Basharaat-E-Ahmadiyya An Annual International News Magazine of Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam (Lahore) USA P.O. Box 3370, Dublin, Ohio 43016 U.S.A. Phone 614-873-1030 • Fax: 614-873-1022 Email: [email protected] • Website: Vol. 2013 December 2013 The Religion of Islam in French Maulana Muhammad Ali's Monumental work, The Religion of Islam, dealing with the Sources, Principles and Practices of Islam translated and printed by the USA Jama’at. — See story, page 27 IN THIS ISSUE Editor’s Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 USA Jama’at Exhibits at the London Book Fair . . . . . .24 Anniversary of the death of Maulana Muhammad Ali . . .3 Propagation Efforts in France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Anniversary of the death of Hazrat Ameer, Dr. Saeed Propagation Efforts in Kyrgistan and Albania . . . . . . . .31 Ahmad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Propagation Efforts in Turkey and Egypt . . . . . . . . . . .36 New publications in 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Symposium in Cagayan de Oro Philippines . . . . . . . . .39 USA Convention and Symposium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Eid ul Fitr Jalsa in Cebu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Berlin Mosque Restoration and Renovation . . . . . . . . .12 Publication and Translation work in Thailand, USA Jama’at Distributes Free Books Worldwide . . . . .13 Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 India Book Distribution Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Publication and Translation work of the USA Jama’at .47 Samina Malik visits Universities in India . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 South Africa Jama’at Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Local news and activities of the USA Jama’at . . . . . . . . .20 Stichting Ahmadiyya Jama’at Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 2Basharaat-E-Ahmadiyya Volume 2013 • December 2013 EDITOR’S NOTES A ll the articles for this magazine have been will remove misconceptions about the Ahmadiyya completed and it is once again time to write Movement and Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and show the editorial. As always, we begin with pro- the spiritual treasure present in the literature of the found gratitude and thanks to Almighty Allah, the most Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement. Beneficent and Merciful for granting our Jama’at anoth- Samina Malik has published a very important book er year of opportunities to serve His religion. about the renovation of the Berlin Mosque and Mission One of these opportunities, and perhaps the most House. It documents in detail the complexity of the proj- significant this year, has been the mailing of 6,000 ect, the hard work done by Samina Malik in securing copies of the English translation of the Holy Quran to funds and overseeing the project, and the difficulties major university and city libraries, theology depart- she had to surmount in successfully completing the ments and selected opinion-makers in India. The project. It is indeed a valuable addition to the historical response to the mailing has been very gratifying, and record of the construction and well-being of this shows how the correct knowledge about Islam can lead Mosque, for which so many elders of our movement to lasting Hindu-Muslim peace and amity. The success have sacrificed and prayed. of this mailing is testimony to the truth of Maulana Our attendance at the London Book Fair was very Muhammad Ali’s dying words, “Our work is to take the beneficial. The contacts we made with wholesalers and Quran into the World, after that the Quran will do its book-sellers has resulted in an upsurge in the sales of own work”, The success of the holy Quran distribution our books in the UK. We thank Almighty Allah that final- has now prompted us to do another mailing in India of ly after so many years our literature with its message of a set of books by Maulana Muhammad Ali and Hazrat pristine Islam is becoming freely available in the UK. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad consisting of the Religion of In the same vein, we are receiving very heartening Islam, Manual of Hadith, the Living Thoughts of the news from South Africa, where this small but dedicated Prophet Muhammad, Teachings of Islam, Muhammad Jama’at, with Brother Ebrahim Muhammad as presi- the Prophet, The Early Caliphate and the New World dent, is busy in placing our Holy Quran (donated by the Order. USA Jama’at) in libraries on a large scale for the first Arrangements are also now in place to do similar time in South Africa. May Allah Almighty Bless them mailings in the USA, Great Britain, France, Italy and and Reward their efforts with success. Singapore. Our translation and publication projects continue Printing of the following books on a large scale is apace, and we are rapidly expanding