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Preview Back in Europe: Quamtana spiders (Araneae: Pholcidae) in Germany

5 Arachnologische Mitteilungen 50:51-56 Karlsruhe, November201 Back in Europe: Quamtana spiders (Araneae: Pholcidae) in Germany Bernhard A. Huber,Jonathan Neumann, Stefan Rehfeldt,ArnoGrabolle& Nils Reiser doi: 10.5431/aramit5007 Abstract.Two undescribed species ofthe African pholcid spider genus Quamtana have been found in German greenhouses and plant markets since 2012. Both species seem to haveestablished stable populations.This genus has not been previously recorded from Europe, exceptforafossil specimen in Eocene amberfrom the Paris Basin thatwastentativelyassignedtoQuamtanaandthatisestimatedtodatefrom53 millionyearsago.Sincetheactual geographic origins ofthe two species (probably South and/or tropical Africa) are unknown, we do not formally describethem. Keywords:Alien,greenhouse,introducedspecies,plantmarket Zusammenfassung.ZurückinEuropa:SpinnenderGattungQuamtana(Araneae:Pholcidae)inDeutschland. Zwei unbeschriebeneArtenderafrikanischenGattung Quamtanawurden seit2012 in deutschen Pflanzenmärkten und Gewächshäusern gefunden. BeideArten scheinen stabile Populationen etabliertzu haben.Abgesehenvonei- nerArtin Bernsteinausdem Eozändes PariserBeckens,die mitVorbehaltin dieGattung Quamtanagestelltwurde undderenAlterauf53MillionenJahregeschätztwird,istdieGattungbishernichtinEuropanachgewiesenworden. DadereigentlichegeographischeUrsprungderbeidenArten nichtbekanntist(vermutlichSüdafrikaund/oderAfri- kanischeTropenländer),werdensiehiernichtformal beschrieben. Spiders can reach new regions, countries, and con- Rwanda,Kenya,Tanzania,Angola;Huber2003,Hu- tinents in many ways. While some species expand ber 5cWarui 2012, Huber 5c Kwapong 2013, Hu- their areas ofdistribution naturally, most alien spe- ber et al. 2014). Recently, Penney (2007) described cies seem to have been introduced by human acti- a fossil specimen from Eocene amber from the Paris vities (Kobelt 5c Nentwig 2008). In recent years, Basin in France and tentatively assigned the species several findings ofnon-native spiders were reported to the genus Quamtana.This amber is estimated to in Germany (e.g., Kielhorn 5c Rödel 2011, Schäfer date from 53 millionyears ago,when the region may 5c Deepen-Wieczorek 2014, Sestäkovä et al. 2014, have had a climate similar to that in southern Africa Siihrig2010). Potted plants maybe amongthe most today (Nel et al.2004). important vectors. As a result, many new species In this short note we report on findings oftwo can be found in facilities displaying or selling exotic different species of Quamtana in German plant plants (Reiser2013). markets and greenhouses where they seem to have The pholcidspidergenus QuamtanaHuber,2003 established viable populations. Both species are un- currentlyincludes26describedextantspecies(World describedandwillnotbeformallydescribedherebe- Spider Catalog 2015). Most of these small to tiny cause their actual geographic origins are unknown. shrub and litter-dwelling species are found in South Many undescribed species of African Quamtana Africa,butafewspeciesoccurfurthernorthintropi- exist in collections (B.A. Huber unpubl. data) and calAfrica (Guinea, Cameroon, Congo DR,Uganda, the two German species reportedbelowmaywell be amongthem. BernhardA.HUBER,AlexanderKoenigResearchMuseumofZoology, Results JAodnenaatuhearnaNllEeUeM1A6N0,N,53H1a1r3roBsotnenig,G35e,rm12a5n2y4;BEe-rmlaiinl,:Gbe.rhmuabneyr;@zfmk.de Quamtanasp.A(Figs 1-2,6-16,21-22) E-mail:[email protected] Material examined. GERMANY, Hessen, Wit- StefanREHFELDT,Otto-Nagel-Straße27,12683Berlin,Germany; zenhausen, greenhouse for tropical economic plants E-mail:[email protected] ArnoGRABOLLE,AmHorn13b,99425Weimar,Germany; (UniversityofKassel) (51°20.67’N, 9°51.62’E’; -135 ENi-lmsaiRlE:IaSErRn,ogZireatbeonlslter@agßemx7.