Ufr, A j W /-x-fc 1 1999: In with the new (laws) It’s dog poop vs. kids Greyson’s anatomy fm Sex and death have changed so far. Do strong fences make good ‘Un©ut’ opens at Is medical marijuana policy next? neighbors at Rikki Streicher Field? the Castro Theatre. page 22-23 page 27 ■ Ckst see Arts section Family Unity Day goes gay as GLOE, SF Commission Davis takes office in Sacto on Aging to by M. R. Richards, B.A.R. hold gay Gcapitol correspondent seniors’ ay and lesbian families joined in in¬ augural festivities at Governor Gray Davis’s Family Unity Day event on town hall Sunday, January 3 at the Railroad Museum in Old Sacramento. Davis took the oath of office as California’s 37th governor meeting Monday, January 4. Although it has been reported that gay and lesbian families were specifically asked by Mark Norby to attend the event, trip organizer Charlie Spiegel, a San Francisco attorney, says that was not the case. “We saw that there was he San Francisco Commission going to be an event scheduled for families ■ on Aging (COA) and Gay and and Cheryl Deaner of All Our Families ■ Lesbian Outreach for Elders Coalition and our group which is called Our (GLOE) will hold a town hall meeting Family got the idea that we’d like to attend. at the Francis of Assisi Community We felt there should be lesbian and gay fam¬ Center this Friday, January 8 from ilies there and we made some calls to some 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. The meeting pro¬ people so that we could get access to tickets.” poses to gather information from se¬ Spiegel attended the event alone with his niors 55 years and over in order to 22-month-old daughter, Nora - his partner better serve lesbian, gay, bisexual, and Jim Emery, also an attorney, was working. “It tfansgender (LGBT) seniors. was high energy,” he said, “there were carni¬ In order to obtain a more precise val rides, a coin toss with great prizes. It was picture of the needs of San Francisco’s a good time - a kid-oriented event with all LGBT seniors, the COA has conduct¬ Children of the rainbow - plus Gray: California's first Democratic governor in 16 years, Gray different kinds of families participating.” ed telephone surveys and has devel¬ Davis, was all smiles and surrounded by children the day before he was sworn in during his Spiegel said that a gay and lesbian pres¬ oped a demographic outline based on Family Unity Day celebration at the Railroad Museum in Old Sacramento Sunday, January ence at the event was “important, because the survey’s respondents. This outline 3. Many lesbian and gay parents attended the event with their children. page 22 ► will complement information gath¬ ered from the town hall meeting, which subsequently will be processed and combined in a report that will be Parade fees waived available to the public. “A lot of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender seniors are pretty hesi¬ tant on identifying themselves when for small nonprofits it comes to their sexuality,” says COA Commissioner Pat Durham, who is herself a lesbian. “The town hall meeting will give the LGBT seniors an Free float-building space in the spring opportunity to voice who they are and what their interests are, in a sup¬ T portive environment.” by Cynthia Laird pleted applications in prior to the April 1 “I believe that [LGBT] participa¬ deadline, after which fees go up substantial¬ tion in the town hall meeting process ly as the date for the Pride Parade draws will provide the COA with the infor¬ he San Francisco Lesbian, Gay, Bisexu¬ closer, said Witherington. amo2n0raid0tti0 ieto osrn ed fqnoeuertee etdsrhmte edf ion FtrYeo p fs[ruhfotiausppcroeaes l ta fhyul eenf aoadrrri]e n sag1e 9pnp9lirao9i¬n-r 31, andaCf oli,nor cmTtlhumreda inet1dts9eg a9ee 9,Nn IdePnwercir. dY meeP aaPrrii’aldser ebad od anCep ueDpsl leefiocbcerar matsitmoibonaenlsrl tion gt“ht“oIWetn’ dse t’raololl lplsd pep etiahn rhegto Boowffa yifate Aergesor eaefalosi rgRt hnsemimps oayerlentle atnrr ,,oo ”rn fWe ppfreriotirhorfeiirntirs¬¬g. wfPoirrlol jlheacasttv eyO epfareern'es Hsppaaanrcdaed vetoo. l Tucnhotiness estrrpsur cibntu gtih lgte rtiohr uifspl osf laotsa.t services,” says COA Executive Direc¬ nonprofits that participated last year - appli¬ ties,” Witherington continued. “The finan¬ mu tor David Ishida. Without this infor¬ cation fees will be waived entirely for those cial success of the 1998 event and the retire¬ mation seniors would be unaccount¬ groups that return the forms by April 1. ment of our debt is having a direct impact ed for, with fewer services.available to In another move, the pride committee upon those community groups who need a ACT UP 24 them. This, Durham and Ishida be¬ will rent space for organizations to build break. This is our parade and our commu¬ BAR Talk 50 lieve, would be a grave disservice to floats later this spring. nity should be able to participate within it LGBT seniors. Therefore participa¬ “The abolition of fees for many small at either no cost or minimal cost. Classifieds 28 tion is vital. and struggling organizations will come as a “This is a start,” he added. “The long¬ Dykeotomy 10 “This is a wonderful opportunity,” tonic to start the new year,” Executive Di¬ term plan is to eventually abolish contingent concludes Durham. “If seniors want rector Teddy Witherington said. To be eligi¬ fees for all nonprofits.” GLAAD 13 mtoworne ,h tahlel ym neeeetdin gto i sb eth ceoiru nchteadn.c Te htoe bglaen ifzoart itohnes f hreaed p taor ahdaev ee nptarryti,c nipoantperdo finit loars¬t butW thiatht ebreinfogrteo nA spariidl t1h, ef ofer en socnhperdoufliet sv awriieths Mailstrom 7 get what they want.” T year’s event and have an annual budget annual budgets between $50,000 and Mister Marcus 48 below $50,000, Witherington explained. $250,000, the parade fee is $40. It increases He said about 50 such groups would be to $80 for entry forms received in May, and Obituaries 25 The town hall meeting will be held eligible for the no-fee program, based on $160 for forms received in June. For larger Open Forum 6 at the Francis of Assisi Community last year’s participation. nonprofits with annual budgets over Center, located at 145 Duboce at In addition to the abolition of fees for $250,000, the parade fee is only $60 if appli¬ Our Man Friday 9 Guerrero in San Francisco. LGBT smaller nonprofits, larger ones will receive cations are turned in before April 1. The fee Out & About 46 seniors, advocates and service discounts. The new fee structure also pro¬ then goes to $120 for forms received in May providers are all welcome to vides a reduced rate for queer businesses. and tops out at $240 for entry applications Out There 34 aGtLteOnEd a. tF (o4r1 m5)o r2e5 5in*f2o9r3m7a. tion, call cNaotit oonn lfyo trhma t,a tb utht et hset amrta iolifn gth oe f ytehaer agpipvlie¬s receEinveadb liinn gJ upnaer.t icipation doesn’t stop with Personals 52 everyone plenty of time to get their com- page 26 ► Sports Complex 26 2 BAY AREA REPORTER 7 January 1999 Every smile with a Richard A. Barrera DENTIST «S®- 490 Post St., Suite #520 Union Square, San Francisco Revelers in the Castro kicked up their heels and toasted New Year's last Thursday night and Friday morning. , j Have a Smooth 1999 Most everyone comported themselves well (urp!), with only minor incidents reported. Permanent All kinds of flames Hair Removal NOW IS THE TIME TO START TREATMENT FOR SMOOTH SKIN PERMANENTLY BY SPRING OR SUMMER alight Castro New ■ Free Consultation John Frizzell Registered Electrdogist (415)626-2729 Year’s Eve celebrations by Mark Norby Some, but not many, problems The Edge. Bartenders at The Edge arose. Several street partiers re¬ had the man removed, then re¬ ported youths breaking bottles turned to their cocktail mixers. M burning Tannenbaum, a next to All American Boy, result¬ An irate neighbor of The Bar on • Consultations • Design I % pushy patron, a nasty neigh- ing in the arrest of one juvenile. Castro soaked revelers on the bar’s • Project Management §F m bor, and brazen boys were Moby Dick bartenders report¬ patio by spraying them with a gar¬ all part of the New Year’s Eve par¬ ed a Christmas tree was set afire den hose. The patrons, dripping Richard McPherson ties in the Castro, according to the outside of the bar, scorching a and wet, said they were disappoint¬ Landscape Architect San Francisco Patrol Special Police. parked Mercedes. The arsonist ed that the neighbor didn’t use his 415-695-0955 Police blocked off Castro was not found, but the bartenders hose in a more festive manner. E Mail: [email protected] Lie- 4126 Street around 10:30 p.m. so that are happy to say that the flaming Vehicles were once again able Specializing in the design of Bay Area gardens since 1987 New Year’s revelers could spill that went on inside the bar was to traverse the streets around 2:30 from the sidewalks and into the considerably less dangerous than a.m., after the bars had shut down. streets, and to prevent car and the scene outside. No further occurrences of de¬ pedestrian-related accidents. A drunk and disorderly patron structive behavior were reported at the Pendulum was reported and the patrol states that, all in all, giving the bouncer a hard time. New Year’s Eve in the Castro was The bouncer called the patrol and safer and more civil than in most the suspect was later found inside parts of San Francisco. ▼ Are you for HRC LGBTAC? nomic stability, the Latino/a com¬ Tby Mark Norby munity, and racism. The committee is especially he San Francisco Human looking for members who are Rights Commission (HRC) is community activists knowledge¬ currently seeking new mem¬ able and skilled in areas including bers and reviewing