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Preview Bay Area Reporter, Volume 30, Number 2, 13 January 2000

Gore backpedals on gays in military Meet Peggy Johnston Porn star confidential Don t Ask, Don’t Telly issue heats up An out lesbian who heads Turning heads Demo, GOP presidential debates. up U.S. AIDS vaccine effort. with Tristan Paris. page 13 page 14 see Arts section BAR EPORTER A- V/l V JL JJ1V Vol. 30 • No. 2 • 13 January 2000 Serving the Gay & Lesbian Community for more than 2v years No on Knight needs you - Fisher bargains and your money I in Winched by Terry Beswick magine for a moment - what would the murder lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, and queers of California do if it were sud¬ denly revealed that a few right-wing fun¬ Aby Bob Roehr damentalists had gotten together one day a few years back and hatched a most especial¬ ly nefarious and wickedly clever scheme to rmy Specialist Justin R. Fisher, turn back the tide of their steady climb to¬ 26, pleaded guilty in a military wards equal rights? court to reduced charges asso¬ How would people react if told that these ciated with the homophobic blud¬ Jerry Falwell and Jesse Helms types - per¬ geoning death of Private First Class haps after one more long, tiresome Sunday Barry Winchell morning putting the fear of some whacked- at Fort Camp¬ out god into the souls of their bread-and- bell, Kentucky butter flock in television-land - decided to last July. He was just go for the gold and get the queers? byWeSsaSenereeaynairtrtnsuvsr ts c eir 8chdLni eeaancemlny tgelop’,dade s rl mJ iaps1D-nlota2 ahuern.s¬¬¬e5.t Barry Winched osctHt2hheo0foeac o0au Wtu0kst s rht,ele aeheadt,t ahs ae cl staiu hswt ttp wita 3lfe tnee 0h-rtgp e he spi tisntto soaoeo gutw ive smngUesue h?r.irdfS nt aCdf.poc uelotlraln an w arlygpyels rre,l -e erioages aspsahid o lwloyaieuzwen sealtd le, h z tvairteinsehdoa retJalu ho algiWet ntswh u’lwha oaaiwivnaurt¬yeesst photos by Rick Gerharter fense Network It’s a rather dramatic scenario, but the are unhappy with the outcome. fact is, that the March 7 election is less than tor Pete Knight (R-Palmdale), the homo- itarian state should someday legalize it. Cur¬ Fisher and the Army cut a deal in i Months away, and according to the No phobic parent of an openly gay son whom he rent state law already prevents same-sex cou¬ which the soldier cooperated in pro¬ on Knight/Proposition 22 campaign, it’s not has estranged, the initiative defines marriage ples from getting married, leading the No on viding evidence against the principal looking too good. in California as being between one man and Knight campaign to focus on the fact that killer, Private Calvin Glover, who was Proposition 22 is a statewide measure on one woman. Same-sex marriage would not Proposition 22 is unnecessary. convicted in an earlier trial and sen¬ the March 7 ballot. Authored by state Sena¬ be recognized in the event that a more egal- It’s the middle of January. The outcorpe tenced to life in prison with the possi¬ of the March election is far from clear. In¬ bility of parole. In return, the Army deed, the No on Knight/Proposition 22 cam¬ dropped the more serious charges paign appears to be in deep trouble. against Fisher of being an accessory to As the Castro turns As the latest campaign finance statements premeditated murder and after the are tallied on both sides, it’s clear that the fact. The soldier pleaded guilty to the campaign against Proposition 22 - the most remaining charges of obstruction of anti-gay ballot measure to hit California in the investigation. Gay men embroiled in Ellis Act drama years - is far behind in one key area: cash. During the sentencing, Fisher And perhaps just as critical, the campaign wtheep ttr aagnedd ya.p o“Bloagrirzye, dI fhoorp hei sy oroul ec ainn Gby Katie Szymanski rep“oWrtse an eneede dto f ogre tv otol u$n5t emerisll.i on to be com¬ hear me,” he said. “I hope you know petitive with the other side,” said Tracey that if I could go back to the morning Conaty, spokeswoman for Californians for it happened, I would have changed it lenn-Allen McKeever is a 40-year res¬ Fairness, which runs the statewide campaign all.” He admitted that he had egged on ident of the city, longtime activist, against Proposition 22 from their San Fran- a drunken Glover and provided him and friend of the late Harvey Milk. ciswheadquarters on Mission Street. “This with the baseball bat used in the mur¬ He is also a 61-year-old diabetic in is pedal-to-the-metal time, folks. We need der. He also washed blood off the bat poor health who is facing eviction from his people to get out their wallets now.” and lied to investigators about his in¬ Castro apartment under the state Ellis Act. And according to Esperanza Macias, volvement. What’s worse, say his supporters, the evic¬ Northern California field coordinator for No Nashville forensic psychiatrist tion notice comes from homeowners Dan i Knight/Proposition 22, she is about 9C Keith Caruso, who evaluated Fisher at Andrade and Mark Chapman, a younger gay the request of the defendants attor¬ couple who made part of their fortune page 17 ) ney, revealed more of the psychosexu- through the computer industry, bought the al dynamics that permeated this con¬ large house that contains McKeever’s tiny in¬ voluted case. law space, and seemingly have little regard for Caruso told the court that Fisher what will happen to an ailing senior citizen ACT UP 18 “certainly had questions” about his with no place to go. own sexual identity. The expert diag¬ “What makes this chapter both sad and BAR Talk 46 nosed him as an alcoholic with a ugly is the gay versus gay aspect of this bat¬ Classifieds 24 cross-dressing fetish who had worn tle,” Bill Weintraub, a McKeever supporter, women’s lingerie since the age of 14. told the Bay Area Reporter. “Two young gay Crime & Punishment 12 Fisher told Caruso that doing so left men ... living in a neighborhood that was him feeling both aroused and more colonized and then made safe for homosex¬ Mailstrom 7 ctoo mbef osretxauballel,y tahtotruagchte dh et oc lmaiemne. d not tuhaelisr bmyo nMecyK teoe tvherro’sw gheinme roautti.o”n , are using Glenn-Alien McKeever Mister Marcus 38 Fisher confessed that it was he who Of course, no story is as simple as that. Obituaries 21 had first brought Winchell to The McKeever did bring a neighbor’s dog into the and one that is apparently pointless because Open Forum 6 Connection, a gay bar in Nashville. apartment for an extended stay, and has re¬ of the structure and placement of the apart¬ There Winchell had met and begun a fused to accept any amount of money to re¬ ment itself. Our Man Friday 9 relationship with Cal “Calpernia” Ad- locate. “It’s an illegal in-law unit,” Zacks told the dams, a performer at the bar who is a “They could offer me $25,000 to move, B.A.R. “To continue to rent it would be OutRight 10 transgendered woman. This relation¬ and I wouldn’t take it,” McKeever told the against the law.” Out & About 40 ship was the basis for much of the B.A.R. “I’m staying put.” Exercising their rights, Andrade and anti-gay harassment that Winchell He also threatened the lives of the land¬ Chapman simply do not want to be landlords Out There 30 faced on base during the last four lords,.according to their attorney Andrew in their own home, according to Zacks, much Personals 49 page 10 ► Zacks. It is this attitude, said Zacks, that has less to a difficult tenant who does not respect turned a routine procedure into a legal battle, page 17 ► Sports Complex 22 2 BAY AREA REPORTER 13 January 2000 Under One Roof /Urns S SSMXDm Permanent Hair reaches $6 million mark Removal Now is the time to start treatment for smooth bIy Katie Szymanski ■ A skin permanently by Spring or Summer. t was Monday, January 3, and Frizzell Call (415) 626 2729 David Ibarguen just wanted to for free consultation shop at Under One Roof - the Electrologist or brochure variety and gift store that donates 100 percent of its profits to AIDS organizations - like he had done faithfully for years. So when he Every smile approached the cash register and was greeted by applause, fanfare, and store-wide attention, he was a WEMbs with a bit startled. Turns out, Ibarguen was the customer who broke the store’s $6 million mark in sales. Paul Olsen, chief executive officer of Under Richard A. Barrera One Roof, acknowledged Ibar¬ guen as “representative of the DENTIST •TUrT- thousands of customers, and the Longtime customer David Ibarguen, left, received a gift basket from hundreds of volunteers, who to¬ Under One Roof CEO Paul Olsen upon making the purchase that put the gether make the store’s success store over the $6 million mark in sales. possible.” Ibarguen was presented with a gift basket of orchids and sales very carefully. Nobody in the participating organizations with¬ 490 Post St., Suite #520 Union Square, San Francisco wine to celebrate the occasion, and store knew what was going on. It in the next 60 days. had a few things to say himself. was really cool.” Founded in 1990, Under One “You guys made my New In further remarks, Olsen said Roof, at 549 Castro Street, helps ROBERT JOHN DERN Year!” Ibarguen told the crowd, that since moving to its new Cas¬ provide AIDS agencies with unre¬ still a bit flushed with excitement. tro Street home, the store’s sales stricted funding so that they can Certified Public Accountant “I shop here all the time, and ap¬ have increased dramatically over concentrate on providing services preciate what you do for the com¬ the former Market Street location. to the thousands of people affect¬ Tax and Accounting Services munity. This is great!” This has allowed Under One Roof ed by HIV and AIDS. Recipient Quickbooksm Assistance Under One Roof’s Olsen told to increase the amount of money agencies include ACT UP/Golden the Bay Area Reporter that the sur¬ distributed to the numerous AIDS Gate, the Names Project, and Pro¬ prise moment was one he had organizations participating in the