ANDWAGON THE JOURNAL OF THE CIRCUS HISTORICAL SOCIETY* INC. JANUARY FEBRUARY 2000 - nr ri bandwagons; ancl Cherie Valentine telling the story of her family, the - Flying Valentinos of Bloomington, samm er T71EM .y Illinois. Other stimulating speakers 00431MTT, Ars. will be added as we round out our TMETSM34.3113, prop -am. Vol. 44, No JANUA.RRY -FEBRUARY 2000 Convention headquarters will be 1 FRED D. PFENING, JR. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER the Best Western University Inn 6 Fred D. Pfening III, Manning Editor Joseph T. Bradbury, Associate Editor Traders Circle Normal Illinois Bandwagon, The Journal of the Circus Historical Society, Inc. (USPS 406-39o) (ISSN 61761. Attendees should make their WM-4968) is published bi-monthly for $27.00 per year in the United States; $32.00 per own reservations by calling the Inn's year outside the United States by the Circus Histhrical Society, Inc., 1075 West Fifth Ave., reservation desk (309) 454-4070 Columbus, OH 43212-2691. Periodicals Postage Paid at Columbus, OH. Postmaster: Send Monday through Friday 9 AM to address changes to Bandwagon 1075 West Fifth Ave Columbus OH 43212-2691. PM. Make sure to ask for the "Circus Editorial, advertising and circulation office is located at 2515 Dorset Rd., Columbus, OH Historical Society Block. Rooms in 43221. Phone (614) 294-5361. Advertising rates are: Full page $100 half page $60 quar- ter page $35. Minimum ad $25. our block have a special rate, single Bandwagon, new membership and subscription rate: $27 per year in the United States; or double of $50 per night (plus an $32 per year outside United States. Single copies $3.50 plus $2 postage. Please direct all additional 8.5% Illinois Hotel tax). concerns regarding address changes and lack of delivery to the editor. Offices of the Circus Registrants may choose either a King Historical Society, Inc. are located at 1075 West Fifth Ave., Columbus, OH 43212. Bed Room Or a 2 Double Bed Room. CIRCUS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, INC. Richard J. Reynolds III, President,1186 Rooms at I special rate are limithd Warrenhall La. N.E., Atlanta, GA 30319. Al Stencell, Vice President, 15 Lark St., Toronto, and members are urged to register as Ont., Can, M4L-3M5; Dave Price, Secretary -Treasurer, 1954 Old Hickory Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027-4014. soon as possble. Trustees: Fred Dahlinger, Jr., 451 Roblee Rd., Baraboo, WI 53913; Robert Kitchen, 29 The University Inn is locathd at Damon St Fall River MA 02720; John McConnell 1 Skyline Dr. Morristown NJ 07960; 1-55 and US 51 (Exit 65 only Fred D Pfening Jr 2515 Dorset Rd Columbus OH 43221; Fred D Pfening III 105 W. mile north of the Illinois State cam- Fifth Ave., Columbus, OH 43212; Dave Price, 1954 Old Hickory Blvd., Brentwood, TN pus. The Inns amenities include a 37027; John F Polacsek 5980 Lannoo Detroit MI 48236; Richard J Reynolds III 1186 free continental breakfast and a Warrenhall Lane N.E., Atlanta, GA 30319; Al Stencell, 15 Lark St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4L-3M5. Trustees Emeritus: Joseph T. Bradbury Orin C King, Stuart L.Thayer. courtesy van to and from the airport. See you in Normal in September. THE FRONT COVER sentations in the Circus and Old Charles B Irwin was one of Main rooms of the Bone Student NEW MEMBERS Wyomings best known citizens in the Center at Illinois State University in Bindlestiff Family Circus 4227 first three decades of the twentieth Normal. The Bone Center is located P.O. Box 1917 century. on an esplanade along with the New ork NY 10009 He was was a rancher, horse deal- Milner Library home of the famous er, business owner and operator of a circus collection. The complex houses Willis "Will" Shane large wild west show. numerous restaurants where we can 1202 Lincoln Ave. The cover photograph shows him in enjoy lunch. Our banquet will be held Ottawa IL 61350 a Cheyenne Frontier Days parade in at the Bone Center on Saturday 923. Wyoming Division of Cultural evening. M. Lane Talburt Resources. An educational and entertaining 2609 Virginia program is being Those St. Louis, MO 63118 THE 2000 CHS CONVENTION already on the card as speakers are The annual Circus Historical Linda Fisher with an account of REINSTATED Society convention will be held at Agnes Lake the famous Philip J. Thornick the twin cities of Booming- questrienne; John McConnell 809 Oak Hill Rd. ton/Normal, Illinois, beginning Wed- describing how he produced and Binghamton NY 12901 nesday, September 6 and concluding toured his Circus Royale; Brett on Saturday evening, September 9th. Mizelle with "The Downfall of Taste ADDRESS CHANGES The convention registration