into the electron- being done in Egypt: Arabic books by Hazrat Mirza ic field. Our Holy Quran is now available with hyper- Ghulam Ahmad such as Hammamatul-Bushra, Tafsir texted footnotes and English audio on e-book readers, sura Fatiha, Tufatul Baghdad, Sirr-ul- Khilafat and the android phones, and i-phones. New books in French, Arabic translations of the Teachings of Islamby Hazrat Portuguese, Thai, Afrikaans are being published. The Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and the Ahmadiyya Movement French and German Holy Qurans have been thorough- and the Manual of Hadith by Maulana Muhammad Ali. ly revised and are being re-published. All these books will be distributed free of charge We were blessed with a very successful convention throughout Egypt with the assistance of the Sufi Sheikh this year. One characteristic of our convention is that Abul Ala al Aziem. We hope and pray that this literature almost an equal number of non-members (predomi- nantly Christian) as members, attend the main sympo- sium session. Thus, many non-Muslims are exposed to Editor: Dr Noman Malik the deeply spiritual, rational and tolerant teachings of Director/Treasurer, USA Jamaat Islam as presented by our movement. As usual, this Circulation: A.A.I.I.L. U.S.A. year most of these guests were friends and acquain- Production: MEGG Enterprises tances of our secretary, Fazeel S Khan, from interfaith News, letters and views are welcome, and and other organizations of which Fazeel is a member. should be sent to: In Ohio, USA, Fazeel, Dr. Ahmad, and Lubna Ahmad The Editor, are all very busy in interfaith activities. Fazeel S Khan, Basharaat-e-Ahmadiyya who is an attorney, takes time out of his busy schedule P.O. Box 3370 for Jama’at work. He is frequently called to lecture to Dublin, OH 43016 U.S.A. University students about Islam, and is a resource per- Phone 614-873-1030 son at the Ohio State University Book Club. When the Fax 614-873-1022 book club discusses any book about Islam, Fazeel S Website Khan is called to provide the Islamic perspective. He E-mail [email protected] also attends meetings of the Torch Club, an Ohio State 3Basharaat-E-Ahmadiyya Volume 2013 • December 2013 EDITOR’S NOTES Society for intellectuals of which he is a member. Dr. Alhamdolillah! The second volume of the Mujaddid e Ahmad and Lubna Ahmad are deeply involved in the Azam (The Great Reformer) translated by Mr. Akram Spiritual Sharing Society for the past several years Ahmad (son of Ch. Mansur Ahmad) and edited by Dr. where they represent the Islamic viewpoint. This is in Hamid Rahman is nearing final completion. addition to their main activity of dispatching book Last but not least, we would like to thank our proof- orders, dealing with free literature requests and doing readers who have laboriously proofread our publica- most of the accounting and office work of the Anjuman. tions. Among them we would especially like to mention: Dr. Mohammad Ahmad has taken on the task of Mr. Shabier Hoeseni, Mr. Ebrahim Muhamed, Sister translating Maulana Muhammad Ali’s Khutbas into Naseera Ahmad, Sister Lubna Ahmad, Sister Zainab English. The first volume will, inshallah, be completed Ahmad, Dr. Mohammad Ahmad, Dr. Asad Ahmad and soon. May Allah Taala Grant him success in this huge Dr. Haleema Saeed. May Almighty Allah Reward them undertaking. for their hard work and sacrifice. Sixty Second Anniversary of the passing of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ali him. In every Friday khutba he the Honorable the Majestic, By Mrs Samina Malik stressed the need to carry the mes- to consider this great book O sage of the Holy Quran into the as a part of his good deeds. n October 13, 2013 it was world. He often received letters May the Peace and Blessing 62 years since our dear from Muslims and non-Muslims of Allah be upon Prophet and beloved Maulana relating how much they had bene- Muhammad and upon his Muhammad Ali went to his Maker. fited by reading his Quran transla- family and companions.” We remember him every day by tion. Ambassadors, foreign digni- June 18, 2006 reading his translation of the Holy taries, and other international visi- Quran, and ask Almighty Allah to Even in this time of great opposi- tors called upon him, some of them Bless and Grant our dear Maulana tion to the Ahmadiyya Movement I even kissing his hands out of admi- Muhammad Ali a place in paradise. have obtained certificates of ration for his service to Islam. It was in April 1916 that Maulana approval from Al Azhar for ten of The high esteem in which Muhamamd Ali completed work on Maulana Muhammad Ali’s books Maulana Muhammad Ali is held by the English translation and com- attesting to the excellence of the lit- important Islamic religious figures mentary of the Holy Quran. In the erature produced by him. is illustrated by the recent opinion Friday khutba on April 28 of that The following prayer was the of the late Grand Imam of Al Azhar year, he