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BAIRE CLASSIFICATION OF SEPARATELY CONTINUOUS FUNCTIONS AND NAMIOKA PROPERTY 6 1 V.V.MYKHAYLYUK 0 2 n Abstract. Weprovethefollowingtworesults. a 1. IfX isacompletelyregularspacesuchthatforeverytopological space J Y each separately continuous function f : X ×Y → R is of the first Baire 0 class,theneveryLindel¨ofsubspaceofX bijectivelycontinuouslymapsontoa 2 separablemetrizablespace. 2. If X is a Baire space, Y is a compact space and f : X ×Y → R is ] a separately continuous function which is a Baire measurable function, then N there exists adense inX Gδ-setA such that f is jointlycontinuous at every pointofA×Y (thisgivesapositiveanswertoaquestionofG.Vera). G . h t a m 1. Introduction [ A function f : X → R, which defined on a topological space X, is called a 1 function of the first Baire class, if there exists a sequence (fn)∞n=1 of continuous v functions f : X → R such that f(x) = lim f (x) for every x ∈ X. For every at n n 7 most countable ordinal α a function f :Xn→→∞R is called a function of the α Baire 9 class, if there exists a sequence (f )∞ of functions f :X →R of Baire class <α 1 n n=1 n 5 suchthatf(x)= lim fn(x)foreveryx∈X. Afunctionf :X →RiscalledBaire n→∞ 0 measurability if f is a function of α Baire class for some at most countable ordinal . 1 α. 0 A function f : X → R is called a function of the first Lebesgue class, if f−1(G) 6 is a F -set in X for every open set G⊆R. 1 σ InvestigationsofBaireandLebesgueclassificationofseparatelycontinuousfunc- : v tions(thatisfunctionsofmanyvariableswhicharecontinuouswithrespecttoevery i X variable) were started by A.Lebesgue in the classical paper [1]. These investiga- tions were continued in papers of many mathematicians (see, for example, [2] the r a literature given there). In particular, W. Moran and H.Rosental [3,4] proved that for a compact X the following conditions are equivalent: (i) foreverycompactspaceY everyseparatelycontinuousfunctionf :X×Y → R is a first Baire class function; (ii) X hasthecountablechainconditionthatiseverysystemofpairwisedisjoint open in X nonempty set is at most countable. A topological space X is called a Moran (weakly Moran) space, if for every compactspaceY eachseparatelycontinuousfunctionf :X×Y →RisafirstBaire 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary54C08,54C30, 54C05. Key words and phrases. separately continuous functions, first Baire class function, Namioka space, dependence functions on ℵ coordinates, Baire space, quarter-stratifiable space,Lindelo¨f space. 1 2 V.V.MYKHAYLYUK classfunction (a Baire measurablefunction). These notionswere introducedin [5], where the following result was obtained. Theorem 1.1. Let X be a completely regular space with the countable chain con- dition, Y be a compact, f : X ×Y → R be a separately continuous function and ϕ:Y →C (X), ϕ(y)(x)=f(x,y). Then the following conditions are equivalent: p (i) f is a first Baire class function; (ii) the space ϕ(Y) is metrizable. For a topologicalspace X by C (X) we denote the space of all continuous func- p tions z :X →R with the topology of pointwise convergence. Moreover, relations between Moran spaces and Namioka property was investi- gated in [5]. A mapping f : X ×Y → R which is defined on the product X ×Y oftopologicalspacesX andY has Namioka property, if there exists aneverywhere dense in X G -set A ⊆ X such that f is jointly continuous at every point of set δ A×Y. AtopologicalspaceX iscalleda Namioka