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Preview Bay Area Reporter, Volume 24, Number 2, 13 January 1994

VOL XXIV NO. 2 JANUARY 13, 1994 395 NINTH ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 Court of Appeals To Rule on Steffan Case: Is This Good News or Bad News? by Bob Roehr their most liberal members. There is, however, another Joe Steffan’s case is going plausible interpretation of the back to the U.S. Court of Ap¬ court’s action, and a scenario peals for the District of of how it may play out, which Columbia for a full rehearing. is much more favorable to the A three-paragraph ruling by gay and lesbian community. that court has suspended Likelihood of appeal without comment, pending re¬ view, a decision favorable to When Chief Judge Abner the gay former Naval Acade¬ Mikva wrote the decision, he my misdshipman, issued in was in full awareness of the November by a panel com¬ likelihood of appeal to the full prised of three of its ten cur¬ court, or even to the Supreme rent sitting judges. Court. As is traditional in this The action surprised ob¬ circuit, he passed it around to servers on two counts: first, his colleagues in draft form. that it came so quickly, only a The final version was almost week after the government certainly modified to address had filed its appeal; and concerns raised during that second, that the court expand¬ process. ed the appeal to include re¬ Traditionally, possibly be¬ hearing of the full merits of cause the draft decisions are the case, instead of the more circulated, it is unusual for Hernandez Sworn in As Health Dept. limited technical grounds un¬ panel decisions to be reversed der which the Clinton admin¬ in en banc proceedings in this istration filed its appeal. court. Moreover, since the ac¬ The court, in essence, re¬ tive court comprises only ten Honcho; Jordan's Candidate Rejected buffed the administration’s at¬ members (there are two va¬ tempt to limit the scope of cancies), the panel would the appeal — unusual in that have to pick up only two of But the Mayor Strikes Back With Allegations of Impropriety the court generally seeks to the seven remaining judges to base its rulings on more lim¬ sustain their position. by Dennis Conkin by the Health Commission Renne informed Jordan in ited and technical grounds, Mark Wolinsky, Steffan’s was challenged by supporters a January 11 letter that the ap¬ rather than on constitutional lead attorney, had earlier Sandra Hernandez, M.D. of Stroud, who charged Su¬ pointment of Hernandez was ones. characterized the written raised her right hand and re¬ pervisors Susan Leal, Carole valid whether or not a viola¬ The case has taken on opinion as “a lot of mother¬ ceived the oath of office as Migden, and Angela Alioto, tion of the charter might have many of the elements of a hood and apple pie. Judge Director of the Department of plus former lesbian aide to occurred. crap game, where everything Mikva wrote a very sweeping Public Health from Mayor Mayor Jordan, Jean Harris, Jordan’s remedy, if he be¬ is riding on one roll of the opinion with lots of very Frank Jordan on Wednesday, improperly blocked Stroud’s lieves a violation of the char¬ dice. The “en banc” decision basic, fundamental principles January 12, as a capacity appointment and lobbied the ter occurred, would be to pre¬ by the full court may well re¬ that is going to be hard for crowd of hundreds of sup¬ Health Commission to ap¬ fer charges before the Board solve the issue of gays in the anybody to take issue with.” porters jammed the Board of point Hernandez. of Supervisors who would de¬ military — permanently if it is If the “Senate official” Supervisors chambers to cide if such misconduct oc¬ pro-gay, or for a number of quoted above is correct, per¬ watch. curred. years if it is not. haps the court was eager to Hernandez was appointed President of the Board of Right wing opponents of rehear the case, not to over¬ by a 6-1 Health Commission Supervisors Angela Alioto gay rights united in anticipa¬ turn it, but to expand it. This vote on January 6, just one told the Bay Area Reporter tion, as advocates united in scenario envisions the court day after Jordan publicly stat¬ that no member of the Board trepidation, in coming to a accepting the constitutional ed that he supported interim of Supervisors did anything common interpretation of the principles of the Mikva panel director Florence Stroud over wrong. court’s action at first. That in¬ decision — and expanding its Hernandez for the post. “I’m offended by the alle¬ terpretation was summed up reach beyond the old regula¬ Under the city’s charter, gations. As board president I by an unnamed “senior Sen¬ tions of the Steffan case, commissions appoint the ex¬ know without a doubt that ate official” who told the which are no longer in effect, ecutive directors of city de¬ Supervisors Susan Leal and New York Times, “Consider¬ to include the “new” policy of partments. Carole Migden did not do ing the composition of the “don’t ask, don’t tell,” which The Health Commission anything improper or unethi¬ court, they would not have had not yet been promulgated decision was a serious embar¬ cal or wrong. This is an at¬ voted to take the case merely when the decision was writ¬ rassment for the beleaguered tempt on the Mayor’s part to to affirm it.” ten. Jordan, who, political ob¬ shift the blame,” Alioto said. Most interpretations are The reasoning might be servers say, was betrayed by Both Migden and Leal de¬ that the more conservative that the courts view the half¬ his top staffs own incompe¬ nied the charges by McGriff members of the court rose up hearted appeal by the Clinton tence. and Brown. to take and expand the ap¬ administration as a policy of Jordan’s aides, observers “I’ve never spoken to peal, so that they may strike stall and delay based upon point out, should have known members of the Health Com¬ down the underlying constitu¬ politics. It leaves the crux of that Stroud did not have mission about this matter,” tional basis of the decision by the issue, the constitutionality enough votes on the Health Supervisor Carole Migden the three-member panel of (Continued on page 25) Commission to secure her ap¬ Lesbian Latina Dr. Sandra told the B.A.R. “But, I can pointment — despite their own Hernandez, the new Health understand why members of desire to see her take the Department head. the African-American commu¬ Inside post. (Photo: Judi Parks) nity are angry about the way Instead, City Hall insiders the Mayor’s office handled say, the latest political disas¬ this. They’ve been embar¬ Calendar .... .44 Obituaries. . .22 ter for Jordan shows the polit¬ Health Commission direc¬ rassed and humiliated by ical inexperience and the ar¬ tor Arthur Jackson, who sup¬ Mayor Jordan.” Classifieds ... .28 Open Forum. ...6 rogance of Jordan’s staff —par¬ ported Stroud, issued a state¬ Leal told the Bay Area Re¬ ticularly since they were ment on January 10, saying porter that she “was dis¬ Dykeotomy.. . .10 Out There. ..34 wnearr nsuedp ptohratt ftohre S mtroovued tboy g aanr¬¬ ethtiaets thine reth we earep pnooi nitmmpernotp roif amna yinevde”s tthigaat tJioonrd, awn irtheqouuet satnedy GLAAD . .25 People/Personals.. . .47 nouncing the appointment in Hernandez to the post. specific basis or charges, into Health & Community 21 Queer Watch . ... ..27 advance, without assurance of Jordan, however, post¬ whether she tried to influence the votes, would backfire on poned Hernandez’s swearing the Commission. “At no time Letters . .7 Sports & Fitness .. . .41 the Mayor and seriously dam¬ in until City Attorney Louise have I discussed the selection age his eroding credibility. Renne had reviewed the mat¬ of the new director of the De- Mr. Marcus .. .43 Wayne Friday .... . . .9 Hernandez’ appointment ter. (Continued on page 21} First of Two Sections Community News Bankruptcy Midler Concert Raises $250,000 for AIDS Foundation If you have more debts than by Dennis Conkin you can handle, we can help. Bette Midler’s spectacular three-hour New Year’s Eve performance at the Bill Gra¬ Law Offices of ham Civic Auditorium raised AUGUST $250,000 for the San Francis¬ co AIDS Foundation, accord¬ BULLOCK ing to spokesman Dave Ford. The proceeds from the one 415558-9222 event translates into an infu¬ ( ) sion of over three percent of the agency’s entire annual budget into its treasury — Free Consultation enough to run the organiza¬ Convenient Civic Center Location tion for nearly 13 days. “We couldn’t be more de¬ lighted to accept this dona¬ tion,” said SFAF Executive SMOOTH OUT! Director Pat Christen. “This gesture is as much a testa¬ QUALITY, ment to Bette Midler’s Bette Midler's donation to the SF AIDS Foundation was the AFFORDABLE tremendous generosity as it is largest the organization has ever received from an individual PERMANENT to her fabulous and inimitable artist in live concert in San Francisco. talent. We’d also like to salute HAIR REMOVAL those who bought donor tick¬ to benefit the AIDS Founda¬ The donation was the JOHN FRIZZELL ets and joined us for the fab¬ tion. largest the AIDS Foundation REGISTERED ELECTROLOGIST ulous show. Their support “They had people up to had received from an individ¬ was invaluable,” Christen told and including the night of the ual artist in live concert in (415} 626*2729 ‘ the Bay Area Reporter. show exchanging $200 tickets San Francisco, said Greg Donor tickets for the bene¬ for $500 tickets, so the money Perloff, president of Bill Gra¬ FREE CONSULTATION fit were $500 each, although could go to the AIDS Founda¬ ham Presents, which pro¬ some news accounts incor¬ tion,” Ford told the B.A.R. duced the show. DENT 1ST rectly claimed that the entire The event was “one of the concert was a benefit. best nights of my life,” Midler The AIDS Foundation pro¬ Ford said concert goers said. vides counseling and advoca¬ were “rightly concerned” that “Playing to a marvelous cy services to an estimated JSu AAt tW Ploaryk AO r ciinnleigta iraallyb a oidunvtd eitrchtaietse in etgvh eaantn to dnd rliyedp ponrroot¬¬t Baau ehdlolieep neecfnuedl, tahhnead vs huinopgwl if wtPinaitgtht i s souLncagh-, pp2,ru5eb0vl0ei cnc tliiAoenInD tsS ina feyoderumarc,aa ttpiioroonnd uaacnnedds kT ■"Jm- 'Tr -•■ > rJv GHeetsa lRtheys Sumltsil.e.. c$cel5ue0dd0e std i cfrkaoe mtcs h—athm ewp hasigacnlhee aolrsfeo c ethipn¬e¬ awsanaidsd .a r adisreinagm aclol mteh attr uem,”o nsheye samtraoetduein ad a cAnamIdD pSan ipaguntisbo,l niclao lpb oblliieecsvy e