relayed that good news to most loved prayer which Maulana Al Shareef Dr Muhammad Sayed the community. After reading Sura Muhamamd Ali would say after Tantawi. When the manuscript of Al Fatiha, Sura Al Falaq and Sura reciting the Darood Sharif the Arabic translation of the An-Nas, he said “A human being Religion of Islam was completed, I “O Allah! Help him who can take up a task only by Allah’s took it to Sheikh Tantawi and asked helps the religion of help, and it is only with Allah’s help him to review it and write a fore- Muhammad, may Peace that he can complete it. Today is a word for it. He reviewed the manu- and the Blessings of Allah day of happiness for me. For years script for four months then wrote be upon him, and make us I have been busy in the work of the following foreword: from among them. O Allah! translating the Holy Quran into Forsake him who forsakes English and by the Grace of Allah I “I have read the book titled the religion of Muhammad, have completed it today...” Religion of Islam by Allama may Peace and Blessings His whole life was permeated Maulana Muhammad Ali, of Allah be upon him, and with his love for the Holy Quran, a May Allah Grant him His make us not from among love which he had inherited from Mercy. In this valuable book them.” Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib I have seen devotion, truth- and Maulana Nuru Din. To spread fulness of faith and useful He was blessed by Almighty Allah the Holy Quran was a passion with knowledge. I pray to Allah, to translate the Holy Quran into two 4Basharaat-E-Ahmadiyya Volume 2013 • December 2013 HONORING MAULANA MUHAMMAD ALI major languages, English and Urdu. tunate and they have very fond inspired by his work and his devo- He revised his English translation memories of him. I have been very tion to the Quran and his activities and proofread the manuscript of the in the Jama’at related to me by our Holy Quran by himself until the very dear Janji late Dr. Saeed Ahmad end, finishing the proofreading only Sahib, Mian Naseer Ahmad a few days before he breathed his Farooqi Sahib and Ch. Mansur last. His Holy Quran commentary is Ahmad Sahib, all of whom I respect like spiritual food. Worldwide, mil- very much. lions have read his translation of the Three years ago, Noman and I Quran. His commentary of the Holy went to Qadian, where we visited Quran with its extensive references, Masjid Mubarik and the living quar- explanation of the meaning of the ters of Hazrat Mirza Sahib and his Arabic words and, most importantly, companion. I pleaded with the per- the special light and insight imparted son in charge of the building com- to him by the Mujaddid of the age, plex to let me enter the room where Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Maulana Muhammad Ali Ahmad, and the great lived. While I stood in the Maulana Nuruddin makes small room I was over- it one of the best transla- In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the whelmed and in tears by the tions available. Without Merciful. We praise Him and invoke blessings thought that I was standing reading this scholarly upon His noble Prophet. in a place where the great work, it is almost impossi- My Leader and Mentor, Assalamu alaikum work of the Holy Quran ble for anyone to truly wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu. translation had been done. understand the Quran in In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the By the Grace of Almighty this age. His writings on Merciful. We praise Him and invoke blessings Allah, the USA Jama’at has Islam are admired by upon His noble Prophet. translated his English trans- many world scholars. Yesterday at midday you directed that my lation of the Holy Quran into He sacrificed every- humble self should stay here permanently. I nine languages and we are thing for the Holy Quran want to say something about it. Last May currently working on several and Islam. When Hazrat when I came to your service, with the permis- others translations. Mirza Sahib asked him to sion to stay here for an extended period, I had We greatly miss this man join him in Qadian, he no other idea in mind, and Allah is my witness of Allah and we pray to had just set up his law to that, except that during this long stay a way Almighty Allah to Grant him office, but he forthwith might be found to enable me to give up all my a place in Paradise. He has left everything and worldly affairs and stay at your feet. This most given us an invaluable trans- stayed in Qadian with the cherished desire is still in my heart. Once or lation of the Holy Quran, and Mujaddid Hazrat Mirza twice when I went back to my native town, it has asked us to distribute Sahib. The decision to do was for no other purpose than to please my this translation to the whole so is best explained in parents, and it never occurred to me to settle world. his own words in a letter there. I am at your service and am your ser- I would like to write