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Preview $B_s\to D_s K$ as a Probe of CPT Violation

SI-HEP-2012-16 B D K as a Probe of CPT Violation s s → Anirban Kundu,1 Soumitra Nandi,2 Sunando Kumar Patra,1 and Amarjit Soni3 1Department of Physics, University of Calcutta, 92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata 700009, India 2Theoretische Elementarteilchenphysik, Naturwissenschaftlich Technische Fakult¨at, Universita¨t Siegen, 57068 Siegen, Germany 3Physics Department, Theory Group, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA 2 (Dated: September28, 2012) 1 0 2 We discuss some possible signals of CPT violation in the Bs system that may be probed at the LargeHadronCollider (LHC).Weshowhowonecanconstructcombinationsofobservablescoming p e fromtaggedanduntaggeddecayratesofBs →Ds±K∓thatcanunambiguouslydifferentiatebetween S CPT violating and CPT conserving newphysics(NP) models contributingin Bs0−B¯s0 mixing. We choose this particular mode as an illustrative example for two reasons: (i) In the Standard Model, 6 2 thereisonlyonedecayamplitude,soitiseasiertountangleanynewphysics;(ii)Bs beinganeutral meson,itispossibletounambiguouslyidentifyanysignofCPTviolationthatoccursonlyinmixing ] but not in decay. We define an observable which is useful to extract the CPT violating parameter h p in Bs decay, and also discuss how far the results are applicable even if CPT violation is present in - both mixing and decay. p e h PACSnumbers: 11.30.Er,14.40.Nd [ Keywords: CPTviolation,Bs meson,LHCb 1 v 3 I. INTRODUCTION 6 0 6 The combineddiscrete symmetry CPT,takenin any order,is anexactsymmetry ofany axiomatic quantum . 9 fieldtheory(QFT).CPTconservationisindeedsupportedbytheexperiments;alltestsforCPTviolation(CPTV) 0 2 that have been done so far [1] have yielded null results, consistent with no CPTV, and very stringent limits on 1 CPTV parameters have been obtained [2] in different systems. The only possible exception is the apparent mass : v difference between the top quark and its antiparticle as obtained by the CDF collaborationin Fermilab [3]: i X r mt−mt¯=−3.3±1.7 GeV, (1) a but other experiments got results which are consistent with zero, and so is the world average[4]: mt mt¯=[ 0.44 0.46 (stat.) 0.27 (syst.)] GeV. (2) − − ± ± What,then, shouldbe the motivationtoinvestigatethe possibilityofCPTVparticularlyinthe Bsystem? There are three main reasons: Any symmetry which is supposed to be exact ought to be questioned. We may get a surprise, just like the • discovery of CP violation. CPTV may very well be flavor-sensitive, and so the constraints obtained from the K system [5] may not be applicable to the B systems. There is still the possibility of a sizable CPTV in the B systems. If there is some tension between the data and the Standard Model (SM) expectations, we should ask whether this is due to CPTV, or a more canonical CPT conserving new physics (NP). Fortheboundsystemslikemesons,asymptoticstates,whoseexistenceisaprerequisitefortheCPTtheorem, • are not uniquely defined [6]. Quarksand gluons are bound inside the hadrons and cannotbe considered, in a true sense, asymptotic states. 2 Some nonlocal and nonrenormalizable string-theoretic effects may appear at the Planck scale with a pos- • sible ramification at the weak scale through the effective Hamiltonian [7]. CPTV through such non-local interacting QFT does not necessarily lead to the violation of Lorentz symmetry [8]. Recently the issue of CPTV has received more attention due to the growing phenomenological importance of CPT violating scenarios in neutrino physics and in cosmology[9]. It is also necessaryto find some observables thatwillclearlydiscriminate CPTviolatingsignalsfromCPTconservingones. Acomprehensivestudy ofCPTV in the