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Basis of Nichols Braided Lie Algebras 7 Weicai Wu a and Jing Wang b 1 0 a. Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University 2 Hangzhou 310007, P.R. China n a J b. Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Philipps-Universita¨t Marburg, 0 1 Hans Meerweisse, 35032, Marburg, Germany ] Emails: [email protected](WC); wang [email protected] (JW) A Q . h Abstract t a m We give a basis of Nichols braided Lie algebras L(V) while B(V) is Nichols [ algebra of diagonal type with dimV = n ≥ 2 and the generalized Dynkin diagram 1 ofV withp 6= 1forall1≤ i ≤ n. Furthermore,weobtainthedimensionsofNichols ii v 6 braidedLiealgebras L(V)ifV is aconnected finiteCartan typewithCartan matrix 0 (a ) . 4 ij n×n 2 0 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16W30, 22E60, 11F23 . 1 Keywords: Nichols Lie algebra, Nichols algebra, Nichols braided Lie algebra. 0 7 1 : v 1 Introduction i X r a The question of finite-dimensionality of Nichols algebras dominates an important part of the recent developments in the theory of (pointed) Hopf algebras(see e.g. [AHS08, AS10, He05, He06a, He06b, WZZ15a, WZZ15b]. The interest in this problem comes from the lifting method by Andruskiewitsch and Schneider to classify finite dimensional (Gelfand- Kirillov)pointedHopfalgebras, whicharegeneralizationsofquantizedenveloping algebras of semi-simple Lie algebras. The classification of arithmetic root systems is obtained in [He05] and [He06a]. It is proved in [WZZ15b] that Nichols algebra B(V) is finite-dimensional if and only if Nichols braided Lie algebra L(V) is finite-dimensional. In this paper we focus on the Nichols algebra which are finite dimension. Such finite- dimensional Nichols algebras play a fundamental role in various subjects such as pointed Hopf algebras and logarithmic quantum field theories. 1 Here are the main results of this paper. We give a basis of Nichols braided Lie algebras L(V) while B(V) is Nichols algebra of diagonal type with dimV = n ≥ 2 and the generalized Dynkin diagram of V with p 6= 1 for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Furthermore, we obtain ii the dimensions of Nichols braided Lie algebras L(V) if V is a connected finite Cartan type with Cartan matrix (a ) . ij n×n 2 Preliminaries Let B(V) be the Nichols algebra generated by vector space V. Throughout this paper braided vector space V is of diagonal type with basis x ,x ,··· ,x and C(x ⊗ x ) = 1 2 n i j p x ⊗x , n > 1 without special announcement. Define linear map p from B(V)⊗B(V) ij j i to F such that p(u⊗v) = χ(deg(u),deg(v)), for any homogeneous element u,v ∈ B(V). For convenience, p(u⊗v) is denoted by p . uv Denote ord(p ) the order of p with respect to multiplication. Let |u| denote uu uu length of homogeneous element u ∈ B(V). Let D =: {[u] | [u] is a hard super-letter }, ∆+(B(V)) := {deg(u) | [u] ∈ D}, ∆(B(V)) := ∆+(B(V))∪∆−(B(V)), which is called the root system of V. If ∆(B(V)) is finite, then it is called an arithmetic root system. Let L(V) denote the braided Lie algebras generated by V in B(V) under Lie operations [x,y] = yx − p xy, for any homogeneous elements x,y ∈ B(V). (L(V),[ ]) is called yx Nichols braided Lie algebra of V. The other notations are the same as in [WZZ15a]. Recall the dual B(V∗) of Nichols algebra B(V) of rank n in [He05, Section 1.3]. Let y be a dual basis of x . δ(y ) = g−1 ⊗y , g ·y = p−1y and ∆(y ) = g−1 ⊗y +y ⊗1. i i i i i i j ij j i i i i There exists a bilinear map < ·,· >: (B(V∗)#FG)×B(V) −→ B(V) such that < y ,uv >=< y ,u > v +g−1.u < y ,v > and < y ,< y ,u >>=< y y ,u > i i i i i j i j for any u,v ∈ B(V). Furthermore, for any u ∈ ⊕∞ B(V) , one has that u = 0 if and i=1 (i) only if < y ,u >= 0 for any 1 ≤ i ≤ n. i We have the braided Jacobi identity as follows: [[u,v],w] = [u,[v,w]]+p−1[[u,w],v]+(p −p−1)v ·[u,w]. (1) vw wv vw [u,v·w] = p [uv]·w +v ·[uw]. (2) wu Throughout, Z =: {x | x is an integer}. R =: {x | x is a real number}. N =: {x | x ∈ 0 Z,x ≥ 0}. N =: {x | x ∈ Z,x > 0}. F denotes the base field, which is an algebraic closed field with characteristic zero. F∗ = F\{0}. S denotes symmetric group, n ∈ N. For any n set X, | X | is the cardinal of X. int(a) means the biggest integer not greater than a ∈ R. 2 3 Main results For any homogeneous element u ∈ B(V), we denote d(u) by the subset of {x ,x ,··· ,x } 1 2 n whichgeneratesu. Wesaythatd(u)isconnectedifforalli,j ∈ d(u)thereexistss ∈ Nand a sequence {i = i ,i ,··· ,i = j} of elements of d(u) such that p satisfy the conditions 0 1 s ij p p 6= 1 for all l ∈ {0,1,··· ,s−1}. i ,i i ,i l l+1 l+1 l Let h ∈ {x ,x ,··· ,x },∀i ∈ N. If d(h ···h ) = {x ,··· ,x },1 ≤ j < ··· < j ≤ i 1 2 n 1 m j1 jt 1 t n. Set d (h ···h ) := {i ∈ {1,··· ,m} | h = x } for all k ∈ {1,...,t}. It is clear jk 1 m i jk t P | d (h ···h ) |= m. jk 1 m k=1 Lemma 3.1. If ord(p ) >| d (h ···h ) | for all r ∈ {1,...,m}, then h ···h 6= 0. xjr,xjr jr 1 m 1 m Proof. We show this by induction on | d(h ···h ) |= t. If x ∈ d(h ···h ), assume that 1 m k 1 m | d (h ···h ) |= l, denote h ···h h h ···h h h ···h h h ···h k 1 m 1 k1−1 k1 k1+1 k2−1 k2 k2+1 kl−1 kl kl+1 m := u x u x ···u x u for h = x ,1 ≤ i ≤ l. we know if k = 1, then u = ∅, if 1 k 2 k l k l+1 ki k 1 1 k = k +1, then u = ∅, if k = m, then u = ∅. i i−1 i l l+1 If t = 1, we obtain h ···h 6= 0 by [He05, Lemma 1.3.3(i)]. 1 m If t > 1, we need to prove < yl,u x u x ···u x u > k 1 k 2 k l k l+1 = (1+p−1)(1+p−1 +p−2)···(1+p−1 +···+p−l+1)p−1 p−1 ···p−1 u u ···u : kk kk kk kk kk k,u1 k,u1u2 k,u1u2···ul 1 2 l+1 we show this by induction on l: If l = 1, < y ,u x u >= p−1 u u . If l > 1, then k 1 k 2 k,u1 1 2 < y ,u x u x ···u x u > k 1 k 2 k l+1 k l+2 = p−1 u u x ···u x u +p−1p−1 u x u u ···u x u +··· k,u1 1 2 k l+1 k l+2 kk k,u1u2 1 k 2 3 l+1 k l+2 +p−lp−1 u x u x ···x u u . kk k,u1u2···ul+1 1 k 2 k k l+1 l+2 < yl+1,u x u x ···u x u >=< yl,< y ,u x u x ···u x u >> k 1 k 2 k l+1 k l+2 k k 1 k 2 k l+1 k l+2 = p−1 (1+p−1)···(1+p−1 +···+p−l+1)p−1 p−1 ···p−1 u u ···u k,u1 kk kk kk k,u1u2 k,u1u2u3 k,u1u2u3···ul+1 1 2 l+2 +p−1p−1 (1+p−1)···(1+p−1 +···+p−l+1)p−1 p−1 ···p−1 u u ···u kk k,u1u2 kk kk kk k,u1 k,u1u2u3 k,u1u2u3···ul+1 1 2 l+2 +··· +p−lp−1 (1+p−1)···(1+p−1 +···+p−l+1)p−1 p−1 ···p−1 u u ···u kk k,u1u2···ul+1 kk kk kk k,u1 k,u1u2 k,u1u2···ul 1 2 l+2 = (1+p−1)···(1+p−1+···+p−l+1)(1+p−1+···+p−l)p−1 ···p−1 u u ···u . kk kk kk kk kk k,u1 k,u1u2u3···ul+1 1 2 l+2 We know | d(u u ···u ) |= t − 1, then u u ···u 6= 0 by induction hypotheses, 1 2 l+1 1 2 l+1 (1+p−1)(1+p−1+p−2)···(1+p−1+···+p−l+1) 6= 0 since ord(p ) >| d (h ···h ) |= l. kk kk kk kk kk xk,xk k 1 m Hence u x u x ···u x u 6= 0, completing the proof. ✷ 1 k 2 k l k l+1 Lemma 3.2. Assumed that u,v,w are homogeneous elements in L(V). Let a,b,c,d,e,f denote 1−p p ,1−p p ,1−p p ,1−p p p p ,1−p p p p ,1−p p p p , wv vw uw wu uv vu uv vu uw wu uv vu wv vw wv vw uw wu respectively. If R = {r|r ∈ {uv,uw,vw} and r ∈ L(V)}, T = {t|t ∈ {a,b,c} and t 6= 0}, then (i) uvw,uwv,vwu,vuw,wuv,wvu∈ L(V) when |R| ≥ 2 and |T| =6 0. (ii) ([WZZ15b, Lem.3.1]) uvw,uwv,vwu,vuw,wuv,wvu∈ L(V) when |T| ≥ 2. Proof. (i) Assumed that |R| ≥ 2 and |T| =6 0. Without loss of generality, we let uv,uw ∈ L(V). If vuw ∈/ L(V), then e = 0,f = 0 by [WZZ15b, Lemma 3.2(i)] and [WZZ15a, 3 Lemma 4.12]. If a = 0, then b = 0,c = 0. this is a contradiction to |T| =6 0; If a 6= 0, then b 6= 0,c 6= 0. Thus one obtains a contradiction to [WZZ15b, Lemma 3.1]. Then we know vuw ∈ L(V), similarly, wuv ∈ L(V). And we find wvu,uwv ∈ L(V) and vwu,uvw ∈ L(V) by [WZZ15b, Lemma 3.2(i)], respectively. ✷ Let b(h h ···h ) denote a set contain all nonassociative word (see [WZZ15a, Sec- 1 2 m tion 2]) with brackets [,] on h ,h ,··· ,h , for example, b(h h