Microbiology(2002),148,2937–2949 PrintedinGreatBritain Azole antifungals are potent inhibitors of cytochrome P450 mono-oxygenases and bacterial growth in mycobacteria and streptomycetes Kirsty J. McLean,1 Ker R. Marshall,1 Alison Richmond,2 Iain S. Hunter,2 Kay Fowler,3 Tobias Kieser,3 Sudagar S. Gurcha,4 Gurydal S. Besra4 and Andrew W. Munro1 Authorforcorrespondence:AndrewW.Munro.Tel:›441162523464.Fax:›441162523630. e-mail:awm9!le.ac.uk 1Departmentof ThegenomesequenceofMycobacterium tuberculosishasrevealedthe Biochemistry,Universityof presenceof20differentcytochromeP450mono-oxygenases(P450s)withinthis Leicester,TheAdrian organism,andsubsequentgenomesequencesofothermycobacteriaandof Building,UniversityRoad, LeicesterLE17RH,UK Streptomycescoelicolorhaveindicatedthattheseactinomycetesalsohave 2DepartmentofBiosciences, largecomplementsofP450s,pointingtoimportantphysiologicalrolesfor UniversityofStrathclyde, theseenzymes.TheactinomyceteP450sincludehomologuesof14a-sterol TheRoyalCollege,204 demethylases,thetargetsfortheazoleclassofdrugsinyeastandfungi. GeorgeStreet,Glasgow Previously,thistypeofP450wasconsideredtobeabsentfrombacteria.When G11XL,UK presentatlowconcentrationsingrowthmedium,azoleantifungaldrugswere 3DepartmentofGenetics, showntobepotentinhibitorsofthegrowthofMycobacterium smegmatisand JohnInnesCentre, NorwichNR47UH,UK ofStreptomycesstrains,indicatingthatoneormoreoftheP450sinthese 4SchoolofBiosciences,The bacteriawereviabledrugtargets.Thedrugseconazoleandclotrimazolewere UniversityofBirmingham, mosteffectiveagainstM. smegmatis(MICvaluesofT0<2and0<3lM, Edgbaston,Birmingham, respectively)andweresuperiorinhibitorsofmycobacterialgrowthcompared B152TT,UK torifampicinandisoniazid(whichhadMICvaluesof1<2and36<5lM, respectively).Incontrasttotheireffectsontheactinomycetes,theazoles showedminimaleffectsonthegrowthofEscherichiacoli,whichisdevoidof P450s.AzoledrugscoordinatedtightlytothehaemironinM. tuberculosis H37RvP450sencodedbygenesRv0764c(thesteroldemethylaseCYP51)and Rv2276(CYP121).However,theazoleshadahigheraffinityforM. tuberculosis CYP121,withK valuesbroadlyinlinewiththeMICvaluesforM. smegmatis. d ThissuggestedthatCYP121maybeamorerealistictargetenzymeforthe azoledrugsthanCYP51,particularlyinlightofthefactthatanS.coelicolor DCYP51strainwasviableandshowedlittledifferenceinitssensitivitytoazole drugscomparedtothewild-type.Iftheazoledrugsprovetoinhibitanumber ofimportantP450sinM. smegmatisandS.coelicolor,thenthelikelihoodof drugresistancedevelopinginthesespeciesshouldbeminimal.Thissuggests thatazoledrugtherapymayprovideanovelantibioticstrategyagainststrains ofM. tuberculosisthathavealreadydevelopedresistancetoisoniazidand otherfront-linedrugs. Keywords: tuberculosis,azoledrugs,CYP121,P450inhibitors ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Abbreviations:g.t.,Generationtime;K,bindingconstant;Mtb,Mycobacteriumtuberculosis;s.g.r.,specificgrowthrate;P450,cytochromeP450mono- d oxygenase. 0002-5733#2002SGM 2937 K.J.McLeanandothers INTRODUCTION and Bacillus subtilis, with seven P450s, had the next largest bacterial complement of P450s prior to de- There-emergenceofMycobacteriumtuberculosis(Mtb) terminationoftheMtbgenomesequence(Blattneretal., as a worldwide threat to human health has been 1997; Kunst et al., 1997). This contrasts with the describedbytheWorldHealthOrganization(WHO)as situationineukaryotes,withthehumangenomeprom- having the capacity to cause a ‘global catastrophe’ ising to reveal up to 100 P450s, and the Arabidopsis (WHO fact sheet on tuberculosis at http:}}www.who. thaliana genome encoding "250 P450s (Lander et al., int}inf-fs}en}fact104.html). There are many reasons 2001;A.thalianaP450ssiteathttp:}}drnelson.utmem. underlyingtheresurgenceinMtbinfectionratesaround edu}Arab.genes.chr.html). The relatively large number the world, but major factors include the synergy with ofP450sintheMtbgenomeindicatesimportantphysio- the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (a large logical roles for these enzymes and, given that the proportion of HIV-infected individuals, around 15%, substrate preference of the majority of P450s is for die ultimately from tuberculosis) and the development hydrophobicmolecules,mostarelikelytobeinvolvedin ofdrug-resistantandmulti-drug-resistantstrainsofthe lipidmetabolism.Anunexpectedfindingwasthatoneof pathogen, often as a result of poor or incomplete drug the Mtb P450s (the product of gene Rv0764c) is a regimens in third-world countries (Heym et al., 1996). homologue of eukaryotic 14a-sterol demethylases– Regardlessofthecauseofitsre-emergence,itisobvious known as CYP51 (cytochrome P450 family 51) in the thatnoveltreatmentsaredesperatelyrequiredtoprevent officialP450nomenclaturesystemdevisedbyNelsonet thefurtherrapidspreadoftuberculosis,whichcurrently al. (1996). Previously, this type of P450 and the sterol kills approximately 2 million people each year. It is biosynthetic pathway in which it participates were estimatedthatbetween2000and2020nearlyonebillion considered to be found exclusively in eukaryotes peoplewillbecomeinfected withMtb,200millionwill (Yoshida et al., 1997). However, while it remains becomesickbecauseofitandaround35millionwilldie uncertain as to whether Mtb actually has a sterol from tuberculosis.Atpresent, approximatelyone-third biosynthetic pathway, cholesterol has been reported to of the world’s population is infected with tuberculosis, bepresentinthebacterialenvelope(Lambetal.,1998), and the worldwide rate of new infections runs at one and the Mtb CYP51 protein has been purified and individualper second(WHO factsheetontuberculosis shown to catalyse sterol demethylation, albeit at low athttp:}}www.who.int}inf-fs}en}fact104.html;Young rates (Bellamine et al., 1999). The genome sequence of & Cole, 1993). the actinomycete Streptomyces coelicolor also shows a highnumberofP450-encodinggenes,aswellasmarked ThedeterminationofthegenomesequenceofMtb(Cole similarities in genetic context (i.e. synteny) for a large et al., 1998) has provided a much needed boost for proportionofthegenome.However,specificbiological researchintonewdrugtargetsagainstthispathogen.In rolesfornearlyalloftheP450sinMtbandS.coelicolor particular, the vast array of genes involved in lipid remain to be defined [S. coelicolor genome sequence metabolism(thereareapproximatelyfive-foldthenum- homepageattheSangerInstitute(http:}}www.sanger. ber