Biogeosciences,6,2677–2708,2009 Biogeosciences ©Author(s)2009. Thisworkisdistributedunder theCreativeCommonsAttribution3.0License. Basin-wide variations in foliar properties of Amazonian forest: phylogeny, soils and climate N.M.Fyllas1,S.Patin˜o2,3,T.R.Baker1,G.BielefeldNardoto4,L.A.Martinelli4,C.A.Quesada1,5,10,R.Paiva5,6, M.Schwarz7,V.Horna8,L.M.Mercado9,A.Santos5,10,†,L.Arroyo11,E.M.Jime´nez12,F.J.Luiza˜o5,D.A.Neill13, N.Silva14,A.Prieto2,A.Rudas15,M.Silviera16,I.C.G.Vieira17,G.Lopez-Gonzalez1,Y.Malhi18,O.L.Phillips1,and J.Lloyd1 1EarthandBiosphereInstitute,SchoolofGeography,UniversityofLeeds,LS29JT,UK 2InstitutodeInvestigacio´ndeRecursosBiolo´gicos,AlexandervonHumboldt,Bogota´,Colombia 3UMR-ECOFOG,INRA,97310,Korou,FrenchGuiana 4CENA-USP,AvCentena´rio303,13416-000Piracicaba,SP,Brazil 5InstitutoNationaldePesquisasAmazoˆnicas,Manaus,Brazil 6Secreta´riaMunicipaldeDesenvolvimentoeMeioAmmbientemaPrefeturiaMunicipaldeMaue´s,Maue´s,Brazil 7Max-Planck-InstitutfuerBiogeochemie,Jena,Germany 8AbteilungO¨kologieundO¨kosystemforschung,Albrecht-von-Haller-Institutfu¨rPflanzenwissenschaften,Universita¨t Go¨ttingen,Go¨ttingen,Germany 9CentreforEcologyandHydrology,Wallingford,UK 10DepartamentodeEcologia,UniversidadedeBras´ılia,Brazil 11MuseoNoelKempffMercado,SantaCruz,Bolivia 12UniversidadNacionaldeColombia,Leticia,Colombia 13HerbarioNacionaldelEcuador,Quito,Ecuador 14EmperaBrasileiradePesquisasAgropecua´ria,Belem,Brazil 15InstitutodeCienciasNaturales,UniversidadNacionaldeColombia,Bogota´,Colombia 16DeptodeCieˆnciasdaNatureza,UniversidadeFederaldoAcre,RioBranco,Brazil 17MuseuParaenseEmilioGoeldiCaixaPostal399Bele´m,Para´ 66040-170,Brazil 18UniversityofOxford,Oxford,UK †AlexandreSantosdiedintheAmazonplanecrashof29September2006. Received: 16December2008–PublishedinBiogeosciencesDiscuss.: 6April2009 Revised: 14October2009–Accepted: 5November2009–Published: 27November2009 Abstract. Weanalysed1040individualtrees, locatedin62 tion, we find that intrinsic values of most trait pairs coor- plots across the Amazon Basin for leaf mass per unit area dinate,althoughdifferentspecies(characterisedbydifferent (M ), foliar carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) and leaf trait suites) are found at discrete locations along a common A level concentrations of C, N, P, Ca, Mg, K and Al. All axisofcoordination. Speciesthattendtooccupyhigherfer- treeswereidentifiedtothespecieslevelwiththedatasetcon- tilitysoilsarecharacterisedbyalowerM andhaveahigher A taining 58families, 236 generaand 508 species, distributed intrinsic[N],[P],[K],[Mg]andδ13Cthantheirlowerfertil- across a wide range of soil types and precipitation regimes. ity counterparts. Despite this consistency, different scaling Some foliar characteristics such as M , [C], [N] and [Mg] patterns were observed between low and high fertility sites. A emerge as highly constrained by the taxonomic affiliation Inter-relationshipsarethussubstantiallymodifiedbygrowth of tree species, but with others such as [P], [K], [Ca] and environment. Analysing the environmental component of δ13C also strongly influenced by site growing conditions. trait variation, we found soil fertility to be the most impor- By removing the environmental contribution to trait varia- tantpredictor,influencingallleafnutrientconcentrationsand δ13CandreducingM . Meanannualtemperaturewasneg- A ativelyassociatedwithleaflevel[N],[P]and[K]concentra- Correspondenceto: N.M.Fyllas tions. Total annual precipitation positively influences M , A ([email protected]) PublishedbyCopernicusPublicationsonbehalfoftheEuropeanGeosciencesUnion. 2678 N.M.Fyllasetal.: FoliarpropertiesofAmazonianforest [C] and δ13C, but with a negative impact on [Mg]. These growth rates (Malhi et al., 2004) and with higher rates of results provide a first basis for understanding the relation- tree turnover (Phillips et al., 2004). But how do key foliar ship between the physiological functioning and distribution propertiesvaryacrossevolutionarygroupingoftreesandre- oftreespeciesacrossAmazonia. late to these different environmental gradients? This is an important question; both to help us understand the ecology and dynamics of Amazonian rain forests and also to ratio- nallyparameterisethenextgenerationofcoupledvegetation 1 Introduction –climatemodels. Recent developments in plant functional ecology have Plants are the central link in the soil-plant-atmosphere con- highlighted suites of plant traits such as per area leaf mass tinuum,utilisingandcyclingarangeofatmospherically(C, (M )andleafnutrientconcentrations,thatcanserveaspre- A H, O, and N) or geologically (P, Ca, K) derived elements dictors of individual plant growth and performance (Reich (Jobbagy and Jackson, 2004). Plant growth is usually con- et al., 1991; Garnier et al., 2004; Poorter and Bongers, sidered to be either nitrogen- or phosphorus-limited (Aerts 2006). Although considerable variability in these charac- andChapin,2000),butwithlessabundantnutrientsalsobe- tershasbeenreported,aglobalspectrumofcoordinationhas