h ) = {[[h ,h ],h ], 1 2 m 1 2 3 1 2 3 [[h ,h ],h ],[[h ,h ],h ],[[h ,h ],h ],[[h ,h ],h ],[[h ,h ],h ],[h ,[h ,h ]],[h ,[h ,h ]], 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 2 [h ,[h ,h ]],[h ,[h ,h ]],[h ,[h ,h ]],[h ,[h ,h ]]}. For i ,··· ,i are pairwise different in- 2 1 3 2 3 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 r tegers, denote T the set which change all the subscript 1,2,...,r of the elements of i1,...,ir S to (i ,...,i ), for example, T = {(2) = (4) = (7) = id,(24),(27),(47),(247),(274)}. r 1 r 2,4,7 It is clear |T | = |S | and T = S . i1,...,ir r 1,...,r r Assumed that u,v are homogeneous elements in B(V). u,v is called generalized commutative if ∃p ∈ F∗ such that uv = pvu. Remark 3.3. h ,h is generalizedcommutative ifp p = 1: h h = p h h ,p ∈ i j hi,hj hj,hi i j hi,hj j i hi,hj F∗. Lemma 3.4. (i) If d(h h ···h ) is not connected, then b(h h ···h ) = 0. 1 2 m 1 2 m (ii) If h h ···h 6= 0 and d(h h ···h ) is not connected, then h h ···h ∈/ L(V). 1 2 m 1 2 m 1 2 m (iii) If d(h h ···h ) is not connected, then h h ···h 6= 0 if and only if h h ···h ∈/ 1 2 m 1 2 m 1 2 m L(V). Proof. (i) We show this by induction on |h h ···h |. ∀w ∈ b(h h ···h ), then ∃u ∈ 1 2 m 1 2 m b(h h ···h ),v ∈ b(h h ···h ), τ ∈ S ,k ∈ {1,...,m} such that w = τ τ τ τ τ τ m (1) (2) (k) (k+1) (k+2) (m) [u,v]. If d(u) or d(v) is not connected, then u = 0 or v = 0 by induction hypotheses, so w = 0. If d(u) and d(v) are connected, we know p p = 1 for any h ∈ d(u), hi,hj hj,hi i h ∈ d(v) since d(h h ···h ) is not connected. j 1 2 m (1) For ∀h ∈ d(v), if p p = 1 for l ∈ {1,...,k}, then [u,h ] = 0. We j τ ,j j,τ j (l) (l) show this by induction on |u|. If k = 1, it is clear. If k > 1, we set u = [u ,u ], 1 2 [[u ,u ],h ] = [u ,[u ,h ]]+ p−1 [[u ,h ],u ] +(p −p−1 )u ·[u ,h ] = 0 by (1) and 1 2 j 1 2 j u2hj 1 j 2 hju2 u2hj 2 1 j induction hypotheses. (2)Ifp p = 1forl ∈ {1,...,k},t ∈ {k+1,...,m}, then[u,h ···h ] = τ ,τ τ ,τ τ τ (l) (t) (t) (l) (k+1) (m) h ·[u,h ···h ] = ··· = h ···h ·[u,h ] = 0 by (2). τ(k+1) τ(k+2) τ(m) τ(k+1) τ(m−1) τ(m) (3) We know v = Pk h ···h for some k ∈ F∗,τ ∈ T , then i τiτ(k+1) τiτ(m) i i τ(k+1),...,τ(m) i [u,v] = [u,Pk h ···h ] = Pk [u,h ···h ] = 0. i τiτ(k+1) τiτ(m) i τiτ(k+1) τiτ(m) i i ✷ (ii) and (iii) are clear by (i). Corollary 3.5. If u and v are homogeneous elements in B(V), d(u)∩d(v) = ∅, p p = 1 ij ji for any x ∈ d(u), x ∈ d(v), then the following conditions are equivalent: (i) u 6= 0,v 6= 0. i j (ii) uv 6= 0. (iii) uv ∈/ L(V). 4 Proof. We know (ii)⇐⇒ (iii) by Lemma 3.4. (ii)=⇒ (i) is clear. (ii)⇐= (i): assume | u |= k, then ∃y ,...,y ∈ d(u) such that < y ···y ,u >∈ F∗, then < y ···y ,uv > i1 ik i1 ik i1 ik =< y ···y ,u > v 6= 0. ✷ i1 ik Now we assumed that p 6= 1 for all i ∈ {1,...,n}. ii Proposition 3.6. (i) Ifh ···h ∈ L(V)and p p 6= 1forsomek ∈ {1,...,m− 1 m−1 hk,hm hm,hk 1} or h ···h ∈ L(V) and p p 6= 1 for some l ∈ {2,...,m}, then h ···h and 2 m hl,h1 h1,hl 1 b h ···h ∈ L(V) for some b ∈ {1,...,m} and p p 6= 1 for some a ∈ {1,...,b}, b+1 m ha,hc hc,ha c ∈ {b+1,...,m}. (ii) Assumed that h ···h 6= 0 or h ···h 6= 0 for some b ∈ {1,...,m}. If 1 b b+1 m h ···h ,h ···h ∈ L(V) and p p 6= 1 for some a ∈ {1,...,b},c ∈ {b + 1 b b+1 m ha,hc hc,ha 1,...,m}, then there exist τ ∈ T ,p ∈ F∗ such that h ···h = ph ···h with 1,...,m 1 m τ(1) τ(m) h ···h ∈ L(V),p p 6= 1 for some k ∈ {1,...,m − 1} or with τ(1) τ(m−1) hτ(k),hτ(m) hτ(m),hτ(k) h ···h ∈ L(V),p p 6= 1 for some l ∈ {2,...,m}. τ(2) τ(m) hτ(l),hτ(1) hτ(1),hτ(l) (iii) If h ···h ∈ L(V) and p p 6= 1 for some k ∈ {1,...,m − 1} or 1 m−1 hk,hm hm,hk h ···h ∈ L(V) and p p 6= 1 for some l ∈ {2,...,m}, then h ···h ∈ L(V). 