of genes involved in lipid metabolism in Mtb ac.uk}Projects}Sjcoelicolor})]. compared with Escherichia coli, a bacterium with a similar genome size) is testament to the importance of Recently,wehaveclonedandexpressedtheMtbCYP51 thisaspectoftheorganism’sbiochemistrytoitsviability enzyme and a second P450 from Mtb–CYP121, the andpathogenicity,particularlywithregardtosynthesis productoftheRv2276gene(Souteretal.,2000;McLean of the complex fatty acid, polyketide (and possibly et al., 2002). We, and others, have demonstrated that sterol) components of its intricate outer envelope CYP51bindsazoleantifungaldrugstightly,asmightbe (Brennan & Nikaido, 1995; Daffe & Draper, 1998). expectedforatruehomologueofthesteroldemethylase These data suggest that targeting the lipid metabolism class of P450. However, as we show here, it is also the pathways of Mtb may provide an excellent route to case that CYP121 binds these azole drugs. Indeed, attenuating or killing the bacterium. Indeed, only CYP121 binds these drugs with a higher affinity than relatively recently has the biological target of the lead CYP51,suggestingthatCYP121maybetargetedbythis anti-Mtb drug isoniazid (isonicotinic acid hydrazide) type of drug in vivo. In studies of the effects of azole been identified as enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase, drugs on the growth of Mycobacterium smegmatis whichisinvolvedinfattyacidandmycolicacidsynthesis (which possesses a near identical complement of CYP (Blanchard, 1996). Isoniazid requires activation by the Mtb catalase}peroxidase enzyme to form a radical genes to Mtb), we show that the azole antifungals are highly potent growth inhibitors, with very low MIC speciesthatbindsandcovalentlyinactivatestheNADH- values. We also demonstrate that these drugs are binding site of the reductase (Saint-Joanis et al., 1999). effectiveasinhibitorsofthegrowthofS.coelicolorand An unexpected finding from the Mtb genome-sequen- Streptomyces lividans, and compare their relative anti- cing project was the unusually large component of bioticeffectswithtwoCYPgeneknockoutvariantsofS. cytochromeP450mono-oxygenases(P450s)inthepath- coelicolor.Itappearsthattheactinomycetesmayhaveat ogen (Souter et al., 2000). Mtb encodes 20 P450s, leasttwoviableP450targetsfortheazoleantibioticclass whereas previous bacterial genomes had indicated that (thus minimizing the opportunity for drug resistance), these haem-containing mono-oxygenase enzymes were and that an azole-based strategy may be a new and relativelyrareinbacteria.Forinstance,E.colihasnone effective means to combat Mtb. 2938 Azoleantifungalsinhibitmycobacterialgrowth METHODS (5‹25cm)thathadbeenpre-equilibratedinthesamebuffer. Proteinwaselutedinalineargradient(500ml)ofbufferCto CloningandexpressionofCYP121.TheCYP121gene(Rv2276 500mM potassium phosphate (pH6–5). The fractions of fromtheMtbgenomeproject)encodingtheCYP121P450was highest purity (A }A "1–5) were retained, pooled, con- %"’ #)! amplified from the Mtb chromosomal DNA cosmid library centrated by ultrafiltration (Centriprep 30; Millipore) to (cosmidnumberMTCY339)obtainedfromProfessorStewart !2mlandexchangedintobufferAplusglycerol(50%,v}v) ColeatthePasteurInstitute,Paris,France.Primersusedinthe bydialysis,priortostorageofthepureenzymeatfi80(cid:176)C. reactionweredesignedfromtheMtbgenomicsequence(Cole etal.,1998):Forwardprimer,5«-TATGACTCATATGACC- Analysis of CYP121 purity, and drug binding to CYP121. GCGACCGTTCTGCTCG-3«; Reverse primer, 5«-AAGAC- Purity of the CYP121 protein was assessed by spectral GGATCCTACCAGAGCACCGGAAGG-3«. In the forward properties (ratio of P450-specific absorption at 416–5nm primer, the bold letters indicate an engineered site for comparedwithprotein-specificabsorptionat280nm),andby restriction enzyme NdeI, incorporating the ATG initiation SDS-PAGE of protein samples (on 10% polyacrylamide codon of CYP121. In the reverse primer, the bold letters denaturinggels)atdifferentstagesinthepurificationprocess. indicate a BamHI site incorporating the TAG stop codon of ThedeterminationofthecytochromeP450concentrationwas CYP121. The PCR fragment generated from Rv2276 was donefromtheSoretmaximumoftheoxidizedenzymeinthe cplloansmedidicnltoonepplaKsmMi2da,vaencdtoirtspDGNEAMs-eTqu(ePnrcoemwegaas)v,ercirfieeadtibnyg uressintigngth(aelmexotsintcctoiomnpcleoteeffilyclioenwt-sep%"i’n–&)flst9a5tem(AMm−a"xflcm4−1"6,–5asnmde)-, automatedsequencing(AppliedBiosystemsDNAsequencer). scribedpreviously(Nobleetal.,1999).Integrityoftheprotein TheCYP121genewasexcisedfrompKM2abydigestionwith was also verified by electrospray MS (Micromass platform NdeIandBamHI,andligatedintotheT7lacpromotervector quadruple mass spectrometer equipped with an electrospray pET11a(Novagen)thathadbeenpre-digestedwiththesame ionsource). enzymes. Correctly ligated plasmids were selected by trans- UV-visibleabsorptionspectrawererecordedonaCaryUV-50 formation of E. coli TG1 (Gibson, 1984) and restriction BioUV-visiblescanningspectrophotometerusing1cmpath- digestsofplasmidpreparationsweremadefromtransformant length quartz cells. Unless otherwise stated, spectra were cultures. The expression plasmid was named pKM2b. All recorded using approximately 5–10lM CYP121 in 50mM molecular techniques were performed using standard proto- Tris}HCl(pH7–2).BindingofazoleinhibitorstoCYP121was cols(Sambrooketal.,1989). measuredat30(cid:176)C.TheP450 inhibitorsclotrimazole,econa- zole,ketoconazole,fluconazole,miconazoleand4-phenylimi- TheCYP121enzymewasproducedintheT7RNApolymerase dazolewerepreparedasstocksolutions(typically10–25mM) lysogenstrainHMS174(DE3)(Novagen).Conditionsusedfor in DMSO. Small aliquots (0–1–0–4ll) corresponding to final CYP121productionweregrowthofHMS174(DE3)(pKM2b) transformants at 30(cid:176)C in Terrific Broth (Sambrook et al., concentrations of 1–100lM of inhibitor were added to a protein solution (typically 1–5lM P450), with the total 1989) with vigorous agitation (250r.p.m.) until the mid- exponentialphaseofgrowth(OD C0–5).Thetemperature addition lessthan 10llinhibitor. Imidazole was madeup in wasthendecreasedto18(cid:176)C,andth’!e!culturewasinducedwith 50mM Tris}HCl (pH7–2) as a 3M stock solution and additions of up to 100ll were made to saturate CYP121. 