US008771936B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,771,936 B2 Kang et a1. (45) Date of Patent: *Jul. 8, 2014 (54) BACTERIOPHAGE AND ANTIBACTERIAL (58) Field of Classi?cation Search COMPOSITION COMPRISING THE SAME None See application ?le for complete search history. (71) Applicant: CJ Cheiljedang Corporation, Seoul (KR) (56) References Cited (72) Inventors: In Hye Kang, Suwon-si (KR); Min Tae U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Park, Seoul (KR); Young Wook Cho, 6,485,902 B2 11/2002 Waddell et a1. Seoul (KR); $00 An Shin, Seoul (KR); 6,942,858 B1 9/2005 Ghanbari et al. Hyang Choi, Anyang-si (KR) 8,288,146 B2 * 10/2012 Kang et a1. ............... .. 435/235.1 2004/0208853 A1 10/2004 Sulakvelidze et al. (73) Assignee: CJ Cheiljedang Corporation, Seoul OTHER PUBLICATIONS (KR) O’Flynn, et al. Journal oprplied Microbiology, 2006, 101 :25 1-259. ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Barrangou, et al. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2002, patent is extended or adjusted under 35 68(11):5452-5458. U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. Goto, et al. J. Food Hyg. Soc. Japan, 2004, 45(1):25-28. This patent is subject to a terminal dis * cited by examiner claimer. Primary Examiner * Bao Li (21) App1.No.: 13/621,730 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Seed IP Law Group PLLC (22) Filed: Sep. 17, 2012 (57) ABSTRACT The present invention relates to a novel bacteriophage, more (65) Prior Publication Data particularly, a bacteriophage that has a speci?c bactericidal US 2013/0022579 A1 Jan. 24, 2013 activity against Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella galli narum, or Salmonella pullorum, a composition for the pre vention or treatment of infectious diseases including salmo Related US. Application Data nellosis and Salmonella food poisoning caused by (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 12/560,263, Salmonella typhimurium, Fowl typhoid caused by Salmo ?led on Sep. 15, 2009, noW Pat. No. 8,288,146. nella gallinarum, and Pullorum disease caused by Salmo nella pullorum, Which comprises the bacteriophage as an (30) Foreign Application Priority Data active ingredient, and an animal feed, drinking water, cleaner, and sanitizer Which comprise the bacteriophage as an active Dec. 24, 2008 (KR) ...................... .. 10-2008-0133909 ingredient. The present invention also provides important insights into prevention and control strategies against Salmo (51) Int. Cl. nella infection and suggests that the use of bacteriophage can C12Q 1/70 (2006.01) be a novel, safe, and effectively plausible alternative to anti A61K 39/112 (2006.01) biotics for the prevention of Salmonella infection in poultry. (52) US. Cl. USPC ............................................ .. 435/5; 424/936 2 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets US. Patent Jul. 8, 2014 Sheet 1 0f5 US 8,771,936 B2 Figure 1 1 v Figure 2 kDa 98 62 49 38 28 17 14 6 Figure 3 US. Patent Jul. 8,2014 Sheet 2 0f5 US 8,771,936 B2 Figure 4 hp 3000 —> 2000 ——> 1000 —> 4""— 1 kb 800 —> 600 —'-> Figure 5 1.00E+12 - 1.00E+1O ‘ PFU/mL 1.00E+08 ~ ' 1.00E+O2 - 1.00E+00 US. Patent Jul. 8, 2014 Sheet 3 0f5 US 8,771,936 B2 Figure 6 pfu/ml 1 .OOE+06 1 .OOE+02 1 .OOE+OO M Q ‘ Q 0 30 60 90 120 + 37°C + 45°C + 53°C '43-'- 60°C ——A— 70°C —°— 80°C Figure 7 1.00912 * 1.00810 ~ 1.008438 PFUfmt 1.00908 1.00E+04 1.00E+02 1.DGE+00 I Cuntrol TreateMSVD) US. Patent Jul. 8, 2014 Sheet 4 0f 5 US 8,771,936 B2 Figure 8 480.09 353000 M{bweeoiadggnhy t Figure 9 6,550.63 MEGAN} 3‘3ODG 300.0%} ?MMwaegiaygn]h t 256.00 260GU 150.66 160.66 EGHO $1353 32 14 Day US. Patent Jul. 8,2014 Sheet 5 0f5 US 8,771,936 B2 FIGUREIO 100 +Group1 30 (SG+/phage+) g -E—Group1 E0’ 60 (SG-lphage+) .g 40 “ +Group2 é (SG+/phage-) 20 —I—Group2 (SG-lphage-) 0 1 3 5 7 9 111315171921 Days after infection US 8,771,936 B2 1 2 BACTERIOPHAGE AND ANTIBACTERIAL the past century, Pullorum disease as an egg-transmitted COMPOSITION COMPRISING THE SAME infection has seriously affected young chickens at 1-2 weeks of age or younger in the world