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Preview Banker announces candidacy for commissioner Notes from the past UNICO to celebrate 3 0 th

M in U -e d is tod to be the closest in the history of poll taking. The question being voted on is “Wh® is the most unpo­ pular boss in America?" George Steinbrenner and Frank Lorenzo are running neck and neck. The winner gets a free vacation on the and SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW North Pole for six months. VOL. 71 NO. 32 USPS 123-420 THURSDAY, MARCH I«, 19» Massage parlor case settled C a n d id a t e s to fa c e The cue of the massage parlor such a business would not be permit­ wMch bad been operated at U1 Val­ ted in town. b a t t le f ie ld d u r in g ley Brook Avenue was settled last Lawrence H. Kalish appeared as Thursday in Lyndhunt Municipal attorney for Johnson and also repre­ c o m m is s io n e r r u n Court when Judge James A. Breslin sented Chong Cha Kim ofN ew York found James Johnson of Belleville City and Lisa Pik Bahle of Long The last day for filing for the time if Commissioner James Guida guilty of leasing the house to two Island City, who operated the parlor. Board of Commissioners race on will seek re-election, Frank New Yoric women who operated die Detective James Mileski had May 9 is today, (Thursday, March Bianchi has filed. business there when he did not have signed the complaint on Dec. 6, 16, at 4 p.m.) At press deadline on The campaign will start slowly a certificate of occupancy for the 1988. Tuesday very few candidates had but will gain speed and during the operation. A spokesman for the Johnson pleaded guilty to leasing fUed. last three weeks. Lyndhurst will be a detective bureau reports that every the premises to the women without Prepared announcements for can­ battle field for the candidates. It is business must secure a certificate of applying for the necessary CO and didacy were made by Commissioner possible that this time there will be occupancy before it may be legally was fined $500 and set costs of John DiLascio, School Board mem­ Ihree full tickets in the race. One will operated. He said an application for court bers Vincent Bello and Frank Bene­ definitely be led by Mayor John Pipon and ‘friend’ detto and Jean Zdep . Gagliardi and the second. Commis­ Names mentioned as possible sioner John DiLascio. A third ticket com plete narc training candidates are Mayor John Gagliar­ is supposed to be in the making. di, Commissioner Louis Stellato, The present Board of Commis­ Sgt Michael Longobardi of menL An additional three officers William Gallagher, Evelyn Pezzol- sioners consists of Mayor John Hackensack, Correction Officer will train for canine patrol work at la, Peter Russo, Ted Liva and Paul Gagliardi, Commissioner Louis Louis Pipon of Lyndhurst, and Cor­ the next class. Haggerty. It is not known at press Stellato, John DiLascio, James Gui­ da and Roseann Primerano. Com­ rection Officer Ray Noll of Ridge­ The training cost of the canine missioner Primerano announced she field Park, recently graduated from units is funded by the Sheriffs the Atlantic City Police Department Department share of money confis­ Five in field, will not seek re-election. Lyndhurst is one of the few towns Canine Training Center. cated from drug raids. ' three spots open where the Commission form of gov­ The officers and their canine part­ ernment exists. Five Commissioners ners passed an extremely rigid and Also at the graduation ceremony, are elected to four-year terms. After rigorous sixteen week training per­ Captian Blair Wolfe of WoodRidge Five candidates are left in the field the election the winning candidates iod and established a high caliber of received a citation for his expertise for election to the three seats with the select a Mayor. Each Commissioner expertise in the field of police canine in narcotics detection and for his Helen San Martino Board of Education election set for is then assigned a department and in patrol work. assistance to the Atlantic City April 4th. All three incumbents are that department he is in full charge of These canine patrol teams join the Canine Training Center. Captain S a n M a r t in o r e c e iv e s now out of the race. Steve V. Cala- all appointments of personnel, all four narcotic detection teams of the Wolfe is the Officer in Charge of the curcio the only incumbent to file for expenditures of money and the poli­ Bergen County Sheriffs Depart- Bergen County Sheriffs k-9 Unit. ‘C a r in g A w a r d ’ reelection, dropped out last week. cy of the department He said he had to devote more time Because of the long period Benedetto a candidate On March 3; at Ramapo Col­ handicapped students. She has given lo his personal business. between elections local politics in commissioner race lege the Bergen County Counselors' unselfishly of her time to help the Remaining in the contest are Lor­ activity is very quiet. Unlike Council Association presented their annual needy. At the ceremony Mr. Biasuc- raine Quatrone, Ronald Grillo, and Mayor form of government Captain Frank Benedetto, a 19-year no punches in his opening statement “Caring Award” to 36 high school ci introduced Helen’s brother Walter Charles Sieger, Edward DeNapoli where the Mayor is elected by the police veteran, has officially Benedetto accused Lyndhunt of students. Helen San Martino, a and sister Eleanor who accompanied and Michael Voza. The two other voters and two of three members of announced his candidacy for Com­ sweeping the alcohol and drug prob­ senior at Lyndhunt High School, her. Helen plans to become a nurse. incumbents who have not filed peti­ the seven council people face the missioner in the Township of Lynd- lem under the carpet and then went was her school's recipient. Dr. John This was the 5th annual Bergen tions were Vincent Bello and Frank voters each year. hurst Benedetto, a long-time resi­ on to say the Lyndhunt Police are in Yaegel, the coordinator, cordially County Professional Counselors’ Benedetto. The lack of political activities in dfaheneanndvnte eRotrfah L rLnienykend, dcaJhh rAi.uldlinerten ni.s ,H mDe aaawrnrdine ,dh Disto iwa ntihfeee, csnwiaeohpenodas b" hfoiolafitr sia ed stine hte eopw oc krlCinecoaoetmw ea lmngeddoi sgatsoeliso santanrenidvrd, e mo tfnhiosee­r h“asCunodasctcr aeiin d,c g eLtr. hHteAif .wipScra.ao trGgedru t aoiPmd Mlaa anqrnc.u Aede n”pSt urhetpoosee nnrHyvt Beiesdlioea rna-. Ardsateusmssdpo.e icTnteitah stte hiwo epn hut ior“mp Caoear saereni nodisgf et teAfonf ow hroaotv rntdehor”erl yo pt ohcrkoooegsnde­­ deBraescn yee dfleoecrBt tttoieho/lenjl o B taoonaa nlrbsod0eu o nfhc Ceefdilold em hdiim sn icsaMsnioafdnoyi-r­. Lisvnieyotrennyrde ehrdssuti efrfsliientc c huttailhotse nc t.oa BLu oosfaiecnrdaddl a l eocgaafrdn eCedaritosd lm aafitcmneksd i.o sif­t Benedetto’s entry into the Com­ professionalism. Helen was nominated for the Caring tribute to their school and communi­ the Comissioner’s race. missioner's race should not surprise Award by her counselor, Mr. Ralph ty. Lyndhunt is indeed fortunate to There has been very little public anyone. Benedetto has been active in Lilore. have such a special person as Helen campaigning by the candidates. The load government serving - as a Benedetto’s closing remarks were San Martino. only appearance so far was before school board member, past president straight to the point, “I believe the Helen was nominated for this the Lyndhurst Taxpayers and six yean as the chairperson of citizens of Lyndhunt want an effec­ most prestigious award because Past L.H.S. recipients include Association. the Alcohol, Tobacco and Drag Edu­ tive and efficient Commissioner of throughout the yean she has helped Kimberly Breen, Russell Ciffo, Voters will be asked to approve or cation Committee. Public Safety and I am that person.” her peer group, senior citizens and Aleece I soldi, and James Soltman. reject die budget for this year. It tot­ The tough and heavily exper- , . jj, i • • . als $9,402,525, an increase of over a ienced police administrator pulled Q u a t l* O n e f tlW p n a S IZ ftS lm p r O V e m e ilt million dollars over last year. Most of the increase is due to salary Lyndhunt school board candidate Quatrone describes herself as an ‘Tor this to occur we need leader­ increases and insurance policies. Notes Lorraine Quatrone continarri her independent who is uninterested in ship and involvement — leadership I i lek* \ 1cimamprpoavigedn elemapdhearsshiziipn ga nthde nineveodl vfoe­r ustsoinnge tthoe sfuchrtohoelr bpooarlidt iacas la ostfefipcpei.ng padrimmianriisltyr abtiyv et htee asmch, oaonl db oinarvdo lavned­ Camping from 24 PAGES ment in the district's schools. Quat­ “School and district improvement ment particularly by the teaching in winter Kditmfel............................ rone, a computer consultant, is mak­ for the benefit of my young child, staff, citizens, parents and even stu­ the past tWtWPllt................ ____11 ing her fint bid for public office in our town's children and this entire dents to some degree.” Vag*hflnd¡ng ____11 the April 4th bawd of education community should be the only main Quatrone also expressed fiscal Boy Scouts of Troopo 81, Lynd­ Mediad__________ ________18 election. concern of a bóardmember. It is time concerns, “Before deciding to hunt, recently had a winter camping By Patricia Guida OhiÉBiriM....................llim The longtime Lyndhunt taxpayer we stopped judging our schools by expend additional ptertîÈSiJ think it trip to Scout Camp NO-BE-BO- Kcal Estate . r-irri„.„„.,21 and 37 year old mother vowed to local standards developed long ago is entirely appropriée to engage in a SCO in Warrenm County. According to Henry Don tan, the Classified__________________^.....2...2.. make an all out effort to meet as in the past and redefine what is comprehensive réévaluation of the Events included demonstrations Kings land Station was once called Business Directory-------____23 many citizens as possible to listen to important in preparing young people effectiveness of the distn& program of techniques and ice rescue by “Furman Hill” and Valley Brook / tfieir view* and leek their support for the future." Quatrone continued. and concentrate on what it takes to water safety instructor John Phillips. Avenue was known as "The Patch”. help students learn better. There The weekend also included a trip to In his time, the location of the Banker announces candidacy needs to be a positive committment the Electric Generating Station. Town Hall was a rented space above to persistent planning for lasting Other scout leaders attending were Archie McLean's Saloon. It was also for commissioner improvement” Scoutmaster Adam Wisniewski and in a rented store and in the Odd Fel­ Receiving a Bachelor of Arte in Assistant Scoutmaster Mike Munc- lows Hall. Sociology from Jersey City State zenski. Future plans call for hiking Information from Commercial College, Lorraine Quatrone has the Lincoln Trail in Washington, Leader 10/3/35. pursued credits fora Mister of Busi­ B.C. * • * ness Adminsiration from Fairieigh The troop welcomes all boys Maurice Carbonneau will speak Dickinson University. Currently she between the ages of ten to seventeen on “Searching My Family History” is employed by ADP in Clifton, a yean. Meetings are held Wednes­ at the Lydhurst Historical Societal multi million dollar fortune 500 days at 7:00 pjn. at St Michael's meeting at the Little Red School- company, as a computer trainer and Chuich Hall Lyndhunt For more house on March 15th at 7:30 pjn. consultant information contact Mike Munc- ' The public is invited. zenski at 935-0733. UN ICO to celebrate th 3 0 lie Lyndhunt Chapter of UNICO, the largest Italian Service organization in America, prepares far its 30th atmnivenary to be held on Jane 7; 1919.7 JO pjn. at San Carlos Restaurant. UNKX) will be honoring six chapter metnben Jtan UaaNMIi. CMb Oaanto, Lenny Falca, Bruno Valente, Carmine Vasto, and Sal Pollan. SomeoHfcfeoaiiii I iiiH ltjlii I il gfarfcefcthitiet: are George Canuella, Sal Pollan, Bnino Valente, Mr. PoOara, Mn. Men, Mn. Valeaat Jeny Lanzerocti. Mario Coiro, Sal Valvano, Len Falco, John Tolve. Vincent Auteri, Ed DiNqM«. Cmnine Vasio, Preside» John Ploduno, Angelo Pluchino and Ray Baleja. Tickets are avaiMMa far $34.00. Please contact anyone above far ticketa. * - THURSDAY, MARCH It, 1W» THELEADER Back to the basics, an d some A n n