100lM IPTG. Growth of the culture was continued for a Spectra were recorded between 300 and 750nm after each further 20–24h. After this time, cells were harvested by centrifugation(7500g,30min,4(cid:176)C),washedbyresuspension addition of substrate, and absorption shifts of the haem in ice-cold 50mM Tris}HCl (pH7–2) plus 1mM EDTA (Soret) absorption maximum from approximately 416–5nm (azole ligand-free) to 423–5nm (azole-saturated) were mea- (bufferA),pooledandrecentrifuged.Thefinalcellpelletwas frozen at fi20(cid:176)C until use. CYP121 was purified from the sured.Kd(bindingconstant)valuesforthebindingoftheazole ligandsweredeterminedbyfirstgeneratingdifferencespectra culture(typically5–8l)bystandardmethods.Forcellbreak- (by the subtraction of the original inhibitor-free spectrum age,cellswerethawedandresuspendedinasmallvolumeof from each subsequent inhibitor-bound spectrum). At this buffer A containing protease inhibitors PMSF and benzami- point,spectrawerealsomultipliedbyappropriatefactorsto dinehydrochloride(bothat1mM)anddisruptedbysonica- tionusing aBandelin SonoplusGM2600 sonicator(10‹20s accountfordilutionthroughadditionoftheazoles.Next,the maximum overall absorption change at each [azole] (peak bursts at full power on ice, with appropriate cooling time absorption minus trough absorption in each difference spec- between bursts). The extract was then passed through a Frenchpress[950p.s.i.(6–55MPa),3passes]tocompletethe trum) was plotted against the [azole]. The data points were thenfittedtoarectangularhyperbolatogeneratetheK value, cfoelrl3b0remakinag(eatpr4o(cid:176)cCes)s.aTndhethlyesastoeluwbales ceexntrtaricftugweadsadte1c8a0n0te0dg. using the equation AflAmax [I]}(Kd›[I]), where Adis the observed shift in absorption at any given concentration of Proteinwasfractionatedbyammoniumsulfate precipitation azole ligand [I], and A is the maximum overall shift in (2 steps: 0–30% and 30–70%), and the 30–70% pellet max absorptionatazoleligandsaturation.Fortitrationsinwhich (containing CYP121) was retained. The pellet was resus- pended in a minimal volume of buffer A containing 0–5M theKdvalueoftheazoledrugwasnotmarkedlyhigherthan the [P450] used, data were fitted instead to a quadratic ammonium sulfate. The solution was then loaded onto a Phenyl-Sepharose column (5‹30cm), which had been pre- equation, which describes better the tight binding process equilibratedinbufferAcontaining1–5Mammoniumsulfate observedandwhichaccountsforthequantityofligandcom- plexed with the P450. The equation is Afl((A }(2E))‹ (bufferB).Theproteinwaselutedinalineargradient(500ml) (I›E›K ))fi((I›E›K )#fi(4IE))!–&, where A misaxthe ob- of buffer B to buffer A. CYP121-containing fractions were d d served absorption difference at each azole addition, A is dialysedagainst5lofbufferA,andloadedontoaQ-Sepharose max column(5‹25cm)thathadbeenpre-equilibratedinbufferA. themaximalabsorptiondifferenceatazolesaturation,Eisthe total enzyme concentration and I is the azole inhibitor Proteinwaselutedinalineargradient(500ml)ofbufferAto concentrationused. buffer A plus 500mM potassium chloride. The CYP121- containing fractions of highest purity were pooled and Determination of MIC values for M. smegmatis. M. smeg- dialysed against 5l of 25mM potassium phosphate (pH6–5, matis mc#155 (Snapper et al., 1990) was used for testing the bufferC)beforebeingloadedontoahydroxyapatitecolumn efficiency of the azole antifungal drugs. The MIC values for 2939 K.J.McLeanandothers theazoleantifungaldrugswithM.smegmatisweremeasured 3F60.Therecombinationplasmidcarriesgam,theproductof by serial dilution of M. smegmatis cultures onto LB agar which inhibits host RecBCD exonuclease V, thus allowing media (Sambrook et al., 1989) containing azole antifungal introduction of the linear disruption cassette into BW25113. drugs (econazole, miconazole, fluconazole, ketoconazole or The disruption cassette was allowed to recombine with clotrimazole) in the concentration range 0–01–250lgml−". the 3SCF60.06c gene on the 3F60 cosmid at 30(cid:176)C, the MICswerealsodeterminedforthevalidatedanti-Mtbdrugs recombination plasmid was then removed by incubation isoniazid (1–15lgml−") and metronidazole (4–100lgml−"). overnight at 37(cid:176)C with concomitant selection of disrupted The MIC was defined as the minimal concentration of the cosmid by incubation with 50lg apramycinml−" and 25lg drugrequiredtocompletelyinhibitthegrowthof99%ofthe kanamycinml−". cells,asdescribedpreviously(Cookseyetal.,1993;Phetsuksiri PriortoconjugativetransferofthemutantcosmidintoS.co- etal.,1999).Allassayswereperformedintriplicate. elicolor, the cosmid was first transformed into the methyl- Theeffectsoftheazoleantifungaldrugsonthegrowthrateof ation-deficient E. coli host ET12456, to prevent methyl- M. smegmatis mc#155 and E. coli TG1 were determined by specific restriction of the cosmid by S. coelicolor. ET12456 growing overnight cultures of the bacteria in LB medium at alsocontainsthenon-transmissibleplasmidpUZ8002,which 37(cid:176)C with agitation at 180 r.p.m. The following morning, encodes the tra gene product that enables mobilization of 50llaliquotsoftheE.colicultureand500llaliquotsofthe vectorDNAcontainingtheRK2oriT.Followingintergeneric M.smegmatiscultureweretransferredintotubescontaining conjugative transfer into S. coelicolor, and selection in the 5mloffreshLBmedium,andreturnedtotheorbitalincubator presenceof50lgapramycinml−"and25lgnalidixicacidml−" untiltheculturereachedanOD valueofC0–1–thistook toselectivelykillE.coli,colonieswerescreenedtwiceforthe ’!! approximately1–5hforE.coliand3hforM.smegmatis.At presence of double-crossover recombinants by testing for this stage, the antibiotics clotrimazole, econazole and isoni- resistance to apramycin and sensitivity to kanamycin on azid were added from the DMSO stock solutions (at final replicaDifconutrientagarplates.Finally,3SCF60.06cknock- concentrationsof10,1and0–1lM,withDMSOat%0–1%, outmutantswerestreakedontomannitolsoyaflourmedium v}v) to separate tubes, and controls without drug addition, plates (Hobbs et al., 1989) and stocks were prepared from plusrifampicin(5lM)orplusDMSO(0–1%,v}v)wereadded singlecolonies. tofurtherE.coli and M.smegmatiscultures. Growthofthe An S. coelicolor knockout of the CYP51-encoding gene cell cultures was then followed by OD measurements at ’!! (SC7E4.20) was generated by transposon mutagenesis using 30–60min intervals