2 m hl,h1 h1,hl 1 m (iv) Assumed that h ···h 6= 0. If h ···h ∈ L(V), then there exist τ ∈ T ,p ∈ 1 m 1 m 1,...,m F∗ such thath ···h = ph ···h with 0 6= h ···h ∈ L(V),p p 1 m τ(1) τ(m) τ(1) τ(m−1) hτ(k),hτ(m) hτ(m),hτ(k) 6= 1 for some k ∈ {1,...,m−1} or with 0 6= h ···h ∈ L(V),p p 6= 1 τ(2) τ(m) hτ(l),hτ(1) hτ(1),hτ(l) for some l ∈ {2,...,m}. Proof. (i) Let a = k,b = m−1,c = m or a = 1,b = 1,c = l. We show (ii), (iii) and (iv) by induction on the length of |h h ···h | = m. 1 2 m Assume m = 2. (ii) is clear. If h 6= h , then (iii),(iv) follows from [WZZ15a, Lemma 1 2 4.12],[WZZ15a, Lemma 5.2], respectively. If h = h , then (iii),(iv) follows from[WZZ15a, 1 2 Lemma 4.3] , [He05, Lemma 1.3.3(i)], respectively. Now let m > 2. (ii) If b = m − 1, let τ = id,k = a,p = 1; if b = 1, let τ = id,l = c,p = 1. Now assumed that 1 < b < m−1. We denote p˜ := p p for ∀u,v ∈ B(V). u,v u,v v,u (1) Assumed that h ···h 6= 0, we proceed by induction over b. 1 b We know there exist τ ∈ T ,p ∈ F∗ such that h ···h = p h ···h with (a) 1,...,b 1 1 b 1 τ(1) τ(b) 0 6= h ···h ∈ L(V),p p 6= 1 for some k ∈ {1,...,b − 1} or τ(1) τ(b−1) hτ(k1),hτ(b) hτ(b),hτ(k1) 1 with (b) 0 6= h ···h ∈ L(V),p p 6= 1 for some l ∈ {2,...,b} by τ(2) τ(b) hτ(l1),hτ(1) hτ(1),hτ(l1) 1 h ···h ∈ L(V) and induction hypotheses of (iv). τ(1) τ(b) (a) . If there exists j ∈ {b+1,...,m} such that p˜ 6= 1, then h h ···h ∈ 1 1 hτ(b),hj1 τ(b) b+1 m L(V) by induction hypotheses of (iii), and p˜ 6= 1 for k ∈ {1,...,b − 1}. It is hτ(k1),hτ(b) 1 proved since |h ···h | = b−1 < b and induction hypotheses. τ(1) τ(b−1) (a) . If all j ∈ {b + 1,...,m} such that p˜ = 1, then h h ···h = 2 1 hτ(b),hj1 τ(b) b+1 m p h ···h h forsomep ∈ F∗ byRemark3.3. Ontheotherhand, weknowp˜ 6= 2 b+1 m τ(b) 2 hτ(k1),hc 5 1 for some k ∈ {1,...,b − 1} by p˜ 6= 1 , then h ···h h ···h ∈ 1 ha,hc τ1τ(1) τ1τ(b−1) τ1(b+1) τ1(m) L(V), h ···h h ···h = p h ···h h ···h for some τ ∈ τ(1) τ(b−1) b+1 m 3 τ1τ(1) τ1τ(b−1) τ1(b+1) τ1(m) 1 T ,p ∈ F∗ by the induction hypotheses of (ii) and (iii). We know there τ(1),...,τ(b−1),b+1,...,m 3 exists k ∈ {τ(1),...,τ(b−1),b+1,...,m} such that p˜ 6= 1 since p˜ 6= 1. 2 hτ(b),hτ1(k2) hτ(b),hτ(k1) We obtain h ···h = p h ···h h ···h = p p h ···h h ···h h 1 m 1 τ(1) τ(b) b+1 m 1 2 τ(1) τ(b−1) b+1 m τ(b) = p p p h ···h h ···h h 1 2 3 τ1τ(1) τ1τ(b−1) τ1(b+1) τ1(m) τ(b) = p p p h ···h h ···h h byh ···h = h ···h 1 2 3 τ1τ(1) τ1τ(b−1) τ1τ(b+1) τ1τ(m) τ1τ(b) τ1(b+1) τ1(m) τ1τ(b+1) τ1τ(m) since τ ∈ T and h = h since τ ∈ T . Set 1,2,...,b τ1τ(b) τ(b) 1 τ(1),τ(2),...,τ(b−1),b+1,...,m τ′ = τ1τ1(1) ······ τ1τb(−b−11) τ1τ(bb+1) ······ τm1τ−(m1) τ1mτ(b) !, then we obtain hτ′(1)···hτ′(m−1) ∈ L(V),p˜hτ′(k),hτ′(m) 6= 1 and h1···hm = p1p2p3hτ′(1)···hτ′(m) for some τ′ ∈ T1,...,m,k ∈ {1,...,m−1},p p p ∈ F∗. 1 2 3 (b) . If there exists j ∈ {2,...,b},j ∈ {b+1,...,m} such that p˜ 6= 1, then 1 1 2 hτ(j1),hj2 h ···h h ···h ∈ L(V), and h ···h h ···h τ1τ(2) τ1τ(b) τ1(b+1) τ1(m) τ(2) τ(b) b+1 m = p h ···h h ···h for some τ ∈ T ,p ∈ F∗ by the in- 4 τ1τ(2) τ1τ(b) τ1(b+1) τ1(m) 1 τ(2),...,τ(b),b+1,...,m 4 ductionhypotheses of(ii)and(iii). Weknowthereexistsl ∈ {τ(2),...,τ(b),b+1,...,m} 2 such that p˜ 6= 1 since p˜ 6= 1. We obtain h ···h hτ(1),hτ1(l2) hτ(1),hτ(l1) 1 m = p h ···h h ···h = p p h h ···h h ···h 1 τ(1) τ(b) b+1 m 1 4 τ(1) τ1τ(2) τ1τ(b) τ1(b+1) τ1(m) = p p h h ···h h ···h by h ···h = h ···h 1 4 τ1τ(1) τ1τ(2) τ1τ(b) τ1τ(b+1) τ1τ(m) τ1(b+1) τ1(m) τ1τ(b+1) τ1τ(m) since τ ∈ T and h = h since τ ∈ T . Set τ′ = τ τ, then we 1,...,b τ1τ(1) τ(1) 1 τ(2),...,τ(b),b+1,...,m 1 obtain hτ′(2)···hτ′(m) ∈ L(V),p˜hτ′(l),hτ′(1) 6= 1 and h1···hm = p1p4hτ′(1)···hτ′(m) for some τ′ ∈ T ,l ∈ {2,...,m},p p ∈ F∗. 