u a l sc h o o l e le c tio n T s ta tis tic s a re in te re s tin g ^ Project Springboard, a new con­ AAnnnnuuall sacchhooooll bbooaarrdd eelleeccttiioonnss port**»aodtuition). Publicschool \ cept in the mining of basic skills, tthhrroouugghhoouutt NHeew» JJeerrsseeyy., iinnvvoollvviinngg buildings in NJ. during 1987-88 _ has been introduced at North Arling­ ssoommee 559300 sscchhooooll ddiissttrriiccttss oouatt ooff a> reached a total of 2^47. ton High SchooL The program, ttoottaall ooff 661111,, wwiinn bhee hheelldd AApprriill 44., On * nationwide bui», sixty-one . ’ which began March 1 will continue 11998899.. percent of Boari ofEdKation mem- through June 30. It has already AApppprrooxxiimmaatteellyy 11,,660000 ooff 44,,884433.. ben are men and thirty-mne percent received enthusiastic endorsement of BBooaarrdi ooff EEdduuccaattiioonn sseeaatlss ssttaatteewwiiddee are women. b«ses that concerned , • school administrators. «aree uupp ffoorr eelleeccttiioonn bbyy 44,.001100 eelhiggiibbliee membn most (m deacendmg order) Superintendent of Schools vvootteerrss,, aaccccoorrddiinngg ttoo tthhee NNeeww JJeerrsseeyy wore: lack of financial support 'w' Anthony Blanco said that the dis­ iSCcfthwo»o»!l BBooaarrddss AAssssoocciiaattiioonn,. TTrreenn­- (43.6%); state mandates (38.0%); trict's highly successful summer Btan,, NNJJ,, wwhhoo ccoommppiilleedd Ithheeasee ppeorttii­- curriculum development (29.0%) . . High School Proficiency Test nneenttt ffta*cttrs . and parents’ lack of interest " " (HSPT) testing program paved the IInII ppaustt elections, tthhee ppeerrcceennttaaggee Polling boon tré from 5:00 ^ C way for Project Springboard. ooffc cuurrrreenntt eexxppeennssee bbuuddggeettss aapppprroovveedd to 9M pjn- ; • • The local retesting program was bbyy vvootteeas ssttaatteewwiiddee wwaass hhiigghheesstt iinn F iftie s ’ n ig h t ranked at the top of the four remedial 11998855 ((8866-.55%%)) aanndd lloowweesstt iinn 11998811 * ° programs offered in this area in ((6633..88%%)).. TThhee ffiigguurree ffoorr 11998888 wwaars Hie Annual Home and School 1988. That four-week program look 771133%%.. Fifties' Night will be held on Satur- - 20 “at risk" eighth and ninth graders TThhee rraattiioo ooff ccaannddiiddaatteess ttoo aavvaaiill­- day. April 8 at 8:00 at the Hillside r' ‘ who had failed the HSPT and gave able board s«ea..ts. was hhiigghheesrt i1n« 1109«8?2 SA.C. on First Avenue. Tickets are < them a prescriptive lesson path indi­ ((1lJ.6S ttoo l1))a anndd lloowweesstt ifno l1M9SS5 ((11.0255 ttoo $10 and can be acquired firom Mrs. ! - vidually geared to the student’s l1))..T Thheef fiigguurree ffoorr l1998888w waass 11..3377 ttoo 1l.. L. Krieger, Mrs. J. Sudol, Mr. Coc- - , ‘ strengths and weaknesses. PPuubblliicc sscchhooooll eennrroollllmmeenntt ((ssttuuddeenntt chiola or any Home and School - Arthur Jones, executive director ppooppuullaattiioonn)) ssttaatteewwiiddee wwaass hhiigghheesstt iinn officer. of the Bergen County Private Indus­ 1980-81 (1.246,008) and lowest in try Council, a non-profit organizat­ 1988-89 (1.093,776). indicating a ion that administers federal funds for LOOKING OVER computer facilities used in Project Springboard are, from left, Arthur Jones, executive general decline, NJSBA said. youth programs, said that the Private director of the Private Industry Council; Adrienne Mahan, tbe Council’s education coordinator and director The estimated number of full­ Industry Council will most likely of summer youth programs, Superintendent of Schools Anthony Blanco; and Charles EhrBch£ tike high time teachers in N J. in 1987-88 was renew North Arlington’s summer school’s supervisor of Special Needs and department chairman of the Basic Skills and Resource Room. 79,415, and the average full-time * ¿tí retesting program for 1989. classroom teacher salary reached > b “But we are now looking at reme­ Ehrlich, department chairman of the computer center. Students are admi­ Reaching out to a segment of the $31,042. dial education on a year-round not Basic Skills and Resource Room at nistered old HSPT tests and indivi­ school population who would nor­ The estimated total cost of educa­ just season basis," said Jones. North Arlington High School and dualized lesson plans are developed. mally be at risk for employment, tion in NJ. 1988-89 is rising toward Project Springboard takes basic program coordinator. The funding of Project Spring­ Ehrlich also plans to seek a grant to $8.4 billion, including local, state skills “one step further'' says Charles board by the Private Industry Coun­ institute a pre-employment vocation and federal funds, and in 1989-90 As supervisor of students with cil allow for an expansion of the and skills class. will climb further to $8.9 billion, special needs, Ehrlich is providing school day for three months of con­ Such a program would provide up NJSBA said. ALUMINUM CAN “at risk" tenth and eleventh graders centrated instruction available to the to 200 hours of paid apprenticeship The cost of education per pupil PICK UP SERVICE with continued instruction in basic “at risk“ students beginning at 7 employment in addition to two to statewide during 1987-88 (based on reading, math and writing skills in a.m., during lunchtime, and after three hours of basic classroom current expense budgets) is expected TOP PRICES PAID North Arlington High School's school. instruction. to be $5,111 which excludes tmas- WE ALSO BUY SCRAP ALUMINUM Conflict in meeting dates to be resolved TRAILER AT BURGER K'm PARKING 4.0T PASSAIC AVE, KEARNY The conflict in meeting dates of Both organizations have meetings program chairman, has arranged for Meanwhile, on River Road, Com­ P A S Œ U Ê H WEDNESDAY Alexander S. Stover American Leg­ scheduled for Monday. a representative from' the IRS to mander Hugh P. McAllister will 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. ion Post 37 and Queen of Peace Holy The Holy Name Society will meet speak on 1988 taxes and the impact preside at a Legion meeting. Name Society may soon be resolved. in the grammar school auditorium. of the catastrophic care law. Sal Michael Sawrok will present a slate RMYC RECYCLING CO., INC. Action is expected on a proposal Edward Hannon, president will pres­ Bonanno and Anthony Ventol will' of officers for the coming term. P.O. BOX 2(13 made by James E. Ferriero at the last ide. Tickets will be available for an be in charge of the serving of Elections will take place at the April JEEP • EAGLE • ISUZU Nawark, N.J. 07114 American Legion meeting to change April 16 communion breakfast at a refreshments. A1 Cvitan, treasurer, meeting. Sawrok also will be in 686-4515 or 998-6313 Legion meetings to another night cost of $4.50 each. Andrew Cerco, will be accepting membership dues. charge of the refreshment hour. IrT. 17 RUTHERFORD 935-2400 406 MAIN STREET ’>1 r © u t t e / BELLEVILLE (Across From K-Mart) VtU j*i fa peU. © e t WE ARE WE MOST WELL STOCKED PET CENTER IN THE AREA Y D U G A M B L I N G W I T H T O U R ,<■0 E a s t e r R E T I R E M E N T ? Assorted Colors Invest in your future wtth a Deductible or not, stW an Transfers and RoBovers $■ Howard IRA. Upon your instruction, we can trans­ ALL SUPPLIES Do you have a retirement plan? If Depending on your situation, your fer your IRA hinds from another bank, AVAILABLE you do, will it be available at retirement? IRA contribution may still be folly or par­ credit union or other financial institution And, more importantly, will you be able to tially deductible if you're an active partici­ to a Howard IRA. maintain the lifestyle you are accustomed pant in an employer plan. In any case, it’s In addition, if you receive a qualified to when you retire? still beneficial to have an IRA. total distribution from a qualified pension If you're like most poeple, you have The chart below illustrates the effect or profit-sharing plan, you have 60 days to dreams for the future — dreams tha| may of Federal taxes on your Investment and transfer your distribution to a Hcward IRA. come true if you take the steps now to its value at retirement As you can see, an Call us i OPEN SEVEN DAYS [<jr*vrr. secure your investment goals. IRA deductible or not, offers rq>id accu­ For more information, current IRA With an IRA from The Howard, you mulation of interest and tax deferral interest rates or a free IRA sign-up kit, call can save for the future without worry -*— ' — tnllJir»» nr because you are assured of guaranteed growth. And, there's no fee for establish­ ing an IRA at The Howard, no matter what type of investment you select 10 yean * 25,635 * 20,617 » 19,333 Choose from our Insured Perform­ 15 year» 47,11* 37,163- 33,446 ance Fund, Certificates of Deposit, Money 20 years 77,737 60.291 51,710 Market Investment and Regular Savings 25 yean 121,393 92303 75,347 1-800-4-H0W ARD accounts. At Hie Howard, your IRA deposits 30 yean 183.632 138,699 105,935 1-800-446-9273 are Insured to *100,000 by the FDIC. Monday through Friday, 8AM to 6PM That's in addition to the FD1C insurance Saturday, 9AM to 1PM on your non-retirement accounts. RSGreattobe Alhambra R i d b l i r e s t o r a t io n donates to wWiitthh aa vvoottee ooff ccoonnffiiddeennccee ffrroomm /eryexcilodatnutaoirfefavd Klftin fund fo thteh eB Beregregne nC Coounutnyt yF Frereeheholodledresr, si,n in move ahead with o«r plans tdiiee ffoorrmm ooff ffuunnddiinngg,, tthhee WWHilHiaamrrsa Center,'' Haled the Center's B Center for the Ana in Rutherford Alhambra's El Sheedy Caravan will now forge ahead with plana to 192 held its Caravan meeting Febru­ ream the Rivoli Theater. At this two ary 25 in St. Anthony’s School, writing the Center’s administrative our bottom line. We are Kearny. Supreme Vizer Ray Lentz, staff is working on a grant for state ing on a campaign to State Secretary John Vallone. Depu­ funding that can get the long- our facilities. The Rivoli ty Regional Director Frank Caffers, awaited restoration into motion. been used by a The 200 Club is an organization and Regional Director Peter Gubi- Grant approval should be announced video of leading county businessmen who tosi were in attendance. by July. are a lot lower than Also present waa James Podesta, The County funding enables the rates.” In addition to film raise money to provide benefits for the families of public safety person­ president of the North Arlington Center's administrators to keep the nies, the Center will conduct record­ 21 opnawneefhr dldof, ou airtanmrymce ala ubknnduidcllile enaa ndglbsc yooep rsho uioclncioncjhuero pmrrpessr deoon usfin,ept ss efttsicahiroieneanmd lliaiisnnaltsnges. ccFSAhouhlhannepatderltdin.eb Tybru hortaeiCfo Uanffuor Nanrov dItCaf dh nOer$ i ,v1 E1we,l0i9 zhf02oao0 br aneOcfticnrrheode pme-Kytre el edaEoi rna-lf ocbinua iftlduiRvninedg ore aofi psctihener ga s.t uti“npWogp ewo rahtrh.i.el.e Wv otehere ylay dra efpo ap clruseos­ oivttnhhafgea rrt i eo apnaurrt tisafvi usla ptsntspee,d ra frtcsoaheeires.cm iaBtnotirgrnore g w ai cspgno pr imaonelua spoltpa hsg nie nei iedanwsri ,ceo nadaret kneetsddod. ptRPWhreaoeWgcglaerOratamrRsa -cEThkaVo.s ntw oRariòtilnl i Iglea mnpdcne ex naino iatw Naredws Benedetto's award was conferred old Elizabeth was started by UNICO The recent publicity about the Cen­ Jerseysans who will soon be aRafHoctoa crabmec kpelueetrnretnl dcysh aHGeocoenukrn ,i bd ha olitas’ a sstnh bto deen hwS atUPeolfeonn kbldyi.f yelH- yrISs tiRlh hl oeeIwnarraiidnffsff,, tbobmopyro haF enhloer atellhptlropis op pwanaaal iygsrnt ehyotghne,. e ttcs hmhu efinole dbddru, ei aacsrnai wnvl ieebecsxntisliptlm s se eir nosismescfiuv ocereennrrret,ea ada­ll CTrouTTmmhmepr ’iNsss uoCioratnsmh t lweA irilpnlli n sAgpVttoloannns ottRircr e Cac irittepryai ptti ohtinos bttbheouretBt' hisCor oensbwhnsu atnasekm irnyi’ soesf suufsvnut uettairrunnyergd eg o.t.epo.p n r“t$eiiAvm1raal1titths,ee0tod i0cud 0 cgooa hfnbnr oootwrrmusie­t. C9afun3enFn9ndoo-t6erura9r n’ii6sncse9 efro.dsar. dmpmleaatinisoiesn tc raaabtlilov tueht e toWhfefisilcelie at mwaost Robert Re because Benedetto could communion supper was served Saturday. Reservations may be not be present. He was investigating ending with a birthday cake in celeb­ made by calling Larry McKeown, a suspected arson in Ridgefield Park ration of Alhambra's 85 years of program director, at 991-8197. where a Haze earlier in the week had dedication and service to the mental­ The $16 price includes round trip ravaged six stores and an