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Preview Balanced Overlay Networks (BON): Decentralized Load Balancing via Self-Organized Random Networks

1 Balanced Overlay Networks (BON): An Overlay Technology for Decentralized Load Balancing Jesse S.A. Bridgewater, Vwani P. Roychowdhury and P. Oscar Boykin, Member, IEEE Abstract—We present a novel framework, called bal- its unused resources by adding and removing edges anced overlay networks (BON), that provides scalable, when resources are freed and consumed as depicted 6 decentralized load balancing for distributed computing in Figs. I and II. As we will show, this topology 0 using large-scale pools of heterogeneous computers. Fun- makes it possible to efficiently locate nodes with 0 damentally, BON encodes the information about each the most free resources, which in turn enables load 2 node’s available computational resources in the structure balancing with no central server. n of the links connecting the nodes in the network. This a distributed encoding is self-organized, with each node This work makes several novel contributions to J managing its in-degree and localconnectivity via random- distributed computing and resource sharing. First, 6 walksampling.Assignmentofincomingjobstonodeswith BON is decentralized and scalable with known 1 the most free resources is also accomplished by sampling lower bounds on balancing performance. While ] the nodes via short random walks. Extensive simulations other decentralized load-balancing algorithms (e.g., C show that the resulting highly dynamic and self-organized D graphstructurecanefficientlybalancecomputationalload Messor; see also Section II for more detailed . throughoutlarge-scalenetworks.Thesesimulationscovera comparisons) have been proposed in the literature, s c wide spectrumofcases, including significantheterogeneity performance and scalability analyses for such al- [ in available computing resources and high burstiness in gorithms, which guarantee almost-optimal perfor- incoming load. We provide analytical results that prove 2 mance as the number of nodes becomes very large, v BON’s scalability for truly large-scale networks: in par- have been lacking. Under certain ideal conditions, 6 ticular we show that under certain ideal conditions, the 4 network structure convergesto Erdo¨s-Re´nyi (ER) random we show that the network structure converges to a 0 random graph that is at least as regular and balanced graphs; our simulation results, however, show that the 1 algorithm does much better, and the structures seem to as Erdo¨s-Re´nyi (ER) graphs. Secondly, the algo- 1 4 approach the ideal case of d-regular random graphs. rithms and protocols for both network maintenance 0 We also make a connection between highly-loaded BONs and job allocation are based only on local infor- / and the well-known ball-bin randomized load balancing s mation and actions: each node decides the amount c framework. : of resource or computing power it wants to share, v i and it embeds this information into the network X I. INTRODUCTION structure via short random walks; similarly, jobs r a are distributed based only on information available Distributed computing was one of the earliest through local explorations of the overlay network. applications of computer networking and many dif- Thus, BON is a truly self-organized dynamical ferent methods have been developed to harness the system. Thirdly, since the BON algorithm produces collective resources of networked computers. Some dynamic random graph topologies, these resulting important architectures include centralized client- networks are very resilient to random damage and server systems, DHT-based systems, and diffusive also have no central point of failure. Finally, we algorithms. Here we introduce the concept of bal- make a connection between the performance of anced overlay networks (BON) which takes the BON in some regimes with ball-bin random load novel approach of encoding the resource balancing balancing problems [1]. algorithm into the evolution of the network’s topol- It is also important to note that BON is a novel ogy. Each node’s in-degree is kept proportional to paradigm for for resource sharing of any kind and Jesse S.A. Bridgewater and Vwani P. Roychowdhury are with its applicability is not limited to only distributed theElectricalEngineeringDepartment, UniversityofCalifornia,Los computing. The in-degree of a node can be made Angeles, CA 90095 to correspond to any type of shareable resource. P.OscarBoykiniswiththeDepartmentofElectricalandComputer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 Then one can exploit the fact that BON networks 2 Newly Edge Assigned To Be 4 1 Job 4 1 Deleted 4 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 New 2 3 2 3 2 3 Incoming Job a) b) c) Fig. 1. New jobs are assigned by using a greedy random walk. The large nodes depict computers in a schematic BON network while the small filled nodes are jobs running on the node to which they are