neutral K meson system, with a formulation that is closely analogous to that in the B system, may be found in [10]. CPTV in the B systems, and its possible signatures, have been already investigated by several authors [11, 12]. It was shown that the lifetime difference of the two mass eigenstates, or the direct CP asymmetries and semileptonic observables, may be affected by such new physics. The experimental limits are set by both BaBar, who looked for diurnal variations of CP-violating observables [13], and Belle, who looked for lifetime difference of B mass eigenstates [14]. This makes it worthwhile to look for possible CPTV effects in the B system (by B d s s we generically mean both B0 and B¯0 mesons). s s In this paper, we would like to investigate the signatures of CPT violation in the B system, both in s B0 B¯0 mixing and in B decays. As an illustrative example, we consider the nonleptonic B0(B¯0) D+K− s − s s s s → s and B0(B¯0) D−K+ decays. The B¯0 decays are mediated by color-allowed tree-level transitions b uc¯s and s s → s s → b cu¯s. These are single-amplitude processes in the SM, so that any non-trivial contribution beyond the SM → expectations, like direct CP asymmetry, is a clear signal of NP. This set of channels is also of interest as in the SM, both the amplitudes are of same order, (λ3) in the standard Wolfenstein parametrization of the CKM O matrix(sothatthe eventratesarecomparable),andsamefinalstatescanbe reachedbothfromB0 andB¯0. The s s importance of such modes to unveil any NP has already been emphasized; e.g., see [15–18]. The decay was first observed by the CDF and the Belle collaborations [19, 20], and recently the LHCb collaboration has measured the branching ratio to be [21] Br(B D∓K±)=(1.90 0.23) 10−4 (3) s → s ± × wheretheerrorshavebeenaddedinquadrature. Wealsonotethatflavor-specificNPinthesechannelsisrelatively unconstrained [22]. HerewedoamoregeneralanalysisconsideringboththeCPTviolatingandCPTconservingNPcontributions toB0 B¯0mixing. Weshowhowonecanconstructcombinationsofobservablescomingfromtaggedanduntagged s− s decay rates that can unambiguously differentiate between CPT violating and CPT conserving NP models. On the other hand, if there is some CPTV contribution only to B decays, it might be difficult to differentiate it s fromCPT conservingNP in this approach. We define anobservablewhich is useful to extractthe CPT violating parameter in decay. We will consider both these cases separately: first, when CPTV (or CPT conserving NP) is present only in the operators responsible for decay but not in those responsible for the mixing; and second, when the same is present also in the B0 B¯0 mixing amplitude. As we will show explicitly, the extraction of CPTV in mixing is s − s independent of the CPTV in decay and any other CPT conserving NP either in decay or mixing. ThefirstpossibilityofNP(including CPTviolation)onlyindecaycanariseiftheNP operatorsarestrongly flavor-dependent, like those in R-parity violating supersymmetry, or leptoquark models. As we are considering final states that can be accessed both from B0 and B¯0, any such NP will necessarily contribute in B0 B¯0 s s s − s mixing, in particular to its absorptive part, and will change the decay width difference ∆Γ . Apart from the s short-distance contributions to the absorptive part, there can be non-negligible long-distance effects too, coming from mesonic intermediate states [23]. However, the accuracy of the present data on ∆Γ , the lifetime difference s oftwoB masseigenstates,isrelativelyweak. Themostaccurateresultcomesfromthe LHCbcollaboration[24]: s ∆Γ /Γ = 0.176 0.028. Even the SM prediction [25] has a large uncertainty. Thus, as a first approximation, s s ± one can consider such NP effects only in decay and not in mixing, where it is in all probability subleading. 