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Basic Concepts In Computer Networking PDF

131 Pages·2013·0.37 MB·English
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Basic Concepts In Computer Networking AntonioCarzaniga FacultyofInformatics UniversityofLugano March11,2005 (cid:13)c 2005 AntonioCarzaniga Outline u Whatis theInternet? u Typesofnetwork u Typesofservice u Protocols u TheInternetprotocolstack (cid:13)c 2005 AntonioCarzaniga What is the Internet? Internet (cid:13)c 2005 AntonioCarzaniga What is the Internet? Internet (cid:13)c 2005 AntonioCarzaniga What is the Internet? Internet (cid:13)c 2005 AntonioCarzaniga What is the Internet? Internet (cid:13)c 2005 AntonioCarzaniga What is the Internet? Internet endsystem orhost (cid:13)c 2005 AntonioCarzaniga End Systems u endsystem orhost( ) (cid:13)c 2005 AntonioCarzaniga End Systems u endsystem orhost( ) I acomputer (cid:13)c 2005 AntonioCarzaniga End Systems u endsystem orhost( ) I acomputer I aserver(well,thatwouldalsobeacomputer) (cid:13)c 2005 AntonioCarzaniga

Basic Concepts In Computer Networking Antonio Carzaniga Faculty of Informatics University of Lugano March 11, 2005 c 2005 Antonio Carzaniga
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