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AWARD 31 January 2014 Tribunal: Dr José Miguel Júdice, Presiding Arbitrator Mr Manuel Conthe ... PDF

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Preview AWARD 31 January 2014 Tribunal: Dr José Miguel Júdice, Presiding Arbitrator Mr Manuel Conthe ...

PCA Case No. 2011-17 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION BEFORE A TRIBUNAL CONSTITUTED PURSUANT TO A. THE TREATY BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BOLIVIA CONCERNING THE ENCOURAGEMENT AND RECIPROCAL PROTECTION OF INVESTMENT - AND - B. THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BOLIVIA FOR THE PROMOTION AND PROTECTION OF INVESTMENTS - AND - C. THE UNITED NATIONS COMMISSION ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW ARBITRATION RULES (2010) - between - 1. GUARACACHI AMERICA, INC. 2. RURELEC PLC (the “Claimants”) - v. - THE PLURINATIONAL STATE OF BOLIVIA (the “Respondent” or “Bolivia”, and together with the Claimants, the “Parties”) AWARD 31 January 2014 Tribunal: Dr José Miguel Júdice, Presiding Arbitrator Mr Manuel Conthe Dr Raúl Emilio Vinuesa Secretary to the Tribunal: Martin Doe CLAIMANTS’ REPRESENTATIVES: RESPONDENT’S REPRESENTATIVES: Mr Nigel Blackaby Dr Hugo Raúl Montero Lara, Attorney General Mr Noah D. Rubins Ms Elizabeth Arismendi Chumacero, Deputy Defense Mr Lluís Paradell Attorney and Legal Counsel to the State Ms Caroline Richard Office of the Attorney General Mr Jeffery Commission Mr Francisco Abriani Mr Eduardo Silva Romero Ms Belinda McRae Mr José-Manuel García Represa Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP Mr Álvaro Galindo Cardona Mr Juan Felipe Merizalde Ms Ana Carolina Silva Dechert LLP PCA Case No. 2011-17 Award Page 2 of 208 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.........................................................................................................................5 CHAPTER I – INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................10 A. THE PARTIES........................................................................................................................................10 B. BACKGROUND TO THE ARBITRATION.....................................................................................................10 CHAPTER II – PROCEDURAL HISTORY...............................................................................................12 CHAPTER III – FACTUAL BACKGROUND............................................................................................26 A. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................26 B. FACTUAL CONTEXT PRIOR TO THE PRIVATIZATION OF EGSA.................................................................26 C. THE NEW REGULATORY FRAMEWORK FOR THE BOLIVIAN ELECTRICITY SECTOR....................................28 1. Legal Framework............................................................................................................................28 2. Guarantees Afforded by the Regulatory Framework........................................................................30 D. CREATION OF EGSA FOLLOWING THE CAPITALIZATION OF ENDE.........................................................30 E. INVESTMENTS PURPORTEDLY MADE BY THE CLAIMANTS.......................................................................31 F. REGULATORY AMENDMENTS DURING THE 2007-2008 PERIOD...............................................................37 1. Modification of the Capacity Price Calculation................................................................................38 2. Modification of the Spot Price Calculation......................................................................................40 3. Nationalisation of EGSA by Bolivia................................................................................................42 CHAPTER IV – APPLICABLE PROVISIONS..........................................................................................46 A. US-BOLIVIA BIT..................................................................................................................................46 B. UK-BOLIVIA BIT.................................................................................................................................54 CHAPTER V – THE PARTIES’ ARGUMENTS ON JURISDICTION.....................................................60 A. ALLEGED JOINDER AND/OR CONSOLIDATION OF CLAIMS WITHOUT THE RESPONDENT’S CONSENT...........60 B. ALLEGED LACK OF RURELEC’S CAPACITY AS AN INVESTOR, AS WELL AS OF A PROTECTED INVESTMENT.65 C. ALLEGED DENIAL OF BENEFITS TO GAI.................................................................................................75 D. ALLEGED PRESENTATION OF NEW CLAIMS NOT PROTECTED BY THE TREATIES.......................................80 E. PURPORTED DOMESTIC NATURE OF THE NEW CLAIMS...........................................................................87 F. ALLEGED EXERCISE OF THE FORK-IN-THE-ROAD CLAUSE......................................................................93 G. ALLEGED PREMATURE NATURE OF THE CLAIMS RELATING TO THE SPOT PRICE AND WORTHINGTON ENGINES...............................................................................................................................................97 CHAPTER VI – THE PARTIES’ RELIEF SOUGHT ON JURISDICTION...........................................100 