3 For the second case, one can construct several observables from the time-dependent tagged and untagged decay rates, and some of them are identically zero if there is no CPTV in mixing, irrespective of whether there is any CPTV in decay, or some CPT conserving NP. The Belle Collaboration [14] places limits on the CPTV parameters in mixing, but no such limits exist for CPTVindecay. Also,theBelle limits arevalidforthe B system,butonecanexpectsimilarnumbersforthe B d s system too, even if CPTV is flavor-dependent. Like the experimental tests on CP-violation, various independent cross-checksonCPTVarealsoessential. Needlesstosay,onecanplaythesamegamewithdecayslikeB D0φ s → and B D¯0φ, and can form more observables (although not independent of the original ones) out of the s → CP-eigenstates of D0 and D¯0 in the final state. Thepaperisarrangedasfollows. Inthenextsection,weoutlinethenecessaryformalismforCPTVindecay, vis-a-vis that for the SM as well as CPT conserving NP. We also construct observables that may indicate the presence of CPT violation (or any NP in general). In Section III, we do the same for CPT violation in B0 B¯0 s − s mixing,includingtheconstructionofobservablesthatcandifferentiateCPTVandCPTconservingNP.InSection IV, we summarize and conclude. II. CPT VIOLATION IN DECAY A. Bs0−B¯s0 mixing and Bs →Ds±K∓ in the SM The B0 B¯0 mixing is controlled by the off-diagonal term H = M (i/2)Γ of the 2 2 Hamiltonian s − s 12 12− 12 × matrix, with the mass difference between two mass eigenstates B and B given by (in the limit Γ M ) H L 12 12 | |≪| | ∆M M M 2M , (4) s sH sL 12 ≡ − ≈ | | and the width difference by ∆Γ Γ Γ 2Γ cosφ , (5) s sL sH 12 s ≡ − ≈ | | where φ arg( M /Γ ). CPT conservation ensures H =H . s 12 12 11 22 ≡ − The eigenstates are defined as B =pB0 +( )q B¯0 , (6) | H(L)i | si − | si where p2+ q 2 =1 is the normalization, and one defines | | | | α q/p=exp( 2β ) (7) s ≡ − where 2β is the mixing phase of the B0 B¯0 box diagram. s s − s For the single-amplitude decays B D±K∓, the amplitudes are of the form s → s A(B0 D+K−)=T eiγ, A(B0 D−K+)=T , s → s 1 s → s 2 A(B¯0 D+K−)=T , A(B¯0 D−K+)=T e−iγ, (8) s → s 2 s → s 1 where T and T are real amplitudes times the strong phase, which we parametrize as 1 2 T 1 arg =∆, (9) T (cid:18) 2(cid:19) and γ = arg( V V∗/V V∗), so that to a very good approximation, V V exp( iγ). The quantity − ud ub cd cb ub ≈ | ub| − ξ αA¯ /A , where A A(B0 D+K−) and A¯ A(B¯0 D+K−), carries a weak phase of (2β +γ). f ≡ f f f ≡ s → s f ≡ s → s − s 4 Let us define, following [15], Br(B D+K−) = Br(B0 D+K−)+Br(B¯0 D+K−), h s → s i s → s s → s Br(B D−K+) = Br(B0 D−K+)+Br(B¯0 D−K+), (10) h s → s i s → s s → s so that these untagged rates are the same in the SM, even though a future measurement of the time-dependent branching fractions at the LHCb may show nonzero CP violation. B. CPT violation in Bs decay In order to take into account CPTV in decay, we parametrize various transition amplitudes for the decay B D±K∓ as [26, 27] s → s A(B0 D+K−)=T eiγ(1 y ) , A(B0 D−K+)=T 1+y∗ , s → s 1 − f s → s 2 f A(B¯s0 →Ds+K−)=T2(1−yf) , A(B¯s0 →Ds−K+)=T1e−(cid:0)iγ 1+y(cid:1)f∗ , (11) where CPT violation (in decay) is parametrized by the complex parameter y , and y(cid:0) is rea(cid:1)l if T is conserved. f f TheCPTviolationisproportionaltothedifferenceA(B0 D+K−)∗ A(B¯0 D−K+)orA(B¯0 D+K−)∗ s → s − s → s s → s − A(B0 D−K+). s → s We define the complete set of four relevant amplitudes, with f D+K− and f¯ D−K+ , | i≡| s i | i≡| s i Af =hf|H|Bs0i, Af¯=hf¯|H|Bs0i, A¯f =hf|H|B¯s0i, A¯f¯=hf¯|H|B¯s0i, (12) so that the ratios ξf =αA¯f/Af, ξf¯=αA¯f¯/Af¯, (13) are independent of yf; the CPTV effect in the decays cancels in the ratio. We also have |ξf| = 1/|ξf¯| and arg(ξf(f¯))=−(2βs+γ+(−)∆) where ∆ is defined in eq. (9). From Eq. (11) we get A(B0 D+K−)2+ A(B¯0 D+K−)2 = (T 2+ T 2) 1 y 2 , | s → s | | s → s | | 1| | 2| | − f| A(B0 D−K+)2+ A(B¯0 D−K+)2 = (T 2+ T 2) 1+y∗ 2 . (14) | s → s | | s → s | | 1| | 2| f Thus we can define an asymmetry (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Br(B D+K−) Br(B D−K+) Re(y ) ACPT = h s → s i−h s → s i = 2 f 2Re(y ), for y 2 1 (15) br hBr(Bs →Ds+K−)i+hBr(Bs →Ds−K+)i − 1+|yf|2 ≈− f | f| ≪ WehavealreadyseenthatthisasymmetryiszerointheSM.UsingEq.