apartment ly retarded. transportation, a $17 coin return, a house on Teaneck Road. El Sheedy Caravan will hold its voucher for a return trip to Atlantic Benedetto and his CIB specialists 20-week cocktail party April 1 from City, refreshments, and games en worked with the County Police 7 to 10£m. in St Anthony’s School. route. Anon Squad in the investigation and determined that arson was not involved. Captain Benedetto The Bureau specializes in forens­ E n n i F ' C B A R G A IN Hackensack Police Sergeant Joseph ic science in which Benedetto is an 9 B A S E M E N T Brown, Jr., when Brown lost con­ FBI-trained expert and while involves the recovery, classification sciousness while swimming in the 850 KEARNY AVE , KEARNY N.J. • 991-9199 Delaware River last July 15th. and security of key evidence at crime New Milford Police Officers WEDNESDAY Til Robert Conti and Bruce Raffo who 6 P.M. Sheriff Herb, a Democrat, has cre­ dited Benedetto, a Republican, with aided firemen in rescuing 2 persons THUBS.. FBI, til 8:30 PM; Sit ’til B PM from a burning house on Madison turning the Bureau into a first-rate, ave. efficient, professional «gency after it Hackensack Police Detectives LADIES W EAR had fallen into a condition on neglect Arrived and incompetence. Herb has said, Michael Mordaga, Robert Wright Talk to a lawyer first! and Arthur Mento who arrested 2 under the previous Sheriff, now Newark men after a high-speed car • DRESSES • BLOUSES • SKIRTS • TOPS Coanty Executive William chase. The men are suspects in the • SLACKS • SETS • KNITS • SWEATERS If you are injured in a car or other accident, insurance McDowell, so that Prosecutor Larry killing of a 17-year-old Newark adjusters may press you to sign certain release forms. McClure and most municipal police youth. *MEUS$A*ST. GERMAIN * 0UTLANDER ★ RIMINI Once you sign, such documents may eliminate or reduce departments scorned to use it The 200 Club’s first president, ★ L. ROTHSCHILD ★ REGINA PORTER ★EMILY* AXIS the compensation you receive for your injuries, pain and services. James M. Davidson, a prominent ★ BRECKENRIDGE ★ JR. COLLECTABLES ★ SURBURBANS suffering. Don’t sign anything! First, call us to find out Benedetto now has the agency in banker, told Leader Newspaper that your legal rights. There is no charge for the call, and no line, Herb has said, and it is regularly all members of the Club, while charge for our legal services unless your case is settled used by the Proaecutor and by most proud of the work already done, feel SPECTACULAR GIVE-A WAY PRICES! or won. county police departments. there is tremendous progress yet to The Captain has 19 yean service in theSherifTsofficeand has headed be made in providing benefits, sup- SPECTACULAR GiVE-A-WAY PRICES DOYLE & BRADY port and back up for public safety every major division in that office. personnel who exemplify courage LAWRENCE P. BRADY, JR., ESQ. A Full Service He was not involved with the bureau and heroism. LADIES SHOES Certified by the Supreme Low Firm when it began its downhill slide Court of New Jersey as a “These people need all the sup­ Civil Trial Attorney 377 Kearny Avenue some 6 yean ago. Kearny, N.J. 07032 port we can give them,” Davison + REVELATIONS * SOFT SPOTS j The 200 Club gave 14 other said “They are here for us and if c£ST* GLORIA VANDERBILT * SPORTO ' awards for heroism and exceptional they need assistance we and the ★ HUSH PUPPIES*DANIEL GREEN aervice in the line of duty. These community should support them.” included State Trooper Robert Cie- plensky who, while on patrol on the NJ. Turnpike on April 12, 1988, arrested an alleged member of the Japanese Red Army terrorist organi­ zation in a car carrying several extremely powerful and dangerous J u s t L i k e . homemade bombs. Trooper Ciepiensky, 34, and a resident of Closter, personally removed the bombs from the car and S a v i n g F o r A carried them to a grassy area of the Vince Lombardi service station so that they would be away from other driven and vehicles. The bombs R a i n y D a y . . . were later neutralized by the State r Police bomb squad Yu Kikumura, the tenor suspect, Do you remember putting pennies In a Jar and saving them for a rainy day? Maybe was convicted and sentenced to 30 rou went to the movies or to the Ice cream pallor Tor a double scoop. Today you in state prison. e to save for more Important things like your childs education or that vacation you have been planning for years or maybe you're adding on to your home. were also given to the Putting your pennies In Boiling Springs is just like putting theemm IInn yyoo ur jar except i of the 5 Hackensack fire- yo ur.. .l.i.t.t.l e sister ca n't get t.o. t.h..e. m. At B ollin„g S..p. rin_g s y, oxuirr ssaavviinn*gs are I in the July 1, 1988 fire Federally. Insured by the FSUC and you have the FULL FAITH MID CREDIT I the Hackensack Ford OF THE UUSS GGOOVVEERRNNMMEENNTT.. BBooiilliinngg SSpprriinnggss SSaavviinnggss IIss ri ated In the top 10% of building on them. Savings and Loans and Is a leader In the Industry. START SAVING NOW FOR THOU RAINY DAYS AHEAD. Scholarships, valued at $ld,000 : awarded to 4 Bergen county 1 YEAR CO for heroic or outstanding i involving the safety of other Henry Cruz of Bogota, the only 9 .0 0 = 9 .4 2 k civilian on the award list, was hon­ ored for retcuring a critically injured woman from a burning van on Route Odm ftgh YmtUUnngg CCDD''it An*6k 80 bit Nov.- 10th. Police detectives, police officers. B o i l i n g S p r i n g s S a v i n g s W h e re e ls e , ir é OOflVVfllMf OMOII Rutherford; 23 Park Avenue MM000 Rutherfordb: 228800 UUnniioonn AAvveennuuee................................................................MMMO 753 Rldae Hoad................................ arte236west Passaic SI..................... 27 Franklin Avenue .. ..................... ttoShop Rtte Ptaza, 60 Beaver Brook Road .......... M«BiB«tauC-SB*ng»>»»wa to 1*00000. ) 14 - THURSDAY, jHARCH 16, 19 m e leader Growing Free hat materiala and instruction. They them. And sales managers and Iducation U pdate will read the self-study of twenty-six supervison will lean how to hire opens areas that is being completed by the faculty. Some of die areas included to LYNDHURST Hlj formedaseriesof concerts in Rome, sacco wiui many important bsks. • are uimcuuD, uany services, reduce costly selection enon. SCHOOL HI Italy during January and February in After careful research and analys­ Student Activities, facility snd Gui­ Lyndhuist High School k proud St Peter’s Basai«. St Ignatius is describe in detail what you feel dance Services. The (acuity’s sdf- participated In the workshop > i& 3 R £ a nno--u-n-c—e me follo- w■ - ivn -g * s■t■■u- dae - n._ t-s Basüica, St Brand* BaaMca, North should be me primary concerns Of study, phis the report of the visiting acclaim iL A real estate sties mana­ Cohn, Dfcw win (UaeafcatOiMriag have earned honors for the second America College and a special pre­ the 1989 Congress. Studenti oommitieewfll provide a dear pic­ ger described “Increasing Salas Tree Preschools in. Lyndhust on manung p en:o aa:. sentation la the Vatican for Pope ture of aD facets of the school to HUOU0 People Skffls" as “Very March 16, and in tytdt PUlafidd, Distinguished Honors—A in aH johp pmi n. the rasoiutiom for any problems assist us ia providing the best edaca- mfcrtBstive. Received s tot of infor- April 11. subjects, minimum 4.0 avenge: Dellosa accompanies the Church resulting from the aforementioned non possible so ike stsdtMs» mation to ase to a training aeoainar According to B^artaera Doyle, Grade 12—Michael DiNardo; of the Presentation choir in Upper wifo new ateqd****. Had fun while director of the schools, the7:3©pjn. Grade 10—Angiola DiPopolo, SadtBe River and is involved in The finalists were Melanie Dunn, learning about aayaetf." A sal« rap program* win be oten not only to Adrienne Vincenzino: Grade numerous projects tor d* Audi Dio­ Helen Forcan and Lisa Prancese INCREASE SALES for a power tod company wrote. “I enrolled Growing Tijee family bat 9—Bernadette Maranzano. cese of Newark including conven­ who were interviewed by die mem­ AT LYNDHUIST leaned mon about my customers to educaion and inUjreMed memben High Honors—Minimum 3.5 tions, radio and television masses. bers of the Social Studies Depart­ ADULT SCHOOL and how to approach them in a more of die public withput charge. avenge: Grade 12—Jane Anderson, Dellosa plays the Fhiglehom, B ment After much deliberation, Dennis S. Shtka is pleased to efficient manner.’’ The sales mana­ Dr. Cohn, is coordinator of con- Jacek Bokota, Theresa Catapano, flat and piccolo trumpets when per­ because all candidates were so announce that be will soon be offer­ ger of a well-known women’s retail sultation and educ departí Christine Cray, Ann Rich, Bryan forming with the choir. impressive, Lisa Franceae was cho­ ing to ana residents dm newest store said of foe workshop^Very of psychiatry, Neujnk Beth Israel Emma, Jeffrey Fedorchak, Tomothy sen as the representative from Lynd­ workshop designed by L. J. Kobrin informative. Leaned how-to deal Medical Center,; and fouder- Jinks, Renee Pezzano, Michael Pre­ hurst Ms. Amheiter did a com­ Assodata*, a leudar in die field of with co-workers and how to 'read’ director of the meqjal health prog­ scott, Ann Rich; Grade 11—Orhan ROCHE WASHINGTON mendable job coordinating the prog­ prospective customers and deal with ram, Helping Children in Crisis. Baydurcan, Laura Dilkes, Melenie WORKSHOPS ram for this worthwhile workshoo. training. Residents who have them to (he beat advantage.” A regis­ "Documented research and clini­ Dunn, Karin Gregorec, Thomas Hoffman-LaRoche Inc. ofNutley, MIDDLE STATES already participated in Kobrin tered repMeptative of a large sec­ cal findings suggertjhat many child­ Malaniak, Joseph ruane, Christine is sponsoring a national seminar EVALUATION Associates’ “Deal More Effectively urities firm wroM; “Excellent! Gave ren suffer emotkmaJandA* behavor- Ruvere, Ilknur Sancak, Donny Zaza; program at Lyndhurst High School Once every ten years, Lyndhurst With Othen" are familiar with die me a better understanding of myself ial problems as a result of having to Grade 10—Joseph Amoroso, James The program offea high school High School spends a fanyear doing high quality of their workshops. and insights into bow best to relate to confront death, diyorce and other E. Jinks, Gerard Luna, Judith A. juniors the opportunity to compete an extensive self-evaluation of every “Increasing Sales Through People othen by adapting to different per­ Itinds of toes." Dr, Cohn states. Dehne, Elaine A. roc ha, Vicki A. for the chance to attend, free-of- aspect of die school. This self-stndy SldDs” is designed for everyone who sonality types." A well-known expert on die psy­ Twist; Grade 9—Brian Bielicka, charge, a week-long Congressional is then read and verified by a visiting works in a sales capacity. Outside chological ramifications of death, John Cordone, Heather Fierro, Kim­ Seminar in Washington, D.C. as team of educators. Their report is salespeople will develop the confi­ The Lyndhurst Adult School his divorce and remarpage, Dr. Cohn berly Geary, Lisa Gddblatt, Wil­ Lyndhurst High School’s then submitted to the Middle States dence and skills to make more suc­ scheduled "Increasing Sales has served as a{ consultant for liam Pastewait, Michael Tuminaro, representative. Association of Colleges and Schools cessful contacts with people, make Through People Skills” for Tuesday Parents Magazine^ British Broad­ Maria Turano, Kevin J. Wormke, Twenty students across the coun­ which accredits high schools in our more dynamic presentations, and evening, April 18, 1989, from casting Corp., Institute for Child Michael J. Wormke. try will attend as Roche-Sponsored region that meet national standards close more sales. Inside salespeople 7:00-1030 p.m. We urge everyone Mental Health, Hew York City Honors—Minimum 3.0 average: scholars. Competition for die scho­ of performance. Lyndhurst High will discover how to transform shop- connected with sales to call soon and Board of Education and the New Grade 12—Donna Hart, Peter Isoldi, larship will be an essay contest School is currently a fully accredited pers into buyers through a greater register for what will surely be a very York City Department of Health. Lori Linsalato, Danielle Smith; Finalists will also be interviewed by