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HOX LIBRARY DU' NA TGRADUATE SCHOOL ; MC '• Y CA 93943-5101 Approved forpublic release; distribution is unlimited Back to the Future: The Role of the Founding Fathers in Shaping the New World Order by Brendan JamesMcCall Lieutenant, UnitedStates Navy BA, Marquette University, 1985 MarkHenry Werner Lieutenant, United States Navy BS, Nebraska Wesleyan University, 1984 MBA, National University, 1991 Submitted in partial fulfillment ofthe requirements for thedegree of MASTER OFARTS IN NATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS From the NAVALPOSTGRADUATE SCHOOL June 1992 n UNCLASSIFIED CUr YCLA^IHCA IONOF H SMAtib II I I I REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE FormApproved OMBNo. 07044188 HEPOTT1 SbCUHIIVCLA^IHCAIION lb. ReSIHICIIVfc MARKINGS UNCLASSIFIED — 1 SECURITYCLASSIFICATIONAUTHORITY DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITYOF REPORT Approved for public release; distribution is DECLA55IFICATION/DOWN5RADINGSCHEDULE unlimited. PERFORMINGORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBeR(S) 5 MONIIOHING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) NAMEOF PERFORMINGOHGANI2AIION 6b. OFFICESYMBOL 7a NAMEOF MONITORINGORGANIZATION (Ifapplicable) Naval Postgraduate School Naval Postgraduate School NS ADDRESS(City, State,andZIPCode) 7b. ADDRESS(City, State,andZIPCode) Monterey, CA 93943 —Monterey, CA 93943-5006 1 NAME 01-"FftUNDING/SPONSORING 5b. OFFICESYMBOL PKOCUHbMtNl INSlHUMbNT IDENTIFICATION NUMULH ORGANIZATION (Ifapplicable) Naval Postgraduate School ADDRESS(City, State,andZIPCode) 10. SOURCEOF FUNDING NUMBERS Monterey, CA 93943 PROGRAM PROJECT TASK WORK UNIT ELEMENT NO. NO. NO. ACCESSION NO. Lb (IncludeSecurityClassification) 1B1a1 ck to theFuture: TheRole ofthe Founding Fathers in Shaping theNew World Order PERSONALAUTHOR(S) Brendan J. McCall and Mark H. Werner i. TYPEOFREPORT 13b.TIME COVERED 14. DATEOF REPORT (Year,monthday) 15. PAGE COUNT Master's thesis FROM TO June, 1992 145 SUPPLLMbNIARYNOIAIION le views expressed in this paper are those ofthe author and do not reflect the official policy orposition ofthe apartment ofDefense or the U.S. Government. COSATICODES T5! SUBJECTTERMS(Continueonreverseitnecessaryandidentifybyblocknumber) FIELD GROUP SUB-GROUP Planning; strategy; values; American values ABSTRACT(Continueonreverseifnecessaryandidentifybyblocknumber) At the close ofthe Cold War the United States faces the difficult task ofdefining what it stands for, what its ng-term goals are and the means it is willing to use to attain these goals. This thes—is investigates the role nerican core values played in the two historical operational codes ofthe United States nation building ofthe mnding Fathers, and the Cold War containment policy. It examines the relationship of paradigm change on lues, perceptions and policy. It attempts to develop case studies which exemplify that relationship, iditionally, a long-range planning model is presented for use in framing the debate on options presented for a w operational code. Finally, it goes on to suggest what part American values should play in the operational de the nation develops to shape the "New World Order." DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITYOFABSTRAC1 21. ABSTRACTSECURITY CLASSICIATION UNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED ]SAMEASRPT. ] DTIC USERS UNCLASSIFIED i NAMEOFRESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 22b. TELEPHONE(IncludeAreaCode) 2c. OFFICESYMBOL Teti (408) 646-2567 NS/Tt ) Form 1473, JUN 86 Previouseditionsareobsolete. SECURITYCLASSIFICATIONOFTHIS