oilsns¬ Insurance and MC/Visa tion — were going to support LaBelle wowed the crowd sues, and operates a multi-lin¬ Accepted the AIDS Foundation. with her rendition of “Over gual AIDS hotline. Seventy But, he said, when the The Rainbow,” a kind of na¬ percent of the agency’s annu¬ M r news was reported, many tional anthem for at least one al $7.2 million budget is 9 8 6 - 4 5 3 4 people upgraded their tickets generation of gay men. raised from private sources. T 4 9 0 POST AT UNION SQUARE Richard A. Barrera, D.D.S. SUITE 520 Asians Blast New SAN FRANCISCO MARK DENZIN, LICENSED ACUPUNCTURIST S.F. AIDS Grants PHYSICIAN OF CHINESE MEDICINE ■ SERVING THE CASTRO SINCE 1983 by Rene M. Astudillo monies for HIV prevention ■ WORK COMP/PERSONAL INJURY/ becomes a dilemma. Howev¬ HEALTH INSURANCE WELCOME The Asian/Pacific Islander er, APAC believes that other community is not happy solutions must be found in or¬ General medicine, with emphasis on about the results of the latest der to supplement programs health maintenance through diet/acute round of grants for HIV pre¬ and not “close or cripple them & chronic pain/HIV/detox therapy. vention programs by the San so badly that culturally and Francisco Department of linguistically competent ser¬ 415 252-9040 - Public Health AIDS Office. vices will not reach the API APAC Public Policy Director Of the $2.8 million distributed communities.” Rafael Chang to fund various projects in the Among those directly af¬ city, only a little over $200,000 fected by the cuts in funding ipino AIDS cases, close to 80 has been awarded to support for HIV prevention programs percent are among gay and HIV prevention efforts in the is the Filipino Task Force on bisexual men. various API communities. AIDS. On January 1st, the The only API agencies that The Asian/Pacific AIDS agency totally closed down its received approval for funding Coalition (APAC) hinted at in¬ HIV prevention education ser¬ are the GAPA Community equities in the grants consid¬ vices to the general Filipino HIV Project (GCHP) and ering that APIs make up community. And because it Asian AIDS Project (AAP) more than 30 percent of the receives no funding from the re¬ which submitted a joint pro¬ city’s population, and that the cent round of awards from the posal for $565,086. The re¬ rate of increase in the number the AIDS Office, FTFA’s pre¬ view team recommended a of AIDS cases among Asians vention education targeted at $300,000 grant, but the final and Pacific Islanders has ex¬ Filipino gay and bisexual award announced was for ceeded all other groups for men in San Francisco will be $200,657. the first nine months of 1993. seriously disabled. Another API consortium APAC said that the number Under this round of grants, of four agencies, the Asian of API AIDS cases increased FTFA had applied for American Communities 358 percent, compared to 196 $284,017 to undertake health Against AIDS (AACAA) percent for Whites and 227 education risk reduction failed to meet the deadline Sole Official percent for non-Whites/non- (HERR) to gay/bisexual men for the grant proposals. As a Travel Agent for Team APIs. and women in high risk situ¬ result, it is considerably scal¬ WINSHIP TRAVEL GSaanm eFsr a'9nc4i sNcoe wto Y Goarky, wh“icWh ew ialrl er efsauclti nign aag ecnrciiseiss saitniognles. cFenTtF, Ade sdpiidte ntohte ggerat nat eindgu cdaotiwonn sitesr vHicIeVs tparregveetnetdi oant 2321 Market Street and ethnic specific programs review team’s recommenda¬ the Japanese, Filipino, Chi¬ San Francisco, CA 94114 June 18-25, 1994 closing, and an expected in¬ tion that FTFA be awarded nese and other Southeast crease in HIV infection for at least $50,000. AIDS surveil¬ Asian communities in the (415) 863-2555 Since 1992, over $10,000 APIs in San Francisco,” ac¬ lance reports from the San city. donated to organizations cording to Rafael Chang, Francisco Department of During the 1992-93 fiscal Airline Tickets to all helping persons with HIV APAC’s Public Policy Direc¬ Public Health have consistent¬ year, the total prevention Destinations! tor and member of the May¬ ly shown that Filipinos ac¬ monies allocated for San RSVP Cruises • Olivia Women's Corporate Travel Also! or’s HIV Task Force. count for close to half of the Francisco’s API communities Cruises • Atlantis Events • Gay & APAC recognizes that be¬ AIDS cases among Asians was $1.18 million, which is a Lesbian Sporting Events cause of San Francisco’s huge and Pacific Islanders in San combination of federal, state deficit, the allocation of more Francisco. Of the total Fil- and city grants. T BAY AREA REPORTER JANUARY 13, 1994 PAGE 2 Community News HYPNOSIS can help make new year resolutions come true... Hernandez Orders Sex Club • stop smoking • leam self-healing skills • handle stress • expand creativity • deal with the challenges of HIV Closed due to Health Violations • raise self-esteem • open career pathways Van R. Ault Certified Call now for free brochure. by Dennis Conkin Clinical Hypnotherapist (415) 386-5878 “The Church of the Secret Gospel,” a popular sex club that featured glory holes and beer, has been shut down as a Travel Trends health hazard by the San Francisco Department of Public Health. The sex club, located at 744-746 Clementina Street in the South of Market area, was ordered closed because operation of the establish¬ Gay Games/Stonewall ’94 * ment “contributed to the spread of the AIDS virus” ac¬ Round trip Airfare From: cording to County Health Of¬ ficer Sandra Hernandez, M.D. $315.00 Hernandez’s December 22 order establishes that San Francisco has the highest per Hotels Space From: capita incidence of AIDS any¬ where in the United States, Per Night/ and that the Health Depart¬ *■-> « V-TV-J Quad Occupancy ment has the power under * Limited space, price subject to change based on state and city law to shut down businesses that con¬ dates of departure and availability of space. tribute to the spread of AIDS. Father Frank and one of his favorite organs at the Church of 431 Castro Street, San Francisco, CA 94114, delTl hFei nochrd eorr Rpreovheirbeintsd WDoenn¬¬ the Secret Gospel. (Photo: Rick Gerharter) (415) 558-6922, (415) 558-9338 (Fax) ald Jackson from advertising A complete travel center — by any means — the opera¬ tion of glory holes or recre¬ ational, social, or sexual activ¬ ities at the site. “The Health Department has the authority to have any business abated,” AIDS Office Put yourself back director Mitch Katz said. The sex club — which bills itself as a religious venue— was ordered closed after it re¬ in the picture! peatedly failed to comply with safe sex guidelines de¬ veloped by the Coalition For Healthy Sex. If you are faced with a life- threatening illness that has put you in need of financial assistance... Neuma can help by converting your life insurance policy of $10,000 or more to cash, with rates based on the severity of your illness. Lump sum payments range up to 92% of the policy’s full value. With our personalized attention to your needs and fast turnaround time, we will AIDS Office Director Dr. help you make the most of Mitch Katz your assets now - when you really need them. The Church was cited by the Health Department in late Rid yourself of financial worries and stress... November, along with three and get back in the picture again! other sites, for not being in compliance with lighting and other guidelines established by the CHS, so Katz moved to have the club closed. Katz said that lighting con¬ Neump ditions at the site prevented monitoringof sexual activities on the premises. Another rea¬ son Katz cited was that the A Viatical Settlement Company Church continued to serve al¬ coholic beverages on the premises. CALIFORNIA LICENSED • PROUDLY SERVING THE COMMUNITY Katz told the Bay Area Re¬ porter that if the sex club 1 800 457-7828 moved into compliance with the requirements, it would be - - up to the City Attorney’s of¬ fice to determine whether the 1007 CHURCH STREET, SUITE 314 • EVANSTON, IL 60201-5912 venue could reopen. ▼ Neuma is an independent corporation that purchases all types of life insurance. Neuma meets or exceeds all state, local and federal confidentiality laws. BAY AREA REPORTER JANUARY 13, 1994 PAGE 3 LAW [BANKRUPTCY LJaamw eOsf fMic. eLs aoufd erd, al. e, Jjrr. <| debt relief • Keep All Property* «ah nehts Consolidated*- STUDENT LOANS Stop lawsuits and garnishments. Collection actions will be enjoined and reduced payments can be made over a longer period ot time. Stop service and late charges from accruing. Thomas R. Burns Esq. |(41 5) 554-0588 64 Gough Street San Francisco | serving San Franc.sco^and ™ege"%C0°aS{ ** 2° Y_ COSMETIC AND PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY A.I.D.S. (The Organization) Michael W. Blevins, D.D.S. & Associates Taken off Probation by City 450 Sutter Street SaSnu Fitrea n1c23is3c o by Dennis Conkin eral public.” “It’s a message of account¬ YOU HAVE THSedEaAt io Rmn(,4e mIM1GbC5e/r)VH o if9s aTG8/AG6 mBT-A 6EO, x2Bp 2A, IP3nHs uRr ance pDcCmiaotieyrruOnet’mnsdcn cta He iTtSlniI uoetVe rnatsv ch dSibcaaceyetyer p,svAt th,Jie IcaeadDen HsluSo aae PcI raalnylarldt e nh3aicn,gg o Deietmnhnen¬¬¬get aTAhcdneoieIsidmDnevT aedSehsssle ee eu$ra ,s bl3nsoas8m dgita1n aea,n0sn nndy0ccyr 0myehe aaspo cviatfydoue bee mwruaernsrehma tetnotsi oot mcl t pysiw orHe oanriIbrvtraeVh¬ee¬l pamAathnbr.eoaIidH.l nvD iqtoiAayu.dlSg.aIle .oDelW diwmbSt yhtea,oe” fayo not fpcK rt wshe eae oaetprhrzp varce lioceasrcta rbeeewtilsedr e iain.tztm hbuheao rdsteHu t athI aarViesets FRroFmranEci EsYcYanCX oProuIPpeLrrNt EieRs •CA e6G7a5T lP oDI rEti oTrMleasc DLRHBttP raeuiLPvFsasaeitiEin agd• nexre OeeeS::rrn s a:(nsc(P yBY44 :e(F 141:r(r 551a4WE(noA))514c )5i616 sfOS)56c26 eo)4406B, T--796sC92-34a1I67sa1 U- 97409-i45t1744 1o e5 820E74 0ns 4x R t a. 2l1 1 afclvctqtblunndmmitbcpaumouhobnooileatuoeybwetcauneire iginyvnieia vl oeln“t dTnadotr a tienirtihIeseptiipantyfi inoddrhtgt yns,f nnard’l n, pg n eiueot es utggf wbdwrla bdot s l . tmbtiyH pha l aa,pen eoifnte-”yswi trrg eh cI leted go riw oeVlifd eaevtirnte mm u oscavhthpinoau ,osoe ahsrgrr htietrecreatseon con idb eeaoigr y de kccedrrcleneu AenAvHag y .tioesies cxyc ionniniau I sRnt Iryedte tcrDlaaig eD efiu“tta’ szecnaaudnkhqhie ns.TlSr,aosunSsmo ldde eautahiete ftn huwh nnsil t eioa pro aoai e ve agetmv sfno nfnnh mwnDdcoefentr piosceiaiaedaeca l ftdceoer oeednis -f sel fe ergp h nt fi ageuHmsx,er p aioosohgd e ne veabreorrinliiaceuduoaocdtenttosritllo¬¬¬¬¬o¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬sserrf pbwyocgbpottutmrttbtAlihhryhvyeeoherefoeveeoofe eaarc meIredmAerrTeitibKDr t runr“tec t hl hinaos, anaAhelpa mfe aSse,epe rgtbatidr reg.sutch idc i ep gezbeu a AoetgpD ge,atqnu eriane”mnnphtntp ngroIjauncgrhoc dool Daioew.ogslpyecieaa eltl iutbnarrdyr y ynsnrcSa M usweecip tAi t,ey.c-tpd smda toym cs bhoydiho .e eft a..ltItAf oe a rec feeecB n.hbrnfoD i naosesh sioteIyBsdsaomce rscerDtn y. n to ,ssSeeaf eaodeK t’ma i ,S rgsnr.iyvp cnK d i vtapat eceen hmahaserAmOcetera eo liuz ae tolttnntafdri.o bnsd cyzchon fbeAnsa syfo Afotci ,etiatabcau umsna sern If teIghlatrneltkRDiroteDIrii aieiaoeahndnn’eaden udsevmdSmnSie¬¬¬snsgrtg.