1,...,m 1 4 (b) . If all j ∈ {2,...,b},l ∈ {b+1,...,m} such that p˜ = 1, then 2 1 2 hτ(j1),hj2 h ···h h ···h = p h ···h h ···h for some p ∈ F∗ by Remark 3.3. τ(2) τ(b) b+1 m 5 b+1 m τ(2) τ(b) 5 On the other hand, we know p˜ 6= 1 by p˜ 6= 1, then h h ···h ∈ L(V) hτ(1),hc ha,hc τ(1) b+1 m by induction hypotheses of (iii). We know h ···h = p h ···h h ···h = 1 m 1 τ(1) τ(b) b+1 m p p h h ···h h ···h and p˜ 6= 1. It is proved since |h ···h | = 1 5 τ(1) b+1 m τ(2) τ(b) hτ(l1),hτ(1) τ(2) τ(b) b−1 < b and induction hypotheses. (2) Assumed that h h ···h 6= 0, we proceed by induction over m−b. b+1 b+2 m We know there exist τ ∈ T ,p ∈ F∗ such that h ···h = p h ···h b+1,...,m 6 b+1 m 6 τ(b+1) τ(m) with (c) 0 6= h ···h ∈ L(V),p p 6= 1 for some k ∈ {b + τ(b+1) τ(m−1) hτ(k1),hτ(m) hτ(m),hτ(k1) 1 1,...,m − 1} or with (d) 0 6= h ···h ∈ L(V),p p 6= 1 for τ(b+2) τ(m) hτ(l1),hτ(b+1) hτ(b+1),hτ(l1) some l ∈ {b+2,...,m} by h ···h ∈ L(V) and induction hypotheses of (iv). 1 τ(b+1) τ(m) (c) . If there exists j ∈ {b+1,...,m−1},j ∈ {1,...,b} such that p˜ 6= 1, then 1 1 2 hτ(j1),hj2 h ···h h ···h ∈ L(V),andh ···h h ···h = p h ···h τ1(1) τ1(b) τ1τ(b+1) τ1τ(m−1) 1 b τ(b+1) τ(m−1) 7 τ1(1) τ1(b) h ···h for some τ ∈ T ,p ∈ F∗ by the induction hypothe- τ1τ(b+1) τ1τ(m−1) 1 1,...,b,τ(b+1),...,τ(m−1) 7 ses of (ii) and (iii). We know there exists k ∈ {1,...,b,τ(b+1),...,τ(m−1)} such that 2 p˜ 6= 1 since p˜ 6= 1. We obtain h ···h hτ(m),hτ1(k2) hτ(m),hτ(k1) 1 m = p h ···h h ···h h = p p h ···h h ···h h 6 1 b τ(b+1) τ(m−1) τ(m) 6 7 τ1(1) τ1(b) τ1τ(b+1) τ1τ(m−1) τ(m) 6 = p p h ···h h ···h h byh ···h = h ···h since 6 7 τ1τ(1) τ1τ(b) τ1τ(b+1) τ1τ(m−1) τ1τ(m) τ1(1) τ1(b) τ1τ(1) τ1τ(b) τ ∈ T and h = h since τ ∈ T . Set τ′ = τ τ, b+1,b+2,...,m τ1τ(m) τ(m) 1 1,2,...,b,τ(b+1),τ(b+2),...,τ(m−1) 1 thenweobtainhτ′(1)···hτ′(m−1) ∈ L(V),p˜hτ′(k),hτ′(m) 6= 1andh1···hm = p6p7hτ′(1)···hτ′(m) for some τ′ ∈ T ,k ∈ {1,...,m−1},p p ∈ F∗. 1,...,m 6 7 (c) . If all j ∈ {b + 1,...,m − 1},j ∈ {1,...,b} such that p˜ = 1, then 2 1 2 hτ(j1),hj2 h ···h h ···h = p h ···h h ···h for some p ∈ F∗ by Remark 1 b τ(b+1) τ(m−1) 8 τ(b+1) τ(m−1) 1 b 8 3.3. On the other hand, we know p˜ 6= 1 by p˜ 6= 1, then h ···h h ∈ hτ(m),ha ha,hc 1 b τ(m) L(V) by induction hypotheses of (iii). We know h ···h = p h ···h h ···h = 1 m 6 1 b τ(b+1) τ(m) p p h ···h h ···h h and p˜ 6= 1. Then |h h ···h | = 6 8 τ(b+1) τ(m−1) 1 b τ(m) hτ(k1),hτ(m) τ(b+1) τ(b+2) τ(m−1) m−b−1 < m−b and induction hypotheses give the proof. (d) . If there exists j ∈ {1,...,b} such that p˜ 6= 1, then h ···h h ∈ 1 1 hτ(b+1),hj1 1 b τ(b+1) L(V) by induction hypotheses of (iii), and p˜ 6= 1 for l ∈ {b+2,...,m}. It is hτ(l1),hτ(b+1) 1 proved since |h ···h | = m−b−1 < m−b and induction hypotheses. τ(b+2) τ(m) (d) . If all j ∈ {1,...,b} such that p˜ = 1, then we have h ···h h = 2 1 hτ(b+1),hj1 1 b τ(b+1) p h h ···h forsome p ∈ F∗ by Remark3.3. Ontheother hand, we know p˜ 6= 9 τ(b+1) 1 b 9 hτ(l1),ha 1forsomel ∈ {b+2,...,m}byp˜ 6= 1, thenh ···h h ···h ∈ L(V), 1 ha,hc τ1(1) τ1(b) τ1τ(b+2) τ1τ(m) h ···h h ···h = p h ···h h ···h forsomeτ ∈ T , 1 b τ(b+2) τ(m) 10 τ1(1) τ1(b) τ1τ(b+2) τ1τ(m) 1 1,...,b,τ(b+2),...,τ(m) p ∈ F∗ by the induction hypotheses of (ii) and (iii). We know there exists l ∈ 10 2 {1,...,b,τ(b + 2),...,τ(m)} such that p˜ 6= 1 since p˜ 6= 1. We h ,h h ,h τ(b+1) τ1(l2) τ(b+1) τ(l1) obtain h ···h = p h ···h h ···h = p p h h ···h h ···h 1 m 6 1 b τ(b+1) τ(m) 6 9 τ(b+1) 1 b τ(b+2) τ(m) = p p p h h ···h h ···h 6 9 10 τ(b+1) τ1(1) τ1(b) τ1τ(b+2) τ1τ(m) = p p p h h h h ···h by h ···h = h ···h since 6 9 10 τ1τ(b+1) τ1τ(1) τ1τ(b) τ1τ(b+2) τ1τ(m) τ1(1) τ1(b) τ1τ(1) τ1τ(b) τ ∈ T and h = h since τ ∈ T . Set b+1,...,m τ1τ(b+1) τ(b+1) 1 1,...,b,τ(b+2),...,τ(m) τ′ = τ1τ(b1+1) τ1τ2(1) ······ τb1+τ(b1) τ1τb(+b+22) ······ τ1τm(m) !,thenweobtainhτ′(2)···hτ′(m) ∈ L(V), p˜hτ′(l),hτ′(1) 6= 1 and h1···hm = p6p9p10hτ′(1)···hτ′(m) for some τ′ ∈ T1,...,m,l ∈ {2,...,m}, p p p ∈ F∗. 