PAGE S/N 0102-LF-014-6603 UNCLASSIFIED ABSTRACT At the close of the Cold War the United States faces the difficult task of defining what it stands for, what its long-term goals are and the means it is willing to use to attain these goals. This thesis investigates the role American core values played in the two historical operational codes of the United — States nation building of the Founding Fathers, and the Cold War containment policy. It examines the relationship of paradigm change on values, perceptions and policy. It attempts to develop case studies which exemplify that relationship. Additionally, a long-range planning model is presented for use in framing the debate on options presented for a new operational code. Finally, it goes on to suggest what part American values should play in the operational code the nation develops to shape the New World Order. in TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 4 I. A. THESIS STATEMENT 4 OVERVIEW B. 4 C DEFINITION OF TERMS 6 THOMAS KUHN: THE STRUCTURE OF SCIENTIFIC II. REVOLUTIONS 9 A. NORMAL VS. REVOLUTIONARY SCIENCE 10 FUNCTIONS OF PARADIGMS B. 11 C THE FALL AND RISE OF PARADIGMS 12 RESULTS OF ADOPTING A NEW PARADIGM D. 13 E. VALUES IN SCIENCE 15 APPLICATION F. 16 THE NATURE OF AMERICAN VALUES III. 18 A. INHERITED VALUES 20 THE ENLIGHTENMENT AND AMERICAN VALUES B. 20 C THE INDIVIDUAL IN AMERICAN VALUES 22 D. THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPriY 24 E. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 29 IV. AMERICAN VALUES PARADIGM: THE VITAL BALANCE 32 A. THE FOUNDING FATHERS 32 B. THE OPERATIONAL CODE OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS 35 1. Washington's Farewell Address: Importance of Union 35 2. Neutrality and "No Entangling Alliances" 37 3. Cultivate Peace 39 C. THE OPERATIONAL CODE IN PRACTICE 40 1. Thomas Paine and Common Sense 40 IV DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA 93943-5101 2. Treaty of Alliance 1778 42 3. Peace Treaty of 1783 45 4. The Proclamation of Neutrality: 1793 47 5. Jay's Treaty 1794 49 6. Jefferson's Inaugural 52 7. The War of 1812: Mr. Madison's War 56 8. The Monroe Doctrine 59 TOWARD THE SECOND PARADIGM V. 63 VI. GEORGE F. KENNAN, CONTAINMENT: THE SECOND PARADIGM...66 A. KENNAN: VALUES, NATIONAL INTEREST & STRATEGY 67 B. SPECIFIC PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN STRATEGIC THOUGHT...73 KENNAN'S OPERATIONAL CODE: THE CONTAINMENT C. POLICY 77 VII. PAUL NITZE, NSC 68 AND AD HOC DECISION MAKING 80 A. AMERICAN VALUES 82 B. OBJECTIVES 82 OPERATIONAL CODE: STRIVING FOR A POSITION OF C. STRENGTH 85 RECOMMENDATIONS D. 85 COMPARISON: KENNAN'S OPERATIONAL CODE E. VS. NITZE'S 87 VIII. VIETNAM: NITZE'S CODE APPLIED 93 VIETNAM A. 94 1. Truman Administration: Supplying the French 94 2. Eisenhower and Dulles: The Start of Direct Intervention 97 a. Geneva Conference 99 b. Direct Intervention 100 3. Kennedy Administration: "Go anywhere, pay any price" 104 a. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 107 5. Nixon Administration: Peace With Honor? 109 LESSONS LEARNED? B. Ill IX. BUILDING A NEW PARADIGM FOR NATIONAL SECURITY 114 A. LIMITS OF SHORT RANGE PLANNING 115 PLANNING MODEL B. 116 C. UNCHANGING VALUES & CHANGING ENVIRONMENTS....117 X. KARL POPPER AND THE IMPORTANCE OF PROCESS 119 A. ASSUMPTIONS 120 B. JUDGING POLICY 121 THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND THE THIRD PARADIGM XI. 123 A. VALUES AND PLANNING 128 CONCLUSION B. 129 BIBLIOGRAPHY 132 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 137 VI

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