and Korea. In the 1980’s, CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED disease occurrence greatly decreased. However, incidence APPLICATIONS began increasing in the mid 1990’s (Kwon Yong-Kook. 2000 annual report on avian diseases. Information publication by The present application is a continuation-in-part of and National Veterinary Research & Quarantine Service. March, claims priority to co-pending US. patent application Ser. No. 2001; KimAe-Ran et al., The prevalence ofp ullorum disease 12/5 60,263, entitled “Novel Bacteriophage and Antibacterial fowl typhoid in grandparent stock and parent stock in Korea, Composition Comprising the Same,” ?led in the US. Patent 2003, Korean J Vet Res, 2006, 46(4): 347-353). and Trademark Of?ce on Sep. 15, 2009 and having a common In Korea, outbreaks of Fowl Typhoid and Pullorum disease inventor as the present document which claims priority to KR have been increasing since the 1990’s, in?icting economic 10-2008-0133909, ?led Dec. 24, 2008. The above-referenced damages on farmers. For this reason, a live attenuated SG applications are incorporated herein by reference. vaccine has been used in broilers for the prevention of Fowl Typhoid from 2004 (Kim Ae-Ran et al., The prevalence of TECHNICAL FIELD pullorum disease-fowl typhoid in grandparent stock and par ent stock in Korea, 2003, Korean J Vet Res, 2006, 46(4): The present invention relates to a novel bacteriophage, a 347-353), even though its ef?cacy is doubtful, and the live composition comprising the bacteriophage, and a method for vaccine is not allowed to be used for layers because of the risk preventing infectious diseases caused by Salmonella using 20 of egg-transmitted infections. Unfortunately, there are still no the bacteriophage. commercially available preventive strategies against Pullorum disease, unlike Fowl Typhoid. Thus, there is an BACKGROUND ART urgent need for new ways to prevent Fowl Typhoid and Pullorum disease. Salmonella is a genus of the family Enterobacteriaceae, 25 Meanwhile, Salmonella ljxphimurium (hereinbelow, des characterized as Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, non ignated as ST) is a zoonotic pathogen which shows no host spore-forming, rod-shaped bacteria, and most strains are speci?city, unlike SG or SP (Zoobises Report; United King motile by ?agella. Salmonella has an average genome GC dom 2003). content of 50-52%, which is similar to those of Escherichia ST is a cause of salmonellosis in poultry, pigs, and cattle, coli and Shigella. The genus Salmonella is a pathogenic 30 etc. Salmonellosis is caused by Salmonella bacteria, an acute microorganism that causes infections in livestock as well as in or chronic infection of the digestive tract in livestock, and human. Salmonella enierica, a species ofSalmonella bacte shows the major symptoms of fever, enteritis, and septicemia, rium, has a variety of serovars including Gallinarum, occasionally pneumonia, arthritis, abortion, and mastitis. Sal Pullorum, Dphimurium, Enlerilidis, Dphi, Choleraesuis, monellosis occurs worldwide, and most frequently during the and derby (Bopp C A, Brenner F W, Wells J G, Strokebine N 35 summer months (T. R. Callaway et al., J. Anim. Sci. 86: A. Escherichia, Shigella, Salmonella. In Murry P R, Baron E E163-E172, 2008). In cattle, typical symptoms include loss of J, et al., eds Manual of clinical Microbiology. 7th ed., Wash appetite, fever, dark brown diarrhea or bloody mucous stool. ington DC. American Society for Microbiology 1999; 467 Acute infection in calves leads to rapid death, and infection 74; Ryan K J. Ray C G (editors), 2004, Sherris Medical during pregnancy leads to fetal death due to septicemia, Microbiology (4th ed). McGraw Hill. ISBN 0-8385-8529-9). 