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basic immunology PDF

330 Pages·2015·2.85 MB·English
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BASIC IMMUNOLOGY A quick, mostly painless, usually apolitical, occasionally scurrilous, almost Zen-like guide to the great mysteries of the field. Ian Orme 1 Every now and again I get a rush of blood to the head and decide it is time to update my teaching Notes. Of course, having said that, I teach less and less these days as I become more infirm, babbling and dribbling. So maybe this is a good time to squirt this stuff out one more time while I’m still coherent. These Notes have a deep and important history. They began in 1987 when I first began to teach, and my first attempt at providing a guide to MB342 students “Revenge of the Mutant Immunologists from Planet X”, still holds a warm place in my heart, as does the award winning “Herrings from Betazoid ate my brain”. My favorite of all, “Godzilla, Michael, and Lisa Marie*, Battle the Lords of the Death Planet [a treatise on the influence of Japanese theater on current theories of immunology]” was of course a best-seller, but I’ve been told that such silly titles project an image that I’m a bit crazy, European even, hence the current sober title. As before, these notes are full of stupid jokes which you should ignore. Ditto various ramblings and rantings. There are certain passages relating to multiple occasions I got banged on the head on rugby fields. Ignore these completely. In the latest opus I’ve put a big section on cancer therapy, a field racing along right now. Please note that in the last couple of versions I’ve covered the Wakefield disaster and the issue of vaccination and autism, ending in the latest versions in which I’ve written about the big outbreak of measles in Wales and England, and very recently in a Texas church. These notes are written for grown-ups such as yourselves and I apologize in advance for some naughty words. *Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley [daughter of Elvis] had just gotten married at the time I produced this particular opus. The marriage lasted a few hours [i.e. even shorter than first one for the part-carbon part-silicon alien lifeform from planet Kardashian]. Kim has now married a foul-mouthed Rap grunter, and I cannot wait for the next installment…. 2 1. FIND IT, EAT IT, FORGETTABBOUDIT…. We crawled from the primeval slime, replaced our gills with lungs, bent up on our hind legs to look for predators across the African savannah, became Homo sapiens, and now Homo cellphonus. We swim in a sea of bacteria and viruses. From Day One we’ve had to deal with this, because our respiratory tract and our alimentary tract represent vast surface areas the more nasty bugs would love to invade. But there is much more to it than that, because [despite the abject lies that horrendous frigging Phillips Colon Health lady says on the commercials] we’ve developed a commensial relationship with many bacteria, allowing them to live in our gut where they keep the other more pathogenic bugs at bay, producing vitamins for us [like vitamin K], helping us digest food, and allowing us to expel vast amounts of methane and sulfur filled gas at inopportune moments. Since the bacteria in us vastly outnumber us, we are really a big bacterial colony with some human in it. Our interactions with bacteria drive processes in the body. A good example [maybe, jury still out] is that interactions with various bacteria probably drives and molds the type of responses we are capable of making under certain circumstances, making us less likely to make a more inappropriate response. This finger has been pointed at allergies, sweeping the Western World. People point to the fact that kids brought up on farms, eating dirt so to speak, or kids that go to the human feed-lot, day care centers, have far lower rates of allergy than those kids brought up in pristine conditions where they are perpetually followed around their spotless house by Soccer Mom clutching the Clorox wipes with which little Johnny is smeared every two or three minutes. Another example, perhaps not so useful, is the interaction between our immune system and carbohydrates on bacterial cell walls in the gut, that lead to us generating antibodies that react to the “blood group antigens” on red blood cells and in turn making blood transfusions much more exciting. Unless heavily armed, a microbe has to get inside us to do any damage. So let’s start there, with barriers and mucosal surfaces. To do nasty things to you bacteria and viruses have to first actually get inside you. To prevent this, plus to hold all those organs inside, you are covered in a mechanical barrier called the skin. You’ve probably seen it. It is actually the biggest organ in the body, about 10% of total body mass. The top part of the skin is the epidermis. This