fee and enius--Animal Exhibitions and The problem of address changes will be $98 per person. A registration the Struggle Over Acceptable continues. Over a dozen copies of the card will be enclosed for your use in Leisure in the Early 9th Century;" November -December Bandwagon the March -April issue. Nigel Rothfels, the Carl Hagenbeck have been returned with corrected Registration will begin on Wed- scholar, discussing Hagenbeck and addresses, each with a charge of nesday afternoon September 6th and the circus in the 9th and early 20th $1.68 each from the post office. concludes the next morning Carson centuries; Bill Slout and his Two These returned copies will not be & Barnes will be our convention Rings and a Hippodrome Track," the replaced. Replacement copies are cus. It will Boomington/Normal story of how and when one ring available at the back issue price of on Thursday, September 7th. became two and then three; Stuart $3.50 plus $2 shipping. Our speakers will make their pre- Thayer with a slide show on early Please send your changes. BANDWAGON JANUARY -FEBRUARY 2000 PAGE Wen=0:0===.01 xxx Introduces for the 2000 season a beauti- ful new 12 horse and pony liberty act trained by John Herriott and presented by Nellie Hanneford. During the season we will play over sixty dates, indoors and under our four big tops. We will be delighted to welcome you to America's largest independent circus producing company at our dates across the country. PSJ, TOMMY - STRUPPI - NELLIE sixce -7jR yAce`t XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXa BANDWAGON JANUARY -FEBRUARY 2000 PAGE 3 FRCINTIER D?Cn By Fred D. Pfening, Jr. August 1, 1999 was the final day of the names of all of his family. This then, the Irwins were wealthy land the 103rd Cheyenne Frontier Days, became the Y-6 ranch. owners, operating a ten thousand "The Daddy of 'ern All." This exhibi- For many years he was closely acre cattle ranch. tion and a Cheyenne cowboy were identified with the Cheyenne On January 16, 1909 Irwin incor- intertwined in a wild west show that Frontier Days celebration, first as a porated the Irwin Brothers Live took the road in 1910. It differed contestant winning the steer roping Stock Company in Wyoming. The cer- from the others as it was basically a championship in 1900 and repeating tificate of incorporation listed traveling rodeo. in 906. At one time he and his entire Charles B. Irwin, Frank R. Irwin and Charles Burton Irwin, the man family, Mrs. Irwin, his son and three William H. Irwin as shareholders. who headed the show, was born in daughters participated. He later William, known as Will did not trav- Chillicothe Missouri on August 14, served in an executive capacity and el with the show but remained at the 1875. In 1899 the Irwin family set- activity promoted the Frontier Days ranch. The capital sthck was tled in heyenne Wyoming. He was celebration until his death. $100000 divided in 1000 shares employed a Omaha Nebraska He built a : corrals and coo with a par valve of 100 per share. I acking plant that held a contract to house on the grounds of Frontier The name the corporation was supply beef to the Indians at the Park in Cheyenne. While represent- later changed to the Irwin Live Stock Standing Ftock Agency at Fort Yates, ing the Cheyenne Frontier Days he and Show ompany. North Dakota. A year later Irwin attended meetings of the National In 910 Charles Hersig, a success- returned to Cheyenne and went to Convention of Fair Boards. The ful Cheyenne banker joined with the work as a blacksmith. He worked as boards told him a their interest in a Irwins in the ownership of the Irwin a cowboy at a large ranch near western type attraction This led to and Hersig Wild West. Hersig was Cheyenne, and then went to work for the organization of the 1910 show. By solely an investor and not active in the Union Pacific Railroad as a live- the operation of the show. According stock agent. Taking advantage of the Letterhead used by Irwin Bros. Wild the May 1955 Western Horseman, National Homesteading Act he West in 1913. Circus World Museum the Irwin & Hersig show opened bought contiguous parcels of land in collection. after the 1910 Cheyenne Frontier BANDWAGON JANUARY -FEBRUARY 2000 PAGE 4 receive 5% of the gross receipts. In July 913 the three reel film was shown at the Orpheum theater in Cheyenne. A number of Cheyenne cowboys appeared in the film. 1913 Together with his brother, Frank, Charles Irwin organized a 25 car wild west show the 913 season. By then Irwin and Hersig had had a friendly parting, with Irwin buying Hersig's inter- est. The new show was called Irwin Bros. Cheyenne Frontier Days Wild West Show. It was framed at the