¬ate cenattrMnvascbtaat“lidyhnioiegataffehlniuemeo rltwpasffsreecacr r-aunTeT1“pot.eeinldsvGnaalV cc9oacT, o rehaach.oymd”a8tr titu rsndyc he e lensyu 9leeuei do c-dwass . rrb oron hapbowstie aievyhA’unntniateyfegl,eaisdan do tg e” gc r.e e g,rI n M iupr sefo n.m.rtoaeauh Daoptse rifeaco odnnii i tnenadayno.ctdnre Sitcrhdn-rh hgdo.atpdeagapyt. ieeaoaaw n ial s r dg ceenbcm dcnlotiaa etllu lrniepoo f yhs izmunaaelig vFwem en eataggon anot rreeft rhrheemwkeniiotgl nlahonsnoeoueyp uront uoenc camod ,nr nf w yonfyaT suH t aad ha b tte ilehetprnohhteatrnhnaoaeeiriyehslddenn¬e¬s¬-ee¬sr-f,' f ^SCMflMONK OLDS, PONTIAC, GMC More Crime in the Castro: High Gear 'Boldly' Robbed We ols%selI NISSAN, ISUZU, MITSUBISHI, & DODG6 Great Selection Of New Cars, by Dennis Conkin Trucks, find Utility Vehicles Also Many Used Vehicles To Choose From!!! High Gear, a popular sports and casual clothing store at 600 Castro Street, lost Pleose Coll Lee UUorbinton more than $10,000 in property 415 997«4634 when thieves broke into the * store through a window dur¬ ing a January 7 early morning 600 Serramonte Boulevard, Colma break-in. “The police called me at (10 min. from toum off 280 fuuy) home,” manager Peter Cama¬ cho told the Bay Area Re¬ porter. “I got to the store at about 5:30 a.m. The alarm company had installed defec¬ foil Credit Problem# tive equipment so it didn’t go off.” Camacho told the B.A.R. broke the window with a tire ment in the store, but Cama¬ Get Your Next Car that neighborhood residents rim and stole all of our high- cho said that when they asked apparently saw the getaway ticket jackets. It’s over for the old defective equip¬ vehicle and called the police. $10,000.” ment, the store declined to From Us. “Two guys in a van pulled The alarm company came provide it because of proba¬ right up onto the sidewalk. out the same day and in¬ ble future legal action against They did it very boldly. They stalled new anti-theft equip¬ the alarm company. ▼ BAY AREA REPORTER JANUARY 13, 1994 PAGE 4 Community News SEX, RELIGION and POLITICS Seminars on issues about sex, religion, and politics by, for and about Gays, Gay Studies Gear Up Lesbians, Bisexuals and their community, sponsored by the First Congregational Church of San Francisco. January 11th and The Bible and Homosexuality, and the real Christian At City College Again 25th (Tuesdays): message: dispelling myths, learning truths, arming ourselves against Bible-bashing, and playing the game of those who would harm us. By Nicole Clausing vices offered to gay and les¬ or bisexual, but Gallinson J(Tanhuurasrdya y2)0: th aRbeosupto nledsibniga nto, gthaye, Raneldi gbioisuesx uRaigl hpte: rlseoanrns tbheei nmg yths bian students. notes that 12 percent of those disseminated by the Religious Right and the tactics This week, the 85,000 part In addition, explains who matriculated expressed used in doing so. Be able to debunk these myths and full-time students at City Gallinson, the City College interest at the time of applica¬ when they are encountered in the church, workplace, Cbattahgrogeaelemilan ek .go wBef aeialnrtlwe dtrbe ueeershnn oi tut7a r0fkcr0toieh nam egnu dnwa bp9doa0ivnro0aat nkleo¬¬srf SCatthhrtaeeaes tpDt trhaomeak pnionaicrergaet m mGcsopeatuunlriarstns.i segAosahn lctso ,co fosDf retdumirreidenedecga nt bnottoyssr vbGtiiioacanlIenln si in nsos tolufaefndead,er rdnentidtihtsn i.eotg on aC,gb iaotyyue ta xCtnhpodell a lselieengsr¬¬es CPA7BF:oilhr3lras u0ssdtt r e fpc&Com.h mrMo di.nn aCgasrrohsena g apSate ttlir oeneatsl tCChAiooonhnm nuO:vr ecbpe, hneeo ngiroe afon& nttC hAopherafrrdfir iskasrtmeii,nn taitgini n nmgagg t ac sgtio.hna nyleigs nSr eieun gPt ta1ret9ori7o-teS2ns.t otoacfn kttht odene U nGonmaitreiandga e¬. leled in American Academia: of Public Information at City demographics are much like San Francisco More information: 392-7461. the City College Gay and Les¬ College, the Castro District those of the city of San Fran¬ bian Studies Department. campus has been traditionally cisco. The Asian population is Many colleges and univer¬ known — unsurprisingly — as as large as the white popula¬ speak sities in the United States the “gay campus.” Recently, tion, for example; each group have courses dealing with gay however, Collins, who teaches makes up 32 percent of the iapanese, and lesbian themes, but San gay writing courses, says he student body. “We have a ma¬ Fisr aunnciqisuceo ’asm oownng tChiotyse Cinosltlietug¬e hheatse sroeesenx guraolw sitnugd ennutms bine rsg aoyf jtoraridtiyt ioonf asltluyd ebne tsc ownhsoid ewreodu lda french or ttoio hnasv ien etshtaatb ilti sihs etdh ea no nolfyf iocinael Canodll inless beisatnim caltaesss etsh: abt ya bnoouwt minFoarcituyl,t”y shreep osaryt s. that they Spanish Gay and Lesbian Studies de¬ half of his students are are pleasantly surprised at partment. straight. how quickly the department by spring According to Department is growing, and how well it is Chair Jack Collins, the pro¬ The courses offered in Gay respected, both within City gram started by offering a and Lesbian Studies at City College and without. “We lor $299' small number of gay-themed, College are interdepartmen¬ never knew it would get this non-credit courses in 1972, tal, and are taught by what far,” says Chairperson Collins. and now offers about eight Collins describes as an “ever- “There are still pockets [of FAST, EFFECTIVE, AFFORDABLE courses per semester, attract¬ changing group of 20 or 30 disrespect], but we are pretty Now you can get the same high quality instruction as Berlitz offers in its Individual programs ing close to 1,000 students ev¬ faculty members” from City well accepted and respected.” for about Si 0 a lesson. (Five and ten-week courses are available.) ery term. College’s total resources of He says that he sends out 1 One great price -- iinncclluuddeess ttuuiittiioonn • Learn practical speaking skills. “We had a high watermark about 1,700 faculty members. about 100 course outlines per for 30 (45-minute) lessons, book • Native-fluent instructors. of 900 in classes, including Courses are drawn from semester to faculty of other and fees. • Friendly, relaxed groups of 6-8 P.E.,” he says. And during many fields, primarily En¬ colleges and universities, hop¬ • Groups meet once or twice students. most terms, says Collins, “700 glish, Film, and History. ing to set up similar depart¬ a week, evenings or Saturdays. • Convenient payment - all major wouldn’t be exaggerating.” Collins explains that while ments. • Easy, conversational approach. credit cards accepted. The Gay and Lesbian Studies the programs at other schools For Katz, getting his Regular and Intensive English (ESL) Group courses also available. Program attained department tend to center around the an¬ tenure represented an ex¬ * Price based on minimum class size of 6 persons. For groups of 4-5, price is $370. £ status on February 4, 1989. thropological and sociological tremely important gesture of In the early days of City aspects of homosexuality, support. “Getting tenure College Gay and Lesbian “we’re very proud to focus on means that the administration Studies, most of the classes arts.” Attesting to this dedica¬ is behind us,” he told the were taught at the Castro/Va¬ tion is the fact that three of B.A.R. “There’s a very strong PALO ALTO WALNUT CREEK SAN FRANCISCO CAMPBELL lencia campus, still the this term’s eight courses are feeling here that we’re serv¬ (415) 323-0076 (510)935-1386 (415) 986-6464 (408) 377-9513 location of many of the night art history courses. All three ing an historic purpose.” T courses taught at city college. are taught by Professor But, Collins told the Bay Jonathan Katz, who is the Area Reporter, these days nation’s only tenured Gay and the curriculum is being Lesbian Studies professor. spread out among the col¬ Included in the curriculum ^RSVP SeaSpirit lege’s eight campuses, making are P. E. classes taught by out them more easily accessible instructors. In addition to to full-time students. course work, the department The move away from the also offers extensive coun¬ public community college selling services, dealing exten¬ might seem like an unlikely sively with helping gay and The Largest Gay Resort In The Caribbean location for such a ground¬ lesbian students adjust to col¬ breaking program. But ac¬ lege life. cording to college officials, it City College, a two-year really isn’t. This is San Fran¬ public community college, cisco, after all. There is no of¬ might seem like an unlikely ficial tally of how many stu¬ location for such a ground¬ $149500* $159500* dents identify as gay, lesbian, breaking program. But ac¬ or bisexual, but Gallinson cording to college officials, it wnohtoe s mthaattr i1c2u lpaetrecde netx opfr ethssoesde creisacloly, aifstne’rt. aTllh. iTs hies rSea ins nFora nof¬¬ Indudes Airfare Indudes Airfare interest at the time of applica¬ ficial tally of how many stu¬ tion in learning about the ser¬ dents identify as gay, lesbian, from San Frandsooto: from San Frandsooto: St Thomas St Maarten Gay & Lesbian Film Class Sals every Sunday Sals every Saturday 220-313 1/22-26 Sign up now for lesbian Lost Language of Cranes and or and gay film class and find much more. out where we’ve been and St Croix where we’re going on the sil¬ Special guests this ver screen. Highlights this semester will include Safe 2P3 semester include the rare Lawrence Chua (Village German “homo horror” film, Voice, The Nation) on sexual¬ The Third Sex, a 1957 Reefer ity in Asian films; and Nancy Package includes round-trip airfare, accommodations, meals, and Madness meets The Donna Fishman of Frameline, on les- entertainment. This is a special AIR/SEA package with limited availability. Reed Show story about a bian/gay film distribution. young boy who is “cured” of Instructor: Daniel Mangin, •Price is per person based on double occupancy. homosexuality when his mom B.A.R. film critic and presen¬ Taxes and gratuities not included. convinces the family’s young ter of Psycho Killers and hthaeu shfarayu, aton dg ivLee sh iAmb ya srsoelsl, ina TUwp:i stBedar hSoisptpeirns ga nQd uBeoetrtso mosf For details and free brochures, call one of the listed travel agents. 