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Based on the Eötvös Competition, 1929-1943 PDF

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by  LiuAndy;HajósG
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Hungarian Problem Book III © 2001 by The Mathematical Association of America All rights reserved under International and Pan American Copyright Conventions Published in Washington, DC, by The Mathematical Association of America Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 2001089226 Print ISBN 978-0-88385-644-4 Electronic ISBN 978-0-88385-956-8 Manufactured in the United States of America Hungarian Problem Book III Based on the Eo(cid:127)tvo(cid:127)s Competition 1929{1943 Compiled by G. Ha(cid:19)jos, G. Neukomm, and J. Sura(cid:19)nyi Translated and edited by Andy Liu Publishedand Distributedby The Mathematical Association of America ANNELI LAX NEW MATHEMATICAL LIBRARY PUBLISHEDBY THE MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA EditorialCommittee Michael J. McAsey, Editor ArthurBenjamin Lester H. Lange George Berzsenyi Mark E. Saul Richard K. Guy PhilipD. Straffin Ross A. Honsberger Joan Wyzkoski Weiss TheNewMathematicalLibrary(NML)was startedin1961bytheSchool MathematicsStudyGroup to makeavailable to high school studentsshort expositorybooks on various topics not usually covered in the high school syllabus. In a decade the NML matured into a steadily growing series of some twentytitlesof interestnot onlyto theoriginallyintendedaudience, but to college students and teachers at all levels. Previously published by Random House and L. W. Singer, the NML became a publication series of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) in 1975. Under the auspices of the MAA the NML continues to grow and remains dedicated toits originaland expandedpurposes. In itsthirddecade, itcontains forty titles. ANNELILAX NEW MATHEMATICAL LIBRARY 1. Numbers:Rational andIrrational byIvanNiven 2. What isCalculusAbout? byW. W. Sawyer 3. An Introductionto InequalitiesbyE. F. BeckenbachandR. Bellman 4. Geometric InequalitiesbyN.D. Kazarinoff 5. The Contest Problem Book I AnnualHighSchoolMathematicsExaminations 1950{1960.Compiledandwith solutionsbyCharlesT. Salkind 6. The Lore of Large NumbersbyP. J.Davis 7. Usesof Infinity byLeoZippin 8. Geometric TransformationsI byI. M. Yaglom,translatedbyA. Shields 9. Continued FractionsbyCarlD. Olds 10. ReplacedbyNML-34 11. HungarianProblem BooksI andII, BasedontheEo(cid:127)tvo(cid:127)sCompetitions 12.ff 1894{1905and1906{1928,translatedbyE.Rapaport 13. Episodesfrom theEarly History of MathematicsbyA.Aaboe 14. GroupsandTheir GraphsbyE. GrossmanandW.Magnus 15. The Mathematicsof Choice byIvanNiven 16. From Pythagorasto Einstein byK. O. Friedrichs 17. The Contest Problem Book II AnnualHighSchool MathematicsExaminations 1961{1965.Compiledandwith solutionsbyCharlesT. Salkind 18. First Conceptsof Topology byW. G. ChinnandN. E.Steenrod 19. Geometry Revisited byH. S.M. CoxeterandS. L.Greitzer 20. Invitation to NumberTheory byOysteinOre 21. Geometric TransformationsII byI. M.Yaglom, translatedbyA. Shields 22. Elementary Cryptanalysis|AMathematicalApproachbyA.Sinkov 23. Ingenuityin MathematicsbyRossHonsberger 24. Geometric TransformationsIII byI. M. Yaglom, translatedbyA.Shenitzer 25. The Contest Problem BookIII AnnualHighSchoolMathematicsExaminations 1966{1972.Compiledandwith solutionsbyC. T. SalkindandJ.M. Earl 26. MathematicalMethodsin SciencebyGeorgePo(cid:19)lya 27. International Mathematical Olympiads 1959{1977.Compiled and with solutions byS. L.Greitzer 28. The Mathematicsof GamesandGamblingbyEdwardW. Packel 29. The Contest Problem Book IV AnnualHighSchoolMathematicsExaminations 1973{1982.Compiled andwith solutions byR. A. Artino, A. M. Gaglione, andN. Shell 30. The Role of Mathematicsin SciencebyM. M. SchifferandL. Bowden 31. International MathematicalOlympiads1978{1985andforty supplementary problems. Compiledandwith solutions byMurrayS.Klamkin 32. Riddles of theSphinxbyMartinGardner 33. U.S.A. MathematicalOlympiads1972{1986.Compiled andwith solutions byMurrayS.Klamkin 34. GraphsandTheir Usesby OysteinOre. Revised andupdatedby RobinJ. Wilson 35. Exploring Mathematicswith Your ComputerbyArthurEngel 36. GameTheory andStrategy byPhilip D.Straffin, Jr. 37. Episodes in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Euclidean Geometry by RossHonsberger 38. TheContestProblemBookVAmericanHighSchoolMathematicsExaminations andAmericanInvitationalMathematicsExaminations1983{1988.Compiled and augmentedbyGeorgeBerzsenyiandStephenB. Maurer 39. Over andOver AgainbyGengzheChangandThomasW. Sederberg 40. TheContestProblemBookVIAmericanHighSchoolMathematicsExaminations 1989{1994.Compiled andaugmentedbyLeoJ.Schneider 41. The Geometry of Numbers by C.D. Olds, Anneli Lax, and Giuliana Davidoff 42. Hungarian Problem Book III Based onthe Eo(cid:127)tvo(cid:127)s Competitions 1929{1943 translatedbyAndyLiu Othertitles inpreparation. Booksmaybe ordered from: MAAService Center P.O. Box 91112 Washington, DC20090-1112 1-800-331-1622 fax: 301-206-9789 Foreword It’s a pleasure for me to write a Foreword to this Hungarian Problem Book III which covers the Eo(cid:127)tvo(cid:127)s/Ku(cid:127)rscha(cid:19)k competitions of the period 1929{1943. As you have all the mathematics of it in the book itself, I would like to say a few words first on the present organization of the competitionand thenon the history of it. The competition is organized every year on an October afternoon and every high-schoolstudentcan take partin it, includingstudentswho have just finishedhigh school that summer. It is a four-hour contest withthree problems to solve. Students can use anything they bring with them such as books and notes. However use of computers and calculators is not permitted.Thecompetitiontakesplacesimultaneouslyin20citiesallover Hungary. I cite the key sentence of the \Call for Participation" of the competi- tion: \According to the traditions of the competition, the solution