consists of four layers of gradually dying skin cells, with the top layer [corneum] full of dead cells and the molecule keratin which gives us our skin color [hence the name keratinocyte]. This continuously sloughs off, taking with it bacteria that have attached [as well as those wonderful rejuvenating creams my wife spends hundreds of dollars on]. Below is a much thicker layer, the dermis, which is mostly connective tissue containing blood vessels, lots of sensory nerves, hair follicles, and sweat glands. The 3 latter produce secretions that have a low pH, which most microbes do not enjoy. Underneath all this is another layer, the hypodermis, full of fat cells and larger versions of blood vessels and nerves. In the upper respiratory tract, the cilia in the trachea beat in an upward motion Stratum corneum Stratum lucidium (the "ciliary escalator"), capturing Hair Stratum granulosum follicle Stratum germinativium inhaled particles and driving them upwards into the glottis, from whence they are swallowed. In the gut, assuming the ingested microbe is Epidermis sufficiently armor-plated to survive the Stratum basale extremely low pH of stomach acid, it will Sweat gland pass into the intestines; here it may Dermis have difficulty in flourishing because of Sensory nerves the competitive nature of the already Connective tissue established gut flora. In the mucous membranes of the body, Hypodermis bacteria may be destroyed by lysozyme, an enzyme which breaks the bacterial Fat Blood supply peptidoglycan cell wall, as well as being excluded from entering the tissues by binding by secretory IgA molecules [a class of antibodies]. A number of other factors in body fluids can also contribute to innate immunity. In semen, various polyamines can be bactericidal. In the blood, viral infections result in the elaboration of interferons, proteins which protect non-infected cells from the virus. Also found in the blood are iron-binding proteins, which deprive microorganisms of molecular iron. The skin is an effective barrier, but unfortunately you have to have various pipes in you so that you can function. The biggest is your digestive tract [gut] which goes right through you from the mouth to the anus. The others are the respiratory tract, so you can breathe, and the genitourinary tract, so that you can pee and make babies. Each of these are potential targets for nasty things to get into, so they have multiple defense systems, plus they are covered in gooey mucous that bugs have difficulty penetrating. For this reason they are called “mucosal surfaces”. 4 The mucosa differs from the skin in that while the skin is multi-layered the mucosa is a single layer of epithelial cells. The mucosal surface of the gut is busy. It is constantly exposed to zillions of bacteria and other potential pathogens for an entire lifetime. But it is a very effective barrier because of its design. The epithelial cells it is made up of are very tightly stuck together so that water and other small molecules can get through but larger molecules cannot. In addition it is covered with mucous, a gooey viscous material containing glycoproteins [proper name glycocalx …”glyco-kay-lix”] full of antibodies and other nasty antimicrobial substances. Of the antibodies [see below] “secretory IgA” dominates; there are 1011 cells in the gut immune system making as much as 5 grams of this antibody each day. Okay, so you are playing rugby and somebody tears your arm off. No…, that’s not a good example, because you’d just go to the bar while somebody stitched it back on. Okay, you are bringing your flower arranging diary up to date and the nasty paper gives you a paper cut. So what happens then…? The first response is by platelets that leak into the wound. These aggregate at the ends of the damaged blood vessels, change shape from discus shaped to spider like shaped cells, and then degranulate releasing fibrinogen which converts to fibrin, stemming the massive blood flow said paper cut induced. After a few hours or so, repair mechanisms get going in earnest. Keratinocytes, released from the wound edges, migrate in and start to arrange in sheets. Cells on the edge of this express sticky molecules [integrins] and extend lamellipodia, literally dragging themselves across the wound substratum. Activated fibroblasts start to replace the damaged connective tissues below, and locally angiogenesis starts to replace the capilliary bed. As these processes get going, neutrophils arrive. Their job is simple, kill bugs. This they do by phagocytosis and oxygen radical generation [some of which is released and can paradoxically contribute to local cell damage]. In addition, neutrophils secrete DNA and histone which forms a matrix or net, trapping bugs and preventing them from escaping into the blood. After a while macrophages arrive, clearing the wound of debris, fibrin, and dead