ject Open Hand, to name just a Corporations, Partnerships, Individuals been looking forward to all week. project. few. Store operations are under¬ 870 Market St., Suite #1246, San Francisco “You should have seen the look “If we had been in our old lo¬ written in part by Chevron, the on his face,” Olsen said of Ibar¬ cation, we never would have Gap, E*TRADE, Fisher Develop¬ 415.982.121 1 guen. “We had been tracking the reached this point so quickly,” said ment, and DFS Group, as well as Olsen. dozens of vendors and hundreds Under One Roof reached its $5 of volunteers. T million mark on World AIDS Day in December 1998, so it took just over a year to make another mil¬ Store hours are from 10 a.m. to lion dollars. The store will distrib¬ 8 p.m. daily; Sunday hours are ute holiday profits of $250,000 to 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Adoption seminar to be held tonight and Saturday bPy Katie Szymanski for Tinhsetraen wceil)l. b e no photographs of children waiting to be adopted and sst ... wanna kid? Even the “no sales pitches, pressure, or guilt butchest of us might some¬ stuff,” according to Shayna Billings, times feel that paternal in¬ who is presenting the seminar. stinct kick in. If you’ve moved And while the orientation is past thinking babies are kind of not targeted toward gays and les¬ cute and actually can’t wait to bians, it will include topics such as make a lifelong commitment, a single parenting and alternative seminar in the Sunset District will families. arm you with everything you “Gays and lesbians can talk to need to know to adopt a child me about specific issues involved from China, Russia, or other with adoption,” said Billings. countries around the world. These issues include how homo¬ Tonight, (Thursday, January phobia in other countries may af¬ 13) and this Saturday, January 15, fect a person’s chances of adopt¬ the adoption agency ACCEPT - ing a child, and the legal proce¬ the only licensed adoption orga¬ dures necessary for gay adoption nization in San Francisco special¬ in the United States. izing in international adoptions - Last year, over 10,000 children will host a free orientation in the were brought to the U.S. from Sunset District to singles and cou¬ China or Russia, and hundreds ples looking to provide a good more came from bordering coun¬ home for a child. The 90-minute tries. Simply educating yourself seminar will be presented by will show you how readily possi¬ seven families and their adopted ble it is to bring an infant, toddler, children and give all the details on or older child into your home. the costs, age polices, qualifica¬ “For anyone who’s thinking tions, restrictions, and necessary about it, this seminar will fast- procedures so that your adopted start them,” said Billings, “and give child can be in your home this them a three- to six-month jump year. Children will then leave the on the process.” room and seminar participants Attendance is by advance regis¬ can spend the remainder of the tration only, due to limited seating. time wandering around, talking to Tonight’s seminar is at 7:30 p.m. the families and agencies of their and Saturday’s is at 10 a.m. Both choice, asking the difficult and seminars take place at 1500 Norie¬ sensitive questions (how and if ga Street, at 22nd Avenue, suite lingering effects of Chernobyl 110. Call (415) 681-4957 or (650) play a part in Russian orphanages, 917-8090 to reserve a space. T A LICENSEE OF GOLD’S GYM ENTERPRISES INC. ‘SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY wi, 13 January 2000 BAY AREA REPORTER 3 1 Legal Question? I Hallinan takes oath • Personal Injury • Motor Vehicle Accidents • Business Law 1 • Insurance Claims • Landlord-Tenant Disputes No Charge For Initial Consultation (415) 398-0298 Scott A. Gursky [ One Embarcadero Center, Suite 1200 Attorney At law j Son Francisco, California 94111 GET FAST RELIEF FROM... • Back, Neck, Pain, Hip. Knee or Ankle Pain S • Headaches • Muscle & Joint Aches • Sciatica • Auto Injuries & Work Comp Cases an Francisco District Attorney Terence Hallinan, right, was administered the oath of office by Superior Located on the Muni K Line. Court Judge John Dearman Saturday, January 8 before a crowd of about 500 friends and supporters. Easy street parking • Evening & weekend hours During his inaugural speech, Hallinan said he will continue prosecuting hard-core criminals but will continue to find new ways to give less serious offenders second chances. Hallinan was re-elected last month. Advantage Chiropractic Dr. David York Chiropractor • PAIN RELIEF CENTER • »-Call today for a free consultation Low-key inaugural vm 587-7000 m 2445 Ocean Ave. (1/2 Block East of Jumpero Serra) m, for Willie Brown robot c mi Mayor wants 'civic conversation' on issues FREE CONS U L TAT I ON Laser Vision Correction bMy Cynthia Laird Permanent Facial Implants ayor Willie Lewis Brown Laser Eyelid Surgery Jr. was sworn in for his second term as San Fran¬ cisco’s mayor last Saturday, Janu¬ ary 8 on the steps of City Hall. During Brown’s inaugural speech, he promised to listen to all San Board Certified Ophthalmologist Franciscans - even those who sup¬ ported challenger Tom Ammiano Oculoplastic & Reconstructive Surgery in last month’s runoff election. 415. 647. 7730 Brown won a landslide victory December 14 over the openly gay Ammiano, president of the Board 1301 Church Street San Francisco, CA 94114 of Supervisors. Ammiano was not www. eyedoc. org/eyesi te in attendance Saturday, though many elected officials were on hand, including Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, members of the Mayor Willie Brown was sworn in by state Supreme Court Chief Justice Board of Supervisors, and even Ronald George Saturday, January 8 at City Hall. 1 San Francisco 1 | Gay & Lesbian Catholics, ^ Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown. \iAml Our Families & Friends Saturday’s ceremony was community evaluate the election upcoming district elections that ^ ^1 markedly subdued from the on who’s gay and who’s not and I voters approved and which take 1 Eucharist Every Sunday 5:30 p.m. mayor’s first inauguration held do indeed value that respect,” place in November. Ammiano has ^lignilV ’ Seventh Avenue Church four years ago when 10,000 peo¬ Brown added. long championed district elec¬ V. 1329 7th Ave. at Judah • 681-249ly ple attended the event at Yerba Brown said he learned a lot tions. ▼ Buena Gardens. This time about from the election, including the 1,000 people attended - including need to listen. He said that during one protester, who was booed the many debates he and Ammi¬ CITY COLLEGE OF SAN FRANCISCO when he briefly interrupted the ano participated in, he heard from event. citizens throughout the city. “The California Supreme Court debates gave us a chance to devel¬ 'aiencia Campus Chief Justice Ronald M. George op ‘civic conversations,’ the mayor administered the oath of office to said, adding that he wants those Brown, who was assisted by his discussions to continue. “I never -Meeting the educational needs of the community... two grandchildren, Besia Rose thought I’d acknowledge 1 made Friedel, 6, and Matea Rae Friedel, mistakes. ... with a diverse curriculum offered in a convenient location- 3, who held the family Bible. “This is a new administration. During his remarks, Brown ac¬ This administration intends to be Spring 2000 courses include... knowledged the recent election inclusive, even to those who did • Foreign Languages: Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Mandarin, ASL was “very, very tough.” not support my candidacy,” “This election was, for me, un¬ Brown declared. • Social Sciences: Anthropology, History, Psychology, Political Science like any I had participated in,” the He touched on a number of mayor said. Brown, 65, has held priority issues, including afford¬ • Fine Arts: Acting, Art History, Music elective office for decades; he was able housing, the homeless, public • English: Composition, Literature, Oral Communication speaker of the state Assembly be¬ transportation, and what he fore becoming mayor in 1996. called, “a workable living wage.” • Health: Men’s & Women’s Health Issues, Personal Development The mayor credited Ammiano “I want a civic conversation on • Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Studies: see advertisement for GLST Department with bringing thousands of peo¬ the homeless,” Brown said. “The ple into the political process, civic conversations, I hope, will be many for the first time. And continuous and include all of San Classes scheduled Monday through Thursday evenings and.... Brown said he wants those people Francisco. I want you to stay and New for Spring 2000 - Saturday morning classes to stay involved. “It is important participate. I am about building for people to come back again and consensus.” All classes meet at 450 Church St. (at 17th St.) in the Everett Middle School again.” Brown closed by saying that -►Plenty of free parking and just $11 per unit for all California residents 4- Ammiano, as an openly gay while the public discussions candidate, “commanded attention would take place, at some point Spring semester starts January 18, 2000. Students can complete registration at the from all over,” the mayor said. action has to occur. “We will not Castro/Valencia campus during the first two weeks of classes. For a complete listing of “This city is so inclusive and fair listen forever. We will make a de¬ courses and other information on CCSF, visit our Website: http://www.ccsf.org. in its consideration that never at cision.” any point did the gay and lesbian The mayor also touched on the Questions about the Castro/Valencia Campus: Call (415) 239-3127 4 BAY AREA REPORTER 13 January 2000 Michael W. Blevins, D.D.S. Gay prisoner expects &ASSOCIATES new parole hearing Cleanings done by the dentist Uzi, confronted Redman, and de¬ His supporters include Redman’s Simple to full by Ed Walsh manded he retract his “outing.” grandmother, Los Angles