Irwins' 6 ranch near Charles Irwin in 1913. American Cheyenne, and traveled on 8 flat Old Steamboat, the famous bucking Heritage Center, University of cars, 13 stock cars 2 coaces 3 seep horse. Wyoming Division of Cultural Wyoming. ers, 1 box car and 1 advance car, A Resources. feature was Old Steamboat, "the Days and played the California State worst outlaw horse in the word." stock for rodos Ever the business- Fair followed by fairs in Salt Lake The Irwin show used a large num- man, he purchased his own stock City, and Ogden, Utah and ber of stock cars to accommodate cars to move the horses, thus saving Sacramerito, California. Art Accord, a orses. In 1913 only the Buffalo Bill on freight. He then bought passenger well-known silent film star, rode Old Pawnee Bill show among wild west- cars to transport his personnel. Since Steamboat rwins famous bronc ers, with 14 stock cars had more he had rolling stock, it wasn't a big orse. Miller Bros. 101 Ranch had 9 leap for him to add wagons, tents and The show was framed mainly to stocks and Arlington & Beckmann flat cars to play the one and two day play celebrations and large fair Oklahoma Ranch had stands between the large fairs, thus grandstands. It likely traveled in Although much of the 1913 season money on what otherwise railroad system baggage cars and was played at state fairs, the show would have been down time between oaches. was framed to play one day stands. It engagements. Among his other business ventures had a side show, cookhouse and The May 31, Billboard Charley Irwin dabbled in motion paraded each day, An advance car reported the Irwins had purchased ture production. In 1912 he organ- carried a full crew bill posters and canvas arena from Baker ized the Cheyenne Feature Film lithographers, posting a full line of Lockwood at a cost of $10,000. The Company whose purpose was to paper. short article said the show would make movies of the Cheyenne Irwin was a leading supplier of play fair dates at Winnipeg, Frontier Days and realistic wild west Manitoba July 8-16; Grand orks, productions of the plains and moun- A group of cowboys and cowgirls on North Dakota July 21-26; Hamline, tains in southern Wyoming and the 1913 show. Jane Bernoudy and Minnesota, September 1-6; Milwau- northern olorado. The company was Marie Danks are seated on each side kee, Wisconsin, September 8-13; to have studios in Cheyenne and of Charlie Irwin at right. American Sioux ity owa September 15-20; with a $100,000 capital investment it Heritage Center, University of Omaha Nebraska September was ready for the worlsi Wyoming. 20-Oct1ber 4 and Musogee, Olda- Research has uncovered only oma October 6-11. one film produced by the co Little is luiown about the pany A contract was signed on origin of the shows equip October 24 1912 with ment. A 1913 photo shows two Benjamin Barr Lindsey to pro parade wagons that had fo duce a film about his nationally merly been on Lemon Bros. renowned juvenile court in and the Pan American circus- P.O. It was agreed that the es. The two wagons later Judge would receive 20% of the wound up at the Hall Farm in gross receipts from the sale of Lancaster, Missouri. This sug- the film. The Judge in turn gests that a majOr part a the agreed to give 55% of his share Irwin equipment came from to some good cause for children. Hall. George ree a former Denver Irwin also ordered new wag- police commissioner was also to ons from the Beggs Wagon BANDWAGON JANUARY -FEBRUARY 2000 PAGE 5 Company in Kansas City. A stringer Frank Irwin, pro wagon in a 1913 Irwin photo appears prietors of Irwin Ilrwin Bros. Cheyenne Frontier Daysl to be the same as one photographed Bros. Wild West WILD WEST SHOW at the Beggs factory, at least the let- show from using tering is the same. the name 'Chey- CHEYENNE Charles Irwin's three daughters, enne Frontier Days' JUNE 14 oeIla Pauline and Frances, in connection with appeared in the performance as did their show. LET'S O!! son Floyd. Most of the other perform- "The association's SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES OM Art 014. TWIRL, TAU hem JI mWy ers had received championship petition sets forth 01. UM* Peed Ry. 1.4* on. Owe *ay NOwaft awards at rodeos. that for fifteen GTet WDm COanfo rBteliIrG Sag sB ferA10N.000D PeeSeli The May 24 Billboard wrote, years and FitANK CARTERPAUUNE IRWIN "RHouwteto Cni rSc.u sR)o hwaes a(occetphteed N thoerr pisosi- Ca h'Feyroennntiee rh Dasa gyisv eonr :- "SCWAOmrimtU,O oOrTry-knW'oo wmMe r1pr1SAr1aC1 1IIwnSesaHoleWJOoEoCOyLlr oLowwLAfm .L.. .aI iMR,. .RWS..a.I,hN, . (710.:.