40 resulting in premature abortion. In pigs, salmonellosis is Of them, Salmonella Gallinarum and Pullorum are fowl characterized clinically by three major syndromesiacute adapted pathogens, Salmonella Dphi is a human-adapted septicemia, acute enteritis, and chronic enteritis. Acute sep pathogen, Salmonella Choleraesuis and derby are swine ticemia occurs in 2-4 month-old piglets, and death usually adapted pathogens, and Salmonella Enteritis and Typhimu occurs within 2-4 days after onset of symptoms. Acute enteri rium are pathogenic for both human and animals. Each sero 45 tis occurs during the fattening period, and is accompanied by var causes illness in that species, resulting in serious negative diarrhea, high fever, pneumonia, and nervous signs. Discol effects for farmers or consumers. oration of the skin may occur in some severe cases. Chronic A disease of domestic birds caused by Salmonella bacte enteritis is accompanied by continuing diarrhea. rium is Fowl Typhoid (FT), which is caused by a pathogen, Once an outbreak of salmonellosis occurs in poultry, pigs, Salmonella Gallinarum (hereinbelow, designated as SG). 50 and cattle, it is dif?cult to halt with therapeutic agents. The Fowl Typhoid (FT) is a septicemic disease of domestic birds reasons are that Salmonella bacteria exhibit a strong resis such as chicken and turkey, and the course may be acute or tance to various drugs and live in cells being impermeable to chronic with high mortality. Recently, it has been reported antibiotics. Up to now, there have been no methods for effec that Fowl Typhoid frequently occurs in Europe, South tively treating salmonellosis caused by ST, including antibi America, Africa, and South-East Asia, and damages are 55 otics. increasing. Outbreaks of FT in Korea have been reported In addition to livestock, ST causes infections in human via since 1992 and economic losses from FT in brown, egg livestock products, leading to Salmonella food poisoning. laying chickens are very serious (Kwon Yong-Kook. 2000 Consumption of infected, improperly cooked livestock prod annual report on avian diseases. Information publication by ucts (e.g., meat products, poultry products, eggs and by National Veterinary Research & Quarantine Service. March, 60 products) is a cause of human infection. Salmonella food 2001 ; KimAe-Ran et al., The prevalence ofp ullorum disease poisoning in human usually involves the prompt onset of fowl typhoid in grandparent stock and parent stock in Korea, headache, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vom 2003, Korean J Vet Res, 2006, 46(4): 347-353). iting. The symptoms commonly appear within 6-72 hours Pullorum disease is also caused by one of Salmonella bac after the ingestion of the organism, and may persist for as long Zeria, Salmonella Pullorum (hereinbelow, designated as SP). 65 as 4-7 days or even longer (NSW+HEALTH. 2008 Jan. 14). Pullorum disease occurs in any age or season, but young According to a report by the CDC (The Centers for Disease chickens are particularly susceptible to the disease. During Control and Prevention, USA), 16% of human food poisoning US 8,771,936 B2 3 4 outbreaks between 2005 and 2008 attributed to Salmonella their head shape and components, and the presence of a shell. bacteria, and 18% of them were ST (Salmonella Typhimu Filamentous bacteriophages having DNA as their genetic rium). With respect to Salmonella food poisoning in human material are divided based on their size, shape, shell, and between 1973 and 1984, the implicated food vehicles of ?lament components (H. W. Ackermann. Frequency of mor transmission were reportedly chicken (5%), beef (19%), pork phological phage descriptions in the year 2000; Arch Virol, (7%), dairy products (6%), and turkey (9%). In 1974-1984, 2001, 146: 843-857; Elizabeth Kutter et al. Bacteriophages the bacterial contamination test on broilers during the slaugh biology and application; CRC press). ter process showed 35% or more of Salmonella incidence. In During infection, a bacteriophage attaches to a bacterium 1983, Salmonella was isolated in 50.6% ofchicken, 68.8% of and inserts its genetic material into the cell. After this a turkey, 60% of goose, 11.6% of pork, and 1.5% of beef. bacteriophage follows one of two life cycles, lytic or Further, a survey carried out in 2007 reported that salmonella lysogenic. Lytic bacteriophages take over the machinery of was found in 5.5% of raw poultry meat and 1.1% of raw