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Bäcklund Transformations, the Inverse Scattering Method, Solitons, and Their Applications: NSF Research Workshop on Contact Transformations PDF

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Preview Bäcklund Transformations, the Inverse Scattering Method, Solitons, and Their Applications: NSF Research Workshop on Contact Transformations

Lecture Notes in Mathematics Edited by A. Dold and B. Eckmann 515 B~cklund Transformations, the Inverse Scattering Method, Solitons, and Their Applications NSF Research Workshop on Contact Transformations Edited by R. M. Miura Springer-Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg �9N ew York 1976 Editor Robert M. Miura Vanderbilt University Department of Mathematics Nashville, Tennessee 37235/USA Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data NSF Research Workshop on Contact Transformationsy Vanderhilt University, !97~. B~cklund transformations. (Lecture notes in mathematics ; 515) i~ Contact transformations--Congresses~ I. Miura, Robert M., 1938- II. United States. National Science Foundation. III. Title. IV. Series: Lecture notes in math~atics (Berlin) ; 515. QA3.L28 no. 515 rOA385~ ~.lO'.r E53}~.723~ 76-10225 AMS Subject Cl,~ssifications (i 970): 34-02, 34 B 25, 34 J 10, 35-02, 35 A 25, 35 B10,35C05,35 F25,35G 2t~,42A 76,49G 99,58A15, 70 H 15, 76 B 25, 78 A40, 81 A45 ISBN 3-540-07687-5 Springer-Verlag Berlin �9H eidelberg �9N ew York ISBN 0-387-07687-5 Springer-Verlag New York �9H eidelberg �9B erlin This work Js subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, m-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photo- copying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under w 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to the publisher, the amount of the fee to be determined by agreement with the 'publisher. �9 by Springer-Verlag Berlin �9H eidelberg 1976 Printed in Germany Printing and binding: Beltz, Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. PREFACE An '~NSF Research Workshop on Contact Transformations" was held at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee on September 27-29, 1974. The main emphasis of the Workshop was on B~cklund transformations, the inverse- scattering method, and solltons and how these topics could be applied to the study of various nonlinear partial differential equations of physical interest. These research areas have developed rapidly over the past five years and one of the purposes of this Workshop was to bring together some of the most active researchers to disseminate their results and ideas as well as to find areas of tom=non interest and overlap. The participants (see the participants list on page V) included engineers, physicists, and mathematicians with interests in nonlinear partial differential equations. There were 22 researchers from the United States, two from Canada~ and one from Japan. The Workshop program contained both expository and technical talks and there were numerous informal discussions. This collection of papers represents expanded versions of most of these talks and include many additional details and results not presented at the Workshop. (The paper by Alan C. Newell, who was unable to attend due to the imminent arrival of a new member to his family, was presented for him by the Editor.) I am particularly pleased to thank the authors of these papers for the their hard work and cooperation in preparing the manuscripts and for their gener- ous patience in waiting for this collection to appear. I also wish to thank the National Science Foundation for financial support of this Workshop under NSF Grant MPS 74-21147. Thanks are also due to Cariene Mathis for her excellent typing of the photo-ready copy of the manuscript. Finally, I wish to extend my appreciation to Gerald B. Whitham of Cal Tech and Walter Kaufmann-Buhler of Springer-Verlag for their interest in getting these Proceedings in print. Robert M. Miura Vancouver, B.C., Canada December 1975 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page i. Robert M. Miura INTRODUCTION .............. 1 2. Karl E. Lonngren EXPERIMENTS ON SOLITARY WAVES ..... 12 3. Flora Ying Fun Chu STIMULATED RAMAN AND BRILLOUIN SCATTERING AND THE INVERSE METHOD ......... 25 4. Ryogo Hirota DIRECT METHOD OF FINDING EXACT SOLUTIONS OF NONLINEAR EVOLUTION EQUATIONS .... 40 5. George L. Lamb, Jr. BACKLUND TRANSFORMATIONS AT THE TURN OF THE CENTURY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 6. Alwyn C. Scott THE APPLICATION OF BACKLUND TRANSFORMS TO PHYSICAL PROBLEMS .......... 80 7. Colin Rogers ON APPLICATIONS OF GENERALIZED BACKLUND TRANSFORMATIONS TO CONTINULrMMECHANICS . 106 8. Frank B. Estabrook SOME OLD AND NEW TECHNIQUES FOR THE PRACTICAL USE OF EXTERIOR DIFFERENTIAL FORMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 9. Hugo D. Wahlquist BACKLUND TRANSFORMATION OF POTENTIALS OF THE KORTEWEG-DEVRIES EQUATION AND THE INTERACTION OF SOLITONS WITH CNOIDAL WAVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 10. James P. Corones PSEUDOPOTENTIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. 184 Frank J. Testa ii. Hanno Rund VARIATIONAL PROBLEMS AND BACKLUND TRANS- FORMATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE SINE-GORDON AND KORTEWEG-DEVRIES EQUATIONS AND THEIR EXTENSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 12. Alan C. Newell THE INTERRELATION BETWEEN B~CKLUND TRANS- FORMATIONS AND THE INVERSE SCATTERING TRANSFORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 13. Hsing-Hen Chen RELATION BETWEEN BXCKLUND TRANSFORMATIONS AND INVERSE SCATTERING PROBLEMS .... 241 14. Hermann Flaschka SOME cOMMENTS ON B~.CKLUND TRANSFORMATIONS, David W. McLaughlin CANONICAL TRANSFORMATIONS, AND THE INVERSE SCATTERING METHOD ....... 