County mouth reconstruction When Redman refused, District Attorney Gil Garcetti, the J|| Southern California gay Rosenkrantz shot and killed him. judge who presided over the mur¬ 26 years combined man convicted of murder- He was convicted of second-de¬ der trial, and the sheriff’s detec¬ experience mm, ing a classmate who gree murder and sentenced to 17 tive who investigated the case. “outed” and physically attacked years to life in prison. Rosenkrantz said he is looking him on the night of his high On Wednesday, January 12, in forward to a new parole hearing Michael \Y. Blevins, D.D.S. Barn Will, D.D.S. school graduation is getting a new a telephone interview with the but he’s reluctant to get his hopes chance for freedom. In an exclu¬ B.A.R. from the California Men’s up because they have been dashed We are pleased to announce that sive interview with the Bay Area Colony in San Luis Obispo, too many times before. “It’s like a Reporter, Robert Rosenkrantz said Rosenkrantz said he expects to be cancer patient getting false news Barn Witt, D.D.S. is joining our practice of he’s looking forward to an expect¬ granted a new parole hearing, he’s in remission and then having ed new parole hearing, but he’s which will likely be scheduled for to go back to chemotherapy treat¬ Cosmetic, Preventive and General Dentistry. trying not to be “too optimistic.” next month. Rosenkrantz’s lawyer, ment,” Rosenkrantz told the Rosenkrantz was convicted of Rowan Klein, told the B.A.R. a B.A.R. “You can’t get too opti¬ killing 17-year-old Steven Red¬ judge is expected to order a new mistic. I try to stay as down to 450 Sutter Street * Suite 1233 • San Francisco man in Malibu in 1985. Redman parole hearing at a court hearing earth as possible.” 415* 986* 6223 had disrupted a graduation party next week and the parole hearing Rosenkrantz, now 32, has hosted by Rosenkrantz, then 18, at will be scheduled within 30 days. earned a college degree while in Sedation, MC/Yisa, AMEX, Insurance his family’s beach house. Redman Rosenkrantz’s parole has been prison and tutors other inmates. Cosmetic, Preventive & General Dentistry called Rosenkrantz a “faggot,” held up by Governor Gray Davis, He said that he has tried to stay as clubbed him with a flashlight, and who has vowed to stop the parole positive as possible despite his cir¬ broke his nose. Redman contin¬ of all convicted killers. “If the sys¬ cumstances. Rosenkrantz said ued his torment by exposing tem had worked as normal, I many of his fellow inmates take an¬ Rosenkrantz’s homosexuality to would have been free a few years tidepressant medications to cope his father, who disowned his son ago,” Rosenkrantz told the B.A.R. but he has stayed mentally bal¬ eCentralSF.com and threw him out of the house. Rosenkrantz, who has been de¬ anced on his own. “You don’t want Rosenkrantz testified he was scribed as a model prisoner, has to go to a parole hearing and have forced to live out of car and be¬ drawn wide support, even from to tell them you’re on psychiatric came despondent. He bought an members of the victim’s family. medication,” said Rosenkrantz. ▼ eTrain your brain! Register now for HIV advocacy conference Offering classes in: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, by Cynthia Laird WWohritkes hCoApR toEp Aiccst w reilal uinthcolurdizea Rtiyoann, SHFAANF’ s pourgbalinci zpeosli cyH dIVep arstemrveincte. Outlook, Access, Guidebooks, HIV reporting legislation, local providers, AIDS advocates, and Publisher, Explorer, MgSl he San Francisco AIDS implementation of needle ex¬ people living with and affected by '({ Foundation will host its an¬ change laws, and targeted funding HIV/AIDS in Northern California Frontpage! nual HIV Advocacy Net¬ for communities of color. to promote legislative action and work conference and training Sat¬ “If we are to meet the vital public policies that address the urday, January 29, and while need for services, treatment, and needs of the community. With there’s still space available, the prevention, it is essential that the more than 1,000 members rang¬ Free internet Access! registration deadline for the free HIV and AIDS community be ing from the Oregon border to event is next Friday, January 21. heard in Sacramento and Wash¬ Bakersfield, HAN is a respected Email friends! “Standing Our Ground: Pro¬ ington, D.C.,” said Randy Allgaier, voice in AIDS advocacy. tecting Our Future Through Com¬ HAN director. “Our legislators The conference takes place at Scan Pictures! munity Partnerships” is the theme must be made and kept aware, SFAF’s office, 995 Market Street at of this year’s daylong conference and we believe this conference will Sixth, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ▼ and training. The conference will enhance the organization, coordi¬ eCentralSF.com look at the future of HIV/AIDS ad¬ nation, and education that is key 2358 Market Street vocacy in California and nation¬ to that effort.” To attend, register online at wide, including in-depth work¬ HAN is the grassroots com¬ www.sfaf.org/policy/han_confer (Located in the Castro) shops and grassroots strategizing. munity-organizing program of ence or call (415) 487-3080. San Francisco, CA 94114 415/626-2720 HRC'sLGBT committee seeks members on issues including city bath¬ committee meetings on the third Tby Liz Highleyman house and sex club regulations, Tuesday of each month at 5:30 Gay gender identity disorder, Latino/a p.m.; additional time maybe nec¬ he Lesbian Gay Bisexual issues, and economic empower¬ essary for special projects. and Transgender Advisory Com¬ ment. Interested applicants should mittee of the San Francisco The committee is seeking send a letter describing their Lesbian Human Rights Commission is community activists with knowl¬ community involvement and currently seeking new members. edge and experience in such areas areas of interest and expertise to Travel The LGBTAC, one of five HRC as HIV/AIDS, healthcare, anti-vi¬ HRC coordinator Larry Brinkin standing committees, addresses olence, education, class, disabili¬ at 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 800, issues of concern to the queer ty, gender, women’s, and youth is¬ San Francisco 94102-6033, or by communities, and advises the full sues. Applicants must be San fax to (415) 431-5764. Letters hi ‘Better than HRC on these issues. In the past, Francisco residents, and must must be received by Thursday, the LGBTAC has heard testimony make a commitment to attend January 20, at 5 p.m. T Bver THE OUTLET STORE For FOR DESiGMER All Your Travel EYEWEAR SI Needs years of Service A Ifie ‘JuttService Mgency FRAME SALE -ej t STREET @ GRANT A 94108 that gives Baclt to Our Community tf.OPTICALUMDERGROUMD.COM 25% TO 75% OFF ^ EMAIL.OPTICALOUTLET@AOL your (Passport to Leisure MOM-SAT 10:00 -0:30 2265 (Marine t Street, San Francisco, CA 94114 NOW THRU JAN. 22 415621-8300 - RSVP, Atlantis, Above & Beyond, Pleascnt Holidays and More 13 January 2000 BAY AREA REPORTER 5 ULTLL •J Leno calls for end Dr. Christopher Amore CHIROPRACTOR CERTIFIED CHIROPRACTIC SPORTS PRACTITIONER to ban on gay blood • Neck and Back Pain • • Auto Injuries • Whiplash • • Sports Injuries • Work Injuries • Massage therapy available Eby Terry Beswick 4411 Geary Blvd., Suite 100, S.F. 751-BACK 751-2225 n the midst of a critical blood • Open until 7 p.m. • Open Saturday • shortage, the Blood Centers of the Pacific is rejecting dona¬ tions from gay and bisexual men. The blood bank, which sup¬ The Gay and Lesbian On-line Travel Magazine plies blood for some 400 patients at 35 hospitals, issued an emer¬ gency appeal last week for dona¬ tions, but federal regulations have prevented the blood banks from taking donations from gay and bi¬ sexual men since the advent of AIDS in the early 1980s. Destinations Inspectors from the Food and Dr. Nora Hirschler talks to Supervisor Mark Leno about FDA policies Drug Administration, the agency regarding blood donations by gay men. responsible for protecting the na¬ Fashion tion’s blood supply, would shut But San Francisco Supervisor the Blood Centers of the Pacific down Blood Centers of the Pacif¬ Mark Leno believes the regula¬ on Masonic Avenue to stage a Shopping ic and any other blood bank that tions, which are based on 20-year- protest against the regulations. accepted donations from a man old science, are long overdue due Using advanced laboratory who admitted having sex with an¬ for a change. tests which can detect minute Lifestyle other man in the last 23 years, Last Thursday, January 6, Leno amounts of HIV in pooled blood among other criteria. and three other gay men went to page 13 ► Health U City College offers two free relationship I classes to LGBT community by Katie Szymanski Beginning this Tuesday weeks and take place at Everett ™ • magazine evening, January 18, at 6:30 p.m. Middle School, 450 Church Street is “Love, Anger, and Anxiety in In¬ in San Francisco. ▼ dmit it, you’ve got baggage. timate Relationships,” taught by I couTrwseos oufpfecroemd intgh roufrgehe Gcuesnseevdi einvcel Hudoew fea.l lTinogpi icns ltoov bee, ldoivs¬e For more information, call ggzini.co mj City College of San Francisco may and anxiety, when love turns to (415) 585-5150 or 585-5212. not cure that which makes you a hate, passionate love and suffer¬ nightmare lover, but they sure will ing, anger, obsession, and the de¬ offer some interesting insight into struction of a relationship, and ADZ dares you to explore the unknown... how and why you are destroying romantic love as a pathway to the whatever you love. transformation of the self. The courses are taught by li¬ On Monday evenings, starting INTERNATIONAL MALE® censed mental health profession¬ January 24, at 6:30 p.m., Bev Wells als and are made possible by funds will offer “Healing the Wounds of set aside specifically for teaching Shame.” Topics will include un¬ 2000 basic skills to lesbians, gays, bisex¬ derstanding shame, excessive SALE! uals, and transgenders. Straight shame, shame in the family and in people are always welcome, but current relationships, and how we the courses were designed by les¬ shame ourselves. bians with a queer focus in mind. Both courses run for eight -Need a Good Agent? CALL ONE OF HERTH’S TOP PRODUCERS -j l-MATT FLYNN-1 415 385-0838 - O isiMamsi */o REAL ESTATE _ www.mattfiynn.com OFF Five days only, January 20 - 24 Hurry...Because a thousand years is a long time to wait for another sale this big! FREE SMOKING CESSATION Cash, Check and all Major Credit Cards accepted TREATMENT Located at the FORT MASON CENTER ^ Hours: The Habit Abatement Clinic of UCSF is FESTIVAL PAVILION Sat & Sun 10am- offering a research treatment program evaluating Buchanan St. and Marina Mon 10am"5pm counseling combined with medication treatment. Lots of Free Parking! Admission $1 For more information call: University of California San Francisco For additional information call (415)441 (415) 476-7453 Or contact our website at www.ucsf.edu/nosmoke/ ‘Off original prices on over 30,000 items featuring a huge variety of Sizes and Styles! 