connected. The label for each of the computer nodes denotes the current number of jobsitisrunning. Parta) shows new loadentering thenetwork. Inb)weseethatthenode whereload arrivesinitiatesarandom walk which keeps track of the degree(free resources) of each visited node. The largest degree node(most free resources) is selected to run the new load. To compensate for the additional load, the node which accepted the new load deletes one of its incoming edges to account for its diminished resources. The resulting network is depicted in c). have low diameters associated with random graphs, BON algorithm. The system could allow a huge which makes them easy to sample using short number of software users to participate in providing random walks. Extensive simulation results support download mirrors. the efficacy of this approach in networks with a This paper is organized as follows. Section II wide range of resource and load distributions.These describes prior related load balancing research. Sec- simulations show that the actual performance of the tion III introduces the BON architecture. Section IV algorithm far exceeds the lower bounds mentioned discusses theoretical analysis of BON’s scalability. above. Section V provides a description of the simulation setup and results. Finally Section VI deals with BON is a very simple, realistic and easily im- practical considerations for implementing BON. plementable algorithm using standard networking protocols. The completely decentralized nature of the algorithm makes it very well-suited to massive II. RELATED WORK applications encompassing very large ensembles of The authors have previously considered nodes. The following are a few examples of appli- topologically-based load balancing with a simpler cations for which BON is very well suited. model than BON which is amenable to analytical Single-System Image (SSI) LAN/WAN clusters: study [6]. In that work each node’s resources were BON can be used for single-system image (SSI) proportional to in-degree and load was distributed clusters in the same way that Mosix [2] is used but by performing a short random walk and migrating without the need for all nodes to be aware of each load to the last node of the walk; this method other as is the case in Mosix. This can allow BON produces Erdo¨s-Re´nyi (ER) random graphs and to scale to very large system sizes. exhibits good load-balancing performance. As Public Resource Computing: BON is also applica- we demonstrate in the current work, performing ble to @HOME-style projects [3]. This projects are more complex functions on the random walk can typically special purpose for each application. The significantly improve performance. decentralized nature of BON will allow multiple The majority of distributed computing research projects to share the same pool of computers. has focused on central server methods, DHT ar- Grid Computing: BON also has the potential to be chitectures, agent-based systems, randomized algo- integrated with GRID [4], [5] systems for efficient rithms and local diffusive techniques [1], [7]–[12]. resource discovery and load distribution across vir- Some of the most successful systems to date [3], tual organizations (VOs). [13] have used a centralized approach. This can Web Mirroring: Distributed web mirroring is an be explained by the relatively small scale of the example of a non-computational application of the networked systems or by special properties of the 3 Job Finishes 4 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 New Edge Origin a) b) c) Fig. 2. When a running job finishes, the host node may need to increase its connectivity to advertise its increased resources. Subpart a) shows a job finishing and thus leaving the network. In b) the node where load finishes initiates a random walk. The last node on the walk willbetheoriginof anew edge incident onthewalkinitiatorasseeninc).Thisnew edgerepresents theincreaseinavailableresourceson the node where the job just completed. workload experienced by these systems. However [18] and others. Many of these systems focus on since a central server must have O(N) bandwidth providing a specific desired level of service for capacity and CPU power, systems that depend on jobs. This contrasts to the approach taken by BON, central architectures are unscalable [14], [15]. Re- Mosix and others in which processes are migrated liability is also a concern since a central server is to nodes where they will have the most resources a single point of failure. BON addresses both of applied to them rather than a specific level of these issues by using O(logN) maximum commu- resources. The other systems are mostly based on nications scaling and no single points of failure. DHT architectures and provide for querying based Furthermore since the networks created by the BON on arbitrary node attributes and link qualities. For algorithm are random graphs, they will be highly complex distributed applications where each partic- robust to random