253 RESEARCH WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS BERRYMAN, JAMES G. HIROTA, RYOGO Mathematics Research Center Department of Mathematics and Physics University of Wisconsin Ritsumeikan University Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Kitamachi 28-1, Tooji-in Kita-ku, Kyoto CHEN, HSING-HEN 603 Japan Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Maryland KAUP, DAVID J. College Park, Maryland 20742 Department of Mathemtics Clarkson College of Technology CHU, FLORA YING FUN Potsdam, New York 13676 Department of Electrical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology LAMB, GEORGE L. JR. Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Department of Mathematics University of Arizona CONLEY, CHARLES C. Tucson, Arizona 85721 Department of Mathematics University of Wisconsin LONNGREN, KARL E. Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Department of Electrical Engineering University of Iowa COPE, DAVIS Iowa City, Iowa 52242 Department of Mathematics Vanderbilt University MCLAUGHLIN, DAVID W.~ Nashville, Tennessee 37235 Department of Mathematics University of Arizona CORONES, JAMES Tucson, Arizona 85721 Department of Mathematics Iowa State University MIURA, ROBERT M. Ames, Iowa 50010 Department of Mathematics Vanderbilt University ESTABROOK, FRANK B. Nashville, Tennessee 37235 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology RANGER, KEITH 4800 Oak Grove Drive Department of Mathematics Pasadena, California 91103 University of Toronto Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada FARRINGTON, TED Department of Mathematics ROGERS, COLIN Clarkson College of Technology Department of Mathematics Potsdam, New York 13676 University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada FLASCHKA, HERMANN Department of Mathematics RUND, HANNO University of Arizona Department of Mathematics Tucson, Arizona 85721 University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721 GERBER, PORTER DEAN IBM Corporation SCOTT, ALWYN C. Thomas J. Watson Research Center Department of Electrical Engineering P.O. Box 218 University of Wisconsin Yorktown Heights, New York 10598 Madison, Wisconsin 53706 GREENE, JOHN M. SEGUR, HARVEY Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Department of Mathematics P.O. Box 451 Clarkson College of Technology Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Potsdam, New York 13676 Vlll TAPPERT, FREDERICK Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences 251 Mercer Street New York, New York 10012 VARLEY, ERIC Center for the Application of Mathematics 4 W. 4th Street Lehigh University Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015 WAHLQUIST, HUGO D. Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, California 91103 ZABUSKY, NORMAN J. Department of Mathematics University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 INTRODUCTION* t Robert M. Y~lura Department of Mathematics Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee 37235 The study of nonlinear partial differential equations has had a sporadic history up through the present time. In spite of the fact that physical phenomena are crying out for the solution of the underlying nonlinear model equations, few general methods of solution have been devised. Nonlinear partial differential equations e~hibiting wave phenomena can essentially be classified as hyperbolic or dispersive (see Whitham 5). Whereas the theory of hyperbolic partial differ- ential equations is fairly well developed, the theory of nonlinear dispersive wave equations is not well developed. Prototypes of dispersive equations are the Korteweg-deVries (KdV) equation, the modified Korteweg-deVries (MKdV) equation, the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, and the sine-Gordon equation. The applications which traditionally received the most attention were in fluid dynamics. Recently, however, applications of model equations to non- linear phenomena in other disciplines are receiving more attention and there is a definite need for more general solution techniques. Some of the applications are to water waves, crystal optics~ quantum mechanics, lattice dynamics, active trans- mission lines~ various areas of continuum mechanics, and nerve pulse propagation. Theoretical progress on these model equations has depended mainly on how rapidly one can generate numerical and approximate solutions which sample as much of the corresponding parameter spaces as possible. For the most part~ numerical solutions are a ~oor means of sampling parameter spaces to extract the L qualitative behavior of solutions and, in general, the accuracy of approximate solutions depends on the parameters having small or large values. Furthermore, *Supported in part by the National Science Foundation under NSF Grant GP-34319. tOn leave at the Departmen~ of Mathematics, University of British Columbia~ Vancouver~ B.C.~ Canada, V6T 1W5. aside from linearlzations, results have been obtained primarily from "nonlinear perturbation theory." Some of the techniques described in the papers in this collection do not have these limitations but are limited in other waysj e.g. to the types of equations to which they can be applied. In initial studies of model equations, one looks for special solutions and nonlinear dispersive wave equations are no exceptions. HoweverD here the solutions which consist of steady progressing waves play a special role in the general solutions to the initlal-value problems. The solitary wave solutions for these particular equations manifest themselves as "solitons." A solitary wave solution is characterized by being a localized wave pulse which does not change its shape as it moves at constant speed. We include in such a classification, functions which go from one constant value as x § - ~ to another constant value as x § =, but with derivative which is a localized wave pulse. Now at some initial tlme~ consider the superposition of two such solutions with the pulses well