neutrophils [most of which self-destruct by programmed cell death, also called apoptosis]. The names for our “white blood cells” was dreamed up histologists, so blame them. Hence you will see in text books the terms mononuclear cells, which refer to the round nuclei of lymphocytes and monocytes, and the term polymorphonuclear granulocytes (or "polys"), which refers both to the appearance and major properties of neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils. In the circulating blood neutrophils predominate, comprising about 65% of total leukocytes. Lymphocytes come next, at about 25%, followed by smaller numbers of eosinophils (4-5%), monocytes (3%), and 5 basophils (1%). These proportions can change dramatically in pathological states, such as during infections. [Actual percentages can differ widely from animal to animal as well.....] The neutrophil is a circulating end-point cell, which comprises the bulk of leukocytes [60-70% of total leukocytes in humans, less in mice]. They are contuously made in the bone marrow from myeloid precursors, a process stimulated by granulocyte colony stimulating factor [G-CSF] and controlled by IL-17 made by T cells and IL-23 made by macrophages [all explained later]. Neutrophils are normally short-lived cells, dying by apoptosis after about 12-24h. They never divide and synthesize very little protein or RNA. They are continually produced by the bone marrow by a tightly controlled process of myelopoiesis. Neutrophils have an Neutrophil irregular, indented nucleus (although it often looks like it has several pieces of Irregular Small shaped nuclei scattered bluish dark around the cell, granules staining in electron microscopy nucleus cytoplasm indicates that these are all connected together as a single body). The cytoplasm contains a large number of secretory vesicles and granules, the latter of which contain two major ingredients. The first is a large package of hydrolytic enzymes, and the second, enzymes capable of generating an array of molecular species of oxygen, collectively called toxic oxygen radicals, as well as nitric oxide, a potent anti-microbial agent. The function of neutrophils is to phagocytose, and then biochemically fry, bacteria and other infectious agents. With its array of hydrolases and highly oxidative radicals, the cell is well equipped for this purpose. Neutrophils are short-lived [less than a day unless triggered] and then die by apoptosis [programmed cell death]. They are considered “resting” cells, a jolly good idea considering the jello-making molecules tucked safely away in their granules. The neutrophil is a ravenous beast. It must patrol the whole body in search of prey, knowing full well that its life will be brief otherwise. Live bacteria, dead host cells, it doesn’t actually matter. We are born to kill. Of course, given that our mucosal and skin surfaces have several trillion bacteria [sorry Clorox Wipes Soccer Mom] chances are good we will get a chance to blast out some splendidly lethal oxygen radicals before we ourselves blow up in a blaze of glory. Nor do we have to continually get blasted around in the blood if we 6 don’t want to; it is equally honorable to sequester in the lungs or liver sinusoids and just lie in wait. Several hundred thousand puff adders can’t be wrong. One of the first questions posed about professional phagocytes like neutrophils was “how on earth do they actually know what to eat”? Now we are realizing that they possess a huge array of receptor systems capable of recognizing all sorts of microbial molecules, and in addition molecules released by our own cells when they are damaged. We’ll get to this later but our pals studying the fruit fly, Drosophila, identified lots of cool genes, with competing labs all coming up with crazier and crazier names to label them. One gene, that they called Toll [German for light beer I was once told] was able to detect molecular “patterns” expressed by nasty fungi who enjoy nibbling on said flies. So, guess what, when we looked for similar genes in humans we found a whole bunch of them, now called the Toll-like receptors, or “pattern recognition molecules”. These can see all sorts of stuff like bacterial peptidoglycan, or viral DNA sequences. Not surprisingly given their job, neutrophils express most of these [they only lack TLR3 and TLR7]. Until recently, it was thought TLRs could just see molecules of foreign origin, but now we know they can see host molecules, called damage associated molecular patterns [DAMPs] or “alarmins”. In my very last rugby match I attempted to tackle this behemoth and he stuck his shoulder into my stomach and completely lifted me off the ground [and I’m hardly small]; my serum DAMPs went up significantly at that point. Prominent DAMPs are the heat shock proteins [hsp60 for instance], hyaluronan, precipitated uric acid, and heparin. Others include