1968 version of the real-life, the Silver Screen. slepsibrieadn -tiJnegaend tGraegnedety’ sth aTt hine¬ Evening Section: Wednes¬ 800-626-0L4aOk6Ae6 K ShLoAr5Ne1 DT0 v-l8 36-4466 Maids. days, 6:30-9:30 p.m., at Everett Middle School, 17th and SBAoNt toFmR ALNinCeI STCvlO FatOtyt haet rC socnreeye nIisnlagnsd ;i nBcelufodree: JCahnu. rc19h. Sts., Rm. 225. Starts 880000--4255N65--o96w8931, 35V oyag44e11r55 T--68rv22l66 --18166090 Stonewall;She Don’t Fade; Day Sections: Wednesdays Travel Trends Maedchen in Uniform-Meet¬ or Thursday, 2-5 p.m. at City 415-558-6922 ing of Two Queens;Suddenly College, Cloud Hall, Rm. 247. Last Summer; Tea and Sym- January 19/20. Three units of pathy; Victor Victoria; The college credit for only $49. ▼ BAY AREA REPORTER JANUARY 13. 1994 PAGE 5 » ,&t va/ujAA-vv A.3J3A YA8 BAY AREA REPORTER OPEN FORUM VOL. XXIV NO. 2 JANUARY 13, 1994 NEXT ISSUE OUT: JANUARY 20, 1994 NEXT DEADLINE: JANUARY 14, 1994 B.A.R. Bob Ross, Publisher Mike Salinas, News Editor Chris Culwell, Arts/Entertainment Editor Michael M. Yamashita, General Manager David McBrayer, Classified Advertising Executive-Editorial Office 395 9th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 861-5019, 861-7230 Editorial Ignorance Is Death Ovett, Mississippi may seem very far away from the streets of San Francisco, and it may seem to some B.A.R. readers that troubles on a lesbian farm three time zones from here are not that important, but it would seem to us that the story (as reported by Marghe Covino on page 16) is very serious indeed. The Henson women who own the Ovett farm have been set upon by heterosexuals in the area who have the same open contempt for lesbians that their parents had for blacks. Those chauvinists have expressed their feelings that they do not want the Hensons there, as is their right, but they have gone farther than that in an attempt to drive the women from their land. Their tactics are illegal, and must be stopped. Not A Homophobe's Dream The moral leadership that is needed to halt that bigotry is sadly missing; the Justice Department and FBI are said to be monitoring the situation, but now that the Hensons have had their puppy killed, their property fired upon, and their lives — But an Incredible Simulation repeatedly threatened, it seems time for less monitoring and more action — and education — from somewhere within the Clinton Administration, preferably the White House. The people of Ovett have already been educated, by Sam Nunn and Les Aspin, who have successfully argued that ser¬ by Wayne Blankenship stereotype of a lonely, rejected older gay man, vice personnel shouldn’t have to live with homosexuals. The San Francisco AIDS Foundation and as a result may have trouble picturing feeling in Ovett seems to be that if that’s alright for soldiers themselves as successful, healthy and happy it should be alright for them, too. It’s possible to make such a A 24-year old gay man says: “I always have safe older adults. case, which is why gay activists have argued all along that seg¬ sex, but I’ve assumed since I turned 20 that Certainly, those among us who harbor these regation in the military is wrong. Every time a little dignity I would be dead by the time I’m 35, one way feelings are not at fault. Nor are they to be de¬ is chipped away anywhere, it affects everyone everywhere. or the other — that something would happen.” rided or shunned. Education is perhaps the most powerful instrument we A 40-year-old gay man, who has recently What do we do, however, with the stress of have to effect change. According to a PBS program called The learned he’s HIV-positive, says: “There are living in the middle of a raging epidemic? Day the Earth Changed, the Renaissance can be directly some times when AIDS seems like an incred¬ What do we do when we lose friends, lovers, traced to one scholar and one set of books he brought to Eu¬ ible relief. I feel that I’m saved. I never have to whole support networks? What do we do rope from Arabia. One person, one library, and oh, what a glo¬ worry about what I’m going to be when I when it seems the larger culture still has little rious transformation from the Middle Ages. Now that we are grow up. I no longer have to deal with really interest in our lives and our well-being? in a neo-middle age that may be known later only for its big¬ frightening issues like, how graciously will I We do this: we reinvest and reinvent our otry and brutality, we need to open the doors for everyone to grow, old? Sometimes I think, well, this solves passion for life. In the privacy of our bed¬ have access to the great books and great ideas that have a lot of things for me, doesn’t it?” rooms, we live out our commitment to taking shaped the best things about this world. While they sound like lines from some con¬ care of ourselves and each other. Which is exactly why the same people who fight us on gay servative’s wet dream about the end of the gay Let’s work to imagine ourselves together in rights are fighting for school vouchers again. Yes, school male community, in fact they’re actual com¬ the future that we want: successful, vibrant, vouchers: remember them, from last November? They’re back ments from men in a recent focus group con¬ healthy, strong, satisfied, supported, loved, and — this time with four versions filed for the next ballot. The peo¬ ducted by the San Francisco AIDS Founda¬ sexy. ple who are supporting the school voucher concept are the tion. A new San Francisco AIDS Foundation ones who are dissatisfied with the things being taught in public In the 1980s, AIDS posed a distinct and di¬ bus shelter and post card safe sex campaign, ti¬ schools today. And considering their agenda, we can under¬ rect threat to gay men. In so doing, it created tled “OUTLIVING Forecasts of Doom,” ad¬ stand why; a siege mentality about practicing safe sex. In dresses these very themes: announcing our¬ “I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the ’90s, by contrast, AIDS-related issues are selves alive again, making future plans, keep¬ your death your right to say it.” blurred by the seeming normalcy of the epi¬ ing ourselves and each other safe, and seeing “All people are created equal.” demic’s presence. that our goals through to fruition. Whether “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” There is a troubling degree of apathy in we’re HIV-positive or HIV-negative, we need “Bullies are cowards.” some gay men toward the prospect of serocon- each other here — and now. “We are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable verting. And there’s a sense of inevitability: It’s the ’90s: continuing our commitment to rights: among them, life, liberty, arid the pursuit of happiness.” some feel they’re going to contract the virus, safe sex — every time — is an expression of our Those are dangerous notions to homophobes, and concepts so why bother protecting themselves? Some passion for life and our determination to see we feel must be honored, and must be taught impressionable young men feel that the risk of seroconverting gay culture survive, thrive and grow. school kids before the forces of bigotry do their damage. is relatively small for them — especially com¬ Stop by and see us on Saturday, January 15 pared to more pressing threats of urban or — the campaign kick-off day — at the corner of And, since ignorance does not equal bliss, it was wonderful family violence. 18th and Castro streets, between 10 a.m. and to see Tales of the City on television, educating — only those And some, like the 40-year-old speaking 5 p.m. Pick up a free set of five new post cards lucky enough to live where it is being shown, unfortunately — above, may have trouble seeing past the for gay men. ▼ about gay life in San Francisco in the ’70s. Precious few of the newer San Franciscans know what that time was really like, SPORTS & FEATURES EDITOR CONTRIBUTING WRITERS A division of and even fewer of the straights elsewhere who might see it. Roxxie Rosen Dianne Aaronson, Rene M. Astudillo, Benro Enterprises, Inc. We’re fairly sure the right wing will rise up in indignation ASSISTANT EDITOR Noreen C. Barnes, Erin Blackwell, Copyright ©1994 against “their tax dollars being spent to subsidize” blah, blah, Patrick Hoctel John Blanco, Kate Bornstein, Published weekly, Bay Area Reporter re¬ bblraahri. aWn eq uhootpeed PinB Sa GstLatAioAnDs wcoilllu rmemn eam febwer wtheee krse taogrot. oWf ah elin¬ CAJLiEmND APR rLoISvTeINnGzS aEnDIoTO R MPJihcimihlia peC lC oCau.m gBhpoebntekolilnu, ,r D,N eMann.nRci.ys CCBooovnuikntioilni,e , r, tpsieosreovmre tsea nsthtte ew orhrigi wchhht ittcohh ee adpdiutv boelrir strhiesejeers cb tiel laleingeyav lea isdt veisem ri¬ns confronted by that kind of reasoning over Heather Has Two PHOTOGRAPHERS Tim Farrell, Michael Flanagan, which might result in legal action against Mommies, she informs the homophobe in question that it is Darlene/PhotoGraphics, Mark Freeman, Roberto Friedman, Bay Area Reporter. Ads will not be rejected shpeer ntta xfo dr otlhlianrgs sg oliikneg Rtou sthh aLt ibmobokau; gthhe b boiogkosts ’s htea xw dooullldanrs’t abree Jane ClelJaunddi, PRaicrkk sG erharter AnthCohnayd L NJo.or aHnlieaes u,Fs reJoor,hh mEnr aiFnc. ,H Kaerirl,m an, Asreodllievgleiyor tnoi,sn ir ntahgc eer ,a btaaegssei sa, rooerf a spveoaxliiultaiabcls lep, rpoehnfi elrroeesqnoucpeehs.y t., cauAgnhto tdheeard b oroeakd tihnagt. might be at home in that prescient wom¬ PAOLnITgICeAlLa CBARoTOcOaNgISeT JKefafrel rBy ruKceen nKendayp, pIe.Ar,. RKoinss eLlamzaarn, , cOounrf ildisetn otifa ls uanbdsc irsi bnoert ss oalndd. Tahdev seerxtiusaelr so rii¬s an’s library is the newly published Brownie Mary’s Cookbook, CARTOONIST Elliott Linwood, Jason Lorber, entation of advertisers, photogaphers, and written by Mary Rathbun, the hero who delivers cannabis John Sieruta Mara Math, Mr. Marcus, writers published herein is neither inferred brownies to PWAs with wasting syndrome. Like Tales, her PRODUCTION CREW Karen OcJeamrryb , MOertlzaknedr ,O utland, nsoolri cimitepdli emd.a Wnues acrreip ntso to rre asrptownosrikb.l e for un¬ book (co-written with