ing important for discrete ecosystem processes (Hungate et alsobeenproposed(Reichetal.,1997;Wrightetal.,2004). al.,2004;Kasparietal.,2008). Foliarratiosofleaflevelni- Oneofthemajoraxesofecologicalvariationisthoughttobe trogen, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium concentrations captured by both leaf longevity and M (or its inverse spe- A can indicate the nature of nutrient limitation (Koerselman cificleafarea,SLA),withthesetwotraitswellcorrelatedat and Meuleman, 1996; Jobbagy and Jackson, 2004). It has bothaglobalandatropicalscale(Reichetal.,1991,1997). beenargued,forexample,thatleafN:P>12.5indicatealim- Species with low M tend to have short-lived leaves with A itationonecosystemprocessesbyPavailability(Tessierand high [N] and [P] (dry weight basis) and are usually found Raynal,2003). Butdifferenthypotheseshavebeenproposed atthefastpaybackendofthe“economicspectrum”(Wright regarding the factors controlling the metabolic tissue con- et al., 2004). This combination of traits is usually found at centrationofthemainnutrientsrelatedtoplantgrowth(Re- species with fast growth rates (Poorter and Bongers, 2006). ich and Oleksyn, 2004), especially N and P (Niklas, 2006). Attheotherendofthecontinuum, speciescharacterisedby These hypotheses summarize a physiological, temperature highM ,alsogenerallyhavelowleaf[N]and[P]andlower A or geochemical driven background of N and P cycling and growthrates,thusbeingconsideredtorepresentamorecon- havegainedparticularinterestrecently,asfoliarC:N:Pstoi- servativestrategyofresourceuseandturnover(Reichetal., chiometrymaybeanimportantfactorcontrollingthegrowth 2003). Wright et al. (2005b) examined the role of potas- rateofawiderangeofplants(Elseretal.,2000;Kerkhoffet sium within the “leaf economic spectrum”, concluding that al.,2005;Niklas,2006). Followingonfromthenowwidely although associated with M , N and P, [K] might be more A accepted suggestion of Vitousek (1984) that tropical forests closely associated with other cations such as calcium and maygenerallybePratherthanNlimited,ReichandOleksyn magnesium. (2004) showed that tropical trees typically have higher N:P All major cations are considered in this study, including ratios than are observed at higher latitudes. Nevertheless, [Al],alongwithanadditionalmajorpotentialcomponentof Townsendetal.(2007)alsoshowedthatfortreesgrowingon the leaf physiological spectrum, viz the extent of discrimi- themorefertiletropicalsoils,foliarN:Pratiosaregenerally nationagainsttheheavier13Cisotopeduringphotosynthetic similartothoseobservedinthetemperateandborealzones. CO assimilation, 1. This is indicated by a leaf’s carbon 2 Examining a range of potential edaphic and environmental isotopiccomposition, δ13C,andcanprovideameasureofa predictors, Quesadaetal.(2009a)foundtotalsoilphospho- plant’swateruseefficiency,WUE(Farquharetal.,1989). It rustobethebestpredictorofabovegroundwoodybiomass has,forexample,beenproposedthatleaveswithahighM A growthratesforawiderangeofAmazonforesttypesgrow- shouldalsohavealowerWUE(Lamontetal.,2002). ingonawiderangeofdifferentsoiltypes. Here, as well as considering δ13C we also examine the The Amazon Basin is highly diverse in terms of climate integrationintotheplantphysiologicalspectrumofleafcar- (Sombroek, 2001; Malhi and Wright, 2004), soil physical bon content. Although often considered to be relatively in- and chemical properties (Sombroek, 2000; Quesada et al., variant, differencesinM shouldneverthelessbeaccompa- A 2009b), and species composition (ter Steege et al., 2006). niedbydifferencesinleafcarboncomposition.Forexample, Suchcomplexityhindersanyattempttoaccuratelyestimate thegreaterproportionofdrymatterinvestedincellwallsas significantbiogeochemicalfluxes(Townsendetal.,2008)or expected in high M plants should also be associated with A topredicttheAmazoncarbonbalance(Coxetal., 2000). It increasedlevelsofcarbonrichstructuralcarbohydratecom- is also now clear that a large scale gradient in Amazon for- pounds such as lignin and cellulose (Niinemets, 1997). Al- esttreedynamicsexists, withforestsgrowingonthegener- though not reporting on the relationships between individ- ally more fertile soils of the western Amazon having lower ualcompoundsorelementsandM ,wheninvestigatingleaf A wood densities (Baker et al., 2004), higher above-ground chemicalvariationsfor45differentFrenchGuianarainforest Biogeosciences,6,2677–2708,2009 N.M.Fyllasetal.: FoliarpropertiesofAmazonianforest 2679 species, Ha¨ttenschwiler et al. (2008) reported considerable know if changes in traits observed at the community level variationinfoliarcarboncontents(from0.45to0.52ofleaf arisesolelyasaconsequenceofchangesinspeciescomposi- dry weight) with large inter-specific variations in different tionorwhetherfactorssuchasdry-seasonlengthdirectlyin- carbonconstituentcompoundsalsonoted. fluencephysiologicalpropertiesandtheirinter-relationships. Alongwiththecoordinationofleaffunctionalcharacters, This plasticity of traits and the potential for tree species