resumes from HIV/AIDS, anti-violence, disabil¬ active community members for the ity, education, health, youth di¬ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender versity, civil rights, gender, and Advisory Committee (LGBTAC). As women’s issues. Applications are one of the five standing.committees due by 5 p.m. January 21. ▼ of the HRC, the LGBTAC identifies and addresses issues and concerns of the LGBT community and advises Send cover letters and resumes the HRC on these issues. to Larry Brinkin, SF Human The LGBTAC has spent the last Rights Commission, 25 Van year focusing on panhandling in Ness Avenue, #800, San the Castro, senior LGBT needs Francisco, CA 94102-6033. Or and services, housing and eco¬ send via fax to (415) 431-5764 7 January 1999 BAY AREA REPORTER 3 GLAAD, DQ to discuss Legal Question? Internet protection Fri. • Personal Injury 1 Motor Vehicle Accic|^nts • Business Law • Insurance Claims by Sam Curlee pression, and a sense of solidarity,” The bill requires schools and li¬ Landlord-Tenant Disputes the report stated. “Internet filter¬ braries that receive federal funds ing software threatens that access to install software designed to No Charge For Initial Consultation H 1| igital Queers and the Gay and prevents the community from block material inappropriate for (415) 398-0298 and Lesbian Alliance receiving valuable resources by children. According to both One Embarcadero Center, Suite 1200 I m Against Defamation uniformly blocking many impor¬ GLAAD and the Gay, Lesbian, (GLAAD) will host a panel dis¬ tant informational sites.” Straight Education Network San Francisco, California 94111 cussion on public policy and the And, according to the report, (GLSEN), this is a violation of the Internet this Friday, January 8, there are those who would block First Amendment rights of stu¬ right after the Macworld Expo in any sight having to do with ho¬ dents and citizens. GET FAST RELIEF FROM... San Francisco. mosexuality even if the content And more recently, an Alameda The panel will be held at the isn’t sexual in nature. Associate County parent filed a lawsuit • Back, Neck, Pain, Hip, Knee or Ankle Pain Club-i Internet cafe at 850 Folsom Professor Jonathan Weinberg of against the city and the library of • Headaches • Muscle &. Joint Aches Street between 4th and 5th streets, Wayne State University, states in a Livermore for allowing her son ac¬ • Sciatica • Auto Injuries & Work Comp Cases from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.. The cover paper entitled “Rating the Net” cess to sexually explicit materials Located on the Muni K Line. charge, which includes the panel that although some sights respond via the Internet. The woman, Easy street parking • Evening & weekend hours and a shmoozefest to follow, is to pressure from groups such as known only as Kathleen R., became AmmmmGMmmcm $20 and can be paid at the door. GLAAD, other software agencies enraged when her 12-year-old son Recently, speech on the Inter¬ remain adamant about content downloaded dozens of images onto • PAIN RELIEF CENTER • net has come close to being regu¬ that is merely homosexual in na¬ a floppy disk, printed them out on Call today for a free consultation lated in a way that would serious¬ ture. A representative from Cyber¬ a relatives computer and showed m 587-7000 ■ ly impinge on individual free¬ sitter stated her company’s policy them to friends at school. doms guaranteed by the Consti¬ this way, “I wouldn’t even care to Although a Superior Court 2369 Ocean Ave. (2 Blks East of Junipero Serra) tution according to a report re¬ debate the issue if gay and lesbian judge ruled the city of Livermore leased in 1997 by GLAAD entitled issues are suitable for teenagers.... was protected under the 1996 Access Denied. We filter anything that has to do Communications Decency Act, This will be one of the topics with sex. Sexual orientation is the attorney for the family, discussed Friday. about sex by virtue of the fact that Michael Millen, amended the suit LET'S The report, available on it has sex in the name.” saying the boy’s constitutional GLAAD’s website at rights were violated because he http://www.GLAAD.org, details Alameda library sued was given public access to sexual¬ SOLUTION PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR & COUPLES the dangers of Internet filtering Much of the current contro¬ ly explicit materials. software that is intended to screen versy over Internet obscenity and “It’s the same as if the library CHRISTOPHER WESTERGAARD out language or images that my be software filtering programs comes had a razor blade display case and 17 YEARS EXPERTISE - LCSW ■ LICENSE #9296 considered obscene or unfit for from the 1996 Communications allowed children to handle blades 415-8641754 children. The bone of contention Decency Act, a bill that GLAAD and the kids got cut. It’s so outra¬ lies in the screening process itself. labeled as “poorly constructed”. geous that it rises to the level of INSURANCE - MEDICARE - SLIDING SCALE Since some software doesn’t dif¬ This bill, fostered by former Sen¬ constitutional deprivation,” ferentiate between sexual content ator Jim Exon, was intended to Millen said. and homosexual content, sights punish sites that make material on The case is scheduled to be about square dancing for gay cou¬ the net classified as “indecent” ples will be denied access, just as with fines not to exceed $100,000 pornography. and up to two years in prison The report says this not only time. impinges free speech, but also This same bill, after being threatens the fabric of a thriving passed by both houses of Con¬ queer Internet community. “Ac¬ gress, was declared unconstitu¬ SAVE cess to a wide variety of Internet tional by the Supreme Court. sites is especially important to But the effort to regulate who members of the lesbian, gay, bi¬ sees what on the Internet was sexual, and transgender commu¬ again taken up by the Senate nity, because it provides them with when it approved the Internet vital information, a forum for ex- School Filtering Act last March. Murdered Russian River man's estate considers private investigator by Lois Pearlman Grahlmann’s hillside home Octo¬ ber 24. Police say the men were probably shot between 3 and 5 ontrary to reports in local p.m. the previous afternoon. newspapers, the administra- Police have been investigating |w tor for the estate of a Monte the case, questioning potential Rio bar owner murdered in Octo¬ suspects and anyone else who may Men's Clothing- NOW ber said he has not yet hired a pri¬ have information, but they still vate investigator. “We want to give have not made any arrests. Tailored For Women them [Sonoma County Sheriff’s “We have interviewed numer¬ Department investigators] a chance ous subjects, and we will contin¬ first,” said Bill Brown, a San Fran¬ ue to interview people out there,” cisco Realtor who is handling the said Detective Sergeant Nelson 54 Geary at Grant estate of the late Hans Grahlmann. Pinola, who is overseeing the in¬ A well-known, if controversial, vestigation of the case for the Union Square gay bar and restaurant owner, sheriff department’s Violent Grahlmann, 57, was found mur¬ Crimes Unit. dered, along with his friend and Attempting to expedite the inves- employee Jason Blore, 26, at page 10 ► Affordable Bankruptcy BILLYBLUE Richard Lacava, Attorney at Law Free Consultations Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy SAN FRANCISCO Evening & Weekend Appointments Available Convenient Mission/Castro Office Call 415. 282. 8960 itm'ii 4 BAY AREA REPORTER 7 January 1999 Tales of Kwanzaa BANKRUPTCY law office THOMAS R- BURNS Attorney at Law ’ “SsHMENT, MPOS AND FORECLOSURES * wepautos hou°P4Snkaccounts •rsssssssssss. | A udience members applauded the drummers, dancers, poets, vocalists, and orators participating in FREE TELEPHONE CONSULTATION the celebration of Kwanzaa at the Main Public Library on Dec 30. The week-long event, organized m (415) 543-9900 locally by Lesbians and Gays of African Descent for Democratic Action, affirmed the oneness and goodness of life, with people rejoicing in ail their stories, both bitter and sweet. 703WorketS,ree,So«enM09 Community leaders to advise City College about Castro campus Monday Tby Cynthia Laird caonldle lgees binia tnh es tnuadtiieosn d tehpaat rhtmase an gt.a y Cis hRuracbho-Suarnn, Fdrairneccistcoor; oanf di nAtleerxn¬ Speakers at the Castro/Valen- program at Woman, Inc. he fourth in a series of com¬ cia panels will include: Arts and culture panel 8 p.m.: munity listening sessions Academic partners panel, 5 Italian Cultural Institute Director & Associates scheduled by Dr. Philip R. p.m.: John Avakian, initiative direc¬ Amelia Antonucci; Southern Ex¬ Day, Jr., the new chancellor of City tor of Ed/Net, College of San posure Director Mike Blockstein; ■ Cleanings done Ctaoklelse gpel aocfe S tahni sF Mraonncidsacyo, (JCaCnuSaFr)y, Mbiaante ou;n Lita, rSrya nB rFinrakninc,i sgcaoy Hanudm leasn¬ DInitreercsteocrt iKonev fionr Cthhee nA;r Gts oPertohger aInm¬ by the dentist 11 at the college’s Castro/Valencia Rights Commission; Gilbert Herdt, stitute teacher Julia Koch; and ■ Simple to full mouth campus. There is an opportunity director, human sexuality studies Golden Gate Senior Services Di¬ reconstruction for the audience to listen during program, San Francisco State Uni¬ rector Nick Lederer. each of the sessions, which will in¬ versity; Gail Koffman, president, In addition to this week’s com¬ ■ 26 years combined clude panel presentations from a Presidio Center for Technology; munity listening session, addi¬ experience variety of people. Lynn Macias, co-founder, Presidio tional meetings