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Basic Vocabulary of Gujarati (First Draft) Babu Suthar Index Theme Page No. relations 10 1. The world and nature 2 21. Body parts 11 2. Directions 3 22. Diseases 11 3. Metals 3 23. Indigenous Drugs 4. Minerals 3 and etc. 12 5. Jewel 4 24. Food 3 14 6. Wild animals 4 25. Dress and cloths 15 7. Domestic Animals 5 26. Bathroom and other items 16 8. Birds 5 27. House 17 9. Insects 6 28. Household goods 17 10. Trees 6 29. Traveling 18 11. Plants 7 30. Professions and Trades 19 12. Dry Fruits 7 31. Signs of Zodiac 21 13. Fruits 7 32. Planets and other 14. Flowers 7 astronomical objects 21 15. The Vegetable world 8 33. Commercial Terms 21 16. Time 8 34. Legal and trading terms 23 17. The days of the week 9 35. Fishing 24 18. The Months 9 36. Religious terms 24 19. The Seasons 9 37. Colors 25 20. Kinship terms and 1 The world and nature air hva fem. heat grmI fem. bay wpsagr masc. hell nrk neut. channel `a6I fem. hill (small) 4ekrI fem. cloud vadX neut. hill (big) 4ekro masc. coast iknaro, ka&5o masc. ice brf masc. cold 5&6I fem. island be4, 4apu masc. comet 0Umketu& masc. lake srovr neut. continet `&6 masc. land jmIn fem. country d=e masc. light AjvaXu& neut. cyclone ck/vat masc. lightning ivjXI fem. darkness A&0aru& neut. mist 0uMMs neut. desert r8 neut. moon c&± masc. dew zakX fem. moonlight ca&dnI fem. dust 0UX fem. mud kadv masc. earthquake 0rtIk&p masc. nature kudrt, p/k<it fem. east pUvR fem. ocean mhasagr masc. ebb Ao4 masc. paradise SvgR neut. ebb -rtI fem. plain medan neut. eclipse g/h8 neut. planet g/h masc. fire Aag fem. polar star 0/uvno taro masc. flood pUr, rel neut., fem. pond tXav neut. foam fI8 neut. rain vrsad masc. fog 0uMMs neut. rainbow me30nuq neut. frost ihm neut. ray ikr8 neut. river ndI fem. geography -UgoX fem. rivulet naXu& neut. gulf A`at masc. rock `6k masc. hails kra masc.pl. sand retI fem. heaven SvgR neut. sea drIyo masc. 2 seaport b&dr neut. town =her neut. seashore drIyaka&5o masc. valley `I8 fem. shade 2ayo masc. village gam neut. shadow p62ayo masc. water pa8I neut. sky Aaka= neut. waterfall 0o0 masc. snow brf masc. wave moju& neut. star taro masc. weather hva fem. storm tofan masc.stream zr8u& neut. well kUvo masc. sun sUrj masc. whirlwind v&4oXIyo masc. tank tXav neut. wind pvn masc. tide -rtI fem. world jgt, duinya neut., fem. thunder gjRna fem. Directions east pUvR, Wgm8I fem. south dix8 fem. north w]ar fem. west pi¾m, Aa9m8I fem Metals brass ip]aX neut. metal 0atu fem. copper ta&bu& neut. silver ca&dI fem. coral prvaXu& neut. steel polad neut. gold sonu& neut. tin kla: fem. iron lo`&6, lo7u& neut. zink jst neut. lead issu& neut. Minerals aagate AkIk neut. gravel kpcI fem. alum f4k6I fem. lime cUno masc. chalk cak masc. marble Aars masc. clay ma4I fem. mercury paro masc. coal kolso masc. mineral `inj neut. flint ckmk masc. soda `aro masc. 3 stone p(9r masc. Jewels diamond hIro masc. ruby ma8ek neut. emeralnd jm£d neut. sapphrie nIlm neut. jewel rTn, rtn neut. topaz po`raj neut. pearl motI neut. Wild animals alligator mgr masc. lizard groXI fem. ass g0e6u& neut. monkey (male) va&dro masc. bear rI&2 neut. monkey (female) va&drI fem. beast p=u neut. mosquito mC2r neut. buck kaXIyar masc. mule `Ccr neut. buffalo -e&s fem. panther (male) dIp6o masc. bullock bXd masc. panther (female) dIp6I fem. camel W&4 neut. rabbit sslu& neut. deer hr8 neut. rahinoceros ge&6o masc. elephant (male) ha9I masc. scorpian (male) vI&2I masc. elephant (female) ha98I fem. scorpion (female) vI&28 fem. fox i=yaX, lo&k6I neut., fem. snake (male) sap masc. frog de6ku& neut. snaker (female) sap8 fem. hare sslu& neut. stag sabr neut. jackal i=yaX neut. tiger va3 masc. leopard ic]ao masc. tigress va38 fem. lion (male) is&h masc. wolf vru neut. lion (female) is&h8 fem. Domestic Animals 4 ass g0e6u& neut. elephant (kid) mdinyu& neut. ass (male) g0e6o masc. goat (male) bkro masc. ass (female) g0e6I fem. goat (female) bkrI fem. buffalo -e&s fem. goat bkru& neut. buffalo (male) pa6o masc. hare sslu& neut. bullock bXd masc. horse 3o6o masc. camel W&4 neut. lamb 3e4u& neut. camel (female) W&46I fem. mouse w&dr masc. cow gay fem. pig 6ukkr neut. dog (male) kUtro masc. pony 44\4u& neut. dog (female) kUtrI fem. rat w&dr masc. dog kUtru& neut. sheep 3e4u& neut. donkey g0e6u& neut. squirrel i`skolI fem. elephant (male) ha9I masc. weasel noiXyu& neut. elephant (female) ha98I fem. Birds bird pxI neut. kite sm6I fem. crane sars neut. parrot pop4 masc. crane bglu& neut. peacock mor masc. crow kag6o masc. pigeon kbUtr neut. cuckoo koyl fem. pehean 7el fem. dove kbUtr neut. poultry mr3a& neut. pl. duck btk neut. rooster mr3o masc. eagle g£6 masc. sparrow cklI fem. falcon baj masc. vulture gI0 neut. hawk baj masc. hean mr3I fem. Insects 5 ant kI6I fem. mouse w&dr masc. -large black ant kI6o masc. nit lI` fem. bed-bug ma&k6 masc. rat w&dr masc. beetle v&do masc. scorpian vI&2I masc. butterfly pt&gIyu& neut. snail gokXgay fem. chemeleon kac&6o masc. spider kroiXyo masc. cockroach vd& o masc. termit w0: fem. flea ca&c6 masc. weevil 0ne6u& neut. fly ma`I fem. wasp (female) -mrI fem. insect @v6u&, jNtu neut. wasp (male) -mro masc lizard groXI fem. white ant w0a: fem. locust tI6 neut. worm kI6o masc. louse jU fem. mosquito mC2r neut. Trees jujube-tree bor6I fem. babal-tree bavX masc. mango tree Aa&bo masc. bamboo va&s masc. palm-tree ta6 masc. banana tree keX fem. sandalwood tree c&dnv<x neut. black-wood sIsm neut. tamarind-tree Aa&blI fem. cocoanut tree naXIyerI fem. teak-wood sag masc. custard-apple tree sItafXI fem. tree za6 neut. date-tree `jUrI fem. mulberry tree =etUr neut. ebony AbnUs neut. neem tree lIm6o masc. fig tree A&@r neut. pine-apple tree Anenas neut. guava tree jamfXI fem. pomegranate tree da6mI fem. Plants brinjal plant rI&g8I fem. tobaco plant tmakuno 2o6 masc. cobbage plant kobI fem. cactus 9or masc. 6 chilli plant mrcI fem. hemp =8 neut. creaper (thin) vel fem. lotus kmX masc. creaper (thick) velo masc. maize mka: fem. cacumber plant kak6I fem. onion plant 6u&gXI fem. flower fUl neut. rose plant gulab neut. garlic plant ls8 neut. sugarcane plant =er6I fem. gourd dU0I fem. water-melon t6bUc neut. grapes ±ax fem. Dry Fruits fig A&@r neut.pl. almond bdam fem. kernel of coconut kopru& neut. appricot jrdaXu& neut.pl. pistachio-nuts ipSta& neut.pl. black raisin kaXI ±ax fem. raisin iksmIs neut.pl. cashew nut kaju neut.pl. walnut A`ro4 fem. dates `jUr neut.pl. dry date `arek fem. Fruits apple sfrjn neut. orange nar&gI fem. banana keXu& neut. papaya ppEyu& neut. cocoanut naXIyer neut. pine-apple Anenas neut. custerd-apple sItafX neut. pomegranate da6m fem. grapes ±ax