6 9 10 (iii) Assumed that h h ···h ∈/ L(V). For convenience, set τ0 = τ = id,τ ∈ 1 2 m 0 k T or T or ··· or T , τk = τ τ ···τ τk−1(1),...,τk−1(m−k) τk−1(2),...,τk−1(m−k+1) τk−1(k+1),...,τk−1(m) k k−1 1 for k ≥ 1. We need to prove Assertion(j−i) holds for all j−i ∈ {0,...,m−3}. Denote A = {1,...,m}−{τm−j+i−2(i),...,τm−j+i−2(j)} for all i ≤ j ∈ {1,...,m} ij Assertion(j−i) : 0 6= hτm−j+i−2(i)···hτm−j+i−2(j) ∈ L(V), p˜hr,ht = 1 for ∀r 6= t ∈ Aij. p˜ 6= 1, and p˜ = 1 for some k ∈ {i,...,j}, all r ∈ A . hτm−j+i−2(k),hr hτm−j+i−2(i)···hτm−j+i−2(j),hr ij h1···hm = p1···pm−j+i−2hτm−j+i−2(1)···hτm−j+i−2(m) for some p1,...,pm−j+i−2 ∈ F∗. We prove this by induction on j −i. Step 1. Assertion(m−3) holds: Ifh ···h ∈ L(V),thenp˜ = 1by[WZZ15a,Lemma4.12]. Ifh ···h = 1 m−1 h1···hm−1,hm 1 m−1 0, this is a contradiction to h h ···h ∈/ L(V), then h h ···h 6= 0. We know 1 2 m 1 2 m−1 there exist τ ∈ T , p ∈ F∗ such that h ···h = p h ···h with (a) 1 1,...,m−1 1 1 m−1 1 τ1(1) τ1(m−1) 7 0 6= h ···h ∈ L(V),p˜ 6= 1 for some k ∈ {1,...,m−2} or with (b) τ1(1) τ1(m−2) hτ1(k),hτ1(m−1) 0 6= h ···h ∈ L(V),p˜ 6= 1 for some l ∈ {2,...,m − 1} by induction τ1(2) τ1(m−1) hτ1(l),hτ1(1) hypotheses of (iv). We know h = h . τ1(m) m (a) If p˜ 6= 1, then p˜ 6= 1 since p˜ = 1. We obtain hτ1(m−1),hm hτ1(1)···hτ1(m−2),hm h1···hm−1,hm h ···h h h ∈ L(V) by Lemma 3.2(iii). It is a contradiction to τ1(1) τ1(m−2) τ1(m−1) m p h ···h h = h ···h ∈/ L(V). Then p˜ = 1 and p˜ = 1 τ1(1) τ1(m−1) m 1 m hτ1(m−1),hm hτ1(1)···hτ1(m−2),hm 1. We obtain p˜ 6= 1 for some k ∈ {1,...,m − 2} since p˜ 6= 1. Then hτ1(k1),hm 1 hk,hm h ···h h ∈ L(V) by induction hypotheses. pp h ···h h h τ1(1) τ1(m−2) m 1 τ1(1) τ1(m−2) m τ1(m−1) = p h ···h h h = h ···h for some p ∈ F∗ by Remark 3.3, then 1 τ1(1) τ1(m−2) τ1(m−1) m 1 m p˜ = 1by[WZZ15a,Lemma4.12],weobtainp˜ = hτ1(m−1),hτ1(1)···hτ1(m−2)hm hτ1(m−1),hτ1(1)···hτ1(m−2) 1. (b) If p˜ 6= 1, then p˜ 6= 1 since p˜ = 1. We obtain hτ1(1),hm hτ1(2)···hτ1(m−1),hm h1···hm−1,hm h ···h h h ∈ L(V) by Lemma 3.2(iii). It is a contradiction to τ1(1) τ1(m−2) τ1(m−1) m p h ···h h = h ···h ∈/ L(V). Then p˜ = 1 and p˜ = 1 τ1(1) τ1(m−1) m 1 m hτ1(1),hm hτ1(2)···hτ1(m−1),hm 1. We obtain p˜ 6= 1 for some k ∈ {2,...,m − 1} since p˜ 6= 1. Then hτ1(k1),hm 1 hk,hm h ···h h ∈ L(V)byinductionhypotheses. p h h ···h h = h ···h , τ1(2) τ1(m−1) m 1 τ1(1) τ1(2) τ1(m−1) m 1 m thenp˜ = 1by[WZZ15a,Lemma4.12],weobtainp˜ = hτ1(1),hτ1(2)···hτ1(m−1)hm hτ1(1),hτ1(2)···hτ1(m−1) 1. If h ···h ∈ L(V), then p˜ = 1 by [WZZ15a, Lemma 4.12]. If h ···h = 0, 2 m h2···hm,h1 2 m this isa contradictiontoh h ···h ∈/ L(V), thenh ···h 6= 0. Weknow thereexist τ ∈ 1 2 m 2 m 1 T , p ∈ F∗ such that h ···h = p h ···h with (c) 0 6= h ···h ∈ 2,...,m 1 2 m 1 τ1(2) τ1(m) τ1(2) τ1(m−1) L(V),p˜ 6= 1 for some k ∈ {2,...,m − 1} or with (d) 0 6= h ···h ∈ hτ1(k),hτ1(m) τ1(3) τ1(m) L(V),p˜ 6= 1 for some l ∈ {3,...,m} by induction hypotheses of (iv). We know h ,h τ1(l) τ1(2) h = h . τ1(1) 1 (c) If p˜ 6= 1, then p˜ 6= 1 since p˜ = 1. We obtain hτ1(m),h1 hτ1(2)···hτ1(m−1),h1 h2···hm,h1 h h ···h ∈ L(V) by Lemma 3.2(iii). It is a contradiction to p h h ···h = 1 τ1(2) τ1(m) 1 1 τ1(2) τ1(m) h ···h ∈/ L(V). Then p˜ = 1 and p˜ = 1. We obtain p˜ 6= 1 1 m hτ1(m),h1 hτ1(2)···hτ1(m−1),h1 hτ1(l1),h1 for some l ∈ {2,...,m−1} since p˜ 6= 1. Then h h ···h ∈ L(V) by induc- 1 hl,h1 1 τ1(2) τ1(m−1) tion hypotheses. p h h ···h h = h ···h , then p˜ = 1 1 1 τ1(2) τ1(m−1) τ1(m) 1 m hτ1(m),h1hτ1(2)···hτ1(m−1) by [WZZ15a, Lemma 4.12], we obtain p˜ = 1. hτ1(m),hτ1(2)···hτ1(m−1) (d) If p˜ 6= 1, then p˜ 6= 1 since p˜ = 1. We obtain hτ1(2),h1 hτ1(3)···hτ1(m),h1 h2···hm,h1 h h ···h ∈ L(V) by Lemma 3.2(iii). It is a contradiction to p h h ···h = 1 τ1(2) τ1(m) 1 1 τ1(2) τ1(m) h ···h ∈/ L(V). Then p˜ = 1 and p˜ = 1. We obtain p˜ 6= 1 1 m hτ1(2),h1 hτ1(3)···hτ1(m),h1 hτ1(l1),h1 for some l ∈ {3,...,m} since p˜ 6= 1. Then h h ···h ∈ L(V) by induction 1 hl,h1 1 τ1(3) τ1(m) hypotheses. pp h h h ···h = p h h ···h = h ···h for some p ∈ 1 τ1(2) 1 τ1(3) τ1(m) 1 1 τ1(2) τ1(m) 1 m F∗ by Remark 3.3, then p˜ = 1 by [WZZ15a, Lemma 4.12], we obtain hτ1(2),h1hτ1(3)···hτ1(m) p˜ = 1. It is proved. h ,h ···h τ1(2) τ1(3) τ1(m) Step 2. Assumed that Assertion(j−i) hold, we prove Assertion(j−i−1) holds, 8 j −i ≤ m−3: We know 