Dennis Peron, another local marijuana Linda Kilduff Deborah Peifer, Rachel Pepper, activist) is full of information about San Francisco in the gay TYPESETTER Jim Provenzano, Jeremy Quittner, ’70s. News clips, photos, and other whatnot mingles with David C. Hetherly Mary Richards, John Ross, recipes from Brownie Mary’s kitchen, all of which make enjoy¬ Doug Seto, Marv. Shaw, able reading. And, for anyone with wasting syndrome, perhaps ThomLaEGsA LE .C OHUNoSrEnL, Esq. RiDckic Tk hWomalatenr,s ,P Laualu rTehno Wmaarsdo,n , lifeA sha,v eindgu ciantfioornm. aCtiaonn’t. get enough of it.T AUCDhITaOsR /AWCCeOsUdNTeAllN T PWOLaIyTInCeA LF ErDiIdTaOyR Three cByacyl eAdr epaa Rpeerp ourstienrg i ss opyri-nbtaesde odn i n1k0s0. % BAY AREA REPORTER JANUARY 13, 1994 PAGE 6 Letters Need We've counseled Quality of Life Leal "Forewarned'' by Milker people like you for 20 years I read your article in the Jan. 6 edition about the re¬ The following letter was sent to Supervisor cent harrassment of gay men in Ringold Alley in the Susan Leal, City Hall: help? Specializing in South of Market area with more than a little an¬ gay, lesbian, and noyance. Do the police really have nothing better to Your votes on the advisability of the mayor’s Matrix ft do than to play voyeur(s)? program are being carefully watched by members of bisexual problems Perhaps, in the words of our fearless mayor, it was the Harvey Milk Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Democratic Gay & Lesbian Wf An association of gay an effort to improve the “quality of life” of the Club such as myself. Your votes on this issue could ^ & lesbian psychologists in residents of Ringold Alley. well determine the propriety of an endorsement for Therapy Associatesiirn dependent private practice anWd tehlle, Iq, utoaoli, tlyiv oef S liofeu tihn omfy M imarmkeetd nieataer n9ethig 8hbb Hoorhwoaordd yoTuhr ec aHmaprvaeigyn M fiolrk eClelucbti ohna sn leoxntg y peraird. ed itself in its (formerly Gay Men's Therapy Center) l|r 561-1404 sucks — because of an influx of drug dealers that the commitment, not just to the rights of gays and les¬ Long-Term, Committed Group Therapy police rarely seem to find time to interfere with. One bians, but to the rights of all people. Those rights in¬ of these thugs knocked me down New Year’s Day and clude the right to affordable housing and health care. Offered via Gay & Lesbian Therapy Associates: relieved me of my wallet. Though my neighbors As explained in our statement of purpose, “we shall 2 New Groups helped me recover my identification, the loss of cash expect politicians to take progressive stands on (and my injuries) have greatly lessened the quality of economic issues, on the rights of women, workers and relationships good relationship my life so far in 1994! minorities, on protection of the environment, and on And one more point — it has come to my attention international affairs.” after losing so many? is worth the effort: that the busybodies in the SF Health Department Candidates for endorsement cannot expect the Milk Life Goes On Couples Group have closed a couple of the sex clubs in our Club’s support simply because they are lesbian or gay. neighborhood of late, including one I used to While we strongly and actively support the campaigns support 'fp£;ij|e^ helping partnerships to last* patronize. Perhaps if there were more places for “the of progressive lesbian and gay candidates, our en¬ boys” to play indoors, it wouldn’t be necessary for our dorsements are based on an overall assessment of the Rodney G. Karr, Ph.D. police to spend so much time shooing consenting record of candidates on issues of importance to pro¬ 931-1934 adults out of alleys. gressive communities. Your record may very well fall Licensed psychologist with 20 years experience Wayne C. Elgsten short by the time endorsements are made next year. Consider yourself forewarned. San Francisco I hope that your vote on amnesty for those issued EXPERIENCE & REALLY CARING are what set US apart! Krieger: The Only Opinion? citations under the Matrix program is not represen¬ tative of your overall view of the program’s value. You The following letter was sent to Lisa still have the opportunity to show that you support a Krieger, Medical Writer, San Francisco more humane and sensible approach to this problem. Examiner: The Matrix program is either unconstitutional, or a misguided expenditure of scarce municipal resources. I read your “Letter to the Editor” sent to the B.A.R. Please support a policy that will focus on providing How sad that you didn’t appreciate the negative housing, not jail cells, for the homeless. response to your World AIDS Day piece in the Ex¬ Zach Nethercot aminer. There is a simple way for preventing such a San Francisco response in the future: write a decent story using your journalistic talents to their best. Unfortunately, you are quite mistaken (not to men¬ Kick JROTC Out ptiuobnl aicr rcorgitaincits) min jyuosut rb becealiuesfe t h“aitt iyso gue attrien egx heamrdpet rf raonmd The debate over what kind of anti-gay policy the Responsive & Confidential harder to keep AIDS in the public eye.” On the con¬ military should have may for now be over, but the fight utrnardye,r assta an rde pthoert dera mcoavgeeri dngo nthee b Ay ItDhoSs be esamt, aylol-um sihnodueldd athgea iSnFst s tchheo ohlo dmisotprihcot bsiucp apromseeddl yf ocracnenso its anfofot.r dW ehvielne Legal Services For The people who think AIDS education should not be one full-time staff person for Project 10, it is giving Important Matters in Your Life i taught to children. Yet, your piece featured that idea $800,000 this year to the Pentagon for its Junior • Wills & Probate • Criminal Law as if it were the only position. Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC). Our two GLAAD/SFBA’s response to your piece on World queer school board members, Angie Fa and Tom Am- • Family Law • Personal Injury j ApaIrDeSnt D maiys cwoansc weprittitoenn t shpaetc aif riecaplolyrt teor ccoarnr edcits cyuosusr tahpe¬ JmRiOanToC, hfraovme ltehde tphueb fliigc hstc hoono tlhs.e T bhoeayr dp otoin et loimuti nthataet Barry Schneider, Attorney At Law negatives of an event without interviewing the the school board is not supposed to do business with 400 Montgomery St., Suite 505, San Francisco, CA positive organizers. If you had made it clear that you organizations that discriminate on the basis of sexual (415) 781-6500 were attempting to remind the public of the need for orientation. A broad-based community coalition has AIDS education in the schools, our response would formed to bring this military invasion of our schools have been different. Instead, you allowed yourself to to public attention. be used by those people who fear AIDS education and Students in eight city schools can be assigned to who fear the queer community. JROTC instead of physical education without their consent (in effect, they can be drafted). These students Bonnie Haley, Director are taught drill, military “science” and weapons train¬ GLAAD Youth Visibility Project ing by retired military personnel. They are assigned __San Francisco “ranks” and must wear military uniforms to school once a week. Though JROTC says they will not Krieger Responds discriminate against openly lesbian, gay and bisexual This time you picked the wrong enemy, guys. veterans in hiring, their public affairs officer previous¬ Yes, in retrospect, my AIDSweek column several ly stated that they would. weeks ago should have included the opinions of HIV JROTC is designed to recruit low-income youth in¬ prevention folks. Mea culpa. Instead, I featured the to the enlisted ranks of the military. About 50 percent complaints of parents about the content of AIDS of JROTC graduates go directly into the military after education efforts in the schools. You may feel their opi¬ high school while less than 10 percent go on to college nions are uninformed, bigoted, whatever. But believe Officer Training programs. This means our schools it or not — their perspective is a legitimate news story. are being used to channel students and primarily I made a mistake in assuming that the readers of the youth of color into a military that is a very dangerous column recognize the need for AIDS education in place for people of color, women, lesbians and gay schools and don’t need reminding. Next time, I’ll men. The social studies textbooks used in JROTC are allow plenty of room to make that point clear. overtly racist. For example, one states “fortunately for com My complaint is this: Of all the protesting letters and the Army, the government policy of pushing the In¬ phone calls that descended on the newsroom in the dians farther west, then wiping them out, was carried Muscles... following days and weeks (after the GLAAD piece), out successfully.” not once did anyone commend my front page piece The military claims that JROTC provides a positive More Men! — on the same day, no less! — revealing how San Fran¬ alternative to gangs, drugs and violence. In fact, it en¬ cisco’s high and mighty socialites fail to contribute to courages students to join the largest gang in the world. siveFlyo rp orevseern 2ti5n yge tahres hCoOttLesTt ,h maso sbte mena secxuclliun¬e the effort against AIDS. Members of a Long Beach, California JROTC unit men imaginable in magazines, videos, photo- Not once did anyone mention my reporting the formed a gang called the Ace of Spades (based on a setsN, opwo swteer Vs ea gnodt caa sleennsdaatriso.n al offer for new subsequent week from the First National Conference Special Forces unit in Viet Nam who killed for fun), mail order customers only! For just $20.00 on Retroviruses in Washington, D.C. went on crime sprees, including vandalizing a gay bar ySoTuA'llR rTe-cUeiPv eP AouCrK N -EW lo CadUeSdT wOitMh EaR bSee fy Not once did anyone commend the Examiner for and then killed one of their own members whom they sampling of the absolute best of COLT. its long tradition of commitment to AIDS, through suspected of being an informer. • HTHERE EC’OS LWTH FAOTL YIOO (UA G $E10T.:0 0 VALUE) AIDSweek, daily and Sunday coverage. The military and supporters of JROTC in the school jam-packed with over 75 colorful brochures, photo and slide samples, and coupons oft Do your readers analyze newspaper coverage and district say that JROTC contributes needed resources future purchases: plus our famous COLT form their own opinions — or only respond in knee- to the schools. The