-9d,e10783Berlin,Germany; m a.s.l.), 29.03.2013 (S. Rehfeldt), lBl? in ZFMK E-mail:[email protected] (Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koe- submitted29.4.2015,accepted8.6.2015,online22.7.2015 nig; Ar 12707); same locality, 07.03.2015 (S. Reh- 52 B.A.Huber,J.Neumonn,S.Rehfeldt,A.Grobolle&N.Reiser and 139 in Huber 2003), but femur smaller relative to tibia and procursus andbulbal apophysis different (Figs 11-12,15-16). Natural history. The Witzenhausen specimens were collected in the humid leaf litter and under stones ofagreenhouse.The first specimenswere col- lected in 2013, and a further visit in 2015 (by SR) revealed numerous specimens (in addition to those collected),includingfemaleswith egg-sacs andjuve- niles.This suggests that this is an established popu- lation rather than continuous introductions. Tem- perature in the greenhouse is permanently above 22 °C and can reach up to 38 °C in summer. Plants are watered weekly and only biological pest con- trol is applied. Other than Quamtana sp. A, speci- mens of Stenochrus portoricensis Chamberlin, 1922 & (Schizomida: Hubbardiidae) (cf. Armas Rehfeldt 2015) and Triaeris stenaspis Simon, 1891 (Araneae: Oonopidae) (cf. Korenko et al. 2014) were found in the same microhabitat. TheJena specimenwas collected in the succulent house ofthe botanical garden,under stones ofa lin- ingwall alongthe path. 2F)i,gasn1d-5Q:uLaivmetsapneacispm.enB,smoaflQeuaonmdtafenmaalspe.wAi,tmhaslpeidferrolminJgesnfar(o1m- Quamtanasp.B (Figs 3-5, 17-18,23-24) Berlin(3-5)(Photos:A.Grabolleand B.A.Huber) Material examined. GERMANY, Berlin, Land- gard Berlin Buchholz (plant market) (52°36.81’N, m 13°26.39’E), 50 a.s.l., 05.01.2015 (N. Reiser, J. ZFMK ZFMK feldt), 2(539 in (Ar 12708).Thüringen,Jena, Neumann), 3(529 in (Ar 12704); same data m ZFMK Botanical Garden (50°55.9’N, 11°35.1’E; -170 but 16.03.2015, 1(519 in (Ar 12705). Gar- ZFMK a.s.l.), 06.02.2012 (A. Grabolle), 1(5 in (Ar tencenter Deutscher (plant market) (52°26.46’N, m 12709). 13°25.44’E), 50 a.s.l., 17.03.2015 (J. Neumann), ZFMK Preliminarydiagnosis.This species is most simi- lc349 in (Ar 12706). lar to the Ugandan Q. kabale Huber,2003 (procursus Preliminarydiagnosis.This species is verysimi- shape; female internal genitalia) but easily distin- lar to Q. mabusai Huber, 2003, but differs in shapes guished by presence of anterior median eyes (Figs of procursus (compare Figs 17 and 19) and bulbal 8-9); male eye triads noton shortstalks (Fig. 7); male apophysis (compare Figs 18 and20).Females maybe cheliceralapophyses andcorrespondingfemale epigy- indistinguishable. nalpockets fartherapart (Figs 10,21); male palpalfe- Preliminarydescription. Bodylength -1.5 mm; murvery small relative to tibia (Figs 11-12); sternum tibia 1 length in 5 males: 2.3-3.2 (mean 2.7), in 7 and medianband on carapace darker (Figs 6, 10). females: 1.8-2.1 (mean 1.9). Coloration mostly pale Preliminary description. Body length 1.2-1.5 ochre tolightbrown,withdistinctdarkmedianband mm; tibia 1 length in 4 males: 2.3,2.4,2.5,2.9; in 3 on carapace (Figs 3-5). Male chelicerae with pair of females: 1.7, 1.9, 1.9. Coloration mostly pale ochre, frontalapophyses asin Q. mabusai(cf.fig. 140inHu- with distinct dark median band on carapace (Figs 1-2, 6, 8, 13), with or without internal abdominal marks. Male chelicerae with pair offrontal apophy- Figs6-14right:Quamtanasp.AfromWitzenhausen.6-7.Male, ses very similar to Q. mabusai Huber, 2003 (cf. fig. dorsaland lateralviews;8-9.Maleandfemaleprosomata,fron- tal-dorsal and frontal views; 10. Male prosoma, ventral view; 140 in Huber 2003) and to Quamtana sp. B below. 11-12. Left male palp, prolateral and retrolateral views; 13-14. Malepalps ingeneralsimilarto Q. kabale(cf.figs 138 Female,dorsalandlateralviews(Photos:S.Rehfeldt) Quamtana(Pholcidae)inGermany 53 " i .*1 54 B.A.Huber,J.Neumann,5.Rehfeldt,A.Grabolle&N.Reiser 15 ..y.....j 16 Figs 15-20: Left procursi (retrolateral views) and left bulbal apophyses (prolateral views); 15-16. Quamtonasp.A; 17-18.Q. sp. B; 19-20.Q.mabusaiHuber,2003.ArrowsinFigs 17and 19pointtodistinctiveventralprocesses.Abbreviations:ba,bulbalapophysis; e,embolus;pbs,proximalbulbalsclerite.Scalelineforallimages:0.2mm Quamtana(Pholcidae)inGermany 55 Figs 21-24: Female abdo- mens, ventral views, and cleared female genitalia, dor- sal views. 