school. (Accreditation—1979) understanding of what motivates Dr. Cohn also has won acclaim as Grade 11—Peter Machtemes, the members of the Social Studies Accreditation is important to all of author of “I Had a Friend Named Christine Troncone; Grade 10—Ali­ Department Interested students are our students going on to high educa­ Peter Talking with Children about son M. Scotti; Grade 9—Giulia required to submit an essay of at tion or vocational training. the Death of a Friend,” and for DiPopolo. least 500 words. The essay’s content November 15, 16 and 17, 1989, numerous workshops and seminars should incorporate the following: Lyndhurst High School will be vis­ she has originated. -------- Everyone’s attention for the past ited by eighteen educators. They will Dr. Cohn achieved her Doctorate LHS MUSIC TEACHER several months has been focused on visit classes, talk to students and in Clinical Social Work from Add- PERFORMS AT the 1988 presidential and congres­ teachers, tour every part of our phi University, New York; com­ THE VATICAN sional elections. Now that the dust building and examine our curricu- pleted her doctoral field internship at Nicholas Dellosa, LHS Music has settled and the smoke has AARP Yale University Child Study Center, teacher and Band Director, per- cleared the 1989 Congress will be New Haven, Ct; earned a master’s degree at Hunter College School of By Evelyn Stawicki Social Work, New York; and was Dorn Livelli, tour chairman. graduated with a bachelor’s of arts LYNDHURST HEALTH CENTER Lyndhurst Chapter, American Asso­ degree from Queens College, City 253 STUYVESANT AVENUE ciation of. Retired Persons, Umvenity of New York. 939-5191 announces there are still seals avail­ Growing Tree Nursery School is COMMISSIONER able for the May 21 trip to Shawnee located at 307 Tontine Place, Lynd­ ROSEANN PRIMERANO Playhouse. The cost of $37 inlcudes hurst; Growing Tree Preschool and Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday blood pressure readings the bus, lunch, and the play BILOXI Kindergarten is located at 18 Park from 1-2 p.m. by appointment only. BLUES. For the June 15 trip to lyndhurst suwatos llub receives Ms flrst gift, a football auto­ Place, North Plainfield. Every Monday 1-3 p.m., Diabetes Test no appointment neces­ Washington Cross, Pennsylvania, a graphed by the New York Giants players. On left, John Radleigh, Kiwa- For further information and reser­ sary. Call for additional information. tour, lunch, visit to New Hope Vil- nis publicity chairman who solicited gifts for the club’s April 27th vations. contact Barbara Doyle at AAAppprrr... 554 PP1saotpd iBaTltoeriosstdt Bank Drawing I220---471P:23MP0MPM NBByyo AAAppppppoooiiinnntttmmmeeennnttt aliraeg ec,o avnedre ad ribdye othne t h$e3 3M uchlea rBgaer.ge cNaargde lp.arty/chinese auction, presents footbaB to dub president Steve 4N6o0r-t9h3 P39la, inLyfinedldh.urst; or 754-5505, Apr. 11 Eye Screening 1-3PM By Appointment The AARP is planning an eight- Scouts are Apr. 12 Child Health Conference 10-llAM By Appointment day, seven-night trip to Michigan on Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Apr. 15 Health Pair 10-2PM No Appointment July 10. The itinerary includes Hen­ recognized Apr. 19 Cholesterol Screening 9-12Noon By Appointment ry Ford Museum, Greenfield Vil­ March 16 Thursday Father Michael O’Brien 7 p.m. Mass AApprr.. 2216 BClhoioldd HPreeaslsthu reC onference 91-01-11A1AMM NByo AAppppooiinnttmmeenntt lIaslgaen, dt haet sHhoolela fnadct, oMrya acknidn aWc iInsdlamndil,l MMaarrcchh 1187 FSaritduardya y FFaatthheerr PReicthera rLdi teKreallly 171 pa..mm.. MMaassss LynBdhyu rLstu'sc Biloley SJceounts Ternoop 86 die Bavarian Village at Franken- Appointments will be taken for Cholesterol Screening begin­ held a Court of Awards in mid- muth, at Flint the Sloan Museum and ning April 3rd, limited to 20 people. This test can only be done 1 Ibis year St Joseph’s Day is celebrated on Saturday, March 18th, since February and announced rank time per person. Blbod Screening appointments will be taken a visit to General Motors to see the Palm Sunday falls on March 19th. There will be a Special Mass at 11 ,m. on advancements, merit badges and beginning April lltn. Radon kits nre still available at the Lynd­ robots in action, and a stop at Niaga­ Saturday in honor of Sl Joseph closing the Novena. skiU awards. Scoutmaster Alan Fay- ra Falls. hurst Health Department. The fee Is $8 per kit, payable by check jan presented the following: only, which must bd made payable to Radiation Data, not the Sacred H eart calen d ar Jeff Carroll advanced to Star and Lyndhurst Health department. received Sports Merit Badge. Holy Week 1989 - Sacrament of Lyndhurst Donation $25.00per per­ ters wiU serve as guides during this David' Cerrito also advanced to Reconciliation. Saturday, March 18, son, includes full dinner and show. - silent retreat at the Cenacle in High­ Star and recdved Citizenship, Com­ Di Lascio Report 1:00 pjn. - 3:00 p.m. Monday, Tickets available at the school land Park. For information and munity, Personal Fitness and Sports. March 20, 2:00 p.m. - 300 pjn. (939-4277) or the rectory reservations call (201) 259-8100. Steve Colacurcio advanced to On in terest earned Wednesday. March 22. 7:30 pjn. - (438-1147). Day of Reflection. On Wednes­ Tenderfoot and recdved First Aid, 8:30 p.m. (Confession win not be Religious Education Calendar- day, March 15, Father John E. Family Living irnd Citizenship heard during the Sacred Triduum: March 3/11-12 Sunday, 9 a.m. and O’Brien win lead a day of relection, Awards;- The following is another in a series of reports I have published to allow the Hdy Thrusday, Good Friday and noon masses - third strenghthening consisting of two talks and a liturgy - Doug Dawson advanced to First taxpayer an opportunity to better understand the finances of our local Hdy Saturday) for Phase II Confirmation 9:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at Annunda- Class. government tion Church Paramus (50 Midland Joe DeCarlo advanced to Boy I would like to address interest earned on investments which is one of the 50th, 25th and 5th Wedding Won't You Please Help. Our Pan­ Avenue off Route 17) Brown bag Scout and recdved a Citizenship responsibilities of the Finance Director and staff. Prior to my taking office Anniversaries. Those couples who try is in need of food for our Easier lunch. For information and direc­ SkiU Award. most funds paid or received by the tax office were deposited in non interest are celebrating their 50th, 25th, or Baskets. We need coffee, tea, tions caU 261-6322. Brian Finn advanced to Fust bearing accounts earning no interest whatsoever. I changed that practice 5th Wedding Anniversaries this year canned meat, canned vegetables, Families Touched By Alcoholism Class. immediately. Today as in the past three and one half yean of my tenure all (1989) will have an opportunity to canned fish, canned fruits, paper A Special Liturgy will be offered at Charlie Guenther advanced to money received by our finance office is deposited the same day of if received celebrate the occasion with Hdy products, pasta, sauce, gravy, cere­ Annunciation Church, Paramus, (50 Tenderfoot and then to Second late in the day, the next morning into interest bearing accounts. Your money Mass and Blessing at the Cathedral. als, cake* mixes and icing. Thank Midland Avenue off Route 17) Class; he also received his First Aid, begins to work for you from that moment on. When I took office 15,000of The 50th Anniversary celebration you for your continuing generosity. Brown bag hrach. For information Citizenship, Physical Fitness, Fami­ your tax dollars were appropriated each year to be deposited to our unem­ win be on April 23. 1989, at 230 Human Concerns and directions can 261-6322. ly Living and Hiking Skill Awards, ployment trust fund. We changed this account in 1985 to an interest bearing p.m., with Archbishop MoCarrick Families Tonched by Alcoholism. plus a Sport Merit Badge. account We no longer use your tax dollars lo supplement this account the celebrating the Mass. The Twenty- Heap (Home Energy Assistance A Special Liturgy will be offered at Ron Jensen advanced lo First interest earned maintains the proper balance. Fifth and Fifth Anniversary celebn- Program). Help with Winter heating Annunciation Church. Paramus (50 Class; he received Sports and Per­ The following is a summary of earnings during the tenure of the previous tion wiU be on April 9,1989 at 230 coats is avialable from HEAP until Midland Avenue off Route 17) on sonal Fitness Merit Badgea. finance director and the earnings during my tenure. with Bishop John M. Smith (Bergen April SO. Also you can apply for Wedneaday Evening at 8115 p.m., Peter Nbrcia advanced 10 Second YEAR RATE OF INT. INT. EARNED and Hudson Counties) and April 9, summer cooling assistance at the March 22, for families touched by Class; he received First Aid, Family 1981 12.5» 32439.22 1989 at 4:30 pjn. with Biahop Jer­ tame time. Toapiy your income can­ alcoholism. A A. Alanon, A.C.O. A Living. Physical Fitness, and Hiking 1982 14.« 6.44SJ6 ome Rechillo (Essex and Union not exceed certain limits. For infor­ members and families invited. Skill Awards, plusa Sports Merit 1983 - 11.% 22,423.96 Counties). For information and mation call 368-4248 or 368-4200. Father John E. O'Brien will be the Badge. 1984 9M 72^55.39 deadline datea to register, please can The Knights of Columbus Coun­ celebrant. Alex Ragone advanced to Star. cil *2396 Ladies Auxiliary will hold Total Interest Earned ~ 134,084.43 die rectory 438-1147. their next meeting on Monday, We made many changes in 19g5 when interest rate* piummented to a six Sacred Heart School Calendar- March 13th at 8:00 pjn., in the Club Danny Rodriguez received a Pint year low. As a result your tax dollar earned slightly less m one year than was earned during the previous four yean. March Easter Crafts/Flea Market. Hall. The CdumbuaAJncoln School AM Skill AwanJL 1985 6% 115,812.13 3/16 BES Uniform Co. Measure- St. Paddy Robert Robinson received Family 9t00 a.m, of the Year, a 50s dance and dinner Living and Camping Skill Award*, 1986 6* 141,872.51 19(7 6% 144,044.46 3/17 Free Dental Exam Pre-K Irish Night With Joe Fir« spon­ on April 15,from 7:30 pjn. to 12:30 P»ui, a Reptile Study Merit Badge, .1988 i 7% 195,009.10 3’s-S, Dr. Telia sored by St Mary’s High School ajn. at dw Lyndhurst K of C Hall. The Tioijp was also commended Total Interest Earned SK.C93J0 3/23 Ead 3rd Quarter Boomer Club, 64 Chestnut St, 379 Hew Yo* Avenue. for its efforts in the first Scoring for During 1988 we had to pay $1,140,000 in dumping fees which Was not 1240 r>trfp{tMl Rutherford. NJ. on Match 18, A hot nd cold buffet win be Pood Drive. Troop.86 waa the lop appropriated by tax levy.This preaentedacaahflowprobtetoMrdblaettea Day Ctoa' Opea 19*9, M0 pjn. Made by Jgp An served andmuicwil be aappHed by fo Utomnck District; itcol- months of 1988 until we received host fees on December 28,19(8. However 3/24 Good Friday - Day nd Andy Conti, DJ. Donation: die DJ Ymi AngeL There win be a *ected396cansand421/2«is.of<ky with the help of my gnat staff we were able aot only to avoid borrowing CJoaed Sim caU 438-3173. cash bar available alao. Tickets are food*. The community mat be dmoagh Tax Antidpudou Noibs but with leas available finds and half ihe 3/27-31 Day Can Open Holy Wade Guided Retreat offers $20 each. thanked for their HR». avenge interest rate we earned four and one half dmes die total interest 403 School Re-opens an opportunity to enaer more deeply For reservations call Nina at The Scoot* finalized plana for a Fsahion Show. The Second Annu­ ’ J $biy Wedi triduum. The 939-0319 or Nancy at 933-1953. Ski trip» Sh as ta the Poecno*. al ekwb PesMoa »' War Die Ip • United naaber of ticket« •* weB a* campfcg trip* 10 Cwp Show win be held April 21,19V at IWWH— wigberaadeoaa flm Taraanck and Alpine far Laan-to p r o p e r t y t a x Haff hu been a member of die Homeowners in New Jersey will 'fort of Govcnm since 1984. benefit from lower property tax bills . /Daring that time, he served as chair- and the schools will enjoy a boost in Senator Orechio to al*o tbe ;’m*n of die Building and Grounds funding if a package of bills of the bill, S-1620, already ap Committee, and as a member of die approved by die Senate on Thursday by the Senate and pending _ '.’Executive Commitee, and endorsed by the governor gets Assembly, which would transfer (hi ' Assurance Board, Joint Conference through the General Assembly to county-level courts to the state over Committee, Nursing Council, and become law. four years. Senator Orechio said that 'j ; the Community Relations/ Develop- 4 The bipartisan property tax relief “the Superior Courts are state ’ ' ' ment Committee. He is a fanner program would have the state courts—they should be supported by vice-president of the hospital Asso­ assume from local taxpayen the cost the state, not by local property ciation from Kearny. of running the Superior Courts and (axes." * 1 ' After graduation from North the administrative expense of weF- The public schools would receive metropolitan centers _ Arlington High School, Haff fare. The savings to the counties a boost of $98 million, under terms essential public savtoss mck as' j'*|attended Lincoln Technical Insti- would be passed along to local of a bill, S-3245, sponsored by Sena­ police and fire protection,” said v l Î ' tute, Newark, and Jersey city Tech. homeowners, “dollar for dollar,” in tor Matthew Feldman, D-Bergen, Senator Russo. “The state aid will ' He is president of Haff Electric Inc. the form of lower property taxes, which gained approval with a vote of support the cities’ efforts to rebuild in North Arlington and is a member according to the legislation. 