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Badges Without Borders: How Global Counterinsurgency Transformed American Policing PDF

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Badges Without Borders Badges Without Borders how global counterinsurgency transformed american policing Stuart Schrader university of california press University of California Press Oakland, California © 2019 by Stuart Schrader Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Schrader, Stuart, author. Title: Badges without borders : how global counterinsurgency transformed American policing / Stuart Schrader. Description: Oakland, California : University of California Press, [2019] | Series: American Crossroads ; 56 | Includes bibliographical references and index. | Identifiers: lccn 2019004095 (print) | lccn 2019006628 (ebook) | isbn 9780520968332 () | isbn 9780520295612 (cloth : alk. paper) | isbn 9780520295629 (pbk. : alk. paper) Subjects: lcsh: Counterinsurgency—United States—History—20th century. | United States. Agency for International Development. Office of Public Safety—History. | Racial profiling in law enforcement—United States—20th century. | Social control—United States—20th century. | Militarization of police—United States—century. Classification: lcc u241 (ebook) | lcc u241 .s37 2019 (print) | ddc 355.02/180973—dc23 LC record available at https://lccnloc.gov/2019004095 Manufactured in the United States of America 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To my mother, Jane Marie Schrader, and In loving memory of Phyllis Waller, Erica Vallario, Gail Moody, and Mike Stoddard contents List of Abbreviations ix Introduction 1 1 • Rethinking Race and Policing in Imperial Perspective 27 2 • Byron Engle and the Rise of Overseas Police Assistance 52 3 • How Counterinsurgency Became Policing 79 4 • Bringing Police Assistance Home 113 5 • Policing and Social Regulation 142 6 • Riot School 166 7 • The Imperial Circuit of Tear Gas 192 8 • Order Maintenance and the Genealogy of SWAT 214 9 • “The Discriminate Art of Indiscriminate Counter-revolution” 235 Conclusion 259 Acknowledgments 275 Notes 281 Selected Bibliography 343 Index 363 abbreviations ADST Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training, Foreign Affairs Oral History Project AID Agency for International Development ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency CIA Central Intelligence Agency CORDS Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support CRDJA Civil Rights during the Johnson Administration, online database CREST CIA Records Search Tool CSA California State Archives, Sacramento, CA CSTI California Specialized Training Institute DDRS Declassified Documents Reference System, Farmington Hills, IL DOJ Department of Justice E Entry FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation FRUS US Department of State, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States GPO Government Printing Office HIA Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford, CA IACP International Association of Chiefs of Police IAPA Inter-American Police Academy ix ICA International Cooperation Administration IPA International Police Academy IPG Interagency Police Group IPS Internal Defense and Public Safety JFKL John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, Boston, MA KCMNC Kansas City Municipal Library Mounted Newspaper Clippings, Missouri Valley Special Collections, Kansas City, MO KCPHS Kansas City Police Historical Society Missouri Valley Special Collections, Kansas City Municipal Library, Kansas City, MO LAPD Los Angeles Police Department LBJL Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library, Austin, TX LEAA Law Enforcement Assistance Administration MSU Michigan State University MSUA Michigan State University Special Collections, East Lansing, MI NACCD National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (Kerner Commission) NACLA North American Congress on Latin America NARA National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD NLF National Liberation Front for South Vietnam NRA National Rifle Association NSAM National Security Action Memorandum NSC National Security Council NSF National Security File OIDP Overseas Internal Defense Policy OISP Overseas Internal Security Program OLEA Office of Law Enforcement Assistance OPS Office of Public Safety x • Abbreviations

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