pork. the cell to make phage components. They then destroy or lyse In particular, it was revealed that ST commonly originated the cell, releasing new phage particles. Lysogenic bacterioph from contaminated pork, poultry meat, and beef (Centers for ages incorporate their nucleic acid into the chromosome of Disease Control and Prevention, CDC). A risk assessment the host cell and replicate with it as a unit without destroying conducted by FAO and WHO in 2002 noted that the human the cell. Under certain conditions, lysogenic phages can be incidence of salmonellosis transmitted through eggs and induced to follow a lytic cycle (Elizabeth Kutter et al. Bacte poultry meat appeared to have a linear relationship to the riophages biology and application. CRC press). observed Salmonella prevalence in poultry. This implies that, After the discovery of bacteriophages, a great deal of faith by reducing the prevalence of Salmonella in poultry, the 20 was initially placed in their use for infectious -disease therapy. incidence of salmonellosis in humans will correspondingly However, when broad spectrum antibiotics came into com fall (Salmonella control at the source; World Health Organi monuse, bacteriophages were seen as unnecessary because of zation. International Food Safety Authorities Network (IN having a speci?c target spectrum. Nevertheless, the misuse FOSAN) Information Note No. 03/2007). Recently, fears and overuse of antibiotics resulted in rising concerns about about food safety have been spurred by outbreaks of Salmo 25 antibiotic resistance and harmful effects of residual antibiot nella from products as varied as peanuts, spinach, tomatoes, ics in foods (Cislo, M et al. Bacteriophage treatment of sup pistachios, peppers and, most recently, cookie dough (Jane purative skin infections. Arch Immunol. Ther. Exp. 1987, 2: Black and Ed O’Keefe. Overhaul of Food Safety Rules in the 175-183; Kim sung-hun et al., Bacteriophage; New Altema Works. Washington Post Staff Writers Wednesday, Jul. 8, tive Antibiotics. Biological Research Information Center, 2009). 30 BRIC). In particular, antimicrobial growth promoters For these reasons, Salmonella infections must be reported (AGPs), added to animal feed to enhance growth, is known to in Germany (§6 and §7 of the German law on infectious induce antibiotic resistance, and therefore, a ban on the use of disease prevention, Infektionsschutzgesetz). Between 1990 AGPs has been recently introduced. In the European Union, and 2005 the number of of?cially recorded cases decreased the use of all antimicrobial growth promoters (AGPs) was from approximately 200,000 cases to approximately 50,000. 35 banned from 2006. Korea has banned the use of some AGPs It is estimated that every ?fth person in Germany is a carrier from 2009, and is considering restrictions on the use of all of Salmonella. In the USA, there are approximately 40,000 AGPs by 2013-2015. cases of Salmonella infection reported each year. These growing concerns about the use of antibiotics have Therefore, there is an urgent need to control ST, which led to a resurgence of interest in bacteriophage as an altema causes salmonellosis in livestock and human. The collabora 40 tive to antibiotics. 7 bacteriophages for control of E. coli tive efforts of USDA and FDA have led to the development of O157:H are disclosed in US. Pat. No. 6,485,902 (applied in a number of effective strategies to prevent salmonellosis that 2002-Use of bacteriophages for control of Escherichia coli causes over 1 million cases of foodborne illness in the United 0157). 