- P=O.UtkRanSdo lwoCw EIrelka oP a.iml. N .R1Oi4AUkAS. tion of general agent with Irwin 'Frontier ceebra- Gladys Invin FLOYD IRWIN f LOYD IRWIN BJIu'r noness .1 w4a iatldn dw hweeisllyt p.e lTnahyn ieos n Woer y-gdoaamnyi izsnatgatni oodnns thciiaoasnt e;c doth mwaeitt httoh tbehee n alaosmcsoael MWw"1L41CSKrw8o. r LihN0ge1 gONTe1oyI.INyP hEAiWe WmLron.TEww.SPna TOl 1T1eSo1A1"w.. -1C1e1l1l1aF 0A1yTNNWt1CIoAAY n. NYR E,AODWP (6JIa ANsn1GGokdI.Is- NMWJeEITwORWLrW O ms AaTPK..RomDW MwYIW. YCC M wrO Z FoS.AoEw MWrIAMmntTr .M.oAU IounROTbnE taNoSi.oennw..lTA. 14..A Aimademod To.. uwnhteil nth iet wopille bnein fge oaft uthreed f aaitr mseaansyo no,f tcheelebrIartwioinn; Btrhoas.t AwT1h ,-0eO PrIwIIAOAnD1A WI A-1AI1AC1AI,.S TWWisIOrC ARE LTWD ICN'SHN CEIH RW AOOSf MT*M. MWrms/.W .C, aledal.y. 4t1o1 nC0 1Dl1oagnsis. A f.1aa1or/sr1iys1 MrWrOyS SWNtNe 0dW.1e 'OW Semi, Tdey RWIL. .4wWW, the big events. show is no part or BIG SIDE SHOW liswest MoWmy.d, e'Tasw: a.1y4 S..1w0kawk. .WVDw TOaWb:, "C. B Irwin manager of the organ- parcel of the CCLonEtAaiNniEnSgT t hAet tNraEctWioEnsS ETv nedr WlPiae,V IA O'LLCLo m TWaH,mE M OinLeD R OAUW'IGT OSmLBWAin WInLeSA WA SNiwrDea Ml',eV OW UoArT ization is very knowing in wild west Cheyenne celebra- Dieplayed Under Canvas. IORTY NEW OM. ORD01 matters. He has many champions tion and that, 0:3 -AROADS OF THE BEST WILD WEST FEATURES IN THE and a great lot of real talent. therefore the Irwins Two Performances Monster Street Spectaciel Rowe advises that there is should be pe NUewtesr nOopomn OaIf t2go Hfleewa b*e taoln ,8 BI 4 DOIfigNgeIwn'etT -E An TwM NSiOnIOeS NinS O rI,T,1 a doubt that Mr. Irwin will mitted to prostitute AMIN OAOSATNgInAr SC CArAnoLluSg,Em omwa, tftA'ctAgoArs AgegTloor A1oST SNOW 1411ff Mal ...Ion, Waco ham ...el.ire. alsay W. have the best real wild west perform- the city's public cel- ance in the ountry. We presume, ebration to the ends of advertising This full page advertisement owever that he is willing to admit their private enterprise. appeared in the Cheyenne State that there may be some diversity on "The committee believes the object Leader a few days before the 1913 that score, especially among propri- and intent of the Irwin Bros is to opening. Wyoming State Archives. etors of other wild west combina- help their wild west show at the tions. expense of the Cheyenne Frontier mated that the name which the Rowe is very enthusiastic over show; and if possible leave the Cheyenne celebration has made the organization's prospects." impression they are carrying the famous has been copyrighted by an and that after June 14 there agent of the Irwins." As the opening day drew near, the will be no Frontier show in Cheyenne Meanwhile the Irwins ran a num- Cheyenne Frontier Association creat- this year." ber of full page ads using the ed a problem for Irwin. On June 8 the A day later the Irwins responded: Frontier Days name in local papers. Wyoming Tribune reported: "The "Charles B and Frank Irwin of Irwin On June 14 the Tribune reported: Cheyenne Frontier Association ap- Bros. Wild West show, have retained "Irwin Bros. wild west show, the first plied to Judge W. C. Mentzer for an W. C. Kinkead and will combat the traveling show of circus magnitude injunction restraining Charles B and attempt of the Cheyenne Frontier onceived financed collected, association to prevent them from arranged, managed and owned by A group of Indians and wild west using the name 'Cheyenne Frontier' Wyomingites, today is giving its ers in front of the marquee in 1913. in advertising their performances. tial performance in a great canvas American Heritage Center, University "Irwin Bros. this morning subpoe- arena in the northwest part of the of Wyoming. naed several witnesses. It is inti- city. A large crowd is in attendance and is manifesting its approval by demonstrations which may be heard down town. "The first public appea ance of the show troupe was made today at noon when a parade was formed and pro ceeded through the district ft surpassed in mag- nitude, equipment and effect any similar pageant given here, ol. W. F. Codys Buffalo BANDWAGON JANUARY -FEBRUARY 2000 PAGE 6 Bill congress of rough riders not 1912; Floyd Irwin, 'Montana Jack' excepted. Ray and Kid Mex, world's greatest "The parade was led by Big trick riders and ropers; cout' Chier Charlie Irwin Frank Maish of Oklahoma, winner of Irwin, his broter who are owners, ords roping championship at was parti/c'ipathd in more Cheyenne, and famous trick 111 riders and other pe rider and bulldogger; 'Prairie Rose' a ormers of wild west feats Henderson of Cheyenne, winner of before have been associated the lades' bucking championship one management Indians were a at the odeo, Los 1912, conspicuous feature. Cheyenne, yomng, Regardless of opinion as to Fanny Sperry