37 to 0. and attract new businesses and ’ ' of the National Electrical Contrac- “Court costs and welfare “Enhancing the educational residents.” ion Association. expenses have grown into enormous opportunities we provide to our Funding for the tax reform pack­ ' He currently serves as secretary of burdens to local taxpayers,” said young people is a vital component of age would be generated from repeal die executive committee of the West Senator Carmen Orechio, D-Essex, the tax reform effort," said Senator of the Homestead Tax Act and an uihi > Hudson-South Bergen Chamber of sponsor of the bill, S-3300, which Feldman, who serves as chairman of increase in the wholesale tax on " Commerce, where he has been a transfers the administrative cost of the Senate Education Committee. alcohol. Abolishing the homestead 1 *1 fnember of the Board of Trustees for welfare to the state. The measure, “This program does not mislead tax credit, or Ford bill as it is known, the past 10 years. which was sent to the Assembly with parents and teachers with false would provide $170 million annual­ An active member of the Optimist a vote of 32 to 6, would have the hopes because the extra money for ly. Increasing the alcohplftax from ' Club of Keamy, Haff is a past presi- state pay SO percent of the program schools will come from a real and 7.3 percent to 14.3 percent at the dent of the group and a past Lieuten­ the first year and an additional 25 identifiable funding source.” wholesale level would generate ant Governor of the New Jersey Dis­ percent the two following years until The additional school aid, which another $102 million per year. Robert J. Haff trict of Optimist International. A United States Navy veteran of the Holy Name Society. > - - - - He is married to the former Barba­ ra Turro, the couple have two child­ Church, Livingston, and a member ren, Debra Lynn and Robert Jr. Torricelli selects HOW SW EET IT IS Extra fancy Thank You military appointments 1st quality for making fruit baskets "your holiday gift center" Valentine’s made to Day U.S. Rep Bob Torricelli, (D-9th high school juniors and seniors, to 2 8 5 R id g e R o a d , N o rth A rlin g to n < * • Dist.) today announced that he has consider attending the military Sv. order 3 successful - nominated several carefully selected academies. “In addition to offering a •' local high school seniors for enroll- top-notch education and entry into 9 9 1 - 8 4 6 6 menl in the United States military an exciting career, attending a mili­ ' • academies. tary academy and providing service ' - ’ Torricelli said that he had nomi- to your country is a tremendous - - rated a group of 27 students who source of personal pride. Only the •' ■ reside in the Ninth Congressional best are selected.” . .. District to the four military acade- “Anyone interested in learning j % O FFI O FF' 18" Easter «* ■ mies. Among these was Christopher more about the academic? should 1 0 $ 1 . -, Slake of 6th Avenue in Lyndhurst, contact my office,” Torricelli said. j Any ■ Any j Mylar Marcus Gaccione of Marginal Road “I am eager to provide interested stu­ BALLOONS , in Rutherford, and Michael Borys of dents with all the information they ., F ru it B a sk e t ! C a n d y * ■Forest Street in North Arlington. need to help them make their With Coupon • Expire* 3-26-89 Helium Filled In Stock Only - , jBlake wasnominated to the United applications.” . * 5% ADDITONAL 7.., ' States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Torricelli said applicants should BONUS '0 5 0 No Limit ■ Gaccione was nominated to the U.S. be hearing from the academies S on order* placed 10 days Of $ 10 Or More ) With Coupon Army Academy at West Point and sometime in late April or early May. bsforsEsstsr v v* With Coupon • Expires 3-26-89 Expires 3-26-89| Borys was nominated to the U.S. Air “Whether or not a student is ■' 'Force Academy in Boulder. accepted, nomination to the “Each of these students was care­ academy is an honor. These nomi­ fully screened by members of my nees have shown the kind of maturi­ Academy Review Board,” said Tor­ ty, dedication, and commitment that ricelli, >who to Review Board chair­ will always serve them well.” man. “Nominees were selected from a large pool of applicants based on outstanding academic, athletic, and ‘ community service records. They ' - would all make outstanding addi- * tions to our nation’s military services.” ►■rs “The nomination of Christopher >r-h‘Blake, Marcus Gaccione and MATERNITY OUTLET Michael Borys is not only a reflec* ' ■ tion upon their personal accomplish-*) - ■ menu. It also reflects the commit­ ment and dedication of their fami- J O I N O U R lies, their schools, and their communities. The ideals of freedom and service to one’s country are not :• -selftaught, and I applaud those who E A S T E R E G G H U N T * ' -have contributed to the growth and '-‘-education of these fine young - . ’ -people.” 25 Prizes given away daily • Torricelli actively encourages Grand Prize $50 Gift Certificate - Come in for details. Ö - young men and women, particularly f’ 4, '-Spaghetti dinner Over 25 Different Brand Names In Every Price Range ’ The Veterans of Foreign war* Post 3549, Lyndhurst, win sponsor a ‘ spaghetti dinner at the post home, SU(. A lw a y s S a v in g s fr o m 2 0 %-6 0 % o ff “ 527 Valley Brook Avenue, on Sun­ retail day, April 16. Dinner will be served from 1-5 pan. faster & Dressy Dresses Tickets for adults are $6 and for _ , children. $3. KITCHENS by Vèrsa S P R IN G A R R IV A L 'S D A ILY 26 Voice Rd., Carle Place 33 Gazza Blvd. Secaùcus Outlet Center Long Island Farmingdale, Long Island . Caste Road Section 600 Meadowlands Parkway (516) 741-4510 (516) 756-0099 (Minutes from (Next Io Adventure Land- «.TO. BemMi Practical and MMaUel (201)348-9454 Roosevelt Field) Route 110 Vidnity) VÄTOOnSHOWBOOMOflCAa ALL STORES OPEN: Mon.-Sat. 10-6; Thura. till 9 - OPEN SUNDAYS 12 PM-5 PM •Limited 2S prizes per day 3/2(V8»3/25/8Q. 1 per customer, No purofiaseneoBMary. Commercial Ifcuft? r m t ammSutu» le a d e r mi THE KMEN SUNDAY LEADER 1 RMgi Uni LyaAmt. NJ. 1I 7171 Mwtt Mtaftm’t MMsf Ntwtpopor Teisfbtao 43M7M. m l, 1•77M BEVERLY MURPHY, AMY DIVINE, MEWS EDITOR N1-im • M UM A. CORNELL. ADVERTISING MANAGER Published Every Thursday by The Leader Newspapers Inc., 251 Ridge tied every Thursday by the North Arington Leader, 157 Ridge Rd. Lyndhurst Second dass postage paid at Rutherlord. N.J. North Arlington. Second class postage paid « Kearny. K,.' postmaster: Send address changes to Commercial Leader, 251 Ridge «ter: Sind address changes to North Mngton Leader,.'157 Ad , Lyndhurst. 07071 Ml advertising in the Commercial Leader Is Rd.. North Arlington. N.J. 07032. Al advertising puMMed m subiect to applicable rate card, copies of which are avadene at The prth Arlington Leader is subject to appfceMe rale card, rtpies 0» Commercial Leader. 251 Ridge Rf., Lyndhurst. N J. 07071 are avetatHe at the North Arlington Levier. 157 Wge Road. Artngton. N.J. 07032. 7 AMUAl SUMCMPTKM SMI. M U COPT If COTS. mmAt w w w w un «m tan »¿art leader-free |)rese EAST RUTHERFMO - CARLSTADT Mil WALUN0T0N OlHdtl Newspaper ol Rothorlort Published Every Thursday by Leader Newspapers. 251 Ridge Rd , 31 Anas An.. M wM , NJ. >7170 Lyndhurst, N J 07071 Second class postage paid at Rutherlord. N J «31^1 n postmaster Send address changes to Leader Newspapers. 251 Ridge Rd . Lyndhurst. N J. 07071 Ai advertising published in the Leader PATRICIA COOKE UNKE, Managing Editor Free Press is subject to applicable rate card, copies ol which are available at the Leader Newspapers at 251 Ridge Rd., Lyndhurst. N J ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION « 00 SINGLE COPY 25 CENTS The News Leader of Rutherford is published every Thursday by Leader Newspapers. 251 Ridge Rd . Lyndhurst Second dass postage is paid PHONE: 438-8700 at Rutherford. N J postmaster: Send address changes to News Leader of Rutherford, 28 Ames Ave , Rutherford. N.J. 07071. All lis Carmine Savino, President aapdpvleirctaisbilneg r aptueb cliasrhde,d c oinp itehse oNf ewwhsi cLh eaardee ar voafi lRabulteh aert ftohred Nise wsusb Ljeecatd teor of Rutherford. 38 Ames Ave . Rutherford, N.J 07070 or The Leader John Savino, Publisher Newspapers. 251 Ridge Rd.. Lyndhurst. N.J. 07071. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION II.N. SINGLE COfY 21 CENTS Beverly Murphy, Editor-In-Chief Jack O’Shea - Feature Writer costly legislation. Write to Anthony Cornell, Advertising Manager Phone No. 692-0085 will 1_____ Chuck Hardwick and let h i i know from $11.30 the true cost, especially ttoo Bergen $23.00 per County residents. R e g i o n e c o n o m y i n s l o w d o w n statewide avenge i John P. Scott lion”. This increase is costs 1_______ wvaawM w-v *------------' Lyndhurst the stage for an upward spiral of outraged at the increase in property The annual report of the in the whole metropolitan rate is at 18 to 20%. This will spending as Bergen County realizes Port Authority of New York area at 2.6%, New York City definitely take the profit out there is no incentive to keep expen­ Striking a fair balance and New Jersey is rather dis­ is at 4.7% and Hudson pr commercial buildings. ditures low. The flip side of this mal. The region’s economy County is at 6.4%. . The housing market legislation will show Essex County Dear Editor My impression is that this budget expanded at its slowest pace weakened throughout the saving some $40 million dollars, I write to support the School reflects concern for all The unemployment rate most likely at Bergen County tax­ Budget submitted by the Rutherford Rutherfordians—taxpayers and in the last five years. Private for the United States is at region — construction plans payers’ expense. Board of Education. parents, teachers and students. sector growth came to a 5.6%. Combined air traffic fell 18.4 percent in dollar Once again, the taxpayers of New The Budget struck a fair balance Special thanks go out to President complete standstill in New for the three metropolitan value in the region and by Jersey are being told that the much between the cost of maintaining and Alan Note, a person who redoubles York City and decreased airports climbed from 27.1 percent in New York maligned Property Tax will be low­ upgrading an excellent educational his effort when faced with difficult dramatically in the New City. Measured by units ered. New Jersey taxpayers have system and the need for fiscal problem Mr. Note and his colleagues York and New Jersey sub­ 20,600,000 passengers in F.W. Dodge reports that heard that song before, first with the restraint because of soaring local deserve credit for a job well-done. 1977 to 80,000,000 in 1988. Sales Tax, followed by the Income property taxes. urbs. Construction awards housing construction in the Bernardo Primiano Vehicle traffic on the river Tax, then the Loqery and finally. I have read with great interest the for office space and housing region totaled 38,285 units, a “fact sheet” prepared by the Board. Rutherford crossing