2 bacteriophages for control of various microorgan States. In Denmark, conservative estimates from a cost ben isms are disclosed in US. Pat. No. 6,942,858 (applied by e?t analysis comparing Salmonella control costs in the pro 45 Nymox in 2005). Many companies have been actively trying duction sector with the overall public health costs of salmo to develop various products using bacteriophages. EBI food nellosis suggest that Salmonella control measures saved the system (Europe) developed a food additive for preventing Danish society US$ 14.1 million inthe year 2001 (Salmonella food poisoning caused by Listeria monocytogenes, named control at the source. World Health Organization. Interna Listex-P100, which is the ?rst bacteriophage product tional Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) Infor 50 approved by the US FDA. A phage-based product, LMP-102 mation Note No. 03/ 2007). was also developed as a food additive against Listeria mono Meanwhile, a bacteriophage is a specialized type of virus cytogenes, approved as GRAS (Generally regarded as safe). that only infects and destroys bacteria, and can self-replicate In 2007, a phage-based wash produced by OmniLytics was only inside a host bacteria. A bacteriophage consists of developed to prevent E. coli Ol57 contamination of beef genetic material being single or double-stranded DNA or 55 during slaughter, approved by USDA’s Food Safety and RNA surrounded by a protein shell. There are three basic Inspection Service (FSIS). In Europe, Clostridium sporo structural forms of bacteriophage: an icosahedral (twenty genes phage NCIMB 30008 and Clostridium tyrobutiricum sided) head with a tail, an icosahedral head without a tail, and phage NCIMB 30008 were registered as a feed preservative a ?lamentous form. Bacteriophages are classi?ed based on against Clostridium contamination of feed in 2003 and 2005, their morphological structure and genetic material. Based on 60 respectively. Such studies show that research into bacterioph their tail structure, bacteriophages having an icosahedral head ages for use as antibiotics against zoonotic pathogens in live and double-stranded, linear DNA as their genetic material are stock products is presently ongoing. divided into three families: Myoviridae, Siphoviridae, and However, most of the phage biocontrol studies have Podoviridae, which are characterized by contractile, long focused on the control of E. coli, Listeria, and Clostridium. noncontractile, and short noncontractile tails, respectively. 65 Salmonella is also a zoonotic pathogen, and damages due to Bacteriophages having an icosahedral head without a tail and this pathogen are signi?cant. As mentioned above, since ST RNA or DNA as their genetic material are divided based on has a multiple drug resistance, nationwide antimicrobial US 8,771,936 B2 5 6 resistance surveillance has been conducted in Korea under an rium, Salmonella gallinarum, and Salmonella pullorum, and Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Prevention of Conta excellent acid-, heat- and dry-resistance. Thus, it can be used gious Disease (Executive Order 16961), an Enforcement for the prevention or treatment of infectious diseases caused ordinance of the Act on the Prevention of Contagious Disease by Salmonella Zyphimurium, Salmonella gallinarum or Sal (Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Order 179), and Organiza monella pullorum, including salmonellosis, Salmonella food tion of the National Institute of Health (Executive Order poisoning, Fowl typhoid or Pullorum disease, and also used 17164). Accordingly, there is a need for the development of for the control of Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella galli bacteriophages to control Salmonella. narum and Salmonella pullorum. DISCLOSURE DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS Technical Problem FIG. 1 is an electron microscopy photograph of (IJCJ2, in In order to solve the problems including antibiotic resis which CI>CJ2 belongs to the morphotype of the family tance due to the misuse and overuse of antibiotics, harmful Siphoviridae, characterized by isometric capsid and long effects of residual antibiotics in foods, and the problems non-contractile tail; generated by the use of broad spectrum antibiotics, the FIG. 2 is the result of SDS-PAGE of the isolated bacte present inventors isolated from natural sources a novel Sal riophage CDC] 2, in which protein patterns of the bacterioph monella bacteriophage having a speci?c bactericidal activity against Salmonella which causes major diseases in livestock, age are shown, including a major protein