CONSEJERÍA DE EDUCACIÓN Dirección General de Participación e Innovación Educativa Identificación del material AICLE TÍTULO Baroque NIVEL LINGÜÍSTICO A2.1 SEGÚN MCER IDIOMA Inglés ÁREA / MATERIA Ciencias Sociales (Geografía e Historia) NÚCLEO TEMÁTICO El Barroco El arte barroco se suele estudiar a través de un sinfín de obras de arte y autores. Esta unidad ha decidido enfocarlo de otra manera: se va a centrar en el análisis de tres obras maestras como son Las Meninas, El Éxtasis de Santa Teresa y San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane. A los alumnos se les dará un modelo para analizar GUIÓN TEMÁTICO una obra escultórica, pictórica y arquitectónica, que aplicarán al estudio de estas tres obras. A continuación, la clase se repartirá en grupos para analizar otra serie de trabajos representativos del Barroco, que luego expondrán a sus compañeros. Con todo el trabajo realizado, se sacarán las conclusiones. FORMATO Material didáctico en formato PDF CORRESPONDENCIA 2º de Educación Secundaria CURRICULAR AUTORÍA Antonio Rus Martínez Sesión 1: What was baroque? Sesión 2: Renaissance vs Baroque Art Sesión 3: How to analyse a Painting? Las Meninas TEMPORALIZACIÓN Sesión 4: How to analyse a sculpture? Extasy of Saint Teresa APROXIMADA Sesión 5: How to analyse a building? San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane Sesión 6: Analysing others Works of art Sesión 7 y 8: Exposiciones orales Sesión 9: What I have learned Sobre todo se trabajará la competencia cultural y artística (a través del análisis de las obras de arte) y la competencia para aprender a aprender (trabajo autóno- COMPETENCIAS mo de investigación de obras de arte). Pero también se trabajarán las siguientes: BÁSICAS temporal, pensamiento social, comunicación lingüística, tratamiento de la infor- mación y competencia digital, social y ciudadana, autonomía e iniciativa per- sonal. - La unidad está pensada para trabajarla en su conjunto, pero también con la opción de hacer cada OBSERVACIONES parte de forma independiente. - La unidad atiende a la diversidad a través de la obligatoriedad o voluntariedad de algunos de los apartados de los comentarios de arte. 3 Material AICLE. 2º de ESO: Baroque Tabla de programación AICLE - Apreciar la creación artística y comprender el lenguaje de las distintas manifesta- ciones artísticas, utilizando diversos medios de expresión y representación. OBJETIVOS - Desarrollar y consolidar hábitos de disciplina, estudio y trabajo individual y en equipo como condición necesaria para el desarrollo personal. - Comprender y expresarse en una o más lenguas extranjeras de manera apropiada. Segundo de ESO. CONTENIDOS DE Bloque 3. Las sociedades preindustriales. CURSO / CICLO Arte y cultura en la época moderna. 1. What was baroque? 2. Renaissance vs Baroque Art 3. How to analyse a Painting? Las Meninas TEMA 4. How to analyse a sculpture? Extasy of Saint Teresa 5. How to analyse a building? San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane 6. Project: analysing others Works of art 7. What I have learned - Texto que se completará tomando apuntes tras realizar un listening - Modelo de comentario de imágenes de arte para aplicarlo al análisis de una obra MODELOS pictórica, escultórica y arquitectónica DISCURSIVOS - Trabajo de búsqueda de información (y posterior exposición) sobre obras representativas del arte Barroco - Describir imágenes - Realizar unos apuntes propios sobre el Barroco - Diferenciar el arte barroco del renacentista según sus características TAREAS - Comentar obras de arte - Exponer oralmente trabajos - Dar opiniones razonadas FUNCIONES: ESTRUCTURAS: LÉXICO: - Descripción de - The first painting/sculpture Foreground, canvas, imágenes represents…;the second… chiaroscuro, - Comparar It is made of… self-portrait, CONTENIDOS imágenes y estilos - While in the first picture masterpiece, LINGÜÍSTICOS - Dar opiniones there are…in the second… to commission, razonadas - Expresiones artísticas: It is greek cross, a free standing sculpture… entablatures, medallion... 7. Identificar las características básicas que dan lugar a los principales estilos artísticos de la Edad Moderna, contextualizándolas en la etapa en la que tuvieron su origen y aplicar este conocimiento al análisis de algunas obras de arte relevantes y CRITERIOS DE representativas de éstos. EVALUACIÓN Se trata de comprobar que se diferencian los elementos básicos de los estilos artísticos del Renacimiento y del Barroco y se aplica este conocimiento al análisis de obras relevantes reconociendo la significación de algunos autores españoles, particularmente del Siglo de Oro. 4 Material AICLE. 2º de ESO: Baroque Observe and think 1. What does the first image represent? How about the second? 2. Can you tell the differences between the first and the second? 3. Which one do you think is baroque? Why? In this unit we are going to study the art from the Baroque. It is a topic that is usually studied with a never ending list of authors and plays. We are going to do it in a different way. First, we are going to talk about the baroque style and movement in general. Second, we will analyze the guidelines of three works of art: one of painting, another of sculpture and finally one of architecture. Going off of this model of work, the class is going to divide into groups to analyze different series of works representative of the Baroque time period. As a consequence of all the work we do, at the end we will exhibit the conclusions about the characteristics of Baroque. CONTENTS 1. What was baroque? 2. Renaissance vs Baroque Art 3. How to analyse a Painting? Las Meninas 4. How to analyse a sculpture? Ecstasy of Saint Teresa 5. How to analyse a building? San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane 6. Project: analysing others works of art 7. What I have learned 5 Material AICLE. 