truth is that even with the recent mailers will come your way for one year! Rest assured, our confidential mailing list is never jerk fashion to the GLAAD column? half million dollar grant for Balboa High School’s rented or sold. As a reporter, it is getting harder and harder to keep “career” academy, the school district contributes o•f t hCeO hLuTn kMieAsGt nAuZdIeN Est u(Ad s$ 1y0o.u0l0 eVvAerL sUeEe); lull AIDS in the public eye. Every day, there is increas¬ $60,000 more to the program than the Pentagon does. • 15 MINUTE COLT VIDEO SAMPLER ing competition for a decreasing “news hole.” AIDS The lesbian/gay community should take the lead in TthAe PwEi l(dAe s$t 1s9c.e9n5e Vs AhLoUrnE t)h fee aCtuOrLinTg VsoImDEeO oSf , stories compete against kidnappings, fires, politics — demanding that the government give the $800,000 and a $5.00 off coupon good towards your you name it. designated for JROTC directly to the schools for need¬ first video purchase. What our straight, white editors need is encourage¬ ed programs like gay-positive sex education, peer Start-Up Pack *20 ment, not a barrage of criticism over one instance of counseling and after-school activities. wrong-doing. Believe me, there are people who would Write or call school board members Carlotta del COLT FOLIO ONLY $10.00 be glad to see AIDS disappear from our news pages Portillo, Jill Wynns, Steve Philips and Leland Yee, altogether. Board of Educaton, 135 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, The inflammatory language of the GLAAD report CA. 94102; (415) 241-6000 and tell them to vote to kick tSv7S77T and the allegations by readers that AIDSweek is JROTC out of the schools. And to get involved in “disgusting” and “homophobic” — based on a single ending the military invasion of our schools, call Les¬ incident — works against the efforts of those of us who bians and Gays Against Intervention (LAGAI) at (415) have worked over the years to keep the disease high 641-8769. profile. Daniel Ward and Kate Raphael C«l| Lisa M. Krieger, Medical Writer Lesbians and Gays Against Intervention San Francisco Examiner San Francisco COLT STUDIO RO.Box 1608BA, Studio City. CA 91614 BAY AREA REPORTER JANUARY 13, 1994 PAGE 7 £ Letters Litigation Write On! Alabama Dust Business Law Real Estate Your last three editorials have been very good. It is The following letter was sent to Ms. Brett obvious that you are trying to get more people Butler, “Grace Under Fire,” ABC Entertain¬ Estate Planning involved in the quest for gay equal rights. Your ment, Century City, CA. 90067: Probate editorial of Dec. 9,1993, was especially useful in that it made good points, gave addresses where readers I’m sure this is not the only letter you will get about could write and encouraged people to think of other the joke on last night’s episode, the upshot of which ways to get involved. was that if the schoolteacher, Ms. Sheffield, knew so We are in a position here in San Francisco to help darn much about raising kids, well, how come her son spark involvement across the country. We need to take was gay? Yuk, Yuk. I didn’t catch the program credits our cue from the right wing. They write, write, write! but since it appears to be “your show,” I think it is fair Goldstein & Gellman Sometimes, in groups, they write letters after church to hold you responsible for its content. Let me count services. If each gay person just wrote one letter a the ways in which, as a gay man — no as a human be¬ Attorneys at laW month, it would be a vast improvement. You are in a ing — I was offended. position where you can influence people to write. 1. The clear implication that there is something 2110 s0t VFlaono rN ess IT ato s Ctloourorykr ew ninittl hyo ,ra dunen arld etdsosr ew as rsri,et heae da/es rhle eht atmeprip gwehnht sni ltoeot fckeonemoliwne gwa cchrooemrs¬es “aau wltooruomdna gtf”ilca traueblseopnuottn nsbeo eiisinne m ga eng:d am yIy f—eeye elws areonll ll o, ivmte yrew vliohpkes lemms aianknge CSaanli fForrannicai sco, Call Paul H. Melbostad pseecllteiodn t oth daot scoo.u Iltd s ebeem uss etod mase a t hreasto iuf yrcoeu, hita wd oau rledg ufulaerl scuhragnen oefl acphparnegceiar.t iGonr ofwor wuph, oBerveetrt .i nItv’es nntoedt jtuhset rtehme ointe¬ 94102 415-621-5600 involvement. justice of your position. Gays and lesbians are used Also, it is important to remember that the militant to that; we encounter it every day and we have hides fundamentalists will begin their anti-gay attack in like elephants. It’s just that this kind of slur is so damn¬ several states in 1994. By regularly printing the ad¬ ed foolish and boorish and banal and, worst of all, Nazarian And Associates dresses of organizations fighting them in each state, boring. you encourage gays and lesbians in the San Francisco 1. The implication that children “turn” gay because Investigations Bay area to network and respond. Keep up the good they were raised incorrectly insults all parents of gays, work! regardless of their attitude toward their offsring’s sex¬ ual orientation. (And if 10 percent of all people are gay, Michael Blair that means 20 percent of all people in the world are San Francisco parents of gays, so we’re talking some big numbers.) Is Your Relationship Really Monogamous? 3. The sheer ignorance behind the blithe assump¬ tion that a person’s sexual orientation stems from en¬ Reflecting Bitter Is The Person You Love/Care For Being vironmental factors is stunning in this so-called Information Age. Or have you been privy to some in¬ Honest & Sincere Too? Used to be there was disco, rock and roll, jazz, coun¬ formation that was withheld from me? I bet I’ve done try and classical. Now, there are 34 kinds of disco. a damn sight more reading on the subject than you. The Truth Could Save Your Life! Techno-this and tribal-that. I need a dictionary! 4. The joke goes beyond being merely “politically Call Us For Help leaUsst esde eton bae hao prseer.s oNno ww etahreiyn gs eclolw fbakoey bleoaotthse hr asdh iat-t tion cocrorienc t;a” wwhoardt is— o ffaesnsshivoel ei-si tshhen ceosws airndvicoelv aendd —in 8S4a2n F Forl9sa4on1mc0i s7Sc ot , *C2A16 J.PJRAIVMATEE SIN VNEASTZIGAARTIOARN ((V4410is58a))- M9254C15---A14m1477X42 tkhiecUU kssseeetrrddsa ittaogot h bbPtee a b ayyo gloyeuussy sch woSauvhitleohd e mas nlSou terroea rf rerrroisinn.m gg s ow nthaesa egnna yId .c oNafno t whc,eo e ubvnaetrn., cgbtooreoaan ttsuseitindrtoo eaunrn sg“dls y aak afiwetltl”oae cdrtdok o iawnnt gtthh aaece nmk s hit(nraoeonmerdtio stIy s o edwfxo Ahunim’actl hset hryaiiocrneuak eor ovabteuvtrtiayoicn ukdesa lliyyys Former Police Officer - Gay Owned & Operated “Who do you have to screw around here to get a god¬ by goons encouraged and egged on by attitudes such damn refill?” and somebody would answer. Now, as the one you evidently espouse.) Why don’t you try you’re gently given a 12-step meeting schedule. a similar gibe at African-Americans or unwed mothers Immediate Cash Used to be a guy with three days of hair on his face next week and see how long ABC keeps you on the was beginning to grow a delicious beard. Now it just air? for the means it’s Sunday. 5. The joke panders to the very lowest common Terminally Ill Used to be I was considered “chicken.” Now, I’m denominator of the American public, the belching starting to sound like a goddamn bitter old queen. buttheads who have made Rush Limbaugh and As a no-fee advisory service, we will assist you in Tony Haze Howard Stern household names. selling your life insurance policy by: San Francisco I had watched your show a couple of times before and considered you a sort of refreshing presence on ▼ Simplifying this complex process Ed. Note: Butcha are, Blanche, ya are. ntheee dT Vto lsahnadksec aqpueit,e b au bt ihte oyf, tIh caatn A sleaeb namowa dthuastt yooffu y sotiulrl ▼ Requiring only one application shoes before you’re ready for the big time. ▼ Requesting only one medical report from your physician Tom Hollis Ali-Out Of It San Francisco ▼ Choosing quality viatical companies ▼▼ NNeegvoetri acthinagrg tihneg bae sste rovfifceer ofnee y toou ry obue half The following letter was sent to Board of Throw A Stone, Write A Check Supervisors President, Angela Alioto, City Please call for our complimentary brochure: Hall: Judging by the letters you have published, the CUAV columns on gender issues clearly hit a sore point for (415) 380-8880 or 1-800-435-8891 As co-chairs of the Bay Area Non-Partisan Alliance, many. A few clarifications are in order. California’s largest lesbian/gay political action com¬ First, CUAV does serve gay men; in fact, the vast mittee, we are writing to express our grave disappoint¬ majority of our clients are gay men who receive sen¬ A Viatical Settlement Advisory Service Cmaernotl eo vMeri gydoeunr raencden St uacstaino nLse raelm forovmin gt hSeuipr ecruvrisreonrst wsitriovue,g hhte rlepafcutli osnesrv oifc seosm ine wtirmiteesr so cfo nnefuesde. sTehnesi toivveitry¬ (Ottered by NCI Insurance Marketing Services, Inc, a broker) Committee assignments. to the needs of women with an inability to meet the 180 Montgomery Street • Suite 2180 • San Francisco • California • 94104 We believe that Migden did an excellent job as chair needs of men. I trust your readers will not be confused. MEMBER NVA MEMBER NAPWA of the Board’s Budget Committee. Under her leader¬ Secondly, CUAV regularly encourages the use of, ship, the City averted a fiscal crisis and achieved a and refers clients to, mental health services. While our Advertising in the B.A.R.'s balanced budget that preserved health and other hate violence program is based on a “peer counseling” social services slated for elimination under the model, we do recognize that many clients need pro¬ classified section is a smart way Mayor’s budget plan. Supervisor Migden really took fessional mental health services. The anonymous to get results! Just dial tdhaiys spersoscieosns stoo tthhea tp tehoep lpeu, bclhiaci rcionugl da pdaroyv-liodneg i Snaptuutr.