(15),therealpartoftheCPTVparameter y can be directly probed from the difference of the untagged rates Br(B D+K−) and Br(B D−K+). f s → s s → s Let us compare this to a case where there is no CPT violation, but some CPT conserving NP is present which contributes to either b uc¯s or b cu¯s transitions, or maybe both. If this NP leads to observable CP → → violating effects, we can write the various amplitudes for the B D±K∓ decays as s → s A(B0 D+K−)=T eiγ 1+a ei(θ−γ+σ) , A(B0 D−K+)=T 1+a′ ei(θ′+σ′) , s → s 1 s → s 2 A(B¯0 D+K−)=T 1(cid:16)+a′ e−i(θ′−σ′) (cid:17), A(B¯0 D−K+)=T e−(cid:16)iγ 1+a e−i(θ−γ(cid:17)−σ) . (16) s → s 2 s → s 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) The amplitudes, obviously, are related by CP conjugation. The NP is parametrized by the (relative) amplitudes a, a′, the new weak phases θ, θ′, and the new strong phase differences σ, σ′. Therefore, the asymmetry defined in Eq. 15 is given by a T 2sin(θ γ)sinσ+a′ T 2sinθ′sinσ′ ANP = 2 | 1| − | 2| . (17) br − T 2(1+a2+2acos(θ γ)cosσ)+ T 2(1+a′2+2a′cosθ′cosσ′) 1 2 | | − | | 5 Hence, a nonzero value of A could be due to either CPTV or CPT conserving NP (which, perhaps, is flavor- br dependent, and definitely not of the minimal flavor violation type). As both the decays are color-allowed, one caneveninvokethe color-transparencyargument[28]to claimthatallstrongphasesaresmall; butCPTVeffects are not expected to be large either. Eq.(15)isingeneraltrueforalldecayswhichareeither(i)single-amplitudeintheSM,beittreeorpenguin,or (ii)multi-amplitude inthe SMbut withoneamplitude highly dominantoverthe others. Single-amplitudedecays ˜ are preferred simply because any nonzero asymmetry as in Eqs.(15) or (17) can be unambiguously correlated with NP. The same observable ACPT can be defined for chargedB decays, or even D and K decays. However,in br all cases, CPT conserving (but necessarily CP violating) NP can always mimic the asymmetry, unless there are strong motivations for the corresponding amplitudes to be highly subdominant, or the strong phase difference between the two amplitudes to be zero or vanishingly small. On the other hand, if there is CPT violation in mixing too, this formalism does not hold, because the definition of the mass eigenstates also contains CPT violating parameters (see later). In that case, we suggest using single-amplitude charged B meson decay modes, like B+ D0K+ and B+ D0K+. → → If there is no other CPT conservingNP, but the B0 B¯0 mixing matrix has CPTV built in, the asymmetry s − s is still nonzero, as the individual branching fractions are functions of the CPTV parameter δ (see below) in the mixing matrix [12]. III. CPT VIOLATION IN MIXING This subsection closely follows the formulation developed in [12], but let us quote some relevant expressions for completeness. CPT violation in the Hamiltonian matrix is introduced through the complex parameter δ: H H 22 11 δ = − , (18) √H H 12 21 so that the Hamiltonian matrix looks like M Re(δ′) M i Γ +2Im(δ′) Γ = 0− 12 0 12 , (19) H " M1∗2 M0+Re(δ′)!− 2 Γ∗12 Γ0−2Im(δ′) !