failures. ipating node must have a certain level of resources The Messor project [9] in particular has the same and where the connectivity between the nodes must goal as BON which is to provide self-organized, have prescribed latencies, these DHT systems will distributed load balancing. The agent-based design be the most suitable platform. For many types of Messor also involves performing random walks of parallel scientific computing however, BON’s onanetworktodistributeload.HoweverBONisde- objective of placing a job where it will finish as signed specifically to reshape the network structure quickly as possible is appropriate and desirable. soitcanbeefficientlysampled.Messorwasinspired by the notion of a swarm of ants that wander around the network picking up and dropping off load. Thus it is not clear how long the ant agents will need to walk while performing the load balancing. It is BON is designed to be deployed on extremely the focus on topology that distinguishes BON from large ensembles of nodes. This is a major similarity other similar efforts. BON endeavors to reshape withBOINC [3]. TheEinstein@homeprojectwhich the network topology to make resource discovery processes gravitation data and Predictor@home feasible with O(logN) length random walks. A which studies protein-related disease are based on simplified version of BON can be analyzed and thus BOINC, the latest infrastructure for creating public- we can put performance bounds on its behavior. resource computing projects. Such projects are Messor, while very intriguing, provides no analyti- single-purpose and are designed to handle massive, cal treatment. embarrassingly parallel problems with tens or hun- Within the large body of research some tech- dreds of thousands of nodes. BON should scale to niques have been implemented including Mosix, networks of this scale and beyond while providing Messor, BOINC, Condor, SWORD, Astrolabe, a dynamic, multi-user environment instead of the INS/Twine, Xenosearch [2], [3], [8], [9], [13], [16]– special purpose environment provided by BOINC. 4 40 1.25 Average Degree 35 Minimum Node Degree System Load e 30 System Capacity gre 25 1 ad e o D L e 20 m g e a 15 st er 0.75 y v S A 10 5 0 0.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Time Fig.3. TherelationshipbetweenloadandnodedegreeisthebasisfortheBONalgorithm; anodewithhighin-degreeismorelikelytobe visited on a random walk and thus more likely to be the recipient of new load than a node with low in-degree. As the total load increases, hki decreases until the load becomes clipped. In the load clipped regime the algorithm remains the same but the mechanism behind the performancechangestobecomesaball-binloadbalancingproblemwithlogN choices.Thischangeisduetothefactthatthereisnolonger a connection between free resources and in-degree. III. THE BON ARCHITECTURE maximum in-degree, k(max). i A. BON Topology The concept underlying BON is that the load B. BON Algorithm characteristics of a distributed computing system Each node’s load, s (t), can change as new load i can be encoded in the topology of the graph that arrives in the network or when existing work is connects the computational nodes. done. When new load arrives at v , a short random i In schematic terms, an edge in a BON graph walk is initiated to locate a suitable execution site. represents some unit of unused capacity on the node Contained in this random walk is a BON resource to which the edge points. Consequently when a discovery message(BRDM) which stores the merit node’s resources are being exhausted, its in-degree function information for the most capable node will decline as seen in Fig. I. Conversely when visited so far on the walk. The fact that random a node’s available resources are increasing, its in- walks will preferentially sample nodes with high- degree will rise as seen in figure II. degree motivates the mapping of node in-degree to Formally a BON is a dynamic, directed graph, free resources. The simplest approach to choosing a D = (E,V), where each node vi ∈ V maintains node on the walk is to select the last node inserted k(min) ≤ k (t) ≤ k(max) incoming edges. The into the BRDM. This case has been previously i i maximum incoming edges that a node can have, explored [6]. While this simple approach can be k(max), is proportional to the computational power studied analytically, simulation results indicate that i of v . Each node, v , has a scalar metric s (t) large improvements to the balancing performance i i i which is kept inversely proportional to k (t). As are possible by always keeping the most capable i s (t) changes with time, v severs or acquires new node’s information. i i incoming links to maintain the relationship. In the Instead of performing a simple random walk and context of distributed computing, s (t) is a scalar selecting the last node to receive incoming load, the i representation of the current load experienced by node on the walk with the largest power per load node v . This means that each