of approximately 40 and identi?ed its morphological, biochemical, and genetic 20 kDa and other proteins of approximately 65 kDa, 17 kDa, and properties. The present inventors found that the bacterioph 15 kDa (See-blue plus 2 prestained-standard (Invitrogen) age has a speci?c bactericidal activity against Salmonella used as marker); Zyphimurium (ST), Salmonella gallinarum (SG) and Salmo FIG. 3 is the result of PFGE of the isolated bacteriophage nellapullorum (SP) without affecting bene?cial bacteria, and (IJCJ2, showing the total genome size of approximately 43 excellent acid-, heat- and dry-resistance, and thus can be 25 kbp (5 kbp DNA size standard (Bio-rad) as size marker); applied to the compositions that can be used for the preven FIG. 4 is the result of PCR, performed using each primer tion or treatment of livestock salmonellosis caused by Salmo set of CI>CJ2 genomic DNA, in which (A; PCR ampli?cation nella lyphimurium, Salmonella food poisoning caused by using primer set of SEQ ID NOs. 4 and 5, B; PCR ampli?ca contaminated livestock products, and infectious diseases tion using primer set of SEQ ID NOs. 6 and 7, C; PCR caused by Salmonella gallinarum or Salmonellapullorum, in ampli?cation using primer set of SEQ ID NOs. 8 and 9) each particular, Fowl typhoid or Pullorum disease, and to various of A, B, and C lanes shows a PCR product of approximately products to control Salmonella, such as animal feed additive 1 kbp; and drinking water for livestock, barn sanitizers, and cleaners for meat products, thereby completing the present invention. FIG. 5 is the result of acid-resistance test on the bacterioph age CDC] 2, showing the number of surviving bacteriophage at Technical Solution 35 pH 2.1, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 5.5, 6.4, 6.9, 7.4, 8.0, and 9.0, in which the bacteriophage CI>CJ2 retains its infectivity to pH It is an object of the present invention to provide a novel 2.5, but entirely loses its infectivity at pH 2.1, as compared to bacteriophage having a bactericidal activity against Salmo control; nella Zyphimurium, Salmonella gallinarum or Salmonella FIG. 6 is the result of heat-resistance test on the bacterioph pullorum. 40 age CDC] 2, showing the number of surviving bacteriophage at It is another object of the present invention to provide a 37, 45, 53, 60, 70, and 80° C. and a time point of0, 10, 30, 60, composition for the prevention or treatment of infectious 120 min, in which the bacteriophage CI>CJ2 retains its infec diseases caused by Salmonella lyphimurium, Salmonella tivity even after incubation at 60° C. for 2 hrs, but entirely gallinarum or Salmonella pullorum, comprising the bacte loses its infectivity after incubation at 70° C. for 10 min; riophage as an active ingredient, in particular, a composition 45 FIG. 7 is the result of dry-resistance test on the bacterioph for the prevention or treatment of the infectious diseases age (IDCJ2, performed at 60° C. for 120 min using a speed which is used as an antibiotic. vacuum dryer (SVD), in which changes in viral titers before It is still another object of the present invention to provide and after drying were compared to examine the relative sta an animal feed and drinking water, comprising the bacte bility, and the phage’ s infectivity was shown not to decrease; riophage as an active ingredient. It is still another object of the present invention to provide 50 FIG. 8 is the result of single dose oral toxicity study of CDC] 2 in rats, showing changes in body weight (0; male a sanitizer and cleaner, comprising the bacteriophage as an active ingredient. control group treated with the mixed solution of 20 mM It is still another object of the present invention to provide Tris-HCl and 2 mM MgC12, O; male test group treated with a method for preventing or treating livestock salmonellosis 1><1012 pfu of (IJCJ2, B; female control group treated with the caused by Salmonella lyphimurium or Salmonella food poi 55 mixed solution of 20 mM Tris-HCl and 2 mM MgC12, I; soning caused by contaminated livestock products, using the female test group treated