the nuclear protein high-mobility group protein B1 [HMGB1], which can be seen by TLR2/4 complexes when it is released by damaged cells, which leads in turn to neutrophils pumping out oxygen radicals and pro-inflammatory cytokines. New evidence suggest that ATP, released by damaged cells, can also act as a DAMP, and that in addition to TLRs, these can be seen by a family of 22 proteins belonging to the NOD family [NRLs, NOD-like receptors]. NODs form “inflammasomes” when triggered by ATP and other molecules; these are big molecular complexes that trigger caspase activity and IL-1 production [IL-1 is an example of a cytokine], driving inflammation. It is now thought that IL-1 is the central molecule driving inflammation and cell recruitment, triggering signaling pathways in turn, and resulting in the establishment of chemoattactant gradients that neutrophils can follow. Bacterial endotoxin, LPS, has long been used in lots of lab studies as a potent neutrophil activator, doing so we now realize via TLR4, but it is now known this only triggers neutrophil survival for a few hours, and other factors then kick in. If anything, it is now thought that LPS slows cell movement in chemoattractant gradients by counteracting the effects of IL-8, an event counterbalanced in turn by IL-33. No, I don’t understand this either…. 7 In the addition to the Tolls and NLRs, further constitutively expressed receptors include various C-type lectin receptors, as well as retinoic acid inducible gene-I [RIG-1] and melanoma differentiation associated protein-5 [MDA-5], which can detect microbial dsRNAs. Bacterial DNA is also detected specifically by TLR9. Neutrophils also express receptors for the Fc bit of the IgG type of antibodies. There are three types of FcR, and cell triggering via these can drive chemotaxis. Problem is, often as not this recruits neutrophils into joints, and is a contributor to the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, when you develop RA, neutrophils are the first to turn up. In this regard, a major property of neutrophils is their ability to extravascate, that is, to leave blood vessels to go sites of bacterial implantation. If we take a scratch in the skin as an example, the local tissue damage results in the release of prostaglandins, as well as histamine, a small molecule belonging to a group of materials called vasoactive amines. This material diffuses away from the wound, and has the property of relaxing blood vessels (vasodilation) hence increasing the permeability of the local capillary bed. Not only does this allow fluid to accumulate, but neutrophils then also move out of the blood vessel and towards the wound site. This movement is not random, however, because the neutrophils have receptors for a large variety of chemoattractant molecules and they follow gradients of these until they reach the source, a process known as chemotaxis. A wound in the tissues creates local inflammation. Local blood vessels “Chemotaxis” respond by putting up adhesion molecules on their surface Once through and into the tissues the cells can attack and destroy any bacteria that have gotten in After binding, the neutrophils squeeze through tiny gaps between the blood vessel Neutrophils have receptors for wall cells these molecules 8 We now know that neutrophils and all the other leukocytes express "adhesion" or "homing" markers [I like to call them “sticky molecules”] that recognize complimentary ligands expressed by inflamed blood vessel endothelial cells. When these ligands are engaged the cell slows down in the blood vessel and rolls along the endothelial surface as it tags more and more ligands. One way to think of the overall process is to imagine tumbleweed rolling across the prairie and catching a fence line. Yee hoo cowboy. Once the cell has come to a halt even tighter stickies and ligands come into play allowing a process that results in the cell squeezing through the junction between two adjacent endothelial cells. Once in the tissues the cells follow gradients as above, but they also use a third array of stickies that allow them to pass through the tissue extracellular matrix, and well as chemokine receptors that bind to chemokine molecules immobilized on the tissue matrix surface and act as a very specific road map. In the circulation, neutrophils are half asleep, with very few receptors up on their surface. However when sticky molecules bind to their ligands on the surface of the blood vessel wall, the cell wakes up, it becomes activated, and its life span increases to 4-5 days or more. At the molecular level, stickies trigger a surge in intracellular Ca++, and this causes an organelle called the “secretory vesicle” to fuse to the cell plasma membrane. The vesicle contains a laundry list of receptors, most of them further stickies [integrins] and chemokine receptors and various soluble factors. This