A. THE RESPONDENT’S RELIEF SOUGHT...................................................................................................100 B. THE CLAIMANTS’ RELIEF SOUGHT......................................................................................................101 PCA Case No. 2011-17 Award Page 3 of 208 CHAPTER VII – ARGUMENTS OF THE PARTIES ON THE MERITS...............................................102 A. CLAIM FOR EGSA’S ALLEGED UNLAWFUL EXPROPIATION...................................................................102 1. The Claimants’ Arguments...........................................................................................................102 (i) Bolivia Made An Unlawful Expropriation................................................................................102 (ii) Claimants are Entitled to Compensation for the Nationalisation...............................................103 2. The Respondent’s Arguments.......................................................................................................109 (i) Bolivia Did Not Effect An Unlawful Expropriation...................................................................109 (ii) The Claimants are not Entitled to Receive any Compensation..................................................111 B. CLAIM FOR BREACH OF THE STANDARDS PROVIDED FOR IN THE TREATIES...........................................116 1. Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard..........................................................................................117 2. Full Protection and Security Standard............................................................................................120 3. Adoption of Unreasonable Measures.............................................................................................122 4. Ineffective Means Available to the Claimants................................................................................125 CHAPTER VIII – THE PARTIES’ RELIEF SOUGHT ON THE MERITS............................................130 A. THE CLAIMANTS’ RELIEF SOUGHT......................................................................................................130 B. THE RESPONDENT’S RELIEF SOUGHT...................................................................................................131 CHAPTER IX – DECISION ON JURISDICTION...................................................................................132 A. JOINDER OR CONSOLIDATION OF DISTINCT CLAIMS IN THE ABSENCE OF SPECIFIC CONSENT FROM THE RESPONDENT......................................................................................................................................132 B. RURELEC’S STATUS AS AN INVESTOR AND ITS OWNERSHIP OF A PROTECTED INVESTMENT....................135 C. BOLIVIA’S RIGHT OF DENIAL OF BENEFITS AGAINST GAI.....................................................................140 D. JURISDICTION IN RESPECT OF THE ALLEGED NEW CLAIMS....................................................................144 E. THE DOMESTIC NATURE OF THE ALLEGED NEW CLAIMS......................................................................148 F. THE ALLEGED EXERCISE OF THE FORK IN THE ROAD CLAUSE...............................................................148 G. ALLEGED PREMATURE EXERCISE OF SPOT PRICE AND WORTHINGTON ENGINES....................................149 CHAPTER X – DECISION ON THE MERITS.........................................................................................150 A. THE SITUATION OF THE BOLIVIAN ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY AND ENDE BEFORE THE PRIVATIZATION PROCESS............................................................................................................................................150 B. THE DATE OF THE INVESTMENTS MADE BY GAI AND RURELEC’S INDIRECT ACQUISITION OF GAI.........150 C. EGSA’S FINANCIAL SITUATION PRIOR TO THE NATIONALISATION........................................................150 D. THE REGULATORY MODIFICATIONS, ALLEGED CREEPING EXPROPRIATION, AND THE DIGNITY TARIFF..154 E. THE ILLEGALITY OF THE EXPROPRIATION............................................................................................158 F. ALTERNATIVE VALUATION METHODS.................................................................................................160 G. THE APPROACH TO DAMAGES.............................................................................................................162 H. REVENUE SIDE...................................................................................................................................164 1. Electricity demand........................................................................................................................166 2. Electricity supply..........................................................................................................................169 3. Price of Electricity........................................................................................................................172 4. Revenues from capacity payments.................................................................................................174 (i) Capacity Prices (“Precio Básico por Potencia”).....................................................................174 (ii) Eligible installed