with 1><1012 pfu of CDC] 2), in which composition that comprises the bacteriophage as an active no signi?cant changes in body weight were observed even ingredient. after 14 days; and It is still another object of the present invention to provide FIG. 9 is the result of single dose intravenous toxicity study a method for preventing or treating infectious diseases, Fowl 60 of CI>CJ2 in rats, showing changes in body weight (0; male Typhoid or Pullorum disease caused by Salmonella galli control group treated with the mixed solution of 20 mM narum and Salmonella pullorum. Tris-HCl and 2 mM MgC12, O; male test group treated with 1><1012 pfu of (IJCJ2, B; female control group treated with the Advantageous Effect mixed solution of 20 mM Tris-HCl and 2 mM MgC12, I; 65 female test group treated with 1><1012 pfu of CDC] 2), in which The novel bacteriophage of the present invention has a no signi?cant changes in body weight were observed even speci?c bactericidal activity against Salmonella lyphimu after 14 days. US 8,771,936 B2 7 8 FIG. 10 is the results of comparing efficacy of CI>CJ2 on In accordance with the speci?c Example of the present survival rate of SG challenged and contact chickens. Six invention, the present inventors collected sewage samples at week-old chickens, each challenged with 5><108 CFUs of SG, chicken slaughterhouses to isolate bacteriophages that lyse cohabited with contact chickens treated with 106 PFU/kg of the host cell ST, and they con?rmed that the bacteriophages CI>CJ2 prepared in feed additives for 7 days before, and 21 are able to lyse SG and SP, speci?cally (Table 1). Further, they days after challenge with SG. Mortality was observed for 3 examined the bacteriophage (CIJCJ2) under electron micro week after challenge. Asterisk (*) indicates signi?cant differ scope, and found that it belongs to the morphotype of the family Siphoviridae (FIG. 1). ence (P<0.05) between (IJCJ2-treated and untreated contact Further, the protein patterns of the bacteriophage (CIDCJ2 chickens. were also analyzed, revealing a major structural protein with a size of approximately 40 kDa (FIG. 2). BEST MODE Furthermore, the total genome size of the bacteriophage CDC] 2 was also analyzed, revealing that it has a total genome In accordance with an aspect, the present invention relates size of approximately 43 kbp (FIG. 3). The results of analyz to a novel bacteriophage having a speci?c bactericidal activ ing its genetic features showed that the bacteriophage ity against Salmonella Zyphimurium, Salmonella gallinarum includes nucleic acid sequences represented by SEQ ID NOs. or Salmonella pullorum. l to 3 within the total genome (Example 6). Based on these The bacteriophage of the present invention belongs to the results, genetic similarity with other species was compared. It morphotype of the family Siphoviridae, characterized by iso was found that the bacteriophage showed very low genetic metric capsid and long non-contractile tail, and has a total 20 similarity with the known bacteriophages, indicating that the genome size of 43 kbp and a major structural protein with a bacteriophage is a novel bacteriophage (Table 2). More par size of 40 kDa. ticularly, the (IJCJ2-speci?c primer set, in particular, SEQ ID Speci?cally, the bacteriophage of the present invention has NOs. 4 and 5, SEQ ID NOs. 6 and 7, and SEQ ID NOs. 8 and the capability of selectively infecting Salmonella lyphimu 9, was used to perform PCR. Each PCR product was found to rium, Salmonella gallinarum and Salmonella pullorum, 25 have a size of approximately 1 kbp (FIG. 4). namely, species speci?city. Further, when SG and SP were infected with (IJCJ2, the The bacteriophage of the present invention genetically has phage plaques (clear zone on soft agar created by host cell a total genome size of 43 kbp, and may include one or more lysis of one bacteriophage) showed the same size and turbid nucleic acid molecules selected from the group consisting of ity. SEQ ID NOs. l, 2, and 3 within the entire genome, preferably 30 Furthermore, the stability of CI>CJ2 was examined under nucleic acid