more he wrote to Hazrat Mirza vant, and it is you whom I request to pray that about Maulana Muhammad Sahib (see inset). God give me strength to adhere steadfastly to Ali’s life, but it is best that I He lived a very simple, this promise throughout my life and make me direct the reader to www. humble and caring life. die upon the same faith. to read his biog- He was qualified to prac- I am ready to stay and work whenever and raphy and see how much tice law, and had also in whatever way you command me to, sir. this man of Allah has done in been a professor of Though I am fearful of making this claim, as all the service of Islam and the mathematics while guidance is only in Allah’s hands, but I have Ahmadiyya Movement. We studying law. He was an dared to express this only because you, sir, all should bow down and exemplar to so many also require this promise at the time of taking pray to Almighty Allah to people. He was a very the pledge, that ‘I will hold religion above Bless Maulana Muhammad good husband, father worldly affairs’. These words mean that the Ali and give him a high place and grandf ather. People one who takes the pledge must submit himself in paradise. who met him are very for- and all his faculties to the man sent by Allah. 5Basharaat-E-Ahmadiyya Volume 2013 • December 2013 MY EXPERIENCES WITH A SPIRITUAL PERSON: Remembering Dr. Saeed Ahmad, the late third President of AAII(L) By Mrs Samina Malik Anjuman, and Jaanji’s son-in-law. or could afford him some temporal H He explains how he and Jaanji were advantage did not even cross his azrat Ameer, Dr. Saeed travelling by car when it came time mind. He sided, without hesitation, Ahmad, affectionately known for fajr prayers. Jaanji asked the with what was right. He was very as Jaanji passed away driver to stop at the roadside, so kind and forgiving, overlook faults in some 17 years ago on November they could pray. Unbeknown to people, while trying to inculcate 15,1996. Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi them, the place they had chosen to good qualities in them. Rajeoon. We all miss this man of pray was on an ant hill. Chaudry He related an incident in which Allah very much. Mansur Ahmad Sahib said that an associate of Hazrat Mirza Sahib Undoubtedly there have been was complaining about another of great spiritual personalities in his associates; Hazrat Mirza Sahib recent history such as Hazrat Mirza listened quietly to him and replied “If Ghulam Ahmad, Maulana Nur-ud- you weigh his good deeds against Din and Maulana Muhammad Ali, his shortcomings, and if you find who inspired us with their words that his good deeds are preponder- and deeds, but our beloved Jaanji is ate, then you should overlook his the only great spiritual person that I shortcomings.” have known personally. He was always truthful. I worked What impressed me most was closely with Jaanji for 15 years in his devotion to Allah Taala and the Jama’at affairs and propagation practical demonstration of that activities and there was never a hint devotion (ibadat) in his everyday of of deception in anything he did. life. These qualities of spiritual great- When I stayed at his home dur- ness inspired and motivated people ing the annual Jalsa (and other around him. After the catastrophe of times), I was struck by his absorp- 1974, it was Jaanji, with his tower- tion and regularity in prayers. ing spiritual personality, who held Sometimes when I prayed with him, the Anjuman together. His visits to I would finish my sunnah rakats, but Jama’ats strengthened people to he would still be in prostration (saj- resist the forces of disintegration dah) and would remain so in sajdah while he was his praying, he tried to and inspired a new spirit of service for a long time. remove the ants crawling up his to Islam and the Movement. His humility, submission and legs by slapping and pulling at his For the last 30 years, almost half absorption during his prayers trousers. But jaanji was so a million Holy Qurans have been impressed me. Jaanji once told me absorbed in prayer that he was not printed and distributed, and the that ever since childhood, he bothered by the ants and continued Holy Quran and other books are always performed his prayer on with equanimity. Only when the being translated into 26 languages. time, except twice while undergoing prayer was over did he pull up his Many of our books are also avail- surgery. pants revealing that his legs were able as E-books. Inshallah, many of All waliullahs have said that black up to his knees with crawling, these will be available in other elec- prayer is not a burden, but a suste- biting ants. “It is then I realized the tronic media as well. The tremen- nance (rizq) from Allah Taala. For a difference between my prayers and dous progress we’ve made in these weak person like myself who may those of a man of God” commented efforts have been due to Jaanji’s find it difficult to observe prayer in Chaudry Mansur Ahmad. prayers and inspiration. its true spirit, Jaanji’s prayers This (ibadat) of Allah Taala as a May Allah Taala Reward Dr. helped me realize what the waliul- living reality was reflected in his Saeed Ahmad Sahib (Jaanji) for his lahsmeant. every day life. He invariably made good deeds and service to Islam An incident which illustrates his decisions based on truth and justice and Ahmadiyyat and grant him a absorption in prayer was told to me without regard to consequences. high place in Paradise. May by Chaudry Mansur Ahmad Sahib, Pleasing one or other party Almighty Allah motivate us all to fol- former secretary of the Central because they were more powerful low in his foot-steps. 