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Ba Gua Nei Gong Volume 1: Yin Yang Patting And Dao Yin Exercises PDF

92 Pages·2013·4.106 MB·English
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Preview Ba Gua Nei Gong Volume 1: Yin Yang Patting And Dao Yin Exercises

Ba GuNae iG ong YiYna nPga tting & DaoY iEnx ercises TOM BISIO Ba Gua NeiG ong Vol. 1 YinY ang Patting ����113fT and Dao YinE xercises lllJ I OutskiPrrtess Isn,c . DenveCro,l orado Theo pinioenxsp ressientd h imsa nuscriaprtes oletlhye o pinioonfst he authoarn dd on otr epresetnhteo pinioonrst houghotfst hep ublishTehre. authohra sr epresenatneddw arrantfeudl olw nershainpd /o rl egarli ght top ubliaslhtl h em ateriianlt sh ibso ok. BaG uaN eiG ongV o.ll:Y inY angP atti&n gD aoY inE xercises AllR ightRse served. Copyrigh2t0©1 4 byT om Bisivol .O Thibso okm ayn otb er eproducterda,n smitotres dt,o reidnw holeo ri n parbty a nym eansi,n cluding graphic,o rem leecchtarnoinciacl, without thee xprewsrsi ttceonn seonftt hep ublisher eixntc heecp ats oef b rief quotations embionc driietdi cal aanrdtr iecvlieesw s. OutskiPrrtess Isn,c . I I http:w ww .outskirtspress.com ISBN9:7 8-1-4327-9948-9 OutskirPtrse sasn dt he" OP"l ogoar et rademarbkesl ongitnoOg u tskirts PresIsn,c . PRINTEDI NT HE UNITEDS TATESO F A.�IERICA Acknowleedmgents Endlestsh anktso m y wifeV alerGihee ntf orb einmgy partneirnl ife, teachianngd l earniSnhge.h asc omew ithm e onm osto ft hem anyt riptso Chinaa ndh erz esfto rl ifceh,a rma nde nthusiaospme nd oorsa,n dk eep my spirfirto mf alteriVnagl.e rioen'gs oincgo llaborawtiitohnm e on booksp,h otovsi,d eoasn da rticalbeosu Bta G uaZ hangX,i ngY iQ uanN,e i Gonga ndD aoisptr actiicsie nsv aluabSlheet. o oks omeo ft hep icturfeosr thibso oka,s sistmeed i np roof-reaadnidni gn s om any smaldle tails. Valertihe,a nyko uf ory ourl ovaen ds upport. Thanktso a llt hes tudenattsN ew YorkI nternAarlt s( NYIAw)h o have painstakienngglayg ewdi tht hem ateritaalu ghbty myselafn dt heo ther NYIA instructTohresi.rf eedbacakn d dedicatihoans i nfluenctehde presentaatnidoc no nteonftt hibso oka ndt heo thebro okisn t heB aG ua N eiG ongs eries. To HuangG uo Qi,f orb einag w onderful farnidef nodrt ranslaatnidn g guidinmge througsho many triptso C hinao vert hel as2t0 years. Huang'tsr anslatoifdo oncsu menatnsd h isa bilittory e searacnhdf intdh e nejii a answertsoa rcanqeu estioonnNs e iG onga ndt he haveh elpemda ke thibso oka,n dm osto fm y previobuoso ksp,o ssibTlhea.n ky ouH uangf or alwaybse intgh eraen df ory oui ndefatigasbplier it. My thanktso F inbaMrc GrathA,d am WassermaTnh,a dW ong,M ichael MulligaMna,r cusD eGraziWae,s Taskearn d HowardM orhaimf or helpitnogm aket hesbeo okas r ealiFtiyn.b atro okm anyo ft hep hotoasn d helpewdi thp roof-reaAdlilno gft. h esgee ntlemeeint hperro ofredarda fts, gavef eedbaocrkc ontribuitnse odm ew ayt ot hep resentaotfit ohnib so ok and theo therisn theB a Gua Nei Gong serieWsi.t houtth em,t he publicatoifot nh eB a Gua NeiG ongs eriweosu ldh aveb eene xtremely difficult. My thankasl sot oM ohammed Sai'afho rh ish elpw ithb uildianngd managintgh eI nternAarlt I nternati(oInAaIwl)e bsitweh,e res omeo f thesew ritingwse re firsptr esentiend an articfloer matO.n going managemenotf a websities a difficaunldt o ftetnh anklejsosb b,u t Mohammedh asp rovetdo b ea stauncahn dl oyaflri endi nt hiasn ds o manyo thewra ys. Thisb ooki sd edicatteoZd h angH ua Sen Contents Introduction 1 BaG uaY inY angP attiNnegi G ong 5 BaG uaD aoY inL eadinGgu idinNge iG ong 37 Glossary 68 Introduction Thibso oki so neo fa serioefsb ookosn B aG uaN eiG ongE.m bedded withiBna GuaZ hangt,h em artiaalr ti,sa complestyes teomf i nternal exercistehsa tp romotes elf-heaalnidn gl ongeviatnyd transform consciousBnaeG susa.N eiG ongc onsiosftn si npeo werfaunld p rofound methodosf i nterenxaelr cainsdes elf-cultiovraN teiioG no ngA.l though thibso oki sm eantto b eu sedi nc onjunctwiiotnhi nstrucitniB oanG ua Zhango ri nc onjunctwiiotnha no nlinlee arninpgr ograimt,c a na lsboe useda nde mployaesda s tand-ailnosnter