over the next 5–6h (E. coli) or 10–12h Tn4560, as described previously (Bhatt et al., 2002). Briefly, (M. smegmatis). The viability of the bacteria following the strain was isolated from a screen of random transposon antibioticdrugtreatmentwasalsoassessedbymeasuringthe mutantsgeneratedusingTn4560,aderivative(vph,viomycin growthratesofculturesofE.coliandM.smegmatisthathad resistance) of the Streptomyces fradiae Tn4556 for muta- been pre-treated with econazole and isoniazid (at 10, 1 and genesisofS.coelicolorA3(2)(Bhattetal.,2002).Tn4560was 0–1lM)andrifampicin(5lM)andrestoredtoantibiotic-free introducedintoS.coelicolorbyintergenericconjugationfrom medium. Inoculates (50ll for E. coli, 500ll for M. smeg- E. coli [the non-methylating strain ET12567 containing the matis)weretakenfromtherelevantdrug-treatedcultures12h mobilizing plasmid pUZ8002 (Kmr) and the transposon after addition of the antibiotics, centrifuged briefly to pellet deliveryvector pKay1, includingTn4560,vph,plasmidmar- the cells, resuspended in the same volume of antibiotic-free kers tsr and aac (3)IV, and oriT (RK2)]. Conjugation is medium and transferred to fresh LB medium for culture as described in detail elsewhere (Kieser et al., 2002). Random before. The OD values of the two cultures were followed ’!! viomycin-resistantcolonieswereselectedfromthetransposon over the next several hours to assess bacterial recovery. All library and the Tn4560 insertion site was determined by growth-ratemeasurementsweredoneintriplicate. ligation-mediatedPCR amplification (Bhatt et al., 2002) and GenerationofCYPgeneknockoutmutantsinS.coelicolor.A dideoxyDNAsequencing.TofacilitatePCR,theS.coelicolor knockoutmutantoftheS.coelicolorA3(2)gene3SCF60.06c DNAwasdigestedcompletelyusingrestrictionenzymeEagI, (encodingputativeP450CYP105D5)wasgeneratedusingthe which does not cut the Tn4560 ends. Then a non-phos- ‘Redirect–Technology’ PCR targeting system developed by phorylated, partially double-stranded adaptor was ligated Gust et al. (2002) under licence from Plant Bioscience Ltd, (onestrandonly)totheEagI-generatedfragments.PCRwas Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich, UK. This P450 thendoneusingaTn-specificprimerandaprimerspecificfor (CYP105D5) shows closest similarity to the Mtb CYP121 one strand of the adaptor, as described elsewhere (Fowler, enzymeattheaminoacidlevel(28%),asdeterminedusingthe 2002). DNA sequencing for one of the isolates showed that clustalwsoftwareattheEuropeanBioinformaticsInstitute transpositionhadoccurredwithintheSC7E4.20gene,andthis (http:}}www2.ebi.ac.uk}clustalw}). mutantwascharacterizedfurther. Acassettecomprisingtheapramycin-resistancegeneaac(3)IV, AssessmentofeffectsofazolesongrowthofStreptomyces the origin of transfer (oriT) from RK2 and flanking FLP strains. S. coelicolor A3(2), the two CYP knockout strains recombinase recognition targets was modified by PCR to (DCYP51 and DCYP105D5) and S. lividans TK24 were generate a gene-specific disruption cassette, using primers maintainedon soya}mannitol agarslopesorasfrozen spore with 20nt identities to the ends of the cassette and 39nt suspensions(indistilledwater)(Kieseretal.,2002).Toassess identities to genomic regions flanking the 3SCF60.06c gene. theefficiencyoftheazoledrugsonthegrowthofthesestrains, Theupstreamprimerwas5«-GTCCTTGTCGATGCCGAT- sporesuspensionswerethawedandspreadoverthesurfaceof GTGCATGCCGGGAGCCTCCTATGTAGGCTGGAGC- tryptone}soyaagar(TSA;Oxoid)plates.Atthisstage,6mm TGCTTC-3«andthedownstreamprimerwas5«-ATCGATC- antibioticdiscsthathadbeenpre-soakedintherelevantazole CGACGCACTCCTCGTCTGCGAGGTCTTCCATGAT- drug (or in isoniazid or rifampicin) or in DMSO or water TCCGGGGATCCGTCGACC-3«. S. coelicolor homologous (controls) were placed onto the surface of the plates. Cells sequences are shown in bold in both primer sequences. The weregrownfor3daysat30(cid:176)C,priortodeterminationofthe linear disruption cassette DNA was then introduced into E. antibiotic efficiency through measurement of the zone of coliBW25113.Thisstraincontainedthetemperature-sensitive cellular-growthinhibitioncreatedbyeachdrug.Asimilarset k red recombination plasmid and the S. coelicolor cosmid ofcontrolexperimentswasperformedusingE.coliTG1.Cells 2940 Azoleantifungalsinhibitmycobacterialgrowth weregrowntoanOD’!!valueofbetween0–7and0–8,plated T7 promoter lac operator RBS ontoTSAmediumand grown for 16–18h at30(cid:176)C,prior to analysis of growth inhibition. The incubation times allowed confluent bacterial cellular growth on the plates outside the NdeI zonesofinhibition.MICvaluesinthissystemweredefinedas the minimum concentration of the drug required to give a EcoRI measurable zone of inhibition around the disc. MIC values were also determined by serial dilution of S. coelicolor and S. lividans spore suspensions, and spotting these onto Difco bla Rv2276 Nutrient agar medium (Kieser et al., 2002). As with M. BamHI smegmatis, the MIC here was defined as the minimum drug concentrationrequiredtopreventgrowthof99%ofthecells. Allassayswereperformedintriplicate. EcoRI pKM2b Materials. Oligonucleotide primers for PCR were obtained 6832 bp fromPerkinElmerAppliedBiosystemsorweremanufactured attheProtein and Nucleic AcidLaboratory(PNACL) at the UniversityofLeicester,UK.AllrestrictionenzymesandDNA- modifying enzymes were from New England Biolabs. Other lacI modifying enzymes, Taq and Pfu DNA polymerase and T4 DNA ligase were obtained from Promega. Unless otherwise ori stated,allreagentsusedwereobtainedfromSigmaandwere ofthehighestgradeavailable.Mediaandmostsolutionswere madeaccording tostandard recipes(Sambrooket al., 1989). ................................................................................................................................................. Tryptone}soyamediumforthegrowthofStreptomycesspp. Fig.1. Cloning ofthe CYP121geneandcreationofexpression was from Oxoid. Econazole, ketoconazole and fluconazole vectorpKM2b.TheCYP121genewasclonedbyPCRfromaMtb werefromICN.Metronidazole,clotrimazole,miconazoleand cosmid library, as described in Methods. The PCR product was cloned directly into pGEM-T (creating plasmid clone pKM2a), otherazoleswerefromSigma.IsoniazidwasfromAldrich. and then as a NdeI–BamHI fragment into plasmid vector pET11a,creatingtheCYP121-expressingplasmidpKM2b. RESULTS ProductionandpurificationofCYP121 