¬ wcorwitaerrd lwy.h o claimed otherwise is both wrong and (415) 861-5019 Her removal appears to be based purely upon Finally, the dedicated staff and hundreds of politics, not the best interests of our City. At a time volunteers at CUAV are proud of the fact that we not when next year’s budget is expected to be even more only treat the victims of violence, but we offer an ar¬ difficult, it makes no sense to remove the Board’s most ray of programs to prevent violence. We do offer crisis effective leader on the budget from this leadership counseling, referrals and advocacy for victims of hate Zephyr Real Estate position. violence and gay men’s domestic violence; we also of¬ Your action removing Supervisor Leal from the fer community safety information and event monitor¬ Congratulates Government Efficiency and Labor Committee is also ing to help individuals protect themselves — and we troubling. To infer that she hasn’t given Labor a “fair provide “de-mystifying homosexuality” presentations shake” lacks credibility when you consider that she to young people to reduce the hatred which causes has held a union card, her father worked as a boiler¬ violence. We could certainly do better, but let he — Rick mmaekmerb eforsr 40w yheoa rsc oanmde ssh ef riso mon e ao f wthoer okninlyg -Bcolaarsds ovro lsuhnete —er owr hwo ritther othwes fitrhset cfhiresctk s. tone be the next background. Lester Olmstead-Rose We believe Supervisor Leal has done an excellent Executive Director, CUAV job representing the interests and concerns of the les¬ San Francisco bian and gay Latino communities. She has been visi¬ Olds ble, accessible, informed and willing to act on behalf of issues that matter. Membership Has Privilege? For these reasons we are surprised by your negative characterization of Leal’s conduct as a new Supervisor, In the spirit of conciliation and of the recently past your comments concerning your slate for this year’s holiday season, it would be a nice gesture for Top Producer of 1993 Bsuopaprdo ret lSeuctpioenrvsi, sionrc Mluidgidnegn t.h Aatt pyroeus e“nptr,o yboaubrl yre”c owmil¬l NAMBLA to offer group membership rates to Catholic priests. mendations would remove both lesbian members and OFFICE: (415) 552-0129 ext. 134 the only Latino member of the Board. Our community Mike Varady frankly does not require your direction to decide Los Angeles, CA HOME: (415) 929-1739 whom we will support in the upcoming election. Ed. Note: We disagree. With so much wealth in the Donald E. Sloan and Ann Grace McCoy Catholic Church’s coffers, we believe priests should Co-Chairs, The Alliance have to pay to join NAMBLA. Let them put their San Francisco money where their mouths are. BAY AREA REPORTER JANUARY 13, 1994 PAGE 8 Wayne Friday Love & Work After Eu's Gone Should be interchangeable. ... It's Miller Time Dr. J. Davis Mannino W lcsw.mfcc, edd Competent and Genuine Care since 1968 Counseling, Psychotherapy, Career and Life Planning hweonm anA sseJmabcklyi¬e SPeroxguraalm H(SaHbiOtuPa)l a nOd fpfelanndse tros (S&an 4F1ra5nc-i4sc4o1 •- S1a1n7ta1 R oosra •7 T0h7e- R8u6s9sia-n3 5R9iv8er Speier announced fully fund the Violent Crime Monday that she Information Center. As the would run for re-election in Mercury News notes, Lun¬ COSMETIC & GENERAL the 19th District, rather than, gren, a right-wing Republican as was expected, become a and supposedly a tough-on- Democratic candidate for sec¬ crime officeholder, knows retary of state, she made only too well how the infa¬ Deputy Secretary of State mous Hillside Strangler case Tony Miller, the longtime top was used in 1990 to clobber aide to outgoing Secretary of then Attorney General John Tony Miller Convenient Union Square Location State March Fong Eu and the Van de Kamp when he ran first openly gay candidate to for governor. Most Insurance Accepted run for statewide office with And as if Lungren didn’t 450 Sutter ▼ Suite 2320 a chance of winning, the fa¬ already have enough to be wrote, adding that as long as 397t2500 vorite in that contest. Other concerned about when it she has power, she “will fight Democrats in the June prima¬ comes to his record on crime, to curb needless violence” ry race against Miller include a recent comment by David caused by handguns. former LA Councilman Mike Collins, father of the missing New York Governor Mar¬ STRIP FOR ACTION Woo and LA Assemblywom¬ Haight-Ashbury boy, Kevin io Cuomo, once a favorite an Gwen Moore, but Miller Collins, certainly added more with gays and lesbians in his has already been endorsed by fuel to the fire: “The [Lun¬ state, announced last week Eliminate superfluous hair—anywhere Eu and is by far the most gren] Department of Justice for yet another term (his on the face or body: shoulders & back, qualified. Assemblyman Bill never wanted to do these pro¬ fourth) as AIDS activists at¬ penis and scrotum, buttocks, arms/legs, Jones of Fresno is the only grams. They have stalled and tacked his record. The Gay chest, abdomen, perineum/rectal areas, Republican in the race. stalled.” (Are you reading this, Men’s Health Crisis says that nape of neck, brows, and beard shaping. Speier’s surprise an¬ Arlo?) Cuomo’s five-year action plan Electrolysis is a safe, sterile process for nouncement means that for¬ Look for GOP Assembly- to fight AIDS has been a fail¬ permanent hair removal but it does take mer San Mateo County Su¬ man Chuck Quackenbush of ure. The plan, released in ’89, time. Fall & Winter are ideal to prepare pervisor Tom Nolan, who Cupertino to announce for the has not fulfilled 21 of its 24 for next Spring & Summer. Call today for would have been the Demo¬ state insurance commissioner most important promises, the a complimentary consultation. cratic favorite to replace her, job the minute John Garamen¬ group claims. will not be running, and that’s di makes his bid for governor I’m no political prognosti¬ ACCEPT ONLY THE BEST too bad, because Tom Nolan official. cator, but to the writer who is one of our community’s Both John Garamendi and says I’m all wet on the super- CASTRO VILLAGE ELECTROLYSIS most qualified, brightest peo¬ Kathleen Brown looked like CHUCK JOHNSON ARCY ALEXANDRE ple. There has to be a public typical politicians when they 821-1113 service post for this man made their six-minute state¬ Commentary somewhere. wide “rebuttal” television 7I2A CASTRO ST.. SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114 Sjo, there’s Board of Supes speeches immediately follow¬ President Angela Alioto ing Pete Wilson’s State of the telling the Independent last State speech last Wednesday. visors’ races this November, I GOLD COUNTRY- week that she definitely will Neither Democrat had much still say the incumbents run¬ not be supporting Supervisor to say in response to Wilson ning plus Tom Ammiano for SIERRA Susan Leal for election in but rather took the time to Bill Maher’s vacant seat are November and might not sup¬ push their own gubernatorial the winners! FOOTHILLS port “lesbian” Carole Migden, campaigns. Statewide in the June pri¬ either. (And won’t the gay Bravo for the Boss mary? Look for Assembly- THINKING OF and lesbian community re¬ man Rusty Areias to become AMADOR OR member this one when Alioto Good guy! Pop star Bruce the Democratic nominee for runs for mayor next year?) Springsteen says he agreed to controller, Tony Miller to win CALAVERAS COUNTIES Every major political can¬ write “Streets of Philadel¬ the Democratic nod for secre¬ FOR REAL ESTATE? didate in California is quickly phia,” the opening song for tary of state, Arlo Smith to CALL ME - jumping on the “law and or¬ the movie Philadelphia, be¬ win the attorney general nod, der” issue. Pete Wilson’s cause he wanted to “help the and Gray Davis to win the TIM DIALS State of the State speech last film’s message of tolerance Democratic Party’s nomina¬ week consisted almost entire¬ and compassion for people tion for lieutenant governor. (209) 754-1179 ly of telling voters how tough with AIDS reach a broad au¬ In the lieutenant gover¬ he is (or hopes to become) on dience,” adding that “I think nor’s race, GOP state Senator COLDWELL BANKER crime, and his two prospec¬ the picture is great, and Cathie Wright of Simi Valley FIKES & ASSOCIATES tive Democratic opponents, there’s an audience waiting should win her party’s nomi¬ CALAVERAS COUNTY, CA John Garamendi and Kath¬ for it. This country is waiting nation, and will go the way of leen Brown, sounded almost for something that’s going to the Republican nominee like conservative Republicans address these questions of tol¬ (Marian Berguson) four years as they eagerly jumped on the erance and of how people are ago who lost big to Democrat “crime issue.” Surely, “getting going to live together in the Davis. tough on criminals” will be future.” Springsteen has for a Well, it had to happen. the overriding state political number of years been active Gay actor Dick Sargent, the H concern this year. in the Stop AIDS movement. second Darren on the Be¬ A WA I I One state candidate, how¬ Josiah Beeman, a former witched series, has done an ever, might find the burning San Francisco supervisor who infomercial offering telephon¬ crime issue a bit uncomfort¬ now runs a consulting firm in ic psychic advice for gays for able. As the San Jose Mer¬ Washington, will be nominat¬ just $3.49 a minute. Sargent, cury News points out, state ed by President Clinton as who has a lot of friends in the From Roundtrip Attorney General Dan Lun- U.S. ambassador to New San Francisco gay and les¬ gren is more than a bit vul¬ Zealand and Western Samoa. bian community, says he does At Low At RT Airfare Airfare A Hotel nerable on this score, seeing Say what? State Attorney get a cut from each call but Waikiki 9239* 9329 5 Nights that his own Department of General Dan Lungren was noted that a buck from each Maui 279 449 7 Nights with car Justice failed to fully fund a telling reporters in Sacramen¬ call also goes to an AIDS Kona 309* 519 7 Nights with car program that would have al¬ to last week that the reason charity (move over LaToya Kauai 309* 539 7 Nights with car lowed the sheriffs deputies there are so many handguns and Dionne). Mexico who questioned Richard in California (a record 665,229 Leaving no doubt as to Allen Davis, the confessed firearms were legally pur¬ where he stands on the stiff killer of Polly Klaas, to imme¬ chased in the state last year anti-crime “three strikes and $ 179 diately identify him as a alone) is due to what he you’re out” measure — “The paroled offender with a histo¬ called “the lack of confidence majority of both houses of the From ry of kidnapping. The Mer¬ in our criminal justice system Legislature and the over¬ Roundtrip cury News says that Lungren which has convinced so many whelming majority of the At Low At... RT Airfare Airfare A Hotel has taken issue with stories Californians to buy guns for public are of a mind to put Cabo 9179 9269 3 Nkthts by their reporters calling at¬ protection from crime.” people away forever for jay¬ Cancun 299 369 3 Nights tention to the Lungren Justice Doesn’t say a hell of a lot walking” — Speaker Willie Cozumel 369 499 3 Nights Department oversight and about the job Mr. Lungren Brown says that Sacramento PMueexrictoo CVitayl larta 222199 299 3 Nights further claims that the attor¬ did as the state’s top cop last should place the controversial Guadalajara 199 ney general himself has called year, does it? measure on the June ballot the editor to complain. Incidentally, also talking and let voters decide if they Donl Leave Home Without If A Lungren spokesperson tough in support of gun con¬ want repeat violent offenders Aodoo udbelpea orctucruep atanxc;y .d Aayl lo fra wneeesk s uanbdje sceta tsoo nchaal nsguep.p l’eCmaepnatc*i tayp cpolyn.t rRoaltleesd ,s hroewstnw acrtteo pnesn a ppeprlyso. n has reportedly called the pa¬ trol was U.S. Senator Dianne locked up for life. You got it, ASK FOR KIRK (415) 677-0799 per to make assurances that Feinstein in a USA Today Willie. Put the damn thing on the attorney general is now editorial complete with photo the ballot and get it over (however belatedly) working last Wednesday. “I watched with. TRAVEL TIME, One Hallidie Plaza, Suite 406, San Francisco, CA 94102 on his own bill to expand the Harvey Milk die,” the senator And how was your day? ▼ BAY AREA REPORTER JANUARY 13. 