space,ifforeverycompactspace Y each separately continuous functions f :X×Y →R has the Namioka property. The following question was formulated in [5]. Question 1.2. Is every Baire Moran space a Namioka space? AtopologicalspaceX iscalleda space with B-property (L-property),ifforevery topological space Y each separately continuous function f : X ×Y → R is a first Baire (Lebesgue) function. A standard reasoning (see [6, p.394]) shows that every first Baire class function is a first Lebesgue class function. Therefore every space with B-property has L- property. Note that spaces with B-property were called by Rudin spaces in [7]. But this term is not very successful because W. Rudin in [8] used partitions of the unit for proof that every separately continuous mappings which is defined on the productofatopologicalspaceandametrizablespaceandvaluedinalocallyconvex space is a Baire first mapping. W. Rudin is not considered a mapping with valued in R separately. A development of Rudin’s result leads to the following notions. A topological space X is called a PP-space, if there exist a sequence ((h :i∈I ))∞ n,i n n=1 of locally finite partitions of the unit (h : i ∈ I ) on X and sequence (α )∞ n,i n n n=1 of families α = (x : i ∈ I ) of points x ∈ X such that for every x ∈ X and n n,i n n,i neighborhood U of x in X there exists an integer n ∈ N such that x ∈ U, if 0 n,i n≥n andx∈supph ,wherebysupphwedenotethesupport{x∈X :h(x)6=0} 0 n,i of h. These notion was introdused in [9]. It was obtained in [10, Theorem 1] that every PP-space has the B-property. A topologicalspace X with the topology T is called quarter-stratifiable, if there exists a function g :N×X →T such that (i) X = g(n,x) for every n∈N; S x∈X (ii) if x∈g(n,x ) for every n∈N, then x →x. n n If there exists a weaker metrizable topology T on a qarter-stratifiable space X such that all covers U = {g(n,x): x ∈ X} can be chosen T-open, then the space n X is called metrically quarter-stratifiable. BAIRE CLASSIFICATION AND NAMIOKA PROPERTY 3 These notions were introduced in [7]. Moreover, it was shown in [7] (Theorem 6.2(3)) that every metrically quarter-stratifiable space has the B-property. In the connections with an investigation of properties of spaces with the B- property the following questions were formulated in [7, question 6.3]. Question1.3. IsthereaspacewiththeB-propertywhichisnotquarter-stratifiable? Has a (compact) space X the B-property if the set {(x,y) : y(x) = 0} is a G -set δ in X ×C (X)? Is a compact space with B-property metrizable? p Clearly that analogical questions can be formulated for spaces with L-property. Inparticular,sinceitfollowsfrom [11,Proposition2.1]thateveryquarter-stratifiable space has L-property,the following question arises naturally. Question1.4. IsthereaspacewiththeL-propertywhichisnotquarter-stratifiable? Note that it was shown in [7]([12]) that every topological space X has the B- property (L-property) if and only if the calculation function c : X ×C (X) → X p R, c (x,y) = y(x), is a first Baire (Lebesgue) function. Since the space C (X) X p the countable chain condition, it follows from Theorem 1.1 that every compact subspaceofacompletelyregularspacewiththeB-propertyismetrizable(thisgives a positive answer to the third part of Question 1.3. In other words, every compact subspace of completely regularspace with the B-property is submetrizable, that is it can be continuously bijectively mapped on a metrizable space. Moreover, every Lindelo¨f space with the B-property is separable [7, Theorem 6.2.