Typically, CYP121 was purified to homogeneity using TheRv2276gene(hereafterreferredtoasCYP121)was ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by column amplified by PCR using Taq DNA polymerase as chromatography using Phenyl-Sepharose, Q-Sepharose described in Methods, and verified to be of the correct size (1–188kb) by gel electrophoresis alongside DNA andhydroxyapatite.TherelativepurityofCYP121was measured during its purification, by comparing the size standards (1kb ladder; Gibco-BRL). The PCR haem-specific absorption (at 416–5nm) with the total product was cloned into pGEM-T (Promega), and protein absorption at 280nm at different stages of successful clones were selected by a-complementation purification.Thesemeasurementstypicallyshowedthat on X-Gal- and IPTG-containing LB agar medium. The soluble CYP121 was purified approximately 50-fold CYP121 gene was then excised from a verified clone from the original cell extract, and was recovered in (pKM2a), using NdeI and BamHI, and cloned into yieldsofapproximately4mgpureP450(lcellculture)−". expressionvectorpET11a(Novagen)underthecontrol The overall yield of CYP121 was C20%, based on ofanIPTG-inducibleT7lacpromoter,creatingCYP121 recovery of haemoprotein. However, given the afore- expression plasmid pKM2b (Fig. 1). mentionedtendencyoftheproteintomisfoldandform PreliminaryexpressiontrialsindicatedthatCYP121was inclusion bodies, we suspect that much of the CYP121 expressed to high levels in a variety of E. coli T7 RNA present in the initial extract is haem-bound denatured polymeraselysogenstrains.However,largeproportions enzyme,andthatthisisseparatedfromthenativeform of the CYP121 enzyme were found to form inclusion by ion exchange chromatography. The pure CYP121 bodies.ToachieveahighyieldofsolubleCYP121,theE. bound carbon monoxide in its (dithionite-reduced) colistrainHMS174(DE3)wasused(Studier&Moffat, ferrousform,givinganabsorptionmaximumat448nm, 1986).AHMS174(DE3)(pKM2b)transformantculture typicaloftheP450enzymeclass(notshown).Theratio (typically of 5–10l) was grown at 30(cid:176)C until early- ofhaem-specifictototalproteinabsorption(i.e.A } %"’–& exponential phase. Thereafter, mild IPTG induction A ) gives a measure of purity, with a value of #)! (100lM) of the culture was used, and the growth approximately1–9indicatinghomogeneousCYP121,as temperaturewasreducedto18(cid:176)C.Cultivationwasthen verified by SDS-PAGE. Electrospray ionization MS continuedforafurther24h.Undertheseconditionsthe indicated a single, intact species of molecular mass overall expression level of CYP121 was reduced by 43128Da (not shown). This correlated almost exactly approximately twofold (compared to growth and in- withthepredictedmassofCYP121basedontranslation duction at 37(cid:176)C), but production of soluble CYP121 of its gene sequence, once the mass of the initiator wasgreatlyincreased,allowingmuchhigherrecoveryof methioninehadbeensubtracted(43126Da).Adetailed soluble P450 from the cells. descriptionofthespectroscopicandbiophysicalproper- 2941 K.J.McLeanandothers 0·4 0·3 0·10 AD 0·2 0·1 0·0 0·05 0 5 10 15 20 [Ketoconazole] (lM) A0·00 D –0·05 –0·10 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 Wavelength (nm) ................................................................................................................................................. Fig.3.BindingofketoconazoletoMtbCYP121.Thebindingof theazoledrugtotheP450haeminducesshiftsintheUV-visible absorption spectrum, due to replacement of the sixth water ligandtotheferrichaemironbytheazolemoietyofthedrug. Themainsectionofthefigureshowsacollectionofdifference spectra induced by the addition of the azole antifungal drug ketoconazole to oxidized CYP121 (6–5lM), with difference spectra generated by subtraction of the starting (azole-free) CYP121 absolute spectrum from those collected following addition of 0–2, 1–2, 2–2, 3–2, 5–2, 7–2, 13–2 and 23–1lM ketoconazole.Thereisaprogressiveincreaseinthemagnitude of the difference spectra with increasing ketoconazole concentrations.Theazoledrugcomplexisvirtuallyfullyformed by 23–1lM, with the Soret absorption maximum shifted to ................................................................................................................................................. 423–5nm in the absolute spectrum. In the difference spectra, Fig. 2. Chemical structures of the azole antifungal drugs used minima and maxima resulting from azole addition are located in this study. In all cases, enzyme inhibition is achieved by atapproximately 395/408nm and430 nm.The inset shows the ligationofbasicnitrogenatomsfromtheinhibitorstotheferric plot of the maximal shifts in absorption data (A minus A ) 430 408 haemironofP450. for binding of ketoconazole to CYP121 versus the relevant ketoconazole concentrations. Fitting the data to a quadratic functiongeneratesaK valueof3–3‡0–3lMforthedrug. d tiesofCYP121ispresentedelsewhere,andwehavealso determined the atomic structure of this P450 (McLean at low concentrations of CYP121 (1–2lM). For these et al., 2002; D. Leys, C.G. Mowat, K.J. McLean, three azoles, the optical change associated with azole A.Richmond,S.K.Chapman,M.D.Walkinshaw,M.J. ligation occurred linearly with azole concentration, Sutcliffe & A.W. Munro, unpublished data). sharply reaching a plateau and indicative of stoichio- metricbindingtotheP450.Evenquadraticfitscouldnot Spectrophotometricanalysisofazoledrugbindingto describe the K with sufficient accuracy. Evidently, the CYP121 d K valuefortheseazolesisverylow,andislikelytobe d UV-visible absorption spectroscopy provides a simple !0–2lM. Optical titrations with fluconazole revealed and accurate method for the determination of the slightlyweakerbindingofthisazoletoCYP121,witha binding of substrates and inhibitors to P450s. The K value of 9–7‡0–2lM, as determined from a hy- d binding of azole inhibitors to P450s involves displace- perbolic fit of the absorption change versus the flucon- ment of a water molecule (weakly ligated as an axial azole concentration. Ketoconazole bound to CYP121 ligand to the haem iron) by a basic nitrogen from the withaslightlyhigheraffinitythanfluconazole,withaK d azole ring of the inhibitor. This leads to a shift in value of 3–3‡0–3lM, as determined from the fit to the the visible absorption spectrum of the P450, most