of the competitionproblemsrequiresnoknowledgebeyondtheusualhigh-school material;however, findingthesolutionchallenges the student’sabilityfor independentmathematical thinking." Of course, before and after thecompetition,thereis a lotof work to be done. There is a Competition Committee (henceforth abbreviated to CC) consisting of about 10 people. (The fact that I am a member of this CC largely facilitates my writingthis account.) The work starts in the summer by collectingproposed problems. These are mostly created by members of the CC themselves, but quite often research mathematicians in Hungary offer problem proposals to the CC. (I know from discussion with foreign colleagues that many countries are not so lucky in this respect.) Previous years’ unused problems are also vii viii HungarianProblem BookIII included in the set of proposed problems (they are always kept secret for futureuse). At the end of the process a collection of about 10 to 20 problems emerges. However, usually not all of them are ready for use: members of the CC who have sons or daughters in high school that year (this is quite a common phenomenon) invariably ask that the problems proposed by them not be used untiltheiroffspring are ineligible. Roughlyonemonthbeforetheactualcompetition,theCCmeets.Iwould considerourselvesveryluckyifwecanchoosethethreeproblemsafterjust one lengthy discussion. Otherwise, a second meeting must be convened. Afterhavingagreedonthethreecontestproblems,theCCdetermineshow to formulate them, but this is usually only a matter of minutes. Afterthecompetitionhastakenplace,theother19citiessendthepapers writtenthere to Budapest where all the contest papers are distributedinto equal packages and each member of the CC receives one such package. Heeliminatesthepapershaving nochance fora prizeand circulatesthose which have a chance. (Papers with two complete solutions are almost invariablycirculated.) On rare occasions, a paper which otherwise has no chance, but contains a nice or unusual solution is also circulated. Such papersdo notgeta prize,butthesolutionsmay eventuallybepresentedat the prize-givingceremony. When all the circulated papers are collected, they are taken home for two or three days by every member of the CC for careful inspection. So when the final meeting of the CC convenes, it is usually an easy matter, since everybody is in full knowledge of the details. At the beginning of the competition (in 1894) and for many years afterwards, there was one first and one second prize. However in those years the numberof participantswas around 30. In the ’50s and after, the numberof participantsincreased to several hundreds.It became necessary to allow morethan one firstprize and more than one second prize, and in some years even third prizes were given. Also in some years there were honourable mentions. Of course it is still possible to have just one first prizeanditmayevenhappen(veryrarely)thatnofirstprizeatallisgiven. The CC has great flexibility in this respect; we just try to find the best way to express the outcome of the competition. There are small cash prizes given to the winners; they are provided by the Ja(cid:19)nos Bolyai Mathematical Society. (There is no entry fee for the competition.) The whole procedure ends with a prize-giving ceremony, Foreword ix where the Chairman of the CC presents the solutions of the problems (quiteoften more than one solution to the same problem). Having described the presentstate of the competition, letme say a few words about its history. First, about the curious Eo(cid:127)tvo(cid:127)s/Ku(cid:127)rscha(cid:19)k duality of its name, which in my experience confuses many people. In the year 1894, when the competition started, there was a Mathematical and Physical Society in HungaryandLora(cid:19)ndEo(cid:127)tvo(cid:127)s(himselfaphysicist)wasthechairman.When he was appointed Minister of Education that year, the Society decided to celebratetheoccasionbyorganizingacompetitionforhigh-schoolstudents which then became a tradition. The competition had that name till 1943, when war interrupted it. After the war the Mathematical and Physical Societiessplitandthephysicistsstartedtoorganizetheirowncompetition. It was only natural that they had the right to the name Eo(cid:127)tvo(cid:127)s, so for the mathematicscompetitionanewnamehadtobefound.Anaturalchoicewas Jo(cid:19)zsef Ku(cid:127)rscha(cid:19)k, a professor of mathematics at the Technical University of Budapest, a keen supporter of mathematics competitions and author of | among other books for high-school students | the book which was translated as HungarianProblem Books I and II. In the period covered by this book (and before this period, too), the numberof participatingstudentsrarelyexceeded30.(Incidentallyinthose years high-school students were not admitted;only students who had just graduated from high school were eligible.) However, after the war the numberofparticipantsincreaseddrasticallytoseveralhundreds,sometimes coming close to one thousand. The reasons for this phenomenon are too complex to be analyzed here, so I mention just one of them, which may not come immediatelyto mind. In thoseyears, every universityinHungary had a strictentrance exami- nation. However, ifyou were inthe firsttenof the Ku(cid:127)rscha(cid:19)k competition, then you had free access to any university where mathematics was one of theentrance examination subjects. Thiscertainly was very attractive to those students who felt they had a chance to gain entrance this way. After1990theentranceexaminationsystemwas largelyabolished(now it varies from university to university and even within a single univer- sity). So this attraction disappeared. Also, with the gradual introduction of a market economy in Hungary since 1990, professions like banking, law and economics gained in popularity, and correspondingly interest in mathematics declined. These days only those students who are genuinely

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