capacity........................................................................................................176 PCA Case No. 2011-17 Award Page 4 of 208 5. Conclusion about Revenues..........................................................................................................177 I. COST SIDE..........................................................................................................................................178 1. OPEX...........................................................................................................................................178 2. CAPEX........................................................................................................................................179 3. Conclusions about Costs...............................................................................................................182 J. DISCOUNT RATE.................................................................................................................................182 1. Risk-free rate................................................................................................................................184 2. Market risk or equity premium......................................................................................................185 3. Beta..............................................................................................................................................187 (i) Unlevered beta of US electricity companies comparable to EGSA............................................187 (ii) EGSA’s optimal capital structure.............................................................................................188 (iii) EGSA’s specific beta and equity premium..........................................................................189 4. Country risk premium...................................................................................................................190 5. Should additional equity risk factors be added?.............................................................................190 6. The 1.5 country risk multiplier......................................................................................................193 7. Size Premium...............................................................................................................................196 8. Conclusion on discount factor.......................................................................................................201 K. EGSA’S FMV....................................................................................................................................202 L. INTEREST RATE..................................................................................................................................202 CHAPTER XI – COSTS.............................................................................................................................206 CHAPTER XII – AWARD.........................................................................................................................208 PCA Case No. 2011-17 Award Page 5 of 208 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Adjudication Decree Supreme Decree No. 24047, 29 June 1995, published in the Gaceta Oficial No. 1886 on 30 June 1995 BIE Bolivia Integrated Energy Limited BIT Bilateral Investment Treaty Birdsong Birdsong Overseas Ltd. Bolivia Plurinational State of Bolivia BV Book Value CAF Andean Development Fund (in Spanish: Corporación Andina de Fomento) CAPEX Capital Expenditures CAPM Capital Asset Pricing Model Capitalization Law Law No. 1544, 21 March 1994, published in the Gaceta Oficial No. 1824 on 22 March 1994 CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine CER Certified Emission Reductions Claimants Guaracachi America, Inc., and Rurelec Plc. Claimants’ Post-Hearing Claimants’ Post-Hearing Brief dated 31 May 2013 Brief CNDC National Power Dispatch Comittee (in Spanish: Comité Nacional de Despacho de Carga) Compass Lexecon Valuation report prepared by Mr Abdala on behalf of Compass Lexecon Counter-Memorial on Claimants’ Counter-Memorial on Jurisdiction dated 26 October 2012 Jurisdiction PCA Case No. 2011-17 Award Page 6 of 208 DCF Discounted Cash Flow Econ One Valuation report prepared by Mr Flores on behalf of Econ One EdI Estudios de Infraestructura EGSA Empresa Eléctrica Guaracachi S.A. (formerly known as Empresa Eléctrica Guaracachi SAM) Electricity Law Law No. 1604, 21 December 1994, published in the Gaceta Oficial No. 1862 on 21 December 1994 ENDE National Electricity Company (in Spanish: Empresa Nacional de Electricidad) Energais Energía para Sistemas Aislados Energais S.A. ESA Energía para Sistemas Aislados ESA S.A. ESMAP Energy Sector Management Assistance Program EV Enterprise Value FMV Fair Market Value FOB Free on board GAI Guaracachi America, Inc. GDP Gross Domestic Product GPU General Public Utilities Power Inc. ICSID International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes IEL Integrated Energy Limited Investment Law Law No. 1182, 17 September 1990, published in the Gaceta Oficial No. 1162 on 17 September 1990 IRR Internal Rate of Return MEC Mercados Energéticos Consultores PCA Case No. 2011-17 Award Page 7 of 208 Memorial on Jurisdiction Respondent’s Memorial on Jurisdiction dated 17 September 2012 MFN Most Favoured Nation MTP Medium Term Programming Nationalisation Decree Supreme Decree No. 0493, 1 