(6)]. Generally, everyLindelo¨fsubspaceM ofcompletelyregularspaceX withL-propertycontained in the closure of some countable set A ⊆ X [13, Proposition 4.7]. Therefore, the following question arises naturally. Question 1.5. Let Z be completely regular space with the B-property and X ⊆Z be a Lindel¨of subspace of Z. Does there exist a continuous bijection which defined on X and valued in a separable metrizable space? In this paper using dependence onsome coordinatesoffunction we givepositive answers to Questions 1.2 and 1.5. 2. Some properties of B-spaces and L-spaces A set G⊆X in a topologicalspace X is called functionally open, if there exists a continuous function ϕ : X → [0,1] such that G = ϕ−1((0,1]), and a set E ⊆ X is a functionally G -set, if E = G , where (G )∞ is a sequence of fuctionally δ T n n n=1 n∈N open in X sets. The sets X \G and X \E are called functionally closed and a functionally F set respectively. σ The following propositions refine characteristic properties of spaces with B- property and L-property[7, Theorem6.2.(1)] and [12, Proposition2.3], which give the possibility to consider the calculation function only. Proposition 2.1. Let X be a topological space. Then the following conditions are equivalent: (i) X has the B-property; (ii) the set E ={(x,y):y(x)=0} is a functionally G -set in X ×C (X). δ p Proof. (i) ⇒ (ii). Since X has the B-property, there exists a sequence (f )∞ n n=1 of continuous functions f : X ×Y → R, where Y = C (X), which pointwise on n p 4 V.V.MYKHAYLYUK X converges to the separately continuous calculation function f = c . For every X m,n ∈ N we put G = f−1((−1, 1)) and E = G . Since the sets E mn n m m mn S mk mn k≥n are functionally open and E = E , the condition (ii) is true. T mn m,n∈N (ii)⇒(i). According to [7, Theorem 6.2.(1)] it enough to prove that the calcu- lation function f =c is a first Baire class function on X×C (X). X p Let a,b∈ R, a< b and g : R →R be a continuous function such that g−1(0)= (−∞,a]∪[b,+∞). Clearly that the mappings ϕ : C (X) → C (X), ϕ(y)(x) = p p g(y(x)), and h : X ×C (X) → X ×C (X), h(x,y) = (x,ϕ(y)), are continuous. p p Since f−1((−∞,a]∪[b,+∞)) = h−1(E), the set f−1((a,b)) is a functionally F - σ set. Therefore according to [11, Theorem 3.8] the function f is a first Baire class function. (cid:3) Proposition 2.2. Let X be a topological space. Then the following conditions are equivalent: (i) X has L-property; (ii) the set E ={(x,y):y(x)=0} is a G -set in X ×C (X). δ p Proof. The implication (i) ⇒ (ii) is obvious. The implication (ii) ⇒ (i) can be proved analogously as in the previous proposition using [12, Proposition 2.3]. (cid:3) Remark 2.3. It follows from Proposition 2.1 and 2.2 that thesecond part of Ques- tion 1.3 is a variant of the problem on the coincidence of Baire’s and Lebesgue’s classifications of separately continuousfunctions of two variables. Accordingto [13, Theorem 4.12] the product of a family (X : s ∈S) of nontrivial separable linearly s ordered spaces X has L-property if and only if |S| ≤ 2ℵ0. Therefore the compact s space [0,1][0,1] is an example of a compact space with L-property which does not have B-property, because all compact spaces with B-property are metrizable. This gives the negative answer to the second part of Question 1.3. Remark 2.4. The space X = [0,1][0,1] is an example of a space with L-property which is not a quarter-stratifiable space. This gives the negative answer to Ques- tion 1.4. Really, assuming