environmentalfactors,suchasclimateand/orsoilmayaffect population to exhibit different trait combinations according physiological linkages. Modifications of pair-wise relations tochangingsoilandclimateconditionsmaybeveryimpor- (Wrightetal.,2001)orsystematictrendsofafunctionaltrait tant for understanding Amazon forest species distributions. across environmental gradients should indicate trait plastic- So here we analyse nine key leaf traits of 1040 individuals ityand/oradaptivepotential(Sultan,2000). Thesemayhave positioned in sixty-two plots distributed across the Amazon importantconsequencesforindividualandcommunitylevel Basin. ThetraitsreportedareM ,δ13C,andleaflevelcon- A processes. Evaluating this plasticity is thus a key issue in centrations of C, N, P, Ca, Mg, K and Al with 508 species developingtheoreticalandcomputationalschemesofthepo- sampledacrossawiderangeofAmazonsoiltypesandpre- tentialvegetationresponsetochangingenvironmentalcondi- cipitationregimes. Anaccompanyingpaperwillinvestigate tions. structuraltraitssuchasmaximumtreeheight,individualleaf At a global level, Wright et al. (2005a) have shown how area, ratio of supported leaf area to xylem cross sectional somephotosynthetictissuepropertiesandtheirrelationships area, branch xylem density and seed size, also integrating alsovaryacrossclimate,butfortheselectedtraits(MA,leaf thedatasetpresentedherewiththosecomponents,andacross longevity,foliar[N]andphotosyntheticcapacity)climateac- theedaphicandprecipitationregimesobserved(Patin˜oetal., counted for only 0.18 of the total variation. Nevertheless, 2009). such shifts were considered to be of significant importance The aims of this paper are first to partition variation in for the global leaf economic spectrum. At regional scales foliarpropertiesintogeneticandenvironmentalcomponents. andalongrainfallandsoilphosphorusgradients, significant Secondtoidentifytheextenttowhichtraitsareconservative strategic shifts in leaf properties and functioning have also acrossevolutionarygroupingoftreespecies, andhowthese beenidentified,withspeciesfoundatdriersitesexhibitinga traits differ across taxonomic affinities. Third to explore if lowerphotosyntheticcapacityforagivenfoliar[N]and[P] there are differences in the trait combinations found under and higher [N] and [P] concentrations at a given M (Fon- A different environmental conditions. Ultimately, we attempt seca et al., 2000; Wright et al., 2001). Niinemets and Kull tolinkenvironmentalcomponentsoftraitvariationwithkey (2003)suggestedthatthestrengthofthecorrelationbetween soilandclimatevariables. Wespecificallyhypothesisedthat: foliarnutrientconcentrationsandM werecontrolledbysoil A nutrientavailability,withthestrongestassociationsbetween 1. Although genetically determined, many of the traits of M and the most limiting nutrient. Similar results were re- A interest would be modified by the growth environment ported for Amazonian species, but with weak M -[N] rela- A – as has been demonstrated recently, for example, by tionshipsinwhatwereconsideredtobePlimitedstands(Re- Poorteretal.(2009)forM . A ichandWalters,1994). Atapan-tropicalscaleTownsendet al. (2007)foundthatleafN:Pratiosvarywithsoilorder,and 2. Thatspecieswhichoccurinthefastergrowingstandson suggested that species diversity may be an important factor themorefertilesoilsoftheAmazonBasin(Quesadaet controllingthisratio. al.,2009a)wouldbecharacterisedbyleaftraitsassoci- Different tropical tree species may have markedly differ- atedwithafastergrowthpotential–forexamplealower entfoliarnutrientconcentrations(DrechselandZech,1991; M andintrinsicallyhigher[N]and[P]thanspeciesoc- Townsend et al., 2007) and, at least at the landscape level, A curring on the less fertile substrates. Although it has differentspeciestendtobeassociatedwithsoilsofdifferent longbeenassumedthatthisshouldbethecaseforplants fertility (Phillips et al., 2003; John et al., 2007). Given that ingeneral(LambersandPoorter,1992),weknowoffew even for the same species, natural variations in soil fertility demonstrationsthatthisisactuallythecaseandnoneat mayalsoservetomodifyfoliarseedlingnutrientconcentra- aspatialscalesimilartothatoftheAmazonBasin. tionsalongwithotherleafphysiologicalcharacteristicssuch asM (Veenendaaletal., 1996; Kanowski, 2001), wewere A also interested to ascertain whether differences in foliar nu- 3. That the strong dependence of Amazon forest growth trient concentrations sampled across Amazonia represented on soil available phosphorus concentrations (Quesada directly different levels of soil fertility and/or intrinsic dif- et al., 2009a) would also be reflected in much higher ferences in physiological leaf traits of the different species concentrationsoffoliarP(aswellaspossibleotherele- growingindifferentplots. Likewise,althoughtheremaybe ments)forstandsgrowingonmorefertilesoils–thisbe- large scale changes in physiological traits with rainfall or ingaboveandbeyondthatexpectedonthebasisofdif- temperature when a range of species are considered (San- ferencesinspeciescomposition(asin2. above)alone. tiago et al., 2004a; Wright et al., 2005a) it is important to Biogeosciences,6,2677–2708,2009 2680 N.M.Fyllasetal.: FoliarpropertiesofAmazonianforest 1000 Previous work has shown tropical forest soil type to sig- nificantly influence foliar trait interactions, for example the ) -1g slope of the foliar N versus foliar P relationship (Townsend k 800 etal.,2007). Similarly,Kattgeetal.