6Basharaat-E-Ahmadiyya Volume 2013 • December 2013 NEW PUBLICATIONS FUNDED BY USA JAMA’AT: Famous Titles in Five Languages Added: O ver the course of recent months, the USA Jama’at has undertaken the translation and publication of many of our books and booklets into Thai, Portuguese, Afrikaans and added to our library in French and German. With the Grace and Guidance of Almighty Allah our translators in Thailand, Portugal and South Africa together with proofread- ers have been blessed to have successfully completed this massive undertake. These new books will reach people on at least three continents, and others anywhere who speak these languages. The new offering includes four books in French (Religion of Islam, Manual of Hadith, History of the Prophets and the Muslim Prayer Book); three titles in both Afrikaans and Portuguese (Introduction to Islam, Islam the Religion of Humanity and The Prophet of Islam); two titles in German (The revised Holy Quran and commentary andMohammad the Prophet); and one title in Thai (Prophet of Islam). Inshallah, we will continue this mission in the coming years to spread the message of Islam to audiences around the world. Revised Holy Quran - German Mohammed the Prophet - German Prophet of Islam - Thai Religion of Islam - French 7Basharaat-E-Ahmadiyya Volume 2013 • December 2013 Introduction to Islam, Islam – The Religion of Humanity and The Prophet of Islam - Afrikaans Inleiding Die GodsdIiSenLs AvaMn die Mens Die Profeet van Islam tot Islam deur Zahdide uArziz MmaeutL l‘anon rVado MoHrdeuweahuodarolmredym daeudr Ali Maulana Muhammad Ali Introduction to Islam, Islam – The Religion of Humanity and The Prophet of Islam - Portuguese History of the Prophets, Muslim Prayer Book, Manual of Hadith - French 8Basharaat-E-Ahmadiyya Volume 2013 • December 2013 Annual International Convention of Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam (Lahore) USA, June 27-30, 2013 By Mrs Samina Malik A lhamdolillah! The Annual International convention of the Ahmadiyya Anju - man Ishaat Islam (Lahore) USA held in Dublin, Ohio, in June, 2013 was a great success. Foreign dele- gates from Nigeria, Australia and Canada participated in the conven- tion. The convention activities began Sadar ud Dean Sahukhan, Esq. with an educational course held at delivering a lecture in the pre- Masjid ul Uruj on Thursday, June Sister Lubna Ahmad delivering a convention classes. 27. Very informative and learned lecture at pre-convention classes. lectures were delivered on the fol- lowing topics: • Mrs. Lubna Ahmad presented • Dr. Mohammad Ahmad spoke the evidence for the death of Jesus about the value and necessity of in the Holy Quran, the Hadith and prayer in spiritual purification. in the writings of well-known • Sadr ud Dean Sahukhan, Esq. Islamic scholars. delivered a talk about the proofs for The attendees felt that they had the existence of God. greatly benefitted from the knowl- edge imparted to them, and highly appreciated the hard work and ded- ication of the speakers in preparing the courses. Dr. Mohammad Ahmad delivering jummah khutba in Masjid-ul Urooj. Friday, June 28 The Friday session began with con- gregational Fajr prayers followed khutba delivered by Dr. Mo ham - by a Quran dars delivered by Dr. mad Ahmad. Haleema Saeed. Jummah prayers All the lecture sessions of the were held in the afternoon in three day convention were held at Masjid-ul-Uruj with an inspiring the Crown Plaza Hotel, Dublin, Ohio. Mr. Mohammd Sadiq The first lecture session was held on Friday evening at 6 pm. A delicious dinner was served before the lecture presentations. Mr Mohammd Sadiq, Dr. Haleema Saeed and Mr. Abdul Lateef Oladele from Nigeria deliv- ered informative and very inspiring speeches which were highly appre- ciated by the audience. Saturday, June 29 The second day of the convention Dr. Haleema Saeed Mr. Abdul Lateef Oladole began with Fajr prayer followed by 9Basharaat-E-Ahmadiyya Volume 2013 • December 2013 AAIIL USA International Convention View of the symposium audience, with superimposed images of the speakers (L to R) Pastor Todd Anderson, Fazeel S. Khan, Esq., Dr. Noman Malik and Dr. Mohammad Ahmad. Are Science and Religion The Story of Adam Inherently Incompatible? Today, many believe that science is