that X is a quarter-stratifiable space according to [7, Theorem 2.3], we obtain that X is a metrically quarter-stratifiable space, hence has B-property. The following proposition refines a structure of spaces with B-property. Proposition2.5. LetX beacompletelyregularspacewithB-property. Thenevery onepoint set is a G -set in X. δ Proof. Let (f )∞ be a sequence of continuous functions f : X ×Y →R, where n n=1 n Y = C (X), which converges to the separately continuous calculation function p f = c pointwise on X and x ∈ X. Taking into account the continuity of f X 0 n and the countable chin conditions of Y, for every n ∈ N we construct sequences (U )∞ of open neighborhood of x ∈ X and (V )∞ of open sets in Y such nm m=1 0 nm m=1 ∞ that the set V is dense in Y and |f (x′,y′) − f (x′′,y′′)| < 1 for every S nm n n n m=1 m ∈ N, x′,x′′ ∈ U and y′,y′′ ∈ V . Then |f (x,y)−f (x ,y)| ≤ 1 for every nm nm n n 0 n BAIRE CLASSIFICATION AND NAMIOKA PROPERTY 5 ∞ ∞ ∞ x ∈ U and y ∈ Y. Thus, f(x,y) = f(x ,y) for every x ∈ U and T nm 0 T T nm m=1 n=1m=1 ∞ ∞ y ∈Y. Since X is a completely regular space, {x }= U . (cid:3) 0 T T nm n=1m=1 3. Quarter-stratifiable and PP-space In this section we show that metrically quarter-stratifiable spaces coincide with Hausdorff PP-spaces. The notion of quarter-stratifiable space has the following equivalent reformula- tion (see [7, Theorem 1.4]) which is approximate to the definition of PP-space. A topological space X is a quarter-stratifiable space if and only if there exist a sequence (U )∞ of open covers U = (U : i ∈ I ) of X and sequence (α )∞ n n=1 n n,i n n n=1 of families α = (x : i ∈ I ) of points x ∈ X such that for every x ∈ X and n n,i n n,i neighborhood U of x in X there exists n ∈ N such that x ∈ U if n ≥ n and 0 n,i 0 x∈U . n,i Remark3.1. Formetricallyquarter-stratifiablespaceX usingtheparacompactness of (X,T) we cam choose T-locally finite T-open covers V = (V : j ∈ J ) n n,j n of X, which inscribed in the cover U . Now putting y = x , where i ∈ I n n,j n,i n is an index such that V ⊆ U , and taking into account that all sets V are n,j n,i n,j functionally open in X, we obtain that every metrically quarter stratifiable space is a PP-space. Moreover, according to [14, Lemma 5.1.8], analogical reasoning show that the condition of local finiteness of partitions of the unit in the definition of PP-space is not essential. The following proposition show that every Hausdorff PP-space is metrically quarter-stratifiable. Proposition 3.2. Let X be a topological space and (h : i ∈ I) be a partition of i the unit on X. Then the function p : X2 → R, p(x,y) = |h (x)−h (y)|, is a P i i i∈I continuous pseudo-metric on X. Proof. Sinceh (x)≥0foreveryi∈I andx∈X and h (x)=1foreveryx∈X, i P i i∈I the function p is correctly defined, moreover, p(x,y)≤2 for every x,y ∈X. It easy to see that p satisfies the axioms od pseudo-metric. It remains to verify that p is continuous. It enough to show that for every x ∈ X and ε > 0 the set 0 B (x )= {x∈ X : p(x ,x) <ε} is a neighborhood of x in X. We choose a finite ε 0 0 0 set I ⊆ I such that h (x ) > 1− ε. Using the continuity of h we found a 0 P i 0 4 i i∈I0 neighborhood U of x in X such that |h (x )−h (x)| < ε for every x ∈ U. 0 P i 0 i 4 i∈I0 Then h (x)>1− ε and P i 2 i∈I0 ε ε ε p(x0,x)≤ X|hi(x0)−hi(x)|+ X hi(x0)+ X hi(x)< + + =ε 4 4 2 i∈I0 i∈I\I0 i∈I\I0 for every x∈U, that is U ⊆B (x ). (cid:3) ε 0 Proposition 3.3. Let X be a topological space and ((h : i ∈ I ))∞ be a se- n,i n n=1 quence of partition of the unit on X. Then there exists a continuous pseudo-metric p on X such that all function h are continuous with respect to p. n,i 6 V.V.MYKHAYLYUK Proof. For every x,y ∈X we put 1 p(x,y)= X 2n X|hn,i(x)−hn,i(y)|. n∈N i∈In It follows from Proposition 3.2 that p is a continuous pseudo-metric on X. More- over,|h (x)−h (y)|≤2np(x,y)foreveryn∈N, i∈I andx,y ∈X. Therefore n,i n,i n all function h are p-continuous. (cid:3) n,i Corollary 3.4. Every Hausdorff PP-space is a metrically quarter-stratifiable. 