of ontana, winner whether the use of the name of the championship belt and 'Cheyenne Frontier' by Irwin Bros. This drawing C B Irwin left and $1,200 prize for athes' is proper or is not proper opinion Fred Stone was published in the contest at algary, was general on the street after this October 4, 1913 New York Clipper. Stampede in 1912, defeating such mornings parade that the wiM west Pfening Archives. riders as Goldie t. Clair and others; show which will be - as from Our Flag, I. Glory.'" Cheyenne is a not inco outfitted like any or circus or wild The show played the patibe with local prde. west show, but was basically a rodeo State Fair in Minneapolis from "A second performance will be on rails. It did not present a typical September 1 to 6. The Wisconsin given this evening, it then will wild west performance, except for a State Fair in West Allis, outside take the road leaving tomorrow." group of Cossacks and a Milwaukee, was played The show opened in 'C thoeyenne on group of trained buffaloes. It carried Septhm)er 8 13. One day stands June 14. It then fifty Sioux Indians from Pine Ridge, were - at vanston, Minois Nebraska and remained in that state South Dakota reservaton. Missing on September 15. until July 1. Three were from the performance were military played in Iowa in Minnesota units from other countries, a common The following article by Joe Hepp, before the Winnipeg, feature of other wild west programs. actually Warren Patrick, was pub Manitoba fair from July 7 to 14th. Typical wild west acts such liberty, lished in the September 27 New York The August 9th Billboard high school high jumping orses, Clipper: "The Irwin Brothers Grand Fors North Dakota, July Roman riders, lancers, boomerang Cheyenne Frontier Days Wild West 25. The attraction at the state throwers and educated mules were Show exhibited in vanston, fair, which is being held this week, is not a part of the performance. The Monday, September 15. The perform- the Irwin Bros. Wild West how. performance included cowboys, cow- ances gave general satisfaction, . saw the biggest crowds in girls, trick ropers, bulldoggers, bronc being of a real wild west variety. the of that fair and the least riders, horse racers, trick riders and There is a saying current in the for is expected to be 5000. clowns. The show paraded every day, When you see one, you see The Irwin Bros. annex has broken all even on multiday them all, but the Irwin brothers' rec oArds. It is operathd by E. W. Ryan. exhibition is different from the rest. / tone a famous comedian, The printhd program listed the o put the show on the lot last nigt and will 1 join performance as: rand entry ntro requires a space 300 x 400 feet. The the ducng Cowboys from the Irwin Bros. canopy, proper, is 80 x 112. The can- "H. Jenkins is superintendent famous ten thousand -acre -6 ranch vas seating equipment is first privileges and A Jenkins is general on Little and Big Horse Creeks in class throughout. The cook tent is Wyomng; Clayton Danks, six times clean neat. a cup "Frank Irwin was champion rough rider of the world, "The Irwin brothers show is trans- as champion trick roper at the Sioux chief of cowboys; band of full blooded porthd on 8 cars, and the rolling City, fair on July 4." Sioux Indians from the Pine Ridge stock is in splendid condition. The legal problems with the Reservation, Chiefs Red Cloud and "Probably the most remarkable Frontier Days Association were Makes Enemy; cowgirls of the -6 show family in existence is that co apparently resolved in a friendly ranch, Mrs. Clayton Danks, four posed of the Irwin brothers, their manner with Irwin agreeing to dis- times lady champion relay rider wives and children. It is seldom, if ontinue the use of Frontier Days in the word; Irwin Bros. only team of ever, that every member of a family the title of the show. A 1913 photo buffalo in the world broken to ride show has an adaptability for the taken in ors North Dakota drve; the original Old exhibition business, but this is true shows part of the title painted out on Steamboat, champion bucking of the rwns. It is certain that no the marquee. Irwin owever had a the word; Pauline and other family contains more camp large stock ithographs, letter- Irwin, champion lady relay riders ons than this. Charles B. rwn, who heads and cuts on Euid, the ord; Bob ee, champion relay has supreme charge of the arenic which he continued to use. rider of the word, winner a the entertainment, has won the roping The Irwin show was completely $1,200 prize at Lincon, Nebraska in championship at Cheyenne; Frank BANDWAGON JANUARY -FEBRUARY 2111 PAGE 7 Irwin is a champion bronco buster under Chas. B.'s supervision every Stone