2º de ESO: Baroque 8. Links and bibliographies 1. What was baroque? LISTENING 1. Predicting the topic. 1.1. Now your teacher/asistant will read a text you will analyze later. Circle the words or expressions you hear as your teacher reads. artistic-style 16th-century Literature Cinema Golden-Age Catholic Council-of-Trent bourgeoisie power imperfect-pearl Romanesque excessive-ornamentation classical-forms 1.2. Can you predict what is about? Circle the correct answers. - What was baroque painting like - A definition of baroque - What was baroque architecture like - Why did baroque emerged - The origin of the word baroque 2. Vocabulary Match the words or expressions to their definitions: - To encourage: - the Catholic church’s fight against the heresies of the Protestants. - Council of Trent: - to stimulate. - Derogatory: - free from exaggeration. - Sober: - intentionally offensive. 3. NOTE-TAKING versus NOTE-MAKING Listening comprehension NOTE-TAKING versus NOTE-MAKING Note taking is when you are reading or hearing something for the first time and you are trying to get the information so that you can use it later. Note-making is when you return to these notes and make more notes on them. This means you annotate them, put things into your own words or summarise them and highlight key points. 6 Material AICLE. 2º de ESO: Baroque 3.1. NOTE TAKING ACTIVITY. Listen to your teacher/assistant while he/she reads What was baroque? and take notes. Baroque is the name of an ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________. It was an exceptional time for ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________. Antonio Lucio Vivaldi, Miguel de Cervantes and Galileo Galilei. The 17th century was the _____________________________________________ . The popularity and success of the Baroque style was encouraged by the Roman Catholic Church, __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________. The aristocracy _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ . According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word baroque is derived from the ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ . The term "Baroque" was initially used with ______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________. The terms baroque and renaissance were inspired by classical forms but ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ . 7 Material AICLE. 2º de ESO: Baroque 3.2. Now, you can read the text and check your notes. What was baroque? Baroque is the name of an artistic style in European history which started in the 17th century and lasted for most of the 18th century. It was an exceptional time for music (Vivaldi, Handel, Bach...), literature (Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Calderón de la Barca, Shakespeare, Molière...), sciences (Galileo, Kepler, Newton...), and of course painting, sculpture and architecture. The 17th century was the Golden Age of Spanish painting. The popularity and success of the Baroque style was encouraged by the Roman Catholic Church, which had decided at the time of the Council of Trent, in response to the Protestant Reformation, that the arts should communicate religious themes in an emotional way. The aristocracy also saw the dramatic style of Baroque architecture and art as a means of impressing visitors and expressing triumphant power and control. The baroque communícates religious themes in an emotional way (Cristo yacente by Gregorio Fernández) and wants to impress visitors and express triumphant power (Hall of Mirrors, Palace of Versailles). According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word baroque is derived from the Portuguese word "barroco", and refer to an "imperfect pearl". The term "Baroque" was initially used with a derogatory meaning, to underline the excessive ornamentation which contrasted the clear and sober rationality of the Renaissance. Because, even though baroque art was inspired by classical forms, just like Renaissance art, it was different in many respects. Let’s discover which ones. 8 Material AICLE. 2º de ESO: Baroque 3.3. NOTE MAKING ACTIVITY. Now, with all the notes and the text given, put things into your own words or summarise them. The following stages may be useful: 1. Select the main ideas. 2. Delete most details and unimportant information. 3. Find alternative words/synonyms for these complicated words/phrases, but do not change specialised vocabulary. 4. Reduce complex sentences to simple sentences. 5. Don’t forget to explain the reasons (because) and to structure the sentences well (It is a…, It follows, therefore, that...). 6. Check your work. Make sure your purpose is clear, the meaning is the same, and the style is your own. My own summary of baroque 9 Material AICLE. 2º de ESO: Baroque 2. Renaissance vs Baroque Art 1. Work with a partner to: 1.1. Look and describe the paintings. The Three Graces: on the left by Raphael (about 1500); on the right by Peter Paul Rubens (about 1639). The first painting/sculpture/ represents…;the second… - It was made in the … century. - The author was… 1.2. Organize the following words or sen tences into the categories in the boxes an d complete the chart. Ask your partner what he or she thinks, for example: Where does What do you No, I don’t think ideal beauty have for realism goes go? excessive? with baroque. Style Renaissance Baroque Name of the painting Characteristics 1.3. Later, compare the two paintings. The differences are that in the first one…;in the second one… While in the first picture there are…in the second… 10 Material AICLE. 2º de ESO: Baroque