21-22. Quamtana sp. A; 23-24. Q. sp. B. Arrows pointatepigynalpockets. ber2003).Malepalps alsoingeneralasin Q. mabusai References & (cf. figs 138 and 139 in Huber 2003), but procursus Armas LF de Rehfeldt S 2015 Stenochrusportoricensis, andbulbal apophysis different (Figs 17-18). Zomusbagnallii and a newgenus ofschizomids (Schi- Natural history. The specimens were found in zomida: Hubbardiidae)fromagreenhouseinFrankfurt am Main, Germany. - Arachnologische Mitteilungen the edges ofu-shaped iron-pillars and underthe lips 49:55-61 -doi: 10.543l/aramit4906 ofbig flower pots. These pots are apparently rarely Huber BA 2003 Southern African pholcid spiders: revi- moved so that there is a low frequency of distur- sion and cladistic analysis of Quamtana gen. nov. and bance.InMarch2015weobservedmanymore speci- Spermophora Hentz (Araneae: Pholcidae), with notes mens (> 20) thancollected.However,onlytwo males onmale-femalecovariation.-ZoologicalJournalofthe were found during that search. InJanuary as well as Linnean Society 139: 477-527 - doi: 10.1046/j.0024- 4082.2003.00082.x inMarch,severalfemaleswith eggsacs andjuveniles HuberBA8cKwapongP2013WestAfricanpholcid spi- were found.This suggests thatthe species reproduces ders: an overview,with descriptions offive newspecies in the locality. From the high number ofspecimens (Araneae,Pholcidae).-EuropeanJournalofTaxonomy seen and from thewide distribution over alarge area 59: 1-44-doi: 10.5852/ejt.2013.59 ofthe marketwe conclude that the species has been HuberBA,LeGallP8cMavoungouJF2014Pholcidspi- at the locality for several generations.The tempera- dersfromtheLowerGuineanregionofCentralAfrica: ture ofthe airandoftheironpillarswas about 16 °C, an overview, with descriptions ofseven new species (Araneae,Pholcidae).-EuropeanJournalofTaxonomy measuredwith an electric thermometer. 81: 1-46-doi: 10.5852/ejt.2014.81 Huber BA 8cWarui CM 2012 EastAfrican pholcid spi- Acknowledgements ders:anoverview,withdescriptionsofeightnewspecies We thank the staffofthe greenhouses and plant markets (Araneae,Pholcidae).-EuropeanJournalofTaxonomy visitedfortheirkindpermission andcooperation. 29: 1-44-doi: 10.5852/ejt.2012.29 56 B.A.Huber,J.Neumann,S.Rehfeldt,A.Grabolle&N.Reiser Kielhorn KH 8cRödel I 2011 Badumna longinqua nach Reiser N 2013 Einschleppung und Einwanderung von Europa eingeschleppt (Araneae: Desidae). — Arach- Spinnentieren (Araneae; Opiliones) in Deutschland. nologische Mitteilungen 42: 1-4 - doi: 10.5431/ Bachelor thesis, Neubrandenburg. - Internet: http:// aramMit4201 W digibib.hs-nb.de/resolve?id=dbhsnb_thesis_0000001034 Kobelt 8cNentwig 2008 Alien spiderintroductions (April 15,2015) to Europe supported by global trade. - Diversity and Schäfer M 8c Deepen-Wieczorek A 2014 Erstnachweis Distributions 14: 273-280 - doi: 10.1111/j.l472- derSpringspinneIciushamatus(Salticidae,Araneae)für 4642.2007.00426.x/ Deutschland. - Arachnologische Mitteilungen 47:49- Korenko S,Hamouzovä K8cPekär S 2014Trophic niche 50-doi: 10.5431/aramit4708 and predatory behavior ofthe goblin spider Triaeris Sestäkovä A, Cerneckä L, NeumannJ 8c Reiser N 2014 stenaspis (Oonopidae): a springtail specialist? -Journal First record ofthe exotic spitting spider Scytodesfusca ofArachnology42: 74-78-doi: 10.1636/HÜ2-90.1 (Araneae,Scytodidae)inCentralEuropefromGermany Nel A, Ploeg G de, Millet J, Menier J-J 8cWaller A and Slovakia.-Arachnologische Mitteilungen 47: 1-6 2004 French ambers: a general conspectus and the -doi: 10.543l/aramit4701 Lowermost Eocene amber deposit of Le Quesnoy Sührig A 2010 Cryptachaea blattea eine weitere nach , in the Paris Basin. - Geologica Acta 2: 3-8 — doi: DeutschlandeingeschleppteSpinnenart(Araneae:The- 10.1344/105.000001628 ridiidae).-ArachnologischeMitteilungen39: 1-4-doi: D Penney 2007The oldest pholcid and selenopid spiders 10.5431/aramit3901 (Araneae) in lowermost Eocene amber from the Paris World Spider Catalog2015 World spider catalog,version Basin,France.-Journal ofArachnology34: 592-598 - 16. Natural HistoryMuseum,Bern.- Internet: http:// doi: 10.1636/H05-61.1 wsc.nmbe.ch (April22,2015)

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