0 6= hτm−j+i−2(i)···hτm−j+i−2(j) ∈ L(V), then there exists τm−j+i−1 ∈ Thτm−j+i−2(i),...,hτm−j+i−2(j),pm−j+i−1 ∈ F∗ suchthathτm−j+i−2(i)···hτm−j+i−2(j) = pm−j+i−1hτm−j+i−1(i)···hτm−j+i−1(j) with (1◦) 0 6= hτm−j+i−1(i)···hτm−j+i−1(j−1) ∈ L(V), p˜ 6= 1 for some k ∈ {i,...,j −1} or with (2◦) hτm−j+i−1(k),hτm−j+i−1(j) 0 6= hτm−j+i−1(i+1)···hτm−j+i−1(j) ∈ L(V), p˜hτm−j+i−1(l),hτm−j+i−1(i) 6= 1 for some l ∈ {i + 1,...,j} by induction hypotheses of (iv). We obtain h ···h 1 m = p1···pm−j+i−2pm−j+i−1hτm−j+i−1(1)···hτm−j+i−1(m). For convenience, h′k := hτm−j+i−1(k) for all k ∈ {1,...,m}. We know τm−j+i−1(t) = t for all t ∈ A by the definition of ij τm−j+i−1. (1◦) If there exists r ∈ Aij such that p˜h′α,hr = 1 for all α ∈ {i,...,j−1}, then p˜h′j,hr 6= 1 by Assertion(j−i), we know p˜h′i···h′j,hr 6= 1, it is a contradiction to Assertion(j−i). Thus exists α ∈ {i,...,j −1} such that p˜h′α,hr 6= 1 for all r ∈ Aij, we obtain h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ ∈ L(V) by induction hypotheses. 1 i−1 i j−1 Set {r ,··· ,r ,l ,··· ,l } = {τm−j+i−1(j +1),...,τm−j+i−1(m−1)} with r < ··· < 1 β 1 η 1 rβ,l1 < ··· < lη such that p˜h′j,hrk 6= 1 and p˜h′j,hlξ = 1 for all k ∈ {1,...,β}, all ξ ∈ {1,...,η}. Then h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ ∈ L(V) for all r ∈ {1,...,η} and h′h′ ···h′ ∈ 1 j−1 l1 lr j r1 rt L(V)forallt ∈ {1,...,β}byinductionhypotheses. Ifp˜h′,h′ 6= 1,thenp˜h′···h′ h′ ···h′ ,h′ 6= j m 1 j−1 l1 lη m 1 and p˜h′jh′r1···h′rβ,h′m 6= 1 by Assertion(j−i). Then h′1···h′j−1h′l1 ···h′lηh′jh′r1···h′rβh′m ∈ L(V) by Lemma 3.2(iii), h ···h = p ···p h′ ···h′ 1 m 1 m−j+i−1 1 m = p ···p p′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ h′h′ ···h′ h′ for some p′ ∈ F∗ by Remark 3.3. It 1 m−j+i−1 1 1 j−1 l1 lη j r1 rβ m 1 is a contradiction. We obtain p˜h′j,h′m = 1. We obtain h′1···h′j−1h′l1 ···h′lηh′m ∈ L(V) by induction hypotheses. If β ≥ 1, then p˜h′jh′r1···h′rβ−1,h′rβ 6= 1 and p˜h′1···h′j−1h′l1···h′lηh′m,h′rβ 6= 1 by Assertion(j−i). then h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ h′ h′h′ ···h′ h′ ∈ L(V) by Lemma 1 j−1 l1 lη m j r1 rβ−1 rβ 3.2(iii). h h ···h = p ···p p′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ h′ h′h′ ···h′ h′ for some 1 2 m 1 m−j+i−1 2 1 j−1 l1 lη m j r1 rβ−1 rβ p′ ∈ F∗ by Remark 3.3. It is contradiction. Then β = 0. η = m − j − 1, i.e. 2 p˜h′,h′ = 1 for all r ∈ {j + 1,...,m}. So p˜h′···h′ ,h′ = 1 for all r ∈ {j + 1,...,m} by j r i j−1 r Assertion(j−i). Assumed that there exists θ ∈ {1,...,i− 1} such that p˜h′,h′ 6= 1. If θ j p˜h′j,h′1···h′θ−1h′θ+1···h′i−1h′i···h′j−1h′j+1···h′m = 1, then p˜h′j,h′1···h′j−1h′j+1···h′m 6= 1, h′1···h′j−1h′j+1···h′m ∈ L(V) is clear by induction hypotheses. then h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ h′ ∈ L(V) by [WZZ15a, 1 j−1 j+1 m j Lemma 4.12]. h h ···h = p ···p p′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ h′ for some p′ ∈ F∗ by 1 2 m 1 m−j+i−1 3 1 j−1 j+1 m j 3 Remark 3.3. It is contradiction. If p˜h′,h′···h′ h′ ···h′ h′···h′ h′ ···h′ 6= 1, j 1 θ−1 θ+1 i−1 i j−1 j+1 m h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ ∈ L(V)isclearbyinductionhypotheses. Then 1 θ−1 θ+1 i−1 i j−1 j+1 m h′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ h′ ∈ L(V) by Lemma 3.2(iii). h h ···h = θ 1 θ−1 θ+1 i−1 i j−1 j+1 m j 1 2 m p ···p p′h′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ h′ for some p′ ∈ F∗ by Re- 1 m−j+i−1 4 θ 1 θ−1 θ+1 i−1 i j−1 j+1 m j 4 mark 3.3. It is contradiction. Then p˜h′,h′ = 1 for all θ ∈ {1,...,i − 1}, we obtain θ j p˜h′θ,h′i···h′j−1 = 1forallθ ∈ {1,...,i−1}byAssertion(j−i). Weknowh′1···h′j−1h′j+1···h′m ∈ L(V) by induction hypotheses. If p˜h′j,h′i···h′j−1 6= 1, then h′1···h′j−1h′j+1···h′mh′j ∈ L(V) 9 by [WZZ15a, Lemma 4.12], h h ···h = p ···p p′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ h′ for 1 2 m 1 m−j+i−1 5 1 j−1 j+1 m j some p′5 ∈ F∗ by Remark 