is a near and dear friend to the and won the men's relay race at participant in the entertainment was Irwin brothers, for during the spring Cheyenne Frontier Days; Mrs. W. H. keenly alive to his or her responsibil- and early summer months, prior to Irwin has twice won the ladies' ities. his taking up his theatrical duties, he championship; Floyd Irwin is a "The fact that on the reserved spends much time on their ranch, at champion trick rider and roper; seats were the members of the Fred Cheyenne, and has become proficient Joella Irwin and Pauline Irwin have B. Stone -Dave Montgomery -Elsie in the use of the lasso. Attired in reg- each won the ladies' championship Janis, The Lady of the Slipper ulation cowboy chaps, with a som- and Gladys Irwin has only been Company, and that Fred B. Stone brero, a red bandanna around his defeated in this event by her cousin. played an important part in the neck, and, thoroughly imbued with Never before in the history of the entertainment, undoubtedly added the spirit of the occasion. Fred Stone show world has so remarkable a zest to the efforts put forth for the made a bigger hit, perhaps, as a Wild record been established. edification of an audience which was Westerner in the Irwin brothers' "Ever since the Irwin brothers first not stingy in its applause. Fred arena than he has ever made behind became interested in the Cheyenne the footlights on the stage. Salvos of Frontier Days' Show over a decade Newspaper advertisement used by applause reverberated as he success- ago, they have been adding more and Irwin Bros. at Clinton. Illinois in 1913. fully roped the untamed horses let more to the attractions of that exhi- Circus World Museum collection. loose in the arena. Even the Indians, bition, as well as to their own, until accustomed as they are to extraordi- they now have one of the finest wild i 3 nary feats of lariatship on the plains, ft/MY:5R%M 1 : west shows in the business. plainly showed their amazement at "The writer is justified in believing the difficult evolution's with the rope that the Irwin brothers will project a performed by actor Stone. It would wild west show next season to tour @ES'INN(FFvgiTIER),,AYs have done your heart good to have the country in a regular way instead v.4 ' i r- seen Fred rigged out in full regalia, of playing state fairs and expositions, on the top of the Deadwood stage Aro,. MI with a few one day stands to fill out coach, when it was attacked by the t the tour. I have every reason to pre- if-, , forty Indians, and there was a thrill dict that if the Messrs. Irwin sur- ,4.0,,.. \. of excitement as Chas. B. Irwin, at round themselves with a high class ;AA illiiiiiiiniM the head of his doughty cowboys and executive staff, in the advance and ',"4!$%:'. ranchmen, wounded on their mus- back with the show, that their enter- tangs, swept into the arena and DIRECT FROM CHEYENNE, WYOMING prise will create a niche for itself sec- saved the situation, which, to say the ond to none in the arenic field of America's Real Representative least, gave the folks on the seats entertainment. Frontier Exhibition more or less concern. Elsie Janis "The Irwin Bros.' show impresses clapped her hands and Dave one with its realism. It brings to the 30 DOUBLE LENGTH RAILWAY CARS Montgomery, in a fever of excite- ..4 0 Ft IE5 effete East a zephyr from the m el CI ment, threw his hat into the arena Western prairies. It exemplifies the and shouted get 'em Fred,' but alas, 70 WILDEST BUCKING BRONCHOS sports and pastimes, the trials and poor Fred had been shot by Chief Red tribulations, the triumphs and the WILD STEERS --WILD BUFFALOS Cloud, who headed the attacking exhilaration of the Far West. Chief Red Cloud and 80 Sioux Warriors Indian band. Probably never before have so many Squaws and Papooses "But to get right down to the meat champions in their respective of the thing the Irwin brothers have 50 REAL COWBOYS and COWGIRLS spheres been brought together as are Presenting a performance which has be- the making of a wonderful show. Of assembled with Irwin brothers' come famous for its entire genuineness. course, it will go down in show histo- aggregation. There is nothing WATER -PROOF CANOPY COVERED ry that never before has a $1,750 a tawdry, nothing bizarre, nothing week man appeared in a wild west SEATS FOR 10,000 PEOPLE frothy about this show. It is wild arena, and between you and me, I west, pure and simple. The fact that PERFORMANCES 2 and 8 P.M. Daily don't believe it would take much of Irwin Bros. the Irwin brothers are armed with an argument to induce Fred Stone to nigh unlimited financial resources become a regular wild west actor. has not swelled their sense