quadratic equation (Fig. 3). notablethroughtheshiftofthemajor(Soret)absorption The binding of imidazole (K fl64‡3 mM) and 4- maximum to a longer wavelength. In the case of phenylimidazole (K fl53‡3lMd ) to CYP121 was con- CYP121, the Soret band shifted from 416–5nm (inhibi- d siderablyweakerthanthatofclotrimazole,econazoleor tor-free) to 423–5 nm (azole-saturated). miconazole,indicatingthatthehighaffinityoftheazole Eachoftheazoleantifungaldrugstestedhere(clotrim- antifungals for CYP121 is determined primarily by azole,econazole,fluconazole,ketoconazoleandmicon- favourable interactions between the bulky, polycyclic azole)wasfoundtobindtightlytoCYP121,inducinga azole antifungals and the hydrophobic residues in the shiftoftheSoretspectralmaximumto423–5nm(Fig.2). largely apolar active site of CYP121, rather than being Thebindingofclotrimazole,econazoleandmiconazole drivenbyligationoftheazolegrouptotheferrichaem toCYP121provedtootighttoanalyseaccurately,even iron.Itisinterestingtonotethateventheadditionofa 2942 Azoleantifungalsinhibitmycobacterialgrowth Table1.ComparisonofM.smegmatisMICvaluesforselectedazoleantifungaldrugs withtherelevantK valuesforMtbCYP121andCYP51 d ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... TheMICvaluesfortheazoleantifungaldrugsweredeterminedasdescribedinMethods.These valuesarecomparedwiththerelevantK valuesforthesamedrugs(derivedfromspectral d titrations)forpurifiedMtbCYP121(fromthisreport)andthesteroldemethylaseCYP51(Bellamine etal.,1999;Guardiola-Diazetal.,2001).AllMICvalueshavestandarderrorsof!10%. Drug MICvalueforM. K valueexpressedinlM(andlgml−1)for d smegmatisinlM (andlgml−1) MtbCYP121 MtbCYP51 Econazole* !0–2(!0–1) !0–2(!0–09) 5–4‡1–8(cid:140)(2–4‡0–8) Clotrimazole* 0–3(0–1) !0–2(!0–07) C5(cid:140)(C1–7) Miconazole* 2–6(1–25) !0–2(!0–10) nd Ketoconazole* 38(20) 3–3‡0–3(1–75‡0–2) 11–1‡5–0(cid:140);5(cid:141)(5–9‡2–7;2–7) Fluconazole* "325("100) 9–7‡0–2(3–0‡0–1) C10(cid:141)(C3–1) Isoniazid(cid:139) 36–5(5) nc nds Rifampicin(cid:139) 12(1) nc nd nd,Notdetermined;nc,nospectralchangeobserved. *Antifungaldrug. (cid:139)Anti-Mtbdrug. (cid:140)K valuesforCYP51arefromGuardiola-Diazetal.(2001). d (cid:141)EstimatedK valuesfromBellamineetal.(1999). d sSpectralchangeswereobserved,butnoK valuewasobtained(fromGuardiola-Diazetal.,2001). d hydrophobicphenylmoietytotheazoles(for4-phenyl- CYP51 sterol demethylase) may be the major site of imidazole cf. imidazole) is sufficient to reduce the K action of these drugs. d value by a factor of 10$. No significant spectral The effects of the azole drugs on the growth rate of perturbations were observed on titration of CYP121 M. smegmatis were also determined, and the growth with the nitroimidazopyran drug metronidazole at rateswerecomparedwiththoseofE.coli(seeMethods). concentrations up to 10 mM, suggesting that this drug ForE.coli,neitherclotrimazolenoreconazole(thetwo binds more weakly to CYP121 than imidazole does. most effective azole drugs against M. smegmatis and S. coelicolor) had any significant effect on the specific Determinationoftheefficiencyoftheazole growth rate (s.g.r.) of this organism when applied at antifungaldrugsagainstM.smegmatis concentrations of 10, 1 and 0–1lM. Isoniazid (at the The MIC values for a range of azole antifungal drugs sameconcentrations)andDMSOalsofailedtodecrease were determined using M. smegmatis, and these were the growth rate of E. coli when compared with the comparedwiththeMICvaluefortheleadinganti-Mtb control sample. In all cases the s.g.r. was around drug,isoniazid[isonicotinicacidhydrazide(INH)].The 0–354‡0–044h−"[generationtime(g.t.)fl0–85‡0–10h]. MIC of isoniazid was 36–5lM (5lgml−"). However, However, rifampicin at a concentration of 5lM com- threeofthefivecommerciallyavailableazoleantifungal pletelypreventedthegrowthofE.coli.Incontrasttothe drugs proved more effective than isoniazid against M. results with E. coli, the azole drugs inhibited M. smeg- smegmatis. The MIC values for clotrimazole (0–3lM; matis growth strongly atlow concentrations(Table 2). 0–1lgml−"), miconazole (2–6lM; 1–25lgml−") and The naturally slower-growing control and DMSO- econazole (!0–2lM; !0–1lgml−") indicated that all treated M. smegmatis samples had identical growth ofthesedrugsweresuperiortoisoniazidasinhibitorsof rates(s.g.r.fl0–130‡0–008h−";g.t.fl2–32‡0–14h),but M. smegmatis cell growth, and both clotrimazole and growth was completely terminated by the presence of econazoleweremoreeffectivethanthepotentanti-Mtb econazoleatconcentrationsof10and1lM.At0–1lM drug rifampicin (MICfl1–2lM; 1lgml−"). Ketocon- econazole,theM.smegmatiss.g.r.wasreducedby54%. azole(MICfl38lM;20lgml−")wasratherlesseffective ClotrimazolewasalsohighlyeffectiveagainstM.smeg- than rifampicin, and fluconazole had a negligible effect matis, but it was slightly less potent than econazole. on bacterial growth (MIC"325lM; "250lgml−"). At 10lM clotrimazole there was no M. smegmatis DMSO,usedasthesolventfortheazoles,hadnoeffect growth; at 1 and 0–1lM clotrimazole the s.g.r. of oncellulargrowthattheconcentrationsused(!0–1%). M.smegmatiswasreducedby72and41%,respectively. Theorderofpotencyoftheazoledrugscorrelatedwith Theseazoledrugswerefarmoreeffectivethanisoniazid, theirK valuesforbindingtotheMtbCYP121enzyme which decreased the growth rate of M. smegmatis by d (Table 1), suggesting that this P450 (rather than the 26% only at the highest concentration tested (10lM). 2943 K.J.McLeanandothers Table2.InhibitionofM.smegmatisgrowthbyazoleantifungaldrugscomparedto inhibitionofgrowthbyanti-Mtbdrugs ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GrowthofM.smegmatiscultureswasrecordedbymeasuringtheOD value(seeMethods). ’!! DMSOwasaddedtotheculturesat0–1%(v}v)toactasasolventforthedrugs.Resultsarebased onthreereplicationsandareshown‡sd. Drug Finalconcn s.g.r.(h−1) g.t.