node will endeavor to will be the target (see Algorithm 1). Due to the i keep its in-degree proportional to its free resources mapping between load and in-degree this greedy or inversely proportional to its load. Idle nodes will random walk selects the least loaded node on the have a relatively large in-degree while overloaded walk to receive new load which is the same as nodes will have a small in-degree. The total un- choosing the highest degree node when the network loaded resources of a node are proportional to it’s is not load clipped. This clipping occurs when a 5 node has the minimum allowable in-degree. We are sampled. However prior results [6] show that a will discuss the case when the network is load modified BON is more amenable to analysis. clipped in Section V-D. For time sharing systems Rather than selecting the node on the BRDM the concept of overloading is not well-defined since walk that can process an incoming job the fastest, anodewithLjobswillapply1/Lofitsresources to one can simply select the last node of the walk. In each job. In the context of the BON algorithm load this model the average number of absent edges,J, in clippingsimplymeansthatnodeshavetheminimum the N-node graph is identified as the total number allowablein-degreeandthusarenolongerbalancing of jobs running. The maximumnumber of incoming load based on preferential sampling. In practice a edges that a node can have will be called C and node in the clipped regime will be under very heavy the number of incoming edges to a given node is computational load, but fundamentally it can still denoted as i. For the case when the average number accept new jobs. ofjobsremainsconstantwecandescribethissystem as a simple Markov process with state-dependent Algorithm 1 PickTarget(source): A new job en- arrival and service rates; it can be denoted by the tering the network initiates a random walk that standard queueing notation as M/M/∞//M. The maintain information about the node on the walk arrival rate of new jobs is proportional to the free where the job would run the most quickly. The resources,i/(NC−J), ofeachnodesincejobsarrive job is then assigned to that node when the walk preferentially based on in-degree. Assuming that is complete. jobs terminate uniformly randomly, the departure . rateis(C−i)/J.SolvingthebirthanddeathMarkov 1: ttl ← clogN, v ← source, hops ← 0 process we obtain for the degree distribution: 23:: owbhjimleaxh←opsvv.<.LPooatwdt(el)r+(d)1o, target ← v C J n J C−n p = 1− (1) 4: v ← RandomOutNeighbor(v) n (cid:18)n(cid:19)(cid:20) NC(cid:21) (cid:20)NC(cid:21) 5: objtemp ← vv..LPooawd(e)r+()1 Defining the normalized load as α = J/NC, 6: if objtemp > objmax then the binomial distribution means that for each node, 7: objmax ← objtemp each unit of capacity is occupied with probability 8: target ← v α. If C = N − 1, this model recovers the degree 9: end if distribution for ER graphs: 10: hops ← hops+1 11: end while N −1 E n E C−n 12: return target pn = 1− (cid:18) n (cid:19)(cid:20)N(N −1)(cid:21) (cid:20) N(N −1)(cid:21) (2) Where E = N(N −1)−J. IV. ANALYSIS For a non-clipped network with uniform resource The performance of BON walk selection will be distribution, the variance of the degree distribution bounded below by the performance of the stan- maps directly onto the variance of the load balanc- dard walk selection. Therefore although we do not ing. This is because each incoming edge represents present a calculation of the load distribution for freeresources.Inaperfectlybalancednetwork,each BON graphs, we can state that it has the same scal- node will have the same free resources. This ideally ability as the standard walk case described below. balanced network would be a regular graph and The exact BON algorithm is difficult to analyze, thus the variance of the degree distribution would howeveritispossibletoplaceboundsonthebalanc- be zero. For the simple case mentioned above the ing performanceby simplifyingtheload distribution degree distribution is binomial and thus it has a protocol. We also calculate the bandwidth used by small but non-vanishing variance. the algorithmand compare it to a centralized model. When the highest-degree (most free resources) node on a random walk is selected to receive A. Scalability incomingload,thatnode’sresourcesmustbegreater The BON algorithm is difficult to study analyt- than or equal to the resource of the last node on the ically due to the way in which the random walks walk. 6 In addition to this queueing model, it has been round. For N , ∀i ∈ {1,···,N} the bandwidth i shown by information theoretic arguments [6] that consumed will be B(i) = β[A+L] which is O(1). T the simplified rewiring protocol described here cre- 2) BON: For the decentralized BON algorithm, ates ER random graphs. the network topology is now more complex than for the central server. While the graph of the central model was a star, BON will look approximately like B. Communications Complexity a random regular graph. Initially we