(2009)examinedphoto- g m synthesisversusnitrogenrelationshipsfortropicaltreesalso ( us finding distinctions between fertile (“oxisol”) versus infer- r o 600 tile(“non-oxisol”)soils. Toprovidesomelinkagewiththese h p s studies, soil chemical and physical data for 0–0.3m depth, o h collectedandanalysedasdescribedinQuesadaetal.(2009c) p 400 oil werethusassembledtoallowaclassificationofplotsaccord- s ingtosoilfertilitygroupsandthusadifferentiationoffoliar al ot traits and their relationships between low and high fertility T 200 sites. Ourdifferentiationintolowandhighfertilitysoilswas more quantitative, however, being based on the measured “total reserve bases” 6 , from 0.0 to 0.3m depth, which RB 0 provides a quantitative estimate of the extent of soil weath- 10 50 100 200 500 1000 eringasdescribedinQuesadaetal.(2009c). A“breakpoint” SoilTtoottaallrreesseerrvveebbaasseess((mmmmooll kkgg--11)) in the linear relationships of different soil variables such as cc phosphoruscontent(Fig.1),pHandotherswithlog (6 ), 10 RB Fig. 1. Broken line regression and breakpoint identification in wasidentifiedusingbrokenlineregressionmodels(Muggeo, the linear relationship between soil total P content and log10- 2008), with this breakpoint almost inevitably occurring at a transformedtotalreservebases.SeealsoQuesadaetal.(2009c). mean6 around130(mmolkg−1). UsingtheWorldRef- RB erenceBaseforSoilResourcesClassificationSystem(IUSS Working Group WRB, 2006), 6 <130mmolkg−1 en- RB 2 Methods compassesnutrientpoorsoilssuchasarenosols,podzolsand ferralsols along with any dystrophic acrisols, alisols, cam- 2.1 Studysitesandleafminerals,xylemdensityanden- bisols gleysols and plinthisols. On the other hand, 6 > vironmentaldata RB 130mmolkg−1 defines the usually fertile cambisols, along with the more fertile alisols, nitisols, fluvisols, lixisols and For 62 of the RAINFOR network plots described in detail plinthisols. 6 is an easily measured soil property which in Patin˜o et al. (2009), we utilised foliar nutrient and M RB A is often determined in soil science studies, both in the trop- data from upper canopy sun-exposed leaves from trees reli- ics and elsewhere (e.g. Federer et al., 1998; Barthold et al., ably identified at the species level, with data collected and 2008;Quesadaetal.,2009c). analysed as described in detail in Lloyd et al. (2009). The elementsofinterestwereleaflevelconcentrationsofC,N,P, Climate, temperature and precipitation datasets were ob- Ca,Mg,K,allexpressedhereinmgg−1,withleafmassper tainedfromthefreeaccesswebsiteathttp://www.worldclim. unit area, M , expressed in units of gm−2 and δ13C as per org.Thissetofglobalclimatelayers,“WorldClim”,includes A mil(‰).AsinLloydetal.(2009),[C]asshownandanalysed annualtimeserieswithmeanmonthlydataforprecipitation, here, has been adjusted for variations in mineral content by and mean, minimum and maximum temperatures obtained subtractingthemeasuredconcentrationsofthemajorcations from over 4000 weather stations between 1950 and 2000 viz[Ca]+[Mg]+[K]+[Na]. Thisallowsvariationsin[C]tobe (Hijmans et al., 2005). Solar radiation data is from New et betterinterpretedintermsofvariationsinfoliarcarbohydrate al.(2002). chemistry, as opposed to variation in [C] simply reflecting 2.2 Statisticalanalysis differencesinmineralconcentrations. Some sample plots included in Patin˜o et al. (2009) Theanalysisherefocusesongeneticandplot-environmental are not considered in this analysis, due to less than componentsoftraitvariation,asestimatedfromamultilevel complete species identification (APG II, 2003). These modelanddiscussedbelow. include ALF-01, MAN-03, SIN-01, SUC-04, ZAR- Preliminarytestsincluded:analysisofnormality(Shapiro- 01,02,03,04). Data from some plots have been aggre- gated(ex.TAP-01&TAP-02&TAP-03→TAP-123,CAX- Wilk), and homogeneity of variances (Fligner-Killeen) for 03 & CAX- 03.1→ CAX-03) where they were located each foliar property. This showed [C], [N], [P], [Ca], [Mg] [K]andM toallnotbenormallydistributedandthesepa- in close proximity and having all but identical topogra- A rameterswerethuslog -transformedpriortoanalyses. Fo- phy,soilsandclimaticconditions(seeSupplementaryinfor- 10 liar δ13C was approximately normally distributed, but we mation I, Table SI1: log -transformedtheabsolutevaluesinordertoconsistently 2009/ 10 analyse the full dataset, taking the negative values of the Biogeosciences,6,2677–2708,2009 N.M.Fyllasetal.: FoliarpropertiesofAmazonianforest 2681 transformandthenreturningthevaluestotheoriginalsign. partitioning the trait variation between species and plots