of self While he is the proud possessor of appreciation to any marked degree, Wild West Show valuable real estate on Manhattan for Charles Irwin is on the job in the Will Appear in Island, and enjoys a unique standing arena from the time the show starts CLINTON in the theatrical business, yet, from until the announcer makes it known the conversation I had with him after that it is all over. the show Monday afternoon as we Hain or Shine, "And to those who attended the were being taken to the depot in the performance of the Irwin Bros. show, Deadwood stage coach, along with that exhibited at Evanston last Thurs. , Sept. 18th Wallie Cochrane, Charles B. Irwin Monday, it was readily apparent that and Joseph Schourle, artist for the BANDWAGON JANUARY -FEBRUARY 2000 PAGE 8 on a will emerge a new gigan- tic enterprise to bid for popular favor. "There is something about the ozone of the Far West --the air of the smell of the sage -brush -- the atmosphere of Western good fel- owship--te inspiration of the Frontier --the heroism of the plains -- the struggle of the pioneers, and last, not least the master mentality of the up-to-date showmen, superin- duced by all of these environments that justifies the assurance that if the Irwin brothers do determine to A group of Irwin performers in front of their grit speedily assume a recog- make a forward step and enter the the former Lemon Bros. Circus nized status, and with Fred B. Stone regular ranks a public entertainers, tableau. American Heritage Center, as one of their leading features leap their competitors will have th look to University of Wyoming. into immediate prominence and their laurels. gather in many shekels of the realm. ow something about the perso National Printing Company, I am nel a the Irwin broters' show. And inclined to believe that if the Irwin "The fact that the Buffalo for the nonce, permit me to say, right brothers do as is predicted, put out a Bill -Pawnee Bill shows are out of the ow there is an atmosphere about monster wild west exhibition next running affords opportunity for the show which is distinctly individ season it would not take much pe another wild west aggregation. It is ual. No red tape, no confusion, all is suasion on their part to get Fred as a understood a course that Buffalo orderly everyone in his proper place, stellar feature. And why not? Bill is to be identified with the and from the time you arrive on the Stranger things have happened. Sells-Floto Circus in 1914 and there- lot until you leave there is evidence When I recall that but a few years, fter, and from all accounts that co of a Western homelike atmosphere, ago the Miller brothers came to bnation will cause a stir in the show just as if you were on the Y-6 Ranch Chimp from their ranch at Bliss, ord But there is plenty a room for in Cheyenne, where hospitality Oklahoma, and gave their exhibition another good wild west exhibition. abounds and where Eastern friends in the oliseum, untutored in the Too much dependence cannot be are always welcome. show business, having little or no placed upon the rumor that Pawnee "The Irwin brothers are the propri- knowledge of its ecnique, but Bill is to be identified with ov. etors and general directors; Frank L. determined present to a waiting Vernon eaver in a wild west Miner is the treasurer; Clayton . world exhibons a real wild west combination next year although it Danks, superintendent; George life, and note what a wonderful would not be surprising if this came Dynan, general agent and traffic advance they have made in the esti- about. Ours is a great big country, manager; cout' Frank Maish, mation of the multitude in projecting and there is room for such a show as equestrian director; Bill Sweeney, the 10 1 Ranch Wild West Show, I can the Irwin brothers couM put out, and trainmaster; Everett McGuckin, see no reason why the Irwin brothers no doubt wil. Every department of superintendent a commissary; Mrs. should not with their ample their organization is perfect- B Irwin superintendent main finances, with their 'champons' and ly equipped --not a single detail has entrance; George Wells, superintend been overlooked for the comfort of ent of canvas; W H. Irvin boss The sideshow band seated in front their peope and no expense spared oster; Chuck ammon supe of the remodeled former Lemon Bros. in making the paraphernalia as good tendent of reserved seats and official Circus bandwagon. American Heritage as money can buy and it leads us to announcer; Neal Rowell, supe Center, University of Wyoming. believe that bursting upon the hori- tendent of lights; Ed prague boss pott er; Frank iller ammunition . man; Burt oe boss blacksmith; Al