt thl' tralnp. "To-morn,\\," answered tenlly to the tramp's slory, smktcnly rc and I perish with huugl'r! [will arise the 1I;ln'!t-r, "j .. Sl'plemher 4th, <lud if lilY llll'mh('rt'd that he 1I1\1~t be back to the and go 10 my father.''' ho\' had li\'('(I, hl' would be twenty to train at a certain tilllC, Pulling out a The tra11lp groarlt'd aloud and Rung lm;rrtJw, lIut Ill' wt:nt just rIve years ago han(home gl!ld watch, he glanced at Ihc hirnsdf iaC(' tJOWI! 011 the tics. "~lall, at this li111l' to he with the Lord up yOI\ tillll', and was about to lolip it back into man," Iw nil'd, "for (;od's ~akc, stop!" llt-r in thl· Clury, and he \\:IS all that I hi~ POl'k{,l, when thc tramp ~uddenly shol But the travder, quiet and sdi-po~~e,;~cd hal!." "\\l'U, I wi~h I'd have gone 10 out hi~ hand in Ihe direction of the watch. continucl!' "'I will ari~e and f!O to my (;Inry wlll'1I I was fourteen ('r fifteen. 1 "Say, man." ~aid hI: "you arc certainly fathl'r, ami will say unttl him, f'athl'r. r had i\ rhancc then, out it's hell ior me ~l'\"l'ral kinds of a iool to lak(' out a havc sinn,·tI ag;1in~1 Heaven, and beforc nnw watch in irvut oi such it character as utC, thee, :md ;lIn no IHnrl- \\'lrthr to he call "110M (ln tiwn', !Inn," said the tra\' I-rn lIIUl'h ait"trl'd l'll be oblig~d to re l'd Ihy ~on; make 1I1e a~ one of Ihy hired l'll-r, "\\hilt'~ thi~ yuu arc telling me; Iit'\C ),t'U oj il; fflr ou~ glance at it sl'n'ar~IS_ \lId Ill" arose, and came to hi~ that (Olice )'Oll kntw the Lord, and were ~how~ Ill(' it is worth a small {lilc of coin, iatherT' s.n (,01 :U1d IIOW ('xpt"et to go to hell? Got SUpp(l~C you jml hand h('r over real The train, hali a mile back, gavc a long :.idctrackni ~')1lln\'h("fc alollg Ihe line, (!uin illld ~,\,lilklHallly Iikc, at'd I'll not be sharp whi"t\('_ TIll' Iril\-ekr paid no IH'ed, dirlll't )'ou? \\ i~h'd y('Itl'd tdl me aoont uhli){el\ to in~ist: fllr as \'ou l1\u\t know and the tramp won(\(ored. \Vhat sort of ii," "Xot 11111I'h 10 tell." ~aid the Iramp_ that's th(' \\";IY I'moblig-~d to earn m)' a man, pra\-, could Ihis he \\ho WIHlld lose "~I()lher ami dad was powerful religious, living-- hy r("\it'\'ill~ \\TII-to-do peoplt" of his train t\\cnty miles from a station, just and bwuJ.:ht lIle, the only kid, up on the sonll' l!f their lourplus bdull~illgS." 10 say Biblc nrses to an old tramp, Rais <:O\'l'rs /!f Ihe Hible, );c\'cr knew noth The traveler, who ~cel1lcd 110t in Ihe ing his tacc from his hands he said, iug el~c but church, and Sunday school least alarmed or dislurbed, bcgan at once "You'rc mis~ing your train_ It will start and prayer-mceting and revival and all to unhook the watch frOI1l its chain, «"ontinu~d on Page SC\'clltten) July 16, 1927 Tllr PF!\TECQST. ... L EV\,\GEI Pase Nine Vacation Reading BOOKS THAT FEED YOUR SOUL AND ENRICH YOUR MIND GRACE ABOUNDING THE CHRISTIAN LIFE AND HOW TO LIVE IT By John Bunyan By \\'. 11. Griffith-Thomas This is the life of Bunyan written hy himself. Doctor Thomas was a mall who combined the He calls it "a brief relation of the excc("ding mercy deepest spirituality with the must pral,tical appli of God in Christ to His poor servant, John flunyan." cation to experience. lie was a profound scholar What an experience he had, and how it li\·es who presented the greatest truth~ with a ~ill1l,lc through all the ages as the life of one who could clearness that delighted all his hearers and charms truly be called a man of God. The book is so full hi~ readers. This book is at once a spiritu:tl tr('at, of rich things of God, that a brief description can a C01l11110n sense discussion and a faith·huilding not give one a real conception of it. This edition message. 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The book takes its title from one of the The topics discussed include the Christian Doctrine forty-eight chapters. The studies are short and of God. of Man, of Revelation, of Sin, of For pointed, full of rich meaning and spiritual inspira giveness, of Eternal Life, of Holiness, of the tion. A book for the encouraging of the saints. Great Commission. and of the Return of the Lord. Price $I.5O A book which stimulates Christian fc.tith and pro THE ANCIENT SCRIPTIJRES AND THE duces an increasing ability to give a reason for the MODERN JEW hope that is in us. Price $150 By David Baron THE BIBLE STORY OF CREATION The first part of this book consists of connect By Giorgio Bartoli ed exp08sitions of-some of the most striking pro phetic utterances in the ancient Scriptures. They The author of this book writes in the light of are independent Bible Studies of very solemn and the recently discovered Babylonian documents. He momentous subjects. but arranged in a continuous has taught chemistry, geology, physics and kin and progressive order, showing that the revolving dred branches of science in prominent universities centuries unfold an eternal purpose, and that of Europe and Asia. He is a mining engineer in phophecy was history written in advance, in or charge of extensive mining interests in Sardinia. der, that in lucceeding ages men, by comparing He spent many years in the East. studying Oriental the divine forecasts in Scripture with the actual history and tradition in the ori~6nal languages. condition of things. might learn to know that there His first hand study of the Bihle h:ls convinced is an omniscient God; one who first makes known him that it is whollv God's Word, ",,'ithout error, His counsel, :lnd then causes all things to work as accurate in matte~s of science and hi<;tory as in together toward the carrying out, and fulfillment matters of spiritual truth. 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NUMBER 706 SPRINGFIELD, MO, JULY 16. 1927 5 CENTS PER COPY "Be Not Afraid, Only Belieoe" Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth . "Be not afraid, only believe."
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