in Onewayanalysisofvariance(ANOVA)wasusedtoexplore thepresenceofsubstantialresidual“noise”. Asisshownin fordifferencesbetweenfertilitygroups,aswellasfordiffer- Supplementary Information SII, the hierarchical model was ences between families, genera within a family and species abletoadequatelyextractboththevariancestructureandthe withinagenus. AllanalyseswereperformedwiththeRsta- magnitude of the species/plot effects. Most importantly, it tisticalplatform(RDevelopmentCoreTeam,2008). alsoprovidedunbiasedestimatesoftheslopesofthebivari- Amultilevelmodel(SnijdersandBosker,1999;McMahon aterelationshipsexistingbetweenthevarioustraitsofinter- andDiez,2007)wasfirstfittedforeachfoliartraitaccording estforboththegeneticandplot-environmentaleffects. to In what follows we consider the derived environmental term to represent the combined influences of climate, soil T =µ+p+f/g/s+ε, (1) and location. The genetic term (estimated here as the sum whereµistheoverallmeanvalueofeachtrait(T),p isthe ofthefamily,genusandspecieseffects)representsthephy- plot effect, i.e. the effect of the location at which each in- logenetic structure of the dataset. We note that this taxo- dividual was found (soil and climate), f/g/s represents the nomicallybasedmultilevelmodeldoesnothaveasinputval- genetic structure of the data, i.e. that each individual be- uesthespeciesmeansfortheonespeciescalculatedatsingle longs to a species (s), nested in a genus (g), nested in a and/ormultiplesitesasissometimesthecase(e.g.Bakeret family (f), and ε is the residual term which includes both al., 2004; Wright et al., 2004). But rather, it incorporates natural within-species variability as well as any measure- the full range of available information, taking into account ment error. All parameters were estimated by the Residual theobservedintra-specificvariationinfoliagecharacteristics MaximumLikelihood(REML)methodwiththelme4library and allowing for all traits to vary systematically across the (Bates and Sarkar, 2007). The multilevel model Eq. (1), in differentplotssampled,aswellasallowingforintra-species a similar way to taxonomically based nested ANOVAs, can variabilitywithinanyoneplot. beusedtopartitionthevariancefromspeciesuptothefam- Bivariate relationships of foliar properties were first as- ilylevel. Itisparticularlyusefulfornotfullyresolvedplant sessed with Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r), and with supertrees(Kerkhoffetal.,2006;Watanabeetal.,2007)and StandardisedMajorAxis(SMA)linefits(LegendreandLeg- it can be used to estimate group- or individual-level regres- endre,1998;Wartonetal.,2006)subsequentlyappliedwhere sion coefficients and their variation in unbalanced datasets rwassignificantlydifferentfromzero.SMAregressionlines (GelmanandHill,2006;pp.246)withevenoneobservation representthefirstaxisofaprincipalcomponentanalysis(of per group (Gelman and Hill, 2006; pp. 276). In our case a correlation matrix) and are often used in plant allometry the estimated components of variance can be distinguished studies. It is common for variables to be logarithmically intobotha{“plot”–“environmental”}anda“genetic”term. transformedwiththeregressionlog(y)=log(β)+αlog(x),this Recognisingthatourstudyrepresentsanincompleteand,toa expressing a power law of the form y=βxα. The slope or largeextent, under-representedsamplingoftheedaphicand scaling exponent α, quantifies the rate of increase of y in climaticvariabilityofAmazonia,aswellasonlyaselection relation to x, indicating an isometric (α≈1) or allometric of the many trees species living there, all terms in the mul- (α6=1)scale. Theinterceptorelevationβ oftheregression tilevel model were treated as random (as opposed to fixed) lineexpressesthemagnitudeofyperunitofx(Kerkhoffand effects(McCullochandSearle,2001). Randomeffectswere Enquist,2006). SMAregressionswereusedforboththege- quantifiedthroughthebestlinearunbiasedpredictor(BLUP) netic(f/g/s)andtheplot-environmental(p)componentof method,providingshrunkenestimatesofthedifferencesbe- different trait pairs. For the genetic component we further tweentermsandtheoverallmeans(Galwey,2006). Theran- testedfordifferencesinelevationandshiftacrossthemajor dom genetic and the plot effects were then used for further axis for high and low fertility oriented species using the R analysisasdescribedbelow. smatrlibrary(Wartonetal.,2006). Due to the highly unbalanced nature of our dataset we The plot effect trait estimates were further explored with verifiedtheefficiencyofthehierarchical/multilevelmodelin three different statistical methods; one of them presented both partitioning the variance and in providing accurate es- here and two of them in Appendix A and Supplementary timatesofthegeneticandplotleveldependenciesoftheob- Information 3 ( servedfoliarpropertiesthroughasimulationstudy(Supple- Initially multiple linear mentary Information SII). In these simulations a predefined regressions (OLS) of plot contribution to trait variation pattern of variance partitioning as well as species