inherently incompatible with religion. It is alleged that modern scientific knowledge disproves various ideas about the world as presented in religious scriptures. And this dichotomy between science and religion is popularly advanced as the primary justification for rejecting belief in God. But is there more to the narratives found in religious scriptures than commonly understood? Join us for a discussion in which a response to this controversy is presented from an Islamic perspec- tive, in light of the Quran and using the story of Adam as an illustration. PROGRAM: A Discussion on 9:30 am Welcome / Opening By: Dr. Mohammed Ahmad Evolution and Revelation 9:45 am Introduction to the “Science vs. Religion” Debate By: Fazeel S. Khan, Esq. 10:00 am The Benefits of Interfaith Relations Presented by: By: Pastor Todd Anderson (Church of the Master, Methodist Church) Lahore Ahmadiyya Islamic Society 10:15 am Origins of Life and the Evolution of Man Keynote (Part 1) June 29, 2013 / 9:30 am to 3:30 pm By: Dr. Noman Malik 11:15 pm “Koran by Heart”(Part 1) Crowne Plaza, 600 Metro Pl N, Screening of Documentary Dublin, OH 43017 12:00 pm Lunch(provided by LAIS and catered by Crowne Plaza) 1:00 pm Man, Revelation and Spiritual Development RSVP: Fazeel S. Khan at [email protected] or Keynote (Part 2) 216.288.0951 By: Dr. Noman Malik 2:00 pm Question-Answer / Panel Discussion 2:30 pm “Koran by Heart”(Part 2) PROGRAM DETAILS ON REVERSE SIDE Screening of Documentary Symposium brochure. 10Basharaat-E-Ahmadiyya Volume 2013 • December 2013 AAIIL USA International Convention Sadar ud dean Sahukhan, Esq. Sister Samina Malik Dr. A.O. Lawal a learned Quran Dars given by Mr. from the point of view of evolution, Sadar ud dean Sahukhan. and of intrauterine fetal develop- The main symposium session ment. The second part dealt with the titled the Story of Adam, com- spiritual development of man. In the menced at 10:00 a.m. first part of his lecture, The Symposium program is Dr. Noman Malik also showed reproduced on page 10. how science is actually the discov- The symposium commenced ery of the truth of Divine laws work- with a recitation from the Holy ing in the physical universe, and Quran and welcome address by Dr. therefore, there could be no conflict Mohmmad Ahmad, President of the between Islam and science. He fur- Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam ther proved this point by showing (Lahore) USA. In his welcome Quranic verses about the origin of Sister Zainab Ahmad address, Dr. Ahmad gave a short life which preceded modern scientif- but profoundly spiritual explanation ic discoveries on that subject by these guests were friends and of the recited verses. hundreds of years. All these verses acquaintances of Mr. Fazeel S This was followed by an intro- were illustrated by slides which Khan. May Almighty Allah Bless duction to the Symposium lecture demonstrated this point in stunning and Reward Fazeel for his hard by Fazeel S Khan Esq. In his intro- detail. work and efforts to make the con- duction Fazeel Khan defined the In the second part, Dr. Malik dis- vention success. crucial elements of the present day cussed the origin of the human soul, The evening session on ‘Science vs Religion’ debate and its relationship to God, the origin of Saturday commenced after dinner. showed how there was no conflict evil and the successful spiritual Inspiring and informative between science and religion in development of man. To break the speeches were delivered by Sadr- Islam. His introduction served as monotony of two consecutive lec- ud-din Sahukhan, Esq., Alhaji Dr. the basis for the main theme of the tures on the same topic, segments A.O. Lawal and Mrs. Zainab lecture, the Quranic account of the of a very charming and absorbing Ahmad. The session ended with Story of Adam delivered by Dr. documentary of a yearly Children’s combined Isha and Maghrib Noman Malik. World Quran Recitation Competition prayers. Fazeel S Khan, Esq. was fol- held in Cairo were introduced Sunday June 30 lowed by Pastor Todd Anderson of between the two lectures. the Church of the Master who gave A delicious lunch was served The last day of the convention an inspiring talk about the benefits midway through the program. The began with the children’s program. of interfaith relations, reinforcing the Symposium ended with a lively This program is very popular with theme of the convention — a com- question and answer session in convention attendees. The enthusi- mon origin and destiny of mankind. which Dr. Malik and Mr. Fazeel asm of children for Islam and the The lecture on Adam presented Khan clarified points raised by the Ahmadiyya Movement, and the by Dr. Noman Malik consisted of audience. About 70 non-Jama’at depth of their understanding of two parts. The first part dealt with guests, muslim and non-muslim Islam reflected in their speeches the physical creation of man, both attended the symposium. Most of and presentations never ceases to