increased from 80 plummeted throughout the decline or 16 percent For million trips in 1977 to 110 region. New York City, the number million in 1988. or units fell to 7,300 a decline The forecast for the future is a flat job growth for the The Port Authority report or 41 percent The region’s “Is my money really safe at my is a good analysis of the met­ median home price or region in 1989. The inflation ropolitan region’s economy. $184,000 was the third high­ rate is expected to increase from 5% to 5 1/2 percent A dim observation is made est in the nation, although New Jersèy Savings Institution?” for the real estate market. the increase in 1988 was a which is in line with the fore­ Leasing activities were modest 3 percent Housing cast for the United States. strong in the suburbs in the prices are expected to Bergen County enjoys the beginning or the year but fell remain virtually unchanged lowest unemployment rate by ll3% since. Vacancy in 1989. P r e s e r v i n g t h e f a r m l a n d s The Farmland Preserva­ environmental groups. price. Never again will real tion Program has made its After the Harris sale estate speculators be able to first “fee simple” or out­ Green Acres will purchase buy farms. right purchase of farmland 190 acres on which con­ Permanent farmland and Agriculture Secretary tinued pasture land use will environmental holdings will Arthur R. Brown ensure the habitat survival. also halt the decline in the announced last week. The remainder will be sold bird and animal population. at pfhlic auction with the Species depend on large On February 17 the restriction that the land can tracts of open land in order nature conservator pur­ be"Q3ftd only for forming. to exist. chased (he 467-acre Harris Funding from the sale will New Jersey has lost 50% farm in Pilesgrove Town­ be used to make other or its formland since 1950 to ship. This sale and others to purchases. developers. Now there are follow will make permanent only 830,000 acres left The farms or environmental pro­ Under the program the Farmland Preservation jects by the use of restrictive farms can be sold back to the Program is a linch-pin in the A B S O L U T E L Y . deeds on resale. The forms farmers who will purchase state’s effort to save the will be resold to farmers or them at a greatly reduced farms. P O S IT IV E L Y . T O T A L L Y S A F E T h e d r o p o u t c o s t Since your funds are protected by made f1 7 billion of home moortrgtgageli Federal Agency Insurance, they are safe, inin 11998888. .O Ouurr r roooottss aarree h heerree aanndd we're Joel S. Bloom, the writer ly to find full-time work at a earning loss or $228 billion Period. It’s that simple. ccoommmmitittteedd t too f fininaanncciningg h hoouussiningg for the of an article in the New living wage and significantly and tax revenue loss of $68.4 R>r more than 50 years, no depositor ppeeoopplele o off t thhisis s sttaattee. .A As* a a m maatttteerr of fact has lost as much as a penny of their tthhrroouugghh t thhee y yeeaarrss w wee’v’vee f fininaanncec«ed more Jersey Bell Telephone Jour­ more likely to have a life or billion as a result of those Federal Agency insured savings in a hhoommeess i inn N Neeww J Jeerrsaeeyy t thhaann a allll o oththcer lenders nal, explores the effort to poverty and dependency. students who dropped out New Jersey savings institution. . .. , ccoommbbiinneedd!! warn dropouts that there is The lifelong dependency has Other direct costs to us for Overall New Jersey savings I FFuurrththere r...- -...kkfem«* a great shift in the labor been researched and pro* dropouts have been esti­ isntrsotintugteiostn ^in athree acmouonntgr yt.h We b II n1 iM iaaM ■cCu»p «»t>oa *tmkce .o*toattmilAori«fyU prmma4tbkm.*ta amrdoqunmt bta . bmraarinkse.t H efraovmy m amnuusacl llea botor jceocsttesd. Tinh et eermxpse cotfe dfi nlaifnetciimale mtoa $te2d9 tob iilnlioclnu daen $n1u0a bllyil lifoonr r8a5n5k bsiilxlitohn i nw aosrsthet o sfi xaes,s wetist.h V /e I vMh m m tfadMttret Ue UbranrMcikfkere dhd Ski abuwyMu tWone." 'fifiicMpefaarktkiii ajin fdtm cfrttindfkmqnf jobs are disappearing and earnings of high school welfore, health care and WHJ CANT FIND A MORE SOLID PLACE FOR TOUR MONEY service jobs are expanding. dropouts are about one- imprisonment. It has been He predicts that by 1995 third below those or high estimated that 75 percent or Ourdis the better urn/ 90% or new joba will be in school graduates (and about more or our prison popula­ service and only 8% in man- one-hair thoee or college gra­ tion is made up of high uracturing. Service jobs duates.) As a reflection of the school dropouts. From the demand higher skill levels, changing job market and research it has been pro­ there wfll be little employ, economy, today’s dropouts jected that ir all meat for those who cannot earn 40 percent or lew than 19-to-23-year-olds received read, write coherently, fol­ they did 13 years, ago; for high school diplomas, low directions and use Blacks it is approximately 60 arrests would decrease I ¡gassa» S S 'Æ K ' • ?"-<* maOematk» percent, out: I MJM»R»»PÌI\AI VAVINC.VAMJIOAN l*ftUl\ANCI COfVORAiKM. -Thou wlUwwt M«k projette» S t. / . would surround us. But die landfills grew to 130 feet, a trash transfer sta­ What is tion was built here now the ash landfill-with only your voicing “opposition at every forum BjrEHaF. available". Executive Ad A v i s i o n a r y o f s o r t s Also sir, you mentioned that we hank River talked for over 21/2 houn recently, Dei*WRêë'?-' ' • anddtat is very true, and yet you A watershed is that ll ¿raiwiies, to situate their ash tftmp. is currently watting with the Coanty which all rainfall M i spoke of the tri-county proposals la recent months I have in ctintnct It is ^ not «tough that oar mayor Planning Board in putting together stream, or ditch. The | witharmmbertfeovironmenttlmid aadconncil only "vdide their oppos­ die Natural Resource Inventory. and on-going negoiations. Your of a watershed is I cJiMaietvneizteeeetyindn c.ag oca imtnnio dmHn d iugllrnisiobi tuaoieptrtsaoe. n.iI nHd wv,e iararnesi o itAsne wcsN eNhJnEaedtwC yI ie■sthfinfoooanury tlaodstr a tebonved e p ctrroyoo uvfNoenr ocuhrimlot’hsw af Avifmarolioilna lahgbllatleeorgd”niy.a O natnhcueder Rtbwheehrigunai tgo Td nnieesos rwing -7nidl ale (tbvi#oee1 nldo etpbhsmeiegin e3ngn2a tt aauelcdr).br aeFas intn rT adi-ce otr# ui n71t anbLiosaae savndueederdraaf ninolclcn o weu msopy toeu,h ulwadrtt a ob tbsh e eer jNiul diaoessitrcfh t uth towhl ooaoAu etu sxrdl.lpd iinMee lgni kaEtsoyeirvonilyeer, sfwfrolaohotmitecbsh aa. nTlldo hftieivhe iePlddrae a ssons rda oi accnsa eR nl ai bvrgeere| WI atershed BCUA’s proposal is should have North Arlington is considered. Kaiser, the cost to clean up the old includes all or parts of eight comities thhaeHziarUr mdSo augysro oruw, psau scotcefe ecrdieteiczdee phntrsa k,c elleee pafdinr ogbm ay j bkieneTdnhs e io nffoi trlielaoplweodirnt sgl ot hInsag at smaagmaoy.p yliinegld o vfe thrye raenvP eirsnoevmdir o Mtnhames HetenMrt aPDl lsaCtna o.t ebAmtalseinon t,a o rnefe qWwuee &st­t oKinsogsp atplh. eeer vsbe Knilo lw.k Lietoh pg rtohicpr eederi tccytoa wutenisltl,i ebsshe f oocuooltld­­ waRnihvdie c1rh 2 f4flo omrwmu stnw icdeipileva el immtieaasinj.o sTrt hrtereiab Pmuat saairniaetioac tvoeitls and Jakaa I being buried in their commonity. damaging information about the land inventory and how it's propos­ the tri-county landfill fail, that it and many small brooks. While the pipes io the urban areas. VMrsap- There was never any doubt that the 32 acres off Schuyler ing. to protect same. would be simpler to just dump in the mains tram Passaic is only a little piies can atan be obtained from vessel would contain highly toxic There is a Federal Register of Contact the Bureau of Fresh already “proposed" site. That is more than 80 miles long, the major aquifers below the earth’s surface. t“brwHwwtmwsheiaueooiomeeoislb unTlsurlussslmeou He lblttdd ovra ho e Ee nvaaahrdadd escnoStas"s e reda’svAu a scsltu e1o,rs hlaF reer jh0nyeauaaEad0 tgsn,ns dSc i otdoycbje.T utuaeeenxeHh snirssaftpnat o.ai tan ettl silr thscns, ewhdh Ietb stnaeeti erh odhndd esc derten duo i ehiol os’m riuaatf wce xren ndvsopceiostweoen,n spr wu ip y,tadq alab.totdlc enulahiBeaoun ne ceebudolweltsdnyeest­­rf ralmaoELTksoeonnnarhfpcimidT dnoneioles i hwedwn re lo Lodew fnreh6raiecs len hl-,lanpdi s7tne.tEphood i rpeo.WywearefPurtnirse s ltn ttth.lhsa”h A sh tae,antwaoe orot n.sm egy hf radia e sainbtol mcht harodehnhetaen.ehn ei st lldnlcrAeo-oi i slgf fbcorltesiosimialysnsnt loetias e ng etotx, tdh hg deuwpwnw exe. sd eiii ihetnEtDscnooohlat tJlaweefas tr‘>m 6it “nnatnntehnA4hccresrgeeeoy?e-s­. (NoWtatsBbhosurtaChohee rasFABor veUetitaeuopner nhAv rlyorb d dtsea t.W h iT o hpiAtOleboeeuauaeriesrrubbtrldt.a i lwttlon2vataleidirgn0aih on,nectld oniuof ctosni toadni nnhgso ob idcei3d lfofei oe0 o rtnrttv a hnhuhl tie ieioettesnre do ostw mgE eiflopt msh .isfoPtwana)h socrm .tgoeiAt gursr ilueifrcse e.to al,eetupcd rprdrttola 1 iithaa cronh7blrittLngkco0eess docaewtsdhhoxofesiohtsieprmtMesutteyd eirsnmr,nc” ca. mw. tcto y.ih.aItsmibtin netasfelh dieleme okn d1 eofn“ie lu tnarpiet x nnmowgrtltahig, t i gnm tyatstIhoeno.tt’a iot ed lb ymludt ae ohta”e jK r eauy eaf“r peotsulewvirtptumntyr iouosyrsg rorpiih eodneveeGlw ntseenle paecdBitd“trn t, hp C2iyfrnoI rri ”U oaogan(1 chpommhA /2ee­1ft rmmWMWRSMnuthioltviaiteaoaavhrliei tethrmreineh.rnpswPral i a.,p ysaqio atnTa aw nuemhn nhiEledChn;ydpy,e si of tt ycsajhoalBsuhoe ontneninxer niwdi d enrt sPc ay nas R RlRenm mu;at ciioadrodvnaskdmg tcetPe imshoenktr aa toet ;laahpTsh yt twhnseoea otaiPe hrl anwD RiR eeyco RteNqni oivCvRaavus Meeedmhoaebiwrri nvunea R pa nnf1che Yp;ilwoot, vwnoo0iomcteew i 0ahrktisarnhhk0ees;,,t TamNcwpwsslouelhwaeiaaupnTeetwtjrapteseoh c y.rl rPre Jeys os seahfA P f.ofwhnse ralsradloetas a vh mysttaioheeaec.r t r ei ehmaAc iR mn erdsRpa i ruevdujap ipoprvenborieropeiurbn nc pxrlntkiiWd auieWpdimeinbraanan gllaan tiitt ttecct tooeewihr ee lonnse ysahon hri g tr e6ofeep rid rrd0norwwt i uhsvwpaiaunsetatethi perdterlnaeerl­­r­ purnosvueitda bthlea. t Uthsein egx caalvraetaidony seixteis twinags omfe tthhaen ep lluemveels. are and the direction awbhoou t twheo ucoldm mbue nimtyo asntd ianddviecrasteinlyg North Arlington Rthiev eUrsp ipne Br eSrgaednd lCeo uanndty ;t Theh irSda Rddivle­ liof cita li sg movaenrangmede nptr ocpoeurlldy .f uYnecatino na gino documentation (reports funded by Contact the State Dept of Agri­ affected if an ash dump were placed Where is er discharges atNutley; Second Riv­ isolation with little concern with the state and county and even some culture and inquire as to what Soil in this region. Such a report should er discharges at Belleville; and First what was going on upstream or next federally funded publications) and Survey Services are available. Ask include: how many women of child Manhart? River, completely placed in, flows door. But pollution, flooding, and by preparing their own demographic what they have done, or are doing, at bearing age, number of children- out at Newark. Beginning in Mend- water shortages have ended that survey. Soil composition and the the Erie Landfill site. Request what particularly pre-school children in Dear Editor ham Township in Morris County, cuphoric state. This column, “Along placement of the tank within a 1/2 aerial topography maps reveal as to the home, how many senior or I live in Lisbon Fall, Maine. I the Passaic River flows in every the Passaic,” will speak to a vast var­ mile of an elementary school what conservation steps are prop­ retired persons, how near is the clos­ would like to locate a man named direction of the compass until it iety of issues which sooner or later clinched it So the politians, engi­ osed in this area. est school, hospital- within 1/2 mile, Gordon Manhart who lived at 411 reaches Newark Bay. will reach your backyard. Always neers, consultants and whoever else, 1 mile, and 2 mile radius. Union Street, Rutherford, about 35 The Passaic River Watershed is remember that human beings cannot had to scrap their plans and make Contact the E.P.A.'s Bureau of I would like to mention Mayor to40 years ago. He was also employ­ 935 square miles in both New Jersey live without clean air and water. The their pitch elsewhere. Underground Storage tanks, headed Kaiser that ten years ago, when I ed by the Bath Box Company. If and New York. Every drop of rain day to take actions against pollution, by Ken Goldstein, inquire as to the built my home, in close proximity to anyone has information to help write that falls on the mountains, forests, improper land use, and waste is now. It is not enough to simply know contents of a number of burning the landfills, I considered myself to me at: wetlands, fields, or city streets is You live in the Passaic River that the ash contains materials that waste drums (observed by Mayor something of a “visonary”. The Sharon Pessent either evaporated by the sun, Watershed on Planet Earth! Let’s are toxic, it may also be necessary to Kaiser and Borough Administrator Master Plan we had obtained prom­ RFD #1 Box 281 absorbed by plants or the soil, or work together for a cleaner environ- prove the BCUA exhibited a capri­ Bob Landolfi) partially buried at the ised DeKorte Park would soon be Lisbon Falls, Maine 04252 finds its way to a lake, river, stream. ment “Along the Passaic!"