4. Lindel¨of space with B-property InthissectionwestudypropertiesofLindelo¨fsubsetsofspaceswithB-property. Thenotionofdependenceonsomecoordinatesoffunctionsisamaintechnicaltool in this investigation. Let X ⊆ RS, Y be a set and f : X ×Y → R. We say that f concentrated on a set T ⊆ S with respect to the first variable, if f(x′,y) = f(x′′,y) for every x′,x′′ ∈ X with x′| = x′′| and y ∈ Y; and f depends on ℵ coordinates with T T respect to the first variable, where ℵ is an infinite cardinal, if there exists a set T ⊆ S such that f concentrated on T and |T| ≤ ℵ. The notions of dependence with respect to the second variable or dependence of mapping f : X → R can be introduced analogously. Clearly that for a Lindelo¨f space X ⊆RS every continuous function f :X →R depends on at most countable quantity of coordinates. The next result take an important place in the study of Lindelo¨f subsets od spaces with B-property. Theorem 4.1. Let X ⊆ RS be a Lindel¨of space, Z be a completely regular space, Y =C (Z), B ⊆Y be a dense in Y set and f :X×Y →R be a function which is p continuous with respect to the second variable and jointly continuous at every point of set X×B. Then f depends on countable quantity of coordinates with respect to the first variable. Proof. Suppose the contrary, that is for every at most countable set T ⊆ S there exist x′,x′′ ∈ X and y ∈ Y such that x′| = x′′| and f(x′,y) 6= (x′′,y). Note T T that since f is continuous with respect to the second variable and B is dense in Y, without loss of generality we can propose that y ∈B. For every y ∈ B and ε > 0 using the joint continuity of f at every point of set X ×{y} and the Lindelo¨f property of X we find a cover (U(y,ε,n) : n ∈ N) of X by open basic sets U(y,ε,n) and a sequence (V(y,ε,n) : n ∈ N) of neighborhoods of y in Y such that |f(x′,y′)−f(x′′,y′′)| < ε for every n ∈ N (x′,y′),(x′′,y′′) ∈ U(y,ε,n)×V(y,ε,n). Using the structure of basic sets in the space X ⊆ RS we choose a countable set T(y,ε) ⊆ S such that for every n ∈ N and x′,x′′ ∈ X the conditions x′| = x′′| and x′ ∈ U(y,ε,n) imply x′′ ∈ U(y,ε,n). Put T(y,ε) T(y,ε) ∞ T(y) = T(y, 1). Clearly that T(y) is countable, in particular, the function S m m=1 f :X →R, f (x)=f(x,y), concentrated on T(y). y y Let ω is the first uncountable ordinal. Using the transfinite induction we con- 1 struct an increasing sequence (T : α < ω ) of countable sets T ⊆ S, a sequence α 1 α (ε : α < ω ) of reals ε > 0, sequences (x′ : α < ω ), (x′′ : α < ω ) and α 1 α α 1 α 1 BAIRE CLASSIFICATION AND NAMIOKA PROPERTY 7 (y : α < ω ) of x′ ,x′′ ∈ X and y ∈ Y and a sequence (V : α < ω ) of neigh- α 1 α α α α 1 borhoods V of y in Y such that for every α < ω the following conditions are α α 1 satisfied: (a) x′ | =x′′| ; α Tα α Tα (b) T(y )⊆T ; α α+1 (c) |f(x′ ,y)−f(x′′,y)|>ε for every y ∈V . α α α α Let T ⊆ S is a countable set. Using the assumption we choose x′,x′′ ∈X and 1 1 1 y ∈ B such that f(x′,y ) 6= f(x′′,y ). Put ε = 1|f(x′,y )−f(x′′,y )|. Using 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 the continuity of f with respect to the second variable we choose a neighborhood V of y in Y such that the condition (c) holds for α=1. 