separated and each with a different wave speed. The pulses are placed relative to each other such that as t § ~ they will run into each other. They are called solitons if after the nonlinear interaction they emerge unchanged in wave shapej but can possibly be shifted in position from where they would have been had no interaction occurred. For general initial condltionsj as t § ~ the solltons emerge as distinct entities and form an integral part of the solu- tions. In the last i0 years, a number of these nonlinear partial differential equations have been solved by application of an "inverse scattering method." To describe this method in outline, consider a given nonlinear partial differential equation in one space dimension with specified initial data. (A detailed devel- opment of this method as applied to the KdV equation is presented in 2.) The inverse scattering method consists of first finding an appropriate associated linear scattering problem (in one space dimension) in which the unknown solution of the given differential equation appears as a potential and the time occurs as a parameter. Then the objective is to construct the potential from the "scattering data." To bring in the time evolution, one uses the specified initial data to determine the scattering data at the initial time and then linear evolu- tion equations for the scattering data are used to determine the scattering data at later times from which the "potential" (solution of the given problem) is determined. It is now clear that in the study of nonlinear dispersive wave equations, two important research problems are to find soliton solutions and an inverse scattering method. The Backlund transformation (BT) is a possible solution to each of these problems. However, it remains to determine if the problem of finding a BT is not as difficult as these original problems. There is no generally accepted definition of a BT. To describe it in some limited cases, consider a second-order partial differential equation. The BT consists of a pair of first-order partial differential equations relating a solution of the given second'order equation to another solution of the same equa- tion or to a solution of another equation. In the pair of first-order equations, one involves only x-derivative terms and the other involves only t-derivatlve terms. Although, in general, solution of these first-order equations is also difficult, the Theorem of Permutability provides a method for obtaining new solu- tions from known solutions without the use of quadratures. As already mentioned, these areas of research have i~portant applica- tions and this collection contains basic expository and research papers which form an introduction to these subjects and carry the reader to the frontiers of research. The references cited form an important part of the papers and collec- tively represent most of what has been written on these subjects. Whitham 5 gives an excellent introduction to the field of nonlinear wave propagation. Other expository and research papers are collected together in Leibovich and Seebass i, M~ser 3, and Newell 4. Forthcoming is a collection of papers on the theory and applications of solitons 6. The papers collected here deal mainly with three topics: i) Backlund transformations, ii) the inverse scattering method, and iii) solitons. The papers range in content from experiments on nonlinear dispersive transmission lines to the use of exterior differential forms. Ironically, this collection appears exactly I00 years after Backlund's flrs~ paper on his transformation theory which appeared in 1875. We now briefly outline the contents of the papers to help guide the reader. With the exception of the first three papers by Lonngren, Chu, and Hirota and the last paper coauthored by Flaschka and McLaughlln, the papers are collected in the order in which they were presented at the Workshop. The first two papers by Lonngren and Chu treat experimental situations, a nonlinear dispersive transmission llne and stimulated Raman and Brillouin scattering, respectively~ in which soliton phenomena are observed. Beginning with a discrete nonlinear transmission llne, Lonngren derives the model equations and finds solitary wave solutions obtainable in the experiments. Soliton behavior has been observed but the analytical work remains incomplete. On the other hand, Chu derives both the model equations and the equa- tions for the inverse scattering method and finds the soliton solutions. However~ direct comparison with the experimental situation is not possible because of the coordinates chosen and the unrealistic initial conditions used. It is an open problem to modify these results to correctly take these into account. Hirota has many contributions to this area and he presents here a direct method for finding exact solutions of a number of different nonlinear evolution equations. His procedure is to replace the dependent variable(s) by a ratio of functions which satisfy coupled bilinear differential equations. (This is remi- niscent of the use of Pad~ approxlmants.) The form of the equations is simplified by introducing new operators, ~/~t -~ ~/~t - ~/~t', ~/~x + ~/Sx - ~/~x', in an extended space of four variables, letting the dependent variables depend on these extended variables in the differential equation, and then restricting x - x', t = t'. The method then is to expand the numerator and denominator in the ratio as series in a parameter e and to evaluate the coefficients by the usual pertur ~ bation series method. For the case of solitons, these series reduce to finite sums and give explicit formulas for the solutions. Some of the equations for which soliton solutions are obtained include the modified Korteweg-deVries equa- tion, the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, the two-dlmensional Korteweg-deVries

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