and plot against a set of key soil and climate variables were per- leveleffectswasimposed(alongwithsignificantresidualef- formed. For this, a matrix of soil variables was assembled fects)withthesamplingofindividualspeciesundertakenina using data from Quesada et al. (2009c) i.e. total soil C and highlyunbalancedmannersimilartothatofouractualsam- Nconcentration, exchangeableCa, Mg, K,NaandAl, total ple. Wethenretrievedthegeneticandenvironmentaleffects extractable phosphorus, 6 , effective cation exchange ca- RB fortheartificiallygeneratedpopulationusingtheREMLap- pacity, base saturation and the sand and clay fraction. To proach, also testing the efficacy of the REML procedure in reduce dimensions and avoid multicollinearity we applied Biogeosciences,6,2677–2708,2009 2682 N.M.Fyllasetal.: FoliarpropertiesofAmazonianforest Family Genus Species Residual Plot mean temperature, total annual precipitation, precipitation during the three driest months of the year and mean annual radiation(AppendixA).Simplificationofthefullmodelwas exploredfollowingastepwiseeliminationofthelesssignifi- cantterms,basedonAkaike’sInformationCriterion(AIC)to δ13C derivetheminimumadequatemodel(Crawley,2007). Addi- tionally, simultaneous autoregressive models (SAR) includ- ing a spatial error term at two scales were also fitted (Ap- [K] pendixA).Ourspatialanalysiswasnotdesignedtofullydis- entangle the scales where different environmental variables controltheobservedvariationoftheleafpropertiesstudied. [P] Rather, we have tried to filter the most important environ- mental predictors and to investigate if the trends identified by the OLS were biased and if the identified important en- vironmental variables from OLS remained significant after [Ca] accounting for spatial patterns in our models (Lichstein et al.,2002). Finally as some plot effect versus environmental predic- [N] tor relationships did not show a simple linear trend and/or normallydistributedhomoscedaticerrors,weusedKendall’s τ as a non-parametric measure of association. Though less [Al] common than Spearman’s ρ, Kendall’s τ has slightly bet- ter distributional properties and also has the advantage that it can be interpreted in terms of probabilities of observing M concordant and discordant pairs (Conover, 1980). Specifi- A cally,τ=π –π ,whereπ istheprobabilityofconcordant c d c pairs and π is the probability of discordant. For example, d [C] if τ=0.5, then 0.75 of the ranked pairs are concordant and 0.25arediscordant. Kendall’sτ alsohastheadvantagethat itcanbegeneralisedtoapartialcorrelationcoefficient(Leg- endreandLegendre,1998;pp.202). AsisdiscussedinLeg- [Mg] endreandLegendre(1998)itis, however, difficulttoassess thestatisticalsignificanceofthepartialτ andsohereweas- sess likely significance levels of our calculated partial τ by 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 numericalsimulationasdescribedinMaghsoodlooandLas- Proportionoftotalpopulationvariance zloPallos(1981). Althoughnotallowingspatialpatternsto be taken implicitly into account, this approach does allow Fig. 2. Partitioning of the total variance for each foliar property the inter-relationships between environmental predictors to intogenetic(family/genus/species),environmental(plot)andaner- be explicitly included in the analysis of environmental fac- ror(residual)components. Foliarpropertiesaresortedfromlessto torsinfluencingthestudiedplantphysiologicalpropertiesin more phylogenetically constrained. Significance of each variance anon-parametricmanner. componentwastestedwithalikelihoodratiotest(Faraway,2004; Galwey,2006).Significancecodes:***<0.001,**<0.01,*<0.05. MAdenotesleafmassperunitarea,δ13Crepresentsthedrymatter 13C/12Ccomposition(permil)withallothersymbolsrepresenting 3 Results theelementalcompositionoftheleaves(dryweightbasis).Allval- ueshadbeenlog10transformedpriortoanalysis. 3.1 Partitioningofthevariance Through fitting the multilevel model of Eq. (1), a partition- principal components analysis (PCA), using the R ade4 li- ingofthevariancetogeneticandplotlevelcomponentswas brary (Chessel et al., 2004), to the correlation table of the achieved with results presented in Fig. 2. This shows that, soilmatrixwithmostvariableslog-transformed(Quesadaet not only does the proportion of the variance attributable to al.,2009b)andderivedthemainaxesofvariation. Multiple the nested taxonomy (genetic) component differ for differ- regressionsforeachtrait’s“ploteffect”werethencomputed ent traits, but also that the level of genetic variation, partic- onthefirstthreeprincipalcomponents(LegendreandLegen- ularly at the species level, contrasts greatly between traits. dre,1998)withfourclimatevariablesalsoincluded; annual For example, for M the genetic component accounts for A Biogeosciences,6,2677–2708,2009 N.M.Fyllasetal.: FoliarpropertiesofAmazonianforest 2683 0.02 μ=99;S2=971 0.02 μ=473;S2=1674 0.01 μ=22;S2=34 min=30;max=299 min=327;max=590 min=6;max=41 y sit en 0.01 0.01 D 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 