iscaiy C agers A ane | Ao Neal shss . Ary ¥ ees AyatulKyrsi L Conf firming Proofs of at-Tawheed irae Port ieee oe Ayetubl kyr 2, Corfirining trop of Titel SIMS “ABC RRALIAMO Om ADMITS aesoay ALDe> Maktabotulisshad Publications, USA A rights reserved. Ns punt of thie publication: many be oywoduced in any langage, slant in any rebievall syelem ar franumited in ny furm ur by any mean, whehurcleetrania. meric, photwcapying, tevording ot otherwise, without yapauss parmitshow of the copyright ISDN: 71-9085 Tab Tnst Eaition: Rao’ Awueat 496 8.H1/Fanaary 2015 CX (Cover Pesigns Aboo Sulayevsat Muhammed Alnbul Avim bin Tushua Uaker ‘Tranalation by: Aboo Sulayaraan Mihaanmact‘Abstul-sim bin Josh Baker [Revision bys Kashted Ibn Fai ire Faitiog by: Maktabatutiishad stl “Typesetting & Formatting by: Abo Sulayman Mahanmad “Abdut-Aview bin Joba Maker Printing: Ohio Printing Subject Tafsour/ basal Agsedal Wetter yemaktnbatatirshadcnm ‘banal inlotemaldabatulcshd.comn ‘Table of Cantents RIFF BIOGRAPITY OF THE ALIHOM .. 1 INTRODUCTION, ‘THE GREALEST VERSE IN KE BOOK OF ALLAH. 10 AN ENCOURAGEMENT TO RECTIE AYATUL KURSL 19 A BRICF TATSER OF AYATUL KURSI BY VARIOUS SCHOLARS nem 7 A BRIEF S/UDY OF THE STADSMENT OF TAATIIID 44 CONFIRMING PROM! OF At-IAISBFED 3 ‘ne fisstconiirming pront 59 he second confirming prone eo “The Third confirming, proof 7 “The fowrth confirming, pf sn The filth endian pO0L ws . 2 he sixth eonlinming pr0Ol ssn B ‘The seventh and eight coniieming proof 2 ‘he ninth confirming, proof 6 “The tenth confirming, proof 2 ‘Thu wlewonth and fv elfth camfianing proct, % BRIFF OGRAPHY OF LLU: AUILIOR BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF THE AUTHOR His_name; Shaykh ‘AbdueRuxauy Bin 'Abail- ‘Muhsin AL’ Abad Al-Bady, He is the son of AL'Allaniah Muhaddith of Medina Shaykh ‘Abdul-Mubsin AL‘Abbaul Al-Redr, Birth: He wos born im the 226! day of Dhul-Qudldah fm the year 1382 AH in ar-Zal'fi, Kingdom of Sauilia Arabia, Ie currently eesides in AbMedina Ale Munuwessaza, Current ovenpation: Ile is a member of thy teaching staff in the Islaenic University, in Al-Medina, Scholastic certifications: Doctoraty in “Ageedah, Abe Shaykh has authored hooks, researches, as well a8 ‘numerous explanations in different sciences. Among, there 1. igh of Supplications & Ad-Dhkaar, 2. Maj &relinement of boul, 3. planation of the book “Exemplary Principles” By Shaykh ‘Uthaymee P (May Allah have raerey upon hin) AYALUL KLISL& CONMIRMING LROOTE OF AT-TAWHFFD 4 Explanation of the 900k “the principles of Names & Attributes Qayyim (May Allah frave mosey upon him). * authored by Shaykh-ul-fetam tbnul- 5. Explanation of Ihe book “Goad Words” authared by ShayKi-utislam Ton Qayyirn (Muy Allah have mieacy upon him), 6, Faplanation af the honk “Aquedah Fahaawiyyah” 7. Txplanation of the: bouk “Fusuul: Biography of the Messenger) By Ibn Katheer (May Allah have mercy upon him). 8, Ele has a hull explanation nt the bouk “Aadaab-ul- Mur'rad” authored by Inwin Bukhari (May Allah have merey upon him). From the most distinguished scholans ssfunr fu has nken knowledge und acquieed koowledge from age Lis father AL’ Allamat Shaykh ’Abdul-Muhsia AL Raxr—may allah perseree hin, 2, ALAllamah Shaykh Thu Baa.—may Allah have imeeey upon hit 3, Ab’Allamsh Shaykh Muhammad Bin Saleh Al- *Cthaymeen—inay Allah have ener y pas hie [BRIFF BIOGRALLIY O# THE AUTHOR 4. Shaykh ‘AN Nasty Faqechi—mwy Allah preserve hin, 6 AAT KURST & CONFIRMING PROOHS OF ‘AETAWHTIT? INTRODUCTION AIL praise belongs to Allah, the bxalled One, the ‘Tremendous One, the Incomparahly Creat One, the Supreme and Tuxalted One, the owaer of greatness, nel magnificence; (bear witness that mune hhas the right to be worshipped except Allah alene Who has no partners; whe is unparalleled ia His athibutes ot perfection; Aud 1 boar witness thal Muhammad. is His servant and last Messenger sulla we salon ‘alayhi wa a saab we ach). Yo proceed: This & concise treative and short discourse clarifying the greatest verse in the book of Allab the Mighty and Majestic, “Ayatul-Kursi': IL is an clucidation to what it includes of tremendous confieming pronts, clear evidences, and [uilliant arguments that Allah the Mighty and Malesty is unparalleled in_ magnificence, perfection, and greatness; He is Glorified and free of all imperfeetinn; there is a0 othor lord and/or deity in INERODUCTION truth beside Hes Blessed is His names and Fxalted is He and there is no other trav deity beside Him, Allah, the Exalted says, QUA GR, ky fan tars OAS aly Vide BH did oc eST a “Allabt La ilahu itla Hwa (none bas the right to by worshipped bul He), the Tver Living, the One Who sustains and protects all thal exists. Neither slumber, nur sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens end whatever is on earth, Who i he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission? He known what Rappens to them (His crealures) in thin world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter . And they will never compass anything af His Knowledge except that which Ue wills. 8 VATU RUCRAT fe CONFIRVING PROD OF ALTAWLILLD His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no faligue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most igh, the ‘Most Great.” |Suorat al-Rayeruh 2: This bleswud vere contains a great and lofty slalus since Tis the greatest verse of the Quran and contains the most excelient rank and highest station; there is nol a single verse greater in the Quran other than it. A hadith from Allah’s Messenger (suléalubn ‘atuyl tt sullum) authentivanes that Ayatul-Kursi is the most ‘excellent verse in Ihe book of Allah,