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Azimuthal correlations of forward di-hadrons in 1 1 0 d+Au collisions suppressed by saturation 2 n a J 6 2 ] h JavierL.Albacete p InstitutdePhysiqueThéorique,CEA/Saclay,91191Gif-sur-Yvettecedex,France - p E-mail: [email protected] e h Cyrille Marquet ∗ [ PhysicsDepartment,TheoryUnit,CERN,1211Genève23,Switzerland 1 E-mail: [email protected] v 9 0 RHIC experiments have recently measured the azimuthal correlation function of forward di- 1 hadrons. Thedatashowadisappearanceoftheaway-sidepeakincentrald+Aucollisions,com- 5 . paredtop+pcollisions,aswaspredictedbysaturationphysics. Indeed,wearguethatthiseffect, 1 0 absent at mid-rapidity, is a consequence of the small-x evolution into the saturation regime of 1 the Gold nucleus wave function. We show that the data are well described in the Color Glass 1 Condensateframework. : v i X r a 35thInternationalConferenceofHighEnergyPhysics-ICHEP2010, July22-28,2010 ParisFrance Speaker. ∗ (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicence. http://pos.sissa.it/ Azimuthalde-correlationsofforwarddi-hadrons CyrilleMarquet Hard processes in hadronic collisions, which resolve the partonic structure of hadrons, are welldescribed bytheleading-twist approximation ofQCD.Inthisweak-coupling regime, partons in the hadronic wave function scatter independently, this is the essence of collinear factorization. However, since the parton densities grow with decreasing energy fraction x, the hadronic wave function also features a low-x part where the parton density has become large and partons scatter coherently, invalidating the leading-twist approximation. This weak-coupling regime, where non- linearities areimportant,iscalledsaturation, anditcanbeprobedathigh-energies sinceincreasing theenergy ofacollision allowstoprobelower-energy partons. Inhadron-hadron collisions, bycontrastwithdeepinelasticscattering, hardprocesses aresin- gled out by requiring that one or more particles are produced with a large transverse momentum, much bigger than L . When in addition the particles are produced at forward rapidities, such QCD processes aresensitiveonlytohigh-momentum partonsinsideoneofthecolliding (dilute)hadron, whoseQCDdynamicsiswellunderstood, whilemainlysmall-momentum (small-x)partonsinside theotherdensehadroncontributetothescattering. Replacingthathadronbyalargenucleusfurther enhances thegluondensity, andthepossibility toreachthesaturation regime. Inthecaseofsingle-inclusivehadronproduction,thesuppressionofparticleproductionatfor- ward rapidities in d+Au collisions compared to p+p collisions, experimentally observed at RHIC [1], constitutes one of the most compelling indications for the presence of non-linear QCD evo- lution effects in presently available data. The Color Glass Condensate (CGC) provides a robust theoretical framework to describe the small-x degrees of freedom of hadronic/nuclear wave func- tions. The good description of, among other observables, forward hadron production in d+Au collisions at RHIC [2] indeed lends support to the idea that saturation effects may be a relevant dynamical ingredient atpresentenergies. However, alternative explanations of the suppressed forward hadron yield in d+Au collisions were proposed [3], suggesting that one is not yet sensitive to the saturation of the nuclear gluon densityatRHICenergies, butthatthesuppression isratherduetopartonicenergylossthroughthe nuclearmatter,neglectedinCGCcalculations. Inspiteofthefactthatsaturation-based approaches were the only ones to correctly predict this phenomenon, the existence of alternative scenarios calls for the study of more complex observables. In the light of recent preliminary data in d+Au collisions atRHIC,showingtheproduction offorwardmono-jets [4],calculating double-inclusive forward hadron production in both frameworks could help pin down which is the correct picture. In this work, we show that the CGC calculation predicts correctly the azimuthal de-correlation of forward di-hadrons in d+Au collisions compared to p+p collisions [5], thus providing further support forthepresence ofsaturation effectsinpresentdata. 