are planned for “It’s an attempt by CCSF as a Center for Technology; Sheri the John Adams, Alemany, Mis¬ 415.986.6223 community college to go out to McKenzie, director of enrollment sion, and Phelan campuses the community we serve to ask services, California College of Arts through February. people what their ideas are for the and Crafts; San Francisco Art Insti¬ City College of San Francisco 450 Sutter Street future vision of this college. Their tute Associate Director Renee serves the multicultural popula¬ Suite 1233 suggestions will help us serve Shearer; and Golden Gate Univer¬ tion of the city and county of San San Francisco them better and to accommodate sity President Dr. Thomas Stauffer. Francisco with credit and non¬ their needs better,” Day said. Developing Castro/Valencia credit instruction toward the Sedation, MC/Visa, AmEx, Day was hired by the college’s campus panel, 6 p.m.: Kieran Fla¬ goals of transfer, occupational Insurance board of trustees in July 1998, and herty, legislative assistant to Su¬ skills training, English as a second Cosmetic, Preventive & General Dentistry assumed the duties of chancellor pervisor Mark Leno; Tomas Lee, language (ESL), and personal en¬ of the 63-year-old community legislative assistant to Supervisor richment. City College teaches college in September. The Maine Tom Ammiano; Harvey Milk In¬ more than 92,000 day and native came to San Francisco with stitute Executive Director Kevin evening students annually at nine TANA his wife, Val, from Daytona Beach Schaub; Everett Middle School campuses and more than 100 ad¬ Community College, where he principal Luz Valentin; and Tim ditional sites around the city. The had been president for eight years. Wolfred, former president of the college employs more than 750 He has more than 26 years of ex¬ City College board. full-time faculty, 1,000 part-time perience as a teacher and commu¬ Civic organizations, commu¬ faculty, 769 classified staff, and 40 Authentic nity college administrator. nity well-being panel, 7 p.m.: administrators. ▼ Because the Castro/Valencia Lavender Youth Recreation and Ethiopian Cuisine campus is in the forefront of the Information Center Executive Di¬ college’s outreach to San Francis¬ rector Brian Cheu; San Francisco Monday’s community listening Vegetarian or meat dishes co’s gay community, many of the Women’s Building Acting Execu¬ session takes place starting at 5 listening panels will address the tive Director Teresa Mejia; the p.m. at the Castro/Valencia educational needs of the gay com¬ Reverend Jim Mitulski, pastor of campus, located at 450 Church OPEN Monday-Sunday 5pm- 10pm munity. City College is the only Metropolitan Community Street. ftp 4238 18th Street zq—t nnr7 SPA CLEARANCE SALE! (Castro & Diamond) t:0 / / EASTERN ORTHODOX ULTRA UTET All the mystery and majesty, pomp and pageantry of the Eastern Orthodox Divine Liturgy BUT 100% guilt free! ANY SPA!! SSuunn.. FMeabr.. 71 7M* AC oCmoeu crseele Ibnr aMte iaranc les ® NO DOWN NO INTEREST Kaneedp S WAVarEm u pT htois $W15i0n0te!!r 7 p.m. i /Ift Divine Liturgy with us! 90 DAYS First Sunday each month We Take Trade-ins 7 p.m. SAME AS CASH OA.C Rev. Brad L. Pethoud Celebrant MARIN CO. SONOMA CO. Jj Community Miracles Center 813 Third Street 5430 Commerce Blvd. 2269 Market St. (near Noe) V^W[ M San Francisco San Rafael Ronhert Park inoi 415.621.2556 (415) 459-8797 SINCE (707) 585-2886 Weekly Sunday Service: 11 a.m. Ollfc GOAL: Stress keducfioii~&~ ~ Fun & Entertainment 7 January 1999 BAY AREA REPORTER 5 iljMLI'lt CAPE to meet in East Bay Saturday by Cynthia Laird our“sWelve’erse atsr ythineg sttaot ewesitdaeb lgisahy CARPEan’sd y iAnltlegraiimer , wchooo rdseirnvaetso ars, Banish excess or and lesbian civil rights group,” told the B.A.R. he hopes to be at unwanted hair quickly ’’ he new statewide queer said Martinez, who works as a Saturday’s East Bay meeting. Ad¬ and safely with our very ft rights group, California Al¬ policy coordinator at AIDS Pro¬ ditionally, Allgaier said that affordable revolutionary ghaJiintaseoym nnp teu( heCrta elahiArt laoay EPnt m caEcs9eseo)tt, aen fwtroBtiwtinrieanl ghdlPyu e rheiaritnod het tle iCShds o ae Aaan ScrP egrdamEana t’mEutneshrqe ieudzuftnisieaarnityrls¬o¬gst, stcjbtShehtouaoecalntrt o t Emr ocF.aho ,frsW a maattsh nne Bmec dlah ai Euysgroc.ngae”pos etie t t mi aceBtnooosad rymgle .i aLk m“mteIoht use’eO snmrA ,ina btnkboiegerltraae ssjinl u neiodss¬n,ft, iAGlClocyonynAa b d gybwPaeo yEaloncein rsoeshkdt, n. a c atfAsLirnov aesdrhict sl ait tbdhr criibeieaadgad an hLsHn itEIC ssIFh Vr eEtaiwocn/s A LotpsAerIoerrDkbers v vtibSaaneiy toc p. aLu atoshasol ¬¬nesa XXXXn o GLUSnerh-nOogiodnispnuev e& lra&dnas erT iBmvrhseuis g& ttteh ocBsch akncsikq us e. Photo: Steven Underhill last month and strengthen the Allgaier said there will be a voice of the lesbian, gay, bisexu¬ Plans in formation CAPE meeting in San Francisco al, and transgender (LGBT) Among the items to be dis¬ on Monday, January 25 at Met¬ community in Alameda and cussed at Saturday’s meeting are ropolitan Community Church- Contra Costa counties. planning for two events taking San Francisco. The meeting in Oakland is place in Sacramento in March, “One of the objectives of free and open to interested com¬ the annual Queer Youth Lobby these meetings is to look at munity members. Day on March 11 and the Na¬ grassroots regional organizing “We’re trying to generate in¬ tional Gay and Lesbian Task in different parts of the state,” volvement in the East Bay, a re¬ Force’s “Equality Begins at said Allgaier, “and to give folks GIVE YOURSELF gion that’s always been over¬ Home” rally on March 21. Get¬ here a chance to hear what’s shadowed by San Francisco,” ting people up to the capital for going on in Sacramento and get Marty Martinez, a CAPE inter¬ the events is one of the goals. community input on that A HAND! im board member, told the Bay Tentatively, plans for the process.” T Area Reporter. “We want more Equality Begins at Home event members in the East Bay and we include a service for gay veter¬ want to do a special outreach to ans, an interfaith service, and a Saturday’s Oakland meeting • Executive Recruitment Contra Costa County.” two-hour rally with speakers takes place from 1 to 3 p.m. • Short/Long Term Placement CAPE was formed last year in and performers. at AIDS Project of the East response to the closing of the “We want to see what kind of Bay, 1755 Broadway, at 18th • Temporary Services Lobby for Individual Freedom resources are in the East Bay,” Street, near the 19th Street and Equality (LIFE). CAPE said Martinez. BART station. For more hopes to attract more grassroots A variety of East Bay LGBT information, call Marty 415.252.1212 members and has lower mem¬ groups are involved in Satur¬ Martinez at (510) 663-7956. bership fees than the LIFE day’s meeting, he added, includ¬ The San Francisco CAPE fax 415.495.1420 Lobby had; the group is also fo¬ ing Smack, a group for queer meeting on January 25 starts cusing exclusively on LGBT youth that’s based in Oakland. at 7 p.m. at MCC-SF, 150 Hired Hands Inc. human rights issues, as opposed Grant Peterson, an East Bay Eureka Street. to the LIFE Lobby that also dealt gay activist and educator, stated I with HIV/AIDS measures. Indi¬ that at last month’s Sacramento vidual CAPE memberships are meeting, the membership voted $25; low income, $10; and orga¬ overwhelmingly to place Santa Get the cash you need by nizational memberships begin at Monica Assemblywoman Sheila $200. Organizers said member¬ Kuehl’s “Dignity for all Stu¬ ships are encouraged in order to dents” bill at the top of the pri¬ selling your life insurance. support the new group. ority list. Adding sexual orienta¬ CAPE bills itself as the new tion to those education code statewide queer rights lobby, ad¬ sections addressing nondiscrim¬ vocacy, and education group ination is crucial to improving that’s dedicated to community safety for students in California If you are living with HIV and would like to sell your life organizing at the local level. schools, Peterson noted. insurance, please consider the personal service we offer at Dr. Christopher Amore Renfrew Financial. We’re a dedicated, friendly team of experi¬ CHIROPRACTOR enced professionals who will work hard to make sure you get CERTIFIED CHIROPRACTIC SPORTS PRACTITIONER the highest possible settlement for your policy. • Neck and Back Pain • Many other viatical companies that advertise are single¬ • Auto Injuries • Whiplash • • Sports Injuries • Work Injuries • source funding companies, which means they can only give Massage therapy available you one offer. As a gay-owned consultancy, Renfrew Financial 4411 Geary Blvd., Suite 100, S.F. 751-BACK 751-2225 is different. We act in your best interest by getting up to • Open until 7 p.m. • Open Saturday • ten different bids on your policy. And even if your policy is contestable, we may be able to help you. Please call us in San Francisco at (415) 781-8665 or (800) 565-6621. Patented Wallbed System • No Bolting to the Floor • All Sizes Available Renfrew ALSO: . Platform Storage Beds • Closet Systems Financial • Armolres • Desks • Dressers A Viatical Settlement Brokerage & Consultancy ALL WOOD No Particle Board • B.i rcThe a•k M• aWplael n•u Ot ak Platform Storage Beds from $299 Rod Renfrew, President & Wallbeds from $1,299 Kihui Quihuis, Wallbed Groups (as shown) from $2,699 Director of by MARCH Enterprises, Inc. Client Services VISIT OUR FACTORY SHOWROOM JUST SOUTH OF SAN FRANCISCO 285 Industrial Way in Brisbane - Open Mon-Sat 9-5 • GAY OWNED & OPERATED • MEMBER OF VAA & NVA Call for Directions or Free Brochure - (415) 822-0184 LICENSED IN CALIFORNIA & MANY OTHER STATES 6 BAY AREA REPORTER 7 January 1999 Scouting for answers SayIreaIeporter Volume 29, Number 1 T 7 January 1999 he omens at the very beginning of Matthew Shepard not have survived to see New Jersey, fighting an earlier ruling that PUBLISHER 1999 ranged from the ridiculous to 1999? forces them to accept gays as members. Bob Ross the slime: Clinton wants billions Now Henderson is facing his own death. They say excluding gays is a matter of up¬ more for the Pentagon - what peace divi¬ Opponents of the death penalty believe it is holding morals. Henderson shows the op¬ ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER dend? - and Israel deported “Concerned the ultimate violence; proponents posite is true. By excluding gays, the Scouts Mark Allen Thompsen Christians” (back to America, as if we need say it is protecting the common are instructing members from an im¬ NEWS EDITOR ’em). Since then, however, some better por¬ good. Some in the community pressionable age that homosexuals Mike Salinas tents have appeared. Some fall into the cat¬ are seeking to get a gay consen¬ are inferior. If anyone wonders why ARTS EDITOR egory of social science - Catholics repudi¬ sus on the question; we don’t it’s a big deal for gays to be a part of Roberto Friedman ating anti-gay violence, for instance - and ever see that happening but we the Scouts (and the military, and some are more “pure science” - like the pos¬ look forward to seeing whether the everything else) it is so that people - POLITICAL EDITOR Wayne Friday sible advance against AIDS that’s on page 24 community wants to take up the ques¬ all people - can be free of miscon- of this issue. (Maybe we’re crazy, but we tion. ^ ceptions about us. Boy Scouts of all ASSISTANT EDITORS haven’t been this excited about any anti- One more note for those ages deserve to know that we Cynthia Laird HIV treatment possibility since we first re¬ who are feeling very sorry for are not sick, we’re not wrong, Mark Mardon ported that “inhibitor” drugs were driving Russell Henderson: he was not we’re not Godless, we’re not Mark Norby viral loads to undetectable levels three years entirely without the “positive predatory. If Henderson had CONTRIBUTING WRITERS ago. Still, even if this new protein advance influences” that are supposed to make so¬ known that, he would have been a lot less Tavo Amador • Heidi Beeler • David Bianco is as good as its promise, it’s years away, so ciopathology less common: ironically, he likely to find Matthew Shepard sub-human. Erin Blackwell • John Blanco • Dan Blue we’re not opening the champagne.) was an Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of The Boy Scouts could have saved Shep¬ Victoria A. Brownworth • Philip Campbell On the social science level, we’re glad to America. ard’s life. Instead, it taught Henderson the M.R. Covino • Jameson Currier • Richard Dodds Nisa Donnelly • Liz Highleyman • Brandon Judell see anything, any group, rejecting violence. The Boy Scouts are in court this week in knots he used to tie his victim to a fence. ▼ Robert Julian • John F. Karr • Matthew Kennedy Just to show the chain-reaction nature of vi¬ Vicky Kolakowski • Simon LeVay • Daniel Mangin olence, journalists working on the Matthew Mr. Marcus • Gary Morris • Jim Nawrocki Shepard murder case reported that a Lois Pearlman • Deborah Peifer • Jim-Provenzano woman found dead near Laramie, Mary Richards • Adrian Roberts • Bob Roehr Shan Schwartz • Will Shank • Marv. Shaw Wyoming was the mother of one Shepard’s Paul Thomason • Stephanie von Buchau alleged killers, Russell Henderson. It turns Helen Vozenilek • Dick Walters out the woman, Cindy Dixon, had been the victim of sustained domestic violence; her husband has been convicted of beating her ART DIRECTION & DESIGN three times since 1996. Adrian Roberts Henderson never learned from his fam¬ AD PRODUCTION & LAYOUT ily how he could direct violent impulses, ex¬ Kurt Thomas cept to follow through with violent actions. His stepfather may not have been the direct PRODUCTION ASSISTANT cause of Cindy Dixon’s death (she may have Scott King just wandered off drunk, underdressed for PHOTOGRAPHERS the cold) but his is certainly, in insurance Jane Philomen Cleland • Darlene/PhotoGraphics jargon, a proximate cause of Matthew Shep¬ Marc Geller • Rick Gerharter ard’s death. ILLUSTRATORS & CARTOONISTS It goes to show: all violence is a threat to Paul Burge • Jerry Business all common safety. A domestic violence case Ben Carlson • Fran Frisch that goes unreported in the apartment next door tonight may affect your life directly to¬ morrow, in unexpected ways. If someone GENERAL MANAGER had intervened in the violence going on in Michael M. Yamashita the Dixon household five years ago, might ADVERTISING MANAGER David McBrayer BARTALK PERSONALS Where’s my wedding? Clifford Webb DISTRIBUTION Mark Enea by David Riccomini with my grandparents and my parents. She NATIONAL ADVERTISING was showing, my cousin, Phyllis, how to sew REPRESENTATIVE and create patterns. Johnny and Sue were Rivendell Marketing Company, Inc. I came across a photo of my Aunt Ricky’s the first of my generation to marry. I have 212.242.6863 wedding in 1952.1 was 4, the ring bear¬ 14 cousins and today all of them but me and LEGAL COUNSEL er, in the front with the flower girl. This two others are married. I knew I would have Thomas E. Horn, Esq. was a union, for a lifetime, of two people, to problems with all of the family after I came love, share, and live together in sickness and out to my parents and was disowned. So my MEMBER National Gay Newspaper Guild health until death do they part. About 100 relationships were not part of the family United Press International people attended this celebration, to sanc¬ news. tion and approve of the union. Each family When my cousins had children I got ac¬ member or friend brought gifts for a house¬ counts of how cute they were. When they hold. A month or more of planning had bought their first homes I was informed. In gone into this gathering. letters I got details of holiday dinners, pic¬ As a young man I thought that I nics, baby-sitting, loans made to couples. would date someone, get to know They had an accepted social pattern. I real¬ them, and then marry. I use to ized, then, that it was not going to happen Bay Area Reporter spend hours thinking about the life for me. 395 Ninth Street choices we would make. It would¬ I saw how some gay couples, San Francisco, CA 94103 n’t be mine, when we talked about the few that existed, reacted 415.861.5019 • 415.861.7230 life, it would be ours. I met some¬ when other family members one in 1972: his name was Ron. were expected for a visit. Some¬ A division of Benro Enterprises, Inc. © 1999 We were both college stu¬ times a couple living to¬ Published weekly. Bay Area Reporter reserves dents in Sacramento. I gether separated. If they David Riccomini in 1952 the right to edit or reject any advertisement was a theatre major and had a two-bedroom which the publisher believes is In poor taste or which advertises illegal items which he was studying psychol¬ house or apartment they hours without him have told me that if we might result in legal action against ogy. It was truly a love and a love returned. went to separate bedrooms and played had been included in the family as a couple Bay Area Reporter. Ads will not be rejected I use to tell him what I thought our lives roommates. It was very foreign to me to we might have had more. sreollieglyio non, rtahcee b, aasgies, oofr p soelxituicasl , oprhieilnotsaotpiohny., would be like in the future. I didn’t expect think of hiding the person you loved from a I think it’s easy to look at myself and anyone, other than the small gay communi¬ person you loved. One hurt because you think, maybe I’m just an old maid, spinster, Advertising rates are available upon request. ty in Sacramento, to be part of our union. were in an unacceptable relationship, and bachelor. I recently heard a young man in cOounrf ildisetn otifa sl uabnsdc riisb enrost asnodld .a dTvheer tsiesxeursa li s That was the first compromise, loss of my the other hurt because be loves you and his 20s say that he knew that he would orientation of advertisers, photographers, and dream. Our love — two middle class, can’t be part of your family. someday be an old spinster with a freezer writers published herein is neither inferred nor Catholic men, from two loving families - Now I see more gay men together as a full of dead cats. It’s painful to realize that implied. We are not responsible for unsolicited would not be honored. This relationship couple. The enormous toll and visibility of he is so sure that it’s not possible to have a manuscripts or artwork. didn’t last. There were too many obstacles the AIDS pandemic has exposed who we wonderful relationship. to overcome. are. That struggle exposed relationships that I still look at my family wedding photos Vi VERIFIED I got letters about my other family mem¬ have spanned decades. Families were forced and think, I don’t have my supportive fam¬ bers from my parents. Cousins were paring to realize that the person standing next to a ily sharing in my happiness. I don’t have so¬ AUDIT CIRCULATION off. I got accounts of visits where they dying AIDS patient wasn’t a roommate but ciety’s blessing or benefits. I don’t have the brought home their prospective mates. I re¬ a soulmate. Who’s to say if those boyfriends right to include children in a loving rela¬ member one family gathering were my or friends would have been husbands? I tionship. I’m looking forward to the day cousin Johnny brought home his fiancee, spent 21 years of my life with a man who