will assume An important metric of performance for dis- that we begin with a correctly-formed BON. As tributed computing is the network bandwidth re- with the central model we assume that Nβ jobs quired for a protocol. It is clear that the architecture begin and end at random nodes in each time unit. that requires the least total bandwidth is a central Since there is not a central server, each node that server. However the maximum bandwidth that any initiates a new job must send a BRDM to find node must consume in a central system will not a node to run the job. Every node on the walk be the least. And while the total consumption of will need to replace the value of obj = Power() , bandwidth is important, the bandwidth that any Load()+1 (L bytes of data), in the BRDM if obj is larger singlenodeconsumescanbeasignificantbottleneck than the objective function that is currently in the for large central networks. Below we compare the BRDM (see Algorithm 1. Since the random walk bandwidth required by a centralized algorithm and will be O(logN) steps long, the total bandwidth by BON. of the walk will be B = LlogN. Likewise when 1) Centralized: The simplest non-trivial central- w a job finishes, another walk will be used to find ized architecture for a computing network is the a replacement for the removed edge. Factoring in case where initially the central node, denoted C, the cost of transmitting the program to the target knows the power and load of each of the N nodes node and needed handshaking protocols, the total that it controls. When a job on one of the nodes bandwidth consumed by BON is completes, that node will notify C so that it can update its load state information for the network. B(BON) = Nβ[A+L{logN +2}]. (4) Obviously C keeps track of assignments of new T load to each of the nodes. This method does away Therefore we can see that the total bandwidth with the need to periodically probe every node in cost of BON is O(logN) greater than the cen- the network, however it is clear that the bandwidth, tral model. However a more important metric in memory and CPU cost that C has to bear is still many situations will be the maximum bandwidth O(N). Further assume a steady-state network load consumed by any of the nodes. In BON each node and that in every time unit, Nβ, jobs begin and the will on consume bandwidth in proportion to how same number terminate. We further assume that all many jobs it initiates and how powerful it is. Thus the jobs will start at one of the computational nodes if all of the nodes use the network equally then each and that they will then be sent to C for assignment. node will consume B(BON)/N bandwidth, which is T Now assume that for every job that is started a logarithmicinthesizeofthenetwork.Thiscontrasts relatively large A-byte packet, including the size of to the O(N) bandwidth needs of the central server. the program code and input data, must be sent from C to N , i ∈ {1,···,N} and that relatively small i V. SIMULATIONS L-byte packets must be sent to the central server in response to changes in load. Therefore C must send A. Simulation Description NβA bytes per unit time which consumes kernel For the simulations,each node in a BON network resourcesandrequiresbandwidththatincreaseswith is a computer with power equal to its maximum N. The total bandwidth consumed by the entire degree minus its minimum degree, P = k(max) − i i centralized network is k(min). One unit of power can process a unit of load B(C) = Nβ[A+L]. (3) in each unit of time. Jobs run on these computers T in a time-sharing fashion with each of the L jobs This is also the same amount that C must con- of a computer equally sharing the node’s power at sume since it is involved in every communications each time step. The simulations deal only with CPU 7 power as the objective function of the balancing. LS Fit Other features such as memory ushering will not 10 be simulated but will be added as features in the 8 reference implementation. Simulations of the BON r e system were performed using the Netmodeler pack- et m 6 age. Two type of experiments were done. a Di The first experiments are very idealized using 4 uniform node power, uniform job arrival rates and Poisson-distributed job sizes. Equation 5 indicates 2 that all nodes have k(max) = 71, the size of each 1 2 3 4 5 6 job is Poisson distributed and that at each time step ln(N)/ln(<k>) β jobs are created. For different simulations β and ν will have different values in order to show a wide Fig.4. BONgraphsobeytherandomgraphscalingrelationshipbe- range of system behavior. While this setup is very tweendiameter and average degree: Diameter∝lnN/lnhki.This BON graph was generated using the uniform simulation parameters idealized, it might apply to cluster computing. from Eqn. 5. 