_______ cious attitude in the selection of the Erie Landfill site. our neighbor and that rolling green old Erie Landfill site, and adjacent Determine who the county liaison hills, with tennis courts and such. R u n n in g o n n e g a t iv e p r o g r a m Dear Editor tunately, there was no substantive As a candidate for the Rutherford analysis and after “three to four full taken, I was able to come up with Board of Education, I read fim with days, and some IS yards of calcula­ specific proposals to Dim the budget interest and then with disappoint­ tor tape,” there were also no sugges­ and these were presented to the ment, Mr. Masone’s “analysis” of tions on how to modify the budget. Board at its February 27 meeting. the proposed’school budget. Unfor­ On the other hand, with far less time As part of Mr. Masone’s ram­ bling discourse, he criticized Mis. Show some respect Lomega, my fellow candidate for the Board, for inviting in-put from the Dear Editor those men who died and are sup­ public in developing the school I saw the picture and article Kim­ posed to have more respect because budget What then is Mr. Masone’s berly Kmon wrote. In school we are they saw it bn Newsreels and went alternative—do everything in secre­ learning about World War n. How through It. Well, it’s our generation cy? This is not the way Scool Board boys 19 & 20 years old were taken who’s going to do something about operates, which Mr. Masone would RESIDENTS of Rutherford and Lyndhurst with sons in St Peter’s Preparatory School, Jersey City, recently away from there families. My uncle it know if he were ever to attend their gathered for a cocktail reception at the home of Gerry and Joan Marie Bellotti (r.) on Carmita Ave., Ruther­ was one of those boys taken. While Please anyone who wants to help meetings. ford. A total of 19 families attended the affair. Pictured are (L to r.) John & Anna DiMeo, Stephen & Elena they were fighting everybody stuck write to your Congressmen, Senator, Mr. Masone cautions “my fellow Chopek, Fr. Edward Salmon, SJ, president of the Jesuit School, Mrs. Paula Kloza, and Mr. & Mrs. Bellotti. together and did all they could for and the Catholic Archdiocese of Rutherfordians not to fall prey to the Currently, 34 residents of Rutherford and Lyndhurst attend the Prep. these men and boys. My teacher Newark. Especially my generation, psychological trap of implication stood in front of our class and told us lets stand up and show our older gen­ and innuendo...” This from the same SHAWN MERY'S BUSINESS BULLETIN that we don't care or have considera­ eration what we are made of. We do person who last year stated in writ­ tion for these Veterans. Well when I appreciate what our fathen, grand­ ing, “Then there are Board memben AND went to visit my uncles resting place fathers, and uncles have done for us, whose principal function on the in Holy Cross Cemetery I saw the and if some of their generation have Board is to shower Dr. Sanfield with CONSUMER QUESTIONS flags and Veterans emblem thrown no respect we do, and we are going our tax dollars like rose petals at a in a pile that looks like garbage. to get them their flags back, that they wedding.” Let me remind the citi­ FOR INFORMATION CALL - 201-460-8628 Well, that’s not our generation that gave their lives for. zens of Rutherford that when con­ put those flags there. It’s the genera­ Bemedette Fitsimmons fronted at Candidates Night, Mr. tion that went through the war with Kearny Masone could not back up this state­ PARK AVENUE DRESS SHOP INTRODUCES SPRING LINE Following family tradition ment with any namq^or facts. Basically, Mr. Masone is running Big Sale Days are going on Styles for business, casual on a negative platform. As the cam­ now at Surprise Fashions, 47 wear, after 5, sports wear and Dear Editor tion I am willing to commit myself to paign unfolds, most of what Mr. Park Ave., Rutherford. All accessories and at much lower The Voza family has traditionally learning as much about school board of their winter fashions (dres- prices than large retailers like been active in donating their time policy as one can leam . Experience Masone will say will simply be cri­ .ses, suits, sweaters, etc.) are Bloomies and Macy’s. and energies to our community. We on a school board is unique, it is not tSiccihsmoo lo Bfo Darrd. . SWarhfiileel dI daond n/oort ptehre­ omno ssat leg aot Ît4o pmriacek.e E rvoeorymth ifnogr ts, ASs uwrpomriseen s’F faasshhiioonns e, xpwears­ take great pride in volunteering ftp sbout everyday experience. I am sonally agree with everything the Surprise Fashions new recently asked to sponsor a the youth of Lyndhunt, I am no willing to make tireless efforts to spring and sommer lines (sizes fashion who at the Fiesta to exception. Running for the Board of attend any seminan that will benefit Board has done in the last year and a 4-18 for women 20 yrs. and show off clothing in their half since I began attending their up) which has just arrived. For spring and summer lines; if Education is the next step foward in our school system. Youth means meetings on a regular basis, I feel the the past 2 years owners, Bar­ you didn’t make the show, upholding a family tradition. energy, and the eagerness to leant Board and Dr. Sanfield are commit­ bara, Marianna and Anna, stop in at Surprise Fashions; Young adults are said to be lazy Hie most contemporary experi­ have been selling such lines as their store hours are Tu., and disinterested, well I for one am ences of ow school system is What I ted to having a high quality school Studio 1, S.K. and Company, Wed., Thun., A Sat, 10-6 and Own«» • Ifarfama, Anna and Barba» ara catabradng 2 yaara In not I am very interested in our can bring to the Lyndhunt Board of system and they do try to consider Andrea Gayle and more. Fti., 10-9, Tel. 460-0031. Rutherford and ara proud to deptay «hair spring Ina. the plight of die taxpayer in reaching school system and eathusisistk; Education. Let me add an unique about it Society today wants young insight to the township. My biggest To Mr. Masone I say. please stop |Q I’ve Inherited a piece of antique Jewelry, but It’s adults to become more involved in role is to be an advocate of the dhild- permitting your intense dislike of »rt of out of style. Who can change the place to a more their communities, here is your red of Lyndhunt. . Dr. Sanfield to dimmish your status contemporary retting? chance to involve a young adult. Michael Vow If elected to the Board of Educa- Lyndhunt in Rutherford. Ratherthjnjust nega­ D D. Nagln Jewelry Mfg. Co., at 31 Park Ave, tive ciritdsm, our community needs Rutherford has the professional jewelry craftsman that will Assault by the government positive suggestions. For instance, R-design or change the reeling on your piece for that contem­ Alan Note, Dolores Lomega and I porary look you want; and all the woik is done-on nraniaes. H I’ve recently heard ft»mP.&K A G. that oil to gaa Call diem at 93»-3*00. Dear Editor population. I am now paying double support not only a lean budget, but convenions will save me money. What does converting The recent action by State Health in premium, far health imurance also self-sustaining day care, a no- cost or low-cost school lunch prog­ 9 We’ve decided to do tome renovations an our eld Commissioner Dr. MoOy Coye, has. D Ose heat ie clean« and cheaper thin oil. R. Wilson home. Wa feel the best place to start b by replace the angered me and I’m sure, a lot of toeps up IB farced to drop my ram, an extn in-town class for the Plumbing andHeatlng, 297-Ridge R<L, North Arlington windows. Who In the arm does professional wort? other health ihsunnce purchasers. mwraiKA caustag me to become nenrologically impaired (which ma converting your home fram oil io gas takea than only Because the federal government is ask the state legislature to incidentally will save money), and one day. and. dwy have all die high effeciency national brand D AO Window Products, at C14 Ridge Rand In L*ad> come up wirh a solution to this prob- curriculum or program changes ■nakaa and modale. Call them for a fica estimate at 991-5*0. hunt, has replaced thousanda and thoorandr of windows in its Medicare petients, a sum of $216 lemand,forthetinaiter,alltbeinsur- which win improve the education of - oesldtiemr ahtoem, 9es3 i9n4 th0i9s .area for over 40 yean. Call today for an Rutherford's children. In order to do C My kndaband and I would love to onda* the Cartk- million will be transferred to indivi- *** P*PW“** “* °*r state, car, dual a*small basineas policy hoi- health, etc. jl’a thereapcnsibility of these things in today's environment, agts aWndh scta tnra voeflf earg eunac ya k g konoodw dlaedagl?able In cnilae pack- HERO HAVEN aWSSBSSBBS we must atony*. This is the plat­ Here Haven, located at 272 Ridge Rd, Lyndharat offer* T g Z 0Z £ Z sS t form of the Provost, Note. Lomega jB Carouaal Travai, located at 29» Park Av., Rutter- over 16 delicioas variable of over stuffed Haro Sandwiches uring only the finest Thumano’e meat and dairy protects. Tflf poor, teed fcnanrs» we’re nm- ford, we experts in Caribbean vacation. They offer fanun- ISatic deals u many Caribbean vacadana. Phone flMSTti They will cater pariae large or amall aid local delivar^la ratepaytr isa contmualasaaultby ning out ofpockets. free. Call them at 933-43M. the government on dip working JotaDrzymtowsta Maie F. Provost V . Resident theatre opens season with comedy By Amy Divine Simon fashion, with a bit more pro­ another couple, which tuns outto The Ratherford Resident Theatre fanity than usual. almost extinguish the idadoaohipL opened ia leam with Neil Simon'i Veronica Cosma and Robert Kunze is very finny ond he «f h California Suite last weekend at Fowlkes gave an excellent opening loudly enough for anyone to bear FDU’s Little Theatre, Rutherford performance as a divorced couple him, while many of the other charac­ will repeal performance» die discussing their daughter’s life in ter! do not project their voice« at all March 16,17 and New Yoric City. Debra Goldfarb was excellent as an Friday, and Saturday The Anaffst skits were those in Kume'i wife as was Karyl Anthony pjn. on Sunday. which George Kunze ployed, first, as the second vacationing wife. four players whose the husband who wakes up ond finds Rosemary Gtridone, aa die fading in rooms 203 and a strange woman in his bed, Judy English actreas come from London ui Beverly Hills Hotel with vis­ Wong, who-also gave a fine perfor­ thinking she will receive an acting its from New York, Philadelphia, mance later as his wife, who injured award, spoke her entire first group her foot playing tennis while she and of lines to her husband, played by and comedy in the usual Neil her husband are on vacation with Ray Dremanb with her back to the ELEtmua OUTLET audience while picking at her entire­ ly unsuitable (but beautiful) dress. GRAND OPENING She did not receive the award and ends up with an accusation against Call today for a free home demonstration her husband, while telling him she We repair most major brand vacuum cleaners enjoyed the evening. • FREE ESTIMATES • FREE PICKUP Ron Bogue was excellent as the second vacationing husband and a For Sales and Service ask for AL FEUZ refreshing playlet ended the Suite 751-4459 scene which had a very attractive PAULINE LEPER, Don Peoples, Rose Arrick and Tyagi Schwartz scene from "The Bluebird of The Only Authorized Electrolux Service