# where δ′ is defined by 2δ′ δ = . (20) √H H 12 21 One could even relax the assumption of H = H∗ . However, there are two points that one must note. 21 12 First, the effect of expressing H = h +δ¯, H = h∗ δ¯ appears as δ¯2 in √H H , the relevant expression 12 12 21 12− 12 21 in Eq. (18), and can be neglected if we assume δ¯ to be small. The second point, which is more important, is that CPT conservation constrains only the diagonal elements and puts no constraint whatsoever on the off- diagonal elements. It has been shown in [10] that H = H∗ leads to T violation, and only H = H leads to 12 6 21 11 6 22 unambiguous CPT violation. Thus, we will focus on the parametrization used in Eqs. (18) and (19) to discuss the effects of CPT violation. In the review on CPT violation in [1], the authors have used a formalism which is close to ours. While their treatment is for the K -K pair, this can be generalizedto any neutral meson system. The mass eigenstates are S L defined as 1 K (K ) = (1+ǫ )K0 +(1 ǫ )K0 (21) | S L i 2(1+ ǫ 2) S(L) | i − S(L) | i s(L) | | (cid:2) (cid:3) where p iIm(M ) 1Im(Γ ) 1 M M i(Γ Γ ) ǫ = − 12 − 2 12 ∓ 2 11− 22− 2 11− 22 S(L) M M +i(Γ Γ )/2 L− S (cid:2) S − L (cid:3) ǫ δ˜. (22) ≡ ± 6 Note that δ˜ and δ are not the same, but related; both parametrize CPT violation. On the other hand, ǫ S(L) is not truely a CPT conserving quantity, as the expression contains the mass and width differences of the two eigenstates, and both depend on the CPT violating parameter δ that we have used here. The Belle collaboration [14] recently put stringent limits on the real and imaginary parts of δ, Re(δ )=( 3.8 9.9) 10−2, Im(δ )=(1.14 0.93) 10−2, (23) d d − ± × ± × where we have added the errors in quadrature, and used the straightforward translation valid for small δ, viz., δ = 2z (the subscript emphasizes that these results are for the B system). The CPT violating parameter z is d − defined as B =p 1 (+)z B0 +( )q 1+( )z B0 . (24) L(H) | i − | i − − | i We can see that within the errorbars datapare consistent with nopCPTV case i.e Re(δ )=Im(δ )=0. However, d d more precise measurements are important and essential. In any case it is safe to assume δ 1, even for the B s | |≪ system. In ∆M and ∆Γ the CPT-violating effects are quadratic in δ and hence negligible. s s We can write B =p B0 +q B¯0 , B =p B0 q B¯0 . (25) | Hi 1| si 1| si | Li 2| si− 2| si with the normalization conditions p 2 + q 2 = p 2 + q 2 = 1, so that with CPT violation, p = p and 1 1 2 2 1 2 | | | | | | | | 6 q =q . The time evolutionsofB andB arecontrolledby λ m iΓ /2andλ m iΓ /2respectively. 1 2 H L 1 1 1 2 2 2 6 ≡ − ≡ − We also use ∆M =m m , ∆Γ =Γ Γ . (26) s 1 2 s 2 1 − − Let us define, δ2 q δ q δ η 1 2 1 y = 1+ ; η = y+ α; η = y α; ω = , (27) 1 2 4 ≡ p 2 ≡ p − 2 η r 1 (cid:18) (cid:19) 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) 2 where α= H /H . For δ 1, we can approximate y with unity. 21 12 | |≪ The timpe-dependent flavor eigenstates are given by B0(t) = h (t)B0 +η h (t)B¯0 | s i + | si 1 − | si h (t) B¯0(t) = − B0 +h¯ (t)B¯0 , (28) | s i η | si + | si 2 where 1 h (t) = e−iλ1t e−iλ2t , − (1+ω) − 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) h (t) = e−iλ1t+ωe−iλ2t , + (1+ω) 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) h¯ (t) = ωe−iλ1t+e−iλ2t . (29) + (1+ω) (cid:0) (cid:1) and we refer the reader to [12] for detailed expressions. Note that in the absence of CPTV, η =η , ω =1, and 1 2 hence h (t)=h¯ (t). In the limit δ 1, ω 1+δ. + + | |≪ ≈ With our convention of f D+K− and f¯ D−K+ , where both the states are directly accessible to | i ≡ | s i | i ≡ | s i B0 and B¯0, the time dependent decay rates are [12] s s Γ(B0(t) f) = h (t)2+ ξ 2 h (t)2+2Re ξ h (t)h∗(t) A 2, s → | + | | f1| | − | f1 − + | f| Γ(B¯0(t) f) = (cid:2)h (t)2+ ξ 2 h¯ (t)2+2Re(cid:0)ξ ¯h (t)h∗(t)(cid:1)(cid:3) Af 2 , s → | − | | f2| | + | f2 + − η (cid:12) 2 (cid:12) Γ(Bs0(t)→f¯) = (cid:2)|h+(t)|2+|ξf′1|2|h−(t)|2+2Re(cid:0)ξf′1h−(t)h∗+(t)(cid:1)(cid:3)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)|Af¯|2(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12), Γ(B¯0(t) f¯) = (cid:2)h (t)2+ ξ′ 2 h¯ (t)2+2Re(cid:0)ξ′ ¯h (t)h∗(t)(cid:1)(cid:3) Af¯ 2 , (30) s → | − | | f2| | + | f2 + − η (cid:12) 2 (cid:12) (cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 7 where, A¯ δ A¯ δ f f ξ =η = 1+ ξ , ξ =η = 1 ξ , f1 1A 2 f f2 2A − 2 f f (cid:18) (cid:19) f (cid:18) (cid:19) ξf′1 =η1AA¯ff¯¯ =(cid:18)1+ 2δ(cid:19)ξf¯, ξf′2 =η2AA¯ff¯¯ =(cid:18)1− 2δ(cid:19)ξf¯. (31) Droppingterms (δ2)orhigher,wegetthefollowingexpressionsforthetaggedanduntaggedtime-dependent O decay rates: Γ(B0(t) f) Γ(B¯0(t) f)=[P sinh(∆Γ t/2)+Q cosh(∆Γ t/2) s → − s → 1 s 1 s +R cos(∆M t)+S sin(∆M t)]e−Γst A 2, 1 s 1 s f | | Γ(B0(t) f)+Γ(B¯0(t) f)=[P sinh(∆Γ t/2)+Q cosh(∆Γ t/2) s → s → 2 s 2 s +R cos(∆M t)+S sin(∆M t)]e−Γst A 2, (32) 2 s 2 s f | | with 1 P = Re(δ) 1+ ξ 2 , 1 f −2 | | Q1 = ξf cos(γ(cid:0) +2βs+(cid:1)∆)Re(δ), −| | R = 1 ξ 2+ ξ cos(γ+2β +∆)Re(δ), 1 f f s −| | | | 1 S = 2 ξ sin(γ+2β +∆) Im(δ) 1+ ξ 2 , 1 f s f | | − 2 | | 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) P = 2 ξ cos(γ+2β +∆) Re(δ) 1 ξ 2 , 2 f s f | | − 2 −| | Q = 1+ ξ 2 ξ sin(γ+2β +∆)Im(cid:0)(δ), (cid:1) 2 f f s | | −| | R = ξ sin(γ+2β +∆)Im(δ), 2 f s | | 1 S = Im(δ) 1 ξ 2 . (33) 2 f −2 −| | (cid:0) (cid:1) ItisclearfromEq.(33)thatCPTviolatingeffectsindecaywillnotaffectthedeterminationofthese8coefficients. Whatever the effects are, they will be lumped in the overall normalization A 2 and will not appear in the f | | coefficients of the trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. All the 8 coefficients can theoretically be extracted from a fit to the time-dependent decay rates, but admittedly the coefficients of the hyperbolic functions are harder to extract and need more statistics. Note that whether or not any CPT-conserving NP is present, absence of CPT violation definitely means δ = 0, so P = Q = R = S = 0. If any of these four observables are found to be nonzero, that is a sure signal of CPT 1 1 2 2 violation. (While P and S depend only on δ, Q and R also have an implicit dependence on the B0 B¯0 1 2 1 2 s − s mixing phase 2β , which might depend on CPT conserving NP effects.) Therefore, if CPT is conserved, the s tagged measurements are sensitive only to the trigonometric functions, and the untagged measurements only to the hyperbolic functions, but we urge our experimental colleagues to perform a complete fit. If at least P or S be nonzero (maybe with nonzero Q and R ), one gets 1 2 1 2 2S 2P 2 1 Im(δ)= , Re(δ)= , (34) −R +Q −R +Q 1 1 2 2 which is theoretically clean, i.e. free from hadronic uncertainties. The overall normalization can be extracted from the CP averagedbranching fractions. EveniftheexperimentisnotsensitiveenoughtoextractunambiguouslynonzerovaluesofP , Q , R ,orS , 1 1 2 2 one can still find signals of CPTV, from the fact that P , Q , R , and S contain CPTV terms over and above 2 2 1 1 8 CPT conserving but CP violating terms. For example, one can extract the following analogous quantities from the tagged and untagged B f¯decays: s → 1 P¯ =2 ξ cos(γ+2β ∆)+ Re(δ) 1 ξ 2 , 2 f s f | | − 2 −| | Q¯ =1+ ξ 2 ξ sin(γ+2β ∆)Im(cid:0)(δ), (cid:1) 2 f f s | | −| | − R¯ = 1+ ξ 2+ ξ cos(γ+2β ∆)Re(δ), 1 f f s − | | | | − 1 S¯ =2 ξ sin(γ+2β ∆) Im(δ) 1+ ξ 2 . (35) 1 f s f | | − − 2 | | (cid:0) (cid:1) It is easy to derive Eq. (35) from Eq. (33). First, note that the relevant expressions contain |Af¯| and ξf¯. Eq. (35) follows when one substitutes |ξf¯|=1/|ξf| and |Af¯|2/|ξf|2 =|Af|2. However, the strong phase changes sign because of the definitions of ξf and ξf¯. Therefore, from Eqs. (33) and (35) we can define observables which are only sensitive to the CPTV effect independent of any other NP effects in mixing, R +R¯ Re(δ) Q Q¯ Im(δ) 1 1 2 2 = , − = . (36) P +P¯ 2 S S¯ 2 2 2 1 1 − FromEq.