1. Formulation Inthecaseofdouble-inclusive hadronproduction, denoting p , p andy ,y thetransverse 1 2 1 2 ⊥ ⊥ momenta and rapidities of the final state particles, the partons that can contribute to the cross sectionhaveafractionoflongitudinalmomentumboundedfrombelow,byx (forpartonsfromthe p deuteron wavefunction) andx (forpartonsfromthenucleus wavefunction), whicharegivenby A p xp=x1+x2 , xA=x1 e−2y1+x2 e−2y2 , with xi= | i⊥| eyi . (1.1) √s 2 Azimuthalde-correlationsofforwarddi-hadrons CyrilleMarquet The kinematic range for forward particle detection at RHIC is such that, with √s = 200 GeV, x 0.4andx 10 3.Therefore the dominant partonic subprocess isinitiated byvalence quarks p A − ∼ ∼ in the deuteron and, at lowest order in a , the dAu h h X cross-section is obtained from the s 1 2 → qA qgX cross-section,thevalencequarkdensityinthedeuteron f ,andtheappropriatehadron q/d → fragmentation functions D andD : h/q h/g 1 1 1 p p dNdAu h1h2X = dz dz dx dNqA qgX xP, 1, 2 D (z ,m )D (z ,m )+ → Zx1 1Zx2 2Zxz11+xz22 (cid:20) → (cid:18) z1 z2(cid:19) h1/q 1 h2/g 2 p p dNqA qgX xP, 2, 1 D (z ,m )D (z ,m ) f (x,m )(.1.2) → (cid:18) z z (cid:19) h1/g 1 h2/q 2 (cid:21) q/d 2 1 HerewewillusetheCTEQ6NLOquarkdistributions andtheKKPNLOfragmentation functions. The factorization and fragmentation scales are both chosen equal to the transverse momentum of the leading hadron, which we choose to denote hadron 1, m = p . Note that we have assumed 1 | ⊥| thatthetwofinal-statehadronscomefrompartonswhichhavefragmentedindependently, therefore formula (1.2) cannot be used when R2 =(y y )2+(D f )2 is too small, where D f is the differ- 2 1 − ence between the hadrons azimuthal angles. Computing the cross section for small R requires the introduction ofpoorly-known di-hadronfragmentation functions, weshallnotdoit,becauseaswe shallseethenon-linear QCDeffectsweareinterested inmanifestthemselves aroundDF =p . As usual, due to parton fragmentation, the values of x’s probed are generically higher than x and x defined in (1.1). For the proton, one has x <x<1, and if x would be smaller (this p A p p will be the case at the LHC), the gluon initiated processes gA qq¯X and gA ggX should also → → be included in (1.2), they have been computed recently [6] . For the nucleus, we shall see that the parton momentum fraction varies between xA and e−2y1+e−2y2. Therefore with large enough rapidities, onlythesmall-xpartofthenuclearwavefunctionisrelevantwhencalculatingtheqA → qgX crosssection,andthatcrosssectioncannotbefactorizedfurther: dNqA qgX = f dNqg qg. → g/A → 6 ⊗ Indeed, when probing the saturation regime, dNqA qgX is expected to be a non-linear function of → thenucleargluondistribution, whichisitself,throughevolution,anon-linear functionofthegluon distribution athigherx. UsingtheCGCapproach todescribe thesmall-x partofthenucleus wavefunction, theqA → qgX cross section was calculated in [7, 8]. It was found that the nucleus cannot be described by only the single-gluon distribution, a direct consequence of the fact that small-x gluons in the nuclear wave function behave coherently, and not individually. The qA qgX cross section is → instead expressed in terms ofcorrelators of Wilson lines (which account for multiple scatterings), withuptoasix-pointcorrelatoraveragedovertheCGCwavefunction,whilethegluondistribution istheFouriertransform ofonlyatwo-point(dipole) correlator N : d2r F(x,k )= e ik r [1 N (x,r)], (1.3) ⊥ Z (2p )2 − ⊥· − whererdenotesthedipoletransversesize. F(x,k )isactuallycalledtheunintegrated gluondistri- ⊥ bution, duetothe fact that itisk dependent, afeature known tobenecessary todescribe small-x ⊥ partons, eveninthelinearregime. At the moment, it is not known how to practically evaluate the six-point function. In [8], an approximation was made which allows to express the higher-point correlators in terms of the 3 Azimuthalde-correlationsofforwarddi-hadrons CyrilleMarquet two-point function (1.3). This isdone assuming aGaussian distribution of the color sources, with a non-local variance. The resulting cross section for the inclusive production of the quark-gluon system inthescattering ofaquarkwithmomentumxP+ offthenucleusAreads[8]: dNqA→qgX = a SCF d (xP+ k+ q+)F(x˜ ,D ) (cid:229) Il (z,k D ;x˜ ) y l (z,k zD ) 2 , (1.4) d3kd3q 4p 2 − − A lab (cid:12) ab ⊥− A − ab ⊥− (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where q and k are the momenta the quark and gluon respectively, and with D = k +q and ⊥ ⊥ z = k+/xP+. In this formula, x˜ denotes the longitudinal momentum fraction of the gluon in A the nucleus, and x˜A =x1 e−2y1/z1+x2 e−2y2/z2 >xA when the cross section (1.4) is plugged into formula(1.2). Thesecondlineofformula(1.4)features theso-called k -factorization breaking term,with T Il (z,k ;x)= d2q y l (z,q )F(x,k q ), (1.5) ab ab ⊥ Z ⊥ ⊥ ⊥− ⊥ and where y l is the well-known amplitude for q qg splitting (l , a and b are polarization ab → and helicity indices). While no additional information than the two-point function is needed to compute (1.4), since higher-point correlators needed in principle have been expressed in terms of F(x,k ), the cross section is still a non-linear function of that gluon distribution, invalidating ⊥ k -factorization. The rather simple form of the k -factorization breaking term is due to the use T T of a Gaussian CGC color source distribution, and to the large-N limit. However, the validity of c this approximation has been critically examined [9], as it does not allow to correctly implement the non-linear QCD evolution, even in the large N limit. Finally, let us comment on the factor c d (xP+ k+ q+)informula (1.4). Thisdeltafunction isamanifestation ofthefactthatinahigh- − − energy hadronic collision, the momentum transfer is mainly transverse, and it appears because the eikonal approximation was used to compute the qA qgX cross section. This is valid in the → high-energy limit,asforinstance theenergylossoftheincomingquarkisneglected. TheCGCis endowed withaset ofnon-linear evolution equations whichin thelarge-N limit c reduce to the Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equation [10]. These equations can be interpreted as a renormalization groupequationforthexevolutionoftheunintegratedgluondistribution, andmore generally of n-point correlators, in which both linear radiative processes and non-linear recombi- nationeffectsareincluded. Inthiswork,wecomputethesmall-xdynamicsofthedipolecorrelator N by solving the running-coupling (rc) BK equation. The evolution kernel is evaluated accord- ing to the prescription of Balitsky. Explicit expressions, together with a detailed discussion on the numerical method used to solve the rcBK equation can be found in [11], along with detailed discussions aboutotherprescriptions proposed todefinetherunning-coupling kernel. The only piece of information left to fully complete all the ingredients in (1.2) are the initial conditions for the rcBK evolution of N (x,r). This non-perturbative input has been constrained by single-inclusive forward hadron production data in [2]. The two parameters are x =0.02, the 0 value of x below which one starts to trust, and therefore use, the CGC framework, and the value A of the saturation scale at the starting point of the evolution Q¯2(x ) Q¯2 =0.4 GeV2. Then, this s 0 ≡ s0 information wassimplytaken overin[5]. Inthis respect, theseforward di-hadron calculations are predictions, therearenofreeparametertoplaywith. 4 Azimuthalde-correlationsofforwarddi-hadrons CyrilleMarquet DfCP() 0.02 1 GpTe,LV>/2c G< epVT,/Sc<pT,L Spd++TpAA uR(− c 0Pe.Rn0t0Er4aL5lI M()−I0N.A01R4Y5) DfCP() 000...000000678 pdTA,L>u2fi G peV0p/c0,X 1 GeV/c < pT,S<pT,L bbb===034 .ff4mm fm 0.015 b=5.1 fm 0.005 0.004 0.01 0.003 0.005 0.002 0.001 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 D f D f Figure1: ThecoincidenceprobabilityatafunctionofD f . Left: CGCcalculations[5]forp+pandcentral d+Au collisions, the disappearanceofthe away-sidepeakisquantitativelyconsistentwiththe STAR data. Right: CGC predictionsfordifferentcentralitiesofthed+Aucollisions, thenear-sidepeakisindependent ofthecentrality,whiletheaway-sidepeakreappearsascollisionsaremoreandmoreperipheral. 