1, k = 71 P(k) = , (cid:26)0, k 6= 71 completely ordered network with O(N) diameter, νje−ν the graph will quickly converge to the low-diameter P (j) = , ν structure depicted in these simulations. !j 1, b = β P (b) = (5) β (cid:26)0, b 6= β B. Graph Structure The idea at the heart of BON is that the graph The second type of simulation (Eqn. 6) uses structure can capture the load state of a computa- power-law distributions for all parameters includ- tional network. In section IV we discussed prior ing job arrival rate, node power and job size. theory results that describe the structure of graphs This configuration represents a situation where ev- formed using algorithms similar to BON. We now ery important system parameter is distributed in a present simulation results for both the uniform and bursty, heavy-tailed way. Heavy-tailed distributions heavy-tailed systems described above. The degree are common in many real systems [19] includ- distribution for a balanced overlay network matches ing networks and thus these simulations provide a the resources of the constituent nodes for both fairly realistic idea of how the system will perform uniform and power-law resource distributions as under real loads. Most importantly for simulation seen in Figs. 11 and 12. performance the computing power ranges from 1 Figs. 4 and 5 show that BONs maintain a low unit of power to 300 units of power. This is at diameter and exhibit the property of random graphs least ten times the range of performance seen in that the diameter is proportional to lnN/lnhki. The commonly used CPUs. As we will revisit in the changes in connectivity can be seen in Fig. 6. performanceevaluation,havingmanynodesthatcan It is important that BON graphs remain at least only accept a few processes prior to being load- weakly-connected as they evolve. All simulations clipped will impact the balance distribution simply indicate that BONs remain weakly-connected, but due to quantization effects. This issue will have that when they are load-clipped they can acquire a design implications for the implementation. complex strongly-connected structure. As the load P ∝ k−1, k(min) +1 ≤ k ≤ 304, surpasses 1 (the clipping threshold) and the network k P ∝ j−1, 32 ≤ j ≤ 1024, becomes a k(min)-regular graph, the number of j P ∝ b−1, 1 ≤ b ≤ b (6) strongly-connectedcomponents(SCC)increases.As b max shown in Fig. 7, the number of SCCs falls back In all of these simulations we begin with a to unity when an overloaded network becomes less randomly-connected network subject to the initial loaded. It is also important to note that the SCCs in degree distribution. However if one starts with a an overloaded BON can change due to rewiring of 8 the network. So while every node will not be able to 2000 communicate with every other node at each instant of time, the out-component of each node in the graph can change with time. Also the network does 1500 x remain weakly-connected even when the network e d has many SCCs. e In 1000 d o N C. Load Balancing Performance 500 When discussing load balancing performance we want metrics which measure how closely load fol- 0 lows capacity. When all the nodes are equally capa- ble, standard deviation is a convenient measure of balancing, when nodes are heterogeneous, correla- 35 tion coefficient is what we use. 1) Simple Idealized System: For the uniform 25 simulation model, Fig. 8 shows that the ensemble > k < standard deviation of the node load is just below 15 1% when the network is in the under-loaded regime. When the network is clipped the standard deviation of the load is slightly higher than in the under- 5 loaded regime but still quite close to 1%. This dif- 0 500 1000 1500 2000 ference in performance is likelydue to the transition Time from the degree-correlated load-balancing that is in effect when the network is under-loaded to the ball- Fig. 6. As a BON network evolves there is significant turnover in connections.Inthetopsub-figurethein-degreesofanarbitrarynode, bin load balancing that takes over when the network v0,aredepictedasafunctionoftime.Averticalline,t=a,intersects is clipped. zeroormorepoints,A0,whichisthesetofnodesthathavedirected Another important measure of performance is edges incident to v0. This illustrates that the structure of the graph changes significantly even when the macroscopic properties such as how well BON performs in comparison to a central average degree are not changing. system that places new jobs at the least loaded node in the network. In the uniform configuration after 1000 iterations the central system has completed 501314 jobs compared with 501238 jobs being completed by BON. This indicates that BON’s job throughput is only about 0.01% worse than the 12 LS Fit optimal schedule. 