1 1 Suppose that the sequences (T : α < β), (ε : α < β), (x′ : α < β), (x′′ : α α α α α < β), (y : α < β) and (V : α < β), where β < ω , satisfy the conditions (a), α α 1 (b) and (c). If β is a limited ordinal, then we put T = T . If β = γ +1 for β S α α<β someat mostcountable ordinalγ, then we put T =T ∪T(y ). Further using the β γ γ assumption analogously as for α = 1 we find x′ ,x′′ ∈ X, y ∈ B, ε > 0 and a β β β β neighborhood V of y in Y such that the conditions (a) and (c) hold. β β For every α < ω we choose a finite set C ⊆ Z and δ > 0 such that V˜ = 1 α α α {y ∈ Y : |y(z)−y (z)| < δ for every z ∈ C } ⊆ V . Since ℵ = |ω | is a regular α α α α 1 1 cardinal, using Shanin’s Lemma [14, p.185] we obtain that there exist ε > 0, 0 δ > 0, a finite set C ⊆ Z and a set Γ ⊆ [1,ω ) such that |Γ| = ℵ , ε ≥ ε and 0 1 1 γ 0 δγ ≥ δ0 for every γ ∈ Γ and Cγ′ ∩Cγ′′ = C for every distinct γ′,γ′′ ∈ Γ. We consider the continuous mapping ϕ : {y : γ ∈ Γ} → RC, ϕ(y ) = (y (z)) . γ γ γ z∈C Since RC is a separable metrizable space, there exists γ ∈ Γ such that |Γ | = ℵ , 0 0 1 where Γ ={γ ∈Γ:|y (z)−y (z)|<δ for every z ∈C}. 0 γ γ0 0 Show that for every neighborhood V of y = y the set Γ(V) = {γ ∈ Γ : 0 γ0 0 V ∩V˜ = Ø} is finite. Let C′ ⊆ Z is a finite set, δ′ > 0 and V = {y ∈ Y : γ |y(z)−y (z)| < δ′ for every z ∈ C′}. Since Z is a completely regular space, the 0 condition V ∩V˜ = Ø for some γ ∈ Γ implies the existence of z ∈ C′∩C such γ 0 γ γ that |y (z)−y (z)|≥δ +δ′ >δ . It follows from the definition of the set Γ that γ 0 γ 0 0 zγ 6∈C. Taking into account that Cγ′ ∩Cγ′′ = C for every distinct γ′,γ′′ ∈ Γ0 we obtainthatzγ′ 6=zγ′′ foreverydistinctγ′,γ′′ ∈Γ(V). Thus,|Γ(V)|≤|C′\C|<ℵ0. Choose m ∈ N such that 1 < ε . Since the set Γ′ = Γ(V(y , 1 ,n)) is 0 m0 0 nS∈N 0 m0 at most countable, |Γ \Γ′| = ℵ . Therefore there exist β ∈ Γ such that β > γ 0 0 0 0 and V(y , 1 ,n)∩V˜ 6= Ø for every n ∈ N. Recall that (U(y , 1 ) : n ∈ N) is 0 m0 β 0 m0 a cover of X. We take n ∈ N such that x′ ∈ U(y , 1 n )). Since (b) implies 0 β 0 m0 0 that T(y , 1 ) ⊆ T(y ) = T(y ) ⊆ T and x′ | = x′′| according to (a), 0 m0 0 γ0 β β Tβ β Tβ x′′ ∈U(y , 1 ,n ). Now take y ∈V˜ ∩V(y , 1 ,n ). According to (c) we obtain β 0 m0 0 β 0 m0 0 |f(x′ ,y)−f(x′′,y)|>ε ≥ε . β β β 0 Onotherhand,accordingtothe choiceofthe setsU(y , 1 ,n )andV(y , 1 ,n ), 0 m0 0 0 m0 0 we have 1 |f(x′ ,y)−f(x′′,y)|< <ε . β β m 0 0 Hence, we obtain a contradiction and the Theorem is proved. (cid:3) The following result gives the positive answer to the Question 1.5. 8 V.V.MYKHAYLYUK Theorem 4.2. Let Z be a completely regular space with B-property and X ⊆ Z be a Lindel¨of subset of Z. Then there exist a separable metrizable space H and a continuous bijection ϕ:X →H. Proof. WithoutloosofgeneralitywecanassumethatZ ⊆RS. PutY =C (Z)and p weconsidertheseparatelycontinuousfunctiong :Z×Y →R,g(z,y)=y(z). Since Z has B-property, there exists a sequence of continuous function g : Z ×Y → R n such that g(z,y) = lim g (z,y) for every (z,y) ∈ Z × Y. Put f = g | . n n n X×Y n→∞ According to Theorem 4.1, for every n ∈ N there exists an at most countable set T ⊆ S such that f concentrated on T with respect to the first variable. Then n n n ∞ the function f concentrated on the set T = T as the poinwise limit of the S n n=1 sequence (f )∞ . n n=1 It remains to consider