6 BAY AREA REPORTER 13 January 2000 BayAreaIEeporter DADT under scrutiny... finally Volume 30, Number 2 T 13 January 2000 he 2000 presidential campaign is in DADT policy last year and he has not wa¬ other than stating recently that he sees PUBLISHER full swing, what with the New Hamp¬ vered from that stand. He also came off bet¬ DADT as being “out of whack,” has done lit¬ Bob Ross shire primary and Iowa caucuses right ter at last week’s New Hampshire debate be¬ tle to indicate he’s able to facilitate real ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER around the corner, and voters across the cause he did not mention the need change among his Joint Chiefs of Staff, or Mark Allen Thompsen country watching debates and reading for a litmus test. Bradley instead ( Congress for that matter. NEWS EDITOR about them in the media. Last week’s De¬ stated that such a test was unnec- We don’t see DADT ending soon, Cynthia Laird mocratic and Republican match-ups in new essary because military officers but we do see an increased awareness Hampshire and South Carolina were note¬ follow orders from their com- among political leaders that some¬ ARoRbTeSrt oE FDriIeTdOmRan worthy in that the failed “Don’t Ask, Don’t mander in chief no matter what. - thing must be done to drastically fix Tell” policy covering gays and lesbians in the On the GOP side, all of the can¬ the mess. Our hope is that more can POLITICAL EDITOR military took center stage at both events. It didates oppose gays serving openly in be accomplished after the next presi¬ Wayne Friday seemed DADT was once again all over the the military, and the super-conservative dent is elected, particularly if the ASSISTANT EDITORS news, proving that the policy - and efforts Gary Bauer and Alan Keyes House of Representatives is re¬ Terry Beswick to end or substantially change it - is, as we came off as hopelessly out of turned to Democratic leader¬ Mark Mardon say in the business, a story with legs. touch with reality by their ho¬ ship. Katie Szymanski The subject of gays in the military is on mophobic comments at the Change often occurs in in¬ CONTRIBUTING WRITERS the verge of becoming one of the major Republican debate. George W. Bush and crements, and we see this happening as Tavo Amador • Heidi Beeler • David Bianco campaign topics of the presidential race, John McCain - the latter of whom received DADT takes center stage in this early cam¬ Erin Blackwell • John Blanco • Dan Blue and it bears examining where the candi¬ money from the Log Cabin Republicans - paign season. Change will eventually come Nancy Boutilier • Victoria A. Brownworth dates stand on this crucial issue. It also support DADT. if the discussion of DADT continues be¬ Philip Campbell • Chris Culwell • Richard Dodds bears reiterating that we are disappointed Current military leaders are following yond the primary debates instead of be¬ NRiosbae Drto Jnunleiallny •• JLoihz nH Fig. hKleayrmr a• nM • aBtthraenwd oKne Jnundedeyll that it took the murder of a soldier be¬ orders from President Bill Clinton, who coming just another forgotten issue. T Vicky Kolakowski • Simon LeVay • Daniel Mangin lieved to be gay to bring the issue to the Mister Marcus • Michael McDonagh • Gary Morris forefront of American politics. The gay Jim Nawrocki • Lois Pearlman • Deborah Peifer community has been critical and vocal Timothy Pfaff • Jim Provenzano • Mary Richards about DADT’s failings since the policy AWAHdieimlrllei 6anSen h VTRaosnoz'akbeo ne• ri l•tesM k S• at •er BvpE.oh dbSa nhWRiaeowa evl sho•hrn P••B aDSuuclhi chaTkanh u Wo Smcahaltsweoarnsr tz wtoeoeDkk eemmffaeodccetr iatnhti ec1 u 9fn9rf3oo.n rtt-urnuanten emr oAv1e Gbyo srea yliansgt ohFruebs llmb afoinnrded ssl i fkIoetral ylhi atoonm fwoosoregmxiuveanel affairs than for affairs that his nominees for the Joint Chiefs of with other women. ART DIRECTION & DESIGN Staff would have to support his proposed Adrian Roberts policy that gays be allowed to serve openly in the military. This so-called litmus test AD PRODUCTION & LAYOUT Scott King backfired and two days later Gore was forced to issue one of those “What I meant PRODUCTION ASSISTANT to say ...” statements that showed he is try¬ Mike Hardison ing to be all things to all voters. While Gore PHOTOGRAPHERS still supports allowing gays and lesbians to Jane Philomen c/e/and • Darlene/PhotoGraphics serve openly in the military, he had to water Marc Geller • Rick Gerharter down his original comments. “I did not ILLUSTRATORS & CARTOONISTS mean to imply that there should ever be any Paul Burge • Jerry Business kind of inquiry into the political opinions Ben Carlson • Fran Frisch of officers in the U.S. military,” was Gore’s revised statement. GENERAL MANAGER Gore’s surprisingly strong Democratic Michael M. Yamashita challenger, former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley, was the first mainstream presiden¬ ADaDvVidE MRcTBISraIyNeGr MANAGER tial candidate to publicly denounce the VPS MY WIFE!! QUICK-PUT ON THIS FAKE MOUSTACHE!" CIRCULATION Don’t be fooled Clifford Webb BARTALK PERSONALS Mike Lacy NATIONAL ADVERTISING by Jerry D. Threet Last October, Toklas Club leaders power structure. REPRESENTATIVE protested a newspaper advertisement by the In contrast, the more independent Milk Rivendell Marketing Company, Inc. Reilly campaign that depicted political con¬ Club arose out of the experience of Harvey 212.242.6863 "Money makes the world go around, the sultant Robert Barnes as puppeteer of the Milk. When the Toklas Club supported his LEGAL COUNSEL world go around, the world go around. Toklas Club, with Willie Brown as puppet- machine opponent, Milk and others started Thomas E. Horn, Esq. Money makes the world go around, that master of Barnes. Toklas co-chairs Dean what would become the Harvey Milk De¬ clinking clanking sound." Goodwin and Esther Lee proclaimed the in¬ mocratic Club. Milk believed that queers MEMBER - from Cabaret dependence of the club, assuring our com¬ deserved a club that would support other National Gay Newspaper Guild United Press International W! h en I heard that song again at the mwiuthn intyo tmhaotr eB ainrnfleuse wncaes tmhaenre alyn yo noeth mere. mThbeeyr oqutheeerr sg aronudp tsh tahte wn osuhludt bouuitl do fa lSliaann cFersa nwciist¬h Broadway show Cabaret the other went one step further and suggested that co politics. 0UPI night, it made me think for a mo¬ Reilly was homophobic for running the ad. The same dynamics continue to play out ment about the election for mayor just The irony of these same LGBT machine today. Toklas Club leaders support machine completed here in San Francisco. Later, I re¬ operatives subsequently giving tacit ap¬ candidates against LGBT candidates who flected on how the LGBT movement has proval to a homophobic flyer to help would build alliances with folks left out of Bay Area Reporter changed, and the internal challenges our Brown get elected is very heavy, indeed. the political process. Some gays in San 395 Ninth Street movement faces. The role of the Alice B. Last month, Barnes and other Francisco may feel secure supporting the San Francisco, CA 94103 Toklas Club in the mayor’s race is worthy of Brown operatives stood by silently machine, knowing that their demands for 415.861.5019 • 415.861.7230 examination here. and approvingly as Joe O’- equal rights for gays and lesbians As a chief campaign consultant on the Donoghue, the city’s biggest will find a sympathetic ear. Un- http://www.ebar.com Brown campaign, and finance chair of the live/work loft developer, did the !K\ fortunately, that comfortable News Editor • [email protected] Toklas Club, Robert Barnes used his club as mayor’s dirty work by putting out a approach leaves out all of the Arts Editor • [email protected] a front for hundreds of thousands of dollars homophobic diatribe against Am¬ working poor, including the Advertising • [email protected] of big business, special interest “soft money” miano that appealed to young queers who can no during the election for mayor. This money the worst religious-based longer afford to live here. A division of Benro Enterprises, Inc. © 2000 came from big landlords and big develop¬ bigotry against the LGBT Don’t be fooled. Published weekly. Bay Area Reporter reserves ers trying to protect their cozy relationship community. Mark Leno, a Machine candidates, the right to edit or reject any advertisement with the Brown administration. As queer Brown supporter, at first stated that the flyers no matter what their sexuality, will never which the publisher believes is in poor taste tenants continue to lose their homes in this were not homophobic, but changed his mind represent the interests of ordinary queers or which advertises illegal items which might result in legal action against eviction crisis, and neighborhoods like the after the election was over and condemned over those of their big business donors. Bay Area Reporter. Ads will not be rejected