(36)wenotethatitispossibletoprobetheCPTVparameterδ eveninthepresenceofanyothergeneric NP in mixing or decays (which modifies 2β ); the NP effects in mixing are cancelled in the ratio. In addition we s notethatthe strongphaseisalsoexactlycancelledinthe ratio,hencethe measurementofδ is freefromhadronic uncertainties. WereiteratethatevenifCPTVispresentindecay,theconclusionthatanonzerovalueofanyoneofthefour observables P , Q , R , or S indicates CPTV in mixing remains valid. Consider the expressions for the tagged 1 1 2 2 and untaggeddecay rates, Eq. (32). With enough satistics, one gets the coefficients of the trigonometric and the hyperbolic functions, as well as the overall normalization A 2. If CPTV is present in decay, the expression for f | | A 2 will change and be a function of y , but the eight coefficients of Eq. (32) will remain the same. f f | | The same method is applicable to decays like B D φ, with¯b c¯us¯and¯b u¯cs¯transitions. s 0 → → → IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS While the effects of CPT violation are severely constrained for systems with first and/or second generation fermions, the B systems, in particular B , are relatively less constrained. This opens up the possibility of s a CPT violating action that is flavor-dependent. As a typical example of the effects of CPT violation, we consider the decays B0,B¯0 D±K∓. These decays are excellent probes of any NP; in the SM, they are single- s s → s amplitude processes, and both B0 D+K− and B0 D−K+ amplitudes are of the same order in Wolfenstein s → s s → s parametrization. Thus, the number of events for both D+K− and D−K+, summing over parents B0 and B¯0, s s s s should be the same in the SM. We show how this asymmetry becomes nonzero if there is CPT violation in the decay. At the same time, we see that if there is some NP that conserves CPT but comes with different strong and weak phases from the corresponding SM amplitude, the asymmetry is again nonzero. So, while this asymmetry serves as an excellent indicator of any NP, it might be either CPT conserving (but necessarily CP violating) or CPT violating, and further checks are necessary. The situation is far better if there is CPT violation in mixing. The best way to put CPTV in mixing is to make the diagonal terms of the 2 2 mixing Hamiltonian unequal. With this, the CPTV parameter enters × the definition of the mass eigenstates, and through that, to various time-dependent decay rates. With sufficient statistics,one canextractthe coefficientsofthe trigonometricandhyperbolicterms ofbothtaggedanduntagged time-dependent rates. We find that there are four coefficients which are zero not only in the SM but also any extensionwithCPTconservation,soanynonzerovalueforanyofthemisadefinite indicationforCPTviolation. 9 Thereareseveralwaystoextractthesecoefficients,andLHCbshouldhaveenoughstatisticstobeabletomeasure them with sufficient precision. The argument goes through even if CPTV is present in both decay and mixing; this is because different sets of observables are extracted for the two different cases. Acknowledgements AKwassupportedbyCSIR,GovernmentofIndia,andalsobytheDRSprogrammeoftheUGC,Government of India. The work of AS was supported in part by the US DOE contract no. DE-AC02-98CH10886(BNL). We acknowledge helpful discussions with Tim Gershon and Tomasz Skwarnicki. [1] J. Beringer et al. [Particle Data Group Collaboration], Phys.Rev. D 86, 010001 (2012). [2] V.A. Kostelecky and N.Russell, Rev.Mod. Phys. 83, 11 (2011) [arXiv:0801.0287 [hep-ph]]. [3] T. Aaltonen et al. [CDF Collaboration], Phys. 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