Fairbrother, bandmaster; Murray, twenty-four hour man; Harry Ewing, car manager; Lewis Berg contracting agent; H. Jenkins, superintendent a privileges; Ellis Black, press agent; Art Jamieson, manager a side show, and Bunk Baxter assistant manager a side show will jthn at Omaha. As is usua in vanston the b ness in the afternoon was fair but capacity at night. Wallie Cochrane BANDWAGON 2000 PAGE 9 I $ entertained a party of prominent lady relay riders of Evanstonians at the night perform- the world; Bob Lee, ance, who were escorted to the lot, champion relay from the Dempster Street station, in rider of the world, the Deadwood stage coach, gracious- winner of the ly provided by Charles B. Irwin. $1,200 at "After playing cities in Illinois and Lincoln, 1912; Iowa, the Irwin brothers will exhibit Floyd Irwin 'Mon- in Omaha, Nebraska, September 26 tana Jack' Ray, and to October 4, inclusive." Kid Mex, world's greatest trick The following appeared in the ers and ropers; September 27 New York Clipper: 'Scout' Maish, of "The official program the Irwin Oklahoma, winner Bros. Cheyenne Frontier Days Wild of world's roping West Show is as follows: Grand championship at A stringer wagon built by Beggs Entry Introduction-Cowboys from Cheyenne, 912 and famous trick - Wagon Company. Pfening Archives. the Irwin Bro. famous ten thousand rider Euld bulldogger; 'Prairie Rose' a acre Y-6 Ranch on Little and Big Henderson Cheyenne winner of 1914 Horse Creeks in Wyoming; Clayton the adies: bucking championship at The 1913 season was financially Danks, six time champion rough the Rodeo, Los Angeles 1912 and successful, prompting an enlarged rider of the world, chief of cowboys; Cheyenne, Wyoming, 1912; Fanny show. Additional cars, probably band of full blooded Sioux Indians perry of winner of the stocks, brought the total to thirty. from the Pine Ridge Reservation, championship belt and $1,200 prize During 1914 the Billboard listed Chief Red Cloud and Makes Enemy; ladles' contest at Calgary, ninethen wild west shows on tour. cowgirls of the Y-6 Ranch, Mrs. Alberta, Stampede, 1912, defeating New wagons were built by the Clayton Danks four times lady such riders as Goldie St Clair and Beggs Wagon Co. The only known champion relay rider of the world; Our Flag Old Glory and C B. photos of the wagons were taken at Irwin Bros only team of buffalo in Irwin, general manager, and one of the Beggs factory in Kansas City, the world broken to and drive; the principal owners Irwin Bros.' Missouri. Beggs likely furnished the original 'Old Steamboat,' champi- Cheyenne Frontier Days Wild West more than the three wagons in the on bucking horse of the world; Show." photos It is not clear if all of the Pauline and Gladys Irwin champion Beggs wagons were new in 1914. The Cheyenne Leader published may have been on the show in The cover of the 1913 program of this article in its October 10 issue: 1913. Irwin Bros. Wild West. Pfening "After having been traveling since During the winter little was heard Archives. June the Irwin Bros. Wild West show about the Irwin operation. On April arrived home yesterday and 5, 1914 Charles Irwin wrote to 13ROGRAMMF today is being quartered here William P. Hall: "Would you please the winter. The outfit was advise me as th what you have on AND SOUVENIR conveyed to Cheyenne in a spe in the show line? We open up III CHEYENNE cial train of 26 cars over the May 15th. ': IRWIN FRONTIER DAYS Union from Rawlins, "Have you one of the new calliopes Wild West Show where the last shows were made by the Pneumatic Calliope Co.? staged The states traversed by "Have you any elephants and are the Irwins were olorado, they broke to any acts. Utah, Oregon, Washington and "Also have you any wagons and Wyoming. At all wild west cele- cars? brations where the Irwins "Hoping to hear from you fully. I appeared numerous purses remain, Yours truly, C. B. Irwin." were won in the majority of instances the Irwin outfit gar- Irwin Bros. advertised in the May nered the greater number of 16 Billboard, wanting back all the purses. people who were with the show in "Virtually all the champ dons 1913, a few real contest and wild last season's Day west people and a few good people in celebration accompanied the all departments. The show was to Irwins on the trips. A number play a number of big fairs and con- of them left the show at Salt tests where thousands of dollars Lake City, the last large city would be given away. The well known played to on the return to roper Bee Ho Gray joined the show. ClIA5. H. IRWIN and FRANK IRWIN, Sole Owl...-. Permanant Addrcsa VO Ranch. Chct (OM WYO Cheyenne." A full page Irwin Bros. advertise - BANDWAGON JANUARY -FEBRUARY 2000 PAGE 10