ucmtainouna l. Then inBea G uaN eiG ongm ethodcsu lminaitnte h eD aoismte ditation practiwcheisc uhn derltiheee ntisryes teTmh.e riess omeo verlbaept ween thed iffermeentth odFso.r e xamplDea,o ismte ditattieocnh niqfuoersm parotf t heQ iC ultivaNteiioG no nga,n dv ariomuest hodosfZ lzZmlzz uang (posstt andianrge)e mployeidns everoaflt hen inem ethodYse.t e ach methoda lsoh asi tso wn distinqcuta liotry f lavoarn,d f ocusoens developing different ianntdqe uranlailt iaebsi.l ities Then inBea G uaN eiG ongm ethodasr e: 1. BaG uaY inY angP attiNnegiG ong 2. BaG uaD aoY inL eadiGnugi dinNge iG ong 3. BaG uaQ iC ultivaNteiioG no nga ndF oundatiSotnaanld ing 4. BaG ua1 2P ostuSrtea ndiNnegiG ong 5. BaG uaJ iB enN eiG ong 6. BaG uaC ircWlael kinMge ridian OpNeeniiG nogn g 7. BaG uaT iaGna n( HeavenSltye mN)e iG ong 8. BaG uaM arroWwa shinNge iG ong 9. BaG uaG oldeFnl uiRde turnitnoDg a ntiaNne iG onga ndD aoist Meditation Althouigdhe alolnyec oulgdo t hroutghhe snei nmee thodisno rdears,a serioefss tageisnp, r acttihceet eachoefrt esne lectthset rainsienqgu ence thati sa pproprifaotree achi ndividuEavle.n w hen then me step progressiisof no llowetdh,ed uratisopne natt e achs tagwei llva ry accorditnog t hei ndividuAanld. t o be truthfouplp,o rtunaintdy circumstoafntcepenl aayr olien w heroen eb eginOsf.t eonn ei sp racticing severoaflt heN eiG ongm ethodast t hes amet imeo re veni na linked fashion. Thesnei nmee thodcsa nb ep ractiicnedde pendeansti lnyt erenxaelr cises ino rdetrop romothee alatnhd n ourilsihf Heo.w evetrh,e ayr eal sol inked directtolt yh em artimaelt hodosf B aG uaZ hanga ndt oD aoisitn ternal alchemipcraalc tiBcae sG.u a NeiG ongp rovidtehse k eyf oundational underpinnoifBn agG uas'm artimaelt hodastd ifferpehnats eosftr aining. Fore xamplteh,e f irssitx N eiG ongm ethodisn t hel isatb ovaec tually compritsheef oundatiloenvaelol ft hem artitarla inimnegt hoda,n dt he TiaGna n( HeavenSltye mN)e iG ongi su sualtlayu ghitnc onjuncwtiitohn LaoB aZ hang( OlEdi ghPta lmsw)hi,c hf ormtsh eh earotfB aG uaZ hang's changaensd t echniqTuheesN .e iG ongm ethodasl spor ovibdael anacned counterptooim natr tiparla ctbiych ea rmonizainndgq uietitnhgeb ody, andb yr eminditnhges tudetnote mploeym ptinesstsi,l lannedsi sn ternal connectriaotnh tehra mne relayg gresspihvyes icfaolr ce. Thec ompleBtae G uaN eiG ongm ethoids p resentientd h ef ollowing eighvto lumes: 1. BaG uaN eiG ongV ol1.:Y inY angP attianngdD aoY inE xercises 2. Ba Gua NeiG ongV ol.2: Qi CultivatEixoenr ciasnedsS tanding Meditation 3. BaG uaN eiG ongV ol3.:T welvPeo stuSrtea nding 4. BaG uaN eiG ong V4o:lF .o undatiBoondayTl r aining 5. BaG uaN eiG ongV ol5.:T iaGna nN eiG ong 2 6. BaG uaN eiG ongV ol6.:M arrowWa shinNge iG ong 7. Ba GuaC ircle WaNlekiiG nogn gT:l zMee ridian OpPeanlimnosgf B a GuaZ hang 8. DecodiTnhgeD aoN:i neL essoinnsD aoiMsetd itation Ba Gua YinY ang Pattgi nNeiG ong and Ba Gua Dao Yin Leadign Guidign NeiG ong YinY angP attiNnegiG onga ndD aoY inN eiG onga reu sualtlhyes tarting poinfto lr earnibnogtB ha G uaZ hanga ndf ort hep ractoifcN ee iG ongi n generTahle.p rimafruyn ctiooftn h eP attiNnegiG ongi st ob egitnoo pen them eridiabnyps attianngd s lappianlgo ntgh eitrr ajectTohriiises st .h e firsstte ipn u nblockainndgo penintgh eT welvPer imarMye ridiaannsd theE ighEtx traordi(nEaxrtyrC ah)a nnels. DaoY inN eiG ongi so ftepne rformiencd o njuncwtiiotnht heP attiNnegi Gongb ecautshee t wop ractihcaevsec omplimentaacrtyi oWnhsi.l teh e PattiNnegi G ongp rimaruinlbyl ocokpse,n asn dc ourstehsem eridians, DaoY inN eiG ongf ocusoensr egulattihneQg i D ynamiwch,i cihn t urn promotheesa latnhd p ropefru nctioonfit nhgeb odyI.n o rdetro p roperly traitnh eQ i Dynamict hem eridiamnuss tb e relativeolpye na nd unrestriocntceoedp ;e na ndu nrestricttheeqd i,m ustb er egulastoet dh at itsm ovementasn d actionasr es mootha nd harmoniouTsh.e se fundamenmteatlh odosf" openiunpg" a nd" regulatpianvget" h ew ayf or theo thetre chniqaunedms e thodtsh acto mel ater.

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