Castro continue to be turned into suburban them. Carole Migden, Brown’s heir apparent, This March, I and several other queer ac¬ solely on the basis of politics, philosophy, theme malls, Barnes and the Toklas Club still has not spoken to the issue, although she tivist candidates will run for the Democra¬ religion, race, age, or sexual orientation. used special interest money for TV com¬ partied with O’Donoghue at his house dur¬ tic County Central Committee in an effort Advertising rates are available upon request. mercials and direct mail distorting the ing the campaign. Only Harry Britt, former to reclaim the party from the political ma¬ Our list of subscribers and advertisers is record of Tom Ammiano, a pro-tenant, pro¬ president of the Board of Supervisors, had chine. We will run on a pro-tenant, neigh¬ coorinefnidtaetniotina l oaf nadd vise rntoiste sros,l dp. hTohteo gsreaxpuhael rs, and neighborhood, gay candidate who chal¬ the courage of his convictions and publicly borhood empowerment, political reform writers published herein is neither inferred nor lenged the machine on which Barnes de¬ supported Ammiano for mayor. platform. implied. We are not responsible for unsolicited pends for his livelihood. I see these dynamics as a resurgence of I hope that the Toklas Club will take this manuscripts or artwork. Ultimately, Barnes ended up earning at old tensions between competing strategies opportunity to support those candidates and Vi VERIFIED least $90,000 for his efforts as Brown’s politi¬ within the movement, cranked up to a new by doing so, to represent the interests of our AUDIT CIRCULATION cal consultant. And all the while, Barnes and intensity. The struggle between assimilation community over those of big business. ▼ other Toklas Club leaders claimed to be rep¬ and activism is as old as the LGBT move¬ resenting the LGBT community, rather than ment. The Toklas Club was founded by as- the special interests who paid for their efforts. similationists and has always aligned itself Jerry D. Threet is a housing rights The Bay Area Reporter is printed on 100% No doubt, the Toklas Club has ended up well- with the political machine in the hope that attorney and Democratic Party activist recycled paper using soy-based inks.recycled funded for submitting to Barnes’s control. “respectable” upper-middle-class gays and who is a member of both the Alice B. paper using soy-based inks. But at what cost? lesbians would thereby make it into the Toklas and Harvey Milk Democratic clubs. 13 January 2000 BAY AREA REPORTER 7 Wake up, refuse to be demonized hero of the story is a gay man whose sexuality is cru¬ When is our community going to wake up once elly exploited by a spoiled straight jerk (ring a bell out A TRADITIONAL APPROACH TO PSYCHOLGICAL & SPIRITUAL HEALING and for all and refuse to be demonized by being the there?), and whose only true and intimate relation¬ targets of police entrapment and sting operations ship with another man (beautifully rendered here) Gay Men's Jungian aimed at so-called public sex? From Pee-Wee Herman cannot survive the dictates of that same system and Shamanic Group Forming to George Michael, we are currently relegated to being his own loss of control, shows not how far we have to This long-term group will focus on traditional the butt of late-night comedians’jokes. This is a seri¬ go, but how far we’ve come. Jungian/Shamanic archetypes, stressing an ous, victimless crime issue with consequences that All of which, of course, is lost on Mr. Wing, whose alchemical approach to psychological and reach far beyond queer society into the realm of the dismissal of the Matt Damon character as a “repressed spiritual healing. Cross-cultural techniques rights of privacy for all Americans. criminal” “on a murder charge” only shows how nar¬ employed will include dream work, other David Fox row and one-dimensional his perception is. A true Rodney Karr, Ph.D. world journeying, ritual, and discovering one's San Francisco postmodernist, he insists on imposing today’s arche¬ Licensed Psychologist #PSY6906 ancestors, guides and animal totems. type of the “positive” gay character (translation: Entrapment has parallels to other issues happy, well-adjusted, and middle-class) on every Offices in San Francisco & the East Bay 415-931-1934 The issue of police entrapment of gay men has so story, no matter the historical context. Apparently for many parallels to the other struggles for equality for him, the only acceptable version of Ripley would have lesbians and gay men. In the issue of “Don’t had Damon give Jude Law a rousing speech Serious Legal Advice Ask, Don’t Tell” we spend all of our time about coming out of the closet, turn on a debating the demoralizing effect of hav¬ f dime, storm out, find a lover, build a fab¬ ing openly gay solders instead of focusing ulous career as a pianist, and move to a Barry Schneider, Esq. on the real problem of the demoralizing Manhattan loft - all a full decade before effect of openly bigoted homophobic sol¬ Stonewall. Wills and Probate diers. In the issue of gay marriage we Enough already. The Talented Mr. spend all of our time debating the effect Ripley tells more truths about the na¬ Family Law and Conservatorships allowing same-sex marriage would have ture of homophobia in modern capi¬ Criminal Offenses on “the family” instead of focusing on talist society than all the “positive” the real problems created by a heterosexist law that movies you’ll ever see at the Castro. It’s 2000 folks. ignores the gay family. In the issue of fag bashing we Stalinism is dead. Go see it. Barry Schneider 400 Montgomeiy St. spend our time debating whether the gay man Peter Anestos Attorney at Law Suite 505 showed undue romantic attention to a heterosexual San Francisco identified man instead of focusing on the real issue of (415)781-6500 San Francisco insecure men who hunt down gay men for the express Meatless bone versus decent steak purpose of inflicting violence and sometimes even The new millennium. How very exciting and full Law Offices of death. In the issue of police entrapment we spend our of possibilities. As a community, we must weigh our CALLAWAY & WOLF time debating whether so-called public sex is moral choices and decisions very carefully. We have weath¬ instead of focusing on the real issue of homophobic ered ridiculous policies of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” etc. policemen who have discovered the gay sexual un¬ Even the president has stated it simply does not work, • Personal Injury derground and use it as a place to take revenge on which was obvious from the get go. We in a way set¬ every single man they determine to be gay regardless tled for a meatless bone instead of pushing for a de¬ • Medical Malpractice of the gay man’s intent. cent steak. Now we are in the same position with the recent • Discrimination Robert Starkey, aka "The Truth Fairy" ruling in Vermont. It is great in a way, and certainly • Wrongful Eviction San Francisco makes some strides after the disappointment of Hawaii. However, the question now is if we are will¬ • Wills & Estate Planning Using lesbians to sell burgers ing to settle for “domestic partnership”. I am 34 years [The following e-mail was sent to Jack in the Box] old and have never once in my life heard a heterosex¬ FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION I am writing to you regarding a recent commer¬ ual refer to their loved one as their “domestic part¬ cial I viewed for Jack in the Box. From time to time I ner”. Obtaining benefits for your partner is a good Boone Callaway patronize Jack in the Box and I have noticed your thing, but what are we sacrificing in the process? It commercials which for the most part are humorous still boils down to the belief that gay or lesbian is dif¬ and catch my attention. The commercial I am refer¬ ferent, so it’s okay to treat us differently. Well, it’s not. ring to is insensitive, upsetting, and ultimately un¬ In the bus boycotts of the 1960s, I did not see African necessary to sell burgers. Americans saying “Well, at least they are kind of nice It starts with Jack sitting on the floor in a circle to us so if we have to sit in the back of the bus, I sup¬ (Eg! Prudential with young women and men in what appears to be pose we should put up with it.” some sort of support group. A young woman asks France, Denmark, Iceland, the Netherlands, Nor¬ California Realty Jack, “How do you know if you are a lesbian?” where¬ way, Sweden, Quebec, and Ontario all have laws in as Jack stares at her in surprise and then starts talking place to protect the best interests of same-sex unions. "The Agent Other Agents Use" about a burger. In “the Land of the Free” are we willing to settle for Then after his speech about the burger, the young anything less than total equality? When women Serving the Greater Palm woman thanks Jack for his support. Apparently this is fought for the right to vote, did they grasp at a straw supposed to be humorous. and accept a “deal” where they could vote on only cer¬ Springs Area for over 13 years. Young people who believe they may be lesbian, tain issues? Of course not. I personally am not willing gay, bisexual, or transgendered and are seeking sup¬ to accept that 1 will get “some” benefits but not the Palm Springs??? port need serious attention and should not be the same ones my neighbor gets. If I am treated like a sec¬ butt of your jokes. These young people have a higher ond-class citizen, then tax me like one. Have the reli¬ risk of committing suicide than their non-gay coun¬ gious right cut me a check for my rebate. JACK PRAY terparts due to isolation and are often ridiculed, Please write your senator or state representative abused, or abandoned by their families. I know of and tell them that you want your constitutional rights these issues firsthand as a 29-year-old gay man having just like everyone else. That would include the choice office: 760-325-1978 web: www.jackpray.com dealt with coming