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Kashmir Himalaya Azolla cristata in the The genus Azolla Lam. consists of small, free-floating aquatic ferns, which are many Kashmir invasive in parts of the v\^orld (Garcia-Murillo, 2007), including the Valley, wrhere Azolla one of the most prolific invasive alien taxa of aquatic is The ecosystems (Fig. lA). species of Azolla that grows in Kashmir has been and previously reported as Azolla pinnata R. Br. (Mir Pandit, 2008), referring to & the native Indian taxon A. pinnata subsp. asiatica R.M.K. Saunders K. Fowler. A detailed study of vegetative and reproductive characters of Azolla specimens collected from several water bodies in Kashmir Valley revealed that this species has been incorrectly identified and instead, A. cristata Kaulf. is, Materials and Methods Fresh specimens with sporocarps were collected from five different water bodies of the Kashmir Valley, and deposited in Kashmir University herbarium, KASH (Table Additional material from herbarium was examined under this 1). stereomicroscope Discovery V8) and microscope a (Zeiss, optical trinocular (Leica DMLS2). The branching pattern and leaf trichomes were observed by 95% immersing fresh plants in ethanol hour. The leaves were then rinsed for 1 with water and immersed in concentrated bleaching solution under vacuum for 15 minutes, again rinsed with water, then mounted in lactophenol and observed under the microscope. The structure of glochidia was observed by immersing dry microsporangia water:ethanol:glycerol solution in (1:1:1) for 24 hours. The massulae were then dissociated by gently squashing them under a cover glass. Samples for Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were fixed M 3% pH The with glutaraldehyde in 0.2 phosphate buffer of 7.4. samples AHAD ET AZOLLA CRISTATA KASHMIR AL.: IN were 1% osmium then fixed in tetraoxide, and graded in acetone Fixed series. samples were dried by critical point method in dry carbon dioxide and SEM examined under the (Hitachi S3000-H). Discussion I The cm up plants are 4 and free-floating, to long, polygonal in shape. Sporophytes consist of a thin axial stem, bearing small leaves and brown delicate cm up rootlets to 6 long. Leaves are alternate, imbricate, and bilobed; the hyaline and ventral leaf lobe an aerial chlorophyllous dorsal lobe covered with are short bicellular trichomes and an bear housing extracellular cavity filamentous Anabaena IB and (Figs. iCj. Rootlets are from stem branching solitary, points. Sporocarps borne are in pairs the base of branches. Microspores at are aggregated in stalked massulae, massulae with arrow shaped 2A and glochidia (Figs. 2B). Megasporocarps contain a solitary megaspore; megaspore apparatus with three and floats, granular perine (Fig. 2C). To understand the identification of these plants that were earlier misidentified as A. pinnata in the Kashmir valley species of section Rhizosperma, (a by characterised bookless glochidia and megaspore apparatus with nine floats) background AzoUa a short in taxonomy One necessary. of the is earliest classifications of Azolla section Azolla by Mettenius recognized (1847] four AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 102 3 (2012) non species: A. cristata Kaulf, A. caroliniana Willd., Azolla magellanica Willd. (syn. Azolla filiculoides Lam.) and A. microphylla non Kaulf. Mettenius (1867) New reduced World number two by combining the species A. microphylla, A. to and and same caroliniana A. cristata into A. caroliniana at the time placing A. magellanica and A. rubra into A. filiculoides Lam. Strastburger (1873) upheld the Mettenius taxonomy and recognised only two species of section Azolla: A. later and which on caroliniana A. filiculoides, he distinguished the basis of bicellular and and trichomes granular perine present in the former species unicellular trichomes and warty perine present in the The most widely accepted latter. who classification of section Azolla currently that of Svenson (1944), however, is returned to a four-species system: Azolla caroliniana Willd., A. filiculoides Lam., A. microphylla Kaulf. and A. mexicana Recent reassessments of species Presl. limits in Azolla have found that taxonomic treatment to be unsatisfactory (Dunham and Zimmerman Fowler, 1987; et al, 1989, 1991; Pereira et al, 2001; Evrard and van Hove, 2004). These authors have shown that earlier circumscrip- tions of these species were based on misapplied names, including the fact that the types of A. caroliniana and A. microphylla are indistinguishable from the oldest name The in the group, A. filiculoides. taxon frequently treated as A. caroliniana Compounding this confusion the natural variation present in these species, and is among (Zimmerman noticeable environmental plasticity the populations et al, Zimmerman demonstrated 1989; Pereira et al, 2001). et (1989) that in section al. was on Azolla, A. filiculoides easily distinguishable from the other taxa the basis trichome morphology and enzyme Zimmerman of leaf electrophoresis pattern. et (1991) suggested that the taxa frequently treated as A. microphylla, A. al. mexicana and A. caroliniana be regarded as a single species, on the basis of RFLPs, isozymes, phosphorus deficiency symptoms and breeding experiment analysis. These results thus agree perfectly with the existence of two species in section Azolla, as advocated by Evrard and Van Hove (2004). One is A. cristata which non mexicana and Kaulf., includes A. caroliniana Willd., A. Presl A. non Lam. microphylla Kaulf.; the other species A. filiculoides (including A. is rubra R. Br., often recognized at the rank of variety). AHAD ET AZOLLA CRISTATA KASHMIR AL.: IN 227 Following this taxonomy, plants examined were Azolla on all cristata, the basis of the presence of bicelled trichomes, hook shaped, multiseptate glochidia, and a 3-float megaspore apparatus with a granular perine surface 2B and (Figs. IC, 2C). It is possible that A. filiculoides is also present in the Kashmir Valley an introduction), although we know no documented (as of occurences; populations of Azolla section Azolla should be examined carefully which determine to species involved. is The authors highly ackxiowledge the help of Prof. Charles van Hove, Emeritus Professor, Catholic take the opportunity to thank Carl Rothfels (Associate Editor), Christopher Fraser-Jenkins, and an Literature Cited Dunham, and Taxonomy D. G. K. Fowler. 1987. and species recognition Azolla Lam. 7-16 in Pp. in: IRRI Azolla (Eds], Utilization. International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Laeuna ' Philippines. review. Systematics and Geography of Plants 74:301-318. Donana (SW invasion of National Park Spain) by the mosquito ievJ(Azolla filiculoides Limnetica 26:243-250. Mettenius, G. 1847. Ueber Azolla. Linnaea 20:259-282. and Mir, S. S. A. K. Pandit. 2008. Macrophytic features of Wular Lake Ramsar Kashmir. (a Site) in J. Pereira, a. L., G. Texeira, Sevnate-Pinto, T. Antunes and F. Carrapico. 2001. Taxonomic I. re- evaluation of the Azolla genus in Portugal. Plant Biosystems 135:285-294. Strasburger, E. 1873. Ueber Azolla. Jena, Hermann Dabis. New The World SvENSON, H. K. 1944. species oi Azolla. Amer. Fern 34:69-84. J. Zimmerman, W. T. A. Lumpkin and Watanabe. 1989. Isozyme Lam differentiation of Azolla J., I. Euphytica 42:163-170. and New genetic botanical status of Neotropical Azolla species. Phytol. 119:561-566.

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