3.3. It is a contradiction. Then p˜h′j,h′i···h′j−1 = 1. (2◦) If there exists r ∈ Aij such that p˜h′α,hr = 1 for all α ∈ {i+1,...,j}, then p˜h′i,hr 6= 1 by Assertion(j−i), we know p˜h′i···h′j,hr 6= 1, it is a contradiction to Assertion(j−i). Thus exists α ∈ {i+1,...,j} such that p˜h′α,hr 6= 1 for all r ∈ Aij, we obtain h′ ···h′h′ ···h′ ∈ L(V) by induction hypotheses. i+1 j j+1 m Set {r ,··· ,r ,l ,··· ,l } = {τm−j+i−1(2),...,τm−j+i−1(i − 1)} with r < ··· < 1 β 1 η 1 rβ,l1 < ··· < lη such that p˜h′i,hrk 6= 1 and p˜h′i,hlξ = 1 for all k ∈ {1,...,β}, all ξ ∈ {1,...,η}. Then h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ ∈ L(V) for all r ∈ {1,...,η} and h′ ···h′ h′ ∈ l1 lr i+1 m r1 rt i L(V) for all t ∈ {1,...,β}by induction hypotheses. If p˜h′,h′ 6= 1, thenp˜h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ ,h′ 6= i 1 l1 lη i+1 m 1 1 and p˜h′r1···h′rβh′i,h′1 6= 1 by Assertion(j−i). Then h′1h′r1···h′rβh′ih′l1···h′lηh′i+1···h′m ∈ L(V) by Lemma 3.2(iii), h ···h = p ···p h′ ···h′ 1 m 1 m−j+i−1 1 m = p ···p p′h′h′ ···h′ h′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ for some p′ ∈ F∗ by Remark 3.3. It 1 m−j+i−1 1 1 r1 rβ i l1 lη i+1 m 1 is a contradiction. We obtain p˜h′i,h′1 = 1. We obtain h′1h′l1 ···h′lηh′i+1···h′m ∈ L(V) by induction hypotheses. If β ≥ 1, then p˜h′ ···h′ h′,h′ 6= 1 and p˜h′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ ,h′ 6= 1 by r2 rβ i r1 1 l1 lη i+1 m r1 Assertion(j−i). then h′ h′ ···h′ h′h′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ ∈ L(V) by Lemma 3.2(iii). r1 r2 rβ i 1 l1 lη i+1 m h h ···h = p ···p p′h′ h′ ···h′ h′h′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ for some p′ ∈ F∗ by 1 2 m 1 m−j+i−1 2 r1 r2 rβ i 1 l1 lη i+1 m 2 Remark3.3. It iscontradiction. Thenβ = 0. η = i−2, i.e. p˜h′,h′ = 1forallr ∈ {1,...,i− i r 1}. So p˜h′ ···h′,h′ = 1 for all r ∈ {1,...,i−1} by Assertion(j−i). Assumed that there i+1 j r exists θ ∈ {j + 1,...,m} such that p˜h′,h′ 6= 1. If p˜h′,h′···h′ h′ ···h′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ = 1, θ i i 1 i−1 i+1 j j+1 θ−1 θ+1 m then p˜h′i,h′1···h′i−1h′i+1···h′m 6= 1, h′1···h′i−1h′i+1···h′m ∈ L(V) is clear by induction hypothe- ses. then h′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ ∈ L(V) by [WZZ15a, Lemma 4.12]. h h ···h = i 1 i−1 i+1 m 1 2 m p ···p p′h′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ for some p′ ∈ F∗ by Remark 3.3. It is contradic- 1 m−j+i−1 3 i 1 i−1 i+1 m 3 tion. Ifp˜h′i,h′1···h′i−1h′i+1···h′jh′j+1···h′θ−1h′θ+1···h′m 6= 1,h′1···h′i−1h′i+1···h′jh′j+1···h′θ−1h′θ+1···h′m ∈ L(V)isclearbyinductionhypotheses. Thenh′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ h′ i 1 i−1 i+1 j j+1 θ−1 θ+1 m θ ∈ L(V) by Lemma 3.2(iii). h h ···h 1 2 m = p ···p p′h′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ h′ for some p′ ∈ F∗ by 1 m−j+i−1 4 i 1 i−1 i+1 j j+1 θ−1 θ+1 m θ 4 Remark 3.3. It is contradiction. Then p˜h′,h′ = 1 for all θ ∈ {j + 1,...,m}, we obtain θ i p˜h′θ,h′i+1···h′j = 1forallθ ∈ {j+1,...,m}byAssertion(j−i). Weknowh′1···h′i−1h′i+1···h′m ∈ L(V) by induction hypotheses. If p˜h′i,h′i+1···h′j 6= 1, then h′ih′1···h′i−1h′i+1···h′m ∈ L(V) by[WZZ15a, Lemma4.12],h h ···h = p ···p p′h′h′ ···h′ h′ ···h′ forsome 1 2 m 1 m−j+i−1 5 i 1 i−1 i+1 m p′5 ∈ F∗ by Remark 3.3. It is a contradiction. Then p˜h′i,h′i+1···h′j = 1. Step3. WeobtainAssertion(0)byStep1and2. i.e. p˜ = 1andp˜ 6= hτm−2(i),hr hτm−2(i),hr 1 for all r ∈ A . It is a contradiction. ii (iv)Weknowd(h h ···h )isconnectedbyLemma3.4(iii). Ifh ···h orh ···h ∈ 1 2 m 1 m−1 2 m L(V), it is clear. Now we assumed that h ···h ∈/ L(V) and h ···h ∈/ L(V). 1 m−1 2 m Step 1. Let the largest integer j − i+ 1 such that h h ···h ∈ L(V) and τ1(i) τ1(i+1) τ1(j) h h ···h = p h h ···h for some p ∈ F∗, all τ ∈ T , it is clear 1 2 m−1 1 τ1(1) τ1(2) τ1(m−1) 1 1 1,2,...,m−1 10

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