out in a less than supportive envi¬ to be legally married if you wish. fax: 760-325-5445 email: [email protected] ronment. I urge you to seriously consider removing this Randy Sindelar Corturillo commercial from the air as it terribly inappropriate. Cleveland, Ohio While you consider that, I will seriously consider Things we can do without never patronizing your establishment again. I would appreciate a response regarding this mat¬ I would like to ask people in my neighborhood to ter. stop spray-painting slogans and propaganda on the Shawn Hall sidewalks. San Francisco Whether it’s the Dyke March time and date, the “Resist the HIV Myth” crap, or the newest ones like Go see Ripley movie “Worship Butthole and Join the Universe,” I think we Well, you know you have a good movie on your can do without these things. hands when a knee-jerk porno critic gives it a thumbs They’re ugly, pointless, and almost impossible to down. Scott Wing’s humorous call for a boycott of get rid of. And, with so many other creative ways to The Talented Mr. Ripley (Mailstrom, January 6) high¬ get across any type of message these days, I think they lights the elitism that infects the thinking of self- are anachronistic as well. styled guardians of Hollywood “ethics,” and also I believe in freedom of speech, but I think spray¬ shows it’s time to start thinking for ourselves. painting crosses the line. Here you have a story set in the 1950s about a tal¬ Steve Weller ented working-class gay man condemned by capital¬ San Francisco ism to a dead-end, self-denying existence, who by sheer good fortune is catapulted into the glamorous Higher taxes for ‘non-nuclear’ family world of the parasitic rich, is by turns charmed, ma¬ It is not an uncommon occurrence for gay and les¬ PPED OFF nipulated, and discarded, who refuses to return meek¬ bian survivors in committed relationships to be as¬ mm ) ly to the life the society has criminally relegated him sailed by the hostile family of their lover over money, The city’s overall best prices on brand to, and turns the tables on the real criminals. Of property, even possession of their lover’s ashes. Cus¬ name supplements, proteins, vitamins course, he must face the consequences of his acts, ul¬ todial rights of an invalidated lover are also open to and more! (MUSCLE timately destroying his one chance for true validation litigation. There is much less likelihood such assaults SFs only Sports Nutrition & apparel Store as a human being just to survive. would be launched if a surviving daughter or son-in- That a movie made today would explore the dark law were involved, and would be even less likely to Workout Gear including gloves, belts, shoes dr Much More realities of the class system with such honesty and have any legal traction. Wills remain frail instruments perception is cause enough for celebration. That the in these situations; court cases a very expensive 10% Discount with this flyer question of “crime” would be considered in the proposition for actions that should not have been al¬ broader context of that system is, for Hollywood, a lowed in the first place. 290 Division Street ♦ San Francisco near miracle. But that the protagonist, and yes, the next page ► 415 621 6872 www.maxmusclesf.com 8 BAY AREA REPORTER 13 January 2000 Mailstrom vide for additional police personnel, to control the in¬ Passion. Loving. Healing crease in drug dealing. I’ve lived in the Haight Ashbury neighborhood for Ecstasy 4 previous page 25 years. If you want to see what decades of half- Equally important as partnership and property baked plans like Mitulski’s can do to a neighborhood, Tap the transformative rights is the message such predatory families give gay just take a stroll along Haight Street, near Golden power of your energy men and lesbians: your love and relationships deserve Gate Park. Do we want Noe Valley to look like that? neither our recognition nor esteem, they are beneath Plans for homeless shelters should be environ¬ ...open your body, mind our consideration, for we are your lover’s true and only mentally responsible. That means taking into account and spirit to a world of family and we call the shots because we have the insti¬ public sanitation and safety. Otherwise, we’re just ecstasy. Discover tutions and laws of society to validate our position. clear-cutting our own neighborhoods. incredible levels of A new development in my own situation was the communication with receipt of a notice from the Contra Costa County Tax Arthur Evans yourself and others Assessor’s office telling me that my lover’s death em¬ San Francisco powers it to increase the taxes on our home of 23 The moron churches Bodtj years and demanding an immediate payment. The of¬ SEclehcotorilc fniucec laelasro- ttyeplles hmues btahnisd wwoituhl da ndoeat do, cncuucrl ehaard-t yI pbee ewni fae [sicR] ceahdu rtchhee sa rdtiocnlea toinng tmheo nmeyosr otno t[hseic N] aon Odn c aKtnhioglhict in that sanctified arrangement aptly called “the nu¬ initiative a couple of issues back. On Sunday Decem¬ For information or to clear family” - a designation that evokes the image of ber 23, in the Examiner on page A-5,1 read where the register, ca\\ a detonation followed by a mushroom-shaped cloud Catholic Church spent $5 million to defeat Michi¬ laden with noxious fallout for those within its range. gan’s assisted suicide initiative last year. (510) 653-1594 Again, even more important than the monetary These people do not want you to stick your nose in damage this action does is its message and what may their business, but have no morals or questions about be concluded from it: irregardless of our personal in¬ sticking theirs into other peoples’ business, using volvement in a particular issue, any shaft delivered to whatever god they choose to blame for the intrusion LGBT citizens by the privileged, straight horde into others’ lives. wounds the dignity and integrity of our community. Tax-exempt status? I don’t think so. Stan Farwig Reverend Vernon Link Concord, CA San Francisco Gary R. Cloutier ‘Self-absorbed’ smoker’s tale More on those air district directors Attorney at Law RogTehri sD isa vreisg airnd itnhge tDhee lceetmterb, e“rA 3tt0e nitsisoune s. mMork.e Drsa”v biys distTrihcat ndki ryeocuto fros”r pinu bthlies hDinegc emmyb leert te1r7, “isSshuaem. Oe no nJa ani¬r wrote that “a smoker who lights up in a'bar in the uary 4, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District • Employment/HIV presence of non-smokers” is “an inconsiderate, self- amended its offer to include domestic partner health Discrimination absorbed person.” benefits. Sadly, the air district board continues its A couple of weeks ago the last bar left where I could anti-labor position demanding that employees give • Sexual Harassment expect to enjoy both smoking and drinking and up their right to negotiate future contracts. Impasse maybe even sex on the premises began enforcement has been declared and our contract will be scheduled • Personal Injury of the smoking ban. I was told, not even by an em¬ for mediation. ployee but by a patron, that I should extinguish my While I probably owe Mr. Yaki a “thank you” for cigarette or retreat to the brightly lit back “patio,” an that 11th hour change in the board’s offer, I cannot 260 California Street area with less charm than a demolition site and no help but take issue with his defense of the district’s San Francisco, CA 94111 place to sit except for some stairs. Only a few years be¬ position on partner health benefits published here 415-421-7333 fore I began frequenting this bar in the late 1960s, the last issue. [“Yaki airs response on DPs,” Mailstrom, Jan¬ ABC [Alcoholic Beverage Control] had been prone to uary 6.] closing down San Francisco bars for serving my kind. When negotiations began in March 1998 the em¬ Now in the 1990s I was being asked to leave by a fellow ployees asked for domestic partner health coverage patron who apparently viewed himself as an agent of similar to that enjoyed at our sister regional agencies NOW WITH 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS the health department. I guess it’s a good thing that ABAG (Association of Bay Area Governments) ;?nd IN SAN FRANCISCO TO SERVE YOU BETTER! like most gay men of my time and place, I appreciate MTC (Metropolitan Transportation Commission). tAuto irony. But I also think that perhaps I have wasted a lot Both these agencies, like ours, are contracted with of time in this town, indeed in this my birth state, if as CalPERS for their medical plans. Both agencies also I approach my 60th, I’m denied an enclosed public provided domestic partner coverage using ancillary space where I can eat, drink, and smoke comfortably. providers. The board turned its back on this solution GGBA Last year I wrote to Assemblywoman Migden months before Carole Migden shepherded through pleading for some diversity in public smoking AB26, opening CalPERS to domestic partner cover¬ arrangements and was told that employees need pro¬ age. So I say to all our directors, attending domestic Noe Valley tection from my kind. Call me “inconsiderate” and partner ceremonies at City Hall is simply not enough. Oiiloincr Sam/actlon “self-absorbed” if you will, but it’s my opinion the If any of this comes as news to Mr. Yaki, he should 4050 24th Street (near Castro) employees of that particular bar would like to be able hold his door open to the district’s upper manage¬ to smoke too. I no longer patronize anything but fast- ment for an explanation - not to me. 282-2665 or 202-6892 pgr. food restaurants in San Francisco. Now I guess I’ll Marina/Pacific Heights have to stay out of even one more bar in addition to William Taylor all those I already avoid. Militant non-smokers have it San Francisco 2340 Lombard (near Pierce) their way almost everywhere. Can’t they just control It was beautiful 447-3884 themselves in a few places or stay out? And can’t the authorities lay off until this totalitarian nonsense can In our fabulous