fem. star-fruit kmr` neut. guava jamfX neut. sugar-cane =er6I fem. lamon lI&bu& neut. water-melon t6bUc neut. mango kerI fem. Flowers garland har masc. boquet gjro masc. jasmine jU:nu& fUl neut. bud kXI fem. jessamine mogro masc. flower fUl neut. 7 patal pa&d6I fem. lotus kmX neut. rose gulab neut. marigold glgo4o masc. tiny jasmine jU: fem. michelia c&po masc. The Vegetable world brinjals rI&g8 neut. pegion peas tuver da8a masc.pl. bulbous root sUr8 neut. potatoes b4aka masc.pl. cabbage kobI fem. pumpkin koXu& neut. carrot gajr neut. radish mUXo masc. egg-plant rI&g8 neut. spinich pal` fem. garlic ls8 neut. sweet potato =kkrIyu& neut. gourd dU0I fem. tomato 4ame4u& neut. green peas v4a8a masc.pl. vegetables =ak-a@ neut.pl. lemon lI&bu neut. peanut mgfXI fem. mint fUdIno masc. white pumpkin dU0I fem. okra -I&6a masc.pl. vetches guvar masc. onion 6u&gXI, ka&da fem., madc.pl. parsley Ajmo masc. Time afternoon bpor p2I holiday rja fem. dawn p/-at neut. hour klak masc. date tarI` fem. last night g: rat fem. day idvs masc. later mo6e9I day (of the week) var masc. mid-day bpor, m)yan fem. day after tomorrow prm idvse midnight m0rat fem. day before yesterday prm idvs e month mihno, mas masc. daybreak proi7yu& neut. monthly maisk evening sa&j fem. morning svar fem. fortnight p`va6Iyu& neut. night rat fem. 8 noon bpor fem. tomorrow AavtIkal fem. now hm8a& tonight AajnI rat now-a-days Aajkal atwilight s&)ya fem. season ¢tu fem. week A5vai6yu& f second pX fem. weekly A5va6Ik sunrise syU odR y masc. year vrs neut. sunset syU aSR t masc. yearly vaiqRk time smy, v`t masc. yesterday g:kal fem. today Aaj fem. The days of the week Sunday rivvar masc. Thursday gu£var masc. Monday somvar masc. Friday =ku /var masc. Tuesday m&gXvar masc. Saturday =invar masc. Wednesday bu0var masc. The Months kartk masc. je5 masc. mag=r masc. Aqa7 masc. poq masc. [aav8 masc. mha masc. -adrvo masc. fag8 masc. Aaso masc. cE{a masc. vE=a` masc. The Seasons winter i=yaXo masc. spring vs&t fem. summer wnaXo masc. autumn pan`r fem. moonsoon comasu& neut. 9 Kinship terms and relations ancestores v6va, bapdada masc.pl. mother-in-law sasu fem. aunt (paternal) fo: fem. nephew (sister's son) -a8ej masc. aunt (maternal) masI fem. nephew (brother'sson) -{aIjo masc. brother -a: masc. nephew's wife (sister's son's wife) brother's daughter -{aI@ fem. -a8ejavhu& fem. brother's son -{aIjo masc. nephew's wife (brother's son's wife) child 2okru& neut. -{aIjavhu fem. cousin iptra: adj. parents ma-bap neut.pl. daughter dIkrI fem. sister bhen fem. family ku4uMb neut. sister's husband bnevI masc. father-in-law ssro masc. son pu{a, dIkro masc. girl 2okrI fem. uncle (paternal) kaka masc. granddaughter pO{aI fem uncle (maternal) kakI fem. grandfather dado masc. uncle's wife (paternal uncle's wife) kakI grandmother dadI fem. fem. grandson pO{a masc. uncle's wife (maternal uncle's wife) masI heir vars masc./fem. fem. husband pit masc. wife piTn, vhu& fem. husband's sister's husband n8do: masc. wife's brother saXo masc. husband's sister n8d& fem. wife's sister saXI fem. man AadmI masc. wife's sister's husband sa7u masc. marriage lGn neut. wife's brother's wife saXavelI fem. mother ma, ba fem. Body parts arm ha9 masc. beard da7I fem. back pI5 fem. belly pe4 neut. 10

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