EIRP! FANTASTIC! ASTOUNDING! 3 rr Ee ny a | sz ven MYSTERIES = eX IT'S WANDAY SHE'S ‘ aE fey OVERCOME BY A FIENDISH m SPELL/ SHE'S BEEN FORCED TO JOIN THE SACRIFICIAL WORSHIPERS OF BAAL/ e "The bonds William and J bought for our country’s defense helped build a house for us! How U. §. SAVINGS BONDS PAID OFF “There's nothing more wonderful than a house and garden of your own,” saya Mra. Nyse, “and no eurer way to own one than to sabe for i through U. S. Savings Bonds and the ‘safe, eure Payroll Savings Plan!” You can do what-the 4 eetmebsatset Maybe: you can't save quite as much an ‘Witt anc Rowe Nyce rane you, cm tive more, But the impo ine ito Sirti ie only takes thre ample mtepe, fiven Uso Comnahe SE Food Pie ae, belay = ‘cae lem analy ‘inet By slgning up today in the Bagel Savings Pan were you works You'll be providing security not only for yourself aid vour family, but for the rowed ree ray of We thai no very fe portant to every American. FOR YOUR SECURITY, AND YOUR COUNTRY’S TOO, SAVE NOW— THROUGH REGULAR PURCHASE OF U, 5. SAVINGS BONDS! Ngan ie anid’ el OP eget okie f str ‘That igen NIMENT » WHERE AREYOU coo, HEA IF WE KEEP ON FIOHTING., WE MAY WIPE OUT THAT PATROL HADES Mis Pats, HeaTay WE'LL SEE YOUN HADES of > 2 "Le , «Tr ‘Less Uingur To ecT A Bo (Text wit stor vouR TONGLE--ANO GE, ME A CHANCE TO GET AWAY WSIEUP WH—WHEN YOU ENTERED, THE EAOLES THE SHINE WENT OUT INE STILL HAVE WINE ANC BRAVE LIBERATORS fi Gut T EAN'T GE DEAD? PeOne ree TWALKING AROUND WHEN Ly Be MINE UNTE YOUR com i Pohesatieie eee ‘opaaey, per oh ear ie sere ennretes REET EE Sag f \ HOLD ONLY ART OF YOU GUT UP ONTHE BEACH SOON T SHALL HAVE ALL 77 UG) IME AT THE CHATEAU? YOU'RE ALL STARVING IN THIS CRUMMY VELASE, [f Ther couLeWT Wow AsouT WHAT T'VE DONE AND THE STRANGE THINGS 7 SEE/ THOSE NIGHTMARES EVERY NIGHT? REARSH NEW WHEN THEY PICKED Hind OUT OETIE BURNED lsnowing TASTE FOR REMAINING HERE. AT NIGHT? THOSE "WHT MARES*—~AS YOU CALLED THEM, HEATH-~THOSE WERENT NGNTMARS/ THEY WERE JUST TASTE OF vouR] fl Toe GREAT ITAA COMPOSER, RONDO AMAOI, MET AW UI EVE NEVER MEARO, ANTTHING 50 SCAUTIFUL BEFORE, Jane tT 70 ROME] po GP Tie SUPERNATURAL /