community we took good care of Serving the Gay Community Since 1980 • 10% Off with this Coupon be legally done away with? our own on Christmas. I chose to be with many beau¬ Reid Condit tiful seniors and longtime friends downtown. I found San Francisco it at Aunt Charlie’s on Polk Street for Christmas din¬ ner; also, Lee-Ona’s bar first for great cocktails. Yes, Supports Vermont decision San Francisco still has that old-time religion. May we This is to express my support of the decision made never lose it. Congratulations to Joe and Bill and Lee- by the Vermont Supreme Court in the case of Baker v. Ona’s. It was beautiful. State. It is my hope that the Vermont Legislature would Marvin-Michel LeGrier II, Esq. act with all due speed and grant domestic partnership San Francisco benefits to same-sex couples who reside in Vermont. Register to vote I do not agree with the position taken by some in favor of same-sex marriages. If the Knight initiative Questions always arise before elections as to who passes in March 2000 then it would be a setback for can register and vote in California elections. Califor¬ the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community. nia law states that a person may register to vote if s/he It is my opiniort that the “separate but equal” idea is a citizen of the United States, a resident of Califor¬ of “marriage” and “same-sex marriage” is inherently nia, at least 18 years of age on the date of the next unequal. election, and not in prison or on parole for the con¬ viction of a felony. Robert V. Wood There are two important items to considered in San Francisco the above; 17-year-olds who will be 18 on or before March 7,2000 are eligible to register to vote immedi¬ Shelter plan needs to ately. In addition, persons who have been convicted consider neighborhood of a felony but who are no longer in prison or on pa¬ The proposal by the Reverend Jim Mitulski to bus role are also eligible to register to vote. “homeless gay youth” into Noe Valley is a big mistake. Voter registration forms are available by mail by A city neighborhood is just as vulnerable as a forest calling 1 -800-345-VOTE. The registration deadline habitat. We try to control the negative consequences for the primary election is February 7, 2000. of making changes to the forest, right? In the same way, we should control the negative consequences of Bradley J. Clark, Registrar of Voters making changes to our neighborhoods. County of Alameda That’s where Mitulski fails. His plan doesn’t pro¬ vide for increased street cleaning to sweep up the used condoms and needles that will be discarded on the Send signed letters, with daytime phone number sidewalk. Not to mention the urine, vomit, and ex¬ for verification, to the Bay Area Reporter, 395 crement that will also come. And his plan doesn’t pro¬ 9th Street, San Francisco, CA 04103. 13 January 2000 BAY AREA REPORTER 9 Gays in military erupts A Gml Swife fmm a fatting Impfimm in presidential campaign by Wayne Friday msmmam ^IPhe question of whether or H not gays and lesbians should it be allowed to serve openly in the American military exploded 450 Sutter Suite 1229 last week among both Democrat¬ San Francisco. CA ic and Republican candidates and (415)982-2250 is on the verge of becoming a major campaign issue in the 2000 presidential election. When questioned about the A memorial to Dick Pabich at Market and Sanchez streets. subject at a January 5 New Hamp¬ shire debate, Vice President Al brass, Gore backpedaled from his sultant, who died January 1 at the Gore and former New Jersey Sen¬ earlier statement that he would re¬ age of 44.1 met Dick when he was ator Bill Bradley both said that if quire his appointees to the Joint 20 years old, having first met him they were elected president they Chiefs of Staff to support his pro¬ during Harvey Milk’s unsuccess¬ would require their appointees to posed policy that gays be allowed to ful campaign for state Assembly. the Joint Chiefs of Staff to fully serve openly in the military. While A terrific guy, so much younger support homosexuals serving Gore did not back down from his than most of us, Dick always openly in the military. Al¬ commitment to allow gays knew the right thing to do; Har¬ though Gore and Bradley and lesbians to openly vey trusted him completely and had previously said the serve, he did say that treasured his friendship and current Clinton adminis¬ the so-called litmus counsel as he did few others. I vis¬ tration’s “Don’t Ask, test for Joint Chiefs ited Dick in the hospital last Don’t Tell” policy was a candidates was not month and as desperately ill as he failed one, the appar¬ meant to suggest top was, we spoke of politics, some of ent embrace of a lit¬ military leaders would his friends, and where the gay mus test for military be excluded if they did rights movement was headed. leaders on the not agree with Dick was very much a part of issue brought Our Man Friday him. “I did not what has happened to the gay condemnation mean to imply rights movement here in the past of both candi¬ that there 25 years and though we have lost dates, predictably, from the six Re¬ should ever be any kind of inquiry thousands to AIDS, none will be publicans running for president. into the personal political opinions missed more than Dick Pabich. A The following night, at the of officers in the U.S. military,” tribute takes place tomorrow, 4 same New Hampshire location, all Gore stated. p.m., at First Unitarian Church, of the GOP candidates quickly Gore, like Bradley, has put an 1187 Franklin Street, at Geary. A MAN’S BARBERSHOP took issue with the pledges made especially strong emphasis on the Reform Party presidential can¬ by Gore and Bradley; the gays in gay and lesbian vote in this cam¬ didate Patrick Buchanan was in the military issue became the po¬ paign, appealing directly to ho¬ the Bay Area last weekend attend¬ APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE AND NOT NECESSARY litical lightning rod that seemed to mosexuals in speeches, in meet¬ ing a couple of fundraisers and 2195 MARKET / 15 M-F 9 am - 10 pm dominate both debates. While a ings with gay leaders, and in poli¬ trying to persuade some of his Re¬ (Next to Image Leather) SAT 9 am - 6 pm couple of GOP hopefuls, John cy positions. publican fans to “join the move¬ McCain and George W. Bush in Gays have found increasing ment” with him to the Reform SF (415) 621-6448 SUN 11 am - 6 pm particular, said they were satisfied strength at the ballot boxes across Party; Buchanan reportedly ar¬ with the current DADT policy, the country, with some experts rived at the airport with not a sin¬ others like Gary Bauer, a onetime claiming that people who identify gle reporter or photographer Reagan White House aide, and themselves as gay now make up as waiting for him. .ALL YOUR SKIN NEEDS. Alan Keyes, a former ambassador much as 10 percent of the elec¬ In Vermont, where the state and the only African American torate nationwide and even a bit Supreme Court recently ruled that running, took the opportunity to higher in states like New York and legislators must come up with a Gaetano Zanelli, M.D. not only attack the idea of gays and California. With the controversial solution guaranteeing that all Ver¬ lesbians allowed to serve openly in Proposition 22 (Knight initiative) monters must receive the protec¬ Diplomatic, American Board of Dermatology the military, but attacked the on the March ballot in California, tions and benefits which flow from Fellow, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery premise of gays and lesbians being turnout among gay and lesbian a civil marriage, a key state Senate Medical, Surgical & Cosmetic in the service under any circum¬ voters is expected to be even high¬ leader called last week for serious lEi Dermatology stance, with Bauer calling the idea er than usual and both the Gore debate on gay marriage itself, not “idiotic,” and Keyes vowing that he and Bradley camps are acutely just the domestic partner alterna¬ would “return to the ban on gays aware of that fact. tive that many of his colleagues Davies Medical Center serving in the military.” Additionally, a national Gallup prefer. Senator Jeb Spaulding, a Steve Forbes, the millionaire Poll released last month showed Democrat representing Vermont’s 45 Castro Street, Suite 215 publisher who is the son of the that 70 percent of those respond¬ Washington County, is the most San Francisco, CA 94114 late Forbes magazine founder ing said they support allowing prominent Senate leader to date to (415) 487-1846 Malcolm Forbes, who was wide¬ gays in the military. However, 76 advocate amending state marriage http://itsaucsf.edu/-zanelli ly thought of as being bisexual, percent of those in senior military statutes so that gays and lesbians Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Surgery, stated his opposition to gays in ranks are known to oppose gays could wed. Collagen, Botox, Microdermabrasion, the military by snapping that “the and lesbians in the military under Both Al Gore and Bill Bradley Laser Treatments, Tumescent liposuction, military is not an agency for social nearly any circumstance. are scheduled to appear February Soft Form Implantation, Peels & Skin Care experimentation.” The comments by Gore and 11-13 at the state Democratic The sixth Republican candi¬ Bradley last week in New Hamp¬ Party convention being held at the date in the race, Utah Senator shire about the “litmus test” threat¬ McEnery Convention Center in Orrin Hatch, himself no friend of ens to become a tool of the Repub¬ San Jose. gays and an opponent of gays in licans against whichever Democrat In the New Hampshire prima¬ the military, changed the subject becomes the nominee. The Repub¬ ry (February 1), the South Caroli¬ I BANKRUPTCY] by bringing up the “under¬ lican National Committee quickly na primary (February 19), and the equipped and under-financed” put together a television ad on important Michigan primary LAW OFFICE1 military in general. Gore