11 10 2) Power-Law System: The power-law simula- 9 tions illustrate an important design criterion for r e et 8 practical implementations. For these simulations the m a 7 power distribution of the nodes is a power-law Di 6 given in Eqn. 6. The minimum power is 1 and the 5 maximum power is 300. Therefore there are many 4 nodes that have very low power resources. This 3 means that for many values of the load it will be 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 impossible to get close to optimal balancing. For ln(N)/ln(<k>) this reason the correlation between degree and free Fig.5. Onecanseethatthissystemobeystherandomgraphscaling resources is used to evaluate performance as shown relationship between diameter and average degree: Diameter ∝ in Fig. 10. A good example is a node with P = 2. lnN/lnhki. This BON graph was generated using the power-law Because the load is defined to be P/L, where L is simulation parameters from Eqn..6 the number of running jobs, the load is limited to be 9 1.25 0.03 1 Load 0 0.7.55 ad Dev. 0.02 0.25 LoStd. 0.01 0 15 0 4 C 10 C S 5 ad ean oM 2 L 1 12 0 er 0 500 1000 1500 2000 met 8 Time a Di 4 Fig. 8. This uniform resource, 2048-node BON under increasing overload also shows that the standard deviation of the load is low 0 at about 1%. The difference in performance as the network enters the clipped regime can alsobe seen. At the clipping transition point 45 the standard deviation experiences a spike which is likely due to jobs accumulating in a small SCC before additional rewiring can > 30 rebalance the load. After a short time this load imbalance dissipates k < astherewiringallowsloadtobedistributedthroughout thenetwork. 15 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 tions the central system has completed 585872 jobs Time compared with 585788 jobs being completed by BON. As with the uniform configuration, BON’s job throughput in the heavy-tailed configuration is Fig. 7. In simulation we observe that BONs are always at least only about 0.01% worse than the optimal schedule. weakly connected directed random graphs. This 2048-node BON with heavy-tailed parameters remains weakly connected even in the Please note that this result ignores the effects of clippedregime.Thenumberofstrongly-connectedcomponents(SCC) job distribution latency on total throughput but it does increase under heavy load, but the number of SCCs returns to indicates that job placement is very close to optimal unity when the clipping condition passes. when communications delays are ignored. D. Ball-Bin Regime non-negative integer multiples of 1/2. Thus if the network is 75% loaded then this low-powered node Every node in the graph must maintain a mini- is equally unbalanced whether one or two jobs are mum degree to ensure that the graph stays at least running. By selecting a suitable minimum power, weakly-connected. For these experiments each node one can bound this finite size effect. For example maintains at least 4 incoming edges which means if the least powerful node has P = 5 then it can thatifthenetwork’sloadbecomesclippedthenthere always get within 10% of the optimal value. This is no longer a correlation between a node’s degree finite size effect appears as cyclical behavior of the and its resources. For this reason the real metricthat load standard deviation and can clearly be seen in is sampled on the walk is the amount of computing Fig. 9. power that the next incoming process can expect on As was done for the uniform simulation configu- a given node. When the network is not clipped this ration, we compare centrally scheduled job through- is the same as choosing the highest-degree node on put to BON throughput with the same load trace. the walk. However for a clipped network it selects In the heavy-tailed configuration, after 1000 itera- thenodeonthewalk that has thelargest valueofthe 10 1 0.999 r2 0.998 0.997 0 500 1000 1500 2000 d 900 t r2=0.9975 a o L 600 r2=0.9981 2 300 r =0.9979 2 r =0.9996 0 0 100 200 300 Power Fig.10. Forthecasewherewedohavemany nodes withalow maximumdegree thecorrelationbetweennode power in-degreeisamore appropriate measure of performance than standard deviation. and load. For a network that is getting increasingly loaded the load vs. power is plotted at instants and the correlation is also calculated. Even when the network is 3X the load clipping threshold, r2 >0.99. 1 T=20 0.75 T=100 T=200 ) (k 0.5 T=300 P T=400 0.25 T=500 0 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 k 0.75 <k> 60 s k 45 0.5 > k k < 30 s 0.25 15 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Time Fig. 11. When all nodes have the same resources, BONs will be approximately regular graphs. These degree distribution snapshots (top graph) of an evolving network that is getting progressively more loaded show the regular nature of the graph over a wide range of load conditions. expected power for the next incoming job as shown in algorithm 1. Now considerthat a clipped network hki > k(min), preferential sampling is approximately a regular random graph and thus (7) (cid:26)hki = k(min), ball-bin sampling a short random walk will sample uniformly from the nodes in the network. This problem now shows In ball-bin systems a ball is uniformly randomly itself to be very similar to ball-bin load balancing assigned to one of N bins. As this process is [1], [20]. repeated a distribution of bin population emerges

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