sets up the neutrophil for firm binding to the inflamed blood vessel endothelium. Movement of neutrophils from the blood across the endothelial cell barrier is called diapedesis. Years ago, the first low resolution photos of this seemed to be suggesting the neutrophil somehow pushed its way through the endothelial cell, which made little sense until we realized they were moving through the junctions between cells. When neutrophils are exposed to chemoattractants they undergo cell shape polarization creating a leading edge at the front, and a trailing end or uropod. This is controlled by a kinase signaling system consisting of the C90 isoform of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase and signaling via a clathrin dependent vesicular pathway. This in turn drives the formation of Rac-dependent lamellipodia on the front, needed to play touchy feely with the endothelial surface so that they can ferret out the nearest junction. Initial neutrophil recruitment involves a sticky called P-selectin, which is stored inside endothelial cells [in vesicles called Weibel-Palade bodies] and E-selectin, which is made de novo on demand. These get pushed up to the apical cell membrane so they can wave hello to passing neutrophils via ligands on these cells [PSGL-1, ESL-1, and others including neutrophil expressed L-selectin, CD44, and some other 9 sialylated/glycosylated ligands]. This triggers “tethering and rolling”, the first step in neutrophil [and other white blood cells for that matter] recruitment mechanisms. The affinity of binding by these ligands is very high, which is needed to counteract the hemodynamic shear stress and allow cell rolling, thus preventing the cell heading off at high speed towards your toenails. The end of the rolling process is a state of tight stationary adhesion. As mentioned above, integrins, more specifically 2-integrins, are the key mediators. These molecules are dimeric, non-covalently linked type I transmembrane glycoproteins. They use variable chains [designated CD11a, CD11b, or CD11c] and a common chain [CD18]. Part of the molecule is cytoplasmic, and it is thought that this bit stabilizes the cytoskeleton when the integrin is bound, allowing internal signaling and cell activation. The stickies mentioned above fall into this family; LFA-1 is CD11a/CD18, and Mac-1 [originally discovered as the receptor for complement component 3] is CD11b/CD18. These integrins can in fact bind to a fairly broad range of blood vessel stickies, but principally ICAM on the endothelial surface. In their resting state the integrins appear to be bent over, but when activated they erect to an extended state, providing a high affinity binding site; the two chains also slide away from each other, probably pushed apart by the fluid shear force pumping by. These then bind strongly to integrin molecules on the neutrophil and slow down their rolling further until it ceases. When ICAM is ligated there are multiple signals, including Src, pyk2, small GTPases, and triggering of the actin cytoskeletoin. Another molecule involved is FAK [and no, I’m not sure what this actually stands for, but the review I read was obviously by the guys who found FAK and so it is obviously the most important thing since sliced bread]. It is now thought that the 2 integrins [CD11a, CD11b, and CD18] on the neutrophils flip “inside-out”, an event that seriously increases their avidity/affinity, so that the cell skids to a halt as it starts to bind to their counterpart ligand on the endothelial surface, ICAM-1, with secondary interactions occurring between their  2 molecules and VCAM-1 on the endothelial surface. Well, almost, because now they begin to crawl D towards the heart of the gradient. The shearing force of the blood flow pushes the crawling neutrophils, as well as elongating their cell shape. As a result they very quickly find a junction between adjacent endothelial cells on the blood vessel wall. There seems to be a “guidance hierarchy” as well. Early on in this process neutrophils seem to respond more strongly to chemokines like IL-8 and MIP-2, but then, once crawling happily, look instead for signals from fMLP and the complement fragment C5a. This seems to involve switches in complex signaling I won’t bore you with. The tight junctions between endothelial cells are discontinuous, and at these points neutrophils extravascate. At this point the neutrophil starts to push down through this junction. At first we thought this was a combination of brute force and enzyme release breaking down the junction molecular basis. But new 10

Every now and again I get a rush of blood to the head and decide it is time to *Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley [daughter of Elvis] had just gotten A number of other factors in body fluids can also contribute to innate
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