What if the WORST thing that ever happened to you…turned out to be…the BEST thing that ever happened to you?
All of us experience things that completely hit the reset button on our lives. Maybe you're someone who’s had an unexpected "wake-up call" from the Universe that caused your world to turn upside-down or possibly you’ve reached a turning point in your life where you’re faced with starting over or re-inventing yourself.
"Crisis is truly about the Awakening." -Master Shaman Bonnie Serratore.
“Awakening To The Wisdom Of Your Soul” offers a unique, eye-opening perspective on the inner journey of self discovery we take to find the reasons for some of the hardest challenges we face and answers to some of the deepest, Soul-searching questions we have, about WHO we are and WHY we are here. It was written to provide you with a deeper understanding of your identity as a spiritual being having a human experience and to learn how you can create a life that is aligned with your truest self, your Soul.
Reading "Awakening" has been compared to time spent by the fireside with a cup of hot tea, feeling like you’re wrapped in the balm of a wise, caring friend as the author talks about her life and experiences in a way that helps you understand your own life and experiences a little better. She shares how she was unexpectedly awakened one morning with a message that eventually guided her to listen to the wisdom of her Soul and live in alignment with the path it perfectly designed for her life.
About the AuthorAuthor and life coach P. Lynn Ahearn experienced her own "Dark Night of the Soul" when she unexpectedly received a message from her Soul which began with, "Lynn...you will be thankful for this." Lynn is a Life Coach, an author, the former Director of the Law of Attraction Training Center, a Career Intuitive Coach®, a Master Certified Law of Attraction Coach Trainer, and a Reiki and an Energy Practitioner. In 2001 she founded Soulful Living Coaching™, a transformational coaching practice that assists women in Awakening and recognizing their own true divine nature. The focus of Lynn's coaching is inspiring people to see new possibilities for themselves using a spiritual, heart and Soul-based approach. She helps people to know why they are here, what their purpose is and how they can access their own inner-guidance to help them to live a more authentic, joyful, meaningful and Soulful life. Lynn has worked with hundreds of people over the years, helping them to find greater inner peace, deeper life purpose, know how to tap into the wisdom of their Soul, and to better understand their challenges and learn how to navigate change, no matter what the circumstance. She is also the author of several books, including, "Awakening To The Wisdom of Your Soul," "We Don’t Say Goodbye," "How To Get Unstuck, Unblocked And Create A Breakthrough With Energy Clearing," and the soon to be published book on intuition, "Falling Up," all available through Amazon: amazon.com/author/plynnahearn .