the continuous mapping ϕ: X →RT, ϕ(x)=X| . Note T that ϕ is a bijection with valued in the separable metrizable space H = ϕ(X). Really if ϕ(x ) = ϕ(x ), then y(x ) = y(x ) for every y ∈ Y. Therefore x = x , 1 2 1 2 1 2 because Z is completely regular. (cid:3) Remark 4.3. Every countable space X has B-property, because the space C (X) p is metrizable. Therefore every nonmetrizable countable space is an example which showsthatTheorem4.2cannotbestrengthenedtometrizabilityofLindel¨ofsubspace of spaces with B-property (analogously as for compact spaces). 5. Namioka spaces and Maran spaces We willuse the followingtwoauxiliaryresults from[15],whichgivea possibility to use the technic of the dependence on some coordinates for the obtaining the Namioka property. Proposition5.1. Let Y ⊆RT beacompact space, (Z,|·−·|) beametricspace, f : Y →Z beacontinuousmappingε≥0andsetS ⊆T suchthat|f(y′)−f(y′′)| ≤ε Z for every y′,y′′ ∈ Y with y′| = y′′| . Then for every ε′ > ε there exists a finite S S set S ⊆ S and δ > 0 such that |f(y′)−f(y′′)| ≤ ε′ for every y′,y′′ ∈ Y with 0 Z |y′(s)−y′′(s)|<δ for every s∈S . 0 Proposition5.2. LetX beaBairespase,Y ⊆RT beacompactspace,f :X×Y → R bea separately continuous function. Then the following statement areequivalent: (i) f has the Namioka property; (ii) for every open in Xnonempty set U and a real ε>0 there exist an open in X nonempty set U ⊆U and an at most countable set S ⊆T such that |f(x,y′)− 0 0 f(x,y′′)|≤ε for every x∈U and y′,y′′ ∈Y with y′| =y′′| . 0 S0 S0 LetX beatopologicalspace.DefinetheShoquetgameonX inwhichtwoplayers α and β participate. A nonempty open in X set U is the first move of β and a 0 nonempty open in X set V ⊆ U is the first move of α. Further β chooses a 1 0 nonemptyopeninX setU ⊆V andαchoosesanonemptyopeninX setV ⊆U 1 1 2 1 ∞ and so on. The player α wins if V 6=Ø. Otherwise β wins. T n n=1 A topological space X is called α-favorable if α has a winning strategy in this game. AtopologicalspaceX iscalledβ-unfavorableifβ hasnowinningstrategyin thisgame. Clearly,anyα-favorabletopologicalspaceX isaβ-unfavorablespace. It wasshownin[6]thatatopologicalgameX isBaireifandonlyifX isβ-unfavorable. BAIRE CLASSIFICATION AND NAMIOKA PROPERTY 9 It is well-known (see [17]) that β-unfavorability of X is equivalent to the fact that X is a Baire space. The following result occupies a central place in this section. Theorem 5.3. Let X be a Baire space, Y ⊆ RT be a compact space and f : X ×Y → R be a separately continuous Baire measurability function. Then f has the Namioka property. Proof. Sincef isaBairemeasurability,thereexistsancountablefamilyF ofcontin- uousfunctionsonX×Y suchthatthefunctionf canbeobtainedasatmostcount- able times pointwise limit of sequence of functions from F. Let F =(f :n∈N). n Suppose that f has not the Namioka property. Then |T|>ℵ and according to 0 Proposition 5.2, there exist an open in X nonempty set U and ε > 0 such that 0 0 for every open in X nonempty set U ⊆U and at most countable set S ⊆T there 0 exist x∈U and y′,y′′ ∈Y such that y′| =y′′| |f(x,y′)−f(x,y′′)|>ε . S S 0 We construct a strategy τ for the player β in the Shoquet game on the space X. The set U is the first move of β. Let V ⊆ U is a nonempty in X set 0 1 0 which is the first move of the player α. Since the continuous function f has the 1 Namiokaproperty,accordingtoProposition5.2thereexistanopeninX nonempty set U˜ ⊆V and countable set S ⊆T such that 1 1 1 |f (x,y′)−f (x,y′′)|<1 1 1 for every x ∈ U˜ and y′,y′′ ∈ Y with y′| = y′′| . Using the assumption we find 1 S1 S1 points x ∈U˜ and y′,y′′ ∈Y such that y′| =y′′| and 1 1 1 1 1 S1 1 S1 |f(x ,y′)−f(x ,y′′)|>ε . 