(h) Decreasein (lM)* growth(%) Control(nodrug) 0–130‡0–008 2–32‡0–14 – Econazole(cid:139) 10 ng ng 100 1 ng ng 100 0–1 0–060‡0–011 5–02‡0–92 54 Clotrimazole(cid:139) 10 ng ng 100 1 0–036‡0–009 8–36‡2–09 72 0–1 0–076‡0–004 3–96‡0–21 41 Isoniazid(cid:140) 10 0–096‡0–020 3–14‡0–65 26 1 0–128‡0–008 2–35‡0–15 0 0–1 0–123‡0–012 2–45‡0–24 0 Rifampicin(cid:140) 5 0–110‡0–011 2–74‡0–27 15 ng,Nogrowth. *A 1lM drug concentration corresponds to 0–45lgml−" (econazole), 0–35lgml−" (clotrimazole) or 0–14lgml−"(isoniazid).A5lMconcentrationofrifampicincorrespondsto4–1lgrifampicinml−". (cid:139)Antifungaldrug. (cid:140)Anti-Mtbdrug. Table3.MICvaluesforazoleantifungaldrugswithS.coelicolorandS.lividansstrains,as determinedbythedisc-basedassay ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... DMSO,usedasthesolventfortheazoledrugs,hadnoeffectonthegrowthoftheStreptomyces strains.TheMICvaluesreportedasmolaritiescorrespondtothefollowingconcentrationsinunits oflgml−"fortheMICvalueswithS.coelicolor:econazole,2–2;clotrimazole,3–4;miconazole,3–6; ketoconazole,130;fluconazole,4600;metronidazole,"17000;isoniazid,"14000;rifampicin, 200000.AllMICvalueshavestandarderrorsof!10%. Drug MICvalues(lM)for* S.coelicolor S.coelicolor S.coelicolor S.lividans A3(2) DCYP51 DCYP105D5 TK24 Econazole(cid:139) 5(2) 7–5(2) 7–5(5) 7–5(5) Clotrimazole(cid:139) 10(5) 10(5) 15(5) 10(5) Miconazole(cid:139) 7–5(5) 7–5(5) 10(5) 7–5(5) Ketoconazole(cid:139) 250(100) 250(100) 250(250) 100(100) Fluconazole(cid:139) 1–5‹10%(1–5‹10%) 2‹10%(1–5‹10%) 2‹10%(2‹10%) 2‹10%(2‹10%) Metronidazole(cid:140) "10& "10& "10& "10& Isoniazid(cid:140) "10& "10& "10& "10& Rifampicin(cid:140) 2–5‹10& 2–5‹10& 2–5‹10& 2–5‹10& *ValuesinparenthesesareMICvaluesdeterminedfromcolonygrowthonazole-containingmedium. (cid:139)Antifungaldrug. (cid:140)Anti-Mtbdrug. Rifampicin at a concentration of 5lM caused only a Tofurtherexaminetheeffectsoftheazoledrugsonthe 15%decreaseintheM.smegmatisgrowthrate,amuch viabilityofM.smegmatis,thegrowthofthebacterium lessereffectthanobservedwhenE.coliwasgrowninthe post-azole treatment was measured. This experiment presence of this drug. wasperformedusingeconazole(themosteffectiveazole 2944 Azoleantifungalsinhibitmycobacterialgrowth ..................................................................................................... Fig. 4. Inhibition of Streptomyces cell growth by azole drugs. Azole antifungal drugsarepotentinhibitorsofthegrowthof S. coelicolor and S. lividans. The figure shows zones of inhibition of growth of S. coelicolor (a) and S. lividans (b) around discs soaked in the azole drugs miconazole (Mic), ketoconazole (Ket) and fluconazole (Flu), along with control discs soaked in metronidazole (Met; 100mM), DMSO and water(H O).S.coelicolorgrowthisinhibited 2 by miconazole and ketoconazole (both at 10mM),butnotbyfluconazoleatthesame concentration. S. lividans growth is also inhibited by miconazole and ketoconazole (bothat10mM),andsomeinhibitionisalso observed for fluconazole at a higher concentration(100mM). drug tested) and data for bacterial recovery compared although the MIC values were generally slightly lower withdataobtainedwhenisoniazidandrifampicinwere whendeterminedbythecolony-countingmethod.This used as the antibiotics. An identical set of experiments mayhaveresultedfromthelimiteddiffusionoftheazole was performed on E. coli as a further control. For drugsthroughtheagarmediuminthedisc-basedassay. E. coli, 5lM rifampicin had a bactericidal effect, with ThethreeazoledrugsthatboundmosttightlytoCYP121 completeinhibitionofthegrowthofthisorganismupon andwhichweremosteffectiveagainstM.smegmatisin thetransferofaninoculumoftreatedcellstoantibiotic- growth trials (i.e. econazole, clotrimazole and micon- free medium. In contrast to the rifampicin pre-treat- azole) were by far the most effective azoles against the ment,cellsofE.colipre-treatedwitheithereconazoleor Streptomycesspecies,withMICvaluesof%10lM.The isoniazid (both at 10lM) resumed growth, with rates MIC values for the three azoles were all considerably identicaltothoseoftheuntreatedcontrolcells(s.g.r.fl 0–354‡0–010h−"; g.t.fl0–85‡0–20h). For M. smeg- lower than that for rifampicin. The next most effective azole,ketoconazole,hadasimilarantibacterialpotency matiscellspre-treatedwithisoniazid(atconcentrations to rifampicin against the Streptomyces species. As seen oinf1g0ro,w1tahndra0te–1sl(Ms.g).rt.hfler0e–1w2a0s‡n0o–0s1ig0nhifi−"c;angt.td.fliff2er–5e1n‡ce with M. smegmatis, fluconazole was !10$-fold as effectiveaseconazoleandclotrimazoleagainstS. coeli- 0–21h) when compared to the untreated controls (0–124‡0–014h−"; g.t.fl2–43‡0–27h). In contrast to colorandS.lividans.Isoniazidhadanegligibleeffecton Streptomyces growth (MIC "100mM), and the Mtb theresultwithE.coli,cellsofM.smegmatispre-treated nitroimidazopyran drug candidate metronidazole also with rifampicin (5lM) recovered fully and resumed normal growth (0–126‡0–012h−"; g.t.fl2–39‡0–23h). hadaMICvalue"100mMwithalloftheStreptomyces strains tested. DMSO (the solvent for the drugs) also However, inM. smegmatis cells pre-treated with econ- hadnoinhibitoryeffectsonstreptomycetegrowthatthe azole there was a clear detrimental effect on bacterial concentrations tested. growthinthesubcultures,whichwasdependentonthe initial concentration of the drug. In cells of M. smeg- Inthedisc-basedassaysoftheazoleandanti-Mtbdrugs matispre-treatedwith10lMeconazole,growthwasre- against E. coliTG1, noneoftheazoleantifungal drugs establishedatans.g.r.of0–069‡0–012h−"(g.t.fl4–36‡ were effective at concentrations up to 100mM. Simi- 0–76h); at 1lM econazole the s.g.r. was 0–097‡ larly,DMSOhadnoeffectonE.coligrowth.Metroni- 0–009h−" (g.t.fl3–10‡0–29h), and at 0–1lM econazole dazole and isoniazid had only minor effects on the the s.g.r. was 0–103‡0–008h−" (g.t.fl2–92‡0–23h). growthofE.coliTG1(MICvaluesof75and100mM, Thus, after pre-treatment with 10lM econazole, the respectively),butrifampicinwashighlyeffectiveagainst subculturedcellsofM.smegmatisre-establishedgrowth this organism, with an MIC of !5lM. at only 55% of the rate of the untreated control cells. Atbest,marginaldifferentialeffectsonthegrowthofthe two S. coelicolor cytochrome P450 knockout strains Determinationoftheefficiencyoftheazole (DCYP51 and DCYP105D5) were observed in com- antifungaldrugsagainstS.coelicolorA3(2)and parisontothewild-typeonexposuretotheazoledrugs. S.lividansTK24 Any small difference in azole sensitivity was clearest in AsfoundwithM.smegmatis,alloftheazoleantifungal theDCYP105D5strain,whereMICvaluesforthemost drugs tested were potent inhibitors of cellular growth effective azole drugs (econazole, clotrimazole and for S. coelicolor and S. lividans (Table 3; Fig. 4). MIC miconazole)wereslightlyhigherthanforthewild-type values, as determined from zones of inhibition around strain (Table 3). The most important feature to