200 300 300 400 500 600 0 20 40 Leafmassperunitarea(gm-2) Leaf[C](mgg-1) Leaf[N](mgg-1) μ=1.01;S2=0.26 μ=7.6;S2=43 μ=6.9;S2=23 min=0.24 min=0.3 min=0.3 max=4.09 max=55.0 max=44.2 1.0 0.01 0.01 y sit n e D 0.0 0.00 0.00 0 2 4 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 Leaf[P](mgg-1) Leaf[Ca](mgg-1) Leaf[K](mgg-1) μ=2.6;S2=2.9 0.2 μ=0.7;S2=9.8 0.4 μ=-31.4;S2=2.6 min=0.4;max=16.5 min=0.0 min=-37.8 max=41.8 max=-26.8 0.20 y sit 0.1 0.2 n e D 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 10 20 0 20 40 -36 -32 -28 Leaf[Mg](mgg-1) Leaf[Al](mgg-1) Leafδ13C(‰) Fig.3.Probabilitydensityhistogramsofrawdataperfertilitygroup.Redbarsrepresentlowandbluebarshighsoilfertilityplots,asdefined bythequantitativedeterminationsoftheleveloftotalreservebasesfrom0–30cmdepth(seeFig.1andtext). Alsogiventheoverallmean, rangeandvarianceforeachproperty. approximately 0.38 of the total variance (with half of this varianceinthedatasetattributabletointra-speciesvariability attributable to species effect) and with the variability asso- aswellasanymeasurementerror. ciated with tree location, the “plot effect”, being only 0.15 In contrast to M , the principle source of variation in A of the total variance. A little less than half the variance in [P] was the “plot effect” (accounting for 0.47 of the to- the dataset is attributable to an error term. As mentioned tal variance) with only 0.23 of the observed variance at- previously, the“errorterm”representstheproportionofthe tributable to a genetic component and with the species Biogeosciences,6,2677–2708,2009 2684 N.M.Fyllasetal.: FoliarpropertiesofAmazonianforest specific component of the variation being less significant. tary Information I, Table SI2: http://www.biogeosciences. The “plot effect” was similarly very high for [Ca] and [K] net/6/2677/2009/ Interest- (0.42and0.47ofthetotalvariancerespectively), whilstthe ingly, the [P] vs. [N] relationship and all bivariate relation- lowestplotcontributionof0.1wasobservedfor[Mg].Along ships including [K], showed statistically significant differ- withM ,partitioningofthevariancetothegeneticcompo- ences in slope between low and high fertility sites (apart A nentwashighestfor[Mg](0.48)and[C](0.40).Alsoofnote from [K] vs. [N]). In what follows we therefore retained is the high proportion of the variance in [Al] attributable at ourconsiderationoftheeffectsofsoilfertilityontraitvaria- thefamilylevel(0.32),consistentwithindependentphyloge- tion,probingdifferencesbetweenourfertileandinfertilesoil neticanalyses(Jansensetal.,2002). Forδ13C,theattributed classesonthenatureofthebivariaterelationshipsforthege- geneticvariationwaslessthanforanyoftheelementsorM , neticcomponentsoftheoverallvariationobserved. Someof A butstillwithanappreciable“ploteffect”,suggestingthatge- therawdatabivariaterelationshipsarepresentedinFig.SI1. ographicvariationsineithersoilorclimateexertsignificant effectsontheextentofphotosynthetic13CO discrimination 3.4 Bivariaterelationships(Geneticcomponent) 2 acrossAmazonia. The genetic component of the multilevel model (i.e. the The ability of the REML model to accurately re- family+genus+species) showed numerous significant corre- trieve the correct partitioning of the variance for the lations (Table 1 – middle panel). By separating species to various traits is demonstrated in Supplementary In- lowandhighfertilityorientedones,mostrelationshipsiden- formation II ( tified as significant in the raw dataset, retained their impor- and, for the interested tance (Table 2). As is also shown in Fig. 4a and b, us- reader, some aspects of the inferred taxonomic variation of ingtheconventiony↔x todenotebivariaterelationships,a the examined foliar properties is presented and discussed strongrelationshipwasidentifiedfor[N]↔M (r=−0.403 inAppendixB,includingaconsiderationofdifferencesbe- A and−0.407onlowandhighfertilitysoilsrespectively)and tweenN -fixingandnon-N fixingmembersoftheFabaceae. 2 2 [P]↔M (r=−0.388 and −0.433). There was also a rea- A sonablystrongrelationshipbetweenM and[K]butthiswas 3.2 Statisticaldistributionofmeasuredtraits A considerably weaker for [Mg] for both soil types (Table 2, graphnotshown). M showedaweakcorrelationwith[Ca] Trait distributions for the complete dataset divided into the A andwasstrongerassociatedwith[C]inspeciesfoundatlow low and high soil-fertility groups are shown in Fig. 3, with soil fertility sites. The genetic component of [C]↔[N] was theoverallarithmeticmean,rangeandvariancesalsoshown. onlymarginallysignificantonlowfertilitysites,whilestrong Significant differences across mean plot values were iden- negative associations were found between leaf carbon and tified for all foliar properties as summarised in the Supple- cations (Ca, K & Mg) content on both fertile and infertile mentary Information I, Table SI1. Figure 3 shows that al- plots. though M and [C] had similar statistical distributions for A Verystrongcorrelationswerealsoobservedbetweensome both low and high fertility plots, for the other traits exam- of