1 1 1 1 0 Since f is continuous with respect to the second variable, there exists an open in X neighborhood U ⊆U˜ of x such that 1 1 1 |f(x,y′)−f(x,y′′)|>ε 1 1 0 for every x∈U . Now we put U =τ(U ,V ), that is U is the second move of β. 1 1 0 1 1 Further, let V ⊆U be a nonempty open in X set which is the second move of 2 1 α. Choose an open in X nonempty set U˜ ⊆ V and countable set S ⊆ T which 2 2 2 contains the set S such that 1 1 |f (x,y′)−f (x,y′′)|< 2 2 2 for every x∈U˜ and y′,y′′ ∈Y with y′| =y′′| . Using the assumption and the 2 S2 S2 continuityoff with respectto the firstvariablewe chooseanopeninX nonempty set U ⊆U˜ and points y′,y′′ ∈Y such that y′| =y′′| and 2 2 2 2 2 S2 2 S2 |f(x,y′)−f(x,y′′)|>ε 2 2 0 for every x∈U , and put U =τ(U ,V ,U ,V ). 2 2 0 1 1 2 Continuing this process to infinity we obtain sequences (U )∞ and (V )∞ of n n=1 n n=1 openinX nonemptysetsU andV ,(y′)∞ and(y′′)∞ ofpointsy′,y′′ ∈Y and n n n n=1 n n=1 n n anincreasingsequence (S )∞ ofcountable sets S ⊆T suchthatfor everyn∈N n n=1 n the following conditions: (a) U ⊆V ⊆U ; n n n−1 (b) y′| =y′′| ; n Sn n Sn (c) |f (x,y′)−f (x,y′′)| < 1 for every x ∈ U and y′,y′′ ∈ Y with y′| = n n n n Sn y′′| ; Sn 10 V.V.MYKHAYLYUK (d) |f(x,y′)−f(x,y′′)|>ε for every x∈U ; n n 0 n are true. Since the spaceX is Baire,the strategyτ isnota winning strategyforβ. Thus, thereexistagameinwhichthe playerlosesplayingaccordingtoτ. Inotherwords, there exist corresponding sequences with the properties (a), (b),(c) and (d) such ∞ that U 6=Ø. T n n=1 ∞ ∞ Take a point x ∈ U and put S = S . Let a function g : X ×Y → R 0 T n 0 S n n=1 n=1 is the pointwise limit of a subsequence (f )∞ of sequence (f )∞ . Taking into nk k=1 n n=1 account that S ⊆ S and x ∈ U for every k ∈ N, and going to the limit nk 0 0 nk in the condition (c) by k → ∞, we obtain that g(x ,y′) = g(x ,y′′) for every 0 0 y′,y′′ ∈ Y with y′| = y′′| . Thus, for every pointwise limit g of a sequence S0 S0 (f )∞ its vertical section gx0 : Y → R, gx0(y) = g(x ,y), concentrated on S . nk k=1 0 0 Since pointwiselimitofasequence offunctions g :Y →R,whichconcentratedon n setS ,concentratedonS too,theverticalsectionfx0 :Y →R, fx0(y)=f(x ,y), 0 0 0 of the function f concentrated on S . According to Proposition 5.1 there exists 0 a set T ⊆ S such that |f(x ,y′) − f(x ,y′′)| ≤ ε for every y′,y′′ ∈ Y with 0 0 0 0 0 y′| = y′′| . Since the sequence (S )∞ increase, there exists an integer n ∈N T0 T0 n n=1 0 such that T ⊆ S . Then it follows from the condition (b) and the choice T 0 n0 0 that |f(x ,y′ ) − f(x ,y′′ )| ≤ ε . On other hand, according to (d), we have 0 n0 0 n0 0 |f(x ,y′ )−f(x ,y′′ )|>ε , a contradiction. (cid:3) 0 n0 0 n0 0 The following corollary gives the positive answer to Question 1.2. Corollary 5.4. Every Baire weakly Moran space is a Namioka space. References 1. LebesgueH.Sur l’approximation des fonctionsBull.Sci.Math.22(1898), 278-287. 2. MaslyuchenkoO.V.,MaslyuchenkoV.K.,MykhaylyukV.V.,SobchukO.V.Paracompactness and separately continuous mappings General Topology in Banach spaces. Nova Sci. Publ. Nantintong-New-York.(2001), 147-169. 3. Moran W. Separate continuity and support of measures J. London. Math. Soc. 44 (1969), 320-324. 4. Rosental H.P. On injective Banach spaces and the L∞(µ) for finite measure µ Acte Math. 124(1970)205-247. 5. VeraG. 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