someone else has that wedding. Sue. She was a sparkly redhead studying wasn’t my husband. He was my best friend. February 12, 1999 is National Freedom The Bay Area Reporter is printed on 100% fashion design and retailing. She chatted But he died in 1993 of AIDS and many To Marry Day. ▼ recycled paper using soy-based inks. 7 January 1999 BAY AREA REPORTER 7 Castro businesses amok (I) Gimme more than shelters A TRADITIONAL APPROACH TO PSYCHOLGICAL & SPIRITUAL HEALING I wonder if residents of the Castro are aware of It’s great that Leslie Katz has helped open up a few Walgreens’ latest expansion plans? They have two beds for queer homeless youth [“Beds found for home¬ Gay Men's Jungian signs up in the store asking for signatures on petitions less queer youth,” December 31]. But, as you said in Shamanic Group Forming in favor of a ‘minor expansion’, which must mean the your editorial [“The necessity is building,” December old Phoenix space next door. I saw one of the peti¬ 31 ], it’s just a Band-Aid. Advocates have been working This long-term group will focus on traditional tions and it only had one signature on it. for years to secure a shelter for queer homeless youth Jungian/Shamanic archetypes, stressing an My preference is that they remain the size they are. in the Castro. The city has thrown up every barrier, as alchemical approach to psychological and They offer a practical range of household items 24 only bureaucrats and bureaucracies can. spiritual healing. Cross-cultural techniques hours a day already. What do they need, another line Last year when the rains came, there was a tempo¬ employed will include dream work, otherworld of dog food? rary shelter space for queer homeless youth. This year Rodney Karr, Ph.D. journeying, ritual, and discovering ones It sure would be preferable to have another dance there was nothing. The cold and the rains came and Licensed Psychologist #PSY6906 ancestors, guides and animal totems. btlae rv oarr ibeatyk einry c ilnu btsh,a at nsdp atchee. CWaes tcroou hlda sa llwosaty tsh uresee sau lcith¬ tshiset eknidt sp rwoedrde ifnogr gfroottmen g boyo dth feo lckitsy s. uIct hto aosk M soitmche opvere¬r Offices in San Francisco & the East Bay 415-931,1934 institutions in just a few years (Night Shift, Jack- at the Collingwood Rec Center and those over at Hammer, and the Phoenix). LYRIC to get those five beds. I’m not taking away Though Walgreens has contributed little to the from the fact that Katz’s office secured those beds, but community over the years, it has good employees and don’t be fooled into thinking the problem is solved. It Sensible Legal Advice offers good values on its items. But do we need an ex¬ is not. pansion of a store that is practically wallpapering the Not until, as your editorial so aptly put it, the Barry Schneider, Esq. city with their outlets? Walgreens management, are “leaders” that we elect (and hopefully won’t re-elect) you listening? “lead us out of this awful situation.” And not just with shelters. We need affordable housing, we need the Wills and Probate Tony Jasinski Presidio opened up (and not for war games, for Family Law and Conservatorships San Francisco Chrissakes!) and we need rents to come down so that Castro businesses amok (II) ycaonu nagff poerdo pthlei sa cnidty o aldg apieno. ple and low-income people Criminal Offenses [The following was sent to the vice president of Five beds in a shelter are a start. Not a solution. We customer service, Cala Foods] need to keep on our politicians to make sure that Barry Schneider 400 Montgomery St. On December 24,1998 at 6:55 p.m., I made a small every queer homeless kid, every homeless person pe¬ Attorney at Law Suite 505 purchase at Cala Foods at 4201 18th Street. riod, in this city gets affordable housing, and (415)781-6500 San Francisco The store was closing in honor of Christ¬ a decent job to support him/herself. mas Eve, and the checkout clerks were Mayor Willie Brown’s popularity is at working quickly to facilitate this process. an all-time low. Expect in the next few As I waited in line, I pulled out my bill¬ months that he and his allies will do fold and considered whether to break a $50 many things to make it appear that he is Schmidt & Schmidt bill before the holiday weekend or pay doing something for the poor and the with a $5 bill for a purchase totaling homeless. But don’t settle for window INSURANCE $4.33. The checkout clerk, Pam dressing or Band-Aids. Let’s demand Beauchamp, mistook the $50 I handed what we need and deserve: affordable to her for a $20 and gave me $15.67 in change. I im¬ housing and living-wage jobs for all. mediately replied, “ I gave you $50.” She responded Since 1970 • We do it all! by turning and shouting to the manager, “Joe, you are Tommi Avicolli Mecca 582 Market Street, 18th Floor going to be mad.” Joe Vance came over and indeed San Francisco San Francisco, CA 94104 was very irate as Pam told him, “he said he gave me a $50 and I gave him change for a $20.” He immediate¬ Relative (and friend) values (415) 981-3915 ly started punching buttons, opening the drawer and Over the past month, I had given many family Fax (415) 392-2069 quickly counting cash. In the middle of this flurry of members and friends a “credo” about my relation¬ Palm Springs • (760) 479-5558 activity, he was interrupted by another clerk needing ships. Los Angeles • (213) 669-1608 help closing the door. He looked up twice from his This relationship can be for a family member, a California Toll Free (800) 479-5558 counting to yell instructions and finally slammed the friend, a lover, or a co-worker. This “credo” has cash register shut, with two dollar bills dangling from touched everyone because of its meaning and values. Broker Lie. # FB0399067 the drawer, as he went to help out. This was given to me back in 1986 by a friend, and I asked Pam if this situation warranted so much today I would like to share it with a Bay Area gay/les¬ anger. She told me, “Well, he had to count all the bian community, because we all need to respect each cash.” Joe returned to his counting and began again other a lot better than we do. There is too much abuse where he had left off. Then shook his head, asked the in our community and we need to realize what we are clerk again what had happened and started to count doing to each other. the whole drawer again, just as quickly and furiously. “A Credo For My Relationships At the end of the counting he was still confused about “You and I are in a relationship that is important Personal Injury the situation and I had to explain to him that I was to me, yet we are also separate persons with our own short $30.1 suggested that perhaps if everybody were individual values and needs. Medical Malpractice not in such a huge hurry this would not have hap¬ “So that we will better know and understand what pened. He said, “I didn’t do it.” Then he walked each of us values and needs, let us always be open and Discrimination around the counter with a piece of scratch paper and honest in our communication. Wrongful Eviction a pen and asked me my name. When I asked him why “Whenever I’m prevented from meeting my needs he wanted it, he explained that he had counted the by some action of yours, I will tell you honestly and Wills & Estate Planning register twice and it had come up even. If the books without blame how I am affected, thus giving you the did not balance at the end of the day they would call chance to modify your behavior out of respect for my FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION me. I told him my name was Laura and when he was needs. And I want you to be as open with me when finished taking my number he turned and shouted to my behavior is unacceptable to you. Boone Callaway the clerk, “Let her out!” “And when we experience conflict in our relation¬ I felt humiliated and degraded. I had gone in the ship let us agree to resolve each conflict without using store with $50 and had come out with a $30 package power to win at the expense of the other losing. We of brown sugar. There had been no apology for the will always search for a solution that meets both of gender confusion. I feel this particularly acutely, since our needs - neither will lose, both will win. I made a conscious choice to live in a gay and lesbian- “Whenever you are experiencing a problem in friendly community. I would expect a store that de¬ your life, I will try to listen with acceptance and un¬ BayAiRreEaARltE PORTER rives its income from the gay and lesbian communi¬ derstanding in order to help you find your own solu¬ ty to treat gender issues in a sensitive manner. Instead tions rather than imposing mine. And I want you to of being treated with respect, I was made to feel as if be a listener for me when I need to find solutions to I were trying to rip off the store. my problems. I continue to be appalled by the complete lack of “Because ours will be a relationship that allows respect shown me by these two employees of Cala both of us to become what we are capable of being, Foods. At no time was I treated with even a hint that we will want to continue relating to each other - with I might be right. I was consistently made to feel as if mutual concern, caring and respect.” it were my mistake. There has been no follow-up call. I live half a block from the store. I shop there fre¬ Doug Christoff quently and I am disgusted by the complete lack of San Francisco professionalism in the interaction and the lack of or¬ fa i&tfeftnmai ganization at the cash registers particularly in com¬ What’s wrong? parison with other neighborhood shops. It would Re: “What’s Hot in Hayes Valley,” December 16: have been so easy if Pam had made a very basic ac¬ Sorry, darlings. There is no intersection of Hayes and knowledgment that I had handed her cash in pay¬ Waller. Neither is there a “Hayes Boulevard,” epony¬ ment, and if she had said “Change for a $50” as she re¬ mous or not. ceived my money. There are many simple acknowl¬ edgments that could have facilitated this simple trans¬ Jerry Read action along the way, and that would not have result¬ San Francisco ed in my current desire to boycott this store. I am entitled to the appropriate change for $50 [Editor’s note: The word “boulevard” was lower¬ and I am further seeking acknowledgment that I am case, meaning “thoroughfare.” But you’re right about a valued customer of the store rather than a common the intersection. It reminds us of Phyllis Diller’s old joke: thief. “I called my husband and said I’d been in a tiny acci¬ dent at the corner of Oak and Market. He said, ‘Market 1707 Market Street @ Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA 94103-1218 Laura Pettibone and Oak don’t cross.’ I said, ‘They do now! ’ Ha HA! ”] 1-800-578-7878 San Francisco 415-621-6775, fax 415-621-4305 www.travelodge.com 8 BAY AREA REPORTER 7 January 1999 FIND A NEW PUPPY UNDER Gay gift of gab Proper nouns and pronouns Four of the signers onto the Defense of Marriage This is to protest the sloppy way in which the YOUR TREE? Act have since admitted to adultery. Congressman Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, and Bay Windows NOW WHAT? Barney Frank called it rank hypocrisy for them to handled the report on the death of Rita Hester. Ms. have signed onto legislation that supposedly protects Hester was a transsexual woman who was murdered HAPPY TAILS the institution of marriage by scapegoating lesbians in her own apartment on November 30,1998. Despite and gay men. the educational materials supplied these publications DOG TRAINING I heard a news snippet of Harry Britt’s speech on by the International Transgender Education Founda¬ the anniversary of Harvey Milk’s assassination, point¬ tion (headquartered in Boston), all three papers made (925)671-2722 ing out that Clinton would have resigned in disgrace an alarming mistake. if Monica had been male because of the profound ho¬ They all listed Ms. Hester as “William” Hester, de¬ YouSrm paallr egnrotsu spe &n tp yroivua ttoe sinc hhoooml ed ildens’sto tnhse y? mophobia still rampant in our country. spite the fact that their reporters were told that “She Qjfl Certificates Available, It did my heart wonderfully to hear these men wanted it to be known that her name was Rita.... She speak; one with the power of oratory and one with let everybody know what she was about.” The Bay the power of the office of Congressman! Thank you Windows reporter even attended a meeting of activists gentlemen! And may I hear a lot more from the both at the Arlington Street Church where, to quote the We want to be your family practice. of you. Bay Windows article, “Many... expressed outrage with how the local media has been covering the murder, Francis Salmeri upset by initial reports in the Boston Globe and Her¬ San Francisco ald that referred to ‘Rita’ as transgendered rather than transsexual, and disturbed with the papers’ use of‘he’ Assume = Ass, u, me when referring to Hester.” Apparently Mr. Betancourt (“Winning is tougher Ms. Hester was no more in error about her gender then filing,” Mailstrom, December 24) still doesn’t get than their reporters are about their own. To assume it. This is a case about police arresting someone for that they knew Ms. Hester better than she did herself, being gay. That’s the real issue: the police set up a about such an essential part of her identity, shows ap¬ decoy operation to arrest and harass gay men. If the palling disrespect. As a Unitarian Universalist, some¬ real issue was about stopping people from having sex one who has entered a covenant to affirm the inher¬ in the park, why were no “straight” people arrested ent dignity and worth of every person, I believe such for heterosexual sex, which occurs often in parks? disrespect is immoral. It is also dangerous. Rich Spickard, D.VM. • Chris Hummel, Jr., D.VM. The real issue here is one of civil rights. That being For exercising her human right to live as the per¬ the rights of Mr. Morales. Does Betancourt really be¬ son she knew herself to be, and not perpetually in dis¬ Animal Health Network, Inc. lieve that the Fresno police would have even arrested guise, Rita Hester died. One such death is too many; Animal Health Network, Inc. understands that your pet is a part of your Morales if he was straight? Not a chance. reportage such as this, which does not acknowledge family. That's why we provide the individualized care you would expect The whole point being, Mr. Morales and many that transgendered people actually do know who they for any member of your family. men like him are being arrested and intimidated by are, makes future murders more likely. Thousands of You'll feel good knowing in a world of volume and bargain pet care, police departments everyday, its time for our com¬ Americans are similarly at risk. Animal Health Network puts quality, service, and your family above all else. munity to fight back and say enough is enough. I hope you will see fit to keep track of this and sim¬ For Betancourt to assume (divide the word into ilar stories in a more sensitive manner than the 5264 Diamond Heights Boulevard three parts) what was in Morales’s mind is wrong. We Boston papers did. 415 920-6980 can just go by the facts: Morales was arrested and not - charged by the DA, therefore his arrest was unlawful Bryne Golec and unjust, and most likely violated his civil rights. Castro Valley, CA Betancourt needs to understand that today it’s the parks and bathrooms; tomorrow it’s the bars and [Liz Highleyman covered the story for the B.A.R. clubs, and next year its your own private homes. December 16 (“Transgender community responds to Being gay should not and cannot make us a target for murder near Boston”). All pronouns relating to Hester You deserve those who don’t understand or don’t want to under¬ were feminine.] stand us. The undisputed best... among three a (fj teat Bryan Silagy I have been reading the B.A.R. for six years now Walnut Creek, CA and I want to say that the Bay Area Reporter is the best Smile gay newspaper in the country. Now, I only have three Ever try to give someone ‘association?’ papers to draw this conclusion from, but the B.A.R. is In my letter, which you printed December 17,1 di¬ the best. The Washington, D.C. Washington Blade is vulged the address for the Implicit Association Test so political that it is boring. There is no real local gay (incorrectly, I think I called it the Implicit Attitude news. Denver’s Out Front is so blah that it is boring Test! Tsk, tsk), a site for those who wish to take an ob¬ as well. There is nothing controversial here. The gay jective test concerning any unconscious traits they life in Denver is boring and I have lived here for 35 Comprehensive Dentistry may be manifesting regarding racism/ageism/self-es- years. Cosmetic • Preventive • Restorative teem/sexism. Somehow, it was not correctly tran¬ The B.A.R. covers local issues which makes the scribed. Please show the correct address for those who paper interesting. Most interesting are the letters to may have had trouble accessing it. The correct URL is the editor. I laugh at most of them. I think to myself, Michael J. Perona, D.D.S. http://depts.washington.edu/iat the San Francisco gays have nothing better to do than 1 urge all those who are part of an inter-ethnic write about nothing and everything. 120 Howard Street, Suite A couple or have close friendships with black (and Keep up the good work. San Francisco 415.546.7990 wtehsti.t eT) hme etne/swt oism neont/ c“hwieldigrhetne d(a”n tdo wotahredrss )a tnoy t aspkeec tihfiics S. Calvin Riley group, and can as readily point out the automatic Denver, CO preferences of blacks for other blacks as it shows the MPxCS dominant preference of whites and blacks for whites. This means that many blacks have a subconscious, Re: “Mayor’s letter to Clinton about AIDS ignores built-in preference for whites in contrast to a (presum¬ gays,” December 30: Rather than rushing out to get ably more common) interest in other blacks. This is by another quote from Michael Petrelis, Cynthia Laird COMING SOON! no means a definitive statement, but can lead to ex¬ might have better spent a few moments on basics, like ploration of what types of stimulus leads people to¬ checking the facts. Had she done so, she might have wards their preferences for friends and companions. learned that the Castro Mission Health Center isn’t It can definitely open up dialogues on inter-ethnic re¬ part of the San Francisco Community Clinic Con¬ lationships (all types of relationships, not simply ro¬ sortium, but that Mission Neighborhood Health mantic). I do not use the word “race” purposely: Center is. She might then have figured out that the There is no such thing as race. This is a belief I have letter accurately praised the services available at Mis¬ propagated for nearly 20 years. Earlier this year, the sion Neighborhood Health Center. Association of American Anthropologists, seemingly But I guess the point, as is so often the case with in agreement with me (where were they 20 years ago, Ms. Laird’s work, was simply to put Michael Petrelis when I was saying this?), released a statement saying on center stage, again. You would think someone who A World Class Tanning Salon that they had urged the U.S. Census Bureau to strike spends so much time covering AIDS issues might be and the term “race” from their form. Why? more familiar with AIDS organizations in town. Well, for the most obvious reason. They could not Maybe if Ms. Laird spent some time looking or talk¬ Full Line Beach and Sun Center find a single characteristic that was indigenous to any ing at those agencies, and less time talking to profes¬ one “race” that could not be found within another sional “AIDS victim” Petrelis, she might figure some¬ in the Heart of The Castro “race.” Besides which, the genes for skin color account thing out. for six DNA molecules - out of 100,000. (I could be Christopher Hall wrong, but 1 think hair color is determined by four San Francisco molecules. Any geneticists who want to jump in 329 Noe Street S>Market / 16th here?) Not exactly an overwhelming body of evidence [We apologize for the error, but not for quoting Pe¬ in favor of the term “race,” is it? trelis. Professional AIDS victim or not, he got the Opening Late Winter 1999 It is for this reason - and my belief that if we do mayor's office to follow up with the president about the not soon coalesce into a united society with respect real problem of HIV disease in the gay community here. for each other’s cultures, we will, if the signs contin¬ Petrelis has done more for the community than most of NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONSIt ue, eventually destroy each other - I encourage peo¬ his detractors who would like to crowd him off center ple to honestly confront their subconscious beliefs by stage but are too lazy to do anything meaningful enough embracing the insight that this test has to offer. It is to do so. By the way, what’s the last thing you’ve done to SORRENTO SUN CENTER private, confidential, and ultimately freeing. make the White House aware of the problems we face?] Glen McLeod PO Box 14909 www.sorrentosun.com San Francisco Send letters to 395 Ninth Street, SF 94103. San Francisco CA 94114 413.863.06S3 7 January 1999 BAY AREA REPORTER 9 Democrats take Sacto by Wayne Friday ASIAN BISTRO Asian with a 1 11 hen Gray Davis took the oath of office Monday, January 4 as the 37th gov¬ ernor of California, he led a pack of power hungry Democrats to power in Sacramento the likes of open 7 days, mi “Tin-Pan Gets Gold Star” which hasn’t been seen since the Midnight, Friday and Saturday -jf chronicle, 11/97 days of Jerry Brown and his Brunch, Saturday & Sunday symbolic Plymouth sedan. Gover¬ nor Davis (legal name: Joseph Graham Davis) brought to power FOR SPECIAL EVENT INFORMATION... CHECK OUT OURWEBSITEATWWW.TINPANSF.COM with him fellow Democratic Lieu- renant Governor Cruz Busta¬ MARKET - SAN FRANCISCO - 415.565.0733 mante, Attorney General Bill Lockyer, and state Treasurer Phil Angeleides. Incumbent state Controller Kathleen Connell and Superintendent of Public In¬ struction Delaine Eastin, both Democrats (though Eastin’s post is officially “nonpartisan”) joined in the party takeover of the state capital. In addition to sweeping the top statewide offices, Democ¬ f Q M f Personal Introductions rats also increased their majorities I f in both the Assembly and state If V# a for Lesbians & Gay Men Senate. The two statewide GOP office¬ If you've completed your education and are on-track with your career, holders re-elected in November, Secretary of State Bill Jones and your thoughts may move to companionship, romance and love: You aren’t alone. Insurance Commissioner Chuck Supergays: San Francisco's three gay supervisors, Mark Leno, Leslie At Quality Partners we work with attractive and successful lesbians and gay men aQguaianc kMenobnudasyh,, ablusot tmooukst ohffaivcee bKeaatuz,t ifaunldly T roemst oAremdm Biaenaou,x (Al-rr)t,s aCttiteyn dHeadll tTheu erseddaeyd, icJaantiuoanr yof 5 t.h eA mmiano who lead healthy and happy lives that they hope to share with someone special. clearly felt a bit overwhelmed as will be sworn in tomorrow as the city's second openly gay board president. Mo*nOg*a*my (mo nog omme) state of being romantically and passionately involved with one person Democratic politicos, volunteers, and longtime party members Congratulations, and best 18,000 state employees and go took over Sacramento for a festive wishes to the new governor. from his supe salary of $35,000 to weekend that ended after Davis $105,619 a year. became the governor of the most Politics and people Mayor Brown gets to appoint populous state in the country. Other than the new governor yet another supervisor, and Police For Selective Gay Men and Lesbians Seeking Long-Term Committed Relationships Everyone who is anyone in De¬ himself, the biggest political stars Commission President Dennis mocratic politics managed to take in Sacramento at the inaugural Herrera is the name I hear most San Francisco East Bay San Jose in at least some part of the week¬ seemed to be veep Al Gore and mentioned. end’s gubernatorial inaugural cel¬ Senator Dianne Feinstein; both To the surprise of no one, 415.442.4848 925.2 53.48 4 8 408.294.48 48 ebration, either an event honor¬ were besieged like aging rock stars termed-out “Independent” (?) ing Davis or one of the numerous everywhere they showed up. San former state Senator Quentin www.qualitypartners.com E-mail: [email protected] parties given by supporters of Francisco Mayor Willie Kopp worked a San Mateo coun¬ Lockyer, Bustamante, or Brown and Assembly¬ ty superior court appointment <1/W2£/2 youie Jons vnaittny foi atianaE EnaounkETS... Angelides; several other woman Carole from Pete Wilson as a last-minute parties were given by De¬ Migden were among payoff for his support of all those mocrats happy to the the local political Republicans in November. Gay & Lesbian Catholics, point of being giddy at celebs getting a lot of After the 2000 census, Califor¬ i San Francisco Our Families & Friends being in control of the attention in Sacto. nia will gain at least one new con¬ state government Hey, you gotta know gressional seat; the Democratic- Eucharist Every Sunday 5:30 p.m. after such a long Migden is becoming a controlled Legislature gets to 'dignity Seventh Avenue Church J time. The star when she reapportion all House seats - after 1329 7th Ave. at Judah • 681-2491 three-day, $3.7 is the only the new census and with a Demo¬ million cele¬ member of the cratic governor to approve the bration hon¬ state Legisla¬ new lines, you can look for the oring the new governor actually ture to be asked two weeks ago California Republicans to lose a t/ The Squat t/ The Deadlift started last Saturday night with a what she planned to wear to the couple of House seats - possibly ✓ The Bench Press Unity Ball at the Beverly Hilton in Davis bash (and there was already as many as four or five. Los Angeles, attended by a slew of talk around Sacto during the That special Assembly election Hollywood types, plus Davis vol¬ weekend about a Migden run for set for February 2 in the East Bay unteers and supporters. That was state controller four years hence). (16th AD) is likely to get a bit followed by religious celebrations Sheila Kuehl of Santa Moni¬ nasty: former Oakland mayor at a couple of Sacramento ca, the other openly lesbian mem¬ Elihu Harris is battling Alameda churches on Sunday, which in ber of the Assembly who was County Demo heavyweight turn were followed by the Inau¬ speaker pro tern of the Assembly Frank Russo, an attorney, and The clinic will focus on proper gural Gala at Sacramento’s Arco during the last session, gave up two political unknowns; Flarris, Arena Sunday night. that powerful post this session with endorsements from Senators efomcwfi/m and tffTWG tech¬ Monday’s actual inaugural when she opted for a committee Dianne Feinstein and Barbara niques for performing lifts safely took place before noon inside chairmanship; Migden, however, Boxer, S. F. Mayor Willie Brown, and effectively and for increasing Sacramento’s Memorial Auditori¬ stays as the influential chair of the Assembly Speaker Villaraigosa, power and improving Repetition um, and there were dueling “In¬ important Assembly Appropria¬ and East Bay state Senator Don augural Balls” Monday night, tions Committee. Perata, is the early favorite, but Maximums. Thursdays 3:00-4:00. both held at Cal Expo, where Clout: Not only is Lieutenant Russo has powerful endorsements happy Democrats danced away Governor Bustamante the first as well from the likes of Busta¬ the night, celebrating their new¬ Latino statewide officeholder in mante and Assembly Leader Conna Make You Sweat. found power. more than a century in the state, Kevin Shelley. Outgoing Governor Pete Wil¬ 11 new Latino lawmakers were As the U.S. Senate prepares to son attended the Monday swear¬ sent to Sacramento in the No¬ open the Clinton impeachment ing-in ceremony, and then, we’re vember election, and for the first trial, probably as early as today, told, quietly slipped out of town time ever, the leaders of both the right wing Clinton haters in hanavdi nwga sa lqausti este ednin Mneorn idna yB enviegrhlyt mLaatjionro :p aDrteimeso icnr athtiec ASspseeamkberly A anr¬e Athrem Heyo,u Hsee n(rTyo Hmy dDe)e Laraey d, esDpiecr¬k A class designed to provide a safe, Hills with close friends, plotting a tonio Villaraigosa and Republi¬ ately trying to tell the Senate how effective and enjoyable group 2000 White House run, no doubt. can Minority Leader Rod to run the show. This thing could exercise program founded on the Make no mistake: it’s a Demo¬ Pacheco. be over in less than two weeks if core techniques and movements of cratic state capital now, and as one Now, let me wish the best and the president and his arrogant KfCK &OX/A/G. It is a high-intensity well-known local party regular once again congratulate one of lawyers don’t get cocky. put it this week, “Governor Davis the good guys - Tom Ammiano, In Washington, some are say¬ hour using both your aerobic and will be good for us; we shouldn’t who becomes president of the ing that Georgia Representative anaerobic energy systems to the expect miracles from the guy, but Board of Supervisors tomorrow. Bob Barr, who has been pretty extreme. Classes begin in January, after 16 years of George Deilk- Supervisor Jose Medina’s ap¬ cozy with a group accused of Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30-7:30. mejian and Pete Wilson, there is pointment to head the California being white supremacists, is one of no place for this state to go but Department of Transportation the Capital Hill’s “meanest SOBs - up!” means he will supervise nearly page 14 ► 2301 Market @ Noe • 415/626-4488 10 BAY AREA REPORTER 7 January 1999 PostAge coLoiueu. BANKER □ •Relocation Specialist •Income Property by Nancy Boutilier •1031 Exchanges •First Time Buyers ?