note azole-soaked discs and from colony growth on azole- regarding these strains was that the deletion of either containing medium (as described for M. smeg- P450wasnon-lethal,andhadlittleeffectonthegrowth matis), were similar for both Streptomyces species, of the bacteria under laboratory conditions. Thus, 2945 K.J.McLeanandothers neither CYP105D5 nor CYP51 is essential for viability Azole drugs are commonly used in the treatment of under such conditions. fungal and yeast infections, and act primarily by inhibiting the activity of the P450 CYP51, which is a lanosterol demethylase involved in the generation of DISCUSSION ergosterol,acriticalsterolforthecellularmembraneof P450saregenerallyconsideredtoberareinbacteria,and yeasts and fungi (Schuster, 1993). Fungal resistance to to function mainly as components of dispensable cata- azole drugs is frequently associated with CYP51 muta- bolic pathways for the degradation of unusual carbon tions that reduce affinity of the altered proteins for the sources(Poulosetal.,1987;Petersonetal.,1992).Such drugs (Aoyama et al., 2000). A rationale for the use of enzymes would be effective targets for manipulation azolesasantibacterialshasbeenabsent,duetoassump- only under peculiar growth conditions. However, the tions that bacteria generally do not possess sterol recent genome-sequencing projects for Mtb (and other biosyntheticpathways.However,aCYP51-likeenzyme related mycobacteria) and S. coelicolor have indicated hasbeencharacterizedinMtbandthisenzymehasbeen thattheseactinomycetesencodelargenumbersofP450s. showntocatalysethedemethylationoflanosterolanda Thereare20differentP450isoformsencodedwithinthe plant sterol (obtusifoliol), as would be expected for a Mtb genome [Cole et al., 1998; Mtb genome sequence bona fide CYP51 enzyme (Bellamine et al., 1999). The homepageattheSangerInstitute(http:}}www.sanger. subsequentdeterminationoftheatomicstructureofthe ac.uk}Projects}Mjtuberculosis})], and the recent se- Mtb CYP51 in complex with the drug fluconazole quence of S. coelicolor indicates there to be 18 P450s provided the first molecular description ofthe mode of encoded within its genome (Bentley et al., 2002). The interaction of an azole antifungal drug with a P450 large numbers of P450s found in these actinomycetes enzyme. The structure is thus of great importance in have not (as yet) been found in other bacterial genera, understanding how the specificity for the azole is and suggest that the P450s play several important determined, and may enable de novo design of more physiological roles in mycobacteria and the strepto- selective and potent azole inhibitors of CYP51. How- mycetes; thus, they may provide novel drug targets ever, azole antifungals are used mainly as topically againstthepathogenicmycobacteria.InvariousStrepto- appliedantibioticsforthetreatmentofsuperficialyeast mycesspecies,rolesforP450sarerecognizedinspecific andfungalinfections.Duetotheircross-reactivity(often hydroxylations for the synthesis of polyketide anti- with micromolar or higher affinity) with human P450 biotics (e.g. P450picK in the synthesis of picromycin in isoforms, many of the azole drugs are not systemically Streptomyces venezuelae; Betlach et al., 1998). How- tolerated and are toxic when administered orally or by ever, the roles of Mtb P450s remain to be elucidated, intravenous injection (Zhang et al., 2002). Much re- with the only possible exception being the putative search has gone into the production of systemically steroldemethylaseCYP51(Souteretal.,2000;Bellamine tolerated azole drugs, and fluconazole has been among et al., 1999; Lepsheva et al., 2001). The complexity of the most successful of the generation of triazole drugs the lipids in the Mtb envelope may provide an ex- that is now in clinical use. Research remains active in planation for the roles of several of the other P450s in thisarea,andvoriconazoleisagoodexampleofanewly this organism (Daffe&Draper, 1998). The majority of developed systemically tolerated triazole with an im- the20P450sinMtbareconservedinM.smegmatisand proved potency and spectrum of antifungal activity Mycobacterium bovis, with the notable exceptions of compared to fluconazole (Hoffman & Rathbun, 2002). thehomologuesofthoseP450sencodedbyRv3121and In view of the fact that we have demonstrated that Rv1256c,whichareinregionsofthegenomedeletedin several azole drugs are powerful inhibitors of myco- theM.bovisBCGstrain(RD12andRD13,respectively) bacterial (and streptomycete) growth, there would [TheInstituteforGenomicResearchmicrobialgenomes appeartobegoodevidenceforthedevelopmentanduse home page (http:}}www.tigr.org}tdb}mdb}mdbin- of these drugs as anti-Mtb agents. progress.html); M. bovis genome sequence home page at the Sanger Institute (http:}}www.sanger.ac.uk} Thefactthatazoleantifungaldrugsarehighlyeffective Projects}Mjbovis})]. Interestingly, the much smaller as inhibitors of the growth of M. smegmatis and of genomeofMycobacteriumleprae(3–27Mbcf.4–44Mb Streptomycesstrainsdoesnotleadusimmediatelytothe in Mtb) encodes only one functional P450, although identification of their major intracellular target en- there are several CYP pseudogenes retained within its zyme(s). However, it would appear unlikely that the genome [M. leprae genome sequence home page at the drugsdonottargetP450(s)invivo(particularlyinlight Sanger Institute (http:}}www.sanger.ac.uk}Projects} oftheirtightbindingtoMtbCYP121andCYP51),and Mjleprae})]. The sole viable CYP gene remaining in their ineffectiveness against E. coli (which is devoid of M.lepraeisML2088,orCYP118,whoseclosestrelative P450s) suggests that these drugs have negligible effects in Mtb is the CYP140 protein encoded by the Rv1880c on other cellular enzymes, including the respiratory gene (34% amino acid sequence identity). Obviously, cytochromes. However, any assumption that the sole thecharacterizationofthisparticularP450isoformmay P450 target in mycobacteria and streptomycetes is the shed light on a potentially critical P450-mediated role sterol demethylase homologue CYP51 is clearly invalid retainedinM.leprae,abacteriumwhichhasundergone basedonthisstudy.Wepresentdatathatshowthatnot dramatic gene decay during its evolution (Cole et al., onlydoestheMtbCYP121enzymebindtightlytoazole 2001). antifungal drugs, but that its K values for the azole d 2946