May 2010, published in the Gaceta Oficial No. 127NEC on 1 May 2010 Alleged violations of the BITs by Bolivia in connection with: (i) New Claims electricity spot prices; (ii) capacity payments; and (iii) the two Worthington engines. According to the Respondent, these claims were raised neither in the Notice of Dispute dated 13 May 2010 nor in the Notice of Arbitration dated 24 November 2010. OPEX Operating Expenses PBP Capacity Price (in Spanish: Precio Básico por Potencia) PCA Permanent Court of Arbitration POES Optimal Plan for Expansion of the Interconnected System (in Spanish: Plan Óptimo de Expansión del Sistema Interconectado) PPI US Producer Price Index Privatization Law Law No. 1330, 24 April 1992, published in the Gaceta Oficial No. 1735 on 5 May 1992 Procedural Order No. 1 Terms of Appointment and Procedural Order No. 1 Rejoinder on Jurisdiction Claimants’ Rejoinder on Jurisdiction dated 20 December 2012 Rejoinder on the Merits Respondent’s Rejoinder on the Merits dated 21 January 2013 Reply on Jurisdiction Claimants’ Reply on Jurisdiction dated 26 November 2012 Reply on the Merits Respondent’s Reply on the Merits dated 21 January 2013 Request for Bifurcation Respondent’s Request for Bifurcation dated 9 August 2012 Respondent Plurinational State of Bolivia PCA Case No. 2011-17 Award Page 8 of 208 Respondent’s Post-Hearing Respondent’s Post-Hearing Brief dated 31 May 2013 Brief ROME 1995 and 2001 Wholesale Electricity Market Operation Regulations (Reglamento de Operación del Mercado Eléctrico Mayorista), of 28 June 1995 and 2 March 2001, respectively RPT 1995 and 2001 Prices and Tariffs Regulations (Reglamento de Precios y Tarifas de la Electricidad), of 28 June 1995 and 2 March 2001, respectively Rurelec Rurelec Plc. SCC Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce SIN National Interconnected System SIRESE Sistema de Regulación Sectorial SPV Special Purpose Vehicle SSDE Superintendencia de Electricidad Statement of Claim Claimants’ Statement of Claim dated 1 March 2012 Statement of Defence Respondent’s Statement of Defence dated 15 October 2012 Treaties US-Bolivia BIT and UK-Bolivia BIT UFV Domestic Inflation Index (in Spanish: Unidad de Fomento de Vivienda) UK-Bolivia BIT Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Bolivia for the Promotion and Protection of Investments; executed on 24 May 1988 and in force since 16 February 1990 UNCITRAL United Nations Commission on International Trade Law UNCITRAL Rules United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Arbitration Rules, as revised in 2010 UNDP United Nations Development Programme PCA Case No. 2011-17 Award Page 9 of 208 US-Bolivia BIT Treaty between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Bolivia Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment; executed on 17 April 1998 and in force since 6 June 2001 USD United States Dollars VCLT Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 22 May 1969 WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital (in Spanish: Costo Promedio Ponderado del Capital – CPPC) WB Willing Buyer WBS Willing Buyer Standard PCA Case No. 2011-17 Award Page 10 of 208 CHAPTER I – INTRODUCTION A. THE PARTIES 1. The Claimants in the present arbitration are Guaracachi America, Inc., a company incorporated in the United States of America, with its principal place of business at Loockerman Square 32, Suite L-100, Dover, Delaware, United States of America (hereinafter, “GAI”), and Rurelec Plc, a company constituted under the laws in force in the United Kingdom, with its principal place of business at Prince Consort House, 5th Floor, 27- 29 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TJ, United Kingdom (hereinafter, “Rurelec”, and together with GAI, the “Claimants”). The Claimants are represented in these proceedings by: Nigel Blackaby, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP Noah D. Rubins, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP Lluís Paradell, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP Caroline Richard, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP Jeffery Commission, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP Francisco Abriani, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP Belinda McRae, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP 2. The Respondent in the present arbitration is the Plurinational State of Bolivia (hereinafter, “Bolivia” or the “Respondent”). The Respondent is represented in these proceedings by: Hugo Raúl Montero Lara, Attorney General Elizabeth Arismendi Chumacero, Deputy Defense Attorney and Legal Counsel to the State Eduardo Silva Romero, Dechert (Paris) LLP José-Manuel García Represa, Dechert (Paris) LLP Álvaro Galindo Cardona, Dechert LLP Juan Felipe Merizalde, Dechert LLP Ana Carolina Silva, Dechert (Paris) LLP B. BACKGROUND TO THE ARBITRATION 3. The Claimants commenced these proceedings by a Notice of Arbitration dated 24 November 2010 pursuant to Article 3 of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Arbitration Rules, as revised in 2010 (hereinafter, the “UNCITRAL Rules”), Article IX of

A. THE SITUATION OF THE BOLIVIAN ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY AND ENDE BEFORE THE PRIVATIZATION. PROCESS . languages of the arbitration would be English and Spanish, that the PCA would act as registry and (g) the I tbc R,cspondc:'ti
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