molecules represented by SEQ ID NOs. l to 3 various temperature and pH conditions, revealing that CI>CJ2 within the entire genome. stably maintains its infectivity in a wide range of pH environ When the bacteriophage of the present invention is sub ments from pH 2.5 to pH 9.0 (FIG. 5) and in a high tempera jected to PCR using one or more primer sets selected from the ture environment from 370 C. to 600 C. (FIG. 6), and even group consisting ofSEQ ID NOs. 4 and 5, SEQ ID NOs. 6 and 35 after high-temperature drying at 600 C. for 120 minutes (FIG. 7, and SEQ ID NOs. 8 and 9, each PCR product has a size of 7). These results indicate that the bacteriophage CI>CJ2 of the approximately 1 kbp. Preferably, when PCR is performed present invention can be readily applied to various products using all of the primer sets, each PCR product has a size of for the control of Salmonella. approximately 1 kbp. In accordance with another aspect, the present invention As used herein, the term “nucleic acid molecule” encom 40 relates to a composition for the prevention or treatment of passes DNA (gDNA and cDNA) and RNA molecules, and the infectious diseases caused by one or more selected from the term nucleotide, as the basic structural unit of nucleic acids, group consisting of Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella encompasses natural nucleotides and sugar or base-modi?ed gallinarum and Salmonella pullorum, comprising the bacte analogues thereof. riophage as an active ingredient. The genome of the bacteriophage of the present invention 45 In one preferred embodiment, the therapeutic composition encodes a major structural protein with a size of 40 kDa. may include an antibiotic. Further, the bacteriophage of the present invention has the The bacteriophage of the present invention has a speci?c biochemical properties of acid- and heat-resistance, in which bactericidal activity against Salmonella lyphimurium, Salmo it can stably retain its infectivity in a wide range of pH nella gallinarum and Salmonella pullorum, and thus can be environments from pH 2.5 to pH 9.0, and in a high tempera 50 used for the purpose of preventing or treating diseases that are ture environment from 37° C. to 60° C. In addition, the caused by these bacteria. Preferably, examples of the diseases bacteriophage of the present invention has dry-resistance to caused by Salmonella typhimurium may include salmonello stably maintain its infectivity even after high-temperature sis or Salmonella food poisoning, examples of the diseases drying. Such properties of acid-, heat-, and drying-resistance caused by Salmonella gallinarum may include Fowl typhoid, allow application of the bacteriophage of the present inven 55 and examples of the diseases caused by Salmonella pullorum tion under various temperature and pH conditions upon the may include Pullorum disease, but are not limited thereto. production of prophylactic or therapeutic compositions for As used herein, the term “salmonellosis” refers to symp livestock diseases caused by ST, SG and SP or human dis toms caused by Salmonella infection, including fever, head eases caused by the contaminated livestock. ache, diarrhea, and vomiting, namely, diseases caused by The present inventors collected sewage samples at chicken 60 bacteria of the genus Salmonella, which is de?ned two clini slaughterhouses, and isolated therefrom the bacteriophage of cal formsian acute septicemic form that resembles typhoid the present invention having a speci?c bactericidal activity fever and an acute gastroenteritis, including enteritis, food against ST, SG and SP and the above characteristics, which poisoning, and acute septicemia. was designated as Bacteriophage CI>CJ2 and deposited at the As used herein, the term “prevention” means all of the Korean Culture Center of Microorganisms (361-221, Honje 65 actions in which the disease is restrained or retarded by the l, Sudaemun, Seoul) on Dec. 17, 2008 under accession num administration of the composition. As used herein, the term ber KCCM10976P. “treatment” means all of the actions in which the disease has