the individual nutrients, with [P]↔[N] (r =0.648 and ined the distributions for trees growing on the more fertile 0.698 on low and high fertility soils respectively) being es- soils were shifted to the right, apart from [Al] (shifted to peciallywellassociated(Fig.4c). Therelationshipsbetween theleft). MeanleafN:Pratiowas30.1±9.5forthelowsoil [K] and [P] (r=0.394 and 0.507; Fig. 4e), [Mg] and [Ca] fertility plots, this being significantly higher (F =388.6, 1,789 (r =0.643 and 0.660; Fig. 4f) and between [K] and [Ca] p<0.001)thanthe19.6±5.6observedonhighfertilitysoils. (r =0.447 and 0.450) are also of note, as is the observa- Thus,thenaturalvariationsinrainforestsoilfertilitythatoc- tionthattherelationshipbetween[K]and[N]issubstantially curwithintheAmazonBasin,exertastrongeffectsonplant nutrient concentrations and δ13C, but do not strongly influ- weakerthanfor[K]↔[P].ThoughnotshowninFig.4,ofin- terestwerethegenerallystrongcorrelationsbetweenallthree enceM and[C]. A basecationpairsandwithP. A comparison of SMA slopes for all M ↔[nutrient] 3.3 Bivariaterelationships(rawdata) A relationships showed no difference between low and high fertility sites (Table 2). This was also true for between A preliminary analysis of the raw data foliar properties nutrient pairs such as [P]↔[N], [K]↔[P], [Ca]↔[K] and showed significant correlations between most of the exam- [Ca]↔[Mg]. Thissuggeststhattheintrinsic(geneticallyde- ined trait pairs as shown in Table 1 (left panel), where we fined) way M is linked with leaf nutrient concentrations, alsosummarisetheSMAregressionestimatesforthewhole A as well as the way in which different nutrients are related dataset(noseparationintolowandhighfertilityplots). Nev- toeachotheristoalargedegreecommonforspeciesfound ertheless, when low and high fertility sites were considered acrosstheAmazonandindependentofthefertilityofthesoil separately, most of the pairwise associations remained im- wheretheyusuallygrow. portant,butwithsignificantdifferencesinslopeorelevation andshiftoftheSMAaxisbeingidentified(seeSupplemen- Biogeosciences,6,2677–2708,2009 N.M.Fyllasetal.: FoliarpropertiesofAmazonianforest 2685 8 a 0.6 b -1mg g) 46 -1mg g) 0.4 effect ( 2 effect ( 0.2 etic 0 etic 0 en 2 en 0. [N] g 4- r= - 0.427 [P] g 0.2 r= - 0.403 - p< 0.001 - p< 0.001 6 N= 492 N= 488 - - 20 0 20 40 - 20 0 20 40 M genetic effect (g m-2) M genetic effect (g m-2) A A 6 c d r= 0.019 0. 6 p= 0.675 -1mg g) 0.4 -1mg g) 4 N= 489 [P] genetic effect ( r= 0.663 [Ca] genetic effect ( -202 - p< 0.001 N= 488 4 - - 6 - 4 - 2 0 2 4 6 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 0 2 4 6 8 [N] genetic effect (mg g-1) [N] genetic effect (mg g-1) e f 4 -1mg g) 3 -1mg g) 2 K] genetic effect ( -1012 r= 0.452 Mg] genetic effect ( 01 r= 0.648 [ -2 p< 0.001 [ 1 p< 0.001 N= 490 - N= 491 3 - - 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 - 4 - 2 0 2 4 6 [P] genetic effect (mg g-1) [Ca] genetic effect (mg g-1) Fig.4.Relationshipbetweengeneticeffecttermsforselectedpairsoffoliarproperties.Thesecurvesarereconstructedfollowingthefootnote onTable1(analysisoriginallydoneonlog10 transformedvariables, butherebacktransformedtotheoriginalscale)andwiththeoverall geometricmeanforeachfoliarpropertysubtracted. Reddotsindicatespeciesfoundonlowfertilitysitesandbluecirclesindicatespecies foundonhighfertilitysites. Speciesfoundonbothsoilfertilitygroupsareillustratedwithblackdots(seetextfordetails). Commonslope SMAlinesareshown,thoughshiftsalongtheSMAaxiswithfertilitywerealsocommon(Table2).MAdenotesleafmassperunitareawith othersymbolsrepresentingtheelementalcompositionoftheleaves(dryweightbasis). Biogeosciences,6,2677–2708,2009 2686 N.M.Fyllasetal.: FoliarpropertiesofAmazonianforest a 8 b r=- 0.025 0. p= 0.848 4 -1g) -1g) 0.6 N= 62 g 2 g m m 4 ct ( 0 ct ( 0. plot effe -2 plot effe 0.00.2 [N] -4 [P] 0.2 6 - - 4 0. - - 20 - 10 0 10 20 30 - 20 - 10 0 10 20 30 M plot effect (g m-2) M plot effect (g m-2) A A 0.8 c 8 d -1mg g) 40.6 -1mg g) 6 P] plot effect ( 0.00.20. r= 0.471 Ca] plot effect ( 024 [ [ 2 r= 0.276 p< 0.001 - p= 0.029 4 N= 62 0. 4 N= 62 - - - 6 - 4 - 2 0 2 4 - 6 - 4 - 2 0 2 4 [N] plot effect (mg g-1) [N] plot effect (mg g-1) 4 e f 5 -1mg g) 2 -1mg g) 0. K] plot effect ( -20 Mg] plot effect ( 0.50.0 [ r= 0.745 [ - r= 0.497 p< 0.001 p< 0.001 4 N= 62 N= 62 - - 0.4 - 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 - 4 - 2 0 2 4 6 8 [P] plot effect (mg g-1) [Ca] plot effect (mg g-1) Fig. 5. Relationship between plot-environmental effects for selected pairs of foliar properties. These curves are reconstructed following thefootnoteonTable1(analysisoriginallydoneonlog10 transformedvariables,butherebacktransformedtotheoriginalscale)withthe overallgeometricmeanforeachfoliarpropertysubtracted. Reddotsindicatelowfertilitysites,bluecirclesindicatehighfertilityonesand blackdotsillustrateplotswithnofertilityclassification. MAdenotesleafmassperunitareawithothersymbolsrepresentingtheelemental compositionoftheleaves(dryweightbasis). Biogeosciences,6,2677–2708,2009