In the Area two-room setting for the small stage Happiness.” - WE NOW 00 RUG SHAMPOOING - in the Little Theatre. ‘B lu eb ird ’a w o rld p rem iere By Beverly Murphy class Jewish home. Oh sure, they no one ever heard from him again. ‘The Bluebird of Happiness” is have their problems but they're still Only his father has remained con­ . M A Z U R 'S the last play in a trilogy which began scraping by which is more than vinced that Ben is still alive. And with “The Rainmaker.” many did in the depths of the Great now he’s back, bearing gifts, telling Author N.Richard Nash, one of this Depression. tales of his great wealth and his country’s outstanding playwrights, Don Peoples as Philip Farber, the desire to share it with the only people is again exploring his “Starbuck” father, is outstanding. He's gentle, he loves in all the world. character who is larger than life with sweet, gregarious... and he can’t Conflicts spring up Immediately a magnetism that attracts and abide Herbert Hoover. His wife, between him and his mother. Practical unhinges every life he touches. Bessie (Rose Arrick) is the practical Bessie is convinced that however he J / % \ Nash said he chose the American one in the family. She even buys got his money it wasn’t honestly Stage Company for the world pre­ birthday gifts that everyone in the But his father is so happy the prodi­ miere of “The Bluebird of Happi­ family can enjoy. When Annie gal has returned that he is willing to ness” because of the company’s Jacobs, her young second cousin be convinced anything Ben says has "W h ew G o o d T h in g s C o tn z fr o m !” “high professionalism and the artis­ twice-removed (Pauline Lepor) the ring of truth. The kid brother has tic merit of the productions I’d seen questions why she never gives her reservations but at times finds him­ them do.” husband a personal gift Bessie coun­ self throwing caution to the wind 3 2 3 R id g e R o a d • L y n d h u r s t, N . J . It's quite a fascinating piece and ters that she gave him a new tub the and reveling in the fact that the per­ well crafted. Despite its slow start previous year and how much more son he so adored when he was a child “The Bluebird” takes wing and personal can a gift be than one you has come back home. W e lc o m e to M a z u r 's W o rld o f E a s t e r I makes for interesting viewing. sit in without wearing any clothes? Annie, too, has her doubts, but In the springtime of his life, Nash The Farbers took Annie in on the Ben, the conniver, so knows how wrote “The Rainmaker.” It was fol­ death of her parents when she was to manipulate her that it is she who EASTER BABKAS lowed by “Magic,” the play of only a few weeks old. She’s consid­ capitulates and invites him into her (Egg Ring and Egg Crosses) Nash's middle years. And now com­ ered as much a member of the family bed. es “The Bluebird of Happiness” in a as Simon (Tyagi Schwartz), their There is always the undercurrent time the 77-year-old Nash describes tall, skinny son whose secret dream of tragedy in the many confronta­ ASSORTED BABKAS as his “realistic” days. is to become a certified public tions that take place, yet there is also "Starbuck,” thinly disguised, accountant He loves his father who laughter in this absorbing drama. (Poppy, Prune, Cheese, Nut, Raisin) is the central character in all three. owns a newspaper stand but he American Stage Company is This time his name is Ben, but doesn’tthinkajoblikethatcan ev­ located at the Becton Theatre on the despite the different setting and dif­ er earn the respect of othen. Now Teaneck campus of Fairieigh Dick­ CHRUSCIKI (Angel Wings) ferent perspective, he remains that with initials after your name... inson University, Route 4 and River charming con man who underneath CPA... people are bound to look up Road. The play runs through Match EASTER BUNNY CAKE all his bravado never loses a yearn­ to you. But with the Fathers limited 19. Tickets are $12 to $20. ing for home. income, how can he achieve what lie In the latest play, we are taken wants so badly?-* CHOCOLATE DIPPED EASTER BASKET CAKE back to the South Philadelphia of Enter Ben (Jeffrey Hayenga) the Before you buy a uaedcar.be aura the vehicle identification number 1931. Here lives the closely knit Far- elder son and black sheep of the fam­ inside the door matches the one on ber family. This is a lower middle ily. He just took off 12 years ago and the seller*» papera.___________________ ANGEL FLAKE COCOMUT CAKE LAMBS DECORATED EASTER LAYER CAKES CHOCOLATE DIPPED CAKE BUNNIES a «n** DECORATED EASTER CAKE EGGS FLOWER POT CAKES FANCY EASTER COOKIES MINIATURE BUTTER PASTRY Catering Oh and Off Premises O ld Fashioned Italian Bakery And many more exciting new items for your table! Easter specialties include: In Our Candy Section Easter Egg Bread (sweet dough) HAND DECORATED EASTER POPS Italian Specialty Shop CHOCOLATE EASTER BUNNIES • homemade sausage • Ravioli LARGE ASSORTMENT OF EASTER CANDIES • Manicotti • Stuffed Shells • Lasagna • Meatballs • Eggplant Parm. CRITCHLEY’S and PERUGINA CHOCOLATES ¿*®"H »• ./! à* Fancy A ntipasta Treys OPEN EASTER SUNDAY ^4 <*•’ P L A C E Y O U R E A S T E R O R D E R S N O W ! 6:30 AM- 12:30 PM Phone: 4 3 8 -8 5 0 0 475 R idge R oad, N e. Arlington • 991-5677 Open Easter Sunday 6:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. /*r~ \ Expertise is shared Gouge Colwell, » marie majorat with (jfte university*! award-winning marching and travel­ ing band. Colwell, who plays tuba in the band, recently visited several classes at Washington School in North' Arlington, to talk about the various competitions in which the band look part He also shared his musical expertise by demonstrating the founds a tuba can produce. On a mare serious note, he dis­ cussed pre-college preparations at the elementary and secondary levels and what students could look for­ ward to during their college yean. FIVE EXPERIENCED «grid travelers, from Rutherford, found themselves together in ■ recent two week The son of Barbara Colwell, a teacher at Washington School, Col­ trip fo Nepal and India. In a party of twenty-four people, the Rntherfbrdhm knew of each other, hot did not well is a graduate of the local meet until the second day of the Journey: Pictured below are: Dr. Alex Sot, Prof. Thomas Monroe, Mrs. elementary school. His vigit there Jaake Scot, Theodore Wotanowskl and the Rev. Joseph CaSridy. The photo was taken in front or the JaiMah- was part of the Washington School's community resources program. George Colwell and tuba shortly thereafter with the exception Director, and Nancy Shipley, Assis­ explained the society would like to LyndursL Vision information of heavy lifting, bending or straining tant Administrative Director, who begin an oral history collection of Dan French, legislative chairman, given A^RP members weekhs . aDreu rirnegs tritchtee dq ufeosrt iosne vearnadl dthiset rmibuemtedb edrse.scriptive literature to thaupresdt rienstiedrevnietsw sw hwoit ha ttoelnddeerd L yloncda­l earme pnhoats aizpepdl ythinagt mfoarn tyh oe tshuepr pclietimzeennst answer period that followed Dr. This well received program was schools shortly after they were built. to social security (SSI). If there is Clancy stressed that at this time arranged by Nick DiCamillo, prog­ Anyone caring to share their memo­ any possibility that you may qualify, At their latest meeting, members screening for glaucoma which is there is no medicine or drops which ram chairman for the chapter. ries and experiences are asked to it is suggested you xsll your local of the Lyndhurst Chapter of Ameri­ damage to the optic nerve. Once this will dissolve, shrink or prevent Sylvia Kleff, president of the send their name and address to Ms. social security office. All they can cataracts. can Association of Retired Persons nerve is damaged it cannot be cor­ Lyndhurst Historical Society, also Dorothy Dempsey, Roosevelt do is say no but they may say yes but heard a most informative talk about rected but proper care and medica­ Dr. Clancy was accompanied by addressed the members. She School, Stuyvesant Avenue, if you don't ask, you don’t receive. vision education. Dr. Patrick Clan­ tion can prevent more damage from Carol C. Eichler, Administrative cy, associate of Dr. Philip Eichler of occuring. the Eye Institute of Essex, with the f aid of a uries of descriptive slides, Dr. Clancy described how catar­ P a r d o n u s explained general eye care, glauco­ acts are removed and the use of lens ma and cataracts to the members. Dr. implants which eliminates in most Clancy’s talk was expressed in cases the necessity of “coke bottle everyday language, rather than med­ glasses” or contact lenses. The per­ ical teminology, which enabled the son no longer has to adjust to the dif­ members to understand the work­ ficulty of wearing the heavy thick w h i l e w e g e t ings of the eye and how glaucoma eyeglasses or getting used to wearing and cataracts are treated. Dr.Clarcy contact lenses which is sometimes explained that with the-use of a slip difficult for older people. With lamp doctors can now obtain a today’s technology cataract removal microscopic view of the eye. He is . done as out patient surgery and r e a d y explained the necessity of yearly normal activities can be resumed EXPANSION We’re working overtime, papering, painting, building walls, installing a small city, right inside our store. You see. we’re transforming 30 room settings into a EASTER SUNDAY Broyhill Showcase Gallery. “What’s that?" you ask. Soon you’ll be able to see for BRUNCH yourself. Soon you’ll be able to take a tour of North Arlington’s most beautifully decorated rooms without ever leaving the store. Soon you’ll be able to see all the major trends in furniture design, since the founding of our coun­ try, under one roof: Americana. Traditional. Contem­ porary. But right now. you’ll have to pardon our dust. We must Save 10% to 50% on reduce prices drastically in order to move out all existing furniture, to give us room to work, and to make room for Quality Name Brand the new Gallery furniture that’s on Its way. So, if you’ll excuse the mess, we’ll excuse you from Furniture During paying up to 50% off the regular low prices on every piece of furniture in our stock. This Once In A As much as you’re going to love shopping our Gallery in the future, you’re going to love shopping our prices to­ Lifetime SALE! day! M e l r a y ’s Famous For Fashionable Furniture WEDDING GUIDE 45 Ridge Rd. 998-5858 North Arlington To Advertise jpPtHO Call 4388700 South Bergen'* largest, most attractive Furniture Store OPEN EVENINGS III. «: SAT. Ill 5:30 CLOSED WED. Vm tbdt't FREE TO CATERING FUTURE BRIDES Complete Wedding . SIMIOffi ptaa Arrangements for WMM! «7.8« «ataM). Buffet. Family Style, M r.tt.r» HiüaiMURn * Broyhill or Sit Down Dinner CM* hr ■ mm tanti* tf M* . Fim CmkuIUHw MkP«nM «75 VaMty Broolc Av*. KING TOURS LynMwnt. NJ IM MMft M *• **»*'»' RouNS 3117-Lyndh«K1 NJ 93S-0W1 • M5-31M Contact Pit OwywalsW BPRRIEDCAIOL UFAS SMHOIOMNESN ST 323 Ridge Rd. VARI JEWHEM PHOTOGRAPHERS Lyndhurst, N.J. Wedding Supplies WEDDING PHOTO SPECIAL Çpecialanfrln Ver Specialists Out* S1M-M Wedding Cakes. Immediate Delivery Videos, MUIions. Favore. Vari has H at-. Rowers. Uno*. lux ' 12 RMh RMd 9334111 frte 11x14 with Ws ad D R . M ARC A . NOTARI PODIATRIST Emergency Treatment of Injuries of the Foot and Ankle: ANKLE SPRAINS FRACTURES OF THE FOOT AND ANKLE FOREIGN BODIES IN THE FOOT: WOOD; GLASS, METAL That's rightI All you eat! Every Monday and Tuesday at the Jade Fountain Yum Cha table LACERATIONS OF THE FOOT Yum Cha Is the original oriental smorgasbord featuring soups, spare ribs, shrimp, beef and chicken dishes. 21 delicious choices. Don't Just eat. FEAST on NAIL INJURIES Yum Cha at the Jade Fountain w n tm n 0 “Th Originators ot Yum Cha" NORTH ARLINGTON CLIFTON 602 Rida« Road 321 River Road W1-5377 473-0177 E m e r g e n c y t r e a t m e n t Available 24 hours a day 7 days a week I f liv in g w it h h is h a b it s is k illin g y o u . . . ( n i l Watching someone dose to you self- destruct can be devastating Tbe Outpatient Recovery Centers ofF air Oaks by one who loves a drug or atcobot abuser. We can bdp you...tbef irst step to (201)670-771« Sum* Center (201)273-7600 Morriaom Center (20I)M04M0 IMRI HIIftlMU wnifi <*•>)W7-49M hnMlninmanim. of Fair Oaks Ho*pital

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