•>' s ere we are in a post-mod- •Probate Sales | ern, post-feminist, post¬ •Estate Liquidation il m Ellen, post-ABL, post-Newt Year. I hear there is now post¬ rock, an experimental music 415.621.4114 which apparently has roots in Chicago, that would be a post- Bulls Chicago, in a post-NBA era. Jim Laufenberg Kean Brewer Now if we could only step into a post-bullsh*t age. Realtors I still like rock. I miss Ellen and the ABL. My survival depends upon many of the principles of feminism. So, why is it that we are inundated with language that turns what paves the way today passe before its time? Are we post- Beanie Baby yet? Why didn’t someone announce post-Barbie- ism years ago? I would have preferred to be post-Monica long before we were post-Hillary. Then again, I would Not to be outdone by Daly’s While on a political lexicon, RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL have preferred to be post-Bill long tome, The Oxford English Dictio¬ Oxford didn’t overlook the gates NEW & RENOVATION / ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES before we were post-Hillary. nary has itself collecting possible - zippergate, troopergate, Mon- SAN FRANCISCO AND NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Shouldn’t we have been post- new entries electronically with the icagate, fornigate - to which I Starr as soon as we were post- Oxford Database of World Eng¬ must add another offense of ex¬ Whitewater? Isn’t that what he lish. I have not yet been invited to cess, Bill Gates. was charged to investigate? join the Oxford New Words Team The Oxford folks have chosen ALL YOUR SKIN NEEDS. I don’t see post-bigotry on the (yes, there really is one) to deter¬ not to adopt the bumper sticker et¬ near horizon, not when we have mine which words make the final ymology that appeared recendy on Gaetano Zanelli, M.D. newspaper ads proclaiming folks cut. However, if I have any powers a passing fender: “Politics - from to be “cured” by so- as a seer, it’s not in read¬ Poly meaning many and Ticks as Diplomats,American Board of Dermatology called conversion thera¬ ing tarot cards, runes, in small, blood-sucking parasites.” Fellow, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery pies into a “healed” stars, or even the flight Oh, and of course the very state of post-gaydom. If of birds, but in divining word fender used to make me Medical, Surgical & Cosmetic you ask me, we can’t be language. think guitars, but if we’re post¬ Dermatology post-ex-gay soon ’j While the folks at Ox¬ rock, we must be post-guitar by enough. ford have defined the re¬ now. So I’m stuck with that other Where is the post¬ cently-coined phrase connotation, fender-bender, from Davies Medical Center weapons of mass de¬ Backward Compatibility a time when fenders actually 45 Castro Street, Suite 215 struction move¬ as “the ability of a dented rather than bounced back ment? Oh, of new product to be to their plastic little selves. Never¬ San Francisco, CA 94114 course, that’s what used in conjunc¬ theless, there’s nothing like a fend¬ (415)487-1816 the Washington tion with old tech¬ er-bender in one’s life to spark folks would have us believe their nology,” I believe it better describes their ire into full-scale Road Rage, Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Surgery, bombing is about. Somehow our the relationships that one carries which is, of course, on the data¬ laser Treatments, Tumescent Liposuction, violent actions will issue in a less on with his/her ex-lovers, or per¬ base along with, well, you name it, Peels & Skin Care, Collagen, Botox, SoftForm Implantation violent future. As if our bombs are haps we should say post-lovers. Smoker’s Rage, Web Rage, Non- somehow weapons of mass con¬ Then there is Uplift Anxiety, a smoker’s Rage, SFO rage, DMV struction, or weapons of massless term that the Brits have discov¬ rage, Muni rage, PG&E rage, it’s destruction, or simply tools of the ered here in the USA (on the same all the rage ... and that, if you ask trade. I’m sure they have a phrase list that defines duh! as an “ex¬ me, is a problem. that makes the launch of a missile pression of mocking disbelief over Now that all is said and defined, sound as comforting as a Furby. someone else’s folly”) for the psy¬ I have found one resolution for the ATTORNEY AT LAW A bumper sticker asks “If chological problems that arise post-1998 new year. Henceforth, in progress means to move forward, from being cured of depression. polite defiance of current fashion, PLANNING & PROBATE what does congress mean?” Ac¬ What they forget to define is I shall resist the urge to let my rage BUSINESS CONSULTATION cordingly, congress is post¬ the changing nature of one of the fall prey to trendiness. I will talk of progress, of course. corollaries to Uplift Anxiety, road rub, web wedgies, and airline ESTATE & DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS If clothes can make the man, as which was once known as abduct- air-itation. ■ Shakespeare claimed and Oscar phobia, the fear of abduction, It seems counterproductive to Wilde’s wardrobe confirmed, then which in an X-Files age was let the irritations of our lives deter¬ VAN NESS AVENUE. 21SI FLOOR words can form the foundation of thought to be an irrational fear. mine our rage. There’s so much SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94102 a truth. Mary Daly’s reweaving of However, the off-shoot of abduct- more to be irate about - consenting language in the creation of her phobia is the newly coined Ab¬ sexual activities are still being pros¬ 15 252-9800 websters’ Wickedary certainly at¬ duction Anxiety, which in this ecuted in the land of the free, gay - test to the power of language. post-Matthew Shepard age, is a men and lesbians still being hound¬ Then again, one need not go fur¬ fear too well-founded for my ed out of the military, gay awareness ther than the B.A.R. letters to the comfort. week can still prompt thugs to put editor to see that power in action. Speaking of phobias, the Eng¬ their homophobia into action by Looking for LOVE? Why else has the storm not sub¬ lish have developed a new one of queer-bashing, people in the land of sided over the use of the word their own, domophobia. It is a “se¬ opportunity cannot afford housing “queer” in the G/L/B/T/Q press? vere hostility towards the Millen¬ or medical care, too many schools It’s one of those unfortunate ar¬ nium Dome,” Britain’s official cen¬ continue to breed intolerance as guments in which everyone’s per¬ ter for celebration of the year 2000, well as illiteracy. You’ve tried the BARS. sonal experience really does make located in Greenwich, England. Make a list of your own. Send You've tried the PERSONALS. them right. One can charge a The more American relative it to me. Let’s save our rage for the word with pain, shame, defiance that I’m familiar with is DOMA- truly outrageous. And let’s find You've tried the WEB. and pride, or any combination of phobia, the severe hostility to¬ the courage and creativity to turn those feelings - and the word wards the Defense of Marriage Act our emotion into productive ac¬ Now try something that really works: queer proves it. and all those who supported it. tion. ▼ Say A%ea 7>at& Russian River but we aren’t getting a whole lot labs that process the evidence are of people calling with useful in¬ overwhelmed with work from ◄ page 3 formation,” Pino explained. other homicide cases, and it will A dating service you can afford. In a telephone interview be “at least a couple of months” Sacramento to Santa Cruz tigation, Brown, who is also a long¬ Wednesday, Brown said he has before the results come back. time friend of Grahlmann and his talked with a former FBI agent But Pinola emphasized that Send for our FREE BROCHURE Realtor for 20 years, last month of¬ who he plans to hire to investigate the sheriff’s department is contin¬ Discreetly mailed fered a $25,000 reward for informa¬ the case if police efforts continue uing to conscientiously pursue the tion leading to a conviction. Recent¬ to be fruitless. Brown said he is investigation. 7><xU ly he raised the reward to $100,000. particularly concerned that police “This case is not something But Pinola said the offer of a have not yet received the results of we’ve put on the shelf,” he said. “It P.O. Box 14105 reward has not yet produced any tests performed on evidence something we have to be very cau¬ San Francisco, CA 94114-0105 tangible results. found at the scene of the crime. tious about” in order to make it Tel/Fax: (415) 551-0051 “We are following up all leads, According to Pinola, the crime stick in court. ▼ email: BA Pals @ aol.com ztrign XA onl .eteatuaaemis.l6! ocvjoqA Qeer © tripoyaaO