and Bradley’s comments that (February 22), the large number There is a clear difference be¬ is reportedly already airing in New of voters in all three states regis¬ tween the two Democratic candi¬ Hampshire. With both Democrat¬ tered as “independent” may vote THOMAS R. BURNS I dates and the she GOP presidential ic presidential candidates clearly in either the Republican or De¬ hopefuls on this issue. Frankly, both lined up in support of allowing mocratic primary, which is why MembefLl^sociation of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys Gore and Bradley feel that gays gays and lesbians to serve openly in Bradley and McCain, neither the • DEBT RELIEF * KEEP YOUR PROPERTY should be allowed to serve openly the armed forces and Republican favorite of their party machinery, in the military without any harass¬ presidential hopefuls firmly op¬ are polling so well. In South Car¬ • ELIMINATE OR CONSOLIDATE ALL DEBTS ment or discrimination, while all posed to the idea, the gays in the olina especially, where as many as Offering Personal Attention & A Positive Approach the GOP candidates are to one de¬ military issue is destined to be¬ 400,000 veterans are thought to gree or another against any gays come one of the hot-button issues be largely independent, McCain FREE TELEPHONE CONSULTATION and lesbians serving in the military. of the 2000 campaign. could well win the GOP primary. CALL FOR A FRESH START I lByu swhi lalnindg M tcoC aailnlo awre btheeg rucdugrirnegn¬t Politics and people aCloigunlde dt hwe iitnhd eeipthenerd emnta jvoort epr,a rntoyt, l(4i5) 543-9900 DADT policy to remain in effect. Friends will say good-bye to¬ eventually nominate and elect the 703 Market Street, Suite 1109 San Francisco It should also be noted that after morrow (Friday, January 14) to next president? www.tbumslav/.corn being under fire for less than a full Dick Pabich, a longtime gay Incidentally, in order to partic- day from the nation’s top military rights activist and political con¬ page 21 ► 10 BAY AREA REPORTER 13 January 2000 Gays in military showers So we segregate men from women est precautions are available to bIy Dale Carpenter in the military. “If we respect minimize his exposure. women’s need for privacy from Although openly gay soldiers t all comes down to the show¬ men, then we ought to respect will not be sexless, my hunch is ers, doesn’t it? Sure, some ex¬ those of heterosexuals with regard they’ll be hypersensitive to the perts defend the military’s to homosexuals,” Moskos argues. perception that they’re constantly anti-gay policy with abstruse con¬ Opponents of “Don’t Ask, on the make (a perception cepts like “unit cohesion.” But Don’t Tell” tend to dismiss this straight men don’t always mind those are just words. Behind the sexual privacy argument, and the when it comes to women). So, un¬ words is sexual anxiety about ho¬ male-female analogy in particular. like straight men drooling after mosexuals. A retired Marine com¬ One snickering response is that women, openly gay military per¬ GAY C ARB^ mandant who helped design Pres¬ heterosexual men will now get the sonnel will likely be especially ident Clinton’s “Don’t Ask, same unwanted sexual objecti¬ careful not to let their eyes wan¬ Don’t Tell” policy recently said fication they’ve given der or their hands linger in places A RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITY FOR THE on national television that women for centuries. they’re not welcome. ELDERLY SPECIALIZING IN THE CARE OF he would be uncomfort¬ Unfortunately, that an¬ The male-female analogy also able sharing “body swer only reinforces the misses the gay-straight dynamic GAY MALES OVER SIXTY heat” with a gay soldier concerns it laughs at. in important ways. In the male-fe¬ AND THOSE UNDER SIXTY WITH LIKE NEEDS on a cold battlefield. Another bad response male context, the anticipated sex¬ 415.239.8110 http://www/aavcare.com It’s tempting to laugh at goes to the other extreme, ual aggressors (heterosexual LICENSING #415600160 the paranoia behind suggesting that gay males) are in the majority. Their GAYCARE IS A REGISTERED CALIFORNIA SERVICE MARK ALL RIGHTS RESERVED that kind of talk. But soldiers will be asex¬ aggression is often approved and there is a serious ual models of pro¬ even encouraged by their peers. question of sexual priety. Let us in, it is Under those circumstances, the privacy here, one that has to be suggested, and we won’t make need for formalized separation COLDUieU. addressed if openly gay soldiers sexual advances or suggestions; from the objects of their desire is BANKCR □ are to serve their country. we won’t even look at our com¬ understandable. The argument has to start with rades in the showers. In the gay-straight context, on •Relocation Specialist a recognition of what the U.S. Please. the contrary, the anticipated sexu¬ military is and what it is not. It is Back in the real world where al aggressors (known gays) are a •Income Property the most powerful and efficient real people feel real sexual attrac¬ tiny minority of the whole. Their •1031 Exchanges killing machine in the world. tion while living and working in aggression is disapproved by their •First Time Buyers That’s a good thing for the liber¬ close quarters, what will it mean peers, and therefore far less likely •Probate Sales ties of more than 250 million peo¬ to have an openly gay man among to occur or be as intimidating ple. all those glistening, athletic het¬ when it does. •Estate Liquidation The U.S. military is not an ex¬ erosexual male bodies? Because straight men and tension of civil society in smart We must first recognize that women are the overwhelming .621.4114 uniforms and shiny medals. the issue is not, “Shall we let gays majority in the military, the ex¬ Rights that civilians take for serve?” Gays have always served in pected problems associated with granted are routinely denied to the military and always will. The mixing them in close quarters Jim Laufenberg Kean Brewer military personnel. They are told issue is, “Shall we let gays who would be frequent and wide¬ when to wake up, when to go to serve be honest about being gay?” spread. Mixing straights with a Realtors sleep, where to live, what to do, We can segregate men from tiny number of openly gay per¬ what to say and what not to say, women, or exclude women, but sonnel, on the other hand, would and they are stripped of privacy. either way we’ll know who is who. occasion comparatively few inci¬ These, too, are good things for the The military can’t effectively seg¬ dents. To say it would impair the rest of us. Whatever we do in any regate gays, can’t effectively ex¬ military’s effectiveness is silly. area of military policy must pre¬ clude gays, and can’t always know Too, the military separates serve the effectiveness of our who is who. That makes the whole men and women because it right¬ fighting force. question different from rules gov¬ ly assumes that at least some of Defenders of “Don’t Ask, erning men and women. the attraction between them will Don’t Tell” argue that mixing gays Under present policy, the be mutual. We separate straight and straights in the military’s at¬ straight soldier doesn’t know who men and women because they mosphere of forced intimacy will might be leering at him in the can’t keep their hands off each threaten that effectiveness. In a re¬ shower. So he has to wonder other. cent Wall Street Journal op-ed, so¬ about everybody - hardly a reas¬ Yet straight men, some of Your ciology professor Charles Moskos suring prospect. Under a policy of whom recoil even at homosexual offers an analogy to male-female openness, he’ll have a better idea body heat, would be the first to Place relations. “Nowhere in our society who might find some of his 2,000 say they’ll be strictly hands-off are the sexes forced to undress in body parts especially appealing. with gay men. I say let’s take them in Noe Valley front of each other,” he observes. Thus, he can take whatever mod¬ at their word. T 4123 24th Street @ Castro Winchell Barry’s death.” She attributed it to ment and for approving the plea 285-5598 a “lack of supervision and failure bargain with Fisher that dropped ◄ page 1 of leadership at the base.” the most serious charge of acces¬ Dinner SLDN’s co-director Dixon Os- sory to murder. months of his life. burn said that soldiers at Fort SLDN has called for Clarke’s Tuesday - Sunday While Fisher’s sentence is 12.5 Campbell had contacted them resignation. It is urging support¬ ♦ years, he will be eligible for parole since the murder “because they ers to write to President Clinton, Weekend Brunch in about four years. feared for their safety due to con¬ Secretary of Defense William S. “Justice was not served today,” tinuing harassment.” The group Cohen, Secretary of the Army Vegetarian Friendly said Winchell’s parents Patricia has “asked the Army and the De¬ Louis Caldera, and Army Chief of and Wally Kutteles in a prepared partment of Defense to take steps Staff General Eric K. Shinseki statement after the proceedings. to stop the harassment, but noth¬ seeking that resignation “because Is Selling Your “The sentence for Specialist Fish¬ ing has been done.” he allowed an anti-gay climate to er was a travesty.” Osburn said that they hold grow unchecked at the base” and Life Insurance Pat Kutteles criticized the Army base commander Major General because of “the lenient sentence” for allowing “an atmosphere of Robert Clarke responsible for the for involvement in such a brutal The Right Choice? hatred and harassment that led to continued atmosphere of harass¬ murder. ▼ Lot us he.li) you find out... LASER Wo convert life insurance into cash for seniors REMOVAL and people with limited life expectancies. Ilf Ethical • Experienced Destroy thousands of hair follicles in just 15 minutes with the most Compassionate • Confidential effective laser in the world ... And a leader in the Field of Viatical Settlements ... 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