2. Comparisonwithdata Wewillnowinvestigate theprocessdAu h h X,with√s=200GeV.Inparticular weshall 1 2 → studytheD f dependenceofthespectrum,whereD f isthedifferencebetweentheazimuthalangles ofthemeasuredforwardparticlesh andh .Tobemorespecific,weshallcomputethecoincidence 1 2 probability to,givenatriggerparticleinacertainmomentumrange,produceanassociated particle inanothermomentumrange. Itisgivenby CP(D f )= Npair(D f ) , with N (D f )= dNpA→h1h2X , N = dNpA→hX . (2.1) N pair Z d3p d3p trig Z d3p trig 1 2 yi,|pi⊥| y, p⊥ In order to compare with the STARmeasurement, the integration bounds for the rapidities are set to 2.4<y<4, which also ensures that only small-momentum partons are relevant in the nucleus wave function. In addition, for thetrigger (leading) particle p >2GeV and for the associated 1 | ⊥| (sub-leading) hadron 1 GeV< p < p . The single-inclusive hadron production spectrum, 2 1 | ⊥| | ⊥| usedtonormalize thecoincidence probability, iscalculated asexplained in[2]. To deal with the centrality dependence, we identify the centrality averaged initial saturation scaleQ¯2 ,extractedfromminimum-biassingle-inclusive hadronproduction data,withthevalueof s0 Q2 atb=5.47fm,andusetheWoods-Saxondistribution T (b)tocalculate thesaturation scaleat s0 A othercentralities: Q¯2 T (b) Q2 (b)= s0 A , Q¯2 =0.4GeV2 . (2.2) s0 T (5.47fm) s0 A The result for central d+Au collisions is displayed in Fig.1, left plot, along with preliminary data from the STARcollaboration. As mentioned before, we do not calculated the complete near-side peak,asourformuladoesnotapplyaroundD f =0. Weseethatthedisappearanceoftheaway-side peak in central d+Au collisions, compared to p+p collisions, is quantitatively consistent with the CGC calculations. The latter are only robust for central d+Au collisions, but the extrapolation to p+p collisions is displayed in order to show that it is qualitatively consistent with the presence of theaway-sidepeak,andalsowiththefactthatthenear-sidepeakisidenticalinthetwocasesandis 5 Azimuthalde-correlationsofforwarddi-hadrons CyrilleMarquet notsensitivetosaturation physics. Sinceuncorrelated background hasnotbeenextractedfromthe data,theoverallnormalization ofthedatapointshasbeenadjusted bysubtracting aconstant shift. In Fig.1, right plot, we show the centrality dependence of the coincidence probability. Al- though it isdifficult to trust our formalism all the way to peripheral collisions, wepredict that the near-side peakdoesnotchangewithcentrality, andthattheaway-sidepeakreappears forlesscen- tral collisions. This is consistent with the fact that peripheral d+Au collisions are p+p collisions. Thefactthattheaway-sidepeakdisappearsfromperipheral tocentralcollisions showsthatindeed this effect is correlated with the nuclear density. Moreover di-hadron correlations at mid-rapidity, which are sensitive to larger values of x , feature an away-side peak whatever the centrality. The A factthatforcentralcollisionstheaway-sidepeakdisappearsfromcentraltoforwardrapiditiesalso shows that the effect is correlated with the nuclear gluon density. In a similar way, we predict that for higher transverse momenta, the away-side peak will reappear, as larger values of x will A beprobed. Thesemodifications oftheaway-side peak withtransverse momentaandrapidity were already predicted in[8]asatimewheretherewasnodata. Wearenotawareofanydescriptionsofthisphenomenathatdoesnotinvokesaturationeffects. WenotethatapartfromourCGCcalculation,asuccessfuldescriptionbasedontheKLNsaturation model was also recently proposed [12]. While more differential measurements ofthe coincidence probability,asafunctionoftransversemomentumorrapidity,willprovidefurthertestsofourCGC predictions and help understand better this theory of saturation, the analysis of forward di-hadron correlations presented in this work adds further support to the idea that the saturation regime of QCDhasbeenprobed atRHIC.Futurep+Pbcollisions attheLHCwillallowdefinitivetests. References [1] I.Arseneetal.[BRAHMSCollaboration],Phys.Rev.Lett.93,242303(2004);J.Adamsetal.[STAR Collaboration],Phys.Rev.Lett.97,152302(2006). [2] J.L.AlbaceteandC.Marquet,Phys.Lett.B687,174(2010). [3] B.Z.Kopeliovich,J.Nemchik,I.K.Potashnikova,M.B.JohnsonandI.Schmidt,Phys.Rev.C72, 054606(2005);L.FrankfurtandM.Strikman,Phys.Lett.B645,412(2007). [4] E.BraidotfortheSTARcollaboration,arXiv:1005.2378;B.A.MeredithforthePHENIX Collaboration,PoSDIS2010,081(2010). [5] J.L.AlbaceteandC.Marquet,Phys.Rev.Lett.105,162301(2010). 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