1994 PAGE 9 Dykeotomy Wanting It Both Ways -FRAMEWORK- SELECTA AUTO BODY INC. D by Nancy Boutilier ramifications, that gays, les¬ GGBR 4050 24th Street (NEAR CASTRO) bians, bisexuals, and transgen¬ San Francisco, CA 94114 uring a recent news¬ der people are somehow less 282-2665 998-2169 cast on the court rul¬ than human, or otherwise less or (PAGER) ing of Amendment 2 deserving of rights, my an¬ Serving the Gay Community Since 1980 as unconstitutional, a swer is that we’re just people, 10% off with this coupon young Colorado woman in¬ running the same human sisted that discrimination spectrum as straight people. against gays and lesbians But, when we are rendered should not be legal, and then nonexistent on question¬ William F. Owen, Jr., M.D. argued that employers ought naires. in history books, on GAY HEALTH CARE since 1979 to have the right not to hire party invitations, and at busi¬ gays and lesbians if they ness conferences, it’s impor¬ ■ Board Certified ■ HIV/AIDS Care didn’t want to. tant that I defend the unique¬ ■ Primary Care ■ Second Opinions The way I heard it growing ness of our culture — our up, two wrongs don’t make a heroes, our politics, our con¬ Late gay entertainer and ac¬ Early AM, Evening and sriegehmt,s ytoe t scuugrgreesnt t twhaits dtowmo cerPnsa,r aoduorx ilcivaels a. s it is, we are tivist Michael Callen. Same Day Appointments rights make for a wrong. But, the same, only different. We (Photo: Beth Kukucha) a closer look reveals that in too are human — and the same as 41 5.861 .2400 ijrnmumimmimm many cases we’re elevating a straight people — and we are tie waging around words. Al¬ wrong — bigotry — to the different because we have his¬ though it may have swung a status of a right. torically been invisible, silent, number of voters on Amend¬ The dispute over gays in or outcast. ment 2, at least for now, the the military is carried on as if Sometimes, the apparent courts have not been fooled there was a conflict of rights: contradiction is the acknowl¬ by the bigoted cry of wolf Advanced Business Concepts gays have the right to serve, edgment of the gray area that that comes packaged in the and straights have the right to exists between the “Either/ phrase “special rights.” pretend there are no gays in Or” options available. For ex¬ If discrimination is happen¬ 5235 Diamond Heights Boulevard # 302 the military and shower in ample, the question that lim¬ ing in this country based peace. Hence, the so-called its one to saying AIDS is (or upon sexual orientation, then San Francisco, CA 94131 compromise of “Don’t Ask, is not) a gay disease overlooks gays, lesbians, and bisexuals Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue” — , the possibility that it might be are not afforded the same Resume Service the Pentagon’s invitation to both. rights as straight citizens. Un¬ dishonesty — leaves gays in Certainly, the number of less, it’s “special” to be pre¬ Professional and Concise Resumes and Cover Letters uniform more vulnerable to gay and bisexual men who sumed unsuitable as a parent Phone: (415) 602-9899 blackmail than ever. It’s a have been lost to the virus by judges, to be rendered in¬ classic “you’re damned if you makes AIDS a gay disease. visible by an entire education¬ do, damned if you don’t” situ¬ Likewise, the gay and lesbian al system, to be declared an ation devised by the same community’s efforts as lovers, abomination by many, to be people who object to gays and friends, caregivers, activists, gay-bashed on the streets, andl Dr. Christopher Amore lesbians in the military, claim¬ fundraisers, lobbyists, educa¬ to be denied housing and/or' CHIROPRACTOR ing a security risk with sol¬ tors, and so on make AIDS a employment for who you are. diers susceptible to blackmail. gay disease. The role of ho¬ I think we’re actually asking Specializing in Logic suggests that allowing mophobia in keeping AIDS a for the right not to be treated • Neck and back injuries • Headaches • lesbians and gays to come out back-burner issue for many as special. We’re trying to • Auto, Work, Sports injuries • in the service would certainly people makes AIDS a gay is¬ find ways to guarantee that fi Also offering reduce the chances of black¬ sue. all people be afforded the • Massage and Physiotherapy • mail. Yet, while we call those same — equal — rights. S.F. Advance-Care Chiropractic Similarly, people who rant who would ignore the AIDS When discussing some¬ 4411 Geary Blvd., Suite 100 and rave that gay relation¬ pandemic on their homopho¬ thing as important as rights, I ships are different from bia, we know that the virus prefer not to argue about lan¬ 751-BACK 751-2225 straight ones — more promis¬ does affect people from all guage. But, in some ways, lan¬ Courtesy consultation and exam with this ad. cuous, less stable, and there¬ walks of life. And to get guage is at the heart of how fore, less worthy of validation mainstream attention, we people conceptualize the is¬ and support from society — must remind straight people sues and, therefore, how they AFFORDABLE BANKRUPTCY are the same people who in¬ that HIV and AIDS do not may choose to vote on legisla¬ sist that gay marriage will discriminate. tion that affects my life. Richard LaCava, Attorney At Law vmaalurkes .t hTe hdeo wlansfta llt hoinf gf amthielyy Playing by the rules logWic hiesn o iftt ecno mleesss tiom ppoolrittiacnst, Viruses may not discrimi¬ than persuasion. What the Free Consultations Commentary nate, but people do. And for late activist and entertainer Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy that reason sometimes I even Michael Callen had to say in find my actions running his essay “AIDS: The Linguis¬ Evening & Weekend Appointments Available want is evidence of stable, tra¬ counter to my initial instincts. tic Battlefield” holds true in Convenient Mission/Castro Office ditional-looking, “acceptable” Although I am disgusted the broader context of civil gay relationships (as if when the right wing uses rights: We must not try to CALL (415) 282-8960 straight marriage is any guar¬ grassroots organizing and po¬ master AIDS by crushing its antee of their ideal!), because litical clout to influence cor¬ complexities, mysteries, and then, of course, they might porate America, I am a faith¬ terrors into convenient labels have to acknowledge that gay ful supporter of Gay/Lesbian that roll trippingly and with relationships do have the Alliance Against Defamation, false authority off the tongue. same qualities as straight and I have used my voice and We must always speak fully ones. checkbook to applaud compa¬ and carefully about AIDS, Likewise, those who insist nies with gay-friendly poli¬ even if that often requires a that gay sex spreads disease cies. In fighting for our rights, mouthful — cumbersome con¬ are the same people fighting we sometimes have to play structions full of words the education necessary to en¬ by rules we did not write. strung together by hyphens — courage safer sex (of any It’s a remarkable phe¬ to say precisely what we SAN FRANCi kind, but the fight has been nomenon that in fighting for mean. The stakes are simply particularly successful in re¬ rights, we often find the bat- too high to do otherwise. ▼ stricting accurate information about gay and lesbian sex). Contradictory paths Redding Zealot Sentenced As one who keeps an at¬ tentive ear and eye to the con¬ tradictions presented by oth¬ United Press International wrote, “Dear Dr. Bruce, ers, I have recently spent Goodbye.” Later in the letter, some time examining my SACRAMENTO - A Red¬ Waters included a Biblical own willingness to argue ding man convicted of send¬ phrase implying that the doc¬ along seem ingly contradictory ing threatening mail to a doc¬ tor should be stoned to death paths. tor who performs abortions for his actions. One minute I hear myself was sentenced Wednesday, U.S. District Judge sincerely insisting that gays January 5, to six months in William Shubb sentenced and lesbians are “just like ev¬ prison. Waters to six months in eryone else,” and in the next Ronald Max Waters, 50, prison and three years proba¬ breath, I argue — just as sin¬ was convicted in federal court tion, and ordered to stay A MAN'S BARBERSHOP cerely — that we’re “different” of sending hate mail to Dr. away from both the clinic and from straight people. Bruce Steir of the Feminist the doctor during that time. However, contradiction is Women’s Health Center in The judge also ordered APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE AND NOT NECESSARY not always a sign of illogic Redding, which had been the Waters to spend ten months 2195 MARKET/15 M-F 9:AM - 10:PM and/or hypocrisy. When un¬ target of several anti-abortion in a residential rehabilitation der attack from different di¬ protests. center in Sacramento after his (NEXT TO IMAGE LEATHER! SAT 9:AM-6:PM rections, we need different de¬ In the unsigned letter release. ▼ SF (415) 621-6448 SUIM 11:AM-6:PM fenses. To answer the asser¬ mailed last July, Waters tion, and the ensuing political BAY AREA REPORTER JANUARY 13. 1994 PAGE 10

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